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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  January 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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rain are just days away. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dionne lim. there will be a noticeable shift in our weather conditions this week, and we are not done with winter. certainly not. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel has a look ahead at that forecast. sandhya. yeah >> and amanda john, we are looking at record temperatures today for the second straight day. and then we'll look ahead to the wet weather that's coming. so today santa rosa 73 degrees breaking its previous record kentfield 70. that was also a new record along with san francisco 73. i mean, well above average. a tie in redwood city at 7271, in oakland 74 san jose breaks the old record, and sfo was also a warm one. a level one system is coming. our way. as you look at live doppler seven, and that is going to set the stage for some wet weather beginning tomorrow night in the north bay. it becomes a two on wednesday. so let's get you hour by hour tomorrow night. it's going to be a north bay event with just some light showers. then that level two for wednesday. a moderate to heavy rain at times in the late morning early afternoon and even
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into the evening commute. right now, the excessive rain potential for wednesday showing a slight to marginal risk for the entire bay area. so this means we are going to be seeing some potential issues. it's a two for wednesday going into thursday morning. rain heavy at times, strong, gusty winds, flooding and wind damage are likely. so the storm concerns really are road and stream flooding. it's going to be high. shallow landslides. same thing. trees, downed, power outages, medium. to almost high category and river flooding is going to go into that moderate category. i'll be back with a full look at the timeline and the forecast and other warnings coming up dion. all right. >> looking forward to it. sandhya. thanks. now when the rain arrives you can track it anytime with the very same live doppler seven that sandhya uses. just search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it. now open ai ceo sam altman and former secretary of state hillary clinton, both spoke at a summit today in san francisco. the focus on improving the lives of kids and families. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra was
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there and takes a look at what happened on day one of this summit. stephanie. >> yeah, a lot of very interesting data points. the conference brought together advocates, youth leaders and policy makers to discuss key challenges facing kids and young families today, including the growing pains of evolving technology. openai founder sam altman and former secretary of state hillary clinton talked about their thoughts for the future. it's called a kids first agenda. exploring solutions to the nation's most pressing issues facing young children and families. that was the theme of the inaugural common sense media summit. >> ai tools are going to be part of the world, but it won't be that we're lazy. it's that we get to operate at a higher level of abstraction. >> openai ceo sam altman shared his vision for the future of technology that involves every teen and adult having their own personalized ai experience to make life easier and more efficient. >> ai will be a new way to use the internet. i'll be a new way to do work more productive ai will be a new way to discover
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science, a new way to get better health care. this is going to help everybody, but i think this will help poorer people with less access. the most, he says. >> kindergartners will be operating at a more sophisticated level than ever before by the time they're done with 12th grade, but will it be safe? >> it would really want my 14 year old to use these tools, so i think we've got to find a way to make it so that we as a society and we as individual parents, educators, whatever, are very comfortable with teens using these tools. i think it's going to be such an important part. attendee says. >> are using this board to share their vision for what an ideal safe internet would look like. and the ideas are mixed. some urging for more parental control , while others are supporting the need for kids creativity, statistics around children's well-being pop education, health continue to haunt our nation. >> common sense media published a national poll monday that surveyed 12 to 17 year olds and voters. >> it shed light on unprecedented challenges.
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>> politicians are failing america's young people. the majority of teens and children, 60, actually believe that they're making decisions that aren't reflective of their needs , the survey found. >> a majority of people stressed the demand for access to mental health resources through our education system, and the need for child tax credit, which is a tax break for qualifying children. >> we are now having debates in our congress and in states as to whether we're going to provide free lunch to kids in school, something that i thought was resolved decades ago. >> now, moments after that, secretary clinton says policymakers should never rest, especially when it comes to allocating resources to address these very issues. as far as transformations with ai, altman added, the technology is only at its first glimpse with significant enhancements to come . >> interesting. also, seeing children, their. day today?
