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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 29, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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in the line of duty tonight. the search is underway to find the gunman who shot two oakland police officers, killing one of them. i am truly devastated by this news, and i know that all of oakland feels the impact of this loss. >> what we're learning about the officer and the plans to honor him. >> we have team coverage, but first, we are tracking the storm
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as the heaviest rain begins to move into the bay area. >> right now. it's in addition to a wind advisory and high surf advisory that are already in effect. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> this is a level three on our exclusive abc seven storm impact scale that means we have team coverage for you, cornell bernard is monitoring the conditions in the north bay. >> zach fuentes is in capitola where businesses have been pummeled by the high surf. >> but let's begin with abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel on storm watch tonight. sandy. yeah. >> dan and ama, it's not a matter of if we will see storm damage, but when and we're already seeing it. so let's look at live doppler seven. we are seeing some downpours across the bay area as we get you into street level radar. north bay is getting hit pretty hard. from south santa rosa to sebastopol. all uh- you'll notice occidental road occidental is getting the heavy rain as well from san francisco through the sunset district, highway one, daly city downpour is moving through your region. it is steady light to
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moderate from the peninsula to the santa cruz mountains, heading into the south bay, and also steady rain in the east bay from oakland to piedmont. orinda. you will notice berkeley emeryville seven street. if you could stay off the roads, this would be the best time to stay off the roads for the next few hours. already seeing urban flooding, minor urban roadway flooding, urban and small stream flood advisories are going for anywhere from 7 to 745 for the north bay. many parts of the peninsula, san francisco, east bay until 9 p.m. so this is going to be a several hour window where the heaviestrillionain falls. it's a level three storm as you look at live doppler seven on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale. and it is prompting a number of warnings, coastal flood warning until 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. some large, dangerous swells expected a high surf warning until 2 p.m. tomorrow. those breakers will be building 28 to 33ft, isolated up to 40ft, and that means the dangers are there, not just in the ocean, but obviously rip
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currentrillionisk and significant flooding along the coast to watch out for. right now, wind gusts, mount diablo 40, ben loman 34. we have a wind advisory until 7 p.m. tonight. gusts to 60 miles an hour will lead to some power outages and tree limbs falling as well. it's a level three to through tonight. heavy rain, rough surf, gusty winds, thunder chance. and we are expecting the flooding to continue. i'll be back with the rest of your timeline in just a little bit. dan. mama >> all right. thank you so much, sandhya. and for more now on the rain, let's go to the north bay. and that's where we find abc seven news reporter cornell bernard in sebastopol. it is coming down. cornell >> it really is ama. and it has been raining here since midday. and the storm definitely. here, check it out. this is main street in downtown sebastopol. cars making their way on slick streets, firstrillionesponders urging drivers to drive with caution and we are getting some reports of storm damage tonight,
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including some new video into our newsroom. a large tree took out the deck of this home in cloverdale. had opened this afternoon, about 1230 on river road. power to the home was also cut. luckily no injuries reported there. the rain made for some rough driving in santa rosa. roads were super slick drivers urged to slow down umbrellas on duty across sonoma county as folks tried to stay dry. firstrillionesponders warning about possible power outages and street flooding and more downed trees as the evening progresses. and just as i speak, we are getting some reports of trees down in the western sonoma county area in occidental, and if you are heading out, be very careful. as you can see, it's quite wet out here, but live in sonoma county, sebastopol, cornell. bernard abc seven news. >> yeah, sure. is somebody get that man an umbrella. thank you. cornell. all right, we continue our team coverage in santa cruz
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county where we find abc seven news reporter zach quintus with new evacuation warnings tonight as people clean up from yesterday's destructive flooding. >> zach. >> yeah, those evacuation warnings are going to start at ten this evening for the rio del mar area. and pah'-ha-row dunes. those are the lower lying areas of santa cruz county that often have officials concerned in times like this. right now we're live in capitola, where the rain just started a little more than an hour ago. it gave many of these businesses the city and community members, much needed time to clean up. after the high surf yesterday, and though that high surf was bad, it still wasn't nearly as devastating as what they saw in january. but still, business owners tell me they can't let their guards down anytime soon. the cleanup in capitola continued friday on the village esplanade. >> yesterday was a hard one. it really took a blow on a lot of the businesses. everybody had to close the cleanup work being done, not just by city workers but by community members. >> david corrigan doesn't have a home or business near the esplanade. still, we found him
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shoveling sand from one of the driveways. >> we take a lot from this little village and from time to time we got to give some stuff back. >> though the damage to the village was not as extensive as january's high surf oceanfront businesses still took big hits from the high waves, like the sandbar who had repaired their floor since january, only to have it buckle again, forcing at least a month long closure. joshua whitby owns zelda's on the beach, though he said his business took some damage. it could have been worse. >> the only damage i really incurred so far is this section of railing over here, and my bus station got pushed over a little bit. all both things that can be put back fairly quickly and easily for sure. >> while whitby plans to reopen sunday, he and other business owners are working hard to bring attention to the businesses that are open. we are open, we're here, we're going to be fully sit down, full service. >> there's a lot of the businesses down here in capitola village that are going to be open today and could really use your patronage. >> hillary guzman and her family run el toro bravo at one of the lowest lying areas in the capitola village. though open, they still coped with flooding.
