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tv   America This Morning  ABC  January 19, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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right now on america this morning. states of emergency on both the west and east coast as a new storm takes aim just in time for the morning commute in some areas. what to expect. plus the dramatic rescue on a frozen lake. a dog helping rescue its owner in the race for president
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nikki haley sharpens her attacks on former president trump. >> how trump is responding with just four days before the new hampshire primary. cascading failures. >> new details about the police response to the uvalde school massacre and why it took police, 77 minutes to take down the shooter. what the victims families are now demanding. >> a bombshell in a murder case that made headlines for years. the scott peterson case back in the spotlight. he's serving life for killing his wife and unborn baby. but could new evidence set him free? the new medical headline on preventing memory loss the role that multivitamins could play in protecting your brain later. most of us are only in college for four years, so why is this college football player about to start his ninth season and if you're looking for proof of the kindness of strangers, our story about a cross-country kidney swap is just what you need. >> from abc. news in new york.
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this is america this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. we begin with new states of emergency overnight as extreme weather hits more of the nation. >> oregon has declared an emergency because of a deadly ice storm, and philadelphia now has declared a snow emergency just in time for the morning commute. snow is falling from the mid-atlantic states to new york, up to six inches in some areas. abc's em nguyen has the latest images from this arctic blast. >> terrifying moments as another storm hits the east. this plane from rochester, new york, arriving from philadelphia to sliding off the taxiway after landing. >> and then we felt kind of a slide happening. and then a lot of jolting going on. >> no injuries there, but at least 41 deaths are now blamed on the extreme weather gripping much of the country. this week. driving has been treacherous. this car in new york slamming head on into a plow truck in oregon roads, turning into an ice rink, cars skidding and
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sliding down the street, a portland family is mourning the loss of three loved ones after a downed power line trapped 21 year old julia briggs inside her suv, along with her boyfriend and their nine month old baby. the couple was electrocuted when they stepped out of the vehicle along with briggs brother, who tried to help. the baby was later rescued. this morning, a new storm is dumping more snow in the hard hit northeast philadelphia, bracing for the most up to six inches with 1 to 3in farther north. look at all these winter weather advisories from montana to new jersey, philadelphia and a winter storm warning and more brutal cold is on the way. wind chills this weekend, once again dropping below zero from chicago and kansas city to nashville. some tesla drivers saying it's so cold they've had trouble charging their batteries. the white house now saying it will investigate the nfl also closely. watching the weather after the arctic blast set records last weekend in buffalo,
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the bills are once again asking fans to help shovel snow at highmark stadium before sunday's showdown with the chiefs. come here and in michigan, a daring rescue after this man fell through a frozen lake. caller caller police unable to reach him so they tied a rope and rescue disc around his dog, ruby. he called over his dog and that allowed officers to eventually pull him out of the freezing water. after 16 long minutes. and here in washington, d.c. a winter weather advisory is in effect with up to three inches of snow expected this morning. andrew, all right. >> m thank you. now to the race for president. nikki haley has sharpened her attacks on former president trump, criticizing his record on issues like the deficit. and trump is hitting back abc's melissa adan is in new hampshire with just four days before the primary. melissa good morning. >> good morning andrew. so trump and haley facing off in separate
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tv events last night. all of this ahead of the final weekend before the new hampshire primary . former president trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley seemed to respond to each other in real time, holding dueling media appearances last night. >> she's not going to make it. she has no chance. >> the reason he's throwing these temper tantrums is because he knows i do have a chance. >> haley in a cnn town hall, slammed trump for refusing to debate her in new hampshire. >> he's not talking about the fact that he put us $8 trillion in debt over four years. and we're digging out of it, unable to figure out how we're going to pay that. now, he's not talking about the fact that he didn't stop the fentanyl flow that's affected this state and all over the country. when he had the opportunity to do it. he's not talking about why did he go and praise president xi a dozen times after they gave us covid? why would you do that? there are a lot of things he doesn't want to answer. >> trump was on fox news, slammed haley and the new hampshire primary process, which allows unaffiliated voters to
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participate. >> it bothers me. and the governor should have done something about it. instead of talk and waste his time with nikki, florida governor ron desantis in a distant third in new hampshire, is focusing on other states. >> speaking to radio host hugh hewitt, he said he regrets shunning most news outlets early in his campaign. i should have just been blanketing, i should have gone on all the corporate shows. >> i should have gone on everything. >> abc news has learned. desantis has said privately he will stay in the race at least through super tuesday. on march fifth. meanwhile, lawyers for trump have now filed documents urging the supreme court to reverse a colorado decision, throwing him off the state ballot due to his role in the us capitol attack on january six, 2021. trump's lawyers saying efforts to disqualify him from the ballot promised to unleash chaos and bedlam if other state courts and state officials follow colorado's lead to trump calling the decision last night on tv a threat to democracy,
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also saying that there's no word yet on when the court could rule all of this. of course, as we're leading up to this primary. andrea. all right. melissa thank you. american forces have unleashed a fifth round of airstrikes on houthi militants in yemen. president biden says the military action will continue. the houthis, supported by iran, targeted another u.s. cargo ship in the red sea yesterday. but the missiles landed in the water. >> now to the new report on the uvalde, texas, school shooting. finding significant failure in the law enforcement response, police waited more than one hour to take down the gunman, and the new report gives new insight into the failures that day. as the families of the children killed demand justice. reporter this morning, growing fallout from the new justice department report that outlines, quote, cascading failures by police who responded to the uvalde school massacre in 2022. 19 children and two teachers were killed, had add. >> the law enforcement agencies followed generally accepted practices in an active shooter situation. lives would have been