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>> absolutely, yes. >> thanks. we are just days away from a deadline to help create millions of new homes across california, but 19 bay area communities might not make that deadline that number was 20, but we found out just in the last hour that san jose's plan got final approval. >> even so, more than a dozen other communities are expected to submit plans to build new housing according to state standards by january 31st. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey takes a look at what it means if they miss that deadline. after years of strongly worded letters calling on cities and counties to keep up with housing needs hasn't worked. >> now, california's department of housing and community development is switching strategies, obey state orders or face serious penalties. and that leaves some bay area cities with only days to submit plans that comply with state wishes. >> the housing need in california is still really great , and as a result, it has become more important that cities and counties hold to their commitments that they're making
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to their own community so that we can get the housing built. >> last january, bay area cities and counties submitted their plans to meet state housing needs. but around 20 jurisdictions have still not adopted a state approved housing plan. >> it's really critical that the cities and counties basically set the table for development to occur. that's through their own powers to zone. also through to their ability to approve housing developments and for state development. >> in san jose, leaders have been working to make changes needed to meet the housing element. the council spent their most recent meeting racing against the clock to get plans in place, and sent to the state. >> right now we're evaluating getting those jurisdictions. ones that actually have had to do those rezonings to make that land available, to make sure that they have actually have completed their commitments. >> if cities are not approved, they may lose state funding eligibility. developers may also bypass cities by invoking a
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so-called builder's remedy to get housing plans approved in areas that don't meet state compliance. other state imposed consequences escalate over time. the state is serious about housing, and it's time for cities to get on board in san jose, dustin dawsey, abc seven news a new development in san ramon could bring thousands of new homes, but not everyone is buying in, at least not yet. >> the development will take over chevron san ramon office campus off bollinger canyon road . sunset development is drafting plans to build 2600 homes, apartments and condos on the 92 acre parcel. now, the plans also include a new retail center, a new park and a 3500 seat amphitheater. >> the future looks bleak for a swim center in santa clara. that's been home to several olympic swimmers. that's all after the city of santa clara closed, the heinz international swim center because it no longer meets safety codes, it has been open since 1965. now, 80 olympians have trained there, including mark spitz, michael phelps and natalie coughlin. the future of the center will be
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discussed tomorrow at the santa clara city council meeting. one idea is a bond measure to pay for a new facility. >> we are two months into a three month ban on street vendors on san francisco's mission street. it was all in an effort to target unpermitted vendors who were selling stolen items. today, abc seven news reporter luz pena talked to permitted vendors and businesses in the area to get their thoughts on the ban. so far, it's been 62 days since san francisco implemented a 90 day street vending ban on mission street, and business owners in the area are reporting the first signs of improved that the streets will look more clean and more safe for the kids that go to school for their place. >> that feeling is backed up by a survey from the city's office of economic workforce development, pointing to 56% of businesses feeling mission street is safer, 67% of businesses have seen a positive change on mission street, with more people coming in and i
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hopefully with it was getting better. >> we also saw it 24 streets, bar plaza was cleaned patrolling the area are public works inspectors and san francisco police officers, but workers in this area say after inspectors leave illegal activity comes back. >> i saw in the nights mostly uh- they are doing vending in the same place. >> the mainly for the bars but around the bar area. >> supervisor hillary ronen represents the mission district. she says public safety has improved. >> we had uh- extortion of legitimate vendors who were doing nothing wrong. it was a disaster. we worked for about a year to try to fix this situation by creating a whole permitting system that we tried to enforce, and it was so overwhelming and chaotic that it didn't work. >> but more than 100 permitted street vendors can't wait for the ban to end. one of them is reina portillo. we found her outside a restaurant with her stand. turns out she is paying
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the restaurant to be here. >> i haven't un poquito mas. >> i used to sell more when i was actually on the sidewalk. the city also leased two properties to give permitted vendors a space to sell during the ban. we went to both of them. one of them is closed on mondays. here's the second one. we're back at the tiangge and it's empty. there's only two vendors here, and last time we were here, there were maybe five of the tiangge has space for 40 vendors today. manuel was one of the only ones here. he says he makes around 30 to $40 a day. and is two months behind in rent . >> and they tell me, when do you pay your i don't know, he said, well, next month, you know, pay you going up. i don't know. >> we asked supervisor ronen if the ban will continue past february 27th. that it's likely we're probably going to want to continue in san francisco. luz pena abc seven news coming up
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next, building a better bay area in oakland along one street, one block at a time, plus, we saw one of the largest, fastest drops in child mortality ever documented in a conflict zone, making a life saving difference in a war zone. >> it's what's happened when two ucsf doctors decided not to give for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain.
