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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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at floor & decor. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> gio: good morning, america. brutal blast. winter's grip tightening with 145 million americans under winter weather alerts digging out in the midwest, freezing temperatures stretching into florida and the crippling ice
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storm in oregon, all adding up to travel trouble on the roads and at the airports. what to expect ahead. >> whit: countdown to new hampshire. the primary just days away. we're on the campaign trail as the republican candidates vie for votes. the new endorsement overnight. our live report and political analysis, plus why president biden is not on the ballot. >> rhiannon: new indictment. alec baldwin facing an involuntary manslaughter charge in the shooting on the set of the movie "rust" that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins reviving the criminal case against him. the response from his legal team. >> gio: emergency landing, a small plane using the road as a runway. the dramatic scene playing out on a busy virginia highway. ♪ >> whit: divisional showdowns, the epic clashes in store today. the texans versus the ravens, the packers versus the 49ers as cities hosting the games score big for the local economies.
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whit: good morning, america. so great to have you with us and great to have. >> rhiannon: backty desk with us this morning. we have a big show today. >> rhiannon: good morning. >> whit: the latest on that frightening scene in the skies. a cargo plane. >> rhiannon: dramatic body video of a 73-year-old grandmother taken into custody boarding a plane. she is now facing charges in an alleged murder-for-hire >> gio: abc a em ng's "emily in is in washington, d.c. with its second storm in a week.
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good morning, em. >> reporter: good morning, gio. it's been a while since i've seen this much snow here in the nation's capital. five inches in the last 24 hours. this is actually a lake in front of the washington monument frozen over and the icy storms blasting much of the u.s. in rain, sleet, and snow, snarling traffic and air travel. this morning, a bone-chilling arctic blast sweeping the nation yet again and now extending deep into the south. in alabama, this lake appearing to steam as temperatures fall into the single digits. the entire city of memphis, tennessee, under a boil water advisory after utility companies report a number of burst pipes and pressure losses in the drinking water system. across the country, at least 55 deaths are now blamed on the extreme weather this week. some traffic wrecks, others freezing to death. sleet across parts of the pacific northwest leading to
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slick and dangerous roads. in new york, dramatic video showing this car trying to pass a semi truck before crashing into a snowplow. thankfully, no one was injured. right now tens of thousands of residents in oregon are still without power even after the governor declared a state of emergency thursday night. >> whenever there is an extended power outage, everybody is needing fuel and propane to support backup generators. >> reporter: and icy conditions persisting through the weekend for millions of people as several states deal with lake-effect snow. >> there was lots of snow, and the roads were all covered and lots of drifting, 15, 20 cars all stuck. everybody is trying to push and shovel out. >> reporter: the nfl also keeping a close eye after subzero temperatures last weekend sent kansas city fans to the hospital. in buffalo, the bills are once again asking fans to help shovel snow at highmark stadium before sunday's showdown with the chiefs. the region seeing five feet of snow this week.
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officials say, stay home this weekend, and check on your loved ones, but if you must be out, drive slowly, and give yourself extra time. i also have some good news. a big warm-up is coming. we just have to get through this weekend safely. gio? >> gio: it may be cold, but at least you have that gorgeous sunrise behind you. let's get the forecast now from somara theodore. good morning, somara. >> somara: good morning. that's right. yesterday i was in philly. we had a snow emergency there. what did they end up with? well, the official report coming out, about 4.6 inches of snow yesterday, and now the story transitions. so, what's the next big story? the cold. oh, my goodness, about one-third or more of the country under some type of windchill alert, hard freeze. look, it stretches from bismarck all the way down to florida. check out these numbers. the last big cold snap we had, some of the east coast remained a little unscathed. it was chilly, but now we're getting in on it. dough -- so, new york city, this morning it will feel like
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11 degrees but in nashville even colder feeling like 2 below zero. that's a look at the forecast. rhiannon, back to you. >> rhiannon: somara, thank you. now to politics. with the next big republican test three days away, ron desantis and nikki haley trying to make the most of the last weekend of campaigning in new hampshire, each hoping to make a dent in donald trump's lead. abc white house correspondent maryalice parks has the latest now from manchester. good morning, maryalice. a big week ahead. >> reporter: yeah, rhiannon, good morning. just three days to go until the new hampshire primary. of all of the early voting states, this is probably where donald trump is the most vulnerable, and yet it was trump overnight who rolled out a splashy new endorsement. >> we need a president like donald trump. >> reporter: on the campaign trail overnight, a trump power move. south carolina senator tim scott standing by his side. >> we have tremendous numbers of endorsements. they're pouring in right now, but having tim is very important. >> reporter: it's an endorsement nikki haley had hoped for.
