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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 10, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ junior and new golden globes winner. i owe you debris. have a great night previously on "jimmy kimmel live" --
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- robert downey jr., ayo edebiri, and music from fridayy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: appreciate that. welcome. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks for joining us on -- [ cheers and applause ] i tell you something, you know this if you watch the show. we see a lot of nonsense from the top these days. from trump and company.
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but there was -- i don't know if you saw this, but i really like to show it to you. there was a scene in the house of representatives this morning that was every bit as contentious and dramatic, and childish, as a "real housewives" season finale. [ laughter ] i'm not overselling this. if you thought c-span was boring, and it usually is, it came popping out of its shell when hunter biden stopped in to make a surprise visit to the house oversight committee. the backstory is a maga-happy gang of republicans have made it their mission to paint hunter biden -- you're familiar with the crackhead hunter biden? [ laughter ] okay. as some kind of criminal mastermind who's charged with bringing money into the family. so they served him with a subpoena, ordering him to testify, as part of their manufactured impeachment query they're doing. and hunter said, "all right, i'll testify, but only if i can do it in public." he wanted to do it on tv. presumably so we can see what a joke this is.
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they said, no, no, we have to do it in secret so we can spin it however we like afterwards. and hunter says no deal. either we do it in public or we don't do it at all. so this morning, the oversight committee meets, with cameras rolling, for a hearing on whether to hold hunter in contempt for not showing up. and guess who shows up? hunter biden. [ laughter ] it was incredible. it was like when the polar bear showed up on "lost." [ laughter ] it was like c-span meets "the maury povich show." they didn't know what to do. they were planning to do a big grandstanding routine. they'd give the little speeches they hope will get on fox news. instead, they ended up looking like they were the ones on crack. >> my first question is who bribed hunter biden to be here today? that's my first question. second question, you are the epitome of white privilege. coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. what are you afraid of? you have no balls to come up here and -- >> mr. chairman, point of inquiry. >> mr. chairman -- >> the lady -- >> if the gentle lady wants to
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hear from hunter biden, we can hear from him right now, mr. chairman. let's take a vote and hear from hunter biden. what are you afraid of? >> am i allowed to speak? >> hold on, order, order -- >> are women allowed to speak in here or no? you keep interrupting me. >> jimmy: that was nancy mace of south carolina calling hunter biden out for white privilege. have you met your own party? have you met your own face? [ laughter ] nancy mace completely lost her mind. she demanded that he be arrested and locked up. nothing satisfies these people. they're constantly asking, "where's hunter?" and then he shows up, and they're mad. [ laughter ] so now with the republicans in a full-blown tizzy, florida democrat jared moskowitz decided he would have some fun. >> the witness accepted the chairman's invitation. it just so happens the witness is here. if the committee wants to hear from the witness and the chairman gave the witness that option, then the only folks that are afraid to hear from the
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witness, with the american people watching, are my friends on the other side of the aisle. i don't know if there's a proper motion, mr. chairman, but i'll make a motion. let's vote. let's take a vote. who wants to hear from hunter right now, today? anyone? come on. who wants to hear from hunter? no one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all of a sudden, none of them have any questions for hunter. isn't that something? and then moskowitz pulled a beauty. he offered to vote to hold hunter biden in contempt, if they also held the six republican congressmen who also ignored a subpoena in contempt, too. mark meadows, jim jordan, mo brooks, scott perry, andy biggs and kevin mccarthy all refused to testify, privately or publicly, when they were subpoenaed for what happened on january 6th. which would be embarrassing to them, if they were in any way capable of shame. [ laughter ] there's no shame anymore. remember that scene in "game of thrones" when they marched
