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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  January 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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that line. get ready for rain for days. the first in a series of storms moved into the bay area this afternoon right now, parts of the bay area are getting a good drenching for the evening commute. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. good evening to you this winter is coming in cold and wet . >> yes, we are taking a live look now at conditions all across the bay area and tracking this band of rain on live doppler seven abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel has a look at the spots that are getting the brunt of this rainmaker. >> yeah, and dan and ama right now you will see the downpours are across parts of the east bay at this hour as we look at live doppler seven, we are seeing some brief heavy rain crossing parts of bay point, pittsburg, clayton area as we go into street level radar marsh creek road. so don't be surprised if you run into some heavy rain. as we look at fairfield across 80. definitely watch out and the rain is steady across parts of san francisco, the bay view district into brisbane. colma 280 heading down sneath lane. as we look further south towards
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and the west towards the coastline are light and as we widen the picture here, this is a level one storm that is moving in. we had a few showers this morning ahead of the main system. now the main system is coming through, so expect the rain to continue through tonight. 930 as we head into 11 p.m. it starts to shift on out of here. it is a level one. as i mentioned. tonightrillionain brief downpours, slippery roadways, and low visibility. and speaking of, here's a live view from our kgo roof camera. this is just the start of some stormy conditions that we're going to face in the accuweather seven day forecast. i'll be back with a closer look coming up. dan okay, sandy, thanks a lot. >> well, the rain is raising more safety concerns in golden gate park after that massive eucalyptus tree came crashing down on vehicles driving on the road below. 11 people were rescued from inside those vehicles. thankfully no one was seriously hurt. it happened on 19th avenue during yesterday's evening commute. we showed it to you live right here yesterday.
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abc seven news anchor dion lim looked into the problem of falling trees in the park and what can be done about it. it's been more than 24 hours since this nearly 100 foot tall, 80 year old eucalyptus was fully uprooted and fell onto five vehicles monday afternoon, trapping 11 people in their cars . >> and it literally just came down on our on our roof. >> visitors to golden gate park tuesday were still in disbelief. i actually stopped walking last year when the rains were so heavy i just didn't come. frank vasquez, president of vasquez arbor care, says eucalyptus are not native to california and have always posed challenges. >> the tree is very heavy, top heavy and their root system is shallow. so it doesn't come to a surprise. uh- to many arborists, when you hear of a eucalyptus failure, he says. >> failure, though, can happen no matter the age of a tree or species. >> see, the challenge is with climate changing and we're receiving winds like we've never received before the storms. so
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proper pruning is key. by taking off the weight of the branches, as we like to say, creating windows in a tree, it allows the wind to go through those branches and not put the pressure on. on the branches. >> according to san francisco rec and park, there are 131,000 trees in the city's park system and 27,000 alone in golden gate park. the city tells me they'll be inspecting trees in golden gate park looking for hazards in the coming days. their tree crew consists of just 25 people, so while it's impossible to avoid the nearly 700,000 trees citywide, the same thing with humans and trees so much, many of us don't know what's going on inside of us. >> and it's so hard because you don't know what's happening with is there decay in the tree? is it how is the root system? >> vasquez says it's all about being on the defense. >> so the only thing you can do, like you do with us, is preventative care. >> in san francisco, diane lim, abc seven news. in the east bay,
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supporters of an anti-violence program are getting to resurrected in oakland supporters of operation ceasefire say it is proven to decrease gun crime in oakland. >> but abc seven news reporter anser hassan explains some are not convinced to fight the spike in crime. >> oakland is looking to resurrect operation ceasefire and new data from an audit is helping the cause. it's focused deterrence, so we are identifying and focusing in on the less than 1% of community members that are at the center of violence and driving gun violence in this city. operation ceasefire in oakland became a national model for tackling gun violence. when introduced ten years ago, it focused attention on a small group of individuals and gangs, and also established programs like job training, counseling and social services. as new data suggests that the data driven operation ceasefire works. according to the city of oakland, there was a 42% drop in homicides from 2012 to 2017,