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scott, not only from her home state, but haley first appointed him to the senate. now he's with trump just three days before the new hampshire primary where haley has bet big and needs to deliver. >> tim scott wouldn't have a job without nikki haley. nobody cares what tim scott thinks. >> reporter: new hampshire's republican governor, chris sununu, firing back. he's haley's biggest cheerleader taking the fight directly to trump. >> we're tired of losers. we're tired of donald trump. >> reporter: haley piling on. >> he put us $8 trillion in debt in four years. >> reporter: telling our rachel scott, it's the right time to take him on. >> should you have gone after trump harder? supply mean, from the very beginning -- keep in mind, we had 14 people in the race at one time. now that it's a two-person race, we're talking about the contrast. >> reporter: and trump overnight saying this about nikki haley. >> she is not presidential timber. now, when i say that, that probably means that she's not going to be chosen as the vice president. >> reporter: the fact is, this
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primary will likely be decided by independents like dennis kutcher, who make up 40% of new hampshire voters. >> i think nikki is the right person, who should hopefully be able to bridge the divide. >> reporter: now, florida governor ron desantis also had events here yesterday, but he has struggled to catch on in this state. he says that part of the problem is too many voters think trump already has it all wrapped up. he and haley really hoping that more people come out here than compared to new hampshire. remember, whit, in iowa, only about 14% of registered republicans came out. they need bigger numbers here in new hampshire, whit. >> whit: and that turnout can really make the difference. maryalice, thank you. now, to alec baldwin, his lawyers saying they look forward to their day in court after a grand jury charged the actor with one count of involuntary manslaughter in the death of the cinematographer on the set of the movie "rust." abc's zohreen shah joins us now. zohreen, this is another major development. good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. a major development for sure.
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it seemed like alec baldwin was let off that hook in that accidental shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins less than a year ago, but this reversal could hold major consequences for the actor. >> this is a crime scene. >> reporter: this morning a new mexico grand jury indicting actor alec baldwin on an involuntary manslaughter charge a second time in the 2021 accidental shooting death of "rust" cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> whatever you want to do. >> yes, sir, all right. >> reporter: prosecutors said facts surfaced from a firearms report last august revealing the revolver in the shooting was found to function properly, and the trigger had to be pulled for the weapon to fire. two months later, it led them to believe that baldwin has criminal culpability in hutchins' death. this indictment charges him with involuntary manslaughter, negligent use of a firearm or, in the alternative, without due caution or circumspection. if found guilty, baldwin can only be convicted of one of these charges. back in april, special
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prosecutors dropped all manslaughter charges against baldwin after sources say the gun was determined to be mechanically improper. at the time, those prosecutors saying, this decision does not absolve mr. baldwin of criminal culpability, and charges may be refiled. >> were you in the room -- >> i was the one holding the gun, yes. >> reporter: baldwin has long maintained he was not responsible for the gun going off saying he was told the gun did not contain any live rounds, and there wasn't supposed to be live ammo on the set. during initial questioning, baldwin saying he never pulled the trigger. >> i took the gun out really showing him i'm going to go like this, like this, like this, cock and, bam, it went off the first time. >> okay, so it was -- >> it was the very first time that we were shooting that shot that we were rehearsing for that shot. >> reporter: weeks later, doubling down in an exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos. >> so you never pulled the trigger? >> no, no, no, i would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger on them, never. >> reporter: baldwin's attorneys saying, we look forward to our day in court.