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cersei through the streets saying "shame"? they used that all up. [ laughter ] that was the end of it. and of course, a messy scene in congress would not be complete without a karen moment from the hypocritter marjorie taylor greene. klan mom started shouting at the president's son. so hose like, you know what i'm getting up and i'm leaving. which she took as a very sexist offense. >> i think it's clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that hunter biden is terrified of strong, conservative, republican women. because he can't even face my words as i was about to speak to him. what a coward. >> jimmy: she's so woke. you know? [ laughter ] what a snowflake. the woman who showed the world naked pictures of hunter biden in congress can't understand why he didn't want to stay to hear her pontificate. [ laughter ] >> i think it's interesting to hear the gentle lady from georgia speak about hunter biden leaving when she is the person that showed nude photos of hunter biden in this very committee room, showing [ bleep ] pics in this committee
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room of hunter biden. >> jimmy: no, that didn't sound like a gentle lady to me, i tell you. [ laughter and applause ] thinking about it, kids today have no idea how lucky they are. when i was in high school, we never had [ bleep ] pics on c-span. we had to go to the streets. [ laughter ] and that's when the ranking democrat on the oversight committee, jamie raskin, came in to kick some ass-kin. >> mr. chairman, i ask you for unanimous consent to enter information for the record. >> what's the information? >> faked information. >> thank you. >> parties have the right to object. the minority's not provided a copy of the material. for the record in the past she's displayed pornography. is pornography allowed in this committee room? >> it's not pornography. >> okay. you're the expert. [ laughter ] >> i am not an expert, mr. raskin. >> jimmy: and that is what is known as a burn. [ laughter ] the whole thing was crazy.
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poor president zelensky is over there in ukraine going, "what the hell are these people doing?" [ laughter ] it's embarrassing. they're not even pretending to try to get anything done. it went on and on until finally, a representative from san francisco, congressman draymond green, tried to inject some civility. [ laughter ] >> i look back on the situations, it's like, can't you remove the antics? i'm very confident i can remove the antics. >> jimmy: yes, we've got to remove the antics already. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: draymond is back on the golden state warriors after an involuntary vacation for the antics that got him indefinitely suspended from the nba. this is kind of interesting. green said he told nba commissioner adam silver that it was all too much for him and that he was going to retire to spend more time committing technical fouls on his family. [ laughter ] he said adam silver talked him out of it. he told him, "you're making a very rash decision, and i won't let you do that." which is especially impressive considering the fact that draymond was chasing him around his office when he said it. [ laughter ] but good for them. maybe adam silver should run the country.
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or even better, maybe this guy should be running the country. >> aaron rodgers had said that about you, implied you'd been on the epstein list -- >> i'd have punched him in the face. >> what do you mean? >> you know what the hell punch him in the face mean. >> you mean metaphorically? >> no, i meant rhetorically, whatever the hell. you've got me using big words. i don't know what those words mean. rhetorical, metaphorically? i don't even know -- are we talking metaphor chee? i don't know what those words mean. hell, yeah, i'd punch him in the face. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's clear, thank you. thank you, sir charles. for your rhetorical, met tore call, and oratorical support. [ laughter ] i appreciate it. the tsa yesterday released their annual list of the best-worst items they confiscated over the past year. they do this every year, i guess, to let us know what not to bring on planes. some of it seems obvious. like the passenger who tried to sneak a knife inside a loaf of keto bread. [ laughter ]
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the disgusting bread was confiscated, and the passenger was allowed to keep the knife, continue boarding. another crazy one was a clump of marijuana that was hidden inside a diaper. [ laughter ] i guess this was a super-cool baby. [ laughter ] number seven on the list -- these are for real -- was a bag of meth hidden inside a can of crab boil seasoning. [ laughter ] it's a good thing they caught this. a meth crab boil. that's how you end up with a second florida. [ laughter ] [ applause ] speaking of boiled crabs and florida, donald trump is in iowa tonight but not for the debate. there was a fifth republican debate again without the yell-ephant in the room. [ laughter ] only nikki haley and ron desantis were the only candidates besides trump, who wasn't there, qualified to be in the debate. trump calls them bird brain and the meatball, which sounds like a morning radio team from 1995. [ laughter ] chris christie today dropped out of the race. now it's down for these two. there's nobody fun left to watch. it's like a box of lucky charms with no marshmallows.
