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tv   America This Morning  ABC  January 30, 2024 4:30am-4:59am PST

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right now on america this morning, will the u.s. strike iran? president biden weighs his options to respond to that deadly drone attack on a u.s. base in the middle east. what we're learning about the three americans who lost their lives. >> breaking overnight, a touris, plus new video of a cruise ship coming to the rescue of kayakers stranded in the gulf of mexico. >> elon musk announces a breakthrough to what he's revealing about a brain implant that could dramatically improve the lives of paralysis patients. >> overnight, a victory for team usa
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nearly two years after the olympics. what prompted a new ruling from the olympic committee an attempted kidnaping caught on camera. >> why? police say that 11 year old girl did al with the worst traffic in america. >> the new survey on how much time we're now spending going nowhere. from abc news in new york. >> this is america, this morning. >> good tuesday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with that deadly attack on a u.s. military base in the middle east. >> we've now learned the three american troops who were killed were based in georgia. president biden has promised to retaliate for the attack, which u.s. officials say was carried out by fighters supported by iran. >> the big question now will the u.s. launch em nguyen is here now with more. good morning rhiannon. >> good morning. yeah, we're learning more about those three americans who lost their lives as president biden considers how to respond to this attack. this
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morning, president biden is considering the risks of more military strikes in the middle east after a drone attack blamed on iranian backed military hit a u.s. army base in jordan sunday, killing three. u.s. service members. specialist brianna jerome rivers moffat recently celebrated her 23rd birthday. >> she just light up a room youe walks h>> earned a national defe service medal after serving in iraq in 2018, and kennedy sanders was 24. her family says her personality was contagious, even though her time was short on earth, she lived her life to the fullest and she enjoyed her life in any situation that she was in. >> she made it enjoyable even being deployed. >> one factor that could play into the white house's response is how the drone attack unfolded sunday. a senior official says the working theory is that the
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attack drone made it through the base's air defense system because it may have been security team after promising to retaliate. >> the response is not likely to be one big show of force against these militants. secretary of state antony blinken saying it could be multi-leveled, come in stages and be sustained. and over time, us forces in the region have come under attack at least 165 times since the start of israel's war against hamas. >> the us military has responded with air strikes against iranian backed militants in iraq and yemen. as for striking inside iran in, a senior u.s. official says biden has dee for a two moe between israel and hamas may have hit a roadblock. hamas has reportedly rejected the deal, insisting on only a permanent ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages. rhiannon. all right, m thanks
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for that reporting. >> the justice department has charged an iranian drug dealer in connection with a murder plot in maryland. he allegedly tried to hire members of the hells angelsorcy out the plot. prosecutors say the iranian suspect arranged for a $350,000 payment to kill two iranian dissidents. no one was harmed before the alleged plot was exposed. >> breaking overnight a tragedy near cancun, mexico. authorities say a tourist boat sank after getting caught in a strong swell 19 people were on board the goddess of the sea. at least four are confirmed dead, but several people were still missing overnight. officials did not immediately confirm their nationalities. meanwhile, new video shows the crew of a carnival cruise ship rescuing two kayakers stranded in the gulf of mexico. the men say they got into the kayak after their boat sank off of texas. >> disgraced south carolina attorney alec murdoch will not get a new trial. that's the decision fromer, alec
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murdoch's lawyers are vowing to appeal a judge's ruling denying murdoch a new trial in the murders of his wife and son. murdoch's lawyers claim a court clerk with a lucrative book deal tampered with the jury before last year's verdict. >> becky hill attempted to influence these jurors that she made these statements. >> one of those jurors took the stand yesterday. at first, she that clerk becky hill, in influenced the verdict. >> to me, it felt like. she made it seem like he was already guilty. >> did that affect your finding of guilty in this case. >> yes, ma'am. >> but that juror later took back those comments and said it was actually other jurors that swayed her. hill also took the stand, acknowledging her deal to write a book about the trial netted about $100,000. hill's friend, also a court employee, testified they discussed plans
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for the book before the trial. she said we might want to write a book because she needed a lake house and i needed to retire. >> and then further conversations of guilty verdict would sell more books. >> but on the stand, hill said, this when asked about trying to persuade the jury. >> i never talked to the jurors about any of the evidence. >> the judge eventually ruled the allegations about hill's behavior are not enough to grant murdoch a new trial, but the judge had these stern words for hill. >> this hill was attracted by the siren call of celebrity. she wanted to write a book about the trialt as early as november 20th, 22, long before the trial began, murdoch's lawyers say they are confident the appeals court will grant a new trial. >> but south carolina's attorney general said it's time to move on. >> more testimony is expected today at the trial of jennifer crumbley, the michigan mother whose son killed four people in
