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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  January 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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found in san francisco bay. a few months later. scott peterson is currently serving a life sentence for the murders. >> dan noyes has spent the day digging through the records and calling people involved. joining us now, what have you learned today? >> a lot. well, larry and kristin, in this filing, scott peterson says he contacted the los angeles innocence project in july of last year. they took his case, and yesterday filed a massive motion with exhibits. the innocence project's filings on behalf of scott peterson told a 1524 pages, including a motion for post-conviction discovery with the claim of actual innocence that is supported by newly discovered evidence. i asked scott peterson's sister in law, janie peterson, whether she sees this as a real shot at a new trial. absolutely, she texted or solving the crime and scott being released, the peterson family credits mike gudgel, a journalist who used to work for abc news with tracking down new evidence. >> the verdict was unsatisfactory. it was. i really
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conflicted about the case because there's never any explanation of really what happened to laci was really a mystery. >> the innocence project motion asks for evidence not previously provided to the defense police. interviews with witnesses, photographs, videos and tips that law enforcers failed to track down laci peterson. then seven and a half months pregnant, disappeared on december 24th, 2002. the innocence project filings focus on a burglary at the home directly across the street from the peterson's house. that same week, they want video of interviews conducted by modesto police with two men involved in the burglary. one of them reportedly said laci witnessed him breaking into the house. they want to find out if a van that was found torched near the modesto airport is connected to the burglary inside, investigators discovered a mattress with stains confirmed to be blood. the innocence project wants to conduct new dna tests on those samples. could it be laci peterson's blood? the
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filing also mentions a witness who says he saw a pregnant woman fitting lacey's description, who appeared to be under duress getting into a van on scenic road. >> i think there's enough evidence, uh, that it's probable that that someone else may have committed the crime. um, enough evidence for law enforcement, law enforcement to, uh, investigate further. >> they also want more information to help track the trail of a croton watch. that may have been laci peterson's palm the week after she disappear. and the filings claim modesto police did not fully follow up on reports that laci was spotted walking her golden retriever after the time. scott peterson says he went fishing at 930 that morning. lead innocence project attorney paula mitchell writes that she has encountered witnesses who feared coming forward because the case is too high profile. scott peterson claimed innocence from that day that laci disappeared, and he repeated that in the filings, writing, i had absolutely nothing to do with the
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disappearance and deaths of my wife and son. i am not a violent person. i have never had a physical fight or violent incident with anyone in my life. larry. kristin. >> all right. this is just unbelievable. but now that this filing is there, what happens next? does the judge have to compel the turning over of all this evidence or what? >> the judge takes a look and decides whether this is something that the defense or the prosecutors have to respond to. and chances are, he will say he or she will say that the prosecutors have to respond to this and so then there's going to be a hearing where both sides will be able to talk and see whether this should move forward. i mean, the judge could say there's not enough here to really pursue, but chances are he'll ask for a response from prosecutors and then it will move on from there. there's a lot to digest in this. well 1500 pages, right? >> right. >> absolutely. >> well, all right, i know you'll stay on top of it. we'll do. thank you. dan. thanks here's the timeline involved here. police arrested scott peterson on april 18th of 2004. nearly four months after laci was first reported missing. his trial began on june 1st of that
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year in redwood city. a change of venue due to the pretrial publicity. on november 12th, 2004, the jury convicted peterson of two counts of murder, first degree murder with special circumstances for killing laci, and second degree murder for the killing of their unborn son. a month later, the panel sentenced peterson to death a decision later reaffirmed by the judge and following years of motions. in august of 2020, the california supreme court upheld peterson's conviction, but they overturned his death sentence in december of 2021. a san francisco county superior court judge re sentenced peterson to life in prison for lacey's murder without the possibility of parole, and he was later moved off of death row. >> today, the family of murdered college student kristin smart filed a wrongful death and negligence lawsuit against cal poly san luis obispo, according to the san luis obispo tribune. the university failed to properly respond to reports that her convicted killer, paul flores, exhibited harassing, stalking and violent behavior on
