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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 7, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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5 a.m. our team has it covered all week leading up to super bowl 58. >> tune in and a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc7 bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and of course, roku. download the app now and start streaming. >> all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for spencer christian, larry biel, all of us. >> we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. quinta brunson from the abc hit comedy abbott elementary. >> have a great previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> they're taking teeth out, so it's a little bloody, so don't chew on this. >> what teeth? >> just some -- an extra one that was up there, and your
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wisdom teeth. >> wisdom teeth? am i dumb now? [ laughter ] >> you're not dumb. they took out your wisdom teeth, yeah. >> i'm not wise anymore? >> what, baby? >> am i dumb? >> oh, no, sweetie, you're not dumb. shh, you're not dumb. >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- quinta brunson, nikolaj coster-waldau, and music from drew holcomb & the neighbors. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, very nice, thank you. hi. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i am the host of the show.
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thank you for watching and for coming. thank you for -- i heard you might be coming, i never imagined you actually would. [ laughter ] you look fantastic. all eyes this week, are on my hometown of las vegas. the super bowl is there on sunday. yesterday was the nevada primary. the nevada caucuses are tomorrow. i only wish siegfried and roy had been alive to see this, they would have loved it. [ laughter ] donald trump was not on the ballot for the primary. nikki haley was. nikki haley ran basically unopposed in the primary and somehow still lost. [ laughter ] “none of these candidates” got 63% of the vote. haley for just over 30%. you know how they say “you're second to none?” she finished second to none. [ laughter ] i like the idea that people took time to vote for “none of these candidates.” [ laughter ] that's like going to the wendy's drive-thru and yelling “nothing for me, thanks!” [ laughter ] but the way this race is shaping up, “none of these candidates” is probably the only thing america can agree on right now.
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trump has been going in hard against nikki haley. yesterday i got -- you know those push notifications you get? i got one from "time" magazine that said, "donald trump's plan to bury nikki haley in south carolina." [ laughter ] which i didn't even know they'd been married, first of all. [ laughter ] does trump even have a golf course in south carolina? [ laughter ] facebook and instagram say they are planning to crack down on misleading ai-generated images ahead of the election. it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish fake photos from the real. like this shot of trump and biden watching hunter's sex tape. [ laughter ] it's hard to tell those from real photos like the time they adopted a baby gorilla. [ laughter ] or that romantic night at bucca di beppo when they shared six plates of spaghetti. or the time the boys worked together as a team to knit eric a christmas sweater. or the time they couldn't stop laughing when donald strangled a duck at the playboy mansion. [ laughter ] president biden has been busy asking for money.
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it is so embarrassing we make our presidents beg us for money. that's how we do it. biden is planning a fundraiser next month with obama and clinton. which is it a good idea to put him next to two presidents who've been retired for a combined 30 years and are still much younger than he is? [ laughter ] i mean, if you're having a fat day, you don't invite dua lipa over for a swim. [ laughter ] dua lipa will be here tomorrow, by the way, you're aware? >> guillermo: yeah, jimmy, i'm happy, yeah. i'm happy. >> jimmy: not that i've been thinking about it every minute for the whole week. [ laughter ] our old my pillow pal, mike lindell, finally got some good news. his commercials are back on fox news. last month mike said fox pulled his commercials because of “cancel culture.” fox said they pulled them because he owed them money. but mike must be selling his blood or something because his ads are back on fox, and he's got more stuff to sell than ever before. >> has thousands and thousands of products like the
