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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 29, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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owner's couch. they say they work from home on a rainy day. they left the door open for the dogs. you know. do their business. when they were done with work, they came out to this willow. >> oh my goodness. willow oh, no, that is hard to clean and it's not cheap on the couches. >> it's done. the couch. that's a lot of money right there >> good morning america. a major escalation in the middle east. for the first time since the war in gaza began, iran backed militants killed american service members. the details behind the deadly drone attack. and this morning, the pentagon drawing up plans on how to respond. top national security official john kirby johns us live. blockbuster verdict. donald trump ordered to pay $80 million for defaming e. jean carroll.
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she's here this morning, sharing what she plans to do with the money. negotiators nearing a possible deal for a cease fire in gaza that would bring home most of the remaining hostages, as matt gutman on the front line where the heaviest fighting is taking place. border bound. house republicans moving forward with their bid to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas, as president biden makes a new pledge to pass a bipartisan security bill. high stakes hearing in the alex murdaugh case as the convicted killer tries to get a new trial after his attorneys accused a county official of jury tampering. >> taxing time. tis the season for headache or could it be a little less painful this year? brush with the law. the super splash at the louvre targeting the mona lisa. ♪ ♪ get ready for it ♪
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>> who's ready for vegas? >> and there it is! the 49ers going to the super bowl! >> overnight the san francisco 49ers with a huge comeback. >> oh! >> bouncing back into the big game for a rematch. the kansas city chiefs now going for back to back titles. >> you gotta fight for your right to party! >> patrick mahomes and travis kelce connecting over and over. this morning 49ers star aric armstead join us live. let the game begins. ♪ are you ready for it ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> i'll tell you what, the fans of the chiefs and the 49ers are ready for it. super bowl is all set. wow, what a come back last night. >> it sure was. that is coming up. also coming up e. jean carroll coming off that huge courtroom victory over donald trump on friday, ordered to pay $83 million. it's all settling in for her. we'll talk with her just ahead. >> we want to hear what she has
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to say, but we do begin with deadly attacks on u.s. troops in the middle east. three service members were killed and dozens wounded. president biden is vowing to respond. our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz has the latest from washington. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is, without question, a major escalation, the first time these militants have killed americans since the war in gaza began. and this morning the pentagon refining plans on how to respond to this deadly attack. the attackers targeted this remote desert base, tower 22, in northeast jordan near the syrian border early sun morning. officials say iran backed militants launched an explosive laden drone into the base where some 350 army an air force personnel are housed with a devastating result. three american service members killed, at least 34 injured, 8 of those injuries so serious the americans were quickly evacuated to receive a higher level of care.
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president biden promising to act. >> reporter: the response thus far to the more than 160 iranian proxy attacks on americans in iraq and syria have been limited, largely striking storage facilities. the chairman of the joint chiefs telling me just days before this deadly attack, the u.s. is approaching retaliation with caution. what would you say to those people, critics, who would say look, they're not being tough enough on these militants? they're not being tough enough on iran? >> i would also ask do they want a broader conflict? do you want us in full scale war? you don't want to go down a path with greater escalation that drives to a much broader conflict within the region. >> reporter: but with three americans now dead, there is already growing pressure to strike, and strike hard.
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the pentagon has long had options for striking iran itself, but this morning iran denying they had a role in the attack. a spokesman calling the accusations baseless, claiming the militant groups do not take orders from iran, and iran does not want a war. but in addition to the attacks in jordan, iranian backed houthis have launched dozens of strikes on commercial vessels in and around the red sea, including this ship, hit on friday, causing a massive fire and emergency evacuation of the crew. the u.s. has managed to shoot down most of the missiles and rockets launched by these iranian backed militants, but these american deaths could mark a turning point in these relentless attacks, with u.s. retaliation, george, a near certainty. >> certainly seems to be. okay, martha, thank you very much. we're going to get the latest on donald trump back on the campaign trail following the verdict friday. trump was ordered to pay $83 million for defaming writer e. jean carroll. we will hear from her after this from aaron katersky.
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good morning, aaron. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. it could take years for e. jean carroll to see the $83 million in defamation damages, but she is the rare litigant to secure two verdicts against donald trump. >> the verdict, please. >> reporter: this morning e. jean carroll is lauding what she calls her great victory for every woman who stands up when she's been knocked down. a jury in manhattan federal court took less than three hours to decide donald trump should pay her $83 million for defaming her in 2019 when she accused him of sexual assault by calling her a liar and her claim a hoax. she won an earlier case that held trump liable for the assault in an department store dressing room and awarded her $5 million. this time the jury decided carroll deserved $18.3 million to compensate her for thousands of attacks and hundreds of threats of violence that she said shattered her reputation and still fill her with fear, anguish and terror. there were also $65 million in punitive damages.
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lawyers said trump carroll well over 100 times during the trial and asked the jury to consider what kind of damages would actually cause donald trump to stop. the former president called the outcome absolutely ridiculous and campaigning this weekend in las vegas he blamed president biden for his legal troubles. >> that means the democrats are in big trouble, we better indict trump a couple more times. >> reporter: notably though, he did not mention carroll or repeat his defamatory statements about her. trump is appealing the verdict in the earlier trial he lost against carroll and he said he will appeal this one, too. that will likely require him to set aside at least a portion of the $83 million while that's litigated. george? >> thank you, aaron. joined now by e. jean carroll an her attorney. welcome back to good morning america. is this settling in? >> what a great question. the elation was so great on friday. it filled me up. it was almost painful. it's taken really every day.
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today i'm very happy because i'm calm enough to realize what she did. >> it's been reported you exchanged smiles with the jurors on the way out. is that true? >> yes. >> what was that like? >> well, very moving, made me burst into tears. they met my eyes for the first time. it was very moving. >> you said you want to do great things with this $83 million settlement. give us an idea about that. >> don't want to waste money. i do have an idea. i'd like to give the money to something donald trump hates. that will cause him pain for me to give money to certain things. that's my intent. perhaps a fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by donald trump. >> are you confident the money's going to come through? >> pretty confident. one way or the other. we may not get it right away, but one way or the other, he owns a lot of real estate that can be sold.
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we will collect the judgment. >> how long can he delay this? >> the initial question is over the next few weeks is whether he can put up a bond for the $83 million. >> he would be taking risk to do that. >> that's for sure. that's time only the $5 million he didn't get a bond. he deposited with the court. he has a choice to get a bond or deposit $83 million to the court. if he doesn't do that, we can start collecting right away. >> what was it like being in the courtroom with donald trump? >> terrifying until i got there. the weeks leading up to it, no sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't do anything. then i sat down, robbie said, good morning, ms. carroll, can you spell your name for the court. i looked out. there he was. he was like nothing. like an emperor without clothes. all my tarot reading up to it and there he is, just something in a suit. it was an amazing reaction.
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it's probably because she had taken me by my little hand and made me feel that secure. he is the emperor with no clothes. let me tell ya. he is not there. the there is not there. >> so you're delivering your closing statement and the former president storms out of the courtroom. i was wondering about your reaction right then. did you think right then that you'd won the case? >> i thought we had a few more million dollars immediately. that was worth about $10 million. i didn't see him do it because i was facing the jury and he was to my left. i was facing my right. but the idea in a case where basic thesis is that he's a bully who can't follow the rule, to act like a bully who doesn't follow the rules is an interesting strategy, let me put it that way. >> so far over the weekend he has not repeated his defamation of you. i want to ask both of you. are you confident he won't do it again? what happens if he does?