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campus. smart vanished in may of 1996. flores was in 2023 sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. >> all right, turning now to the weather forecast. and this weekend, a beautiful driving in sunny. you know, it seemed nice, but we've got storms heading our way. >> yeah, lots of rain with what's coming up. let's check in with sandhya. >> absolutely. and this is going to continue to pretty much going into early next week. so larry and kristen let's take a look at live doppler seven. right now we do have a lot of cloud cover. we're still in a break but not for long. as you will notice the pacific is lined up with storms. those multiple storms moving in starting tomorrow. tomorrow system is a level one. it will arrive in the afternoon and evening, but ahead of the storm, can'trillionule out a couple of sprinkles or light showers in the morning. here we go. as we head into the afternoon 3:00 you will see some moderate pockets of rain, brief downpours going into the latter part of the
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night. here's what you can expect. a stormy pattern tomorrow through the middle of next week with the series of storms downpours at times, gusty winds possible, downed trees and outages. certainly minor flooding on roadways, rapid rises on streams and creeks, and the possibility of shallow landslides. i'll be back with an hour by hour look at when the strongest storm will hit and how much rain we're expecting coming right up, kristen. >> thanks so much, sandhya, and don't forget you can track the forecast anytime with the same live doppler seven that sandhya uses. just search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it now for men linked to the murder case of officer tuan lay pleaded not guilty today. >> attorneys for two of them are asking for speedy hearings. abc seven news reporter anser hassan was in court today and has the latest. >> all four men charged in connection to the murder of oakland police officer tuan lay pleaded not guilty in court on thursday. >> right now, mr. cooper is being charged with murder uh. it's a felony murder theory. um,
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so there's a certain elements and aspects that they need to prove to try to attach him to the homicide, and we just don't think there's enough there for that. >> attorney ernie castillo represents marquise cooper, the latest of the four men charged in this case. cooper is charged with a total of 16 felonies. castillo says they want a speedy preliminary hearing because we feel our client's being overcharged in this case, and we want to deal with that right away. >> but it's my understanding my client was not present during the shooting. was not inside this building, had no involvement in what went down at the time of the homicide officer lay was working undercover when he was fatally shot in the head while responding to a burglary call at a marijuana business in the early hours of december 29th. >> mark sanders is accused of firing the fatal bullet. alan brown accused of driving the getaway vehicle. a fourth man, sebron russell, is charged with burglary and is out on $270,000 bail. we would like to remove mr. russell from this narrative and we think the best way to do that is to have a quick and speedy preliminary hearing,
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attorney david knudsen represents russell. he and his client also want a speedy preliminary hearing. meanwhile, both knudsen and castillo raised concerns in court over delays in receiving discovery from the prosecution. >> i'm sure the district attorney is working on it diligently, but yes, i have not been provided any discovery. we have about 19 pages at this point. it's pretty important, especially since we're moving relatively quickly. >> so we want to get all that information as soon as possible, do our own investigation figure out exactly the limited role that my client had, in this case, a discovery hearing is set for january 24th. >> the preliminary hearing for march 4th, the alameda county district attorney's office did not return requests for comment. in oakland, anser hassan, abc seven news. >> we learned today a man wanted in the shooting death of a security guard in oakland is now in custody. lauren gilbert is believed to be the getaway driver of the 2021 attempted robbery and the killing of retired police officer kevin nishida, who was guarding a tv news crew at the time. gilbert was arrested in kansas city, missouri. two other men are also facing charges today.