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salonpas. it's good medicine. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this van just hit me out of . i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team. they took care of me like a . i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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and enhancements for pedia and mass transit safety. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with city leaders who
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think this project will also cut down on crime in downtown, down 14th street, right in the heart of downtown oakland, will look very different in a couple of years. >> when one, two, three. ceremonial. shovels will soon be replaced with heavy equipment for a $20 million project to change. 14th from lake merritt to west oakland. the whole street will be repaved, new bike lanes added, and the intersections improved. >> we know that these implementations, not only here on 14th street, but across the city, is going to make a difference and it's going to save lives. >> nearly two years ago, a driver went full speed through an intersection on 14th, hitting and killing a father who was cycling with his two young kids. city leaders knew back then something had to change. >> we're a father of two. was was killed, was fatally injured because of the condition on this street. >> there are bikes along 14th street. but what you don't have
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are bike lanes. this project would change that. and the city thinks it would aid in their efforts to stop crime downtown because of the road diet. >> you know it's going to not allow for cars to just speed down like it's a highway, right? so slowing cars down also means that it's not an actual highway or freeway for the criminals as well. >> more people on bikes, shopping and dining out, more foot traffic, the mayor says, means less crime. >> we have more eyes on the streets that we are safer. >> the city says the project should take two years to complete. construction will happen in sections. >> we're going to be instituting a road died going from four lanes to two lanes. we're going to be putting in protected bike lanes. we're going to be widening the sidewalks in the commercial core corridor. >> they say the only real disruptions people will notice are some lane closures and less parking. but when it's done, the city believes everyone will benefit in oakland. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> police in palo alto are
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investigating a hate crime after someone found a swastika painted on a sidewalk. it had already been covered up by the time our abc seven news crew got there. police say they received a call about the graffiti near pierce park last night. it had been spray painted in white paint and was about 15in long. a public works crew removed it. police say they don't know how long the swastika had been there, and so far they do not know who is responsible. there has been an alarming rise in hate crimes at schools in america, according to a new report from the fbi, 1 in 10 hate crimes in the u.s. takes place at school making schools the third most common location after streets and residences. the report shows the number of hate crimes at schools nearly doubled in five years, from 700 in 2018 to more than 1300 in 2022. this is the first time the fbi and justice department released a report on hate crimes at schools. and when it comes to issues of discrimination, abc seven news is here to help. you can find local resources at abc seven slash. take action. >> all right. turning to the weather. if you enjoyed today's
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temperatures tough luck. yeah >> maybe one more day. sandia or no. >> well i like the way dion put it. tough luck is pretty much the story. unfortunately or fortunately, depending on whether you like wet weather. dion and let's take a look at the high temperatures today. everything shaded in yellow is a record. so it was 73 in san francisco and santa rosa both records 74, san jose 71. in oakland, 72. redwood city uh- sfo. by the way, that was a typo. earlier 66. that was a record tied today, 75 degrees in livermore. 72 in napa, 69.5 moon bay. pretty nice looking day. well above average on live doppler seven. we do have a storm system that is getting ready to move in, but you still have hours to prepare, so this is your time to do it. right now, we got a lot of a lot of cloud cover in the northern part of our viewing area that will spread as the night goes on. golden gate bridge camera visibility is good right now. low 60s from san francisco to
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oakland and san mateo, san. jose, 68 degrees. here's a live view from our emeryville camera as we look back towards san francisco 63, in santa rosa and livermore, it's pretty pleasant. 61 in napa, petaluma, 57, fairfield 56 degrees. as you know, we did have some dense fog this morning out towards the inland east bay. we are expecting some patchy fog tomorrow morning and a live view from our sutro tower camera there. headlines the week ahead. tomorrow mostly cloudy. wednesday into thursday. we're going to see some downpours and gusty winds at times as we head into friday. still unsettled. in case you're getting ready to cover any of your outdoor furniture or bring some stuff inside so morning temperatures, 40s, 50s, a lot of cloud cover tomorrow afternoon you're going to see mostly cloudy skies, temps will come down compared to today. it's still going to be mild, low 60s to the low 70s. then on our storm impact scale, level two storm for your wednesday going into thursday morning. rain will be heavy at times. strong gusty winds expected flooding and wind
