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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 24, 2024 12:37am-1:06am PST

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that i can talk to ♪ ♪ woah oh oh oh i should be under ♪ ♪ your spell right now your spell right now ♪ ♪ the way you move it moves me with no place left to go ♪ ♪ your sweet voice leaves me speechless ♪ ♪ like you will never know i really wanna talk to you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] tonight the showdown in new hampshire. >> former president donald trump now with back to back wins. >> you know we won new hampshir. three. three. >> byron: moving closer to the gop nomination. nikki haley narrowing the gap and vowing to stay in the race.
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>> we're going home to south carolina. >> byron: new englanders flooding the polls in record numbers. >> iowa picks corn, new hampshire picks presidents. >> byron: we're on the ground talking to the voters who made it happen. >> how do you see yourself? >> i wasn't a trump supporter, i was a trump obsessor. >> byron: many turning out for nikki haley. >> i changed affiliations so i could vote in the primary. >> byron: will her strong showing help power hare forward? >> this race is far from over. dozens of states left to go. >> byron: this special edition of "nightline," "your voice, >> byron: this special edition of "nightline," "your voice, your vote," will be right back. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better.
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>> good evening. thank you for joining us tonight. donald trump winning the new hampshire primary. the former president victorious over nikki haley, though by a smaller margin than in the first matchup in iowa. abc senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is at the trump campaign headquarters in nashua. rachel. by donald trump taking a victory lap here in new hampshire and taking on nikki haley, calling her delusional if she thinks that she has a shot in this republican primary. >> the former president, appearing on the stage with two of his former rivals, senator tim scott and vivek ramaswamy, that was intentional to send a clear message that he wants the
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party to coalesce behind him. with that win in iowa and now new hampshire, he is one step closer to clinching the republican nomination. byron rachel. >> thank you. eva pilgrim is at haley headquarters in concord, new hampshire. >> eva byron nikki haley is moving on, heading to her home state of south carolina, saying while new hampshire is the first in the nation primary, it is not the last. her campaign is feeling the momentum here, the crowd, the excitement palpable, telling this crowd that she is a fighter and she's scrappy and calling on donald trump to get on a debate stage with her and have a debate. byron >> thank you eva. a record number of voters turning out in new hampshire today, some polling sites even requesting more ballots. i got a chance to talk with some of those voters recently in their home state. >> you know, we won new hampshire three times now, 3 in 3 tonight, an anticipated win in new hampshire for former president donald trump, inching
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one step closer to the gop nomination, beating nikki haley. she's doing, uh, like a speech, like she won. she didn't win. she lost. but in a race that came down to just two candidates, his opponent narrowing the gap with trump trailing by less than she did in iowa. >> new hampshire is first in the nation. it is not the last in the nation. this race is far from over. >> historically, new hampshire's first in the nation primary has been a game changer. >> our electorate is very, very engaged. you know, i will pick director picks, presidents and here it's a close contact sport. we do get to meet and see up close and personal all the candidates. but it also comes with responsibility. >> responsibility that's borne results. the last five winners of new hampshire's republican primary went on to become the party's nominee. the state has a unique electorate. the majority of voters are not affiliated with a party, meaning they can
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vote on the day of the primary for either party. >> with such an equally divided state, you really do need to appeal to people not only in your base, but also in the center. >> and that's why we showed up at marianne's diner in derry, new hampshire, where folks of every political stripe show up here for breakfast. >> i like trump's policies, but him himself as a person, i'm not key on, you know, the way he talks about people, the way he acts towards people and stuff like that. >> i voted for him last time, so you know, why not this time? just because of the craziness? i don't know, i just didn't like what happened at the end with the capital. it was a sad moment, i think, for our country. >> january 6th was also a line in the sand for matthew bartlett, born and raised in new hampshire, he was working in the u.s. state department that day, appointed by trump himself. >> i distinctly remember walking home and just seeing the capital , seeing the mayhem and feeling such utter disgust and made a very easy decision in my life, which was, dear mr. secretary, i
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hereby resign immediately, candidly speaking, i think these were january six terrorists this year. >> it's not clear what role january six will play at the ballot box. if any. >> it could be an impact, but i think it will be small the bigger impact the economy and the border. those really every day i hear those two issues over and over again. >> bartlett is one of the 70% of americans who think the things aren't going well in the nation, but more than anything, i worry about the attitude of our party. >> i am much more interested in someone who is eager to lead america to better days than some of the revenge style, guttural politics, he says he hopes his former boss does not get the nomination. is donald trump fit to serve as president of the united states again? listen in my opinion, no. i think we got plenty of better options out there, whether i want to admit it or not. >> on january six, when i walked in that building, i did become something else. what that is, i
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don't know. >> jason riddle was there on january sixth. the new hampshire resident says he walked through an open door right into the capitol, drank from an open bottle of wine and stole a book from the senate parliamentarian. he served 90 days in prison after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor charges, theft of government property and illegally protesting inside the capitol. he says he's still unpacking how it all happened. how does as a gay married man who voted for obama become i'm a trump guy? >> like everything else back then, in my mind it was everyone else's fault. >> he had taken an oath to defend america's democracy as an army and navy reservist had once been a federal government employee working at the post office and even served as a corrections officer. >> you know, whenever things didn't work out, i would just move on to the next was ignoring a lot of problems the whole way. and problems. what, you mean what i'm an alcoholic because you're an alcoholic.