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>> san francisco mayor london breed rallies support for proposition f. the measure, she says, will help address the city's fentanyl crisis. breed led what her office labeled as a table discussion with community leaders, treatment and recovery advocates. prof. f would require people struggling with addiction to be enrolled in treatment in order to continue to get cash assistance from the city. >> what i am hearing time and time again is in san francisco, this compassionate city makes it too easy for people to be out there on the streets. you've using drugs and we make it too hard for people to get into treatment. >> breed says prop f will change that. the no on prop f campaign says the measure will only make the problem worse, claiming evidence shows that forcing people into treatment doesn't work. all right. >> joining us now for more on
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this story is abc seven news insider phil matier. a prop f, appears to have support from a lot of residents. will this actually pass? and what would the real ramifications be? okay, it does have appear to have support. >> two out of three voters in san francisco say they're for it. okay. in first blush, the second part of it is will it really make an impact that remains to be seen. but there's two things going on here, actually. three, there is the policy we're talking about. there is the politics, what we're talking about. and there's the personal side of it. so let's go with the policy. what the london breed is saying is if you're getting public assistance , $700 a month from the city, you have to take a drug test. if you appear to be intoxicated or you appear to have trouble, trouble if you flunked that drug test, then you have to enroll or agree to enroll in a program. you don't have to go into a facility. you don't have to go to a betty ford type clinic. you just have to go and say, i will do anything from an aa meeting
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to something, but we want you. if there's not space, we'll get you space. okay? but that's it. in other words, you got to start doing something to get you out of this. the second thing is, on the uh- the politics of this is that two out of three voters back it. mayor breed has been taking a lot of heat for the open air drug use on the streets. so she is putting this on the ballot in a way to say i'm doing something. and by the way, her and putting her opponents on the line who are running against her in november, saying, by the way, where do you stand on this? do you like it or not? which part are you going on? so she's defining herself on the personal side. her sister died of a drug overdose and she feels that the people that say, no, you can't mandate treatment. it doesn't really work. that's a theoretical to her, she says. realistically see, my sister would have been alive if she had gotten help. >> are reminds me a little bit of, you know, the debate like after a certain amount of time, you have to show that you're looking for work to keep getting care, not cash. >> remember that gavin newsom, he launched his mayoral campaign saying, if you were getting, uh,
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you know, rather than give people just money to live on the streets, you had to sign up for programs to get your checks. he used that to get into the mayor's office. london breed is using this in part to stay in the mayor's office real quickly. >> what about the homeless sweeps? i know the mayor doesn't like that terms, but what they seem to be pulling back, especially because the supreme court is about to take it up. >> you know, this whole issue about about where people can sleep and where they can't sleep. and if you have a right to sleep in a park, if you don't have someplace else to go, if the city doesn't have a room for you right then and there, they can't tell you to move. this is working its way through the courts, and what it is a lot of officials all the way from the governor on saying, can we take this to the supreme court and just work this out? it's a west coast phenomenon. we're not seeing these kind of laws in the on the eastern seaboard. we have a terrible crisis here. and it's kind of i just have to say, it's frustrating because no matter what the answer is, whenever they move to clearing out a homeless encampments, it's somehow usually winds up in some sort of court hearing. and that keeps adding time. and then new
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people come in and it we are getting nowhere fast. so some kind of definition would really be helpful. >> all right. thank you phil. >> thank you. >> all right. coming up on abc seven news at four california. we're actually overdue for a major earthquake. and now the question is, are we really ready? the abc seven news i-team digs into some of the risks pop ups. they were built as a way to bring people back to downtown san francisco. how's that working? and commercial crab season finally kicks off. but is it too little, too late when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house. even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet
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for $25 a month when you add mobile with no annual contract. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday...
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(co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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of its corporate staff. >> downtown san francisco continuing to struggle to bounce back after the pandemic. >> as part of the city's effort to build a better bay area, the city encouraged downtown landlords to host pop up shops over the holidays. >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez here with a look at exactly how those pop up shops are doing. how are they? >> well, let's say that they are no longer on life support and they're breathing on their own. how do you like that? that's progress. okay well, you know, they opened last october, so three months ago as part of an experiment to bring small businesses to the downtown area, rent free. now, after all, there are so many vacant properties in