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approximately 140 lives saved. but then came the pandemic and a shift away from ceasefire. many community groups argue that ceasefire can be improved, but remain optimistic that oakland mayor shengtao and the department of islands prevention will remain committed to violence. intervention in resurrecting ceasefire. >> they would be looking at best practices from across the country to ensure that the program, those that are invested in and implemented in the city of oakland, are based on the best available data, and we certainly support that. >> i'm not a fan of ceasefire to be quite frank. >> george galvez is the executive director of communities united for restorative youth justice. he says the data masks flaws with ceasefire's approach. some were sled to no-knock raids targeting black and brown communities and sometimes forcing people into compliance. >> and they, um, proceed to kind of really posture and kind of threaten them that if they don't change their behavior, that there's going to be that they're going to be, you know, held accountable. um, and then at the end of that, particularly in
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these sessions where they pull in about 20 folks, they offer two jobs as dishwashers at some, you know, you know, you know, at some restaurant, um, in oakland, galvez says those types of jobs aren't always attractive alternatives. >> another concern that ceasefire statistics are conflated with other programs run by the department of violence prevention. >> so all city grantees who get violence prevention funding, they would very oftentimes take credit for, uh, any impact that those strategies have and consider that to be part of the ceasefire strategy. >> the audit will be presented at tuesday's city council meeting in oakland, anser hassan . abc seven news. >> we're learning new details about a homicide near chase center in san francisco over the weekend. the second fatal shooting near the warriors home in just a week. san francisco police confirm a man was found shot to death saturday night near terry francois francois boulevard in 16th street. officers found him at the scene and tried to save him, but he died at the hospital. a second person who was shot is
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recovering just one week before this shooting, a 27 year old man was found shot to death in the same location. >> the alameda county major crimes task force is now investigating an explosion at a possible drug lab that sent one person to the hospital and forced the closure of an emergency room. the explosion happened, and at apartment building on waverly terrace and fremont about 930 this morning, someone in that apartment drove themselves to kaiser permanente medical center in san leandro, where they're now in critical condition. around 1:00, about 15 people at kaiser who'd come into contact with that person started to feel sick, hazardous materials crews were called in and evacuated. the emergency room, which remains closed as we speak. there was a small rally today over the future of people's park in berkeley. it was billed as an art build and took place on uc berkeley's campus. the rain probably dampened the turnout somewhat. meanwhile we're getting a better look at the proposal for the historic site. renderings show two buildings on the site. most
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of the space dedicated to housing students. currently, uc berkeley supplies housing for only about a quarter of its student body, a space will also be used as housing for 100 unhoused people. new details. >> we now know the name of a woman who died in a plane crash off the san mateo county coast sunday. she is 27 year old emma wilmer skiles of san francisco. her body was found near the crash site yesterday. the ntsb is leading the investigation and the faa has said there were two people on board the san mateo county sheriff's office says the plane took off from the east bay in the south bay. drivers need to be prepared for some delays on one of the bay area's busiest roadways because of lane restrictions, caltrans is going to bcleaning up highway 101 from 13th street in san jose. all the way up to shoreline boulevard in mountain view. they'll be on the southbound side in the mornings, and in the afternoon they'll be on the northbound side. the work will be going on each day this week with a focus on the center divider as well as the shoulder. >> i know some some motorists
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probably see like these large weeds and center divider. or they see some, you know, debris from a crash or a blown out tire . our crews are going to go out there and they're going to clean all that up. the work is supposed to start at 9:00 in the morning, and then wrap up by 4:00 in the afternoon. >> if all goes as planned, caltrans will be done on friday. >> former san jose mayor sam liccardo has a major endorsement tonight in his run for congress. it comes from the man who succeeded him at san jose city hall. abc seven news reporter dustin dorsey on the intensifying race to replace democrat anna eshoo. >> the primary election will decide which two candidates will appear on the ballot for representative of california's 16th congressional district and the race to see who will take over for anna eshoo is heating up an open congressional seat is a rare thing in california. >> so, you know, this is the first time this seat has been open in over 30 years. >> and sjsu political science professor melinda jackson says state assembly member evan lowe, santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and former san jose