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painting, everyone sees the painting when i do my -- this is vanessa. this is the one i have behind me in my -- the painting behind me in the mypillow advertisements. so her paintings are up there. you have my -- this is a friend of mine, jim hansel, these are made into placemats. this is a blind painter, an entrepreneur, the guy is amazing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he is amazing. if he's blind and can paint like that, put him in charge of counting votes next time. [ laughter and applause ] why not? who is going to buy that jesus with a lion -- i mean, besides me. who is going to buy that? [ laughter ] if i were mike, instead of worrying about mypillow, i'd be focused on taking mypills. and seeing mypsychiatrist. [ laughter ] tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he is in moscow. house hunting, i hope. [ laughter ] but no, actually, tucker is there to interview vladimir putin. which is so overtly ridiculous. he put out a preemptive video to
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nervously “explain” why he's doing this. vladimir putin is a murderer and a war criminal who hates america. he hates everything america stands for. he is a liar and a propagandist, but tuck thinks we just need to hear him out. >> not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, vladimir putin. >> jimmy: i love, "involved in this conflict." [ laughter ] that's like saying that in "jaws" the great white shark was "involved in the biting." it takes two to be eaten. meanwhile, down in florida, they're hashing out details of a bill that would limit the potency of cannabis products in the event the state passes a law to legalize marijuana. but don't worry, there still won't be any regulation on the strength of methamphetamines. [ laughter ] those you can have as much fun as you would like. florida is a daily miracle. it's like america's weird cousin. [ laughter ] and from time to time we like to
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shine a light on that cousin. that's right, it's time for another edition of “this week in florida.” >> a startling sight for travelers at fort lauderdale-hollywood international airport where a naked man was seen strolling through a terminal. this happened yesterday around 2:00 in the afternoon. after making his way through terminal 1, deputies say he breached the tsa checkpoint, was stopped by authorities. officials identified him as 36-year-old morin [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: looks like it had a happy ending. little-known loophole. if you're completely nude you can walk right through tsa. they don't even touch you. [ laughter ] what's that? we have another one? oh my goodness, this is historic. for the first time ever, we bring you not just one, but two installments of “this week in florida.” >> a florida man arrested today after he drove his pickup truck into the ocean. the volusia county sheriff's office says he drove around a
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closed gate marked "do not enter." when deputies asked what he was doing, he gave them this response. >> it's not my fault the truck don't surf! [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: and a new beach boys song was born. let's print that on a tank top and get to it the hot topic fast! [ laughter ] sunday, as i mentioned is the super bowl. guillermo and i will be there. we are going to las vegas. does your wife know we are going to vegas? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy, of course. >> jimmy: is she happy we're going to valuation? >> guillermo: yes, she's very happy i'm going away, yes. >> jimmy: she's happier when you're gone? >> guillermo: yeah, she's happy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. on your birthday -- how long ago was your birthday? >> guillermo: like two weeks ago. >> jimmy: almost two weeks ago, right? you were supposed to make love that night but she was not feeling well? >> guillermo: yeah, she was sick. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: then you said there was going to be a makeup date? >> guillermo: yes. yeah, it happened -- maybe three days after that, yes. >> jimmy: oh. [ cheers and applause ]
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you said -- you told me you were going to call me as soon as it was over. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: oh -- but i was in puerto rico so i forgot to text you. >> jimmy: no, you weren't in puerto rico. >> guillermo: no. [ laughter ] i just didn't want to bother you. >> jimmy: listen, some things are important. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: you're doing the oscars, you've you're doing everything, i didn't want to bother you. >> jimmy: you're very considerate, thank you, guillermo. this is the first time super bowl has ever been played in vegas. they've got the sphere all decked out with image of helmets from the team -- i guess to protect u2 from getting a concussion or anything. [ laughter ] this is interesting. because taylor swift is supposed to be there at the game, more women are expected to watch. people are very caught up in this taylor-travis romance. so much so that many of the super bowl commercials this sunday will be geared toward women. typically, it's a very male-oriented thing.