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and the attorney for hutchins' family says they're looking forward to baldwin's criminal trial, which will determine if he should be convicted. whit? >> whit: zohreen shah for us, thank you so much. joining us now is abe legal contributor matt murphy. good morning to you. it's great to have you. so, help us follow along here. baldwin was originally charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, but those charges were dropped last spring. what do we know about why prosecutors are seeking an indictment now? >> well, what's interesting about this part of the process, this is a grand jury indictment, so by the very nature of that, it's secret. so we won't know exactly what was presented to the grand jury unless and until the transcripts that are revealed, but what they said publicly is that these new gun reports, they test the functionality of firearms. that's standard in murder cases. this one went all the way back to the fbi and also the local crime lab, and apparently this gun could not have fired, according to prosecutors, unless he, in fact, pulled the trigger.
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>> whit: so, with this indictment, what would prosecutors have to actually prove baldwin did wrong? >> so, essentially involuntary manslaughter in new mexico and every other state, it's basically what's known as criminal negligence, so if somebody does an act, a lawful act that is done recklessly and somebody dies as a result or without due caution and circumspection is the language, that means that that's essentially the standard for criminal negligence. there's ordinary negligence, and then there's criminal negligence. that's encapsulated in an involuntary manslaughter in the state of new mexico. >> whit: was it a mistake for baldwin to do those interviews and speak publicly about this case? >> so, i have worked with alex spiro, who is a very fine attorney, who is one of the people that represents alec baldwin, and i just -- as soon as i saw that interview that he gave with george stephanopoulos, i just knew that alex was pulling his hair out someplace. that is not a good move for
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anybody under investigation for homicide. the more you talk -- he gave an interview with police, but every time a criminal suspect gives a statement like that, especially when it's as public as alec baldwin gave, that's going to be opened up to scrutiny or inconsistencies or any sort of differences in those two interviews, and it's pretty much never a good idea to do that. we all or at least a lot of us watched that interview, and, you know, one of the big questions i have for this is whether or not he'll testify. i suspect he will. that means that at trial the prosecution is going to have three different statements made by alec baldwin, at least, as well as any statements he made to anybody else outside of his lawyers, priests, or spouse. anybody else, those statements are admissible. that's never good for somebody on the stand. that's never good for a criminal suspect. this is still a very challenging case. important for everybody to remember, of course, that he's presumed innocent, but, yeah, i think he talked himself into
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some trouble here. >> whit: something to watch. so many twists and turns in this case. matt murphy, thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. gio? >> gio: all right, whit. now to the new questions for boeing following the emergency landing of a 747 cargo jet. look at that, sparks flying after an engine malfunction just weeks after that door plug flew off an alaskan airlines flight. abc's jaclyn lee now has more with more on this story. good morning, jaclyn. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. yes, very scary moments for both the people on board as well as from the ground. witnesses very concerned after seeing what appeared to be a fire from a plane in the sky. this morning, we're learning more about what forced a cargo plane to make an emergency landing. >> oh, my god. it's on fire. >> reporter: these shocking images showing sparks shooting out the back of this atlas air boeing 747 cargo plane. witnesses on the ground capturing the moment. >> i kind of looked behind me, and there was this plane with sparks shooting out of it, and it was like a shocking thing. >> reporter: the pilots, who were flying the plane to puerto
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rico, urgently seeking clearance to return back to miami international. >> mayday, mayday, giant 095 heavy. engine fire. request exit back to the airport. >> do you need time to burn the fuel, or are you guys going to good to land? >> we'll go ahead and land. >> reporter: an faa incident report says a post-flight inspection revealed a softball-size hole above the number 2 engine on the atlas air cargo airplane. five people were on board. all landed safely and are okay. atlas air saying in a statement, at atlas, safety is always our top priority, and we will be conducting a thorough inspection to determine the cause. the plane at the center of it all, a boeing 747 cargo plane. the incident now putting boeing back into the spotlight after its fleet of 737 max 9 aircraft was grounded by the faa after a door plug blew off midair during this alaskan airlines flight in portland two weeks ago. >> i know the temptation is going to be to say, well, this is another boeing airplane. maybe it's connected.
