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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  January 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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visitors last thursday, but a damaged sections of the pier's deck and the concrete railing, the popular fishing destination, is now blocked off because of public safety concerns. repairs and safety assessments are expected to be finished by january 26th. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> there are dangerous conditions along the coast tomorrow. and there is more stormy weather in the forecast. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it for you. sandhya. yeah and dan and ammo from surf to storm. >> let's talk about the surf first, and then we'll look ahead to when that rain is going to arrive. santa cruz camera live view right now how waves are kind of just battering the coastline, but nothing to severe right at this moment. that is going to be changing as another system is heading in our direction. it is kicking up those waves tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. beach hazards statement goes up. current wave heights are 5 to 10ft. large breakers are expected of ten foot or higher, and because of
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this, a risk of sneaker waves. those waves can hit without warning. so definitely never turn your back on the ocean. and obviously be careful out there. here's a look at those wave heights building as we head towards tomorrow afternoon. you will notice those 14 footers there still remaining elevated going into sunday morning. so as we time this out for you, the first batch of isolated showers will be tomorrow morning as we head towards one 2540s, 50 hours after that, we're going to see plenty of sun tomorrow afternoon. our next system gets here this weekend. i'll be back with a timeline and the rainfall projections, along with the snow warnings for the sierra coming up. >> dan okay, sandhya, thanks a lot. now to developing news. the first court appearance for the suspects accused of killing oakland police officer twan lay a lay was shot while responding to a burglary at a cannabis business along the embarcadero friday morning, two suspects and mark sanders and allen brown, seen here, are charged with murder. a third, cibran russell, is charged with burglary. abc
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seven news reporter anser hassan was in court as they faced a judge for the first time. in this case, mark sanders made his first court appearance back to the cameras, his arraignment waived, but he did not enter a plea. >> he's been identified as the possible shooter of oakland police officer twan lay. i i want to remind everyone that a man who is charged with a crime is presumed to be innocent until and unless the prosecution proves him to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. annabella's attorney for mark sanders addressed the media but did not answer questions. officer lay was fatally shot while responding to a reported burglary at a cannabis business. though lay was working undercover over and in an unmarked vehicle, bai's family members and members of law enforcement were also in court for the hearing. >> i will leverage the full weight of my office against these people who we believe ruthlessly and wantonly murdered an officer of the law. >> wednesday night, alameda
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county district attorney pamela price announced the charges alongside mayor shengtao and interim oakland police chief darren allison. sanders is being charged with murder with special circumstance and special allegations, which could lock him up for life without out the possibility of parole. if convicted. >> what mr. sanders is facing is a murder charge and special circumstances, or a special circumstance. i believe that the first special circumstance that has been charged by this administration in the year that that that miss price has been district attorney bella says she was only given the probable cause declaration and won't respond to discovery except for what comes from the prosecution, adding she's still missing detailed information about the case. >> i just want to say that i stand ready to defend mr. sanders against these charges. a second suspect, allen brown, is also being charged with murder. a third suspect, andre russell, faces burglary charges. court documents show that russell had priors related to kidnaping and
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use of a deadly weapon. charges which were dropped by the da due to insufficient evidence. he was on felony probation when arrested in the lay case. all three men will return to court on january 18th to enter pleas in oakland, anser hassan. abc seven news and a public vigil for officer lay will take place tomorrow at 10 a.m. >> it is at the pacific renaissance plaza on ninth street in downtown oakland. >> no answers yet as to why an oakland city council member was asked to leave. yesterday's announcement of the arrest, made in connection with officer ley's killing. manuel gallo says he's filed a formal inquiry demanding to know who ordered a police officer to oust him from yesterday's news conference at police headquarters. we've been through many other issues, but for someone to come and tell me knowingly who i am and the role that i played and get up and leave a public meeting, a public press conference and a department, police department