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[ laughter ] why are they even letting them debate? is it like what happens between innings at a baseball game, when they let those guys in the hot dog costumes race each other. [ laughter ] whatever the case, tonight's debate came down to nikki and ron, which also happens to be my favorite new show. >> she has all the right words. >> leave my daughter out of your voice. >> he has all the right moves. there's only one problem. the stage isn't big enough for two pairs of heels. could their acrimony lead to matrimony? variety vomits, "please don't make them kiss." "the hollywood reporter" wonders, why does desantis keep licking his lips? we know they'll bite -- >> that is the truth. >> i never said that. >> we have it on video. >> will they fall in love? "nikki and ron." only on qvc3. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that i would watch. the iowa cauc-i happens on monday which, for whatever reason, is a big deal every presidential election. there's a lot of focus on iowa, which makes me wonder if americans who don't live in iowa have any idea where iowa is? to find out, we conducted a poll. a geography poll. we went out onto hollywood boulevard to ask pedestrians to look at a map and locate the hawkeye state. ♪ where is iowa ♪ >> can you point out the state of iowa for us? >> oh, lord. iowa. um -- i think -- oh, i have a stick. uh -- is it -- is it -- is it that? >> no, that is not iowa. i believe that's ohio. >> iowa -- i am not sure. there? >> no, that's not, that's minnesota. >> this? >> no, that is not, that is missouri. >> oh, what about there? >> no, that is illinois. >> ah. what about there? >> that is minnesota.
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>> and -- you know -- i have not a clue. >> i feel like it's -- somewhere in here? >> i'll give you a hint, it's the hawkeye state. bad dog. that's minnesota. >> oh, oh gosh. i'm going to guess right here. >> no. that's wrong. that's, i believe, nebraska. >> oh, gosh. i don't even know where it is. i only know right around here. >> i'm just going to say here. >> is it somewhere like up here? >> that's not correct, so sorry. >> oh, good lord. >> no. >> okay. crap. >> try one more time. >> no. >> [ bleep ]. >> hey, man. somewhere in there, right? >> right here? >> maybe here? >> that's south dakota.
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>> okay. >> no, that's wyoming. that is nebraska. that's utah. colorado. montana. that's idaho. >> okay, we're getting close. [ laughter ] >> it's over here somewhere, i think. >> do you want to apologize to the people of iowa? >> no. because half of america couldn't find this, so no, i'm not apologizing. >> no, that's ohio. >> ohio, dang it. >> very close. actually, you know what hold on, let's make it a little easier. can we make -- we want people to get it. you got this. this is a little bit easier. >> right here? >> no. let's make it a little bit easier. actually, let's make it even easier. >> right there. >> there you go, awesome. ♪ where is iowa ♪
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>> jimmy: we're going to find it eventually, we'll let you know. we've got a fun show for you tonight. from "the bear," ayo edebiri is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from fridayy. and we'll be right back with robert downey jr. so stick around!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello, there. welcome back to the show. tomorrow night on our program, i hope you will join us, natalie portman and chris distefano will be with us, with music from turnpike troubadours. tonight, we have a tremendous lineup, climaxing with a very talented singer and songwriter from philadelphia. this is his self-titled album music from fridayy. [ cheers and applause ] two "ys." and we've got a pair of golden globe-winners from sunday night. from "the bear," ayo edebiri is with us. [ cheers and applause ] and our first guest is backstage raring to go. he is a twice oscar-nominated actor and founding father of the marvel cinematic universe. he won a trophy this weekend for his work as admiral lewis strauss in "oppenheimer." please welcome robert downey jr. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's starting to get frightening. [ laughter ] well, that was quite a reception. i can't help but notice i didn't get an eighth of that. [ laughter ] but you deserve it. congratulations, by the way, on the golden globe on sunday night. [ cheers and applause ] you know, i heard -- i have some insight.