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downtown, so why not offer them a space that would have gone empty anyway? some of the stores that popped up in downtown san francisco are uncommon, unlikely, and peculiar, like holey stitch. a description is optional. >> it's a sewing school in a factory with an alterations department and donation center in a city that prides itself for being unconventional, it may be a great fit for a downtown that's evolving a critical aspect that was the property owners had to be willing to provide free rent for the pop up locations. i started sewing jeans. it's my idea natural, organic progression of things. >> as a pop up, he was given the rare opportunity to open a store in a prime location a startup, if you will, with all the nuts and bolts we provided the technical assistance and the permitting and all the stuff that that small businesses that that would prevent them from just opening up shop downtown. whack vegan donuts is another pop up. had you not had this
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opportunity, do you think you would have made it? >> no, no, i think we need programs like this to help small businesses. his not only get that foot in the door, but like, you know, show that like, you know, cities revolve around small businesses is the icing on the cake. >> well, in this case, the donuts was the generous offer that came with opening shop in the pricey downtown area. there are 17 pop ups housed in nine storefronts that means that some of them share a space with another pop up through the nonprofit sf new deal. these pop ups also received a grant. of between 3 and $8000. >> special breakfast. no bacon. okay, anything else? >> this arrangement gave small neighborhood food businesses like devil's teeth bakery a chance to set foot in the downtown area. some thing that would have been financially impossible just a few years ago. they share their space with green apple books in the embarcadero center, marrying two
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of our activators together allowed us to get more bang for our buck in terms of people we were supporting and businesses we were supporting, and it allowed the street fund to get that much more energy. now that there are three month rent free leases are up, we asked how many had been successful and ready to renew, so are you thinking of staying past your three months? >> oh yeah, i barely announce that. >> yeah, i'm going to. >> i'll be here for more than three months. >> lease extensions were given to eight of the nine storefronts. we found out that these property owners were willing to add another three months of free rent. what happens next is to be negotiated. that's when an optimist is born in. >> there will be a good amount of people that will campaign and say they need to stay. let's figure out how they can stay. >> but the downside to any business here is that some people continue to work from home. staying clear of the downtown area. that's why most of these pop ups have limited hours. the office vacancy rate
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in downtown remains at 34. the businesses that we're seeing are not going to be successful solely off the backs of workers. >> we're they're going to hopefully succeed because we're going to have more people living downtown. we're going to have more events happening at night. we're going to allow people to drink outside at the bars, and those are going to be reasons they're going to come downtown as well. >> tell me what it's tell me what you have learned from this experience. uh, it's not easy, is it? >> it's not easy. it's not for the faint of heart, but the experience in itself has been the greatest teacher. so we're on a rise. we're on a rise now. >> coming up in the spring, they will announce a new group of pop up businesses that will be supported again by both the city and property owners. we want to mention that boston properties, which owns the embarcadero center, offered four vacant spaces, and that's the most of any developer. and i think a lot of these developers and property owners are doing this also because they really want that
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foot traffic. they want the activity. so to potentially attract other businesses in the future. >> yeah, try to get some traction. >> right? right >> some people going get it going and you go, oh i want the donuts. and i'll go over here. yeah yeah. >> thanks, liane. >> all right. coming up, here's a question. could you give up your smartphone for a month? what if we paid you to give it up? how about then? >> that's a different story. >> yeah, i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. >> get ready for a stretch of wet, windy weather. i'll be back with an hour by hour. look at the forecast
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saturday at about 515. in the south bay. >> there is a little something going on about then sandy. absolutely. a big game going on. and kristen and larry. yes there will be some wet weather out there. i'm going to show you that forecast in just a moment. but first, let's take a look at our rain chances really starting tomorrow, continuing all the way through wednesday. pretty much every single day we have the opportunity for seeing wet weather the strongest storm gets here sunday into monday, so here's a look at live doppler seven. our next storm system is just off the coastline and it will be pushing in tomorrow afternoon and evening on live
