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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  January 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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explosion that left part of a hotel strewn across the street. take a look. it happened a few hours ago in fort worth, texas, at the sandman signature fort worth downtown hotel. at least 21 people are hurt. no one has died. this might have been a gas leak. people say that they smelled gas downtown, but that was not confirmed. police have closed off a two block radius around the hotel. it had recently been renovated and reopened. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. p-g-and-e's says its gas rates have gone down, but economists point out that's not enough to counteract a rate increase that kicked in at the start of this year. >> abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey spoke with experts about what your bill may look like this month and the best ways to lower it. >> lower temperatures often mean higher utility bills, but it may not be as painful to your wallet as last january, according to p-g-and-e's, the utility says regulator approved rate changes will account for lower natural gas prices than last winter, around a 9% decrease, saving customers about $17 on their gas
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bills. good news but economists ahmed farooqui says the bad news is other cpuc approved rate changes will still cost customers more than before. i mean, this was one of those new year celebrations that was dampened by the news of the bill going up by $35. >> it's a gift that just keeps on giving in a negative sense. >> and farooqui says the 13% rate hike to pay for the undergrounding of lines for wildfire prevention may not be the last of the increases in 2024, according to one study. >> i have seen for the year as a whole, it could be a rate hike that amounts to $100 a month for the typical customer, and that is honestly shocking beyond words. >> p-g-and-e's is holding its customers over a barrel and it's laughing all the way to the bank. >> former california public utilities commission president loretta lynch says the constant cpuc approved p-g-and-e's rate hikes have to stop. she says the cpuc creates rules that benefits the utilities like no other state does, leaving california with a second highest electric
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rates in the country, with no cap to the increases or change in sight. >> the question is, does california have the political will to rein in its rogue, out of control utility, or are they going to allow p-g-and-e's to continue to profiteer off of the backs of california's working families? it's a simple question , and it's going to take the legislature and the governor to answer that question until that time comes, farooqui says. >> people have to combat prices on their own. he suggests switching to a smart thermostat to keep the house at a cost effective temperature. check the ages of your furnace and air conditioners and make sure your home is insulated, farooqui says it may cost money now, but it will save money later. dustin dawsey, abc seven news all right, so what kind of temperatures are we facing? >> yeah, abc seven news meteorologist sanjay patel has the answer, as well as a look at some rain that is coming. sandhya. yeah. >> dan and amna the temperatures are not going to drop as low as they did this morning. tomorrow morning is going to be milder as we do have an increase in the
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cloud cover. this morning it was cold and frosty. these are the spots that dropped at or near freezing 30 degrees in livermore and napa 33 in concord, mid 30s from fairfield to san jose to redwood city. look at live doppler seven. the biggest change is we've got this big thick blanket of clouds and that's going to insulate us tonight. that's in advance of a storm system that is heading in our direction on live doppler seven. it is a level one, and as you look hour by hour, you will notice not only are the clouds thickening overnight, but by 6 a.m, rain begins to move into the north bay. scattered showers at 9 a.m, crossing the central bay as we head towards noontime. they're mainly in the south bay and the santa cruz mountains. it is a level one for tomorrow. scattered showers under a third of an inch for most areas. we are facing slippery roads and breezy conditions. there is more snow on the way for the sierra. i'll be back with the warning, plus a look at how much they're expecting in just a few minutes. dan okay sandhya, thanks a lot. >> new at six san francisco high rises will now be required to
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have windows inspected. the board of supervisors, land use, transport committee just voted on this policy. every high rise built after 1998 will need their windows inspected every five years. the new requirement stems from last year's heavy winds that caused skyscraper windows. as you remember to shatter, airline passengers can expect more delays tomorrow as a result of friday's alaska airlines mishap, when a piece of fuselage blew off a plane at 16,000ft. >> now, today, airlines canceled more than 340 flights nationwide as crews inspected boeing 737 max nine aircraft, grounded by the faa over the weekend. one man we spoke with at sfo told us he got a text message last night alerting him that his alaska flight from san jose to oahu was canceled. >> i was being like, tricked, you know, and i wanted to use the credit for taking another uh- ticket. uh- for today from alaska. and the price was, yes, it was double. it was double. they should have made it automatically refunding people's tickets, not really making you