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>> i can't be confident about anything donald trump does. >> all options are on the table. >> what does that mean? >> if we have to bring another case, we'll bring another case. it's just going to be more money. >> thank you for coming in this morning. >> thank you. >> linsey? now to gaza and the remaining hostages. negotiators are said to be making progress. matt gutman is back in israel after visiting the front lines. good morning, matt. >> reporter: this is the most significant progress we've seen on cease fire talks in over two months. israel and hamas appear to be closing in on a deal in which hamas would get a two month cease fire in exchange for the release of tkodz dozens of hostages. that as we're learning about new war crimes involving aid workers. new information on abuse by u.n. aid workers. several sources telling abc news israel sent a dossier to
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multiple governments with evidence it claims shows members of the largest aid providers to the gazans saying one of them was involved in a massacre in kibbutz, another in kidnapping and another distributing ammunition and helped bring the body of a dead israeli soldier into gaza. 1200 israelis were killed october 7th. the u.n. has not denied the claims and said it has fired several employees over the allegations and vowed to investigate. but ten countries have said they suspended funding for the agency which provides aid for up to 2 million gazans. many are caught up in the gun fire. over the weekend with israel fending off accusations of genocide, they are taking this in. security. sound likes just on the other side of that ridge over there, there is a gun battle of some sort. general dan goldman who commanded israeli forces in all of southern gaza showing us
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where they say hamas used this cemetery and the mosque beyond for its tunnels. the idf bull dozing much of the cemetery. what do you do with the bodies if you dig them up? >> we don't need to worry about that. >> reporter: how do you know you haven't dug up bodies? >> if we see the body, we will move them to the side. we'll move them to the side. >> reporter: are you concerned what just happened that you will be accused of a war crime for digging up a cemetery? >> i'm not digging up a cemetery. i'm digging up a military compound. >> reporter: the idf leading us through the tunnels beneath the cemetery to a bunker with steel posts and hamas offices. inside we saw this detailed aerial map of gaza's border with israel. and so when you say, as the other day, the icj is acting to prevent acts of genocide, how does that sit with you? >> i urge them to come and see and understand what genocide is and see there is no genocide over here. what i'm doing here is defending my state and my civilians to my orders.
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>> reporter: back to those cease fire talks. israel's prime minister netanyahu has been under enormous pressure to bring the hostages home. he called talks constructive. but just a short time ago, hamas issuing a statement saying it won't release any hostages until israel ends the war and fully withdraws from the gaza strip. robin? >> all right, matt. appreciate your reporting. now the battle over the border. house republicans are moving forward with their bid to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas while president biden says he's ready to act if lawmakers pass a bipartisan border security bill. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has the latest. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. well, we haven't seen this in nearly 150 years. republicans in congress trying to impeach the department of homeland security secretary mayorkas, accusing him of violating his oath of office by, quote, willfully refusing to comply with federal immigration laws. the house homeland security committee is set to consider
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these articles of impeachment tomorrow and the house speaker is promising a floor vote. as soon as possible. the department is calling this effort is just evidence free political stunt. all of this comes as some republicans in the senate are scrambling to salvage a bipartisan border deal that was negotiated for months. if this bill is passed, it would lead to faster processing of asylum claims and give the president the emergency authority to shut down the border if it becomes overwhelmed. that is something president biden is promising to do the day he signs this bill into law. if that happens. but right now donald trump is keen to keep immigration a top campaign issue, now threatening to derail this deal. he's urging republicans to reject it. george, even if this can get through the senate, it faces stiff odds in the house. >> okay, mary. thank you very much. now to tax season. irs begins accepting returns today. could be easier to file this year. trevor ault has that story. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, george. so it's a very exciting day for people who love doing their errands immediately.
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the irs officially accepting tax returns today. there are some new tools that can help you out. the irs is encouraging people to create an account for free at that will give you some payment options. you can file for an extension if you have to. even has an interactive tax assistant there. they can answer your questions, if you qualify for a tax credit or deduction or where you refund is. now, you might have also heard about the irs' new direct filing service that's meant to rival turbo tax or h&r block, but for free. this is a pilot program this year so it will only be available to a small number of people. but that could expand in the future. the good news everyone will want to hear about. refunds expected to go up about 10% this year, george. >> that is good. trevor, there's been a lot of good economic news coming in. >> reporter: yes. new data according to these new numbers, inflation is slowing. we are also leaving behind fears of a coming recession. the turn around has been so successful, it had some economists rethinking how to avoid future recessions. they say the answer may be using
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the federal government's power of the purse to get money in people's hands rather than having the federal reserve shift through interest rate likes we have in the past. george? >> trevor, thank you very much. linsey? countdown to the super bowl. the big game is set after the chiefs overpowered the ravens. overnight the 49ers had that huge come back over detroit. the swifties are cheering. will reeve joins us. >> good morning, linsey. we are going to do a deep dive into yesterday's games and get you set for the super bowl. right now the san francisco 49ers might not be in the super bowl were it not for this one heroic play. 49ers defensive tackle aric armstead is the hero in question. the 49ers had just scored but still had a ways to go for the come back. lions holding on for dear life. there's armstead pouncing on the loose ball knock free by his teammate gibson. the 49ers going on to tie the game and then adding ten more points in the fourth quarter on their way to the biggest come back in nfc championship history.
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how different it might have been had armstead not grabbed that fumble and saved the 49ers season. it was armstead's first ever fumble recovery in the playoffs. couldn't have come at a better time. coming up armstead will join us live right here to tell us all about it. >> he will. all right, will. thank you very much. also ahead, a look at preteens obsession -- have you seen this online? with skin care on social media. and are certain products really healthy for their young skin? and kate's recovery after surgery. alex murdaugh in court as he fights for a new trial. first ginger. >> it was just a wet sunday, from baltimore up here to new york city. but if you went inland, you got snow. i'm talking 5 to 10 inches from pennsylvania to maine. albany 1 to 3 inches. now we'll be talking about the warm-up to come, especially west coast and northern rockies today. you see all of those are record high potentials. that will slide east with a ridge and we will see numbers close to 50 for a place like minneapolis.
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your local weather in 30 seconds.