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>> that's what alcoholics do. they drink, they drink, and they obsess. >> i wasn't a trump supporter. i was a trump obsessor, riddle says. >> he was drawn to the negative attention that came from being a trump supporter. he calls this shirt his trump jersey. what does that mean? trouble jersey? >> because every time i put this on, someone would see it and get mad and they'd come over and i'd get a reaction and we'd blame them for judging me for what i'm wearing, he says he knew biden beat trump in the 2020 election. >> he just didn't care. >> so we walk towards the capitol building and that's when things started getting a little weird, maybe a little weird. uh people with weapons that became part of the routine with trump rallies to you've got a little, little use to violence before january 6th, court documents citing government surveillance footage, state riddle was in the capitol for 40 minutes. >> he says he left the capitol grounds as soon as he heard a woman, ashli babbitt, had been shot and killed by capitol police. >> i looked up and i see all the cops and they're starting to
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work their way in. i remember thinking, they can start shooting us right now. they were perfectly within their rights to open fire. they very well, well, could have, should have. i don't know. excuse me. i a little stutter. he knew the fbi found him in a matter of weeks. >> and when law enforcement later came to his home to arrest him, he turned to the bottle. once again. >> my goal, because i hated myself, was i want to get everyone to hate me as much as i hate myself, he was sentenced on april 4th, 2022, part of his probation included mandatory alcohol treatment. it wasn't a punishment. it was a rehabilitation. and anyone who in their mind, thought it was a good idea to drive down to the capitol building for something they knew was nonsense, is in need of rehabilitation, and that should include and not be limited to the person who told us to go there in the first place. >> there are a number of good and decent people in our country who love and support donald trump. >> what do you say to them? >> and it's this false narrative
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that if you don't vote for this 80 year old, you're going to get that 80 year old. and i think that's wrong. i think that's a lie. >> so. so how do you see yourself? see myself as a former insurrectionist? >> i took part in what trump is trying to do and dismantling our our civil union. and now so everyone has a choice on what they can do. >> his choice this time around is to vote for nikki haley. i think he could use a lady's touch right now. >> we've been letting the guys run the show for a while. let's see what a lady can do. you know, i appreciate it. >> we heard at least a hint of that sentiment. most places we went, she seems like the most common sense person i was a registered democrat at, and i changed affiliation so i could vote in the republican primaries . >> our goal is just to be strong . we wanted to be strong in iowa. we felt good with that. we
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want to be stronger in new hampshire, and then we want to be even stronger than that in south carolina. we're in it for the long haul. we're going to get it done. >> we always wanted to have a strong second. that's the only expectation we ever laid out there. >> haley's next stop, south carolina, will. she'll appeal to her home state voters in exactly one month. hey, guys. >> good morning. >> haley. banking on support from independent voters like michelle wilson back at marianne's diner who voted for obama and biden. >> you can't bring yourself to vote for trump. you're not going to vote for biden. therefore you're left with nikki haley. i don't so much say i'm left with haley. >> as much as i feel that she's going to be a better candidate to put my eggs in the basket, i gave biden a shot. trump had his shot and neither one of them left me feeling in any way, shape or form, compelled. klein joins us now. >> abc news political director here at the big wall. you've been here all night, rick, what happened? nikki haley promised that she would keep this close
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because of independent voters. >> yeah, well, we saw big turnout. we saw big numbers. but we also saw a trump romp. and it is interesting because on one level, you can look at this and say, nikki haley kind of actually delivered on the big promise. this is the number of independent voters who took part in the republican primary, as they're allowed to do in new hampshire. that's a record number, 46. that's almost half of republican voters that actually weren't even republicans coming in. it wasn't enough for nikki haley. but when you start to look inside those numbers, you look at her numbers in the suburbs and in some smaller rural towns that tend to tend to be a little bit more liberal numbers among female voters. you see the weaknesses in donald trump's coalition. so yes, trump wins big, but there's big question marks surrounding his candidacy. >> where does she go from here? it's tough sledding for her in her home state of south carolina. >> yeah, that's the next big contest up. and this is the fivethirtyeight polling average. and it's been brutal from the start. go back to last year and nikki haley has never been even close to donald trump. now, there's not a lot of polling, to be fair, but 35 points i mean, that really is a lot. and if you