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l'oreal, the makeup company, is running their first super bowl ad with cardi b. and even the old budweiser ads are getting some gender reassignment. >> when you can't slow down. when everyone is counting on you. when performance matters. tampax tampons. made for a woman, strong enough for a horse. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think it works, right? some of the super bowl commercials have already been released. nowadays, they release them online before the game. so we, as we have been known to do, went out on the street. we asked people to weigh in on ad campaigns we made up. the ads we are about to describe do not exist. but that never stops america from weighing in on them in a special super bowl commercial-themed. “lie witness news.” >> we're talking about the super bowl. we're talking about super bowl
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commercials. do you like the commercials? do you look forward to them? >> ph >> i love the commercials, yes. >> mountain dew has vladimir putin as a spokesman, vladimir dewtin. >> bad choice, there shouldn't be a vladimir dewtin, it's a mistake for mountain dew. >> what's your reaction to seeing him holding the can? do you think it hurts the brand? >> yes, i do. i don't think it should be part of mountain dew's advertising. >> where did you first hear about it? >> i think i saw something on the news, on tv. >> yeah. and do you think mountain dew should be more responsible with their platform? >> i do. they should be more responsible. they're, you know, an important american company, and they should be wary of what they're doing, what they're putting on tv. >> would you call it a mountain don't? >> i would call it a mountain don't, yes. >> the super bowl commercial, tesla's first-ever commercial, features elon musk getting into a cyber truck and driving 100 miles an hour into a brick wall and bursting into flames, it
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crumbles, then jaws of life come out, they pry him out, then he's wheeled away but gives a thumbs-up to show that it's safe. what did you make of that commercial? >> i thought it was fake. i don't think elon musk would ever risk his life like that, even for his own product. especially after his past fails, when the windshield broke. >> do you think it looked cool? >> i thought it looked cool but i still think it's fake. >> if that commercial was fake what do you think that makes him? >> i think if he did fake it, he's a con. and i think companies should be held accountable if they're faking marketing. >> and what do you think of liars? >> i hate liars. >> and you saw the commercial and everything? >> right, yeah, after the commercial. i don't think i'd be buying a cyber truck, no. >> what do you think about the kool-aid woman commercial for the super bowl? are you excited? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah! >> seriously, it's a big step forward for feminism. >> sure. yeah, the commercial was great. i think it's very inclusive. i think it's great for little
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girls to look up to the kool-aid woman like little boys looked up to the kool-aid man. >> there is a kool-aid woman? >> there is no kool-aid woman. >> i didn't think so. is this the thing where you make up something and people are capping about it? >> no. oh, wait, does capping mean lying? >> yes. >> then yes, it is. >> oh, okay. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: we learned something, capping means lying. we've got a fun show for you tonight. nikolaj coster-waldau is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from drew holcomb and the neighbors. and we'll be right back with quinta brunson. so stick around!
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a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress.
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you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, you know him as the kingslayer from “game of thrones.” his new docuseries is called “an optimist's guide to the planet”" nikolaj coster-waldau is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a great band from tennessee. their latest album is called, "strangers no more". drew holcomb and the neighbors. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, dua lipa and leo woodall will be here with music from sum 41. so please join us then. our first guest is the quintessential, multi-hyphenate,
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award-winning writer, producer and star of “abbott elementary”" watch it wednesday nights on abc. please welcome quinta brunson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i am good, happy to be here. >> jimmy: you look great. >> thank you. >> jimmy:re you working a lot? >> oh, yes, i just came from work to come here, as i usually do. yeah, working a lot. but, you know, happy to be here. >> jimmy: i saw you at the emmys. >> you did. >> jimmy: congratulations, by the way. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you -- last time, you had to work the next uponing. did you fix that this time? >> i learned my lesson. we had a day off the next day. >> jimmy: nice. >> you need that. because if you go to the emmys,
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win or lose, you're going to go out and you probably will drink alcohol. so we learned to give ourselves a little bit of recovery time. it turned out i needed it, so i'm happy that we took the day off the next day. >> jimmy: you had a big party? you had a lot of fun afterwards? >> i had a lot of fun. a lot of legal fun afterwards. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were at the emmys along with -- we had, like, a party for our network afterward. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: and the "always sunny" cast was there. >> uh-huh. >> and they had not ever been there before. >> no, they hadn't. crazy. >> jimmy: they are fellow philadelphians. >> it's crazy that they haven't. the show is incredible. they did a bit talking about how they hadn't been nominated for an emmy before. >> jimmy: yeah, they'd never -- >> insane. after i won, they were some of the first people i saw, the "always sunny" crew. i'd never met them all as a unit. >> jimmy: you hadn't? >> i'd met a couple of them individually but not, like, "it's always funny."
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i was as people saw very -- i cried a lot. >> jimmy: yeah? >> which i was very emotional. so getting my tears together. i see them, "oh my god, it's you guys!" they're like, "congratulations, we love you so much." the eagles are down. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, that's what i was driving at. the eagles were playing while the emmys were on. >> yes, every philadelphian i ran into, "thank you for winning because the eegs lost." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that why you cried during your speech? >> i cried because of pms, honestly. i did. it was so much comedy. "the facts of life." that theme song made me cry. >> jimmy: there were a lot of reunions going on. the cast of "martin" was there, that was fun. >> these ladies on the red carpet, they made me cry on the red carpet. >> jimmy: did they really? >> yeah, they were really sweet. >> jimmy: what did they say? why did they make you cry? >> they were pouring into my. >> jimmy: in a nice way.