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call them waiting for 3.5 hours. >> the grounding also prompted hundreds of delays nationwide and dozens at all three bay area airports, as united airlines says it's expecting a significant number of canceled turns tomorrow after inspectors found loose bolts on door plugs on some of its planes. today. on getting answers, abc news aviation analyst john nance explained why the process can't be rushed. >> we have to know what we're looking for, not just at the door is there and everything appears to be in good shape. >> and that's one of the reasons that the inspections have been delayed and not just completed one after another. >> today we're seeing new images of that door plug that flew off alaska flight 1282 just minutes afte it took off from portland to ontario, california, on friday. a portland teacher found the door plug in his backyard. aviation experts say a door plug isn't really a door. it fills a hole in the fuselage where a door could go some larger boeing planes have extra emergency
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exits in the back to meet evacuation guidelines, but on smaller planes with fewer seats like alaska's 737 max, nine, they are not required. >> now to a story. you'll see only on abc seven news about missing lane lines on part of i-80 80. it's a section caltrans repaved last year near hercules, just before the carquinez bridge . they finished the paving part of it, but now multiple sections of the freeway don't have any lines painted on them. and you know how hard that is to see. abc seven news reporter luz pena rode with hercules mayor to see what drivers have been reporting as simply dangerous out there for months now. luz. >> that's right. and for the last three months and now we have data that could support the claims that an incomplete freeway project is now endangering east bay drivers as regular. it's a dangerous guessing game at 40mph. >> so this is supposed to have two lanes here. so here's hercules on ramp to westbound 80. no lines. >> this is the onramp to
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westbound interstate 80 west in hercules. it merges with traffic coming off highway four. and right now drivers are faced with imaginary lanes. >> they're supposed to be three lanes. absolutely no lines at all. >> road with hercules mayor dan romero to see the problematic sections of i-80 where we found either no painted lanes, beat up reflectors, or a temporary paint job, a really bad paint job doesn't look like a brand new project. here's some background from mid-july until september 5th, caltrans closed the eastbound and westbound interstate 80 on four different weekends to pave the freeway. last year in 2023, where we replaced a massive section of the freeway there with continuously reinforced concrete that contractors didn't get to. one major part of the project, painting the lanes as ideally the striping is down right after the work is done. >> at least a temporary version, caltrans said. >> a temporary version was done,
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but it didn't last long. it's now been three months, and according to the mayor of hercules, multiple accidents have happened. our abc seven news data team looked into california highway patrol reports and preliminary data points to 16 car accidents on ules highway. since caltrans finished paving the freeway. the main factor in those crashes has been improper turning. now, there's no clear way to know if, in fact, the lack of paint has led to those accidents. but mayor romero is sounding the alarm. >> it's a concern in the morning when the sun's reflecting, you don't see any lines. it's a concern when it rains and it's a concern at night. so so let's say more than half the time that the freeway is being used, a lot of residents and drivers cannot see the designated lines. >> caltrans acknowledges the issues and blames the contractor and the weather. the contractor did not get out and complete the work that was assigned. >> and we got into sort of the
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rainy season and when the rainy season hits, then we struggle with keeping the striping up. >> now, caltrans confirmed they're working on getting lanes painted in the coming days, but for now, drivers will need to continue imagining those lanes. ama dan all right, you know, it's tough to paint obviously when itrillionains, but it's even tougher to see. absolutely. so good luck to all those people driving right now. >> be safe. thank you lucy. in the north bay, an emergency shelter and transitional housing program for homeless youth in crisis is now facing a crisis of its own. >> directors say social advocates for youth will close its doors unless it can rally community support. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard is in santa rosa with more. >> this is about the kids. for us, it always has been and it always will be. >> an urgent news conference called by sonoma county's only lifeline agency for homeless youth directors and supporters making an appeal to the community to keep the doors open . >> it's important for us to dig deep because if we don't take care of our kids, um, what kind