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look at the where we stand right now in the process, only two states have voted, right. you have all these other states all the way through june before the nomination is technically settled up. but if you start to hone in on what's coming up, this is where the math gets really tough for nikki haley, because the next big contest is in nevada. she's actually not even on the ballot. there for the caucuses. and right after that boom, her her home state of south carolina, she has to win there. functionally speaking, if she's going to have any chance and then if she does that, you move into super tuesday and you start to see a couple of places that allow independents to vote, just like they did in new hampshire, places like virginia, massachusetts, even the big state of texas, a lot of delegates there. but this is kind of a scattershot strategy. it's hard to maintain if you're losing how you can start to get delegates along the way. >> so what i hear you say for nikki haley is all uphill, and she's wearing roller skates right now. >> yes. and her home state's got to deliver for her. >> it's kind of the perfect, uh, manifestation of all these issues she's run against. she's got to win back home. yeah. >> rick klein, thank you so much. when we come back, our
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12:53 am
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welcome back. >> we're joined now by our powerhouse abc news contributors with former rnc chair reince priebusrnc chair reince priebus. former acting dnc chair donna brazile. thank you for joining us. tonight, nikki haley lost by double digits. what pleasure will be she be under to get out of this race? >> first thing, have a meeting with her campaign, the best data people she can talk to, where does she go from here? talk to people who are going to help finance her campaign.
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this is a significant victory for donald trump. i think most people said a talking heads said that if donald trump wins iowa and new hampshire, then it was probably over. and it probably is. and at best, it's a moonshot for nikki haley. it is a lot of work and a lot of time for something that's probably not going very far. >> byron: as for the former president, he made clear tonight he's ready to bring the republican party together and move on. if haley stays in the race, what should we expect from him in the coming weeks? >> well, you know, i think from their standpoint, they've got to get on the money. work with the rnc, do what's called a joint fund-raising agreement with the party, which means they can double and triple up their money so they can raise even more money than they were before donald trump becomes the presumptive nominee. and then build out an enormous ground operation and early vote operation, absentee ballot
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operation. and essentially, in about seven states where you're going to spend -- whether unfortunately or fortunately, billions of dollars in seven states, trying to influence about 100,000 people, which is what this is going to come down to. so the next president of the united states is going to be chosen that way. >> byron: donna, haley won 61% of self-described independent voters. does that make the biden camp nervous or encouraged by that? >> both, actually. encouraged by the fact that so many nonaffiliated voters turned out in good numbers. you also have to work, because in the fall it's going to be a choice. therefore, biden will need those same voters to come back and support him the way they did in 2020. governor haley has to go home, sit with her family, talk to her staff, talk to her donors. you know, in order to have a way forward over the next 24 to 30
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days, you're really going to have to put together a great team. i really believe it's incumbent upon her campaign to start figuring out how she's going to respond to the attacks that are going to come from donald trump. donald trump doesn't mind hitting women with verbal attack, with vitriol. with all kind of other brutal assessments of her candidacy. so prepare yourself. prepare for answering it, prepare for ignoring it, prepare for counter arguments. i guess i'm giving miss haley some free advice. if she's going to stay in the race for 30 days, she's going to have to be more visible. going home to south carolina, a rally tomorrow night. donald trump might look like an old man, but he's not acting like an old man. meaning, he's campaigning. he had maybe one or two rallies, but big rallies. take a page and go all throughout that beautiful state
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and campaign in nontraditional areas. >> byron: the former president showed sharp to finish with you reince. i was in new hampshire recently. it seemed like there were people who love donald trump, people who say anyone but trump. what does it look like in the fall for him if there's so many people in the republican party, a number, at least, who want anyone but him? >> you're going to have that on both sides, on the democrats' side and the republican side. there are people that look at joe biden, this is not the guy we thought we hired in 2020 that was going to bring the country together, secure the border, put our place in the world in a safer place. but again, what this race is going to come down to is 100,000 people in five states. we're talking 10,000, 20,000 people per state. and that's really what this comes down to. it is micro-targeting. it is right down to the wire. this is not as much macro messaging as it is micro
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messaging to individual people, door by door, in five states. that's how this is fall this wi be. thank you both so much, appreciate it. see you both down the road. appreciate it. see you both down the road. we'll be right back. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur.
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1:04 am
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