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mayor sam liccardo are emerging as favorites, the latter receiving a big endorsement tuesday. our local governments need a national partner so that we are addressing these issues from every angle, and that partner is sam liccardo. >> there aren't many endorsements that matter, but certainly the mayor of the largest city in the district matters. and as mayors, we understand accountability. we embrace it. we need to bring that accountability to congress because on issues like homelessness and crime and the high cost of living, we don't have an accountable congress. >> liccardo, lowe and simitian are growing their list of public endorsements who each believe they are the right person for congress. lowe has pulled the california legislative lgbtq caucus and several u.s. representatives, including south bay congressman ro khanna, submitting a meanwhile with perhaps one of the biggest voices of all in this particular race. >> i believe that there is one person that has the ability to best represent the people of this special place, and that is
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joe simitian, jackson says. >> each candidate has had successful careers and name recognition from that work, as well as endorsements, will make a big difference when pulling voters in a historically low turnout election like a primary. >> each of these guys comes from a different area of the county and brings, you know, their own base of support from those areas. so voters are going to be looking for clues, you know, in terms of their own knowledge of the candidates. but then also these endorsements of other familiar names, the primary election is march 5th. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> new school rules when it comes to covid, the new state guidance and the changes some patients and parents can expect that's coming up
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when this will move through and when we'll see the next. in a series of storms. >> a positive covid test may not mean needing to isolate any longer. a new state guidance says it's okay to return to work or school if you test positive for covid, but show no symptoms. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes explains that it's led to new guidance in at least one local school district. he's live in san jose. zach >> yeah. dan. before this new guidance, people were told to isolate for five days whether they had symptoms or not. and though the new guidance may seem opposite of what we've learned since the start of the pandemic, experts say this guidance has been issued now for a reason.
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still, though, they do have concerns for certain groups of people as students in the oakland unified school district return to class this week from winter break, they're coming back with new covid guidance. the district sent the guidance out monday. it lets students and teachers who test positive for covid, but aren't showing symptoms, return to school and it's. notice osd said that your advised to stay home until you haven't had a fever for 24 hours without using fever, reducing medication, and until covid symptoms are mild and improving, they should also mask up when they're around other people indoors for ten days after you become sick or test positive. the district's guidance is based on a recent update to state guidance given by the california department of public health. >> so essentially what the guidance is saying is that if you have tested positive for covid, but you're not showing any symptoms, you can come to school, um, with a certain two contingencies in place, those continue agencies aim to protect those who are most vulnerable. >> still, doctors say it can't be guaranteed that people will follow them. >> the one is to avoid being
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around people who are immunocompromised, um, or at higher risk. and then two is that you're wearing a mask. i think that these are both great in theory, but it can be very difficult for both of these contingencies. >> experts are hopeful, though, that with the tools now available today, those with vulnerable bodies are in a safer place. >> i mean, i'm not saying that there aren't people who are vulnerable, but my main point is that people who are vulnerable have a lot of tools that i, i'm very confident will keep them away from the hospital if used in the right way. >> it's those tools that doctor peter chin-hong said helps encourage a district like osd to adopt the guidance into their policy. it indicates that, um, you know, we can't disrupt schooling and work and, you know, our daily lives, particularly given so many tools that we have. still, experts urge that testing and masking, when symptomatic, have to remain priorities for rapid testing. >> the sort of home antigen tests are really meant to be used multiple times if your first one is negative. so i
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think that's a key point for people to remember at home. we've reached out to multiple school districts in the bay area to see if they've adopted similar guidance. >> san francisco unified school district got back to us and say that they are still following state guidance and that if people test positive for covid, they should isolate according to that guidance. right now in san jose, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. the state is taking a major step in governor newsom's plan to improve mental health care for california's kids today , the department of health care services launched its new behavioral health virtual services platform. it includes two free behavioral health services apps for families with kids, teens and young adults. i've seen firsthand what happens when kids who are struggling don't get the support they need. >> when issues fester, and when they lead to serious injury and self harm. i've also had the honor of witnessing that when children and families are provided the right support in the right way, including prevention, an early intervention treat. they are