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a school shooting yesterday. prosecutors played the first police interview with crumbley and her husband, recorded just hours after the shooting in 2021. >> and why is the prosecutor say the recording shows crumbley calmly, calmly scrolling through her phone after hearing her son ethan was the shooter. >> they claim ethan's parents failed to address his mental health and bought the gun for him. a school counselor testified yesterday that he confronted ethan's parents on the day of the shooting about a disturbing drawing ethan had made, but they refused to take him home. >> i was a little caught off guard and a little confused, um, because it was something that i wasn't really expecting. that type of response. i was a little surprised at their willingness to come, but then not completely follow through. okay the prosecution expects to call dozens of people to testify, both parents are charged with involuntary manslaughter. >> we turn now to a decision
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overnight in olympic figure skating. it stems from a doping scandal during the beijing games back in 2022. the decision now benefiting the u.s. abc's lionel moise explains. >> overnight, a win for team usa. the international olympic committee announcing the u.s. will now be awarded gold for figure skating in the 2022 olympics after russian kamila valieva was officially disqualified for doping. valieva was allowed to compete in the 2022 games in beijing, although it was revealed she had tested positive for a banned heart medication. she was tested six weeks earlier at the russian championships, but staffing issues during the pandemic were blamed for a already begun. >> and there's no way on earth if you fail a drug so when thaty
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broke, it exposed loaded. it was the biggest story at the olympic games. >> the then 15 year old valieva fell several times during competition and failed to medal. she even faced sharp criticism from her own coach. >> it was very, very disturbed when i afterwards saw how she was received by her closest entourage with such a tremendous coldness, it was chilling to see this rather than giving her comfort. >> but despite valieva's poor performance, her russian teammates went on to finish strong and the russian team took the gold, followed by the u.s. and japan. now nearly two years later, valieva doping scandal means that gold will go to the u.s. instead. for kamila valieva is banned from competing until late next year, which is just weeks before the winter olympics begin in italy. rhiannon andrew lionel.
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>> thank you. time now for your tuesday weather. the northwest are already running high and flooding fears are increasing, with a powerful storm due to arrive tonight, continuing into tomorrow and looking at the radar, a fast moving storm will bring rain and snow to the great lakes and ohio valley today. but it's not cold enough for any significant accumulation. checking today's high temperatures. more record highs are expected across the west. phenix gets into the low 80s but still chilly in the midwest and the northeast. 73 in miami, 74 in south texas. up, the job that pays $400,000 a year, no college degree required. >> but first, elon musk announces a big breakthrough involving a brain implant that could improve the lives of thousands of people. >> and later, the former mobster who stole dorothy ruby's slippers learns his pu
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morning america. >> police are revealing new details about the a murder mystery in california's mojave desert. six bodies were recently found in a remote area. investigators say it appears the violence is linked to a dispute over marijuana. five people have been arrested. they were captured just outside of los angeles. >> now to a potential breakthrough involving a company owned by improve the lives of thousands of people. this morning, elon musk announcing that for the first time, his company neuralink, has implanted a brain chip in a human. musk saying the person is recovering well. initial results show promising neuron spike brain to a computer.ev to
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interpret your neural activity so you can operate a computer or a smartphone by simply thinking people paralyzed from stroke, from traumatic brain injury, or a spinal cord injury could see the benefits. >> this would be a major game changer if it were to be proven to be safe and effective. >> the fda approved neuralink for human tests last may after years of testing on animals.tede ability of its implants to stimulate movement. >> as you can see, pager is amazingly good at mind pong, allowing a monkey to play a video game and what better reward for a monkey than a banana? musk says the first human users will be people who have lost the use of their limbs. >> but speaking about the long terme, he said, imagine if stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speed
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typist or auctioneer. >> that is the goal i really do think that in my lifetime, as a physician, i'll be able to use this type ofechnology to help myatients wait for that day to come. >> neuralink's engineers aren't the only ones turning science fiction into reality. researchers elsewhere help this man paralyzed in an accident walk again thanks to implants in august, this woman who had lost her voice to paralysis, was able to have a conversation with her husband. again, thanks to a mind controlled avatar to not make me laugh. experts warn much more testing and research is needed before any kind of widespread use of these devices. >> walmart is increasing pay for some managers to more managers e a base pay of 128,000, plus bonuses of up to 200, along with stock plan increases. now, this position does not require a college degree. >> coming up, how much money taylor swift has made the nfl this season, but first, an attempted kidnaping caught on camera.