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of community are we? directors of the 53 year old nonprofit social advocates for youth, better known as, say, admit? >> it's a big financial ask from potential donors. >> the goal is to have $1 million by next week. >> interim director susan fetty says the money is needed to keep say's dream center open, allowing them to restructure and downsize. she says new laws limiting the number of youth, which can be housed here is making this space too large to manage. on top of that, financial contributions have dropped in. >> our youth needs are getting higher and higher, so overall it's like a perfect storm of the need in the community is higher, and there's just not quite as much money covering everything. >> currently, about 67 youth are being housed at, say, shelter and transitional housing center, where they have access to mental health counseling and job assistance. >> that shelter gave me exactly what i needed. they caught me when i was falling. >> kerri rigo says the youth shelter was a lifesaver when she was 16, helping to de-escalate her family crisis. she worries
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about what will happen to homeless kids if the shelter closes. >> we know and can see all of those kids that we've never met, but we know they're there, not only today that need swease help, but those tomorrow and in the future that will have zero place to go, zero support. but at and we're going to lose some lives as a result. >> sonoma county supervisor susan gorin says she'll meet with shelter staff to find temporary solutions as the numbers of transitional youth who remain homeless have escalated over the past couple of years, keeping a lifeline open and ready for kids in need is the goal that this emergency is not just an emergency, but the clock is ticking very loudly in sonoma county. cornel bernard, abc seven news. >> still to come, call it the power of pandas bringing them to san francisco zoo could make a difference to diplomacy. we'll have that also ahead, san francisco. that's my home.
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>> let me put it in a song so you never get thrown. >> how a music video could affect a re for mayor
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one day he was killed in the line of duty. ten days ago, the department's first death since 2009. the official law enforcement memorial service for officer lays on wednesday. it is open to the public. the service will be held at 10 a.m. at the three crosses church in castro valley. >> for the first time, we're hearing from the san francisco restaurant owner and rapper who is at the center of controversy
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after releasing a music video criticizing mayor london breed. >> yeah, under usual circumstances, a track wouldn't garner this much attention, but abc seven news anchor dion lim joins us to explain why it's being used for political reasons. dion. >> yeah, dan and this is a little bit of a complicated one here, because really, what we have is a mayor up for reelection this fall. so when the diss track came out, the race was added to the equation by the naacp and ignited a much bigger discussion about how asian americans and how they can make or break a political race. >> in the course of three years, i had about seven, you know, break ins and vandalism that was the tipping point. and i just decided, you know what? um, you know, reach out to the city. um, nobody is going to respond. >> it was this series of frustrations which drove restaurateur and rapper chino yang to produce san francisco, our home. the song is part love letter san francisco. >> that's my home. let me put it in a song so you never get thrown no matter what.
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>> i'm mad. this is a place i love and part exasperation to breathe. >> you ain't nothing but a clown. when we really needed you . you will never be around the rap accuses mayor london breed of failing the city's small businesses, abandoning the city's asian american community. everybody, let me see your hands in the air. >> now throw your tune. me the fingers up to the mayor. >> but the critical tone upset some members of the black community, including the reverend amos brown, president of the san francisco chapter of the nra. acp brown rushed to defend breed and expressed his displeasure over the rap in this voicemail to yang. i ask you to repudiate that rap, and since you have not, and i told the black community that you did not, the community will will make a public statement calling you out for the wrong that you did to the mayor. >> the mayor is not responsible for the crime of this city,
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despite yang issuing this apology shortly after. >> so for the sake of my family and my loved ones and my close friends, i like to openly and publicly make apology. brown then held a press conference to pressure yang to take down the video. >> this young rapper. is that he needs to get his lessons and sit down and learn. >> brown declined to comment further when asked by abc seven. but this back and forth is an example of the political challenges breed faces as she tries to win a second full terms. her supporters in the black community say she's unfair , be blamed. >> please do not call out our mayor again. >> aapi community leaders from by property crimes and attacks targeting elderly asian residents have become increasingly critical. >> of course it's political. everything's political. >> breed is competing with several challengers for support of san francisco's asian american community. her political future depends on