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>> pouring into me, telling me all these nice black lady things. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. and you -- you were presented the award by carol burnett. >> yes, that made me cry. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> i thought she was a hologram at first, then she was real. [ laughter ] do you know what i mean? when someone's so legendary, you think they're a hologram? it was really her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i've also noticed that celebrities from philadelphia have a real -- have a strong bond. >> yes. >> jimmy: like celebrities from boston all hate each other and wish each other ill. [ laughter ] you know that, right? >> yes, yes, yes. >> jimmy: the black heart of it is matt damon, who is the worst. [ laughter ] then there are others around him, although they're all like -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: "oh, yeah, you're doing real good," that kind of thing. the celebrities from philadelphia, which there are a lot. >> yes. >> jimmy: maybe more than -- obviously new york is the biggest, but maybe more than any place. >> i know, we have a weird amount of philadelphia -- the
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other thing we do is embrace people who aren't from philly but just do a good job for philly. allen iverson is from philadelphia, to me. >> jimmy: i see, right, yeah, i gotcha. >> i don't know where he's actually from. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but he's a sixer and that's it. >> and that's it. >> jimmy: you had some eagles on the show tonight? >> kidd. we had jalen hurts, brandon graham, travis kelce -- no, wrong kelce, jason kelce. >> jimmy: travis is the one with his shirt on. >> we had jason. they were absolute sweethearts. i was just honored we were able to have them. they were able to join fours zoom performance which ended up being funnier than if they were there. >> jimmy: when did you shoot that episode? >> we shot that -- i don't want to say. because i don't want people to blame me for the reason that the
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eagles aren't at the super bowl. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. i wonder also if you're like, oh, that screws us up, we were hoping they'd be on super bowl week that we'd have them. >> rain or shine, my set is still an eagles set, so it doesn't matter. we didn't care if they made to it the super bowl or not. we love those guys, they're really good for the city. >> jimmy: will you now be rooting for jason's brother, travis in the super bowl? or are you holding -- i mean, how will you root in the super bowl? >> i'm going to root for my super bowl commercial that i'm in. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, you're going to root for a super bowl commercial. oh, you're in a super bowl commercial. >> was that a really good segue? did you know that? i'm not rooting for -- >> jimmy: can you say what it is, or is it a big surprise? >> it's the turbo tax commercial. >> jimmy: oh. >> there's a surprise to it in addition to the turbo tax, so i'm not giving it away. it's turbo tax. i used to do my taxes with turbo tax. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you really?
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>> yes. i liked it. i like to do things where i like -- i've used the thing. >> jimmy: this is incredible to me. you posted this photograph. this is what oprah sent you after you won the emmy. >> absurd. absurd. >> jimmy: now, that's all the flowers, like in the world. [ laughter ] >> yes. >> jimmy: that is -- you're not a giant person. but that's a giant, giant bouquet. you'd think she would have sent this had you not won? do you think you would have got a much smaller bouquet? >> a regular-sized bouquet, like "congrats on your nomination." >> jimmy: you know what i think? this is maybe just a -- i think, when i see a photograph like this -- i've never seen a photograph like this. i think, what does stedman have to get oprah for valentine's day now? [ laughter ] like, if this is oprah's idea of a reasonable gift? like, can he get away with just a dozen flowers? >> i think it's things we can't even imagine. like maybe he just gives her quiet. [ laughter ] peace and quiet.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i can imagine that. >> yea >> jimmy: i think if i gave my wife peace and quiet for valentine's day, there would be a lot of peace and quiet. it would be very, very quiet. have you been to the super bowl yourself? >> i went to the super bowl last year when the eagles went. and it was really fun. >> jimmy: i heard usher, who's doing the halftime show, was your first-ever concert? >> he was. my sister took me to an usher concert when i was younger. her and i are very close even though she's 13 years older than me. she took me. that was my first concert. and -- i don't know. it gave me an appreciation for usher at a very young age. >> jimmy: how old were you when you were -- >> i think i was 13 or 14? >> jimmy: 13 or 14. yeah, that's probably old enough to appreciate usher. not all of the usher. [ laughter ] but most of the usher stuff. >> i think i appreciated all of it. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: quinta brunson is here. "abbott elementary" wednesday nights here on abc. