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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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on getting answers. long shot how underdogs could shake up the race for president and which major candidate could benefit the most. we'll learn about some chatgpt life hacks from a man who used ai to convince a major corporation to give him a coveted customer perk, and playing host to global leaders is not cheap. new numbers out today have some questioning. the cost of aipac to san francisco.
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but first, breaking news out of union city police are swarming a business park on dow and alvarado-niles road, warning people to avoid the area due to an extraordinary threat. this is a live look at the scene from sky seven. abc seven has received reports of a shooting, but authorities are not releasing any information at this time. video from the scene shows just how many law enforcement officers are there though. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is headed to the scene and should be there shortly. we can also report that a large number of alameda county sheriff's deputies are at eden medical center in castro valley, right now. so that may mean something. we do have more information coming in soon, and we'll pass that along to you as soon as it becomes available on abc seven news at four. and of course, on abc seven and the abc seven bay area app. all right. before we get to our first discussion topic, just a quick, quick look at the weather here. you know, it started out
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rainy. and even now we have some showers and what is going to be in store for the future? definitely gray skies this afternoon. but abc seven meteorologist sandhya patel has your full forecast with a look at our next chance for rain that's coming up on abc seven news at 4:00. you can track the rain in any time with the live doppler seven radar that our weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it. now now. all right. now, our first topic of the day, some major local economic headlines today from the city being on the hook for millions more than budgeted for the apec summit in november to a long delayed transportation project showing some signs of life here to talk about all this with us is abc seven news insider phil matier. hey, phil, okay. >> hey, it's quite a day. it is. >> i want to start with the city budget and finance committee meeting. i think that's taking place tonight. right. they have to consider taking $6.5 million
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out of the general fund to cover apec expenses. yeah well, apec didn't come cheap. >> it was a world gathering of finance unseres primarily from the asian side of the world. that's the asian pacific economic summit. and it was a conference abroad in the president of china, brought in the president of the united states. it brought in millions of dollars for hotels around the moscone area, where it was uh. it was featured. it also requires building basically a fence city down there, a city within the city, and with huge costs. now well, the city went out and the mayor went out and sort of rattled the bushes of local business leaders and managed to raise about $20 million. but a lot of that went into parties and feeding and taking care of the bigwigs while they were in town, including a concert with catherine stefani. now the tab is coming due for all that police presence. we see, or at least part of it. i have to tell you, it's a $6.5 million for police overtime. and as you point out, that money is initially coming out of the general fund. now, the hope and
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the plan is that it's going to be replenished by that 20 part of that $20 million that the mayor collected from business leaders and such in order to host the event. but i'm going to tell you, christian, that the city side of it, 6.5 million, is just a part of what it costs to especially police costs, because they're also state highway patrol officers involved and a ton of federal agents from around the country brought in to try to help keep an eye on things so that we're getting, you know, we're seeing what i don't understand is where is the surprise? >> wasn't this all budgeted for and planned for? >> it was. it is. and i don't think there's a big surprise here. what we're seeing is that they're saying this is the tab. it's $6.5 million. and initially the city is going to write the check, but the london breed is going to get that $6.5 million back. she's getting it back from the private people. that's not the surprise. the we don't have so much as a surprise. it's a question because after they pay
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back the six. >> all right. unfortunately our signal with phil is just not good today. i want to blame it on the rainbow. we know that's not the case, but, phil, thank you very much. we'll have to continue that conversation. but bottom line, this is coming at a time when a lot of small businesses are saying, hey, look, with all the road closures, security protocol, we lost business. locals weren't coming and the dignitaries didn't come to our small restaurant. so we lost money. and you didn't tell us that was going to happen. and now we see compensation. and so you can see how the city, having to pay, find that $6.5 million, it raises their concerns that we may never get the compensation that we were hoping for, so that is all going to be a discussion tonight. all right. moving on. we want to talk about how a former politic
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direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? (co-worker 4) to payday, you can what are you doing this weekend?