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damage are likely. we have a flood watch for the entire bay area 4 a.m. wednesday until 4 a.m. friday, and the concern here is that flooding will be caused by excessive rain on rivers, streams, creeks and roads are the main concerns. it's a possible city, so they've highlighted it since the ground is already saturated as we go hour by hour tomorrow morning. a lot of cloud cover, patchy fog tomorrow night some light showers begin to move in 10:00 in the north bay, and then you have to wait for the rest of the bay area. so 8 a.m. wednesday, you're seeing the heavy rain there at 3 p.m. pretty widespread rain across the area. downpours will continue for the evening rush and pretty much widespread through late night. we'll go over to scattered showers for thursday, but still going to see the problems as it takes a while for the water to run off. so rainfall estimates, projections anywhere from about an inch a little over an inch to almost four four inches of rain. the hills will pick up anywhere from 4 to 6in of rain. wind advisory goes up, gusts to 50 miles an hour. 7 a.m. wednesday
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until 4 a.m. thursday. could see some tree limbs go down and power outages as winds ramp up. uh- 50 miles an hour. 10 a.m. wednesday. you will notice still gusty in the afternoon and into the evening hours. here's a look at the winter storm. watch for the sierra wednesday until friday morning. heavy snow 1 to 2ft higher. peaks up to three feet. accuweather seven day forecast. tomorrow is your day to prepare for level two for wednesday. thursday a thunder chance and then a one on friday and sunday and monday. so really this is going to be a wet pattern for quite a stretch okay. >> all right sandy thank you. >> the 40 niners are going to their eighth super bowl. they will play the kansas city chiefs. the team that beat them four years ago in the same game. the niners needed a historic comeback to seal the deal. yesterday they trailed the lions by 17 at the half before ripping for 27 straight points. it was the largest comeback in nfc championship history. the super bowl is on sunday, february 11th. championship gear went on sale right after the game last
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night. loyal fans, as you see lined up at dick's sporting goods in daly city to get first dibs of the t shirts. the team store at levi's stadium opened up early today at 8 a.m. to put out super bowl bound merchandise. it will open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. until the super bowl. and for fans trying to go to the game, expect some big costs. we had rhiannon o'donohoe from on our 3 p.m. show getting answers, telling us what to expect. >> so if you're from san francisco, for example, with the average flight cost and hotel and super bowl ticket costs, it would average out to about $12,530, which is about 17.1% of their annual salary, which is insane. but, you know, i think with the super bowl being there, they have every reason to jack up the prices, too, because people are going to pay just to be there for the experience. if people are going to spend that much money to go to vegas, then they should expect how much to budget for it too, because like i said, it's not a cheap city
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anymore. >> not cheap at all. she says. tickets cost more now than the teams are announced, so the best time to buy would have been back when tickets were first released, when you just would have had to hope that your team would make it in. >> oh, what fun is that right? well, tax season is here, so next. why it's not only smart to file early, but also to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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$60 billion this financial quarter. that's 55 billion less than previously announced. the dow gained 224 points, closing at a new record high. the nasdaq is up 172. the s&p 500 gained about 37. also setting a record high. happening today hey, tax season officially begins. this is the first day the internal revenue service will accept and process 2023 federal income tax returns two days from now, january 31st is the day employers must have w-2 forms either mailed or furnished. if you don't have it or you don't know where it is yet, take action to find out. this year's tax deadline is april 15th. experts recommend filing as early as you can, and here's why. >> you want to file early, so you can lock up your data with the irs and some schemer who bought or stole your data can't swoop in and file in front of you and steal your refund. >> there were some big tax changes in 2023, such as more
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incentives for green energy and ev credit filing for an extension will give you until october to finalize returns, but if you miss any deadlines, your return may be considered late, which will prompt the irs to start piling on penalties and interest. >> okay, how about something a little sweeter now? today is the start of girl scout cookie season. people can now make online orders from girl scouts of northern california in about two weeks. you'll also see scouts setting up and selling in front of local businesses just in time for super bowl sunday. while there are no new cookies this year, the classics like tagalongs and thin mints are still on the menu. the price, though, has increased from 5 to $6. a box. >> vice president kamala harris was in the bay area today, and while she was here to bring a message about reproductive rights, protesters also showed up to share their own message and new developments. >> arrests are made in the mysterious case of deaths in the
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you can instantly know what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care.