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you can show your 40 niners pride on social media. we made this celebratory badge with brock purdy to share with the 40 niners faithful. you can find it on any of our social media. abc seven news, bay area. gloria. >> yeah, you know, we want to take you right outside to our san mateo hayward bridge camera. that's because it looks pretty jammed out there. there is a three car crash on the san mateo side of the bridge. it's blocking all lanes right now. we'll keep monitoring this for you. kumasi >> thank you. gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at th
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outside of those areas, we are doing just fine. a lovely view from our exploratorium camera at coit tower, showing you expect a lot of sunshine today. a warm afternoon mid 60s to the mid 70s. likely some new records. rain back here on wednesday though with a moderate atmospheric river. it will be windy as well. kumasi thank you drew. >> if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else at gma. >> precision garage door is a local family owned business and part of your community. when your garage door breaks, it doesn't care whether it's the night or the weekend. that's why your call will be answered by a live person. 24 seven precision door service and name you can trust, not just any whiteboard. >> katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks, big pharma, even top administration officials katie porter never taken corporate pac money. never will, leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects. katie porter focused
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in ten years. >> lisa snyder will have an amazing second act thanks to career reskilling courses from aarp to help make sure her income lives as long as she does the younger you are, the more you need aarp >> handpicked oranges squeezed at their peak vitamin c and no added sugar because it's basically already perfect. >> tropicana. you gotta fight you gotta fight for your right to party! ♪ are you ready for it ♪ >> talk about living your best life. you gotta fight for your right to party! ♪ are you ready for it ♪ >> talk about living your best life. the kansas city chiefs, the first to the super bowl party, defeating the baltimore ravens. they'll face off against the 49ers after their come back against the lions. we're going to talk to aric armstead just ahead. >> looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines
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including a drone attack on u.s. service member in the middle east. three service members were killed in the middle east, dozens wounded in the strike against jordan carried out by iran backed militants. president biden vowed to respond. also right now news from kensington palace the princess of wales has returned home. she had surgery at this london clinic. she'll continue to recover at home. and the search is on for the statue of jackie robinson from kansas. police say video shows two people hauling the statue away. they cut it at the ankles. robinson played in kansas after breaking the color barrier when he joined the brooklyn dodgers. a different kind of super bowl event in paris where two climate activists were arrested after splashing soup on the mona lisa exhibit. they are members of a food insecurity group in france. people splashed bulletproof glass protecting the da vinci master piece as well as the wall. >> all right now. the super bowl is all set this morning. the 49ers will be making their eighth super bowl show in history. after that thrilling comeback
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win against the lions. they will face the chiefs playing in their fourth game in five years after clipping the ravens. now you got the highlights for us, will? >> yes, i do. i got it all for you, robin. let's get into it. what a day of football it was. gracious, glory, heart break all over the field. in the end patrick mahomes and the chiefs are inevitable. the san francisco 49ers are as good as we thought they were. we are headed to vegas. >> there it is, the 49ers are going to the super bowl! >> reporter: this morning the super bowl showdown now set after a stunning come from behind win. >> here the nfc championship trophy for the super bowl bound san francisco 49ers! >> reporter: celebrations rocking the bay area overnight. the detroit lions were up 17 points at halftime. thousands of fans jubilant watching from ford field in
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detroit. then this catch caught the lions defender change the game. iuk crediting a lady bug for the luck. >> before the game, a lady bug landed on my shoe. >> come on. >> i don't know what that means. great luck. great win. it's crazy. >> reporter: and this fumble recovery by aric armstead helping turn the tide. san francisco scoring 27 consecutive points, crushing detroit's super bowl dreams. the gm delaying ships in flint so employees could support their team. lions coach dan campbell gambling big in the fourth quarter, opting to go for it on fourth down instead of kicking a possibly game tying field goal. >> incomplete! >> it's easy hindsight. i get it. i don't regret those decisions. it's hard. >> reporter: now 49ers quarterback, brock purdy, the very last pick in the 2022 nfl draft, set to become the lowest drafted quarterback ever to start a super bowl.
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>> i have never been the biggest, the fastest, the strongest or any of that. i feel i have always had to fight for what i get and work for what i get. >> reporter: he'll be facing the defending champion kansas city chiefs. >> here's kansas city from the 19. it's caught by kelce for the touchdown! >> reporter: kc jumping out to an early lead with this elite touchdown grab by travis kelce who broke the record for most career playoff receptions. ravens qb and likely league mvp lamar jackson trying to do it all for his team, even catching his own batted pass. >> second and five. ball batted up in the air and caught by jackson! he caught his own pass! >> reporter: but kansas city dominant, the chiefs now returning to the super bowl for the fourth time in five years. >> you gotta fight for your right to party! >> reporter: the joy just as pure this time around for chiefs fans. and a love story on display.
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kelce embracing his girlfriend taylor swift on the field. travis finding big brother jason after the game as well, sharing an emotional moment. jason telling his younger brother -- now we focus on vegas in 13 days. shout out taylor swift. the first ever super bowl there. legacies are at stake. if the 49ers win they will be tied for most ever super bowl wins with six. if the chiefs win they will be the first back to back champs since the patriots nearly 20 years ago. >> yeah. all right, will. thank you. joining us now the man you were talking about in the first half hour, 49ers defensive end aric armstead. give it up everybody in the studio. come on, come on. [ cheers ] do you feel it? do you feel it? i mean, we got to do that since you got up early to join us. going back to your second super bowl in your career. what are your feelings about that? >> lot of great feelings. achieving going to a super bowl, a lot goes into it.
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you think about your teammates, everybody in the organization involved. us and them, the journey of this season to get back to the biggest game of them all. man, just so proud of my guys and how we fought last night, through adversity. we found a way to get a win. >> yeah, you did. you played a crucial role in that thrilling win, recovering a fumble that led to the tying touchdown. can you take us through that play, what happened? >> yeah. they ran a trap play on us. i got up the field. i filled the hole and stripped the ball. i just seen it pop free on the ground. i just jumped on it, tried to cradle it, make sure nobody could grab it. it was a major shift for us getting the offense back the ball. they went down and scored and punched it in. >> you didn't want to give the ball up. you had that fumble. you made sure it was all legit,
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which it was. of course, the rematch, super bowl liv where you came up short against the chiefs. what can you take from that game that could possibly help you and your team reverse the outcome this time? >> yeah. there will be a lot of the same players that were in that super bowl that are going to be suited up for this one. kansas city's a great team. you know, they're never out of it. they have a championship pedigree, obviously. we had a big lead on them and weren't able to hold on. that's a testament to the type of team they are. so i'm excited for there to be another battle that will be waited for. it will come down to who executes in those moments of the game. in those finite moments, who can execute and get a win. >> i don't have to tell you. patrick mahomes two-time super bowl champ. what kind of challenges does he
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pose for your defense? >> lot of challenges. obviously, he's a great player. multi-league mvp. future hall of famer. so course lot of respect for patrick and what he does. we have a great team. it's going to be a huge challenge, but we're going to be ready for it. >> so what do you do between now and super bowl sunday? >> i start preparing. we're going to have some meetings, and then we'll have practice later in the week. but start preparing, so i get my body ready and my mind ready. i have been to one before. it was a big -- there was a whole lot going on. so this year i'm just planning on focusing on the game and getting ready. >> i can see that look in your eyes. i can see the look in your eyes this time around. well, all the best to you. that was a thrilling comeback win. we appreciate you getting up and joining us. all the best going forward. you take care. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> all righty now.
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with a brother-in-law, travis, heading back to the super bowl, kylie kelce, i think she'll have some pretty good seats. coming up, what she thinks about her family's life in the spotlight. and next, the high stakes hearing as convicted killer alex murdaugh fights to get a new trial. come on back. murdaugh, fights t get a new trial. come on back! ♪ ♪ shwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months...
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...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. oh, i'll have another. make it a double. dad, mom thinks she's at a resort again. yeah, she told me. when you'd rather not resort to a virtual resort. this is much better in real life. it matters where you stay. lookin' good, babe! hilton. for the stay. [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪
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♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in
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the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) back with the latest on alec murdaugh. the convicted killer back in court today in his bid for a new trial.
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his defense team has accused a court official of jury tampering. >> the big question, was the jury in the alex murdaugh double murder trial influenced? were they rushed to return a verdict? the jurors themselves will answer those very questions at a hearing today, as a judge will soon weigh should alex murdaugh get a new trial? >> court will be in recess. >> reporter: this morning a south carolina jury scheduled to testify at a hearing to determine if convicted murderer alex murdaugh will get a new trial. his attorneys accusing court clerk becky hill of jury tampering. >> they heard ms. hill, the clerk of court, prior to deliberations and, frankly, before their case, ms. hill say do not be fooled by the defense. >> reporter: the hearing will last up to three days, the judge to hear from all 12 jurors who decided murdaugh's fate, along with becky hill, who read the guilty verdict.