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you by oreo, the cookie that reminds you to stay playful. how'd we get here? well to answer that. i'd have to go back to the beginning. i better go warn the kids. oh, boy. ♪ at marshalls, our buyers go to great lengths to find you great deals on great quality products. it's great. everything here is great. we get the deals. you get the good stuff. marshalls. [dramatic music] we lost everything. what are we supposed to do now? [siren sound] there's got to be someone who can help. there may be one. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ they're here... mcdonald's best classic burgers ever. they're hotter. they're juicier. they're... [hamburglar] robble robble. looks like we've been hamburgled. ♪ [hamburglar] robble robble. ♪ba da ba ba ba♪ two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice
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and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban
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and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with quinta brunson, "abbott elementary" is her show. watch it wednesday nights here on abc. last time you were here, you were just about to start writing
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the season, and then the writers' strike happened the next day? >> yes. >> jimmy: so you had to stop right away? >> we didn't even get to start. the writers' strike happened may 1st, our first day of writing. we didn't enter the room. >> jimmy: how did that affect the rest of the seen? did you have to jam everything into a shorter period of time? or did you do less episodes? >> we're doing less episodes, we're doing 14. i'm not mad at it right now. 22 is a lot. but it's fun. everybody has fun, right? [ cheers and applause ] it's a lot. 14 has been great. and we kind of made some adjustments to the season. because "abbott" is a show where we try to go by the school calendar. we start in september along with teachers, and we like to stick to that calendar. so this year we had to make some adjustments. we got creative. so to say why we were starting in february instead of september. >> jimmy: that is fun that you start -- it's like -- you start along with school. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that is a fun idea. the idea also that you make 22
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episodes. no one does that anymore. nowadays -- you must look at all these other shows, they're making eight episodes, six episodes, ten episodes, you must go pffft! [ laughter ] >> i look at it with, like, envy. like, that must be nice, to make eight episodes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's cool. >> jimmy: i heard you have a -- like a big surprise guest whose name you can't share with us on the season this year? >> where who did you her that from? >> jimmy: i have my sources. >> okay. [ laughter ] i don't know who you think you know. >> jimmy: is it vice principal beyonce? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: is it -- >> vice principal. >> jimmy: i don't know. is it dean morgan freeman or something like that? [ laughter ] i have no idea. >> what kind of budget do you think we have? no, no, honestly -- i'm afraid you'll guess it.
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>> jimmy: are you really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is it a philadelphia celebrity? >> i'm not saying. >> jimmy: is it bradley cooper? >> i'm not saying anything to you right now. >> jimmy: i know, but if i say it, then we can go back next time we're here and look at your face and see what it looks like when you're lying. [ laughter ] >> i'm not saying anything to you. there are some really fantastic, fun, big guest stars that i can't believe are on our show. but they are. i'm like, what? we filmed with one of them today, actually. i'm really excited. >> jimmy: are these people who reached out to you. people you reached out to? >> there is a mix, a bit. there's been a mix, a bit. i don't want to say it. >> jimmy: you don't have to say it. [ laughter ] i think this is a good sign why are your billboards are getting even bigger. [ cheers and applause ] who took the picture? >> my makeup artist, jessica. she insisted we drive to this,
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because i was in new york for about four days and i hadn't been able to see this even though it's big as hell. so we drove. our driver was so kind. he was willing to pull over, let us get out of the car, and take this picture in the middle of the street. very dangerous. but it was sweet. >> jimmy: did anyone notice you taking the picture? >> yes, which i didn't expect. because i don't think i look like myself here. so as soon as i got out of the car, girl was like, "i love your show, i love your show!" and another girl in the street, she was just filming the whole thing. and helping to stop traffic. [ laughter ] she became a crossing guard, which was really sweet. so that was -- >> jimmy: you could get hit by a cab real easy. >> very easy, very easy. >> jimmy: you -- daniel rad cliff said that he thought it would be a good idea to do a romantic comedy with you, because he said you guys were the same height. [ laughter ] right? >> he's -- he said we're a good height match. >> jimmy: a good height match. >> which we are. so -- it's true.