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as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. ♪ the little pill ♪ (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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charlie >> those are the sights and sounds that greeted vice president kamala harris in the bay area today. she was met with protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the vice president was in san jose for her reproductive freedoms tour. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes was there. now. >> protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza, interrupting vice president kamala harris. it started moments after she kicked off the san jose stop of her reproductive freedoms tour. but the calls for ceasefire started hours before the event, with many protesters taking to the streets outside of the mexican heritage plaza in east san jose for her to come here and tell us that she cares about our health and wellness while she bombs women who look like us is not going to be acceptable inside the event, the vice president responded as the first protesters were escorted out. >> let me say in a in a in a real democracy, everyone has a
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right to have their voice heard. >> the vice president went on to say that she wants the conflict to end as soon as possible. >> president and i are working on that every single day, so. so back to what we were discussing >> harris's team said the san jose stop was to highlight work done in california to protect reproductive rights. since the overturning of roe versus wade. >> um, californians. thankfully, we have a state that has done beautiful and important work to protect rights, to put it in the constitution, san jose city council member peter ortiz represents the area where the event was held. >> like harris, he said he respects the protesters rights to have their voices heard. i've been an activist before. >> i was an elected official, so i support them. i think maybe not interruptions during the speech, but right out here in front of the mexican heritage plaza, despite the protests, he said a vice presidential visit at this venue is important for the community he represents. i think it's really important that she chose east san jose. the mexican heritage plaza, as the
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location for her to come here in the city of san jose. >> following the tour stop, the vice president and second gentleman visited a campaign reception in los gatos before heading back to san jose to return to washington, d.c. in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> there's a new effort by house republicans to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> this comes as congress is at a standstill and a possible bipartisan deal on immigration policy. they've just released two articles of impeachment accusing him, quote, of willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law and breach of public trust. house democrats are in opposition. the house republicans have clearly turned their ever shrinking majority over to the extremists. mayorkas denies any wrongdoing. the dhs is calling the impeachment effort a political stunt that lacks any evidence that congress deal would allow for faster processing of asylum claims and allow the president the
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authority to close the borders if it gets overwhelmed. and u.s. forces may have mistaken an enemy drone for an american one, letting it pass on to a base where it killed three troops and injured dozens. more. it all happened sunday on a u.s. base in jordan, near the syrian border. sources tell abc news a preliminary report found the enemy drone flew onto the base just as an american drone returned. so there was no effort to shoot it down. the u.s. says iran backed militants are behind that attack. president joe biden is promising a response, but he faces the challenge of striking back without further escalating conflict in the region. president and i will not tolerate attack on us forces and . and we will take all necessary actions to defend the us and our troops. iran says they don't want a war with the us and has denied blame for sunday's attacks. new developments, a dispute over marijuana led to the murders of six people in a desert in southern california. the bodies were discovered last
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week near el mirage. which is in a remote part of san bernardino county. reporter rob mcmillan, from our sister station in los angeles, has an update from investigators. nearly a week after a grisly discovery in which six people were found shot to death in the middle of the desert, some of the bodies then set on fire. >> the san bernardino county sheriff's department has announced five high desert residents arrested on suspicion of murder. investigators saying the 9-1-1 call coming in to report the incident was actually a request for help from one of the victims who was shot. dispatchers received a 911 call from a subject who spoke spanish. >> the caller told dispatchers he was shot, but he did not know the location he was at, and it appeared the call ended. dispatchers tracked the phone uh- via latitude and longitude coordinates to a remote area, and the unincorporated uh- at atlanta area. >> after days of investigating, detectives say they believe the suspects and victims were all likely involved in organized crime.