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whether she can earn it. >> it's an election season, and mayor london breed is up for a really tough reelection drive, and the concerns raised in the video are legitimate ones. it's about crime, it's about the streets, and it's about whether or not the mayor is doing her job. >> abc7 news insider phil matier says in a city where asian americans make up a third of the population, recent races have proven how important the asian vote is, especially among the young and conservatives in the political landscape. we saw it in the school board elections and recall they were a primary force behind that. >> in the recall of progressive district attorney chesa boudin, who they felt weren't doing enough about crimes aimed at asian americans, especially the elderly. it's long been said that you can't get elected only on the asian vote in san francisco, but you can't get elected without it, or at least a significant portion of it. >> bob okinawa, director of policy and advocacy with non profit aapi vote, says it's a trend happening nationwide. >> they certainly did play a
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crucial role in battleground states. asian americans in georgia, arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, nevada, north carolina, uh, came out in numbers that exceeded, um, the margin of victory for the winning candidate in that state. clearly, uh, if the asian american community mobilizes, they will be able to have a huge impact in these critical states. >> okinawa believes political campaigns still need to do more outreach to attract the api vote to the polls based on, uh, the national parties and their outreach to the community. >> i think they're still, you know, uh, a lot of room for growth. >> mayor breed's office told me in an email they would not be commenting on the rap song or brown's press conference. however, they sent me a statement touting investments in programs for the asian american community and also the 80% decline in hate crimes since 2021. former mayor willie brown, who is an ally to breed, was
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slated to appear at that press conference but did not show. i have a feeling the saga will continue. >> oh, i bet it will. that keep us up to date on this. we will. thank you dan. >> all right, let's get to our weather because i think there's rain coming back. >> that's right. that pattern continues. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandhya yeah. >> off and on. wet weather. every few days. and that's exactly what we want to see. dan and ana. good evening everyone. let's take a look at live doppler seven as we check out the storm system. right now it is up around the pacific northwest. this system is going to start to move towards the bay area. as we head into tomorrow. pretty early in the morning. we're already seeing a lot of cloud cover out ahead of it, but the good news about this is it's not going to be as cold tonight because of the extra clouds around providing us with the insulation. so it's not going to be as frosty as it was this morning. it's still going to be chilly. don't get me wrong, because we do have long nights, but not as cold as this morning. santa cruz camera pretty quiet view right now. low 50s from san
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francisco to oakland to hayward, san jose, san mateo 48. right now in half moon bay and a lovely view of downtown san francisco from our sutro tower camera. our coolest spots right now in the 40s. 48 santa rosa, 49 napa 45, in petaluma. fairfield 46 and 49 degrees in livermore. from our emeryville camera, visibility is still good as we look towards sutro tower. here's a look at the headlines the next few days. scattered showers tomorrow, wednesday we're looking at our next round of rain. and on thursday, the morning chill and frost to return. but you will have that break from the wet weather in between these systems that are coming through. so level one storm for tomorrow scattered showers under a third of an inch for most areas. we are looking at slippery roads and breezy conditions. timing it out for you tomorrow morning at 6:00. some light to moderate rain moving into the north bay. 830 you see those scattered showers so commuters be aware that you may need that extra time to get to work. at 11 a.m. scattered showers in the east bay down towards the peninsula and santa cruz mountains. and then we pretty much get a break in
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between with lots of sun for the afternoon hours. once we pass that noon, 1:00 hour as we head into wednesday, a few showers developing for the morning commute. but here comes the next round of rain. noontime m you'll be seeing the wet weather light to moderate rain as we head into 3 p.m. and really just some scattered evening showers for your wednesday before we get that break. and with the clearing skies, thursday morning is going to be chilly, so rainfall estimates really taking you through tomorrow. early afternoon. anywhere from a few hundredths of an inch to about 2/10 of an inch. wetter spots picking up up to a third. and then we add on the wednesday part of the system. and now you have 6000/500 of an inch in ukiah, about 11 hundredths in brentwood, and pretty much everyone else in between turns to snow in the mountains. a winter storm warning from 10 p.m. tomorrow for the sierra until 10 p.m. wednesday, 10 to 20in of snow above 3500ft. so low snow levels once again. gust to 50 miles an hour, and the snow level will be dropping as we head towards late wednesday.