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daniel is -- i don't want to talk about his height. but we are both short people. and i think on screen, we would look the equivalent of a 6'5" man and a 5'9" woman. [ cheers ] people are like, oh my gosh. you put us next to each other, it looks good. i messaged him after i saw him on the carpet. daniel and i are huge friends, he's wonderful. i was like, oh, man, look at this, this is that's. he's like, so sorry, i didn't mean that, so sorry to talk about our height. i was like, it's okay. it was totally true and right. >> jimmy: it's not like the secret's out. [ laughter ] [ applause ] didn't want anyone to know this. >> i think a lot of people discovered our height. >> jimmy: oh, interesting. >> people seem to think i'm taller than i am. which i am. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so i don't know if you're aware of this. but then your fans went online and started writing ideas for your romantic comedy. >> yes. my baby cousin, she showed me
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this. >> jimmy: there's a few that i like. one is a romantasy, a romantic fantasy, where quinta and daniel are academics doing research at an old jail. >> in an old jail? >> jimmy: an old jail when they touch a stone that transports them back in time. >> i would watch that. that was pretty good. that was good. >> jimmy: quinta and daniel are ph.d. students at edinburgh university who made each other, but after being forced to work on a research project, the city girl and the country boy fall for one another. >> classic, classic. >> jimmy: one more. >> can it be a hallmark movie? >> jimmy: i think hallmark would be thrilled. i'm going to work christmas into this one. it's christmas. [ laughter ] childhood friends are separated. when quinta's dad gets rich from a toy invention that takes themselves to a new city. years later they run into each other at the airport. >> toy invention? >> jimmy: yeah, that's the whole idea. [ laughter ] finally, a romantic comedy set
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at an airport, you never see that. [ laughter ] >> i have some notes. >> jimmy: i think, you know -- i think these are just thought starters. you guys run with them however you may see fit. >> those are pretty good. good job, internet. those are not bad. i'd watch that, yeah. >> jimmy: well, they waited until the writers' strike was over to get those together. it's very good to see you. congratulations on everything. >> so nice to be here. >> jimmy: i know you're probably going right back to work, yes. >> jimmy: quinta brun done, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] she works hard on the show. “abbott elementary” airs wednesdays at 9:00 here on abc. we'll be back with nikolaj coster-waldau. you might be asking yourself, what's someone who doesn't wear clothes doing at a fashion show? crashing it— to let everyone know about the america's best designer sale happening now. get 50% off lenses when you buy stylish frames from brands like nike, dkny, and calvin klein. we're talking designer names at america's best prices. they don't look thrilled that i'm here. should i leave? i should leave. right now, get 50% off lenses with a purchase of select designer frames at
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katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wow. hi, there. welcome back. music from drew holcomb and the neighbors is on the way. our next guest makes the giant leap from fire-breathing dragons to plastic-eating worms in a new documentary series called “an optimist's guide to the planet.” it premieres tomorrow on bloomberg. please welcome nikolaj coster-waldau.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: i like the moustache. how long have you had that? >> oh -- just two days now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: two days, wow. >> it's taken forever. >> jimmy: a fast grower. how does your family like it? >> my wife's not a fan. at all. >> jimmy: she's not? >> no -- >> jimmy: of you or the moustache? [ laughter ] >> she says it's the moustache, yeah. my kids, it's like now my girls are 20 and 23, you know that thing when they're a teenager, i enjoy when they got offended, embarrassed about you. >> jimmy: yeah, now it's just like, they've seen this, and they go, "what?" "it's my moustache." "sure, can i use the car?" [ laughter ] no, they're fine, they're great. >> jimmy: i'm sorry you're not
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getting attention at home. [ laughter ] "game of thrones" ended if years ago? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: people mention this do you every single day? >> not every single day. it's just a great ice breaker. when you travel around, like this show we did all over the world, for some reason people have seen it everywhere. sometimes i'll meet someone, they'll look at me. you know when you think you know someone? >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> then you realize you don't, but i'm already," hey, nice to meet you." it's a great ice breaker. >> jimmy: what countries do you go to on this show? >> we went to 17 countries. >> jimmy: 17? >> five continents. 17, yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> all over europe, asia, vietnam, japan, australia, the u.s. yeah. >> jimmy: what were the highlights city-wise? >> there were -- well, tokyo was cleveland. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> no, but there's a -- if ever you go to cleveland, go to -- there's a place called ridol.