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to the same problem, no, it's not. no connection at all, and it bears no resemblance to the problems with the plugged door. >> reporter: boeing saying in a statement, we are supporting our customer and will support the ntsb investigation into this incident. we also recommend you contact the engine maker, ge aviation. we reached out to ge aviation. they did not respond to our request for comment. while both the ntsb and faa are investigating, now, our aviation expert says more than 32,000 airliners take off and land each day here in the u.s. it is very rare to lose an engine. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: still, a lot of questions. jaclyn lee, thank you for that. we turn now to the economy and what can really be described as mixed signals. while more americans are definitely feeling positive, there are still some warning signs. abc's reena roy is here now with more on that. good morning, reena. >> reporter: good morning. the layoffs are already piling up this year, and we're just a few weeks into 2024. wayfair announcing it's
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preparing to lay off at least 13% of its global workforce, and the publisher of the iconic "sports illustrated" magazine saying that most of its staff will be let go. the union calling it a very difficult day for its members. it comes after macy's announcement earlier this week. the company laying off about 3.5% of its total head count, roughly 2,300 employees. the iconic department store also closing five locations. now, despite the growing number of job cuts, consumer sentiment about the economy was actually up 13% in the first half of january compared to december according to the university of michigan, and that's likely because inflation has been cooling, and mortgage interest rates dropping. gas prices are also lower, and those are key indicators when it comes to boosting positivity amongst americans. and the white house taking a victory lap, guys, saying it is just the latest sign that president biden's economic plan is delivering results that more americans are feeling. guys?
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>> rhiannon: all right. reena roy, thank you for that. time now for the weather, and somara theodore here now, and, somara, a nice pretty picture behind you, but we know this is dangerous for a lot of people. >> somara: yeah, for sure. a lot of the cars buried in michigan city, and on the east coast, we saw four, six inches. well, michigan city, indiana, saw about 25 inches of snow come down in such a short period of time. this i all lake-effect snow, of course, but if you look at the video, you can see cars completely buried. so over the last 12 hours in pinola, in 24 hours, sorry, but this radar loop looking like a double helix. that band set up, and it doesn't stop. well, we are looking at lakes
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>> somara: that's a look at your local forecast. i know i quickly glazed over it, but what i was trying to say is, like, the lakes by this time of year lake michigan, should be frozen over, but because they're not yet, we're still seeing the lake-effect snow. >> whit: like snow machines still cranking it out. somara theodore, thank you so much. now to the big weekend ahead in the nfl and the big money involved too. playoff ticket prices are through the roof for some of the games. abc's morgan norwood joins us with more. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. so listening to my best analogy here. i'll use beyonce and taylor swift as an example. remember when they went on tour
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and singled handedly boosted local economies. well, we're in for round two. this morning, football fans are fired up for an epic weekend of nfl playoffs. local economies can't get enough. the baltimore ravens playing their first home playoff game in five years today against the houston texans, and people are packing into local bars and restaurants to watch the big game. >> we're looking at anywhere between 2,000 to 2,500 extra people that we wouldn't have had if the ravens weren't home playing in the playoffs tomorrow. >> reporter: tickets for sunday's matchup between the lions and buccaneers exploding after the lions' first playoff win in more than 30 years. seats fetching a record average of more than $1,600 according to tickpick. ticket vendors aren't the only ones winning big. the entire detroit economy cashing in on the team's rare playoff success. the motor city expected to rake in an estimated $50 million in the playoffs according to anderson economic group. >> we're so pumped to see our
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team doing so well. we're busy from the minute we open till the minute we shut our doors. >> reporter: look, it's not just games but coaches, when deion sanders moved to colorado, the six college home games generated $113 million. a similar story over in kansas city. taylor swift mania taking over the city thanks to her romance with the chiefs' travis kelce. tickets at arrowhead stadium skyrocketing since swift started attending. local businesses leaning in as well. >> it's amazing what taylor swift has done for nfl football this season. right? >> we usually focus on jobs, output and earnings, but all of these other community benefits and just the joy and excitement are really beneficial. >> reporter: so, the excitement is certainly real. listen to this stat. cheers from last week's lions game at home were louder than 133 decibels. gio, i know you're the transportation correspondent, so you'll appreciate this. that is louder than a 747 jet engine at takeoff. they're hoping that same excitement leads them to
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victory. gio? >> gio: i love that little stat. thank you, morgan. >> whit: when gio sings during the commercial break, same level. >> gio: same level in decibels. oh, boy. we'll have much more on the big nfl weekend ahead. first up, though, the texans versus the ravens and espn's louis riddick is going to join us with a preview. >> rhiannon: the investigation after a commuter plane makes an unplanned landing on a virginia highway. >> whit: and the dramatic scene as a 73-year-old grandmother is taken into custody after an alleged murder-for-hire plot. we'll be right back.