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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she is not giving up her fight. meanwhile, some in her own party are calling for her to drop out. abc news reporter and nguyen digs into last night's results. and what's ahead in the race for the republican nomination. >> even former president trump, victorious in new hampshire. the second hurdle of this year's election, cementing himself as the more than likely republican presidential nominee. usa. his celebratory speech striking a rather vengeful tone against his opponent, former un ambassador nikki haley. >> the governor said she's going to win. she's going to win, she's going to win. then she she failed badly. the only person
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more angry than, let's say, me. but i don't get too angry, i get even. haley questioning why trump was so angry if he was in such good shape, haley finished stronger than recent polls, suggested winning a majority among independents and voters with degrees. >> trump led in areas with fewer college educated voters. the former south carolina governor vowing to forge ahead. >> there are dozens of states left to go, and the next one is my sweet state of south carolina . >> but south carolina's primary isn't for another month, with polls showing haley trailing by 30 points. so the question remains whether haley will be able to hold on to her recent momentum and resources. >> she's not even on the ballot in nevada. she can't get any of those delegates. next up, her home state of south carolina that really is must win. >> meanwhile, president biden won as a write in candidate in the state's democratic primary. >> and let's remember, it was donald trump and his supreme court who ripped away the rights
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and freedoms of women in america . >> the president saying, following the results, it is clear donald trump will be the republican nominee and the stakes could not be higher. former president trump has called for the party to unify around him, and most are falling in line. and now the republican national committee is urging haley to do the same and win. abc news, washington. >> and so the presidential candidates are now turning their sights to south carolina, right? that's the next battleground state, a battleground, i should say, in the 2024 presidential nominating contest. let's take a little closer look here at the new hampshire result that really made the biden trump matchup that few people wanted more of a reality. here on the republican side, you can see former president trump, 91, criminal charges against him in all easily beat haley 54 to 43% on the democratic side, president biden, as a write in candidate, easily beat upstart minnesota congressman dean phillips with 56% to phillips, 20. now,
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phillips vows to stay in until polls show him weaker than biden in a head to head matchup with trump and he has picked up some prominent endorsements recently. elon musk, some tech and crypto ceos and former democratic presidential candidate, now independent andrew yang. i spoke with yang an hour ago about why dean phillips and who is dean phillips making the time for us today. >> of course, kristen, new hampshire is beautiful this time of year. so it was, uh, you spent a lot of time out there in new hampshire. >> i do know that, but, uh, but let's talk about the results, though, and i wonder if you think that's beautiful. i know you endorsed congressman dean phillips. you stumped with him in new hampshire. the results he got about 20. and that's with biden's name not on the ballot due to the democratic party wanting, you know, the more diverse electorate in south carolina to go first. um, do you think this is as good as it gets for him? are you satisfied with
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the result? >> well, going from 0 to 20, uh, in about ten weeks is a remarkable achievement. and it shows a real appetite for a competition on the democratic side. a lot of people watching and listening to this right now, um, might have supported joe biden as i did in 2020, but would like a choice, uh, would like to maybe have someone under the age of 80 who might be able to make trump the super old candidate. uh, and polls show that a generic democrat beats trump by eight, while joe right now is losing to trump. it's one reason why i support dean, because i think he'd be a much better candidate against trump in the fall. >> let's explore a little bit deeper why phillips is running and what's his goal. right. let's listen to what he said about it. first, before i ask you some questions, i called on the president to pass the torch. >> he didn't. i spent months literally calling other candidates who are much better known than i because i know in this game you have to be well known. it helps the it helps the cause. the invitation. poppy is
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still gretchen whitmer, j.b. pritzker, gavin newsom, vice president harris, where are you this is at the practice of democracy that i really am trying to impress upon democrats that we should not have a coronation. we should have a competition. >> okay, so, andrew, does that sound like to you that in his heart of hearts, he wants to be president? or is it sounding like, look, none of those more famous people are not stepping up. so i guess it's got to be me. >> uh, well, a lot of the greatest stories ever told are born that way. kristen, where you try and get someone else to do it, no one else steps up, and then you do it. uh but but, uh, dean would make a great commander in chief, a great president, uh, and that just shows his spirit of service where he said, look, it's not about me. it's about defeating donald trump in the fall. he doesn't think joe biden is the right candidate for that. and the numbers agree. and i agree. and so he went to governor newsom in california. your guy can run for president. uh, you know, and some people there