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i heard it was anonymous. i heard you won -- you got all the votes. none of the other actors got any votes. you got them all. >> yeah. boy, that must feel good for any of my co-nominees. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sure they've forgotten it already. >> you're right. >> jimmy: you mentioned in your speech, as soon as i heard it i wanted to ask you about it. you said, i took a beta blocker before i came up here. >> yes, direct quote was, "i just dropped a beta blocker, so this will be a breeze." [ laughter ] by the way, schiff gotten -- that was a billion-dollar moment. i just went right by me. >> jimmy: you need to make an endorsement deal with a pharmaceutical company the next time you mention a drug on the air. >> wouldn't that be a radical turn? [ laughter ] i mean, look. they're fun -- they're good once in a while. you can't depend on them. >> jimmy: is that true? tell me about them. because i took one on one time, i didn't feel like it did anything. >> right, that's why it's actually okay to take it. >> jimmy: i see, okay. >> it does something but you
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don't go, oh my god, i'd like to take 300 of those. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> it just kind of takes the edge off, and it worked a treat. >> jimmy: is it good to take the edge off? >> i think when you -- if you feel like you might panic if your name gets called. you know what it's like when you're nominated for a golden globe? [ laughter and applause ] you guys can relate to this, right? >> jimmy: i'm surprised by this because you seem like the most confident -- maybe the most confident person i've ever met in my whole life. you get nervous in situations like that? >> yes, i'm a human person. [ laughter ] and sometimes, like flying -- does anyone else bug out when they fly? it hey hate to admit it but i don't like hurting through the air at 500 miles an hour, it's too weird a concept. >> jimmy: you're iron man, how is that possible? [ cheers and applause ] >> well, i mean -- this is part of my new campaign to share my humanity with everybody. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it really is working, it's very relatable.
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>> relatable. by the way, i'd like to thank jager for this. [ laughter ] you relate, watch endorsements? >> jimmy: when you go to a show like that, talking about nerves, is there anybody you get nervous meeting? or are you beyond that now? >> well, a little insight into my experience. i look over at one table, and martin short goes -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you call martin short? >> i don't have his number. meryl streep came over. and i wasn't creeping out but i was talking to her and feeling the consistency of her stress shoulder, like downloading the data. because it was a moment. >> jimmy: oh, there you are. yeah, you really are, huh? >> oh my god. >> jimmy: yeah, that's -- >> i don't remember doing that. [ laughter ] that's the beta blocker. >> jimmy: those beta blockers work. >> i think she had a crumb of food on her cheek, and i was embarrassed for her, so i was lapping it up.
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i almost ran into julia garner. i saw timothee chalamet, he had this sequin number on, like, wow, he's amazing. >> jimmy: there aren't many people like timothee chalamet, he's kind like a unicorn in and of himself. these young stars who have a bright future. do they ask you for advice? do you offer advice? >> honestly, i feel like i'm training my replacements. wow, you're young and super talented. hi, i'm grandpa. [ laughter ] it's kind of like that. >> jimmy: your first oscar nomination was in 1993, right? >> yikes. >> jimmy: 1993. you were nominated for "chaplain." >> just for a minute. >> jimmy: that was a big deal for you, yes? >> that was a big deal yeah. i think i was a bit of a pseudo hipster back then. i was wearing like platform boots. >> jimmy: oh. >> oh, dear, there it is. look at that little shop of horrors tie i have. [ cheers and applause ]
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yeah. he had his act together. anyway. >> jimmy: everybody was wearing this in '93. >> oh, yeah, exactly. i mean, it's like i time traveled from the 17th century onto the stage. [ laughter ] and i just remember, too, like -- "and the oscar goes to -- al pacino." i'm like, they must have misread that. [ laughter ] because when you're 26, you're so -- when you were in your 20s, everything's going to go my way forever. and then life kicks you in the sac. >> jimmy: you really, until that moment, you heard al pacino's name. you felt certain you were going to win? >> nobody else did except me. [ laughter ] which made it even weirder. they're like, "and the winner is --" >> jimmy: did you have that thing where you had the speech in your pocket, then you have to destroy it afterwards? >> i think if i had a speech in my pocket it was written on a