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that i have supported for years, years prior. gallo says he's attended many police news conferences in the past and has never had any issues. he told us he did follow the officer's instructions so he would not cause a scene. >> tonight, there's proof that a nonprofit is helping build a better bay area. urban alchemy deploys people to address street level issues, and a new study finds the organization is leading to a dramatic reduction in crime in san francisco's tenderloin. abc seven news reporter luz pena is in the newsroom with a look at the results of this study. louis. >> that's right. dan, this was an independent research by stanford university. the social ag professor behind it went out with urban alchemy staff members for a year and a half and found that crime went down by 52. after 12 months of urban alchemy's presence at intersections going down, they have 40 san francisco intersections covered in some of the city's hot spots. urban alchemy is director of operations, says all of their
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staff members keep track of their daily interactions. >> runs the data for them right here, and this data for them have a positive engagement, inviting space intervention. >> the majority of what you guys do out here, we do a lot of a lot of odds. >> we do a lot of de-escalating. >> for years, this form was the main tracker of success. now a stanford university research shows how their work is changing the city's tenderloin. >> as we look at crime 12 months before urban alchemy comes on to a block and 12 months after urban alchemy comes onto a block and we look to see the reductions after a year and a half of going out with urban alchemy, staff members and comparing sfpd's data from before and after this group took over a block, professor stewart's findings show the overall impact we ruled out that this was not a product of covid, and we ruled out the notion that maybe the urban alchemy was displacing crime to other intersections so we can narrow it down and say urban alchemy
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caused a 52% reduction in total crime and an 80% reduction in drug crime. >> in a press conference, mayor breed praised the group for helping the city for the past five years, despite it 2023 becoming san francisco's deadliest year for drug overdoses and over 4000 homeless people on the streets. >> no, we are not where we want to be, but we are definitely in a better place than what we used to be. in fact, in the tenderloin, we've seen an overall 11% drop in crime. >> i'm randy shaw with the tenderloin housing clinic, sees the issues firsthand and wants this group to expand, but also wants police efforts to increase. >> we're hoping for a broader police presence combined with urban alchemy, because really, there's still too many blocks where we don't see any enforcement at all. and therefore that's where the dealers and users congregate. >> urban alchemy ceo says they're working on it. >> yeah, there's plan to expand, but it's always based on capacity. we.
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>> reduction in crime. the data shows about 320 crimes per week in the tenderloin intersections. and after a year of urban alchemy at 40 intersections, there were 150 crimes per week in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news. >> really encouraging the results of that study. luce, thanks very much. >> yeah, a big focus of our efforts to build a better bay area is to ensure racial and social justice. some new reports show there is work to be done. we have two stories to share tonight on the two topics housing and policing. first, let's hear from abc seven news reporter cornell bernard about a study that found discrimination against latino renters and families with children in marin. >> the nonprofit fair housing advocates says rental housing discrimination is real in the north bay. >> in this case, we decided that we wanted to see how latinx parents were being treated at the pre-application stage, right at the rental inquiry stage,
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julia howard gibbons says. >> between january and april of 2023, they investigated landlords at random, operating 60 rental properties in marin, solano and sonoma counties and found some level of discrimination at 58% ofhe properties. advocates say marin county had the highest incidence of discrimination at about 66% in its investigation, the organization says 52% of test calls to landlords made by trained testers revealed evidence of discrimination against renters with children, and 31% showed evidence of discrimination against latino renters. >> the latino called up and they said, she said i believe she had two kids, so it would be her and two children for a one bedroom apartment. and they said, sorry, that's just too small for a family of three. and then the white tester called up and they said, yeah, that should be fine. no problem. we can make it work. the report says sonoma county saw a 35% discrimination level against latinos. >> solano county showed the least overall bias at 25%