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. all 23 california state university campuses are expected to strike starting on monday. more than 29,000 employees plan to strike all next week as students return from winter break. the union represent multiple positions, including professors, coaches and counselors. they called for the strike after csu officials did not meet their salary expectations. csu chancellor mildred garcia says no classes will be canceled and none of the campuses will close, despite the strikes to weather. now in a level two storm in rout, lisa is tracking the latest. good morning. good morning stephanie. >> that's right. you can see west of 280 some heavier rain belmont moderate rain. the rest of the bay area scattered lightrillionain showers right now, but the rain fills in for
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moderate rain throughout the day. >> lisa, thank you and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs
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to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ i said, hey, hey, hey, i said, ♪ and i said, hey, hey, hey, i said, hey, what's going on ♪ >> rhiannon: more of this, please.
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>> whit: yes. >> rhiannon: welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. dolly parton celebrated her 78th birthday by giving her fans a gift, or the whole world actually. the singer unexpectedly announced the release of new music. here's one of the songs, a deluxe version of her "rockstar" album with five bonus tracks and four never before heard songs. dolly saying, i hope you all have a happy birthday from me. >> gio: such a dolly thing to say. >> rhiannon: love her. >> gio: she can do no wrong. i'm mesmerized every time i hear her voice. still got it. can we keep this running the whole show? >> whit: as long as you don't sing along. >> gio: some other big stories, happening now, a grand jury in uvalde, texas, will examine whether any law enforcement officers should be criminally charged for the troubling response to the robb elementary shooting that left 19 students and 2 teachers dead. this comes one day after the department of justice released a scathing report about what it called, a series of cascading failures.
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>> whit: also right now, a small passenger plane with seven people on board making an emergency landing on a busy virginia highway in the middle of friday's snowstorm. the pilot declaring a mayday just minutes after takeoff from dulles airport. everyone making it out okay. >> rhiannon: and nascar great jimmie johnson and his crew chief, chad knaus, were inducted into the nascar hall of fame friday evening. the duo had an incredible 18-year run with 7 championships and 83 wins, and, guys, get this, they set a nascar record with five cup titles in a row from 2006 to 2010. legend in the nascar world. >> whit: we start this half hour with a closer look at the top political headlines with the new hampshire primary days away. so joining us now, deputy political director averi harper is here and abc news white house correspondent maryalice parks is there in new hampshire for us. averi, let's start with you. so, talk to us about what's at stake for these candidates down the final stretch. >> we've seen former president
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trump. he's really sharpening his his attacks on nikki haley, and we've seen him say, she does not have the support of maga, the maga movement, and because of that, he doesn't believe she can win this election. we saw senator tim scott endorse him yesterday in new hampshire. that's really a snub to nikki haley, who appointed him to his senate seat there in south carolina when she was the governor. as for nikki haley, nikki haley has really been clearer in her criticisms of former president trump as she has pushed back on his assertions that he has presidential immunity amid these legal cases that he's facing. she's also been more apt to liken him to former -- excuse me -- to president biden in terms of lots of things, and we've seen her say that, do we really want to see 80-year-olds running for president? there is an ad in new hampshire right now that is running, and it's hard to avoid it if you turn on the television in new hampshire where she is saying that both trump and biden are consumed by negativity and chaos. we'll see whose strategy is more
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effective come primary night. >> gio: absolutely, and let's go to new hampshire. maryalice, you are there right now. give us a sense of the dynamics on the ground. is it looking any different than iowa? >> reporter: well, big picture, gio, it feels like a two-person race here. ron desantis has really struggled to catch on, and we know that this primary will likely be decided by independent voters. they make up 40% of voters here in new hampshire. now, trump has falsely said that democrats can vote in the republican primary. that's not true. you had to switch voter affiliation back in october, but those independents, they can vote in either the democrat or republican primary. and like averi was saying, nikki haley is pitching to those independents. she is trying to lump president biden and former president trump together saying the country needs to move on from both of them, and i've talked to independent voters here in new hampshire who are buying that message, who really agree. you know, this is largely just seen as a more moderate state. i was here during the midterms, and i saw firsthand how some of