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piece of papyrus, look at that outfit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's pretty crazy, wow, that's something else. it's a weird mix of confidence and lack of confidence that you have. >> yeah, it's both. youth is wasted on the young. >> jimmy: how do you feel about this one, "oppenheimer"? you know, i'm sure you're aware, as far as las vegas goes, as far as these websites -- >> you think i'm calling swiftie on this? >> jimmy: i think you know probably that you're the heavy favorite to win your category at the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] >> the other thing that's come upon me, i think you're going to read this, it's super sincere, i have a newfound humility. look at it. [ laughter ] it's really -- guillermo, it's translating, isn't it? >> guillermo: yes, yes. [ laughter ] >> he knows it. >> jimmy: you said before
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"oppenheimer" came out, you were going to go around the imax theaters and watch the audience watch the movie, did you ever do that? >> that didn't happen. nope. as a matter of fact, it was because there was the strike. so even -- it could have seemed like i was promoting the film. >> jimmy: i see. >> i couldn't even go to a premiere. in sag harbor, new york, i invited pretty much everyone who was in the hamptons. for if there is time in my whole career, strangely, everyone rsvp'd. i'm like, there's michael j. fox, there's spielberg. i sit down, the movie starts, i realized i was sitting next to paul mccartney. i was like, dude, paul mccartney rsvp'd and is sitting next to me. then i'm smelling his cologne. [ laughter ] i started breathing in the same rhythm as him. i didn't even watch the movie. because -- i think you can relate to this, too. even just coming here today i was like, wow, the kimmel show is back, this place, such energy. you run into people.
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and i still find myself getting starstruck and fanboying out all the time because it's just incredible. >> jimmy: you're talking about guillermo, imassume. [ laughter ] when you came in and there was -- >> i still think he's a [ bleep ] liar, i think you're on to something. >> guillermo: no, no. >> no? only the liar says he's not a liar. >> guillermo: sorry, but no. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. we're going to take a look at a clip from the movie. if you haven't seen it yet, you should. it's called "oppenheimer." robert downey jr. is with us.
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juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce. and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks dad! ♪ you got it! ♪ [bubble pops] ♪ buy one favorite like a big mac, ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪ (laughing) nice smile, brad. nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest.
12:05 am
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12:06 am
but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change.
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shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ (majestic music) ♪ (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪)
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one of our b-29s over the north pacific has detected radiation. >> there's no doubt what this is. >> white house says there's a doubt. >> wishful thinking, i'm afraid. >> are those the lodge range detection filter papers? >> atomic test. >> the russians have a bomb. we're supposed to be years ahead of them. but -- what were you guys doing at los alamos? wasn't security tight? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is "oppenheimer" starring robert downey jr., which is coming back to they'ders and i-max this month. nominated for best picture. you're nominated -- will be nominated -- i'm jumping ahead of myself. >> don't jinx me, jimmy! >> jimmy: as host of the show, it's probably inappropriate for me to do that. i think it's safe to say. first of all, your performance is excellent in the movie. [ cheers and applause ] secondly, the movie itself was
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excellent. your character is a real person, deceased now. louis strauss is how you pronounce it. i pronounced it wrong earlier. he was -- i have to tell you, he reminds me a little bit in some ways, not him personally, but the idea that there would be backlash against oppenheimer. >> yeah. >> jimmy: after he saved us from the nazis, basically. it seems -- it reminds me in a way of the backlash dr. fauci has received in some ways. >> that is not inaccurate at all. then again, if you look at the heated nature of the times -- and there was people who just had acrimony towards each other because they had felt blown off in some way. one of the big parts of the story in "oppenheimer" is there's this moment between him and einstein, oppenheimer and einstein that strauss wants to be part of. and they just completely disregard his existence.