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>> guilty, guilty, guilty. >> reporter: the disgraced lawyer was found guilty in march for killing his wife and son paul in south carolina. his defense team appealing in september, accusing hill of pushing the jury to make a quick decision, all to secure herself a book deal and media appearances that would not happen in the event of a mistrial. >> the clerk of courts had improper private communications with the jurors, the subject matter of those communications was the credibility of the defense. >> reporter: hill has denied murdaugh's claims but later admitted to plagiarizing part of her book about the trial which has since been pulled for purchase. but the judge limiting questions at this hearing for hill to matters concerning the trial, and not the book she and a co-author published about the case. >> this is not a trial of ms. hill. it is about her contact, if any, with the jurors, and what she said. >> reporter: they have only one day to question these jurors.
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once the hearing wraps, we've been told the judge doesn't have to make a decision right away, so it will still be sometime before murdaugh knows if he will or won't get a new trial. >> you keep staying on this story. >> yes. >> it goes on and on and on. >> it keeps going on and on. this will be a decision that will have a big impact. >> see you on gma3. coming up later our parenting play book on preteens and the skin care obsession. what parents need to know. and coming up next, it is our play of the day. it's full of love because all we need is love. ♪ ♪ ♪ at night i remember when you and i were inseparable ♪ ♪ we, we had pure energy ♪ ♪ we had that chemistry ♪ ♪ we were inseparable ♪ ♪ why we taking so long ♪ ♪ (why) i've been geekin' ♪ ♪ i can't sleep waiting for you to come back home ♪
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♪ (come home) you the one i'm in love ♪ ♪ i feel like it's been way too long ♪ ♪ (way too long) way too long ♪ ♪ and i'm missing, i'm missing you ♪ wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed.
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♪ gotta get back in time ♪ >> back with our play of the day. now that the super bowl is set, it is time to conduct an all-important investigation. lara has exhibits, accessories. >> i'm going to get right to it, everybody. this is a deep investigation here. we are looking at who will be in the crowd, linsey, not just on the field, but at the big game. of course the big question, will taylor swift be able to get there with a little help from time travel? let's break it down. day before the super bowl taylor will be across the globe performing in tokyo. it's the last night of her eras tour. tokyo is 17 hours ahead of vegas. basically she'll be in the future. that works in taylor's favor. most likely she wraps up her show around 11 p.m. saturday.
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that's 6 a.m. saturday vegas time. if taylor hops on her plane right after the show ends or even an hour later, she can cross the pacific. that will take about 13 hours to cross the pacific. that puts her in vegas by dinnertime that same day, hence the reference to time travel. taylor will literally be traveling back in time to land earlier than when she takes off which means she can have a nice meal, get a good night sleep and make the super bowl with no problem at all. >> you nailed it. >> i dropped a mic. next stop on her tour is back in australia. so the celebration time for taylor -- >> she loses a day going back. >> yes, yes, yes. yes, george. please, i need my glasses. it's a whole thing. i feel like i really completed this journey with you. taylor will be there. yes. that's all i got. also doing a really nice thing for fans in kansas city.
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american airlines has added a whole bunch of flights, six or seven extra flights. they all have extra flight numbers like 1987 for taylor, flight 87. you get the deal. that's pop -- i almost said it's pop news. it feels popesque. >> we'll be right back. >> robin: we will be right back! ♪ ♪ world. rom the for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent.
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golden gate theater tickets at broadway >> after a catastrophic injury, there are a million what ifs. but the most important question is what now? just this takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up law comm. >> good morning. america is
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sponsored by alka-seltzer plus. for amazing fast, cold and flu relief. when a man woman, no one wants to see that. >> she's made her mind up. she's leaving. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. how is traffic on this monday morning? >> gloria, you know what so far looking pretty good out there. but we do have our usual backup spots. this is a live look outside at our richmond san rafael bridge camera. right now. there is a four mile backup approaching the toll plaza. and as far as our mass transit right now, everything is running on time. >> hey, gloria, we do have a lot of sunshine from our sutro tower camera. here is a live look, but we are dealing with pockets of fog in the north bay and the east bay. you can see this line
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stretching from livermore into concord, napa, santa rosa, just a some dense fog in our valleys right now. it will burn off pretty quickly with a lot of sunshine, so we are expecting a very bright day today. record warmth. once again. if you liked yesterday, you're going to love today. we'll get you into the mid 60s to the mid 70s expecting several cities to hit record highs. enjoy the warm weather today, do some storm preps if you need to because rain is back here in the forecast on wednesday to level two. heavy at times with some gusty winds. reggie. thanks for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> when breakfast looks like and tastes like, um, you know, it's bogo for $1 at mcdonald's. choose from a sausage mcmuffin, a sausage burrito, or crispy hash browns. order ahead in the app. ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. not just any whiteboard. >> katie porter's whiteboard is one way. she's often seen , big pharma, even tops and administration officials. katie
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porter never taken corporate pac money. never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects. katie porter focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment. >> and taking ibrance ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer. as the first hormonal based therapy, ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole in rats may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough or trouble breathing before taking
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ibrance. tell your doctor if you have fever, chills or other signs of infection. liver or kidney problems are or plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects, talk to your doctor. thanks for be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product, scratchers presents playful ways to scratch >> scratchers from the california lottery. a little play can make your day. scratchers presents playful ways to scratch california lottery. a little play can make your day. >> it's halftime time to open the fridge. >> i'm not sure why i'm showing you this.
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>> the cabinets and the pantry. >> and here you've got plenty of storage for snacks or expired stuff. >> and show how much space you have in your kitchen. selling your home to open door is so easy you can do it during halftime. >> oh, yeah. it's not like i'm selling the house or anything. so own up for a halftime showing at open door. >> com live is giving you more good morning america. it's 8 a.m. major escalation. for the first time since the war in gaza began. iran backed militants killed american service members. details behind the daily drone attacks. this morning the pentagon draws up plans on how to respond. top national security official john kirby joins us live. obsession? preteens showing off their skin care hauls on social media. what you need to know about putting these products on their young skin.
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dermatologist whitney bowe is here live. one on one with kylie kelce, inside one of football's first families. what's next for jason kelce on and off the field. ♪ some of hollywood's brightest stars. bryan cranston sam rockwell live in times scare they're saying -- >> good morning. >> america. >> good morning. >> did we do it? >> did we do it? i think we did it. >> good morning america. >> good morning. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. two great guests. two very funny guys in an all-star cast. we are looking forward to hearing more about the movie "argylle." plus kylie kelce for what might be next for her husband jason. >> she's funny as well. looking at the preteen skin care obsession that's all over social
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media right now. dr. whitney bowe and her daughter maclane will help us break down the craze coming up. but first top stories breaking at 8 starting with the attack on u.s. troops in the middle east. three service members were killed dozens more wounded in the drone strike in jordan carried out by iran backed militants. president biden is vowing to respond. let's go back to our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz. good morning again, martha. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the attack was aimed at a remote desert base where 350 army and air force members are housed. it was a one way explosive laden drone launched into the base that killed the three americans and injured more than 34, some of those injuries so serious, the wounded were evacuated to receive a higher level of care. this is, without question, a major escalation in these attacks. the first time americans have died by hostile fire since the war in gaza began. president biden promising a response. there have been more than 160 attacks on americans in iraq and
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syria in just the last few months. the u.s. response to those attacks has been limited. the chairman of the joint chiefs telling me just before this weekend's deadly attack that the u.s. is trying to avoid a wider war, but the strikes from these iranian backed militants have been relentless, hitting bases and commercial ships in the red sea region. most of the missiles and drones have been shot down before they can do damage. but now with the death of these americans and pressure to get tougher with iran, the white house weighing what to do next. george? >> let's get into that now with john kirby, top spokesman for the national security council. thanks for joining us this morning. what is a proportionate response to this? >> president is working his way through that. had a good meeting yesterday with his entire national security team. they laid out some options. he's weighing that. obviously, as you heard him say yesterday in south carolina, we will respond. we'll do that in the time and manner of our choosing to see what we can do to bring these attacks to an end and make sure we can protect our troops and facilities.