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>> why police say this 11 year old girl did all the right old girl did all the right things if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immus for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; ; see your doctor right away severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; fainting; eye problems; ememory problems;; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation.
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your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. air wick. how far would you go to set the ambience of your space?
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try the air wick way with air wick essential mist. infused with natural essential oils to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. now that's a breath of fresh air wick. [sneeze] dude you coming? ♪ plop plop fizz fizz winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus. warriors w plus. >> back now with a pair of ruby slippers from the wizard of oz, they were stolen from the judy garland museum in minnesota back in 2005. a 76 year old former mobster pleaded guilty to the theft and now he's been spared jail time because of his failing health. terry john martin says an old mob associate convinced
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him to steal the slippers as one last score. >> we turn now a girl nearly kidnaped on her way to school. new details about this attempted kidnap video sho1 year old girl walking to school when the video and the girl's description of the man have helped police arrest 37 year old joseph ruiz. >> they don't know each other, so the victim was a complete stranger to him. according to court documents. >> the girl first spotted ruiz outside her home, giving her an odd look. she then ran towards the schoolce parked his car, god lunged at her. police say they later found ruiz in the same car wearing the same clothes as the man in the video. >> i've lived here for like maybe a little over ten years and i've never seen anything like that before. >> ruiz has a criminal history. he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault back in 2013. court documents show he lived near the girl. police are now
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alerting adults at her school. officers are now urging parents to speak with their kids about how to react in these kind of situations. >> uses an example as how they should talk and be open and tell those trusted adults about these things that happened. >> good advice. ruiz is charged with attempted kidnaping. he's being held on $250,000 bond. >> coming up, the city with the worst traffic in america for the new study. >> plus, how college swimmers in their speedos tried to help their speedos tried to help their school's basketbal if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths,
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biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪) america. >> the baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo. baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo. baby shark. time to check the pulse. >> and we start with a real baby shark. >> don't expect this one to be dancing anytime soon, but this video is believed to be the first time a newborn great white shark has been seen in the wild.
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it was spotted off of california in july. look at it. it was about five feet long. the white layer of skin on top of the shark was apparently being shed as it swam. >> so scientists call this video the holy grail of shark science, saying it will help them better understand shark behavior. with no songs. next, new details about the camels and zebras rescued along an indiana highway over the weekend. >> yeah, remember this story? new body camera video shows troopers saving five camels for zebras and a miniature horse from a trailer that caught fire. the animals were part of a circus. officers went iredible . two officers were treated for smoke inhalation, but everyone is fine. next the cities with the worst traffic in america. the new list is out. >> the big apple has the worst traffic in the u.s. according to tech company tomtom. it takes commuters an average of 24 minutes, 50s to drive just six miles. the runner up for bad traffic was washington, d.c, san francisco, boston and chicago rounded out the top five. l.a. in miami, i guess not on that
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list. next, the taylor swift effect on football. lots of chucking a marketing group, says swift's romance with travis kelce has generated more than $331 million of brand value for the kansas city chiefs and the nfl this season. >> that doesn't even factor in the super bowl, but love is priceless. >> speaking of the super bowl, one detroit lions fan really jumped the gun. he got his team's logo and the word super bowl champs tattooed on his arm back in august, the lions lost a heartbreaker sunday and will be sitting home for the super bowl. >> from football to college basketball and the holy cross boston university game, the holy cross. >> yes, swim team came out in their speedos, running behind the hoop trying to distract bu at the free throw line. it didn't work though. bu made both shots, but holy cross did win the game so maybe it did work. >> and finally a mess. only a dog lover can understand. >> look at willow after playing outside in the rain while his owners were on a work call, the
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owners were on a work call, the owners cal covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today.
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california believe they have solved the mystery of a gruesome murder in the mojave desert. now, at five, why they believe five men now in custody are responsible for the six dead bodies found by police last week . >> president biden is considering how to respond after a drone attack kills three u.s. service members in jordan. what we're learning about how that enemy drone slipped through u.s. air defenses. coming up, hopefully this isn't a shattering this is a setback at a bike shop in the east bay now beingceer being robbed. >> the impact it's having on the business owner and the surrounding community. plus it's the second snow survey of the season taking place today. as more storms approachto california this week. good morning. it's tuesday, january 30th. >> we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> yeah. g


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