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against renters with kids. canal alliance is reacting to the report saying this issue has impacted our community far too long, denying latinos and families with children their right to equal housing. marin deserves better, and it's time to dismantle these discriminatory barriers and build a truly inclusive community where everyone can thrive. i'm not sure why they went with such a small sample size, but we don't know what their inherent biases were on their questions. >> but advocates for rental property owners questioned how the report was conducted. most of the owners that we talked to and deal with are well aware of fair housing laws and regulations. um, and, you know, it's just it's difficult to, to, to see the kind of racism that they're attempting to foist upon the owners here when that's just generally not the case. >> finding even one, i think, is significant. right. we think that, you know, the fair housing act was passed in 1968. we want to believe that people are not still discriminating. >> fair housing advocates say they will send letters to landlords who they believe discriminated against potential renters and could pursue legal
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action in the future in marin county. cornel bernard, abc seven news and now to the second of the two topics, police data from all law enforcement agencies in the state of california shows that racial profiling remains a problem for people of color. >> abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey takes a look at the numbers. >> an extensive study and look into law enforcement stops across california highlights a trend many say they already know. >> the data is pretty clear that year over year, and now, um, agency over agency. we have a problem. we have a problem with disparities in law enforcement, stops racial and identity profiling. >> advisory board co-chair andrea guerrero says the numbers from their annual report looking at nearly 4.6 million vehicle and pedestrian stops in 2022 from all california law enforcement agencies, showed a pattern of profiling in the state. the data represents the race perceived by officers and
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not the race people may identify with. because that's what drives bias, the report found. police reported hispanic or latino people made up about 43% of traffic stops above their 32% share of california's population . it also found that black people account for nearly 13% of traffic stops in california, above their 5% share of the state's population. >> no surprise, it's the same data that we get each and every time one of these reports come out. >> but anti-terror police project executive director kat brooks says the problem is racially profiled stops, leads to problems like mental health issues, and sometimes serious injury or death. we need to know that, according to the data, these preemptive stops right by law enforcement in the name of public safety, actually do little to nothing for public safety. >> um, what they do do, however, is increase engagement between vulnerable communities and police officers that lead to incidents of violence and people of color are experiencing similar struggles here in the bay area, according to stats, our abc seven news data team pulled from oakland, san francisco and san jose police.
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>> the hispanic latino population in san jose represented nearly 54% of stops, more than double their percentage of the population in oakland, 49% of total stops came from the black community, who only represent 21% of the population, and black people accounted for 23% of traffic stops in san francisco, which is far above their 4% share of the city's population. >> i hope that the public finds us uh- opportunity in a report that is as eyes wide open as it can possibly be to recognize and address the issue of profiling, guerrero says the numbers represent a statewide problem, and she hopes solutions can be found to move away from identity based policing and move towards evidence based policing. >> dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> late today, the police officers association of los angeles, san francisco and san jose released a statement in response to the statewide report that reads in part, quote. the report attempts to make the case
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that any car stop above the population percentage of any given race must be racial profiling that is intellectually dishonest. simply put, if a driver has a car without of date vehicle registration tags, a broken brake or headlight or is driving recklessly or speeding, then they are most likely going to get pulled over. that is all about behavior and not race. >> coming up here, new protests at berkeley's people's park today. next, we put it into perspective thanks to the abc7 news archive. >> and speaking of perspective, from a high rise in san francisco, hear what a global architect thinks the city needs to rebuild and repurpose its downtown in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy.