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saved and people would have survived. >> the 600 page report, shedding new light on why it took police 77 minutes to confront the shooter. officers first on the scene, headed toward the classrooms but were fired upon and retreated into my building. the report says after three attempts to reach the classrooms , no further attempts were made by the nearly 400 law enforcement officers, despite desperate calls from students inside, including this 911 call made by ten year old chloe torres. i am in classroom 112, please hurry. >> there is a lot of dead bodies. please help! i want to die. >> the report faults school district police chief pete arredondo for deciding to treat the shooter as a barricaded subject instead of an active shooter, who must be confronted immediately. that decision led to delays. arredondo directed officers to search for keys to unlock the classroom doors, which the report says were likely already unlocked. arredondo was fired three months after the shooting. while some officials involved in the response have resigned or been
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fired, some are still on staff, including sheriff ruben nolasco, whose leadership and organization failures are detailed in the report saying he had no active shooter training and minimal leadership and supervision training. still, nolasco is seeking reelection this spring. >> these officers, who sit there and just not do anything, you know, and still be out here, you know, on the streets like nothing happened and my daughter's gone. >> some victim's family members say the report released yesterday just confirms what they already knew that law enforcement failed to do their jobs. >> this is a job you signed up for. you you took an oath to run to the sound of gunfire, and you didn't do that. >> many renewing their calls for justice. >> i also hope that this lights a fire up under the district attorneys, because we know that she has not done a thing and we refuse to accept that. do your job at least three separate
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investigations are still pending. >> it's up to the local district attorney whether to pursue charges. >> new trouble in the retail industry macy's is cutting more than 2300 jobs and closing five stores. the company says it needs to cut costs to be more competitive online, but some good news for workers at walmart . for the first time in more than a decade, store managers are getting a raise. their average salary will increase to about $128,000 per year. time now for your friday weather >> good morning. it's a snowy end to the workweek in big cities like new york city, dc, philadelphia. the. it'll spread throughout the region and look at how much snow we're getting. 1 to 3in in new york city, but just south of town, new jersey, philadelphia to pittsburgh, 3 to 6in of snow. is your forecast now? meantime, in the northwest, we get icy conditions, slippery roads and sidewalks, and power outages. be careful this morning. the weekend forecast shows cold in the east, wet in the west with mountain snow. i'm
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accuweather meteorologist kevin cochran. >> coming up, the massive explosion feet away from a daycare. >> also ahead, he's serving a life sentence for killing his wife and unborn baby. but could scott peterson soon walk free? >> and the disturbing discovery inside an airplane bathroom leading to a flight attendants when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off.
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with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. it feels like forever ago that our lives were changed ask your eczema specialist when you were diagnosed with cancer. i know this has allowed you to see how hard life can be,
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but always realize it's full of opportunities to make someone's day better. there's been so much kindness surrounding you, starlight who made you smile even on your toughest days. never forget those who loved you so well and know that you have the responsibility to give back. love, dad. on abc. >> fire crews were at the scene of a gas leak in washington, d.c. when a corner store exploded. >> it was just feet away from a daycare, which thankfully had been evacuated moments earlier because of the smell of gas. officials say a car hit the building's gas meter. >> an american airlines flight attendant is under arrest, accused of using a hidden camera to record a teenage girl inside a plane's bathroom. estes
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thompson was arrested for an incident last september on a flight to boston. he's accused of hiding his phone in the toilet behind stickers that said seat broken. police say a 14 year old took this photo and reported the incident to her parents. >> we will probably never know what happened to these images. they could be on the dark web forever and so that could always be out there hanging over our client's head for the rest of their life. prosecutors say an online account revealed evidence that four more girls were victimized. >> we turn now to the bombshell in a murder case that made headlines for years. the case is back in the spotlight, and that's good news for scott peterson. this morning, prosecutors in california are evaluating the stunning development in the murder case of scott peterson. he's the man convicted of killing his wife, laci, and their unborn son on christmas eve, 2002. their bodies were found months later in san francisco bay. the innocence project, known for helping overturn convictions, is now taking up the case, writing that evidence has been
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discovered that points to mr. peterson's innocence and points to the actual perpetrators of the crimes against laci and conner peterson. peterson has maintained his innocence all along. no, no, i did not. >> and i absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance at his trial, prosecutors argued peterson murdered laci to escape his marriage and impending fatherhood, presenting evidence including laci's hair in his boat and suggesting he used a tarp and concrete anchor to dispose of her body. >> a key witness was amber frey. first of all, i met scott peterson november 20th, 2002. frey, who was romantically involved with peterson, told jurors she had no knowledge of his marriage until laci's disappearance. i was introduced to him. >> i was told he was unmarried. scott told me he was not married. peterson's alibi was that he was fishing the morning laci disappeared, but he was convicted and is currently serving life without parole. >> now, the la innocence project is seeking new materials to be
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presented in court, claiming a burglary across the street from the peterson home was not fully investigated and the group is requesting more dna testing of this burned. mile away. the innocence project also claims witnesses who saw laci the morning she went missing were not properly interviewed, and experts say the next step will likely be a response from prosecutor if they agree on presenting new materials in court, a judge will decide whether to grant a new hearing. coming up, new research on multivitamins and your on multivitamins and your memory, before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital.