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doppler seven. we are seeing quite a bit of cloud cover right now, but no rain falling. we're not expecting it today. here is a look at a live view from mount tam cam, where the clouds have gathered upper 50s in places like san francisco and half moon bay. low 60s, hayward, san jose, oakland, san mateo. you're at 56 degrees and from our walnut creek camera, the clouds are stacked up temperatures from santa rosa to napa, concord, livermore in the mid to upper 50s. here's a live view from our sutro tower camera and a look at the headlines. level one system arrives tomorrow. it's going to be wet and windy in the afternoon and evening. a stronger storm for sunday monday with downpours, thunder chance, possible damage with flooding on the roadways, smaller streams and creeks and wind damage. we're talking about downed trees. certainly the potential for power outages. so tomorrow afternoon evening it's a level one rain with brief downpours. gusts up to 45 miles an hour. roads will be slick. the visibility will be poor, so keep that in mind if you do have friday night plans or friday afternoon an evening getaway. so
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first the wind comes up out of the southeast 32 miles an hour at noontime uh- ramping up some more as we head into the early afternoon. over 30 miles an hour and then topping 40 miles an hour along the coast tomorrow evening. so we go hour by hour here tomorrow morning might be a spotty shower or two, especially near the coast, but the main event gets here in the afternoon, where we do see some moderate to heavy rain at 4:00 8 p.m. still seeing pockets of downpours across the region. you'll notice at 10 p.m. the intensity does pick up over san francisco and as we head into saturday morning, notice the focus is on the north bay. it stays there most of the morning, and then in the afternoon we see scattered showers. here's that clock, 5 p.m. larry. it's looking okay, but there will be some showers as we head into the evening hours. rain becomes more widespread and so yes, for the niners game, as they host the packers at kickoff showers. breezy. upper 50s fourth quarter. it is going to be a rainy night temperature in the
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mid 50s now. excessive rain. outlook for sunday monday showing us in an increased chance of seeing excessive of rain, which means flash flooding is possible, especially as those smaller streams and creeks and rivers see rapid rises. our main stem rivers should be okay, but it's the smaller creeks and streams where you could see some flooding. so be aware of that rainfall through saturday night, anywhere from a third of an inch to over an inch over three inches, up further north. and then as we add on tuesday's system, you're looking at up to five inches of rain higher for isolated locations. winter storm watch tomorrow night to late monday night. heavy wet snow talking about 6000 to 7000ft above 7001 to 3ft. so hazardous travel expected temperatures in the 40s and 50s. tomorrow morning it's going to be cloudy tomorrow afternoon a stormy one, 50s and 60s for your highs and the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one tomorrow afternoon, evening and then level two for saturday, sunday, monday, chance of thunder sunday, monday and then a weaker
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system tuesday into wednesday. biggest concern really is going to be the saturday rainfall on top of saturated ground. and so larry and kristen, even though the storm is not intense on saturday, we're going to see problems. >> yeah. especially well, you got five straight days of rain. exactly >> not enough time to dry out. that's right. all right. thank you. >> all right. >> another warriors game has been postponed due to the death of one of their assistant coaches, dan milojevic died yesterday after a heart attack during a team dinner in utah. so tomorrow's home game against the mavericks will be rescheduled. they were supposed to play last night in utah. of course, that game was postponed as well. players and staffers really need more time. this is a very traumatic event. so the next game is scheduled for wednesday against the atlanta hawks at chase center, preparing for the next big earthquake. >> it was a good wake up call. >> the lessons from loma prieta and the work being done right now on the golden gate bridge.
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>> the parts of the bridge that will twist and have damage are below the roadway. >> the investment being made to make sure we are ready for the in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network.
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new data from the us geological survey suggesting the next big one could be even bigger and more impactful than previously thought. as part of our efforts to build a better bay area, the abc7 news i-team is digging into the preparation underway to see which areas would be most at risk, starting with the golden gate bridge. i-team reporter stephanie sierra has the story.
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>> built in 1937, in the midst of the great depression, the golden gate bridge is not only iconic, but a symbol of american ingenuity and resolve. the two towers stand nearly 750ft above water strung with 80,000 miles of cable. a bay area beauty and necessity 8-80 carrying 37 million vehicles each year, more than 100,000 per day, including half a million freight trucks serving as a key link for supply chains. >> there is only one golden gate bridge and we are going to protect us, transportation secretary pete buttigieg told us this last january. >> the question is how. >> we always say dirt to fly. >> speaker emerita nancy pelosi fought for years to strengthen the golden gate bridge. most recently, she and her congressional colleagues were critical in securing $400 million to protect the bridge from seismic threats due in part to the historic bipartisan infrastructure law passed in
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2021. >> and that was a real battle. and we were successful in getting that done. >> pelosi says roughly 43,000 bridges across the u.s. are currently rated in poor condition and this law will benefit 15,000 of them. yet she was able to secure the most for the golden gate. can you walk me through that long terme investment and how it will play out? >> they will retrofit some pieces. they will restore some and they will have new things that they bring in like this. >> dozens of devices that will protect the structure of the bridge in the event of a big quake. they're called energy dissipation devices. what we found is that these devices work amazingly well. dennis mulligan is the general manager of the golden gate highway and transportation district. >> now, we don't yet have an estimate of the. >> while parts of the bay bridge collapsed during the 1989 loma prieta earthquake, the golden gate withstood it. mulligan expects the next one will likely be worse, but it's important to