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perimeter with a double stack of shipping containers about an hour ago, we saw this confrontation between police and protesters. police arrested three people you see wants to build student housing on that contested open space. protesters are trying to stop the construction. want to preserve the landmark? >> we need a place where community members can find each other and learn about their history of berkeley. that's a human right. knowing what your culture is, having water, having food, what we're doing out here is taking advantage of a time of the year when we have very few students, very few people here to be able to do this as safely and as quickly as possible. >> the project is now before the state supreme court. construction cannot start until
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the court makes a ruling. and as you well know, people's park has a long history of protests and free speech dating back to the 60s. here's abc seven news anchor karina nova. >> the land between haight street and dwight way was originally bought in 1967 by the university for housing, but in 1969, the decades long history of protests and activism began. on may 15th, 1969, a violent confrontation between police and antiwar protesters turned deadly. since then, any plan to change the park has been met by protest. in 1971, plans to put in a soccer field failed in 1979, there was an attempt to put in a parking lot again, that didn't happen. then. in 1990, protesters fought for the right of the homeless to stay in the park, and in 1991, demonstrators raged for a week over the construction of volleyball courts. months later, in 1992, more protests over a plan to add a basketball court. dozens
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arrested more recently, the park has been home to tent encampments since then. in 2022, plans to build student housing at the location were once again thwarted at least temporarily. >> that's karina nova reporting. you can keep up to date on the latest developments on people's park on our website. abc seven you know, it was chilly today, but with the sun it still felt a little warm. and after the rain itrillioneally felt brighten your mood, didn't it? a meteorologist sandyha patel is here with the forecast. >> yeah, it's kind of nice to see the sun to lift your spirits, that's for sure. and dan and ama, right now i want to show you live views from our tower cameras. hopefully these will lift your spirits as well. temperatures today in the upper 50s to mid 60s, a few degrees above average for this time of year. but don't get too used to this idea because we do have a couple of storms headed our way and as they come in temperatures are going to drop. we're going to notice colder storm coming
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in. first, let's talk about live doppler seven. this first system is starting to kick up the waves over the pacific. eventually they get here tomorrow. certainly seeing clouds out ahead of it. and this system will bring us the opportunity for some isolated showers tomorrow morning. but very early in the morning. a live view from our san jose camera. and it is dry right now. 55 in the city oakland, you're at 54 degrees. hayward san jose, san mateo and half moon bay all in the mid 50. a live view from our sutro tower camera. a little breezy right now here in the city. 56 in santa rosa, 50 in petaluma. you're in the mid 50s. napa, concord, fairfield, 53, in livermore. and one other live picture. it's a lovely one from our emeryville camera tonight. light increasing clouds, high surf tomorrow with that beach hazard statement going up and on saturday we do have cold showers coming. it's certainly going to be breezy around here. we're going to go hour by hour overnight tonight while you're sleeping there will be some light spotty showers at 130 in the morning as we head towards 3
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a.m. once again, just very isolated in nature. and then they're gone. so those showers will be gone. but there may be some damp spots tomorrow morning during the commute, along with some patchy fog. so be aware of that. saturday is when we're expecting a more organized system. this is a colder storm and that's what's going to bring in some big time snow in the sierra. so 8 a.m. saturday, you'll notice some light to moderate showers, 10 a.m. very scattered light in nature. and at noontime we'll see some more showers going through for the evening. it's really isolated. so if you do have saturday night plans, you're just fine. rainfall estimates for most of you will be a few hundredths of an inch, all the way to about 2807 inch in ukiah. now a winter storm warning will be going up this weekend for the sierra from 4 a.m. saturday to 6 a.m. sunday. heavy snow. we're talking 1 to 2ft. gusty winds will make travel difficult to very impossible with chain controls and delays. those snow levels going from 2000 to 3000ft low, lowering to 1500ft sunday
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morning. so this is going to impact travelers. if i were you, i would get out of town tomorrow . if you want to head up to the mountains because it will be stormy for saturday, especially, and going into part of sunday, mid 30s to upper 40s tomorrow morning, another chilly start as we look at our afternoon. highs will range from the mid 50s to the low 60s, but plenty of sun for your friday afternoon. now looking ahead to the weekend. so the snow showers taper sunday afternoon in the sierra. here comes our next system tuesday going into wednesday and that means more rain here. snow in the mountains. and we'll keep that theme going as we head into even the latter part of the workweek. accuweather seven day forecast isolated early morning showers and fog. after that, we're going with cold showers. level one on saturday, a break coming sunday. monday there will be plenty of sun out there and then tuesday. wednesday we have another level one system coming in that will bring more much needed precipitation to the bay area and snow to the sierra ama