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we were just just panning the water into the buckets, just trying to stay afloat. still, after being in business for nearly six decades at the location, they've made some adjustments. we have tile floor, you know, all our tables and chairs. >> we're able to be wiped down, sanitized. you know, we keep everything up off the floor at least six inches, if not more. >> though many businesses are already open or at least able to reopen sooner than they were following january's storms, they agree that the hammerings they've been taking are not getting any better. >> the storms just get worse and more frequent. um, we're installing storm hurricane doors across the back of the restaurant just in preparation for the next one. >> and again, that next big event that the businesses are bracing themselves for is the high surf event for tomorrow morning. again, officials saying if you're going to come down to this area, stay safe and pay attention to any warnings that they post right now. live in capitola. zach fuentes, abc seven news zach, thank you so much. >> and do not forget you can track the rain yourself with the same live doppler seven that sandhya and our weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store
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to download it. >> now to a developing story from oakland, where the police department is mourning the loss of one of its own, the officer was shot and killed just before 5:00 this morning. and tonight the search continues for a suspect in the case. >> yes, it was an emotional scene earlier today as a police procession was held to escort the officer's body from the hospital to the coroner's office . we have abc seven news team coverage and begin with anser hassan for how this deadly shooting all unfolded. unser ama and dan good evening. >> you can see the crime scene remains closed off as officers continue to look for those involved in the shooting that killed officer tuan lee. the embarcadero opened about an hour ago after being closed for almost ten hours, and again, this remains an active crime scene. >> sadly, today one of our officers paid the ultimate sacrifice. >> acting oakland police chief darren allison says officers were responding to a burglary in the 400 block of embarcadero early friday morning, when police arrived, they spotted
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multiple suspects fleeing. one of them fired off multiple shots at officer tuan lee, who was driving with his partner at the time. >> during the response, at least one individual discharged their firearm multiple times, striking a plainclothes officer who was driving an unmarked vehicle. >> hey, i got an officer down. we're hit. we 9-1-1 uh- next to the 8-80 entrance on embarcadero 83. >> what's the condition of the officer conscious. >> we're going go through the hospital. >> officer lee was a four year veteran with the force act. chief allison says none of the officers returned fire. >> this loss cuts deep. >> an emotional oakland mayor shengtao called for unity across the city. this senseless murder of a police officer, one of the guardians of our beautiful city. >> it will not stand. oakland will work tirelessly with all of our law enforcement partners to find those responsible for this
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assault on our city and the killing of our officer. >> officer lee was taken to the hospital where he died a few hours later. >> this senseless murder further underscores the courage and bravery of our officers, and it demonstrates every day that they arrive at work to serve and protect our community >> we have seen various law enforcement agencies come and go all day. we've been told the fbi is also involved in this investigation. police are asking anyone with any information to contact the homicide division reporting live. anser hassan abc seven news. okay >> unser. thank you very much. >> now we do still have much more coverage of this deadly shooting in oakland after the break. what we're learning about the fallen officer and the emotional procession held earlier today as his body was transported. abc seven news at five. we'l
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the man behind the badge. >> a show of reverence as officers stood at attention outside highland hospital on friday afternoon, while a flag draped coffin with an oakland police officer's body was carried out. >> the dangers and demands of this profession are real and come with significant sacrifice, according to opd officer twan lee was born in saigon, vietnam, before later moving to oakland and being naturalized on 911, 2001. >> in 2020, he graduated from the 183rd police academy. for the past two years, officer lee served as the community resource officer in west oakland who works very closely in the field with some of other specialized teams. other police officers brought him directly to highland hospital in a statement, the oakland police officers