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realize that that earthquake was 60 miles away. >> it was a santa cruz earthquake. and while the magnitude number sounds big, it's actually a moderate earthquake. an 8.3 magnitude earthquake would be, you know, more than 100 times more energy since then, the district has been preparing. it was a good wake up call, and we evaluated our structure. >> the first three phases of the golden gate bridge seismic retrofit were completed in 2014. this included retrofitting the north and south ends of the bridge where the cables are secured to bedrock areas found to be the most vulnerable. it also involved wind tunnel testing and replacing the steel supports to put a new foundation that's ten times stronger, and we put seismic isolation bearings on top. >> so when the ground starts to shake, that tower doesn't have to drag the whole weight of the bridge with it. it decouples it. so there's less for on the tower. but there's still a lot of work to be done, including retrofitting the suspension bridge, which is set to begin this year. >> this is where hundreds of
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floor beams will be replaced with new bracing, a process that won't be complete until 2029. so what happens if we have a big earthquake before then? >> the bridge is safe. it will not collapse. no one will die in the bridge. however there will be damage. there will be significant damage that will necessitate potentially having to replace the bridge. >> the cost of replacing something like the golden gate bridge would range from. >> to replace a bridge of this scale with. this span length is probably north of $10 billion, so a reality check. >> what are the chances of the next big quake? >> overall, the region faces this 72% chance of a really large earthquake, a magnitude 6.7 plus in the next three decades. >> usgs earthquake scientist austin elliott says most of that threat comes from the hayward fault, which has a 1 in 3 chance of producing an earthquake within that window. but to put that in perspective, usgs says the margin of error is decades, meaning it could happen tomorrow or it could happen 20 years from now, elliott explains. while
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it's difficult to predict precise numbers, the latest estimate from the national scale forecast suggests the hayward fault could see at least a magnitude 7.1 to 7.3, up to a 7.5, while the san andreas fault could produce up to a magnitude eight as far as another magnitude eight from the san andreas fault. >> that's probably farther off in our future, but it is inevitable. but recent research people have done some more specific modeling of the hayward in particular, that suggests that the magnitude could be larger, especially if it links with other faults. >> usgs recently identified a structural connection between the hayward fault south of san pablo bay and the rodgers creek fault, north of san pablo bay. essentially one big continuous structure that may host a single large earthquake. >> that doesn't necessarily mean that the ground shaking at any individual spot would be stronger, but the earthquake would last longer, and the area that's affected would be much larger. >> but as elliott pointed out, magnitude alone doesn't tell the
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whole story. modeling by us gs shows part of the threat is tied to where on the fault the quake begins, as it depends on really where an earthquake starts and the nature of the fault slip itself that controls how ground motion and the intensity of shaking will be distributed around the region, bringing with it shock waves threatening infrastructure across the bay area, including the golden gate. >> you know, if you're on the roadway, it's secure. the parts of the bridge that will twist and have damage are below the roadway. >> the next phase of this retrofit is expected to begin later this year. as far as impacts to commuters, we're told two lanes will be closed during the overnight hours in san francisco. stephanie sierra abc seven news. >> volunteers are mourning a big loss after thieves got away with a cash crop of bonsai trees. someone stole eight trees from the bonsai garden at oakland's lake merritt. here are photos of some of the stolen trees. all could sell for up to $20,000.
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most of the trees are donated and each has a history. >> we have a pine tree that was grown from a seed planted by a family after they were released from the internment camps. each and every tree has a story, and each and every one of our volunteers, myself included, have worked on these trees. i know each and every one of them intimately. we knew who took the oldest tree in the garden is some 1500 years old, and one was donated to the us in the 1800s by emperor meiji of japan. >> wow. >> i hope they find him. coming up, a digital detox that could actually pay you money. and we're celebrating gourmet coffee day on the fort for when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi?
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years...
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believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. wall street journal says americans are cutting down on their weeknight family outings. now, some of this is due to prices and lifestyle shifts during the pandemic. in response, it says places like bowling alleys, topgolf, dave and buster's, they're busting out with new deals to get families to venture out during the week. so let's see. dion has a new baby. >> listen, my idea of fun these days is what's squeaky toy? can i provide my child so i can i just ask you, did we ever have weeknight family outings?