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would be very excited about it. i'd be excited if the democrats had a genuine contest, because then the right person would emerge. and the odds of beating donald trump would be much, much higher than if you have a joe biden with a 38% approval rating, who's down to trump in most all of the swing states, including states he won in 2020, he's down by eight in michigan, he's down by eight. in georgia. he won both those states. the numbers do not look good for joe biden. i wish there was another nominee. >> yeah. let's explore the numbers a little bit more. and the low approval ratings right. i think our producer was able to find a recent poll, the harvard caps harris poll, showing trump leading biden by seven points, 48 to 41. um, and i wonder, you know, this a head to head? of course i know this concerns you, but i want to ask you why you think phillips could do better. because do you think changing the age alone to where you take away that as a weapon some might
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use against biden, although it also can be used against trump, like you mentioned that that would be enough. well polling shows that a generic democrat defeats trump by eight, and they tried this in michigan, where again, joe is losing to trump by eight in michigan. >> but if the candidate was gretchen whitmer, then all of a sudden the democrat wins by four. that's a 12 point swing. uh, i joke that dean should legally change his name to generic democrat. uh and, uh, then he would defeat trump. you'd have a 55 year old generic democrat. and so it could be dean, it could be gavin newsom, it could be gretchen whitmer. the point is that the democrats aren't having a healthy process to determine who the strongest, not mini, would be. you know, more than just this one presidential year. >> does it sound it sounds a little bit like to me that you would welcome or maybe are calling for, uh, every time we have a president running for reelection in that internal challenger, step forward to make sure they come up with the
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strongest candidate. is that what you're saying, that sitting presidents should be challenged by their own party? >> well, certainly any sitting president with a 38% approval rating who's down to his primary opponent and is 81 years old, should have a real process. i even suggested that they should just have a vice president primary where, look, if it's going to be joe at the top of the ticket, then let's figure out who's actually going to take the baton in a way that everyone's genuinely excited about. um, but just saying, joe, on opposed coronation, it's unhealthy. it's irresponsible. it's going to lead to a trump sequel. and i personally am grateful to dean for stepping up and trying to create a real competition. the democratic party needs it in the country would benefit. >> okay, i think a lot of people will say that it's not an actual competition because he has no chance of winning the democratic nomination. would you probably don't agree with. but i'm going to leave that on hold for now because i want you to talk to us a little bit about dean phillips. right because like you said, a lot of people don't know who he is. so what is he about
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other than i'm not 8-80 what are his platforms? i know you got into the race. i wanted to talk about ubi and actually changed the conversation around that and mainstream the idea. and, you know, a lot of people get into it because they want something to happen policy wise. what is he about? >> he thinks there is an affordability crisis in the united states of america. he wants to have universal health care. uh, he wants to build 7 million new housing units. people in california would definitely appreciate that. he wants to make college and vocational school tuition free once every american child to be born with $1,000 baby bond that would grow, uh, for the first 18 years, and then maybe give them a real shot. i mean, he wants to solve the problems that plague americans in california and new hampshire and south carolina. and he's the second most bipartisan member of congress, uh, right now, according to people who judge these things, uh, he can get some things done, uh, in ways that the current administration isn't even really trying, uh, to, to do. because right now you have this toxic divide in washington where
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you're not allowed to work with the other party. and the way our system is designed, most of the big things remain off the table. if you're not willing to try and break things up. so dean would have a nonpartisan, bipartisan cabinet. he'd bring people in from outside of the government. but he wants to make america affordable for americans. >> let me ask you this. if he does lose the democratic nomination, would you do you support him enough or would you want him to run as a third party candidate? because i think polls do show like such as when you look at rfk jr and throw him into that matchup between trump and biden, that when there is another third party candidate, then that hurts biden more. and i know the scenario that you say you want to avoid, right, is trump winning? so would you want him to run as a third candidate or not? >> uh, dean is all about ruled that out. and the fact is, in our current system, a third party candidate tends to empower the opposite of that candidate. uh, so to me, uh, dean's running in the most responsible way possible, which is in the
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democratic primary. and one of the things i don't understand, honestly, is that if you decide to do something the right way and people all say, oh, no, can't do it, it's like, look, he's not running third party, he's running as a democrat to give people a choice. uh, that's the right way to do it. and if you can't do it that way and you believe your country needs it, then what kind of democracy do we have? i mean, the dnc talks about championing democracy, but then they cancel the primaries in florida and north carolina and tried to do it in other states. um, so, you know that that's not going to lead to the best nominee in the fall. >> all right. so i guess we'll see you on the campaign trail with dean phillips going forward, right? yeah. maybe with my son, too. >> but, um, uh, turning into a family business for you. >> i don't think. >> all right, well, i don't think my boys are cut out for christian. uh, but, uh. yeah. we'll see you out there. >> um, do do, uh, hopefully. let's have a real competition. california you're a super tuesday state. you should have a say, too. >> we should have a say. all right. andrew yang, good to see you. thanks so much.