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association president said officers carried him to the hospital on their shoulders, personifying what it means to be an oakland police officer for this senseless murl further underscore yours, the courage and bravery of our officers, and i know that all of oakland feels the impact of this loss at the hospital, evidence techs appear to be processing a vehicle. the oakland, po says lee passed away with his family and oakland police officers by his side. >> we extend our heartfelt condolences to the officer's friends, family and loved ones outside of highland hospital. >> a processional of police vehicles in solidarity for a fallen officer now being remembered for sacrificing his life in the line of duty in oakland. melanie woodrow, abc seven news. >> and stay with abc seven news as we continue to follow this story and the latest on the search for the gunman. and of course, you can head to our website, abc seven for
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updates anytime. >> a former college student accused of stabbing two people to death and wounding another has been found competent to stand trial. carlos salas dominguez is expected to return to court january 5th. the stabbings happened near university of california, davis campus, dominguez was a student there. he allegedly carried out the attack shortly after being expelled for academic reasons in may. in august, his case was put on hold after prosecutors agreed he wasn't mentally capable to stand trial. >> coming up, let's take a live look back out at the conditions tonight. a little bit difficult to see out there because of the rain on the lens of our camera. we're going
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captain jonathan baxter tells abc seven news. three trucks
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were responding to fires at separate locations, he says. that's when two of them crashed into each other, also hitting three parked cars. investigators are still looking into exactly why this happened. the three firefighters were taken to the hospital, where they are expected to be just fine. >> all right, let's get back to our weather because thatrillionain is coming in. >> boy, it sure is intense in spots. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel tracking it so closely. sandy >> yeah, this is definitely going to be a stormy night. dan and anna, we're already seeing the downpours across parts of the bay area. let's get to live doppler seven and we will track exactly where the heaviest rain is falling in just a moment. but first, i do want to alert your attention to the flood advisories. urban and small stream flood advisory for the northern portion until 7 p.m. for the southern portion of marin county until 745. now we look at other areas here. they're also under those urban and small stream flood advisories because they are expecting uh- flooding through 9 p.m, so be aware of that heavy
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rain falling right now on old redwood highway across windsor into santa rosa, guerneville road. watch out, they're already seeing flooding in this area from san francisco down the peninsula. you will notice some of the heavy rain falling right around airport street between montara and half moon bay. some of the rainfall rates here over an inch per hour. we go into the east bay from san leandro to castro valley, foothill boulevard, oakland, moraga, alamo, walnut creek across 680, some steadier rain and the wider picture showing you that next batch that's off the coastline will be moving into san rafael at 609, and shortly after in hayward, oakland airport camera. you can see it's a wet runway. no delays being reported there, but sfo is reporting over an hour delay due to the wind and the rain. and check out the surf from our santa cruz camera. it is definitely building the wave heights temporarily came down this morning, but as you look at the forecast here, they'll be building back as we head towards
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late tonight and tomorrow morning. which is why that high surf warning is going through 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. significant issues are expected along the coastline due to high tides and the heavy surf danger. surf, that is temperatures right now 40s to 60s. a live view from our golden gate bridge camera, and it is slick out there through tonight. it is stormy weather, strong gusty winds, possible damage expected. we've already seen some tree limbs go down, and i wouldn't be surprised if we see some power outages as well. new year's eve is going to be cloudy with an isolated chance of a shower. as a system parallels the coast and then moves towards southern california. could be a little drizzle as well. so here's a look at the storm impact scale exclusive to abc seven news. this is at three, which is a strong storm through tonight. heavy rains strong winds, rough surf thunder chance especially during the overnight hours going into tomorrow morning and flooding on the roads and along the coast already seeing that happen. so we're going to go hour by hour, 6:00 tonight.