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3000 to 3500ft with white out conditions. so travel is going to be very difficult to impossible. all keep that in mind as you do make plans up to ten inches at donner or a foot of snow expected at kirkwood, and they've already seen up to 17 18in of snow in the mountains from the weekend storm, upper 30s to upper 40s. tomorrow morning we'll have some showers to start the day, cloud cover as well, and then tomorrow afternoon it's mostly sunny and breezy. highs will be in the 40s and 50s. accuweather seven day forecast tomorrow morning. we have those showers bright for the latter part of the afternoon . level one system, another one for wednesday. short break with the chill in the morning and then we'll bring in another storm for the weekend. martin luther king junior day a slight chance of showers. ama and dan. all right. all right. coming up
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a semiconductor firm, nvidia saw a jump after it made several announcements, including one about new chips. the dow gained 216 points, closing at 37,683. the nasdaq climbed 319 points. the s&p 500 picked up 636, one of the country's largest radio broadcasters has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. odyssey owns and operates several bay area radio stations, including live 105, kcbs and 95 seven the game. odyssey ceo says a sharp
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decline in radio ad spending is to blame for the company's financial situation. he said the company does not expect any operational impacts. >> an impressive lineup for bottlerock napa valley this year was announced today. ed sheeran, pearl jam, stevie nicks and mana are set to headline this event. megan thee stallion, nelly and norah jones are among the other 75 acts set to appear. three day passes start at about $400 and go on sale tomorrow morning. bottlerock runs from. may 24th until may 26th. it's a great lineup. tickets for the vip experience and private chalets for fleet week 2024 are now on sale. the blue angels will once again headline the annual event, which runs october 11th through the 13th. >> the defendant, who leaped across a courtroom and attacked a judge, faced that same judge today. he finally learned his sentence. and while that concludes one case, he faces a whole new one. because of these actions, also ahead bridge
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building for our international community. >> it's a lot of credit and it's going toandas. stay with us
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mayor london breed wants to bring more visitors to the san francisco zoo, and she's pushing for a panda to help make that happen. the mayor has sent a letter to chinese president xi jinping asking for one of the beloved bears to be sent over for a stay. >> yes, she's hoping some panda diplomacy will revive interest at the zoo and maybe even strengthen u.s, china relations. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry has more on that. there is one animal that could turn the san francisco zoo into the place to be. >> i've never seen a panda before, so that'd be extremely exciting. >> i see all these panda like, like funny panda videos, like pandas falling out of trees. pandas like, rolling around, like super cute. >> mayor london breed sent a letter to chinese president xi jinping making the case for one panda or more. she wants to continue strengthening the relationship with china
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following the success of the apec summit in san francisco. so bri directly asked ji to consider loaning san francisco a panda as he left apec in november in light of apec. >> and in light of some of the things that the president himself has said about panda diplomacy and the desire to develop better relationships with the us and china, this is one of the ways in which you can do so. >> panda diplomacy is when the chinese government shares pandas with other countries as a goodwill gesture for a specific period of time. pandas are national treasures in china, having one or more in san francisco would be a big deal, and this is a way to say we are opening up the doors, developing the relationship, sharing with you one of our most valuable, precious assets to show respect, act and to build on that relationship. mayor breed says the zoo already has an asian conservation exhibit with room to build a panda reserve. people tell me if there are pandas here, they would come every week. >> i think it'd be a great attraction for san francisco, like it would really increase
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the zoo's customers for sure, and maybe even like if it was only panda in california or like on the west coast, like from other states too. tourism is a big reason why mayor breed is asking for this. >> she claims the zoo set visitor records when it briefly had pandas for a couple of months in the 1980s, and the city is familiar with panda fandom during the giants stretch of world series wins. pablo sandoval, aka the kung fu panda soft fans don special hats, appreciating the animal. mayor breed says san franciscans would love to see the real ones. >> i take this as an educational opportunity, a chance for people to learn about pandas and to want to know more about animals and different relationships and bridge building for our international community in san francisco. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> the man who attacked a judge in a las vegas courtroom last week was sentenced today by that same judge, debra eddins. hands, mouth and face were covered during his court appearance. he received a sentence of 19 months
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to four years in prison for attacking someone with a baseball bat. last year, judge mary kay holthus stressed that today's sentence was the same she planned to impose before redden attacked her last week. whoa whoa whoa, hey hey faces seven counts of battery on a protected person and battery in connection with this attack. that case will be heard by a different judge in san francisco's board of supervisors. >> is expected to approve a gaza ceasefire resolution tomorrow. now that comes after clashes at city hall this morning during a hearing ahead of tomorrow's potential final vote. today's hearing was opened for public comment. where community members expressed their concern about the ongoing israel-hamas war since the october 7th attack by hamas. more than 1200 israelis and more than 2200 palestinians have been killed. if approved, san francisco would be the third bay area city to publicly condemn the war. >> protesters calling for a