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and dan. >> yeah, nice to have it spaced out though. oh you betcha. thanks, sandy. >> well, you can make yourself a quesadilla for dinner, or you can make yourself a taco bell quesadilla. what's included and at's not included in the new at
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440. the nasdaq went down 81. the s&p 500 lost 60. jean mike is redesigning keyboards for the first time since the 1990s, when it added the windows key. this month, it will add a copilot key, press it, and you'll launch microsoft's ai chatbot chatgpt, which is made by san francisco headquartered open ai. >> two companies that saw explosive growth during the pandemic are teaming up fitness company peloton is partnering with social media app tiktok to create short form workout classes and other content users can find the content on the app using the hashtag tiktok fitness. peloton announced the partnership as it works to rebrand itself after a series of financial struggles. you can now make some popular taco meals in your own kitchen. the taco bell meals, i should say the fast food chain just unveiled two new cooking kits, one for crunch
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wraps, another for quesadillas. each taco bell kit comes with tortillas, toasted shells, a sauce, and seasoning as well. you provide your own protein. the kits are sold exclusively at walmart camp. >> paxlovid prevent long covid new research has disappointing results. next. what benefits can you expect from the drug? >> plus, more jeffrey epstein documents being released. why we might end up disappointed with the information that's revealed. we'll explain as we conti
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paxlovid. a new ucsf study found that it does not significantly lower the risk of long covid for people who are vaccinated. >> abc7 news reporter zach fuentes spoke with those behind the study. they say some can still benefit from the treatment . >> paxlovid has been a treatment known to work for high risk, unvaccinated people with covid, but until recently, not much was known about whether it could protect vaccinated, low risk groups from getting long covid. the earlier evidence suggested
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there might be a benefit in preventing long covid, but researchers at ucsf said their newly released findings show that using paxlovid to prevent long covid might not be effective. our study, as well as two other really well done studies, now have come out with the same results using slightly different approaches, and so i feel pretty confident that together, our studies really suggest that there that paxlovid unfortunately, does not really prevent long covid. doctor matt gerstenfeld said that they surveyed thousands of volunteers who were vaccinated and didn't have covid before paxlovid came out. they surveyed the volunteers once they were infected and then later again after they took paxlovid to see if they had long covid symptoms. >> taking paxlovid at the time that you have covid, the during the acute infection does not seem to be, uh, associated with a lower risk of having long covid down the road. among the people who are already vaccinated and having their first infection, doctor gerstenfeld said that researchers also found a higher than expected number of patients getting covid rebound symptoms after taking paxlovid. >> we reached out to pfizer, who
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makes paxlovid? they sent us a statement that said, in part, we are continuing to monitor data from our clinical studies and real world evidence and welcome independent research in academic discourse on long covid. paxlovid is not. authorized or approved for use as a treatment or prophylactic for long covid as it relates to rebound symptoms. pfizer said, quote, we believe covid 19 rebound is uncommon and not uniquely associated with any specific treatment. we remain very confident in paxlovid s clinical effectiveness at preventing severe outcomes from covid 19, and patients at high risk. despite the study, gerstenfeld reiterates that paxlovid is still an important treatment to prevent disease in people at high risk of severe covid. >> i think where our study kind of helps is those people who are at low risk but are taking paxlovid purely to try to prevent long covid. i think it weakens the evidence for that. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. more court documents are being released related to jeffrey epstein and his former associate ghislaine maxwell. >> the names of several high profile politicians and celebrities, and even a member of the royal family, are
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included as for those wondering whether anyone named in the documents could face criminal charges. that appears unlikely. >> there's a lot of quote unquote new information coming out, but it's not new to the authorities, right? it's new to us, the public, for the first time, we're seeing the names behind what is alleged here. but the people involved, the lawyers involved, and the authorities have all known this information. it's just that the public is learning for the first time. some of the names behind the various things that are alleged to have happened. epstein died by suicide while awaiting sex trafficking charges. >> maxwell is serving a 20 year prison sentence, and the fbi is piecing together the evidence tonight after a gunman opened fire at a school in iowa. >> one student was killed. five others, including the school principal, were hurt. police say the gunman was a student. here's abc news reporter alex presha with reaction from parents. >> an active shooter situation at perry high school outside of