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resilient and tough and capable. >> the app for users 12 and younger is called bright life kids, while soluna is for users ages 13 through 25. >> all right, all eyes will be on santa clara saturday night when the 40 niners host the packers to advance to the nfc championship. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez was with the team today as they prepare for the final push of the season. he's live in santa clara tonight. chris >> yeah. dan uh- under the roof here underneath the levi's stadium. it's been a little bit rainy and drizzly and they had the tarp on the field earlier and the niners getting ready for a playoff game. you mentioned it. they're two wins away from the super bowl. first you got to face an old friend the green bay packers coming to town on saturday for the nfc divisional game. it's going to be a lot of fun. the niners can't wait to get back on the field. they're back on the practice field today. we take you there to
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santa clara where there's some of the wide receivers right there. the niners and packers meeting for the 10th time in playoff history. in fact, it's the most matchup between two franchises in nfl history. no one else has played as much as these two teams have in the playoffs. kind of hard to believe. good news for the niners defensive lineman eric armstead, who's missed the better part of a month he practiced today. you see christian mccaffrey, he's a full go. he rested in that final regular season game george kittle having fun in the seventh seeded packers. they're riding high after a blowout win over the cowboys in san francisco. knows the green and gold. they're going to mean business this weekend. >> i mean they got our attention no matter what. honestly. you win on the road as the seventh seed against a really good dallas team. i mean that's that's enough in itself. and then the fact that they won the way that they did, uh, you know, our hats off to them, man. >> just keep telling our guys no matter what. i mean, we clinched the one seed that feels like 100 days ago. and you got all this time, and everyone wants to talk about all this stuff that leads up to it. and there's a lot of stuff to think about, but it comes down to what you do in 3.5 hours. >> last week, when we practiced
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against our guys, it was a good, uh, good practice for what we're going to see. definitely don't look past opponents in the playoffs. >> the 40 niners are no stranger to this moment. they've been in the nfc championship game the last two years. they were both losses, but both were on the road. they're at home however long they want to be. they have home field advantage. last time they had home field advantage in the playoffs they got to the super bowl. so wait and see. niners, packers on saturday. much more coming up in sports with larry in just a little bit. all right. >> thanks chris. awesome. all right. and we do need to talk about the weather. >> you can see the raindrops on the lens behind us. >> it is a lot going on night. let's see how bad it's going to get. meteorologist cindy patel is here. cindy. yeah >> we're going to see some pockets of downpours. uh- and ama and dan. let's take a look at live doppler seven right now. i will show you where we are seeing rain, where it is coming in heavily, and that is in the east bay getting you into street level radar. castro valley, san leandro, skyline boulevard. you will notice heading into hayward, it is definitely coming down. also out towards oakley knightsen discovery bay. now the good thing with this rain is it is moving rather quickly, but rainfall rates, if it holds, there could be an inch and a
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half per hour. we're not expecting that san francisco heading down towards south city light to moderate rain right now. that was based on radar estimates. and in the north bay, low rain has lightened up. as you will notice, rohnert park, east cotati avenue. so we're going to look at the south bay because you probably have been waiting so patiently for some rain. there were some showers earlier today in the bay area, and now from the peninsula, heading down towards the south bay, we are starting to see the atmosphere moistening up in the sierra. it is mixed precipitation in blue canyon. this is a warmer storm, so the snow levels are very high above 7000ft. definitely will see some snow showers mixing in with the rain at the lower elevations. here's a look at the area of low pressure. pushing in that front is so much of northern and central california getting its share of precipita ation visibility. right now, just over a mile and a half moon bay, just over two miles in hayward and livermore. just watch out if you have to be on the roads. here's a live view from our oakland airport camera. and it is a
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slippery runway 51 in santa rosa, 50 degrees right now in napa, 48 in petaluma. low 50s concord and livermore is san jose camera is pretty quiet. we don't have strong winds with this system, just breezy across. currently 53 degrees san francisco, oakland 53, in san mateo and 54 in half moon bay. here's a look at the game forecast when the niners take on the packers saturday evening at levi's stadium, there will be some showers, 60 degrees temperature at fourth quarter in the mid 50s. rain and breezy. so if i were you, i would take your raincoat with you and plan on a wet one. but at least you can enjoy the game if you're prepared. so here are the headlines. golden gate bridge camera is wet tonight. wet with low visibility tomorrow morning. fog partly cloudy for the rest of the day and late this week we are expecting a stronger storm that is going to impact part of your weekend. tonight. storm is a level one rain brief downpour is slippery roads with the low visibility as we go. hour by hour. 7:00 tonight. still seeing pretty widespread rain at 830.