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ceasefire in gaza interrupted a campaign event today by president biden. he was at mother emanuel ame church in charleston, south carolina, courting black voters. the topic unexpectedly turned to the israeli hamas war >> i've been quietly working with the israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gaza, using all that i can to do that. >> the church that president biden visited was the site of a shooting in 2015, where nine black parishioners were killed by a white stranger whom they invited to join their bible study. president biden denounced the poison of white supremacy, saying it has no place in america. >> the secretary of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas, is at the southern border today. he's reviewing enforcement efforts after a surge in illegal crossings last month. abc news reporter tim pulliam has the latest in eagle pass.
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southern border town at the center of the migrant crisis. >> department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas meeting with border agents and local administrators for a review of their enforcement operations. >> our immigration system is outdated and broken and has been in need of reform for literally decades, the secretary's visit coming just a week after house speaker mike johnson and 64 republicans toured the area, putting election year pressure on president biden and democrats for tougher border restrictions. >> abc's matt rivers is there in eagle pass. >> republicans are saying that this issue is because of a dereliction of duty on the part of mayorkas. he's coming down here to say no, we are managing this issue as best as we can, given the tools, the limited tools and the limited resources that congress is giving them. the biden administration recently putting forth a budget request that includes nearly $14 billion for the border, as well as aid for israel, taiwan and
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ukraine. >> items include money for more border agents and immigration judges. some republicans don't think the measures go far enough and demand more security changes. >> if president biden wants a supplemental spending bill focused on national security, it better begin by defending america's national security right our southern border. >> migrant encounters at the southern border have dropped in recent weeks at the mexico ramped up enforcement, according to us authorities, allowing some ports of entry to reopen in the house. homeland security committee is expected to hold its first hearing on wednesday in its effort to impeach secretary mayorkas for his handling of the border. now, a spokesperson for mayorkas is calling this effort a baseless political exercise. tim pulliam abc news, los angeles. >> coming up, making a life saving difference who's helping the homeless survive winter nights outside?
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star on the hollywood walk of fame this year. the four time oscar nominee was joined by his friends and fellow actors who watched him unveil the plaque. dafoe has been in more than 150 films throughout his career. his most recent movie, insider, was released last year. >> pretty baby, the award winning documentary about brooke shields, makes its network debut tonight right here on abc seven. it gives us a behind the scenes scenes understanding of really what it was like to be the face in so many ways, of an entire era, reporter danny beckstrom, from our sister station in new york, has a preview. >> i am amazed that i survived any of it, brooke shields was born with undeniable star power, but being pushed into hollywood as a baby and managed by her alcoholic mother, who was ruled by her own addiction, meant not much power over her own life. i didn't believe in myself and i let people win, and i'm past
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that. >> just as she took control of her own healing, she's taking control of the narrative. in her documentary pretty baby, named after a movie she made as a preteen that helped catapult brooke into stardom. but along with fame and fortune, she was catapulted into the world of adult sexuality. >> i just always remember thinking like, i hope she's okay , brooke said. >> it took her decades to truly be okay recovering from the abuse she faced growing up in the spotlight, including her account of a sexual assault by a hollywood executive after graduating from princeton. now, her hope is that the difficult conversations shed new light on the dark side of the industry. >> i've been so accustomed to being honest and sharing uncomfortable things, so it was such a special project to be a part of, to be a part of something that actually showed the, the complexity of it, shocking and very emotional and i think it's stuff like i was
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saying to her, it's stuff that needs to be heard and it needs to be talked about. >> her daughter's support proves brooke is breaking the cycle. she felt stuck in growing up, being managed by rather than protected by her own mother. telling her story in her words means releasing much more than just the documentary. >> but we hold that guilt and we hold that feeling of, oh, i should have, would have, could have done this. and you have to let yourself off the hook for that. have you done that? >> i have, i have, yes, i have, thank you. >> pretty baby was a streaming hit on hulu and received a standing ovation after its sundance premiere in 2023. now we all have the chance to hear her story in her words tonight on abc. >> pretty baby brooke shields airs tonight at 8:00 right here on abc seven. you can also watch it any time on hulu. >> we have some rain in the seven day forecast. sandhya shows you when
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i was like shaking you know, . when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case o. as soon as i got a hold of my . because of jacoby and meyers, it a medical bill or things like . if i know of any accident, i'm .