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des moines, iowa, this morning. >> it was a text message this morning from my daughter, and it was absolutely horrifying. >> the active shooter alert went out at 7:37 a.m. on the first day. back from winter break, just before the school day started. the first officer arriving within seven minutes to find multiple victims with gunshot wounds. >> the shooter has been identified as 17 year old dylan butler, a student at perry high school. butler was armed with a pump action shotgun and a small caliber handgun. butler also made a number of social media posts in and around the time of the shooting. law enforcement is working to secure those pieces of evidence. all evidence thus far suggests that butler acted alone. there are six victims, one of them who is deceased. that individual was a sixth grade student at perry middle school. >> jody kurth says her stepson was in the lunchroom when the gunfire started. she says he was hit in the back and in the arm,
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like the pain in your heart is just overwhelming. >> that's one of the worst moments of my entire life. but the best phone call i got was saying that they were okay. >> fbi and atf agents are assisting on the scene as investigators search for a motive. >> it's impossible to understand why anything like this happens. but again, i want you to know that we'll work tirelessly to get the answers so that we can prevent, if from happening again. >> now, as we learn more, one of the things this investigation will center on is a reported social media post that this suspect made. and what clue it could give police as to a potential motive. alex brashear, abc news perry, iowa glynis johns, who played with fred banks in the disney classic mary poppins, has died. >> walt disney chose jones to play the iconic role as a suffragette in the 1964 film. glynis was inducted as a disney legend in 1998. glynis johns was
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100 years old. we'll be back in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus.
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the hearts will be on display until the end of february. they're created by local artists and are auctioned to raise money for the san francisco general hospital foundation. >> and we are part of bringing back and revitalizing downtown. and being a part of the solution mission, um, to help the city in terms of, um, supporting the community, the homeless community, people with mental health and addiction needs, those are the people they come to san francisco general hospital, and we care for them. >> the auction takes place at the foundation's annual gala on february 8th. >> the san francisco skyline. so many iconic landmarks the salesforce tower, the transamerica pyramid. but have you noticed a spiraling white high rise? that's the mirror tower. and tonight you'll hear from reporter tanya babich about the global architect who designed it and who has some ideas about it. rebuilding san francisco.
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>> there's a lot of attention now being made to like, what kind of activities can be brought into the buildings at the ground level if they're losing retail or if they're losing population? >> a blueprint designed to bring san francisco back to its golden era. jeannie gang is one of the world's leading architects. she's the creative genius behind mirror. the eye catching, twisting tower that dazzles in the skyline gang has dedicated her life to building, building skyscrapers, building. boardwalks, building community. centers. but here in san francisco, it's all about about rebuilding. >> i think the city will turn around eventually, but, um, there needs to be real attention to more housing. it's like many cities. it needs more housing. >> housing is. and has long been a critical issue in the city by the bay. the recent exodus of retailers and workers has left downtown streets peppered with
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empty office buildings and boarded up storefronts. but gang remains optimism stick. >> it needs safe space. it needs a just people to come back to it. i mean, i think this is so important for cities. it it's like in new york in the subway, for example, when no one's writing it, it feels less safe than when people really just embrace it. so we have to make sure that our infrastructure is uh- work. being at capacity so that people feel comfortable using it. and that's already like a step to making it safer. >> san francisco's neighbor, silicon valley is a hub for innovation and creativity. gang believes it will take creative solutions to help turn around the city's housing crisis, and that includes repurposing commercial properties that now sit empty for residential use. >> when we design something from scratch, even thinking of the reversibility of it, how could it be made into more easily made into some other use in the
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future? so that makes the city more resilient as well. just the ability to change and evolve in the heart of silicon valley lies another big project for gang designing the new door school of sustainability at stanford university. they really want to have an impact and help find solutions for climate change, gang doing her part in finding solutions with sustainable buildings and collaborative communities. we see, you know, climate change is more and more. visit people and it's impacting everyone. um, it there is, um, social issues. there are there's polarization in our society. acting are doing something every day that is addressing these issues. um, helps me to feel more. positive toward what can do as a society working together. >> tanya babich, abc seven news.