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light to moderate in intensity. and then the rain tapers more to showers scattered late tonight going into the wee hours of the morning before this system pretty much winds down. now additional rain on top of what is fallen. anywhere from a few hundredths of an inch to about 2/10. half moon bay about a third of an inch out towards oakland. your morning temperatures will be in the 40s and the 50s with all the cloud cover and the fog. tomorrow afternoon, you're looking at highs in the 50s and the 60s. here's a look at the weekend. excessive rain, potential for parts of the north bay, the coast and the east bay. it's still days out, but keep in mind grounds getting saturated. and with this next storm coming in stronger, storm, it could cause problems. the accuweather seven day forecast does feature a short break for the next couple of days, before it turns into a level one for friday and saturday, a level two on sunday, mainly in the afternoon evening when it gets gusty and heavy rain comes in. monday is a one, so dan and i, we're really going to start to see the impacts
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cumulative impacts we are for sure. >> all right thanks andy. >> all right. well it's been talked about at city hall and may actually be starting to happen. yeah we learned today about the first empty office building in downtown san francisco that's on track to becoming housi results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪
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$70 million for the humboldt bank building. it's on market street. forge development wants to convert the 19 story tower into 120 apartments with retail space on the ground floor. if approved, forge wants to start construction this year and open to residents in 2025. last year, city planning officials passed an office to residential conversion plan. 34% of downtown office space is now empty, 34% it's a third with many employees. continue to work from home post-pandemic. >> a new rule in san jose will ensure construction workers don't get cheated out of their hard earned wages, according to the mercury news. the new ordinance would stop developers with unpaid wage violations from building anything in san jose. the new law comes after the 2018 silvery tower scandal, where immigrant workers were forced to build luxury condos downtown. the new rule will go before the city council next week. >> well, you may find parking a little tougher in certain areas of san francisco. a new law is
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changing where you can park. it will also affect some parklets, too. >> you may need more time to find a parking spot and more time to catch a flight. the improvement project at sfo that's expected to lead to flight del
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years mainly because i just love helping people. as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something that would help.
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there is no way that cars can see me ahead of time. >> our own lyanne melendez hits the streets of san francisco to show us how a new parking law is designed to save lives and drivers. we need to listen up because if you think you found the perfect parking spot, you might just want to wait on that. pedestrian deaths are on the rise in some parts of the bay area, so could this new law help build a better bay area and keep people safe? you may not know this, but parking next to crosswalks is now illegal. >> yeah, the bill signed into law earlier this month is already proving to be controversial because it won't just have an impact on where you park in the bay area. >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here to kind of share with us the implications of all of this. >> yeah, i was people don't know this, i don't know that was
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amazing. it caught so many people by surprise, myself included. so you know, transit officials use the word daylighting when you have light, you see better. right. and that basically means improving safety by removing parked cars. next to crosswalks in order to be able to see the pedestrian better. this is not an only in san francisco moment here. every city in california must now follow this law. we simple don't park within 20ft of a crosswalk. whether it's marked or not. sfmta told us. parking control officers will now issue warnings if you're within the spirit of the 20ft, they'll be okay. >> they're not going. they're not going to take out a tape measure. >> but we did so right there is we're going to measure. and this goes up to right here for ten. we did it in two stages ten feet at a time. so that's about 20ft right there. think of it as the
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length of a big car. but don't expect all curbs near those crosswalks to be painted red. >> no, it will not be painted because it's a state law now. it's basically like a driving rule. >> so how are people supposed to know? >> well, that's part of the that's part of the reason that that we're doing this story is to increase awareness. >> did you know about that law? >> no, i didn't know about that law at all. so i don't know about it either. >> we tried our darndest to inform the public, not that court, but it would be like, you know, 20. so that actually like, there okay. there couldn't be there. >> if you can't park in within 20ft of the crosswalk, it's going to make parking a lot more difficult for everybody. >> that's like a tesla truck. but city traffic engineer ricardo olia told us the state is prioritizing pedestrian safety over parking by keeping away from the crosswalk, you're allowing vehicles that are driving to get a better view of pedestrians that might be starting to cross the crosswalk. this is especially important for children. now i'm five nine and pretty visible, but a child is not and may be missed by a