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makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. to the markham vineyards property. it's part of a project to close a gap in the napa valley vine trail. supporters also say it will be a safer spot
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for visitors who stop along the highway. the proposed location is next to a caltrans staging area, so tomorrow the board plans to approve their letter of support to send it to the caltrans district four director. caltrans has been suggesting other locations. >> the work to entirely enclose people's park in berkeley is nearly complete. check out the view from sky seven. it matches what a spokesperson with uc berkeley told abc seven news that the park is now completely encircled by shipping containers. the university expects all the streets around the park to reopen by tomorrow morning. the park is being cleared to build student housing on the land, but construction can't begin until after the state supreme court settles a lawsuit over the park's future in the south bay. work is underway to provide outreach and resources to those most at risk. when bay area temperatures get dangerously cold. advocates for the unhoused say the cold temperatures take many by surprise. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more. >> these are extra large hand
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warmers. they're almost the size of this. they last 18 hours. >> the start of the new year has been an especially chilly one, and few have felt that more than the unhoused. >> this is when people die. >> advocates say they see many of those deaths related to the weather in the summer. >> people die from heat exhaustion in the winter. you know, people certainly die of exposure. >> santa clara county data shows that more than 200 unhoused deaths were recorded last year. the advocates say those numbers are even higher. that's why they've come together to provide critical resources to help the unhoused cope with this week's cold weather. >> have emergency blankets with us. we have beanies, we have gloves. >> those are just some of the supplies being handed out here along with food. but the advocates say information is also critical because many who live out here don't have access to a forecast. to know that cold or inclement weather is coming, let alone have time to prepare for it. >> the unhoused community, the reliance on phones is not very good, so the physical contact people is really crucial in getting the word out. >> santa clara county officials say they're working in collaboration with many groups
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and advocates to provide resources, especially as more cold temperatures are expected. >> opening warming centers. um, wednesday, thursday and friday across the county. so those outreach teams are also know, um, getting the word out to folks. >> while the help and information being handed out this week is important, both county officials and advocates agree longer tum solutions have to be a focus. >> the long tum solutions that we are working on are are expanding, um, permanent housing programs, developing affordable housing, um, expanding our homelessness prevention um services so that there are fewer people becoming homeless in the first place. that would have to experience these risks. still advocates don't think their work will end any time soon and plan to keep providing resources that are greatly appreciated by many. >> the feeling you get that that people are willing to do this for you without knowing you. it's um, it touches you. >> amy, in the south bay, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right. and it has been quite chilly. >> boy, it sure has, especially
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in the morning. meteorologist sanjay patel is here. sandhya. yeah >> dan, we had temperatures drop low 30s at or below freezing this morning. not going to be the case tomorrow morning as we do have extra clouds around. so upper 30s to upper 40s tomorrow morning. the rain does move in. let's check out live doppler seven. clouds are already thickening up, especially in the northern part of our viewing area. as a level one storm is heading in our direction. as we take a look at the timeline tomorrow morning. you see those showers there scattered at 10 a.m. through noon, and then the showers are going to move on out and we get a little bit of a break before the next system comes in. highs tomorrow with mainly sunny skies, 40s 50s accuweather seven day sunshine tomorrow afternoon, level one in the morning and then a one for wednesday. more wet weather for the weekend. ama and dan. >> all right. >> great. thanks, sandy. >> all right. chris alvarez is here with sports. a lot to talk about tonight a lot of warriors news two to talk about coming up in sports. >> former warriors gm bob myers is getting back in the game. but
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in a new sport. and how close was draymond green to actually retiring the role of the nba commissioner ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease,