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what a fascinating person doing amazing work. >> you can hear more from jeannie gang and her vision to recreate skylines by watching towering figure. jeannie gang will have a link at abc seven well we are going to have some wet weather this weekend. wheren her seven day forecast next are the tradeoffs of treating worth it? ubrelvy is another option, it quickly eliminates migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects
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also, tomorrow is national keto day. a ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat, and moderate in protein. in an effort to put your body into ketosis, a state in which it burns fat for fuel instead of sugar. the diet was created in the 1920s to treat epilepsy. >> well, happening tonight we see the golden bachelor become the golden groom. >> 72 year old gary turner and his fiance theresa tied the knot right here on abc seven entertainmentrillioneporter sandy kenyon caught up with the happy couple for a sneak peek at the courtship that began in
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prime time. >> will end there when gary turner marries theresa nest live on abc. so you may be surprised to learn the idea to tie the knot on tv came not from the network, but from the happy couple themselves. yes, this was their idea. >> we had a conversation and we went to the network and said, we are going to get married. we're happily going to get married soon. um, what do you want to do with us? >> abc didn't need to be asked twice. >> they've been a conduit for all the help and all of the support that we need. >> why not? given the ratings bonanza, the network enjoyed 20 years ago? so that last the wedding, all of america's been waiting for trista and ryan are still together, still beloved by bachelor nation, not so much a place as a state of mind and given new life by the golden bachelor and his bride.
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>> we feel that we've really made a difference in people's lives, and we want to bring them along for this ride. >> gary and theresa have proven to be popular with middle aged men and women, as well as their kids, and grandkids, so it's fitting their families help plan the wedding. >> the entire family is absolutely thrilled down to henry, who is so happy. henry's the littlest grandson. yeah he's and he's going to be instrumental in the wedding. he'll be a ring bearer. the couple intend to look for a place to live after the wedding, perhaps. >> where she lives and works in finance. >> we might be looking in new jersey and all of a sudden gary is saying he likes new jersey, which is kind of wow, well, that's so great. >> i'm sandy kenyon, abc seven news. >> all right, you can watch the golden wedding tonight at 8 p.m. right here on abc seven. they do seem very happy. >> they do settle in, grab a blanket because a little chilly. >> it is chilly. meteorologist sandyha patel is back. sandy? >> yeah. and ama and dan is going to be only going to get
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colder sunday and monday mornings once that cold system comes through here, let me show you a live picture right now from zephyr cove, where there's a little bit of a breeze, but they're in a break in between storms. the next storm will bring them snow. mostly sunny tomorrow, 41 degrees. if you're heading to tahoe, tomorrow is your best day. heavy snow, gusty winds on saturday. that's going to be really tough to get up there, especially with low snow levels. slight chance of snow showers on sunday and 30 degrees, so let's check out what you can expect by sunday morning. 19in at kirkwood. looking at a foot of snow. donner 18in at kyburz. now as we fast forward this to next week, close to three feet of snow there at kirkwood and donner. so we are definitely welcoming that clouds are on the increase on live doppler seven, at least for the northern part of our viewing area, and the clouds will continue to increase with some isolated showers showing up between 2 and 4 a.m. tomorrow. after that, we will be tracking scattered showers for the first half of your weekend, so high temperatures tomorrow in the 50s
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and 60. plenty of sun in the afternoon and the accuweather seven day forecast that those spotty morning showers giving way to sunshine tomorrow afternoon. we do have cold showers coming saturday. temperatures are dropping breezy conditions. it's a level one and then the chill for sunday and monday. but dry days expected until about tuesday. wednesday when we'll have another level one storm coming in, bringing us more much needed rain. >> okay. very good. thanks sandy. >> all right. larry beals here. what have you got in sports? oh, yeah. >> 40 niners. a big story turns out even brock purdy is a little bit concerned about having too much time off the 40 niners quarterback reveals a conversation he had with his head coach about making sure he stays sharp. that's next. in sports
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>> draymond green is such a good defensive player and has been such a great leader that's been tested lately. and there's a void i mean that's the truth. there's a void without him. when a player goes through something like this or a team, and i was there for many distractions. it's just hard. it takes energy. it takes energy to deal with these things. it takes energy to have to lose a player for a fair amount of time to bring them back into the fold. steve kerr is trying to figure out the rotations, and when draymond gets back, that kind of all starts over again. but it's something that has caused in many ways, a period of time where it's just a great amount of uncertainty and now they've got to come back. when he comes back when that is and figure it out again. and it's just exhausting. that's the hard part of it. not where they want to be. steve kerr is still trying to get it right. steph curry is still, i believe, probably the best leader in sports, so he's going to keep him on on the path. but um, you just got to get draymond back as soon as you can. and then plug him in and see what you can do.
