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tv   America This Morning  ABC  January 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. a sixth grader killed several other people wounded, including the principal. what we've learned about the teenager identified as the shooter. >> president biden hitting the campaign trail, visiting a historic site linked to the revolutionary war. his message today as republicans make a final push in iowa. nikki haley and ron desantis a town halls last night. each explaining what they believe sets them apart.
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>> snow, sleet, rain and travel delays the messy end of the week for millions of americans today, as the northeast braces for significant snow this weekend. >> price hike backlash a supermarket chain stops selling pepsi products from soda to potato chips and cheetos. fed up with the rising prices? >> a new clue in the mystery surrounding d.b. cooper, the man who a plane in 1971 and made off with $200,000 in cash. what one investigator claims to have found. >> plus a fisherman survives floating in the ocean for 23 hours. how he used his wristwatch to get rescued, and he vowed not to stop until he got a hole in one. >> his live stream going viral. see how many shots and how many hours it took for him to finally get his ace >> from abc news in new york. this is a. america this morning. good friday morning, everyone.
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>> i'm andrew dymburt. >> i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. we begin with new details overnight about a deadly school shooting in iowa. >> a sixth grader was killed on the first day back from winter break. and now we're learning more about a possible motive. people in perry, iowa, held a vigil last night, hours after a gunman opened fire at the local high school, killing one student and wounding five others. we are perry strong, blue jay strong, iowa strong. the calls to police from the school northwest of des moines came in just after 7:30 a.m. we heard four gunshots and we all jumped. >> and just like we all looked at each other, didn't know what to do. police swarming the school within minutes, finding multiple victims and students and faculty sheltering in place, some running from the building. >> the shooter has been identified as 17 year old dylan butler, a student at perry high school. >> butler was armed with a pump action shotgun and a small caliber handgun. police say butler opened fire at a school breakfast program for middle and high school students, killing a
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sixth grader and wounding the school's principal, dan marburger, before taking his own life. >> police searching the school found an improvised explosive device as the wounded were rushed to hospitals. >> it's just traumatizing because honestly, he could have just killed me then and there and i wouldn't be here right now. >> butler posted this photo to social media before the shooting with the caption now we wait, accompanied by the song stray bullet. the same song posted to the personal website of one of the columbine shooters in social media posts reviewed by abc news , the suspect referenced school shootings and bomb threats, and in one post could be seen holding a revolver. he also posted about battling suicidal and depression. >> he was bullied in elementary school. >> butler's friends say he and his sister were bullied. >> he got tired. he got tired of the bullying. he got tired of the harassment. we tried to be there when he needed us. us which clearly we weren't there for him enough. >> it's important to note police have not confirmed a motive for the shooting in the first four
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days of this new year, there have been four school shootings in the u.s. now to politics. >> president biden is hitting the campaign trail today as the republican presidential hopefuls make a final push in iowa. here's abc's alison kosik this morning. >> president biden is hoping to jumpstart his reelection campaign. he's visiting valley forge, pa, today, a key site from the revolutionary war where he's expected to lay out what he believes is at stake in the upcoming election. america is still a place of possibilities. the biden-harris campaign releasing its first ad of the year, titled aim to coincide with the third anniversary of the january sixth attack on the u.s. capitol. >> i believe in free and fair elections. there's something dangerous happening in america. there's an extremist movement who does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. all of us are being asked right now what will we do to maintain our democracy? history is watching.
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the world is watching. >> on the republican side, nikki haley and ron desantis speaking at town halls last night. >> there are things i could be promising that would probably get me some more votes that i know i couldn't deliver on. so if i tell you i'm going to do something, you take it to the bank, we are going to deliver on it. >> haley, citing polls claiming she'd be the stronger candidate in the general election. i defeat biden by 17 points, a mandate to secure our border. >> no more excuses. a mandate to bring law and order back to our country, and a mandate of a strong america that we can be proud of. >> but haley has faced criticism after suggesting at a rally in new hampshire this week, thatrillionepublicans in the granite state do a better job picking president s than voters in iowa. >> you know that. you correct it. you know that you continue to go. and then, my sweet state of south carolina brings it home . >> haley now saying she was only joking. meanwhile, chris christie, the only gop primary
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candidate to sharply criticized frontrunner donald trump, has released a new ad acknowledging he was wrong to endorse trump in 2016. i did it because he was winning and i did it because i thought i could make him a better candidate and a better president. >> well, i was wrong. i made a mistake going back to president biden after his visit to valley forge, he'll head to nikki haley's home state of south carolina next week to speak at the historic mother emanuel ame church, where nine people were murdered in 2015. >> andrew, andrea allison, thank you. >> new york city mayor eric adams is suing the bus companies that are transporting tens of thousands of migrants from texas to new york. he's seeking $700 million from more than a dozen transportation companies to cover the cost of caring for the asylum seekers sent by texas governor greg abbott. in response to the lawsuit, governor abbott said every migrant bused or flown to new york did so voluntarily after