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adam silver helped talk him out of that. draymond spent nearly a month away from the team and described what hurt him the most during his absence from the court. >> brings pain. i have a wife, i have children, i have parents, i have grandparents, siblings, friends. um, that i embarrassed at and mom experienced death threats. uh, my children, i have two children. uh that are of school age. they go to school in the bay area. uh, most of their friends are warriors fans, you know, or their parents are warriors fans. um, and so. so my children have has had to live with that. joe lacob made a commitment to me this past summer, uh, for the next four years. and the conversations that we've had, we had and leading up to that, i felt
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miserably and i apologize for that. >> and a friend a reminder draymond unlikely to play in this one. but we havehe warriors hosting the pelicans right here on abc seven wednesday night. coverage begins at 5:00 followed by after the game. the warriors have practice tomorrow. i'll be at chase center as well. a couple of busy days at chase. now today is often referred to as black monday around the nfl. the first day after the regular season where a lot of coaches and management get fired for not having winning seasons. now former warriors gm bob myers, he's getting involved in the nfl. myers has been hired by the washington commanders as they search for a new head coach and gm to a new head coach. excuse me to replace former cal star ron rivera, who had just 26 wins in four seasons. the four time nba champion, currently an nba analyst for espn and now has some new nfl duties. speaking of the commanders, they're one of two interested teams in fort myers assistant gm adam peters. now, while the niners lost yesterday's regular season finale to the rams, resting many of their key players, they're on to prepare for the divisional round. the last time the niners
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earned the nfc's top seed, they reached the super bowl during that 2019 season. now just two wins away from reaching the ultimate goal of competing for the lombardi trophy. >> one goal down was to get home field advantage number one seed. um, but like i said, we got plenty of goals. and you know, we want to get to that main one. so you know, and we just hope that we continue that into the postseason. that's really when it matters. >> it's just exciting getting ready, preparing for it. like you said, we want to go win or go home. so it's a one game season from here on out. and uh, that's all you can ask for as a player. >> you know, everybody knows how last year ended in the nfc championship game. and how how much of a, you know, heartbreak that was and you got to start all over and you got to start from from week one. the way the guys have performed week in and week out has put us in a position to where we can really go and get what we set out for. >> it's such a long, grueling season for the niners. get that crucial bye week to rest up. that's huge. and yeah, it's really big this time of year because everyone's banged up. it's a matter of having your
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guys healthy and ready to go. they had a good got a chance to rest some guys. now we'll just wait and see who their opponent is in a couple of weeks at levi's years ago the season was 12 games. >> now it's what, 1717? >> he had them all these games and it'll be fun to see what happens with the warriors this week. practice tomorrow then of course, the game on our air. my first game back at chase center for after the game. i love doing those interviews. so that's me. a lot of fun. >> they're great at it. all right. thanks, chris. yeah >> all right. tonight on abc seven at eight. it's pretty baby brooks shields. then stay tuned for abc seven news at 11. and remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. you can get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are, we are always there for you. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you so much for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. chris alvarez, all of us. we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and we'll have a great evening and we'll see you again at 11.
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with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) kids' special ticket offer. ♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios... this is... [applause] for the deciding game, here are our three second chance finalists-- a solar project developer from houston, texas...
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...who ended friday's game with $0. a consultant from new york, new york... who earned... our last show. and a healthcare administrator from providence, rhode island... who won... ...on friday. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome to the deciding game in this round of our "jeopardy!" secondhance competition. friday's game was competitive throughout, but none of our three finalists, matt, michael or randall, could come up with the correct response in final jeopardy! and the scores you see on their podiums right now are the result. anything can happen in game two, so let's clear away friday's totals and we'll add that back to whatever our players earn today to determine our winner. good luck, gentlemen. let's get to work in the jeopardy! round. here are your categories. we start off with some...


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