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>> the iranians are trying to distance themselves from this. is striking inside iran on the table? >> again, i don't want to get ahead of the presidents's decision, george. he's going to have options to look at, as commander in chief, and he'll make the right decision. we're not looking for a broader war in the region. we're not looking for conflict with iran. make no mistake, iran is supporting these groups. resourcing them, training them, not discouraging these attacks at all. we know they support the houthis, hezbollah, hamas. they are definitely causing a lot of these attacks to happen. we're going to work through the right options and we're going to make the right decision. >> deterrence was not seem to be working. the question is how big must the strike be? how quickly should it come? >> again, all of those are the kinds of questions that the national security team is asking itself right now and the president is certainly asking of them. he's going to have to weigh what the options will be. there will be a response. this was a consequential attack, no question about it. our thoughts and prayers go out
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to the families who got the worst possible news over the weekend. he's gonna take that very, very seriously. he'll make the right decision. again, george, he'll do it at a time and manner of our choosing. >> this comes as the cia director is imperative in these negotiations over some kind of cease fire in gaza, getting the hostages home. worried that this retaliation could complicate those talks? >> i won't get ahead of the talks themselves. we're going to keep having these discussions, george. we believe the discussions thus far have been serious. they've actually been constructive. i don't want to sound too sanguine here. not like we have a deal that's red do i be announced. but we believe even given the weekend's event, that these talks should go forward and we should try to get a hostage deal in place so we can get those hostages home with their families. but also be able to get a pause in the fighting of a significant enough duration that civilian casualtys can go down and humanitarian assistance can be raised in gaza. >> what do we know about the condition of the hostages?
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including the americans? >> we don't have perfect visibility on all of them, george. we know there's more than 100 hostages that hamas or the pij, palestinian islamic jihad is holding. we don't have perfect visibility on where they are or what condition they're in. we're trying to get as much information as we can. we don't have any reason to suspect that the remaining six american hostages are not still alive but, again, we don't have perfect information. >> john kirby, thanks, as always. robin? coming up our parenting play book looks at the preteen skin care craze going viral on social media. and if the products they love are really good for their skin. >> also ahead, our interview with kylie kelce, the wife of eagles star jason, tells us about the life in the kelce suite and being in the spotlight. >> and joni mitchell performs for the first time ever at the grammys. lara, who do you have upstairs? >> three great guests. bryan cranston, hello. >> hi. >> this gentleman, i believe you
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know him, hello, laurence fishburne and sam rockwell. they all have great projects coming up. we're going to have a very fun morning here on "good morning america." get ready. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain,
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severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you.
8:09 am
wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ [city ambience sounds]
8:10 am
[car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> parents of tweens, stop what you're doing right now. we are back with a gma cover story, a look at preteens obsession with skin care. dr. whitney bowe is standing by with what routines are really healthy for young skin. but first morgan norwood is here with what's all over social media. good morning, morgan. >> oh, yeah, robin. it is truly an obsession. i want to talk to my millennial parentses for a second.
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take a trip down memory lane with me. it's 2000. at the mall. where are we going? justice, limited 2. those were stores for preteen back then. these days tweens are into skin care. i'm talking five step routines. dermatologists are warning some products could be too much too soon. >> i'm going to do the morning routine. >> it is so good i had to get another one. >> reporter: the tween skin care craze. kids 10-13 are spending hours and hundreds inside skin care and makeup stores. on elaborate hauls. >> i'm going to mix it in. >> reporter: flaunting their skin care routines on hash tag tween skin care reeling in 49.5 million views on tik tok. and moms like abby, who fund it, say it can be overwhelming. >> i'm like, how much? [ laughter ] it's a lot. sometimes i'm like, all right. just get it. >> reporter: 11-year-old zoya has a nine step night time
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routine that includes serums, moisturizers and even curling her lashes. what's it like doing your skin care routine? >> it's like my favorite part of the day. >> reporter: many pointing out on social media that some products they are buying may not be suitable for their young skin. >> next time your teen or tween want to buy some expensive skin care like $80 serum, think about it. >> reporter: products including ingredients such as retinol, harsh exfolients made for adults. >> a skin is not just a wall you can throw anything at. >> reporter: tween skin care expert says most products made for adults aren't beneficial and can damage sensitive tween skin. >> many of these skin care products deal with adult skin issues. so age related changes like wrinkles, hyper pigmentation and dullness to the skin which kids don't have. so when they use these products,
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it can really be harmful to their skin's barrier. when that barrier is not working effectively, we get things like redness, rashes. we can get infection. we can get breakouts. >> reporter: experts recommend parents reach out to their doctor about which products might be best for their kids. joy mcmaster is a mom and skin care enthusiast. and though she encourages her daughter to have fun with it -- >> i got this. >> reporter: -- she also is cautious. >> i have gone through my stuff and vetted her to make sure it's appropriate for her. >> reporter: but more than anything, she teaches lola isn't about what you put on your skin. >> true beauty comes from the inside. they are perfect just the way they are. >> self-care makes me feel really happy. >> so parents, listen up. experts are urging you to keep an eye out for packaging. sometimes popular skin care brands use that colorful branding. they're not for kids. when it cops to tween skin care,
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doctors we spoke with said the most important things tweens should be doing is applying sun screen. robin? >> all right, morgan, thank you very much. board certified dermatologist dr. whitney bowe is here with skin care tips for your tween. all of these tween friendly products are shoppable. we have a special guest. your daughter is going to be joining us. she was knee high the last time i saw her. never too early to start a healthy skin care routine. what really should tweens know? >> my 12-year-old daughter has sensitive skin so we keep things simple. we focus on three goals. protecting her skin with a simple morning routine that ends with sun screen, washing her face at the end of the day with a gentle cleanser and then showing her skin barrier some love with a moisturizer. robin, there are so many affordable drug store options whether your tween has dry sensitive skin like mine, oily skin or whether your tween is starting to break out with mild acne which is common in this age range. >> those are the do's. >> yes. >> so what are the don'ts,
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especially when it comes to ingredients? >> tweens don't need to aggressively exfoliate. i'm not a fan of gritty scrubs. i'm not a fan of products that have exfoliating acid. like glycolic acid for tween skin. when it comes to fragrance and sensitive tween skin, not a huge fan of leave-on products that have high levels of fragrance or essential oils. those can irritate the skin, even increase your tween's risk of developing a skin allergy later in life. and, of course, your tween does not need a retinol for wrinkles. not necessary. >> maclane, how are you? thank you for being with us. >> hi. >> first of all, i am surprised when you on social media tik tok, all these. >> all over. >> it's all over. maclane is going to do it the right way. there's something called a smoothie? >> a skin care smoothie. to be clear this is not how i recommend applying skin care. i layer my skin care. if you're going to make a
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smoothie, you're mixing different products together. either on your hand, on the bottle. like maclane is doing here. maclane is demonstrating how to make a skin care smoothie using the very popular, the drunk elephant drops. these are designed to be mixed with your moisturizer. they give the skin a golden finish. i'm okay with her using these. they are made with 5% niacin which is good for the skin barrier. but they're expensive. you don't need to mix these with another expensive product. i love that maclane is using a compromise. she is using a product by the brand bubble which is great for tween skin and is affordable. >> okay. i noticed how she was applying it. you don't have to lather it on. >> less is more, guys, for sure. maclane knows the cardinal rule. if you're going to let your tweens make a smoothie, there's one ingredient you never want to mix into it. do you remember what it is? >> sun screen. >> sun screen. so sun screen deserves its own step at the very end. if you mix it in, it's not going to be effective.