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>> we are confident that this appears to be a dispute over marijuana, which resulted in the murders. >> this is an area known for illicit marijuana. >> san bernardino county sheriff shannon dicus making an impassioned statement that illegal marijuana grows, are out of control, as well as the crime that comes with them. >> you go look at our deserts. it's hoop house trash that's left over the police are not going after people who are smoking marijuana recreationally. it's illicit marijuana. the black market of marijuana. and certainly cartel activity. and a number of victims that were out there, rob mcmillan, abc seven news. >> as if watching news about armed conflicts around the world makes you feel like just giving up, consider the story of a bay area nonprofit that chose not to, and what they achieved for children in a dangerous war zone and it is
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to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years mainly because i just love helping people. as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something that would help. when i first started taking prevagen, i noticed my memory was so much better. just stuff seemed to come together and fit like a jigsaw puzzle in my mind. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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making good progress. nearly two weeks after the procedure, she likely will not return to her royal duties until after easter. prince william postponed his public duties to support her and their three children. king
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charles is also out of the hospital after undergoing a corrective procedure for an enlarged prostate. a statement from buckingham palace reads, quote, his majesty would like to thank the medical team and all those involved in supporting his hospital visit and is grateful for all the kind messages he's received in recent days. doctors from ucsf started a nonprofit to bring health care to mali in north africa. >> then war broke out. but rather than give up, they kept going. now, in the middle of the fighting, they've slashed the child mortality rate by more than half. abc seven news anchor dan ashley explains. >> reporter for millions of americans, a deadly war in the african nation of mali might be just one more tragedy unfolding a world away. but for young csf doctors, ari johnson and jessica beckerman, it was just one more challenge. in a victory of hope over cynicism. the couple helped launch a nonprofit more than a decade ago, along with a group of doctors and medical professionals from mali. with the goal of bringing care to
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communities with high child death rates. but then they watched as the landscape of central mali changed. >> this area was peaceful and then the regional war spread. >> but rather than give up and pull back their nonprofit, mousseau continued to support local health care teams. with the help of the mali government, providing care for patients in remote villages, particularly children. >> and they had in their hands a health care system that met people where they were with accessible care, fast. >> and all of this care was for provided with no fees, no co-pays, no deductibles. it was free, you know, as the rapid care expanded, despite the fighting, a research team was also working to document its effectiveness. >> because we were actually bracing ourselves, uh, to see, uh, a much higher rate of mortality, uh, given the, uh, escalating conflict in the region, professor kassam is a senior scientist with mousseau and principal investigator
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there. >> he says the results over three years were astounding, with child deaths plummeting by nearly 63. >> uh, we saw one of the largest, uh, fastest drops, uh, in terms mortality ever documented. uh, in a conflict zone. >> he believes the key was musso's recruitment of village residents and the trust built over years of training. and while the study was not originally designed to account for conflict, chief medical officer doctor jessica beckerman believes it could deliver a powerful message to the world community. >> what this study showed us was that it is not inevitable that children living in conflict zones be at higher risk of death because we have the tools, we have the knowledge, we have the health care delivery systems to prevent deaths and deliver hope in some of the most difficult circumstance cases. >> dan ashley, abc seven news. now another measure of the program's success the child mortality rates, where mousseau
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works are lower than that of any country in sub-saharan africa. >> coming up next to get a look at the forecast for the week ahead, we've got a level two i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound.