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driver. according to the california office of traffic safety, california traffic deaths reached a four decade high. the state's pedestrian fatality rate is more than 25, higher than the national average. in order to comply with the new law, there will be some changes parking meters, for example. >> we will proactively go out and remove those parking meters in the course of the next couple of years. in the worst case scenario, it's two spaces per block. >> as a result, there will be less revenue from parking meters for cities, though the exact amount was not researched by the state. but the new law won't just impact parking spaces, busses that start or end their route near a crosswalk will be moved back 20ft. i mean, when that bus is parked there on that corner, i can't see the cars that are coming. yeah if there's a if there's a bus park like a terminal, we will we will look at those to make sure that when busses are parked that they're away from the corner. >> so here's another question. >> parklets. there are
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restaurants with parklets that are right up against the crosswalk like this one. >> there is no way that cars can see me ahead of time. >> we do need to have structures as well kept away from intersection, and we've been gradually discussing you're not going to be popular with those restaurants. we already having those discussions. so we've already been working with the restaurant industry in situations where the parklet under the pandemic was installed. too close to the intersection. we have actually asked them to move. >> while taxis, lyft and uber drivers won't be allowed to park near a crosswalk, anyone can drop someone off near the crosswalk without getting ticketed by the way, beginning next year, 2025, the warnings will stop. instead, citations will be given out. the fine has yet to be determined. so what do you say to people that that claim that san francisco is anti-car san francisco is not anti-car, but san francisco has the benefit of having other alternatives to driving, such as
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transit, biking, walking. but at times, those who are walking are on their phones, not paying attention when they enter the crosswalk walk, they have to take ownership to. people are distracted. they're on their phone. correct correct. >> but because people may be distracted, we want to make sure that the motorists, when they're approaching and that the motorist is the one that has the ability to slow down their their very large vehicle, that they can see that there's a pedestrian that might be distracted walking in, that there might be a child that's starting to walk. we will continue to work on this, on this issue. it's by no means solved, but we're hopeful that we can continue to make progress. so we were told that a lot of these pedestrian deaths have occurred in the ten de loin and soma neighborhoods. >> now, remember, as part of vision zero, the goal for san francisco and any other city in california is to have zero pedestrians killed. now, the hope is that this new law will help with that vision. another thing that i learned is that you know, other states have this rule, have had it for years to
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park 20ft from. >> yes, really. that is interesting. >> so for them, it's easy. for us. it's going to be hard. it's going to be, well people need to know about it. >> that's the hard part. >> yeah. and i do hope that they remove those parking meters quickly. yeah >> it's very confusing otherwise. >> otherwise people are not going to know. yeah. thanks liane very much. >> neighbors in vallejo are raising concerns over a water main that has been leaking for weeks. they claim the water department said it doesn't have enough staffing to fix it. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is in vallejo today for a story you'll see only on abc seven. you may think the reason indiana and marin streets in vallejo are wet is because of the recentrillionain. >> it's actually because of this. a water main neighbors here say has been damaged and leaking for weeks. >> yeah, we have a little creek and uh- i don't see any fish in it or anything worthwhile though. you know. >> sam kirsch says he reported the leak to the vallejo water department six weeks ago, but was told shortly after they can't fix it. >> five days later, i get a
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phone call from them saying they have the incident documented, but because of a manpower shortage, they can't commit to when they're going to come fix it. >> he also tried to bring it to the city's attention. weeks later, he is still waiting for an answer. while he waits, he sees the leak getting worse. >> the volumes increased at and now the water's traveling about four blocks away, down marin. >> sam has tried multiple times to try to get the city to fix this leak, but to him, it's more than just standing water in the roadway, he says. itrillionesembles a long history of bad leadership from the city. >> there's a lot of procrastinate. nation uh- this city hires consulting daetz to give them a solution. instead of using in-house people, they do everything they can to dance around an issue. >> we reached out to the mayor and other leaders. we're still waiting to hear back. we went to
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city hall and security told us no one was available. as we started filming the leak, a city truck drove away. sam says, this orange cone and white spray paint was new. today he fears the whole street will flood if it doesn't get fixed. he's been living here for over 20 years and says he's never been more frustrated with the state of the city. >> the geography is beautiful here. the climate's beautiful and you know it's a hidden gem. but the way it's run is not not good. >> he's thinking about moving elsewhere in vallejo. ryan curry, abc seven news. all right. a live picture now from san francisco international airport. and if you're flying out of here, you may want to give yourself some extra time. one of the runways shut down today. it is expected to reopen by july 1st. the five month closure is part of a project to realign and separate two taxiways, so they no longer intersect. airport officials say the reconstruction will make the runway safer, but it could add