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>> on to the nfl. brock purdy won't play for the 40 niners this sunday against the rams. and then the 40 niners have a bye. so by the time the niners actually play in their first postseason game, purdy might be about three weeks removed from live game action for kyle shanahan, the head coach. this is the classic rest versus rust dilemma. >> i think i've done it. you know this year in terms of having some rest and then coming in and playing. um, and so that's something that's feels good to go back and remind myself about. and not only that, like going to be practicing against a really good defense. obviously our guys for the next couple weeks too. it's not like i'm going to be sitting on the couch for the next couple weeks doing absolutely nothing. you know, whoever we end up playing in the in in our first round, we'll be ready for it. >> it's been more than five months since the wildfires that destroyed lahaina. and today, one small sign that life is very slowly returning to normal the pga tour kicking off a new season at kapalua on maui only a few minutes away from lahaina, 59 of the world's best at kapalua for round one of the century. cool shot from pga tour player of the year scottie scheffler on 13 drive went no more than ten feet off the
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ground. went about 300 yards. he was seven under on 818. jason day putting for eagle at 15. he's eight under tied for second. saif theegala short birdie on 13, one of six birdies in a row on the back nine. finished with a nine under par 64. and he is your leader. lastly, the spurs have a promotion called hoops for troops. make a half court shot. you win 10,000 bucks. bang right there. perfect shot. and the mascot quick to celebrate. that's that's one of those. once in a lifetime moments. awesome. really interesting comments from bob meyers, who spent pretty much a decade trying to manage the draymond green situation and is now dealing with much less stress sitting on a set and he can comment in a way he couldn't before when he was in that role. yeah, but it just shows you the difficulty. you know you love so many of the things that draymond brings when he's on the court. it's great right. except then there's this other side that that just needs to be channeled right. it's he's a package. yes yes yes a complicated one. >> thankfully.
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>> all right. coming up tonight on abc seven at eight. it's the golden bachelor wedding followed by general hospital. 60 years of stars.and storytelling. i know dan's going to be watching the golden bachelor wedding and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. he's just such a nice guy. >> i know. >> they seem so happy all right, that is it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm ammad dave and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel >> bill, all of us here. we appreciate your time. have a great evening. sit back and relax and watch some of that great programing tonight. we'll see you again at 11.
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fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, ♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy: second chance." [cheering and applause] today's second chance contestants are... a classics professor from cincinnati, ohio... a writer from studio city, california... and a healthcare administrator from providence, rhode island... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"... ken jennings.
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thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" it was randall rayford who faced defeat at the hands of chris pannullo in his first game, who returned yesterday to emerge a "jeopardy!" champion in his second chance at the alex trebek stage. randall's now headed to the finals, and today it's matt, max, and kelly's turn randall's now headed to claim a first victory. good luck to all three of you. here we go into the game... one daily double in this first round and these categories... we begin with... then we ask... then... matt, where do you want to start? let's start with which cabinet department for $600. matt. what is health and human services? yes. languages & their forms for $800.


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