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blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. shopify's point of sale system helps you sell at every stage of your business. with fast and secure payment. card readers you can rely on. and one place to manage it all. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. as 30 minutes, making your good morning even better with dulcolax back now with new video of a light rail train plowing into a garbage truck in mesa, arizona, police say the train caused the crash by running a red light. >> the operator and two other people were hurt. >> some encouraging news for people worried about their risk for memory loss, especially as they get older, a new study claims. a daily multivitamin could be the answer. abc's alison kosik has more.
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>> my feeling is that i don't need them. >> or do we? a new study shows taking a multivitamin every day could help improve memory for everyday events. and prevent cognitive decline in older adults. >> this is a very important step forward and looking at the research of nutrition and vitamin supplementation in an aging population. when we're talking about cognitive decline, dementia and alzheimer's and this set of disorders affects 50 million americans. >> the latest study in the american journal of clinical nutrition is one of three in a series researchers followed more than 500 adults ages 60 and older who took a daily multivitamin over a two year period. we can say that there might be hope that optimizing nutrition in this population, whether it's from a diet or from vitamin supplementation, may prevent cognitive decline and improve memory. researchers say. those who took the vitamins
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versus a placebo had memory equivalent to someone nearly five years younger and had cognitive, an equivalent to someone two years younger. still the results are raising skepticism because previous studies were incomplete. missive about the benefits of multivitamins. there are a lot of studies out there that do show that the claims put forth by the vitamin and supplementation industry are not evidence based. >> this is a multi-billion dollar industry that is not tightly regulated. so if you are an older individual and you have a deficiency in some vitamins or minerals, or perhaps that you don't have optimal nutritional status, it may be a good idea to take a multivitamin. but again, this is a conversation that people should be having with their doctor. >> it is important to note doctors say not every multivitamin may have the same result and multiple vitamins should not be viewed as a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. andrew andrea. >> allison. thank you. coming up, madonna sued over being
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late. >> plus the college football player returning for his ninth player returning for his ninth year. we'll explain if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options.
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should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. >> and that's why at good morning america, we're right here. >> and we got you. we got you, we got you. >> it's time to check the pulse. we begin with a football record setter miami hurricanes tight end cam mccormick has made it official. >> he's coming back for his ninth year of college football. he played seven years at oregon for four of them, ended early with injuries, so they didn't count against his eligibility. >> the 2020 season didn't count due to covid, and mccormick was given two extra years by the ncaa. he is now the longest tenured college player ever. somebody who went to, um. i wish i could have gone there for nine years to never lost in this digital age. it looks like going low tech is more beneficial. >> sometimes, researchers say kids learn more while reading paper instead of screens. they found a clear advantage
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processing information when reading texts on good old fashioned paper, including deeper comprehension. the study focused on 10 to 12 year olds. next, a unique kidney swap. now try to follow along here. >> tracy gonzalez of illinois found out that she was not a match to donate a kidney to her husband, tony, but tony was a match for a woman in arizona. coincidentally, that woman's brother also needed a kidney and tracy was a match for him, so she donated a kidney to him, and in return, his sister donated a kidney to tony. >> i said absolutely whatever i can do, i'm doing it because he's my best friend, my person, and i need somebody to shovel the snow. the two families met virtually, and everyone is doing well. >> next, the nfl is bringing some star power to the super bowl pregame show. >> reba mcentire will be singing the national anthem, and post malone will perform america the beautiful. they'll be joined by oscar nominated actress and singer andra day, but good
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lineup madonna is getting sued for being late. >> two fans claim her concert in brooklyn last month didn't start until 1030, and they had trouble finding rides home. there suing for unspecified damages. and finally, the hockey announcer getting the scare of his life. >> it was during an amateur game in canada, and listen to the announcers reaction as the puck flew over the glass towards them . >> murphy throws the pass across . i apologize if i just, uh uh, just damage your eardrums there. >> it's okay. he didn't get hit. >> it's okay. he didn't get hit. to aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours?! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga. antiquing not coughing? not coughing at the movies?! hashtag still not coughing?! aaah. oww! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. it's not cough season.
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direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend!
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alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? seven news. >> one of the mfa


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