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30 to 60 minutes to delays for the next few months. so be warned. and while we're talking about sfo, there is a major change to report here today. the airport commission voted to unanimously to rename the international terminal after late california senator dianne feinstein. this move received strong support from the feinstein family and local dignitaries who attended today's commission meeting, including former mayor willie brown. >> throughout this country, airports have been named after significant individuals. none, however, will be as significant for me as the action you take to name our airport in san francisco after senator di dan feinstein, my friend feinstein died in september at the age of 90. >> she was the longest serving woman in the us senate in its history, and the first woman to serve as mayor of san francisco. happening tomorrow, samsung will be celebrating the new launch of
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the s20 for galaxy phone at sap center. >> the unpacking event will feature a new era in mobile ai. the launch will center around samsung's incorporation of artificial intelligence in the galaxy phone. new optimization will include how ai can help save battery life, voice assistant capabilities, and tools to help enhance photos. the launch will kick off at 10 a.m. tomorrow. >> more to come. here we received first details of what we can expect during this year's lunar new year parade in san francisco. the well-known woman who will lead the parade and there were. >> hi there. i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. yes, it is active on live doppler seven right now. i'll let you know how long the rain is sticking around and when you'll get a break before the next storm coming
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug c bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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this year's theme is embracing the dragon within chinese. new year, celebrations will run for more than a month this year from january 28th through march 3rd. >> k-pop superstar iu's first
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u.s. tour will include a stop in oakland, it was announced today that iu will perform at oakland arena on july 30th as part of the her world tour. the singer songwriter has 31 number one songs in south korea, the most by any artist. >> that's pretty impressive. all right, well, if you're heading out tonight, you will need that umbrella. >> you will. we are tracking the showers with live doppler seven, a timeline for i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound.
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the bear was spotted wandering around annapolis near sea ranch. sue says that the bear did a lap while looking around and then just sauntered off. guess wasn't interested in anything. >> a lot of bears lately. yeah. all right. let's go back and talk a little bit about the rain. that could be intense. >> yes. let's get to sandhya patel for the latest. sandia. >> yeah. tonight it's a good idea to stay inside if you can. uh. dan. and as we look at live doppler seven, obviously commuters don't have much of a choice. it is lit up on live
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doppler seven, and we are seeing some downpours as we go from dublin to castro valley heading into pleasanton across livermore, uh- street level radar showing you those heavy downpours across that region from san francisco moving down towards the peninsula. you can see from colma to south city, san bruno, sneath lane, seeing the heavy rain as well. it is steady from san anselmo to san rafael. san quentin area marinwood seeing some moderate rain across highway 101 and down towards the peninsula into the south bay. you're finally now starting to get your share. it is a level one on our storm impact scale that cold front is coming through and we'll continue to see the wet weather going in through late tonight. early tomorrow morning, there may be a few more showers around 1 to 2 a.m. tonight. it is a level one rain, brief downpours, slippery roads and low visibility. so tomorrow afternoon you'll get a chance to put the umbrellas away and get some sun mixing in with clouds. highs will be in the 50s and 60s, but don't put those umbrellas too far away because there is potential for some
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heavy rain, especially this weekend. right now, the wettest spots would be the coastal hills and the north bay. you could see upwards of four inches of rain in a short period of time, which would mean rapid rises on streams and creeks, something to keep an eye out for. could be some flooding as well. accuweather seven day forecast morning fog tomorrow and then some clouds. mostly cloudy thursday. a one for friday, saturday a two for sunday with heavier rain coming in and winds scattered showers with a level one on monday. >> dan and elena all right, here we go. thanks, sandy, very much. >> i mean, at least the game is on a one storm day, not a two, but it should be light, right? >> well, i wouldn't say that yet , because if the system, you know, slows, speeds up, slows so fast. mr. >> wishful thinking. >> wait and see. wait and see. nobody panic. >> yeah. a few more days and then we'll get a better idea. ah, okay. >> after a week of rest, the 40 niners are back on the practice field. they cover the field, so they don't have to worry about the rain. you know, that kind of
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thing. uh- getting set for their first playoff game against a foe they know very well. but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent. this election is a choice between must be magic. results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. rams all losing over the weekend. the 49 ers. path to the super bowl appears to be a lot easier than originally anticipated. the niners the one seed they host the seven seed green bay in the divisional playoffs saturday night at levi's stadium. and it's great to see eric armstead back at