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and you see the seeds of discontent being born. i was like, what can i relate this to? rib in the '80s when you'd go up to velvet ropes at the clubs, you hadn't really broken yet, you'd see scott baio get out of a limousine and walk by you. "scott, remember me?" he doesn't recognize you. you're like, "i will exact my revenge on scott baio!" [ applause ] >> jimmy: is that for real? is that something you thought about? >> any time any of us have felt we were on the outside looking in, or someone had -- this slight where you'd been blown off or -- it's that weird thing. you think someone's waving at you, you wave back, then you realize, oh my god, so humiliating. but this was at a national level. and louis strauss was head of the atomic energy commission. and there was reason for him to believe that oppenheimer was a little bit too left-leaning and shouldn't be trusted to have a
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security clearance. but really, he just wanted to destroy him. and chris nolan, who we were talking about, is just one of the great directors in the history of film. he said, it's like amadeus. this time, you're not mozart, killian's playing he's oppenheimer, you're s soliari, the other guy. >> jimmy: you're chachi. >> he was chachi. i was a guy who couldn't get in to watch them taping church." >> jimmy: christopher nolan, you're right, his movies are fantastic. do you guys sit down, figure out how you're going to approach the character together? >> yeah, as always there's a little requisite humility. i was like, "chris, you've written a perfect script, i think i can fix it." [ laughter ] so we would shoot stuff and eye be improvising. this one day he just goes, "robert, your embellishments
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are -- anyway, if you get scared out there, just float gently back to the text." [ laughter ] "i won't judge you for it." and i was like, this guy just completely, completely got my psyche in a place where i couldn't even be mad at him for telling me to just, do less, dude. >> jimmy: that is a beautiful way to put it for sure. >> oh, boy, he got me good. >> jimmy: you've written a cookbook here, which is not something i ever imagined -- >> this is "cool food," exciting stuff. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you and thomas costigan. it's not just a cookbook. it teaches you about the things to eat so we can stay on the planet? >> this is like an a.d.d., open it to any page guide, how can i reduce my carbon footprint by changing the habits and the way that i eat? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what's the best thing -- i know some of the worst things we can eat.
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what's the best thing we can eat? >> well, it always comes down to, if you can reduce animal protein a little bit, or if you can put lentils into your burger patty that makes a big difference. if you eat cashews, they're better than all the other nuts. rice. the rice industry takes as much energy as the entire aviation industry. it's better to lean into the more ancient grains. strawberries are great, apples are great, mangos are fantastic. sometimes during the course of the day i'll be like, it's easy to make choices between all these options we have. and it winds up making a big difference. this is a real scientist, tom costigan. the reason this book is going to sell is because i'm right there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right there, golden globe winner. >> this guy is a super genius, he's done a dozen best-sellers. it was this education for me. but there's all these little factoids -- >> jimmy: can you cook as well? >> i can kind of cook. there's recipes in there.
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no, jimmy, i can't cook, i have a chef. who's the liar now? >> guillermo: sorry. >> jimmy: well, you know what, you're honest. that's for sure. it's cooled "cool food." it's a cookbook for people who don't cook. >> yeah. [ cheers ] it's got stuffthat -- yeah. >> jimmy: there are recipes in here that one could follow? >> recipes, little quick things you can do. >> jimmy: yes. >> look, even the book is small. it look less material to make the book. i'm thinking this through. >> jimmy: did you know you have to cut down 11 trees to make one cookbook? i made that up, but yeah. [ laughter ] >> he's having fun now. >> jimmy: it's called "cool food." hey, we're not going to be around long, we might as well enjoy ourselves. >> great, nice messaging. >> jimmy: and "oppenheimer," well worth your time, returns to theaters and imax this month and is available on digital and 4k. that's robert downey jr., everybody. [ cheers and applause ] his book comes out january 23rd. we'll be back with ayo edebiri.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back. music from fridayy is on the way. our next guest is an inspiration to potato chip and omelet lovers all around the world. on sunday, she won a golden globe for her performance in "the bear." all episodes are on hulu now. please welcome ayo edebiri. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. do you remember when we met, the first time we met? >> i do remember the first time we met. >> jimmy: weird, right? >> it was weird. because i was training for "the bear." it was before we had filmed the first season. and i was pretending to be a chef.