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it's not going to work, right? >> you know your daughter and she knows you. oh my gosh. this right here, oh, wow. hot commodity. >> fancy. it's a splurge. >> i know. thank you, whitney so much. >> my pleasure. >> thank you. tomorrow in our parenting play book how social media can affect a tween's mental health. that is equally as important, if not more so. george? >> okay, robin. thank you. now to kylie kelce. lori bergamotto sat down with the wife of jason kelce to talk about their life and what's next for the kelce family. good morning, lori. >> good morning, george. kylie kelce has quickly become a fan favorite due to her relatability and level headedness in the midst of the kelce family soaring celebrity. i talked to the mom of three about her newfound life in the limelight. take a look. overnight the world saw taylor swift and travis kelce and his kansas city chiefs celebrating on the field after the afc win. his brother jason and wife kylie kelce, of course, cheering him on, too.
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the talented center for the eagles has made a name for himself on -- >> great job, jason kelce. running out of the building. >> reporter: and off the field. >> if you don't run for president, this will all go for waste. [ laughter ] >> reporter: while his wife kylie, a high school field hockey coach and mother of three, has found herself in the spotlight as well. do you feel like each year it's like this new stratosphere of attention on you guys with just the way the last few years have played out? >> i almost feel a little guilty that people are so interested and invested in what i'm doing. i'm like, i am trying to scrape applesauce off the couch. you don't -- this is not fascinating. so it's funny to me. i deeply appreciate the support. >> reporter: one moment football fans really connected with, jason's viral celebration after brother travis's touchdown during the chiefs divisional playoff game against the bills.
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>> he ultimately did put his shirt back on. >> he put his shirt back on to leave the stadium, yes. >> reporter: as the sports world anxiously awaits to see if jason will return to the eagles for another season, kylie says she'll stand behind whatever decision he makes. >> i think that whatever he does he's going to be successful in. i'm not just saying that because i'm his wife. i think that his personality. field hockey, we like a challenge. we want to use only one side of our stick. >> reporter: kylie keeping herself busy, running field hockey clinics and coaching her own team. now partnering with their self-esteem project for young female athletes ahead of the super bowl. what do you tell your own girls about body confidence? >> i am hyper aware about how i talk about myself an my body, not only in front of my daughters but my players. it is important to model that positive body talk about yourself because they're taking that away from what you're doing.
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>> kylie could not have been more gracious or down to earth telling me after the shoot she was going home to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for her kids which is the only thing she trusts her husband jason to cook. [ laughter ] the pro skills on the field do not transfer to the kitchen. we love her. >> she's got a great sense of humor. >> she really does. >> she was wonderful. >> thank you, lori. let's go to ginger. >> thank you all. so many in the great lakes are on track to have one of if not the warmest winters on record. had that little brief cold. look at minneapolis. they had things cancel. they had a little bit of ice skating. and this, the warm-up through midweek. those records that fell just yesterday went from eugene, oregon, at 69 degrees, to international falls at 43 degrees in minnesota there. we are going to see that ridge slide east and all of that warmth and a lot of it records. anybody highlighted with the red circle there like fargo, could get close to 50. let's get a check now closer to home.
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>> all right, everybody. we have a very special edition of pop news. >> pressure. pressure. after the white board thing, i don't know how i'll improve, but i'll try. we're gearing up for the grammys. this year is expected to make history. the legendary joni mitchell is performing for the first time. how did this happen? in her 55 year incredible career. despite winning nine times. the first back in 1969. oh what a year that was.
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for best folk performance. and the most recent for best historical album. now at 80 years young mitchell is nominated again for best folk album. it was recorded during the newport folk festival in 2022. i was there. it was amazing. at that time was her first live performance in 20 years. joining a-list lineup this year including billie elish, billy joel will be there. also performing for the first time. luke combs, u2 performing live from the sphere in las vegas giving us the first ever broadcast performance from that incredible venue. the 66th annual grammy awards will be broadcast from l.a. this sunday. sounds like it's going to be a great show. >> you were there? you saw her? >> i did. what a moment. >> i'll bet. >> she is a legend. now she gets to share that with everybody. also this morning, there's nothing wicked about our next story. filming for the movie adaptation of the tony winning musical just wrapped over the weekend. the stars are really emotional about what a great experience it was.
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ariana grande took to instagram to post this behind the scenes shot. i guess everything is super secret. she did write every person who worked on these films was not only the best at what they do, but they her feel safe, kind and thoughtful. cynthia arivo wrote on social media, i am eternally grateful for the chance to bring you this. i hope when you meet her, you'll love her as much as i do. wicked directed by john shu, will be split into two parts with part 1 set to hit theaters -- >> very smart. >> -- in november. yeah. great idea. such a great show. looking forward to that. then this morning calling all braveheart fans into interior design. yeah. home depot is inviting all home decorators to reclaim their freedom with a new decor item that's selling out online. an authentic replica of the william wallace sword from the
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five time oscar winning epic drama braveheart. it's three feet long made of stainless steel with a handle wrapped in leather. the warrior wand listed at $49.98 has already gone viral selling out in just days across home depot's website. we did manage to get our hands on one. billy, bring in the sword. here it is, robin. here it is, everybody. i know you seem thrilled. guess what? >> keep it in its sheath. >> thank you for asking. why home depot decided to carry it, but it is in fact no. so you're not clearing off a space on your wall at home for this? no, but i'm sending it right over here. >> sam rockwell bryan cranston, coming up. thank you. larry this week, just look who's saying
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good morning america. >> emma stone, demi moore, dua lipa and henry cavill. >> good morning america, usher and megan thee stallion on good morning america. >> were you involved in the assassination of malcolm x? >> of course not. the award winning interview with muhammad aziz after being exonerated in the murder of malcolm x and the family of kahlil islam, who didn't live to see his name, finally cleared and the daughter of malcolm x speaks out, exonerated. >> the murder of malcolm x and 55 years to justice. what took so long? nobody was listening. >> but the world is listening now. >> thursday night after the series premiere of mlk x on abc, gma is looking for couples so in love that they'd be pumped for a valentine's day makeover as a couple on gma. >> but this makeover is different because you get full control to make over your partner hair, clothes, style, and they get to make over you.