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>> i always thought that was something for friday. saturday? you know, weekends. am i the boring one, larry? well some of us work in the evenings, and you're the only one that doesn't work into the evening. >> so i guess this is all on you , kristen. but no, i don't know. i mean, you know, i guess some people win sunday night. let's go out, but not typically. right, sandhya. right >> i mean, seriously, like, i don't remember when we were growing up. my parents were working during the week, so we usually waited until friday, saturday, sunday. like kristen said. but with our kids, i mean, when they were younger, we used to occasionally take a day off and do something in the evening, but not all the time. yeah i feel like now that they've gotten older, it's harder. they have so much homework during the week, so maybe there's more like for single people that don't have to worry about any of that stuff. >> but we said family. family. yeah, yeah, we did say family. look, we might go to the kids baseball game or basketball game, but that's about it anyway. all right. maybe we're just pretty exciting lives. okay a royal caribbean cruise that set sail last month is taking
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over tiktok so far, content from the cruise has gotten nearly 300 million views. come on. yeah, the social media influencer is on board. are not the only stars . even newbies are gaining popularity, showing off the ship and their journey. the cruise will hit all seven continents by the time its nine month journey ends. have you guys looked at the content? can you determine why it's so popular? but we don't need a reason. >> it's social media. i mean, you could just smile and cheese it up and people would like it. >> this just reaffirms my belief that i should never, ever have a tiktok account. so i mean, now it's now it's sealed and it's done. it's i mean, it wasn't going to happen either way. >> i do think about people who choose not to, let's say, go to higher education, like go to college because they can be tiktok famous and make a really good living. go on cruises. sounds like fun to me, dion. let's do it. sandhya let's go. >> more fun than dave and
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buster's on a wednesday night. i don't know about that. uh- staying off your smartphone for a whole month could actually earn you $10,000. now we're talking about something i'm interested in here. the yogurt maker siggi's is holding a digital detox contest, so ten winners are going to be selected to win the ten grand uh- y'all pack up your smartphone for a month? nope well, i didn't even finish yet, but. >> okay. >> uh, let me see if i can entice you. winners will also get a lock box for the smartphone and a flip phone to use if you really, really, really need to make a call. >> i mean, you might as well just give me two tin cans and a piece of string. i mean, honestly, i don't even remember how to use a flip phone. there's no keyboard on it. what would i do? >> $10,000 that would pay for a lot of baby's clothes? >> i don't know, baby's clothes. you know, you only wear them once and then they grow out of them. so, yeah, i mean, but what did we do before we had phones?
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i mean, think about it right? yeah. now we're married to our phones. i was just going to go. >> i would do it if everyone around me did it. because if you're there with people, you enjoy, you know, all needing to find a different activity like board games or whatever, then it's great. but if you're the only one without. but everybody else is like, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. >> not part of the promotion. >> oh darn darn darn darn. >> okay. wait, wait. kristen okay. all right. yeah. okay. all right. yeah no. we're good. okay >> you don't want to detox on coffee today, though, because it's national gourmet coffee day. the bay area has a diverse coffee scene, but indonesian coffee until now has been lacking. kopiko coffee recently opened in san francisco's marina district with a focus on indonesia, one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world. hello, java. yes. >> and joining us right now, one of the owners of kopiko, amanda kenitra. so. amanda first, thanks for joining us. what exactly are we drinking here? i could see green at the bottom. so it's either mint or avocado.
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>> so yeah, it's actually pandan. it's very um, common in in southeast asian cuisine. you know, in indonesia it's um, you can find it in desserts or drinks. uh, it's very similar to palm plant, but it has, um, i'd like to describe the taste. um to something similar like vanilla, but with more of an earthy, earthy tone. yeah. >> okay. it's very mild. i do love it. dian, you discover them, right? yeah. >> we're actually in the process of doing a local story all about their coffee shop. and also what makes indonesian coffee special and what i appreciate, amanda, is that this is not artificial coloring. this vibran mint green color is really the pandan leaves. and tell me it's a labor of love. in order to make this drink. >> yes it's correct, it's, um, you see my hand here? i really, really must will hand it. >> i didn't any gym, but i only
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have this muscle in my whole body. >> i don't have any other muscle, you know, on the rest of my body. just this part. but then, uh, my husband actually bought me this squeezer, which actually saved our relationship because he just became really scared of my muscle. so we just used the squeezer to get the juice out of the pandan leaves, so. and >> yeah. so i would lose a, like, an arm wrestling contest to you pretty, pretty convincingly. oh, yeah. oh yeah. >> you choose left or right hand , i will win. >> this is amazing. i mean, i love coffee, but this definitely was a good find. dian, thank you for doing that. anytime i just asked you, i was stunned when i found out as part of looking at this story that there was no indonesian coffee place in san francisco until now, because, i mean, indonesia is famous for coffee java, right? >> it's pretty synonymous with coffee. yet you're the first entry here. >> yeah.