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>> thank you. kristin, take care . >> ever wish you had a personal assistant. maybe you do, and don't even realize it. our media partner, the san francisco standard, introduced us to a san francisco man in his chatgpt lifehacks are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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tickle about how chocolate is helping people deal with life's inconveniences. joining us live now is san francisco standard reporter joel umanzor, who wrote that article? hey, joel. hey how are you guys doing today? >> good. >> remind me, though, do you go by joel or joel? >> joel. >> thank you. okay and my apologies. look you featured a man who used chatgpt as a personal assistant. assistant? for what? >> well, essentially, uh, the man in question. i spoke with is venture capitalist shield. i'm a
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not san francisco based uh. he uses chatgpt in a riety of different ways, like a lot of people do here in san francisco, whether it is to, you know, write a cover letter or whatnot. but he, you know, he really has taken it to another level where he uses it for tests like these, which is to renew an airline membership. >> okay. so why couldn't he do it on his own? is it that he was seeking, like a more convincing writing? is he was he asking it to do research and synthesize information or kind of walk us through, you know, how he did it, including prompts and all that. >> essentially, what mr. minot did was that he wanted to essentially save time. um, you know, he has a lot of other endeavors that he has, you know, done during the day. and he really said that if it wasn't for chatgpt, he probably wouldn't have even taken the time to write the letter. but, um, to do a series of prompts. he said about 2 to 3 sentences just describing his, uh, loyalty to the united airlines. uh mileageplus premier one program, which was the program that he
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wanted to, uh, renew to, uh, chatgpt was able to generate a very lengthy, i would say, 7 or 8 paragraphs of letter, um, you know, talking up mr. minot and eventually got his premier, uh, one k membership renewed. >> and so did united renew or extend the membership? >> yeah. within a day, actually, it was fairly quick. um, you know, he put that prompt in on, i believe it was like a thursday. and then by the next day he got a response back from, uh, the email address for united airlines that said that although he, you know, failed to get the mileage, uh, requirements, they were going to extend that membership for another year. >> i guess the writing was pretty good in that case. what are some of the other ways that minot has used chatgpt to make his life easier? >> you know, he mentioned, uh, just even, you know, writing down notes throughout the day. he's used chatgpt to kind of synthesize those notes. um, you know, give it some kind of clarity, uh, even if it might not be relevant to something
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that he's working on. you know, he's he's found it as a useful tool to kind of organize himself, uh, which i think a lot of other san franciscans are doing as well. >> is this kind of a san francisco thing? i mean, i will also just say, too, i've been using the chatgpt trip planner for an upcoming trip. i tell it what kind of activities i like. i say, can you suggest some tour operators based on a research of the reviews online and these are things i like and i don't like. it's pretty crazy. >> yeah, no talking to mr. minot. he's he's he he made it very clear that in his travels he's seen that you know, it's grown in popularity around the country. he chatgpt has but in san francisco it's more frequent . um, but even then, you know, there are still a lot of people who don't know about the power that chatgpt has. and its abilities to kind of help in those everyday tasks. >> uh, well, we're kind of known for being early adopters of new technologies. so that part doesn't surprise me, but i also wonder if this is how chatgpt can monetize, right? for as i'm
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sitting there using the travel planning options, i'm thinking, oh, what if i go from this link to, you know, the tour operator? and then i book and, you know, does chatgpt get like $0.10 from every booking? and i don't know if you've had a chance to explore that at all. >> no, i haven't, but, you know, with i and it's you know, it's rising popularity here in san francisco, i'm sure that we're going to have plenty of chances to report on that kind of stuff coming up. i'm sure you will. >> and i can't wait to read your future articles. joel umanzor, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> all right. you can check out more of the san francisco standard's other original reporting on their website, sf standard .com. and abc7 will continue to bring you more segments featuring the standards cities focused journalism. look for that twice a week right here on getting answers
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to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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that video from the scene shows just how many law enforcement officers are there on the scene. abc seven news has received reports of a shooting, but investigators are not releasing information. we can tell you that a large number of alameda county sheriff's deputies are at eden medical center in castro valley right now. we do have a crew uh- gathering information there at the scene, and we certainly hope to bring you the latest information shortly, only on abc seven news at four and on abc seven you can find it any time. and also the abc seven bay area app, a sports programing note to remind you about tonight we have the nba here on abc seven. coverage starts at 5 p.m. as the dallas mavericks take on the phenix
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suns. that's followed by after the game with larry and the guys. and then you'll want to stay with us for abc seven news at 9:00. thanks so much for joining us for getting answers today. we'll be here every weekday at 3:00, answering questions with experts from around the bay area. world news tonight with david muir's coming up next, and i'll see you back here at four. tonight, the major flood and or the nato threat as we come on the air. also breaking in philadelphia, the murder suspect who broke free, where he's been seen. and the gruesome discovery in the mojave desert tonight. the aerials coming in. first tonight, possible tornadoes and what authorities are calling life-threatening flash flooding tonight. the daring water rescues already. 22 states now under alerts from texas to georgia, up to the northeast tonight. rob marciano is here. the race for president. and after new hampshire, a trump/biden rematch appearing re


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