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so how much do you trust your partner? go to good morning to scan this qr code to find out how to enter. it was a married man. >> the affair was the worst kept secret. am i ever gonna love again? >> there is no way this story is going to end well. >> bad romance, the 2020 limited series tonight at ten nine central on abc. >> the conners season premiere i'm scared. >> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. we're going to take you right outside to our san mateo-hayward bridge camera. and that's because traffic is a little sluggish there right now. there is a two car crash before the toll plaza. there was also an earlier three car crash on the san mateo side of the bridge. and so traffic as a result of those two is still slow, right now. we'll keep monitoring that for you. kumasi
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>> thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> good morning, i'm cindi bigelow. i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys! so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow, that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. >> cheers. not just any whiteboard. >> katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter never taken corporate pac
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money. never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> precision is an excellent company. >> we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. it's kind of one of those things that i personally take pride in making sure that the people make the right decision, and we highly recommend precision. >> precision door service, a name you can trust. >> hey bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up, we'll chat with bryan cranston from argyle. >> plus, nikolaj coster-waldau stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you shortly. let's go outside. it is a lovely view from sutro tower this morning. a live look showing you bright skies. do have some patchy fog in parts of the north bay and the east bay first thing, but we are in store for a really warm day today. you can
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see concord, santa rosa, the two spots right now down to zero miles. with that sun up it is going to burn it off very quickly. so expect a lot of sunshine today. record warmth again. we'll go into the 60s to mid 70s, some 10 to 15 degrees above average today. rain is back in the forecast wednesday. it is a level two kumasi. >> thank you jill. have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven t abc seven [ laught [ laughter ] welcome back to gma live from times square. >> i just want to continue lara's conversation with bryan and sam off camera. bryan and sam are here to talk about their new spy thriller "argylle." welcome back. good to have you back. [ laughter ] >> thanks for having us. >> bryan, give us the elevator pitch for this movie. >> this is a spy thriller about
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a novelist, played by bryce dallas howard. she is a brilliant novelist. has tremendous success. she has some ability. i play a very dastardly man. head of a spy syndicate. i know, hard to believe. [ laughter ] i'm wondering how does she know what's going to happen? is she being fed information? i need to know. and it's -- you're in this movie, too. [ laughter ] >> i am. i show up somewhere in this movie. i'm the cat wrangler in the film, basically. no, i help bryce out. she's a reclusive writer. she writes this book. it's kind of a roller coaster ride. she sort of accidentally taps into a crime syndicate which this guy's a part of. then i come in to help her, maybe not help her. >> we kind of skirt around it because there are about a dozen legitimate twists.
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and being able to say what we can say without giving away the twists. >> you're doing pretty well at it. >> we're tap dancing. >> it is jam packed with talent. let me just say that. >> right? >> looks like you all are having so much fun. i have to ask both of you, did you have the most fun in this lip syncing video. who had the most fun with this? >> i think bryan did. [ laughter ] >> sam's having fun. >> how do you look dastardly in a music video? i have got resting dastardly face. i have not resting mean face. if you look at me with no emotion whatsoever -- [ laughter ] >> this is when mothers grab their children and leave. >> you do, too. >> i do? >> i never noticed that. >> thank you. >> top left of that brady bunch style music video was chip, the cat. >> yes. >> arguably might be -- >> kind of steals the movie.
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>> -- the star. i didn't want to say it. i think we have video of him. >> on the red carpet. >> that's in london. >> london, yeah. look at the size of that cat. [ laughter ] >> his ego is enormous for sure. >> look at him in his little special bubble. >> sam, i understand you two had creative differences. >> that cat was a nightmare. i'll tell you, man, always in my light. what a diva. no, he was actually a pretty cool, pretty cool cat. [ laughter ] >> pretty cool cat. but he's got an agent now. you aren't supposed to look directly in his eyes. has to be a certain temperature. >> should we see a clip? let's do it. >> this is life right now. one of her fans is live streaming her.
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>> carlos? >> yes, sir. >> deploy a local team. i want all u.k. assets repositioned and fixed on them now. get audio. i want to hear this. >> activated. >> how we doing there, boss? >> please, don't rush me. gotta think. >> getting her to write the next chapter. >> sam, you are so good in that clip. [ laughter ] >> thanks. i appreciate it. >> unassuming secret agent. >> thank you. >> and the beard. >> yes, yes. >> took like two years to grow? >> it takes about 2 1/2 months. this beard was real. the hair, not so much. but, yeah. henry and i had a great time working on this scene, despite being on the train. we spent a lot of time together. it was kind of a lot. stunt team was beautiful. henry was like, all right, calm down, sam. you're gonna get hurt.
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it was a lot of fun. >> what was it like playing the before picture? to henry? [ laughter ] >> that's the follow-up. that's the follow-up right there. >> that's what we were all thinking. [ laughter ] >> it was really tough. >> you get to play all these villains. does that help you in your real life, getting all the evil out on the screen? >> oh, i wish that were the case. [ laughter ] it's not out. the vestibul of evil is full. it's kind of a cathartic experience when you get to play that kind of large of a character. i don't bring it home. my wife doesn't want me to bring any of that home. okay. no evil. but she doesn't mind the mustache. it makes her fantasize about someone else. [ laughter ] it's like, all right, whatever works. >> all right. we have a fun little game.
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sam, what -- >> bryan has a lot of baggage. >> we understand that. that's why we like having him on. what spy name would you give bryan? what would his agent be? >> slippery sexy. >> ooh. [ laughter ] >> ss. >> yes. back at ya, what spy? >> i would try to do something that was under the radar. i would call sam -- his spy name would be al dente. [ laughter ] he's not quite done. he's still a little under cooked, do you know what i mean? i meant sam rockwell. >> beautiful. >> good night, everybody. good night, everyone. thank you guys for coming in. the movie opens this friday. laurence fishburne is next.
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>> i need help. get me out of here! >> you're right, this is no place for a human like you. i advice you to abandon. hold on to your wings! >> and the fun continues here on gma. that was a look at the new season of the marvel animated series "moon girl and devil dinosaur" premiering this week.
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that voice, none other than laurence fishburne, who is here. [ applause ] we got an embarrassment of riches this morning having you here. >> how are you, robin? >> i am good. i'm blessed and highly favored, as are you. >> thank you. >> what was the emmys? family and children? family and children's emmys. we are just over the moon. it's a rare thing. she's so spectacular and she's so much fun. we got inclusion awards that we are nominated for. we got all kinds of things we're nominated for. we're excited about our second season. it is coming this week. >> executive producing, not just voicing but being the producer behind it. >> yeah. sure. yeah. we started i don't know how many ever years ago. animation takes awhile. >> oh, yeah. >> so we started. we had one team. we had to scrap everything and started with another team.
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steve loder, our show runner guy is amazing. we had rafael fatigue, who creates all the music. we have voices like cynthia arivo and edward james almost, giancarlo lot of people who have come and lent their voice talents to it. some people's names who i cannot mention. >> i know, i know. >> they are special friends of ours. >> i was told to -- >> oh my god, second season's ence betweenamazing. voice acting and being in front of the camera? >> for me it's all the same thing. it's all acting. >> voice acting is more like theater of the mind so you kind of fill in the blanks. it's a lot more intimate, you know? the mic is right here. if you have an interesting voice, or you have a versatile kind of voice, you can play and do some fun
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things with it. i am someone who loves mel blank. he voiced bugs bunny, duck. for me it's a great way to work. >> you have a quality about your voice, too. you were eluding to the stars that you have. >> yes. >> what was it like all being together. i'm not trying to name everything. >> it's so weird. during covid, we had to do these things where it was just like one actor in a booth. we were all separated. >> right. >> we don't normally do things together now in animation. you're generally on your own. sometimes you get this. >> is that challenging? >> yes and no. i have had the characters i have voiced on the show. i have worked with diamond's wife.
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she does moon girl's voice. we worked together in separate booths. we sort of felt like we were together. although we weren't quite, because it was still covid. >> gotcha. gotcha. okay. can i just talk about, can you believe 25 years matrix? >> 25 years. >> that's a character. you played so many wonderful characters. >> sure, yeah. >> but that's the one people -- >> people love morphous and they love the matrix. 25 years. i'm surprised. it feels like 30 to me because it took so long to make the movie. [ laughter ] >> it's been a great franchise. >> it's amazing. it's so prophetic that we're all living in the matrix now with our phones. >> that's true. >> we're having these virtual lives. the first matrix for me is my favorite one. really a perfect movie in a lot of ways. >> so many ways.