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practice. missed five games with foot and knee injuries. niners come in pretty healthy overall after an extra week of rest. now this will be the 10th all time playoff meeting between the 40 niners and packers. that's an nfl record. niners have won the last four, basically running roughshod over the pack. abc seven's chris alvarez spent the day at practice joining us live now from levi's stadium. hi, chris. >> hi, larry. and the 40 niners and packers meet once again. and you know the cowboys got blown out by green bay. and so when kyle shanahan was watching and his coaching staff were watching that game, they actually got her unique early start on prep for green bay. have a listen. >> after learning atwater 4:30 p.m. how quickly did you guys get to work on the packers? >> um, we were already in here, so you know, we were doing it that day. we had mixed in a little bit earlier in the week, ending up a couple teams, but, um, started really focusing on them halfway through the second quarter. then they scored at the end of the second quarter. so i kind of did both at halftime and then third quarter. i was set on
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one team. >> i'll just speak to jordan love. and the way that he's playing right now. uh is really great. the, the things that you see showing up obviously learn under aaron. some of the mannerisms and the way that he's operating. obviously it's going to be a huge challenge for us. >> so therein lies the challenge this weekend. the rest versus rust. the 40 niners obviously. well rested. green bay has to be feeling good about this game. having blown out the cowboys as they come in. try and take down the niners. san francisco will try and get back to the nfc championship. larry for a third straight season with a win. they can do that. >> we'll see how things unfold. thank you chris. on to hoops. draymond green finally returned to the warriors active roster last night. the warriors defense did not accompany him. they gave up a season high 20 threes to basically the memphis grizzlies. backup players because five of their top six players were out. green scored seven points seven boards in 24 minutes, but the one time defensive player of the year could not spark the warriors listless defense. they just cannot guard anybody and
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then turn the ball over a bunch. as a result, the dubs have lost seven of their last ten. >> we can't guard nobody, so until we guard, we'll lose individuals, make up a team and. individually our defense sucks. so in turn, our team defense sucks. >> uh, the nba apparently did not appreciate mike brown's post game coaching session, nor that rant after his kings lost to the bucks on sunday, he showed up to the news conference, complete with video examples of the refs messing up on his laptop. you will find for criticizing the refs is 25,000. brown got hit with a $50,000 fine, and the coaching carousel spinning at a rapid rate. these days, san jose state head coach brant brennan, uh, last seen with a surfboard going to the hawaii bowl, just hopped on over to tucson, going to the university of arizona. it's a five year deal. he spent seven seasons with the spartans, rebuilding the program, leading sparty to three bowl games in the past four years. abc seven
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sports, sponsored by the bay area honda dealers, welcome honda. so here's how it works. uh nick saban retires. kalen deboer leaves washington to take over at alabama. jedd fisch leaves arizona to take over at washington. brant brennan goes from san jose state to take over at arizona. did you write that down? >> yeah. >> you want to do it backwards, fast moving game. brant brennan no, no, we're not going to do it. >> and i boy we got to like the 40 niners chances shaping up i think they're in really good shape. okay. thanks larry very much. >> all right. coming up tonight on abc seven at eight, celebrity jeopardy at nine. catch three, back to back episodes of only murders in the building. we'll see you at 11. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> larry biel, all of us here. we appreciate your time. have a nice evening. we'll see you at 11.
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the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors.
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kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, don't wait. kidney damage from ckd in t2d is not reversible. so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage with kerendia. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!: champions wild card." [cheering and applause] please, welcome today's past champions. an early childhood intervention manager from round rock, texas... a museum membership specialist from amawalk, new york... and a political science and international relations professor from san diego, california... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings.
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[cheering and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny. and welcome, everyone, to "jeopardy!: champions wild card." over the next 14 games, we'll be welcoming back 27 one and two-game champions from season 39. all of them hoping to become our single winner and punch their ticket right into the tournament of champions. today's quorum of quarter-finalists, andy, katie and sharon. good luck to all three of you. let's get right into the game with these categories in the jeopardy round... we begin with an old favorite... then we have... here we go... followed by... and finally... with k-e-y in quotation marks. andy, start us off. i'll take world geography for $1,000, please. ancient geoglyphs of animals and figures known by this name were etched into the arid pampa colorada plain of peru more than 2,000 years ago.


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