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downpour pours a widespread across the bay area. you will notice at 7 p.m. it is still pouring across many parts. as we head into 9 p.m, the rainfall intensity begins to ease, but it's not going to let up completely. you still see pockets of yellows and oranges, which is heavier rain going into 10 p.m. and then an overnight is when the rainfall intensity and coverage starts to let up. we will still see scattered showers tomorrow morning. those showers will continue at 9 a.m. isolated thunder can't be ruled out as we head into noontime time. still some showers there. 2 p.m. and then the system finally winds down. and for latter part of your saturday, you will see a breather. rain fall estimates with this system have been all over the place, anywhere from a half an inch to about an inch and a half. the hills picking up 2 to 3 four inches of rain. i will tell you this much sometimes computer models don't exactly estimate how much rain, so i wouldn't take this as precise number as it's going to be. anywhere between a half an
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inch to three inches of rain, isolated four inches in the hills. winter weather advisory for the sierra, 10 p.m. tonight until 10 p.m. saturday. expecting anywhere from 4 to 8in of snow above 6000ft, a foot to a foot and a half at the highest peaks. when you combine that with the gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour, a very difficult travel is expected. carry chains expect delays due to the snow and slippery roads. your morning temperatures 40s 50s definitely have the umbrellas handy tomorrow afternoon. keep them handy because there will still be a few pop up showers at the early part of the day, 50s and 60s, so a cooler day in the accuweather seven day forecast. it will feature a level one for tomorrow, with those scattered showers, isolated thunder in the morning can't be ruled out. it's cloudy for new year's eve. a pop up shower or two as a system heads down towards southern california is still in the forecast for sunday. or a little drizzle, and then it's a dry start to 2024. you'll see some sun. we do bring in a chance of some rain late tuesday, but it's
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a one for wednesday. rain breezy conditions and then just cloud cover and fog and sun kind of mixing in for the latter part of the workweek. this though, is the strongest storm of the week and the strongest storm of the season so far. so ama and dan good idea to stay off the roads, stay home if you can. >> tonight at least we're getting a little breaks. >> two for days yet, but not tonight. >> okay. thank you, thank you. >> well, a familiar face might be rejoining the giants. according to dusty baker, who spoke on 95 seven the game, he and giants ceo larry baer have had some talks about him rejoining the club in a yet to be determined role. as you know, baker retired from managing the astros this past season, but he has a desire to stay in the game in some capacity. baker managed the giants for ten seasons, from 1993 to 2002, and currently resides close by in sacramento. so keep it here. we're coming right back. this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're
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watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> where we are, we are we are, we are, we are, we are where you are never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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seven bay area and download it well as debuts go, this one was short and sweet. >> strawberry, the pop tarts mascot, jumped into action at the inaugural pop tarts bowl in orlando thursday. a dancing, smiling head butting players and jamming with the refs, strawberry was an instant fan favorite, and at the end of the game, strawberry dropped into a giant toaster popped out, and an edible version was eaten by the winning team. oh, that's fantastic right? that's pretty good. we will always love you. strawberry. the announcer said. can't wait to eat you. >> pretty clever. goodness that is. love it all right, well, visitors pack times square today for a small preview of the annual new year's eve celebration. >> in preparation for the big ball drop, there was an all
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important test of the confetti that will fall on new year's eve. organizers say they'll drop at least 3,000 pounds of confetti from the rooftops of office buildings overlooking times square. there were lots of smiles and excitement today as organizers threw handfuls of confetti to make sure it flies just right. five, four, >> happy new year! hello there >> look at that. every year, because of the people in the square, the energy that they bring it has flown beautifully. and i have no doubt it will do that today. >> we won't be here new year's eve. so it's our uh- we watch at home, say we were right there. we got 24 uh- just great health, um, you know, happiness, health and prosperity. >> it's a family tradition. usually we try to come for the test. >> that's fun. the glittering crystal ball is set to undergo its own test drop saturday. hundreds of thousands of people
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are expected for the celebration . >> and don't forget, you can watch dick clark's new year's rockin eve with ryan seacrest here on abc seven at 8 p.m. sunday, then we'll have a quick news update at 10:00. take you right back to the new york in time for the countdown with ryan. it's going to be fun. i've never done the times square new year's eve, have you? >> i no, no no, do it one time. >> i think just once. >> all right. thank you for jo
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david: tonight, the major storm as we come on the air, hitting on one of the busiest travels days of the year. the urgent coastal warning with waves up to 25 feet. the images coming in, a rogue wave slamming into the california coast, people swept off their feet, at least eight hospitalized, more than a dozen rescued. heavy rain and surf in california to washington state, a storm hitting on one of the


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