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take to the stage at manhattan's 54 below to entertain and reporter sandy kenyon from our sister station in new york, has a sneak peek from the rehearsal. >> the best of broadway has performed here, and now. the next generation is at 54 below. see easy past contestants at the jimmy. awards are gracing the stage for one magical night. >> it's just a beautiful celebration of music and theater and the jimmy awards that have really catapult us all and given us so many opportunities. >> lauren marchand won the jimmy award last june as the best female performer i can't comprehend this. she joined the ranks of past winners like andrew barth feldman, who recently shared the big screen
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with oscar winner jennifer lawrence high bad cinderella on broadway featured morgan higgins . after she was a finalist at the jimmy awards in 2015, where the earth meets the sky i it's not like a signed, sealed, delivered situation where if you win, you're going to be a star. >> it's just like being a part of the program, um, is really helpful. we are young. >> each june, the best high school performers are brought here to the city, which was a life changing, obviously, and tonio cipriano starred in national treasure on disney plus . christian thompson did the national tour of wicked. >> it's incredible to be with these people and to see what the jimmy awards can achieve. >> he wasn't even a jimmy finalist, and nor was mackenzie kurtz. turns out, if you're in it, you don't have to win it. >> it's about the experience and it's about everything you learn and the growth that you have through the process and through
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the competition itself. >> i'm sandy kenyon, abc seven news. >> this year's jimmy awards will take place on june 24th. >> they say all is fair in love and war. and on tonight's episode of the bachelor, there is a battle brewing. ten of joey's 22 remaining women were invited on a paintball group date. it's all friendly fire, but as you can see, gets a little bit messy, especially as they're vying for joey's heart and his time on the red carpet was invited on the date where joey told us how it's been going. >> i think they're all going to be bringing it. i can tell they're very excited, but they just split up into two teams. we have the blue team and the pink team, and they're going to be battling for. i guess, a one on one with me tonight, which is a big deal. i'm just trying to stay present through all this and i'm excited to talk to them again today. get the little time that i can, but they've all been exceeding expectations 100. >> joey says he's been using his time wisely, trying to get to know all of the women. you can watch the bachelor tonight at eight right here on abc seven.
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>> all right, looking ahead to the weather and winter is not over yet. >> whoo! it's coming back. sandia it is indeed, but it definitely was warm by winter standards today. >> and we had some records. so let's take a look at those in case you missed us at the top of the show. ama and dan 73, in santa rosa today, 73 in the city as well. those were both new records. oakland, 7174, in san jose, all records tied at sfo at 66. redwood city tied at 72. in kentfield was 70 degrees. looking ahead, head to the rain chances pretty much increasing beginning in the north bay tomorrow, wednesday. it's pretty much a given that everyone is going to have to deal with wet, windy weather and all right, i mean, if we go day by day going into the weekend, we are looking at an unsettled pattern on live doppler seven. we do have a lot of cloud cover right now. storm is developing off the coastline. it's a level two for your wednesday. i do want to show you when those showers will begin tomorrow night in the north bay. you will notice a few showers at 10:00 and then the storm slows down a bit. and then it comes in
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and it will pound us in the afternoon. and evening is when we're expecting some of the heavier rain. 6:00 you will notice some downpours 10:00 pm wednesday night, and this pattern continues into early thursday before it switches over to showers. so for your wednesday, excessive rain potential is high across the entire bay area. it's a slight to marginal risk. we are expecting road and stream flooding. it's a high likelihood shallow landslides as well, trees down and power outages bordering on that moderate to high likelihood river flooding. san lorenzo river and the santa cruz mountains, russian river and guerneville will need to be watched between monitor and flood stage by thursday morning. highs tomorrow coming down 6070, mostly cloudy. and in case you're looking ahead to the weekend, there will be showers on friday and then unsettled pattern, but saturday is your break before that next storm gets in here. sunday into monday. and as we head into tuesday, even looks wet. accuweather seven day forecast level two wednesday thursday a one for friday, sunday, monday dion and ama
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>> all right. thanks, andrea. all right i think there's only one thing to talk about in sports i think. >> so the weather in las vegas 72 degrees. right yeah okay. nice. they play indoor there with a niners playing a couple better. yeah so nothing to worry about there. it's a victory monday for the niners. epic comeback in the nfc championship ahead. the game changing moments in the plays that sent the niners to las vegas. the super bowl showdown ag