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>> i have a final question. so big, so special. i'm going to bring in someone special to ask this final question. >> hey. >> hey. >> what's happening? >> hey, sam. what's happening? >> what's going on, man? i heard you're doing a one man show? >> i'm doing a one man show downtown. >> are you going to do daffy duck in your one man show? >> let me see. perhaps i will. [ laughter ] >> that's very good. >> do you think you can do it without me? >> no, i don't think so. i think you're going to need to be there with me every night. >> okay. fine. >> or else i'll fall on my face and die. [ laughter ] >> you all have worked together. >> yeah. >> i'll be in the front row. >> you'll be in the front row, man. thank you. >> like they do at the movies. >> 20, 30. it will be amazing. love you, man. >> love you, bro. >> do they have to pay you extra, sam, because you are a pseudo correspondent? >> what's that? >> do we have to pay you extra
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for this morning? >> definitely. >> okay. >> mr. fishburne, cut a check for us. >> it's in the mail. >> thanks, bro. >> i love the camaraderie. >> we love each other, me, sam, darren. we had such a great time in american buffalo in 2022. also cranston and i did a movie with steve carrell called "last lifeline." great surprise to see the two of them here this morning. >> not that they look as dapper as you with the bow tie. >> not for me to say. [ laughter ] thank you. >> laurence fishburne, always always a pleasure. >> great to see you, robin. bless you, my dear. >> back at you. season 2 premieres friday on disney channel and then the next day on disney +. now to ginger. >> thanks, robin. new york city with the clouds overhead. will we get that sun breaking through? towards the end of the day if we did. that storm is slowly pulling away. but remember, if you take the clouds off, that's like a blanket. then it gets chilly.
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it will either way but even cooler up in parts of new england. by tomorrow morning the windchill will be in the 20s baltimore, philadelphia, scranton, then near zero in parts of vermont, new hampshire. let's get a check closer to home. here live, stay with us. -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over."
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you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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-listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. >> we're back now with author tabitha brown. her latest book is called "i did a new thing." 30 days to living free. she joins us to talk about it. welcome back. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> love your energy. you're a ray of sunshine in our studio. >> well, thank you. >> this is an idea that's very personal to you. a challenge you did yourself. a long time ago. you tried one new thing every
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single day for 30 days. tell me about that. >> i started in 2014. i was trying to figure out myself. i was a new mom. had been a mom for awhile. but now i had two kids. i was like, let me try to liven it up for myself, get out of my routine, try some new thing, open my mind and see how i feel after doing something new. then years later i continued to do it every year. this time i was like, do you know what? i should write a book and journal it and share it with other people. i think sometimes we forget we get in a routine that we don't do anything new. i wanted to encourage people to do some new things. >> for folks watching thinking that's a cool idea, can you give us an example. >> it could be as simple as, i will wear my hair like the way i do today. this is a new thing. it's a new thing for donna. that's what i call my hair. wearing a different lipstick. driving a different way or walking a different way that you've never walked before just to see, what do i see new?
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>> what does that give you? >> it gives you different things. sometimes you figure, oh, i actually enjoy this way better. or sometimes it's like, i don't like this. maybe going to a play if you have never been to a play or museum, or doing a date night with your kids. just something you have never done before. >> offer a new perspective, get you out of a rut. >> absolutely. >> you have been called, i love this, america's mom. your animated series cab time is a huge hit with kids. what is your message to moms out there who are trying to make time to do things for themselves while juggling the family? >> well, first and foremost, honey, you're doing a good job. you're all right. okay? >> love yourself. >> absolutely. also make time for you. right? if we are the best version of us first, then we can be a great mom. then we can be a great mom. we also got to make time for ourselves and not feel bad about it. >> exactly. no guilt. guilt is a wasted emotion. >> that's right. that's right. >> as someone who's found her career a touch later in life,
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what do you want to share with our viewers who are saying, you know, i want to try to achieve some goals? they might feel unattainable. >> it is never too late for you, honey. it is never too late. if you still have the desire inside. if you can still wake up every morning and put one foot in front of the other, honey, you still got something to do in this world. it's never too late. >> just saying to a very special friend, i can guarantee if you don't try, we know for sure it won't happen. >> this is one quote i love. whether you say i can or can't. either way you're right. either way you're right. right? >> robin is screaming preach. >> every time you come you have these wonderful nuggets that have me thinking and always with such a positive message and outlook. >> thank you. >> thank you. the book is fantastic. hope everyone will check it out. it's called "i did a new thing." >> yes, i did. [ laughter ] >> i'm doing one today. it's out tomorrow, everybody.
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tabitha brown, nice to have you. we'll be right back. time to hit the bathroom. shower. it works. got two more upstairs...
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and the bedrooms. i don't know what goes on in there. and the living room. it's the hangout house, that's why i'm moving. and get an offer on your house. selling your home to opendoor is so easy you can do it during halftime. sign up for a halftime showing at ♪ (majestic music) ♪ (♪) (♪)
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(♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) >> this week just look who's saying -- >> good morning america. >> emma stone, henry cavell. demi moore. >> good morning america. >> usher and megan thee stallion on -- >> good morning america! >> you got the maroon memo. we got the green memo. george?
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>> standard banker suit. [ laughter ] >> gma is looking for couples so in love they would be up for a makeover on gma. but this makeover is different because you give full control to make over your partner. hair, clothes, style. and they get to make over you. so how much do you charge your partner? go to good morning to find out how to enter. he was a married man. the affair was the worst kept secret. >> tani finds out and confronts heather. >> threats after threats. it wasn't pretty. >> a true crime love triangle. >> i'm going to ask you tough questions, which i'm sure you're bracing yourself for. i haven't braced at all that romance. >> the 2020 limited series tonight at ten nine central on abc. am i ever gonna love again were you involved in the
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assassination of malcolm x? >> of course not. the award winning interview with muhammad aziz, after being exonerated in the murder of malcolm x and the family of khalil islam, who didn't live to see his name finally cleared and the daughter of malcolm x speaks out, exonerated the murder of malcolm x and 55 years to justice for what took so long, nobody was listening. >> but the world is listening now. thursday night, after the series premiere of mlk x on abc. >> so what's good to read? and we mean really good to read, right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help. >> join us for the new podcast series. it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> more americans choose abc news america's number one news source. >> new. >> this week, the cast of dune part two lands on kimmel. >> i'll hold for your applause. >> plus, samuel l jackson, elisabeth moss, jake tapper,
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>> have a good weekend, mary. all right, now, have a good weekend. but it's wednesday. see you monday. >> am i missing something? it's the weekend, baby. >> see you later. >> like getting things two days early. when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. >> what are you doing? this weekend? >> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's gloria now with a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. we're going to take you right outside to our san mateo bridge camera. that's because there are some delays there. there's a two car crash before the toll plaza there. there was also a three car crash earlier on the san mateo side of the bridge. and so both of those incidents have led to delays this morning. >> hey, gloria, we'll take a look at our mount tam cam, we have a lot of sunshine from this vantage point. there are a couple of areas that are dealing
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with fog. it's pushing through the delta, so concord down to zero miles. some fog around walnut creek. a similar story in santa rosa. but that fog is going to burn off quickly with that sun up here. expect a bright day this afternoon. record warmth 60s and 70s. thatrillionain returns to the forecast starting on wednesday, kumasi. it is a level two. >> all right. thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark. and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. hope to seehen. have you then. good ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, award-winning actor, bryan cranston! plus, from "an optimist's guide to the planet," nikolaj coster-waldau. also, we are kicking off "super seniors week" as we continue our "strive for more in '24" series. all next on "live!" ♪ ♪


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