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having been authorized by the biden administration to remain in the united states as such, they have constitutional authority to travel across the country. >> now to the middle east and the u.s, launching a deadly new drone strike inside iraq, the latest in a string of attacks on militant groups. abc's ike ejiochi has the details. good morning. >> good morning. andrea, the us military launched the drone strike in baghdad in response to the recent attacks on american forces. now the attack yesterday killed a militia leader blamed for targeting u.s. forces in iraq. now tensions have been rising across the region since the start of israel's war with hamas in the red sea, which is a vital shipping route for global trade. rebels based in yemen have launched yet another attack on a commercial ship. this time using a one way manned, a one way unmanned attack boat, and no one was hurt. now the rebels backed by iran, have attacked several commercial ships in recent weeks in support of hamas. the attacks are forcing ships to take long detours and that's driving up shipping costs . global shipping rates are up
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more than 60% in the last week, and from asia to the west coast of the us, rates are up 30. now, secretary of state antony blinken left washington last night on the way to the middle east, with planned stops in turkey, jordan, qatar and the uae to adjust concerns about a wider conflict in the region. blinken also plans to visit israel and the west bank. andrew ike, thank you. >> paralympic champion oscar pistorius has been released on parole. pistorius, a double a double amputee. served nearly 11 years in prison for the murder of his girlfriend. he claimed he shot reeva steenkamp through his bathroom door because he thought she was an intruder. but prosecutors said he killed her during an argument. pistorius is now 37. he's required to live under strict conditions until his sentence expires in six years. >> federal investigators will help figure out why two subway trains in new york city collided, partially derailing one train. several hundred passengers were helped to safety. 26 suffered minor injuries. officials say the
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train that derailed was out of service because it had been vandalized. crews worked overnight hoping to resume service today. >> turning to the weather, the northeast is bracing for significant snow this weekend, while the plains see snow today. with that, let's check your friday forecast >> good morning. friday is going to be a quiet day across most of the east, but look at this powerful storm moving across the south central u.s. with snow, snow, ice and rain mixed for some and others into texas and louisiana will see widespread rain. this becomes our weekend winter storm into the northeast. snow will begin in new york city around 7 p.m. saturday. widespread snow for the interior, but rain for much of the coast. unless you're in new england, where it's going to be more of a snowy mess some will see in isolated spots in the high ground over a foot of snow. i'm accuweather meteorologist jeff cornish. >> coming up, a fisherman survives treading water in the ocean for 23 hours. how his
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watch led to his rescue. >> also ahead, they've had enough. a supermarket chain drops pepsi products fed up with rising prices and new details about that, judge attacked in las vegas. >> the security changes now being proposed
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>> this is a really hard to talk about this morning on good morning america. >> back now with the wreckage of this week's plane collision in tokyo being removed from the runway today, japan has now requested u.s. assistance in the investigation. a japan airlines plane collided with a smaller japanese coast guard plane on the same runway. reuters reports that the plane was making its third trip in 24 hours to deliver earthquake aid to western japan. >> how about this a fisherman who fell off his boat and treaded water in the ocean for nearly 23 hours, was finally rescued thanks to his wristwatch. he tried swimming to
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the alderman islands north of new zealand, but the current just kept dragging him away and he says he was nearly bitten by a shark. but finally, three fishermen saw the reflection from his watch and found him. he was suffering from hypothermia, but is now okay. >> amazing story. well, we're learning more about that attack on a las vegas judge we showed you yesterday. she's okay, but major questions are now being raised about courtroom security. this morning, the las vegas judge attacked during a sentencing hearing is bruised but already back on the bench. >> she remained sore and stiff, but thankful it was not more severe. >> after he was denied probation for repeated offenses, 30 year old debra redden lunged over the bench, pinning judge mary kay holthus against the wall, pummeling her on the floor. >> this is a very unique situation that, as far as i know, has never happened before with somebody superman ing over a judicial bench, the chief judge, jerry weiss, credits the court clerk for heroic actions
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for pulling redden off. >> judge holthus michael lasso, her law clerk, was probably the primary person that that pulled the defendant off of her, and probably kept her from having more severe injuries. >> judge weiss says there's currently a shortage of marshals providing security in the clark county court system. >> he says only one marshal was present at the time of the attack, but he admits even a 2nd may not have stopped redden. he moved too quick and i think the marshal was right behind him. >> just couldn't get to him. i don't know what could have prevented this. i mean, i think that we are looking at every opportunity we can to make things better for redden now faces a slew of new charges, and judge holthus will be back to oversee his new sentencing, scheduled for next week. >> court officials say they're now reviewing security measures and hope to increase the number of marshals. >> as one of the world's largest supermarket chains will no longer stock pepsi products
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because of a dispute over rising prices, french grocery chain carrefour is pulling items like pepsi, lay's, doritos and cheetos from its shelves in france, italy, spain and belgium. the store left notes for customers, explaining that the decision was due to what the store calls unacceptable price increase is coming up. >> the youtube star, who staged a plane crash, speaks out as he begins serving prison time, also ahead, a new clue in the mystery surrounding d.b. cooper, the man who a plane in 1971 and made off with $200,000 in cash a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test
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at wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a...