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but it was like -- it was during covid. i had a face mask on. also, even outside of that, why would you know who i >> jimmy: well, i was been dering around, i went into this bakery owned by sherry yard, a great pastry chef. there you were. and i said hello. >> i don't know why i looked as if you took a picture of me. i'm going to remember! you also sounded like that. >> jimmy: and then someone there told me that you were -- i assumed you were going to be hosting like a cooking show or something? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: then, of course, you pop up on "the bear." and i saw you at the emmys. and you told me this story. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is pretty crazy. i feel in a lot of ways responsible for your success. [ laughter ] >> okay. yeah, no, no. i love that you feel that way, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just give me this, will you? >> for sure, for sure. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the show is great. [ cheers and applause ]
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i happen to love that area of the world. the restaurants. that's why i was wandering around into this restaurant-type facility. you gave a speech on sunday night at the golden globes. >> yes. >> jimmy: that i thought was interesting. because you thanked a group of people that are really the most important group of people in hollywood. >> totally, yes. >> jimmy: the assistants to the agents. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: have you -- did you -- first of all, did you hear from your agent's assistant immediately after that? >> yeah. she -- well, i think she was, like, doing work. so the first time i heard back from her, she was like, "hi, what times are youavailable for x, y, z?" then after she was like, "also, that was very sweet." i was like, "you save my life every day." so, yeah. >> jimmy: i imagined all those people cheering when they heard you say that at that moment. >> yeah, but it's true. i've assisted before. >> jimmy: you have? >> yeah, i was -- i started out as like a p.a.
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as writer's assistant. it's a -- they're just very hard jobs, and they're often thankless. so i just was like -- >> jimmy: not anymore. [ cheers and applause ] and this morning, you got a couple of nominations, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: you got a bafta nomination and a s.a.g. nomination. [ cheers and applause ] did people wake you up to tell you it happened? >> shaking me out of my bed every day. no, yeah, it was very cool. i feel like i'm always very humbled whenever i text my parents. and they're like, "okay." >> jimmy: is that true? >> that is true. i actually -- i told my parents that i was going to be on this show. and my mom said," oh, you're going to be on jimmey kimble." and my dad said, "okay." [ laughter ] that was that, and we moved on. >> jimmy: people do put a "b" in my name for no reason. >> it's just my parents. >> jimmy: your grandma.
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i'd love for you to explain it beforehand. >> yes. >> jimmy: your grandmother is a viewer of your show? >> she is, which i did not know. i grew up very religious. and my grandmother is the bedrock of that. she is a staunch pentecostal woman. her best friend is her pastor. that's not an exaggeration. but my grandmother, i went back home, she was like, "i watched the show." and i was like, "oh, you watched the show full of swears." and she was like, "yes, and i have some thoughts." i've never heard this woman say a bad thing in her life. and -- yeah. >> jimmy: wait, let's hear the bad things. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. it's too much. let that [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. i love the -- i love the acting, but -- swears, too much. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, there's going to
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be some shock around the tgi friday's this week. [ laughter ] >> i love you, i love you, to my grandmother. i don't know what camera to look at. sorry, sorry. i love you. >> jimmy: wow. that's funny. where's your family from? >> my dad is from nigeria. and my mom is from barbados. >> jimmy: interesting. [ applause ] as far as cooking goes -- >> yes. >> jimmy: -- are you now -- would you consider yourself to be a good cook, above average? >> i would consider myself to be one. i am still not allowed in the kitchen. my mom is like, "you're not ready yet." i'm like, "when are we going to get there?" i'm fully repretending to do this on tv 9 to 5. >> jimmy: sounds like the show, there's some similarities there. >> that just clicked for me now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's your chachi-style motivation. >> i'm in, now i'm in. >> jimmy: you made this