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>> um, i realized that the coffee festival, the first time we participate back in 2021, um, people came to our booth because they never heard of indonesian coffee before. and then once they see our coffee, you know, it's from bali, it's from java, it's from my dewa. is java, not java, because that's how the locals say it. you know, java, java is just like back. you know, in the era. yeah java. that's just how you say it. um, so they saw this coffee and said, hey, i know this coffee, but i didn't know they're from indonesia. i thought they're from africa or south america. and then i realized that, oh, we should, um, tell people more and talk more about indonesian coffee, because indonesia actually grew so many single origins that, uh, the coffee is actually named after the origins, after the area, not the country. um, so, yeah, uh, one
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of our mission is to, uh, promote indonesian coffee. indonesian specialty coffee, to be precise. uh, yeah. and we are very, um. well, come by the neighbors and by the locals. and we're really grateful for that. >> nice. >> well, um, you're online as well as, as a regular brick and mortar location. yeah >> yes. correct. >> we started as an online business because, uh, the pandemic hit really hard back then. right before we started. >> all right. amanda we'll check it out online. >> kopiko coffee. thanks so much . >> thank you so much for having me. all right. >>
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you may need to detox from the rain. given the amount we're going to get. >> yeah, but we're getting quite a bit right. yeah, we are over the next six days. >> kristen and larry. so let's take a look at the rainfall projections. this is going to be state wide. we're going to be looking at rainfall. that is going to take a heavy hit for the northern and central portion of the state, which includes us here in the bay area. we are going to see some five inch plus rainfall totals in some of our higher terrain. and also in parts of the north bay. there is potential. now that means flooding is possible as well. it's a level one for tomorrow afternoon evening that storm moves in, but in the morning might see a few spotty showers early on in the day. you still have time to prepare tomorrow afternoon between 3:00 and
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about. let's say 11:00 pm. you are going to see some pockets of moderate to heavy rain tomorrow afternoon. highs will be in the 50s and the 60s. here comes the accuweather seven day forecast. rain and windy in the afternoon evening. it's a level 1a2 for saturday through monday. chance of thunder and then tuesday wednesday. we do have a lighter system level one larry. kristin. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. the white house is investigating reports of tesla drivers having problems charging their vehicles in the cold. a lot of these reports are coming out of chicago. they're in the midst of an extreme cold snap there. the white house believes the charging problems are isolated, especially since freezing temperatures can affect just about every type of vehicle. but i think it's been like five degrees there for several days in a row. that's really cold. >> after months of delays, crab season is finally here. >> yeah, we'll take you out to the boats, talk to the crabbers
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the first catch. >> that's it. that's the money right there. california gold, pound by pound. >> bag by bag and even bucket by bucket. the wait is over for the eight legged clod. shellfish san franciscans adore. i usually steam it. >> do it fresh. because if you're getting fresh, you want it. you know, straight up. kind of like your tequila. you got to have it straight. not on ice. >> and this is straight up great news for commercial crabbers
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finally getting back in business after a delayed season. for the past five years, it usually starts in mid november, so this is the latest fish and wildlife has ever opened the season. crab thank you for your support. matt wants was the first to sell off the dock last three years. i came in early to, uh, make sure my customers had the, um. >> you know, the freshest they can get on the opening day. >> 8 p.m. hit wednesday night, and they were off waiting for the clock to strike midnight, 12:01 a.m. is when we were allowed to pull. >> so we were out there ready and waiting. >> 12:00 they came back to a line of people ready to buy right off his boat. >> it feels a huge relief off my back, like i was like stressed to the point where you get sick, you know, going out and just all everything builds up and then all of a sudden, like coming back, it was like, oh, like something just fell off. so it was, it was great. >> the difference between this year and last year, the crabs are a lot bigger, he says. they were about one and a half pounds
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last year. now the ones he brought in are over 2 pounds. a treat for anyone buying crab off the dock. >> we're blessed to have this. it's sweet meat, so to speak. >> this is dinner and, uh, there's some people waiting in la after dinner. i'm going to hightail it back home and, uh, distribute these to my beloved's , uh, down south. >> usually it's a holiday tradition, but for matt, his crew, and his customers, it's sure better late than never. >> i kind of miss the holidays, but we're here for you now. >> and everyone on the boat and at the table is happy about it. in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news. yummy >> that's it for abc seven news at four, abc seven news at five is coming up next.
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000.
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