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(♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at our daughters daughters will adore us and we'll sing in grateful chorus. >> well done sister suffragette. good evening. >> actress glynis johns has died. she was best known for her role in mary poppins as miss winifred banks, oscar nominated and a tony winner. glynis johns was 100 years old, a youtube influencer who intentionally crashed a plane over california
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as a stunt has a warning for other would be daredevils. >> trevor jacob is now serving six months in prison. he claims he carefully researched his plan so nobody would get hurt. he parachuted to safety, but now he tells abc's kayna whitworth it was not worth it. >> when i jumped to that plane, i had no idea i committed any type of crime whatsoever. however, it turned out that i actually committed five felonies. i was just grateful to be alive and then i saw that the footage, you know, didn't get destroyed. you know, i may as well put this online, which was another terrible mistake coming up later on. >> good morning america, jacob explains how he tried to get rid of the evidence now to the pacific northwest and the unsolved mystery of d.b. cooper, the hijacker who jumped from a plane with $200,000 in cash. >> now, there may be new clues in this decades old case. this morning, an investigator claims he's close to determining the identity of the infamous hijacker, d.b. cooper. thanks to a microscopic piece of metal.
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>> i'm someone who believes that this case can be solved. it's been 52 years. >> back in 1971, a man using the alias dan cooper a northwest airlines plane from portland to seattle, then parachuted over southwest washington with $200,000 in ransom money strapped to his waist. his identity, and whether he survived the jump has remained a mystery, inspiring movies and even a netflix series. >> the treasure is too great. it's too good a story. >> he left behind a tie on the plane. investigators were unable to find dna on it. they did, however, find microscopic pieces of metal on the tie. now private investigator eric ulis says new tests have found one of those metal fragments could have only come from a metals factory that was located in pittsburgh at the time. >> it appears that d.b. cooper came from the titanium research lab of this rem crew. titanium ulis tells the sun newspaper. >> the metals factory made parts for boeing planes. it's long been believed that d.b. cooper had ties to the airline industry due to his use of aviation
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jargon during the hijacking, the fbi officially closed the case six years ago, but ulis says the new evidence points to a man named vince peterson, a titanium research engineer who worked at that metals factory in pittsburgh. seen here side by side with a rendering of cooper. peterson died in 2002. >> vince peterson would have been 52 at the time of the skyjacking, and he's six foot one, which is how tall i believe d.b. cooper was. based upon the witness testimony. it doesn't prove obviously, that vince peterson was d.b. cooper, but it certainly is intriguing. >> ulis says peterson often flew to seattle for his job, but according to ulis, peterson's son doubts his father could have been involved $6,000 of cooper's ransom money was found back in 1980 by a boy who was camping, but no other cash matching those serial numbers was found. >> coming up. trivial pursuit gets a modern makeover. >> plus a scene right out of an alfred hitchcock film. but this alfred hitchcock film. but this was no movie aah, it's a good day to cough.
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about. >> this morning on good morning america, the. >> time to check the pulse. we begin with an alfred hitchcock classic playing out in real life. >> a massive flock of birds descended on a texas strip mall. take a look. hanging out on cars and walking around the pavement. the woman who caught them on camera says the birds were unafraid of honking horns as experts identified the birds as great tailed grackle. >> they say they prefer shopping centers where they can feast from trash cans. but for those drivers, it was kind of a burden. >> oh, haha. next in sports, two dunks from the nba's rookie sensation in san antonio. >> he is victor wembanyama of the spurs and last night against the bucks, wemby came down on the floor, put the ball around his back and slammed it home earlier. he had the ball around the three point line, passed it to himself off the backboard and
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then dunked it. despite all that, though, the bucks won a thriller 125 to 121. and how about some golf? this guy spent 37 straight hours in a golf simulator trying to make just one hole in one. after more than 2600 shots jersey. jerry from barstool sports finally did it. he brought a change of clothes because he thought it would take maybe three hours. it took 37. his ordeal was live streamed. tom brady was among the stars supporting him on social media. >> 37 hours. wow. well, next, the classic board game, now powered by artificial intelligence, hasbro has released an online version of trivial pursuit. >> unlike the 41 year old board game, the questions are generated by artificial intelligence based on the players interests and suggestions. it comes after mattel released pictionary. i back in september. >> next, a new iphone case that's fully retro. >> the case will remind you of those old blackberry days. that's because it comes with a physical keyboard. it's compatible with iphone 14 and 15 models, runs off the phone's
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battery power, and will cost you just under $140. pretty cool. it is finally a valentine's day gift for gen z-ers situation boxes include heart shaped candies with blurry misprints, which are being called sweet muddled nothings, and literal mixed messages. >> the candy maker calls them a way to embrace imperfection. way to embrace imperfection. >> top headlines i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched,
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public safety once again taking center stage in oakland. now at five. why many believe city leaders should declare a state of emergency. >> a sixth grader killed several others injured during a shooting on the first day back to school. what the shooter's social media post reveals about this attack. draymond green back in action after weeks riding the bench. >> green suspension could soon be over. pacific appear shutting down but just temporarily. >> how long repairs are going to take after the latest run of damaging high surf. >> good morning. it's friday, january fifth. >> yes, we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> good morning guys. it's going to be a nice day like yesterday.
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