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those more maga republicans lost. they didn't do well here on issues like foreign policy and abortion. more moderates tend to do well, and that's why there is so much pressure, guys, on nikki haley to show she can deliver. >> rhiannon: maryalice sees it there on the ground in new hampshire, but let's talk about the latest polling. you've been watching this. what does it show us? >> when we look at the latest abc news/ipsos poll, what we find is that 80% of republican aligned adults in the country, they believe that former president trump is the most likely -- has the best chance to win in november. only 10% say that about nikki haley, and only 9% say that about ron desantis, and i think that's really reflective of this party where he is wildly popular, and it's indicative of the fact that for anybody not named donald trump, it's going to be very difficult to clinch that nomination. when we look at new hampshire specifically, trump is leading by 15%. nikki haley is right behind him in number two, and ron desantis is polling in single digits, and so what we see come out of the
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new hampshire primary is likely going to tell us a lot about what this republican primary is going to look like going forward. >> whit: and, maryalice, finally, let's go back to you for the democrats. there is a primary in new hampshire, but president biden is not on the ballot. >> reporter: yeah, 21 democratic names on the ballot, and joe biden is not one of them. democrats wanted to move south carolina first. that is where in 2020 joe biden first won, but new hampshire pointed out that it's in their state law to hold the first primary, so they went ahead. biden sat it out, and now this could be really embarrassing for the president. there has been this campaign here by some prominent democrats to try to get democrats to write in his name. he has not endorsed that effort. we will see if it works, but it might not look great if he doesn't do so well here. there are a few democrats who have a little bit of a following, and we could see some headlines reminding people in that polling, we see that a lot of democrats not so excited about president biden again. you know, biden for his part
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this week did have a big week. we saw him canceling student loan debt for over 70,000 borrowers, nearly $5 billion in student loan debt. democrats, of course, hoping that that kind of work from the white house will be what breaks through here. whit? >> whit: all right, maryalice parks, thank you so much. averi harper, we always appreciate it. i'll be down there in new hampshire in a couple days. maybe a little warmer than it was in iowa. thank you so much. all right. let's get back to somara theodore talking about the weather. speaking of the cold, it's been rough. >> somara: yeah, it's been rough for our friends in oregon. east portland, oregon. look at that. can't even get any grip on the roads. they saw at least a half an inch of ice there. they had thousands left without power as a result. this storm system moved in, and we've got another storm system bringing more rounds of rain to the region. now, we should see some improvement in oregon over the next couple of hours. but the rain, that's what we're talking about next. this is sunday, 9:00 a.m. showers really start to pick up by about 8:00 a.m. on monday, especially for those living in southern california. further inland we could see
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some snowfall. if you're planning on heading to the game today, you'll be watching the game, super soaker in santa clara. they're expecting rounds of showers today and could pick up anywhere between 2 to 3 inches of rain throughout the weekend. kickoff at 8:15 p.m. temperatures around 60 degrees there. now, by the time it's all said and done over the next five days, we could see a total of four to six inches of rain stretching from seattle down to parts of southern california. further inland into the rockies and the plains, they could see generally about 3 to 6 inches of snow. that's a look at the forecast across the country. >> somara: and that's a look at >> somara: and that's a look at your forecast. back to you all. >> rhiannon: somara, thank you so much for that. coming up on "good morning america," we have video just released of a grandmother taken into custody for an alleged murder-for-hire plot in a case
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direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? >> gio: welcome back to "gma" and the startling new video we're seeing involving an alleged murder-for-hire plot.