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omelette. i -- was it the last episode? >> one of them. >> jimmy: you made an omelette with potato chips in it. >> yes. >> jimmy: it became a big thing. >> yeah, because it's really tasty. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> it's really good. but yeah. courtney store, one of the culinary producers on the show, right -- like whenever there's a season and we're doing the culinary prep, we really learn how to come the things we're going to be making on screen. and she was like, "i have this idea." and we tested, i don't know, felt like 100 different ways of putting chips in or on an omelette. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> like a spanish omelette style thing, or more a classic french omelette, use the chips as a garnish? we did a bunch of different versions. is it stuffed, is it not stuffed? and then after consuming copious amounts of butter and cheese and eggs, we were like, this is the best one, but also, we can never eat this again. >> jimmy: so you don't make this now for friends at home? >> absolutely not. >> jimmy: no, it's a lot of
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butter in it. >> it's a lot of butter, it's a lot of cheese, it's a lot of egg. it's a lot of chip. it's the perfect thing. but i've had too much. >> jimmy: when butter is measured in a knob, that means it's too much. >> yeah. when you're just sort of like eyeballing butter? when you're like, yeah, whole stick, another stick, yeah. >> jimmy: you -- by the way, i want to tell you one other thing before we're done. i went to a mall in torrance to see your movie "bottoms." [ cheers and applause ] my wife and i. and it is so funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and it's so original and weird. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i would recommend -- i don't know -- is it on a streamer or something now? >> yeah, i believe it's on amazon prime. look to the cameras and the lights. so please, please. >> jimmy: grandma should definitely not see that one. >> no, no, no. don't watch "bottoms," don't watch "bottoms," grandma! >> jimmy: of course, you can see all episodes, both seasons of
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"the bear" on hulu now. thank you for being here. ayo edebiri, everybody! we'll be back with fridayy. symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything.
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>> so, are you doing okay? yeah. >> i might have to start driving over on the weekends, but i don't have a car, so maybe let me carry people. how are you so comfortable with leading such a garbage life? >> i mean it as a compliment. like, wow. well this is his self-titled album here at the song. >> when it comes to you friday you fell in the deep end
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you done came into my life while i was sinkin' ♪ ♪ i been on that type of time with the demons all the time i was outside i was creepin' ♪ ♪ it was love at first sight girl when you walked in ♪ ♪ couldn't look deep in your eyes 'cause i'd get locked in ♪ ♪ you was hurtin' deep inside and you was broken ♪ ♪ but i was on the other. >> no, i won't waste my time when it comes when it comes to you ♪ ♪ put my pride aside give it all to you put my pride aside ohh ♪ ♪ girl i won't waste no time i won't waste no time when it comes to you ♪ ♪ put my pride aside give it all to you put my pride aside girl ♪ ♪ pullin' up fast to you two-two-three bust rounds for you ♪
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♪ all eyes on me got me feelin' like pac but i do it all for you ♪ ♪ don't get caught up in them lies before you know the truth ♪ ♪ i'd be down to risk it all if you ask me to ♪ ♪ ain't playin' with your heart 'cause that's too much to lose ♪ ♪ you puttin' up a wall but you ain't bulletproof ♪ ♪ i done got it out the mud ain't got nothin' to prove tryna open up your mind and see a clearer view ♪ ♪ ooh all the times i made you wait for me no more ♪ ♪ no no no but i was on the other side and didn't notice ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh i won't waste your time i won't waste my time when it comes to you ♪ ♪ put my pride aside give it all to you put my pride aside ♪ ♪ girl i won't waste no time comes to you. come up out of sight i won't waste no time
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when it comes to you ♪ ♪ put my pride aside give it all to you put my pride aside yeah ♪ ♪ i won't waste no time i won't waste no time when it comes to you ♪ ♪ put my pride aside give it all to you put my pride aside give it all to you ♪ ♪ i won't waste no time i won't waste no time when it comes to ♪ ♪ put my pride aside when it comes to you ohh when it comes to ♪ [ cheers and applause ] to >> viewer discretion is advised. all. five episodes one drop. >> i wouldn't have it any other way.
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robert downey jr, iowa debris and friday apologies tching. goodnight. >> this is nightline nine tonight jonathan majors, that exclusive headline making interview. what? you haven't heard yet. >> my hands have never struck a woman, ever. >> the former hollywood he


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