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going on a victory monday 29 years ago today, steve young and the 40 niners beat the chargers by 23 in super bowl 29, capturing their fifth lombardi trophy. less than two weeks from today, the niners are going to be looking for their first super bowl title. since then, it has been a while. last night, the four niners captured the nfc championship in dramatic fashion. 3431 comeback victory over the lions. now your prize a super bowl 54 rematch against patrick mahomes and the chiefs in las vegas february 11th. >> heck of a football team. patrick mahomes obviously. enough said. travis kelce in the game. um, it's just so i can't even lie to you and tell you that my mind is even processing that far right now. i'm just so much in a moment right now. uh, these type of opportunities do not come. and 12 years and this is my first time. i'm just i'm so thankful, man. i'm so thankful. listen i got my tears
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out. >> we've been celebrating for a while, but, um, that doesn't take away from how excited i am for this opportunity. um, i mean, man, i was emotional about getting back to the nfc championship chip. i'm even happier about getting back to the super bowl because, uh, we have some unfinished business there to, uh, we plan on taking care of one more. >> we still got one more to go, but, um, to have a performance like that, like we did as a team, it was huge. we're always going to remember that. >> and any favorite spots in vegas? >> i've never been to vegas. uh, other than we went when we played the raiders. so uh, that don't count, man. i'm trying to. i'm trying to win a super bowl, man. i'm going down to win a super bowl. and that's it. afterwards, i'll let you know about where i'm at. >> we'll see you there, dre. so why are the niners playing in the super bowl? how about third quarter? the lions are up 14. they win on fourth and two. and jared goff's pass was incomplete. now a field goal would have given the lions a potential 17 point lead. instead, the niners regain possession along with some call big mo. there's a huge stop. >> huge momentum for us. i have a question for you guys. why
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does analytics people say that momentum isn't a real thing? like that is a i had a conversation with pat mcafee and he was like, yeah, all these people are telling us that momentum is not real. and that's just the biggest load of horse crap i've ever heard of. in my entire life. >> yeah, momentum is a real thing. now, after that defensive stop, one of the greatest catches in niners playoff history, brandon aiyuk. the amazing catch that set up his own touchdown just a few plays later. look at the concentration it sparked a run of 27 unanswered points. so how in the world did you make that catch i don't even know. >> and i just look up and brock cut it loose and i see the db drop the ball and i'm just like. and then i see brandon catch it and i'm like, that was a crazy play that he made. >> i was one of the coolest catches i've ever seen. a huge spark. um now that's what ba does man. he made a play when it counted and, uh, really set us up for a lot of momentum. >> when i saw him catch that, i was like, that's insane. so at the end of the day, i was like, just like i said, trying to give him an opp man, it's one on one
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huge game. we need a big play and explosive. here's one of our our best receiver to go down and make a clutch play for us. >> so he caught it like sounds like it. did he one hand catch it. like what did he do. and i saw the replay. i was like just how we intended it to look off the guy's face mask. right. the ba yeah, that was lit. >> abc seven sports is sponsored by your northern california hyundai dealers. now, as i'm watching this replay and over and over, the fun part about sitting next to deon, looking at the fashion, i like all the fashion. i'm a big fan of it. i like george kittle's shirt with his his wife claire on there. i was going to ask, is that what that was? yeah, it's like five pictures of his wife and then her name across. so, you know, super bowl fashion, las vegas, this is going to be fun. that's what i watch over the next. the game will be pretty good to oh yeah, that thing and the commercials and usher in concert. >> yeah that should be good. i'm pretty excited for that. yeah. me too. me too. all right. tonight on abc seven at eight, it's the bachelor, followed at ten by bad romance special edition of 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11.
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that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. we thank you so much for joining us. i'm ama dave and i'm dionne lim for sandhya and chris and all of us here. thanks so much for joining us. we will see you right back here tonight at 11. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are. we are, we are we are we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and st
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" champions wildcard. [applause] ♪♪ here are today's semi-finalists. a retired cpa from seattle, washington... a political science and international relations professor from san diego, california... and a professor of american literature originally from rockford, illinois... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings!
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[applause] thank you, johnny, thank you, folks, and welcome, everyone, to the semi-finals in this "jeopardy!" champions wildcard. over the next three games, our remaining field of nine champions will be whittled down to three finalists who will then face off in a two-game total point affair at the end of the week. the winner will earn $100,000 and perhaps even more importantly, a spot in the upcoming tournament of champions. so there's a lot at stake today as we welcome back lloyd, andy and martha. best of luck to all three of you. let's get into the game with these categories in the "jeopardy!" round. we begin with... then... we have... followed by... and... lloyd, you begin the game. going to the dogs for $400, please.


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