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a 73-year-old grandma taken into custody as she was boarding a plane to leave the country. abc's reena roy has more on this story that has so many twists and turns. reena, good morning again. >> hey, gio, good morning to you. yeah, certainly a lot of twists and turns here. prosecutors working for nearly a decade to unravel an alleged murder-for-hire plot that left a professor dead and several co-conspirators behind bars. that professor's ex-brother-in-law already serving a life sentence for murder, and now his former mother-in-law is also facing the same charges. >> oh, here we go. >> reporter: this morning, a bombshell development in a murder-for-hire scheme. new body camera video shows florida police arresting 73-year-old grandma donna adelson at miami international airport as she and her husband attempt to board a one-way flight to vietnam. >> this is terrible. you can't do this. this is insane. >> reporter: in the video from november, adelson escorted through the airport and into a
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police car. >> i didn't know there was a warrant. >> reporter: the 73-year-old facing first-degree murder and solicitation of murder charges, accused of conspiring with her son and several others to have her former son-in-law, fsu law professor daniel marquell, killed in the driveway of his home in 2014. at the time, marquell was in in a bitter court fight with his ex-wife, wendy adelson, who wanted to move with her two sons to be closer to her mother donna and other family in south florida, but when marquell refused, prosecutors say the adelsons decide to take matters into their own hands. >> anybody here have motive to want daniel dead, his own family. >> the defendant is guilty of first-degree murder. >> reporter: prosecutors allege donna was a driving force behind the deadly scheme. her son, charlie, convicted of first-degree murder now serving a mandatory life sentence. abc news obtaining jail calls between the two, charlie behind
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bars, one week before donna allegedly tried to flee the country. >> if there is extradition from vietnam, because we've looked at all the places. i mean, i could go to korea and china, but there's no extradition. >> prosecutors listen to those all the time, and that's when the fbi and state attorney jumped on it, went to the airport, probably had her on a no-fly list, and they picked her up right at the airport. >> and prosecutors believe donna was trying to flee the country and say, that could be used as a piece of evidence against her. her attorney telling abc news she's innocent, and we look forward to proving it at trial. she is due back in court on monday. gio? >> gio: just a wild story, reena. all right. thank you so much. coming up on "good morning america," the all-important nfl divisional rounds taking place today. espn's louis riddick looks at the matchups next. yourself, what's someone who doesn't wear clothes doing at a fashion show? crashing it— to let everyone know about the america's best designer sale happening now.
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>> rhiannon: back now on "gma" and the epic showdowns for the teams playing in the nfl divisional playoff round. joining us to talk about it is espn football analyst and former nfl player louis riddick. louis, thanks for joining us. let's jump right in. >> of course. >> rhiannon: okay, let's talk about these games, because houston looked really good versus cleveland, but we know baltimore is looking for its first home playoff game in a really long time. this is very high stakes. what is the key for both of these teams? >> well, i think when you start with the favorite, when you start with baltimore, who's really been probably the best football team in the nfl for the better part of the season, i think there it's all about lamar jackson continuing on this trajectory that he's been over especially, let's just say, the
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last month of the season where the new forecast coordinator todd monken who came from the university of georgia instilled in him a lot of trust to really control the offense at the line of scrimmage, spread things out, and not have it be so condensed as it used to be before, especially when you're talking about the passing game, and now lamar has free rein to change plays at the line of scrimmage and can use his legs when he needs to. they have a bevy of weapons on the perimeter led by zay flowers out of boston college and look on the flip side for the houston texans, in rookie head coach demeco ryans that they keep everything in front of them in terms of not letting people get behind him with big plays, and then offensively they have to create their own big plays with fantastic rookie cj stroud, who right now looks nothing like a rookie. him and his offensive coordinator have really developed this great chemistry in how to attack defenses and operate within the confines of this office.
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you see cj stroud now, he is one of those guys making great decisions, he has been able to throw the football with great accuracy down the field and will need that because he's going up against arguably the best defense led by mike mcdonald. so this is a huge, huge matchup for both teams. >> gio: let's keep talking about the texans here. so, how impressed are you with cj stroud, who you just mentioned, and the first year head coach? >> look, demeco ryans, hands down to me, if it's down to me, should be the coach of the year. he's really coached the same way that he played as a player when he was a guy very much a step ahead of everyone in terms of his ability to key and diagnose plays and be where he needed to be even before the offense got there even. you saw the clip that went viral when he was telling christian harris a week ago against the cleveland browns when he needed to do in order to pick off joe flacco, and exactly what he told him was the exact thing that happened on the football field.
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that's what we're talking about when we say coaching matters. with cj stroud, i said all last year leading up to the draft run-up starting with his pro day, i thought he was the number one quarterback in the draft, and he is showing right now that he has uncommon poise for a youngster making his playoff start. >> whit: louis, thank you so much. we have to leave it there and also, of course, my niners against the packers tonight, looking forward to that too. >> rhiannon: that's going to be a great game. >> gio: catch the houston texans versus the baltimore ravens at 4:15 on abc and espn. and we'll be right back with our "play of the day." we'll beh our "play of the day." orts coll. following you along, everywhere you go. making every moment special. even more surprising than your last. and bringing you extra time in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 35% on rooms at select disney resort hotels! why would you stay anywhere else? the quarterback gets ready. steps up... hands off the ritz to the running back. ooh ritz!
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[news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ >> whit: back now with our "play of the day" and the dogs who just can't resist a good singalong. take a look here. nice, quiet scene on the road. a driver panning his phone camera around to show the sleeping going on, and then everybody joins in in song. [ laughter ] got to love that. anything to pass the time, right? come back for our second hour of "gma" still ahead.
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27 year old lee ren chen was found covered in scratches and blood after police were called to his home to perform a wellness check. his wife's body was found nearby. police say she died from blunt force injuries to her head, and that chen told an officer he punched his wife. he's expected in court next wednesday. happening today, tens of thousands of people will rally against abortion here in san francisco. so if you are in the area, be prepared for delays because of street closures. the 20th annual walk for life is supposed to start around 130 in the afternoon on market street, and end at civic center plaza. a counter protest is planned for
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embarcadero plaza. well get ready for the rain thiske. lisa tcking a level two storm. good morning, good morning. >> it fills in more throughout the middle of the afternoon, but right now it's been light rain. we're up in the north bay here. vallejo. some scattered showers from marin county out towards the delta, but you can see some more moderate rain from san lorenzo getting close to castro valley and hayward. so 8-80 is pretty soggy. and as we look at the east bay, some very light rain. berkeley and oakland and then up through american canyon, the wet weather but more is offshore. you can see from pacifica highway one, montara and finally the santa cruz mountains, anywhere from an inch to an inch and a half expected. so the accuweather seven day forecast from about 2 to 3:00. we've got a solid shield of widespread rain throughout the entire bay area that's going to last through the niners game. the overnight hours end early sunday and then sunday night into monday. another stronger system with a chance of thunderstorms. stephanie. >> thank you lisa. the news continues with good morning america.
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light
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that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. brutal blast. winter's grip tightening with 145 million americans under winter weather alerts. digging out in the m


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