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it's our ban forum. these guys came together. there was this dead zone in cleveland. it was really inspiring. >> jimmy: it's an urban farm? >> yes. >> jimmy: cleveland is an underrated city. we make fun of cleveland, then you go there, it's not so bad. you went to cleveland. you go to -- like i mentioned these plastic-eating worms. >> yeah. the whole idea -- just -- the whole idea of the show is that, you know when we hear about environmental disaster and climate change, and it's this constant fear thing that is so scary. it is true, if we don't act, we're in real problems. but it's also -- fear kind of numbs you and makes you, in a way, angry because you want to get rid of that feeling. then we start pointing fingers at each other and someone else. but the reality is, and this is what this show is about, things are happening. there are solutions all over the world. people are doing amazing work.
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and to travel all over the world, and we're meeting these inspiring people -- it does give you hope. and yes, we went to madrid. met this woman called federika. she was a in her spare time, she w waskeeper. she found worms in her beehives. she took it out. next day comes out. there's holes in the bag. huh, interesting. i wonder if they just ate their way out? or if something else is happening? then she explored it and discovered that the spit, the saliva, carried some enzymes that break down plastic. which is incredible. and the potential is amazing. and that just shows that nature has a lot of the solutions already. and also that it's not always the high-tech. we have that in the show as well. sometimes we just have to change perspective. look at things a little differently. >> jimmy: you're saying the worms may save us? [ laughter ] >> the worms will save us.
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>> jimmy: that would be great, i would love that. that would be easy for us if the worms do save us. [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: we learned also, i think, that you get seasick? >> oh, god, yeah. if ever you -- >> jimmy: has that plagued your whole life? >> no. e just before i get on the body, "by the way, i never get seasick." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you said that? >> "i've got strong sea legs." cut to two hours later. i just -- i mean, i wasn't -- we were way out, i was in the water for two hours. you know the big waves. slowly i could just feel -- >> jimmy: i'm getting seasick just hearing you describe it. [ laughter ] >> i get and up have to do this interview with a very sweet swiss scientist. she was going to explain what they were doing. you know the thing when you get the warm water in your mouth? >> jimmy: i do. [ laughter ] >> i'm talking to her, she's trying to explain, she's really excited. i'm just -- ugh -- and then i -- hurled. then it happened.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> it stunk. >> jimmy: sometimes i feel like when you announce that you don't get seasick that people in charge of the boat or the helicopter or whatever want to see to it that you do. [ laughter ] >> that's -- that's what i felt. i mean, i did -- i blamed everyone else, yeah. >> jimmy: where else did you go? >> oh, we went -- i mean, we went -- we went to kenya. went to tanzania. i mean, i don't know if you've ever been to kenya. >> jimmy: i've been to kenya, yeah. >> i'd never seen wild animals like -- like right there in front of me. >> jimmy: did you go on safari? >> it wasn't a safari. we met this guy. the national ide ide means balance. >> jimmy: you don't have to tell me that. >> yeah, yeah, maybe. he takes me out, it's all about finding balance between the wild animals and livestock. the minute he says it this herd of giraffes runs by. all the wildebeest.
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it was mind-blowing. >> jimmy: it's crazy, yeah. how long were you there? >> we were -- i mean, the whole -- shooting for six months. traveling for six months. >> jimmy: right. >> yeah. and we start in greenland. then we go to australia. japan. vietnam. >> jimmy: do you think this is why your daughters are mad now when you're driving the car? [ laughter ] they're like, we had the car for six months, now he's back. [ laughter ] mr. moustache is out riding around. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you -- i know you're from denmark. do you -- are you interested in the super bowl? or football in general? >> i like to watch. by the way, i just looked this up. i always wondered. so many -- how many actual playing minutes are there in a football game? >> jimmy: you're asking me? give me a second. there are 60 minutes of regulation time. you mean the actual action? >> where the ball is being moved around and they're actually running, doing their job. >> jimmy: maybe like one-third of that, maybe 20 minutes, i would say. >> between 8 and 15 minutes.
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>> jimmy: uh-huh? [ laughter ] >> that's crazy. i mean, then if you calculate how much they make a minute of playing time. >> jimmy: what are you guys doing, throwing snowballs at each other? [ laughter ] >> i love -- i went to -- i haven't been to the super bowl but a couple of years ago there was this incredible game. and i was watching it in a bar with a friend. and then they were all betting. and i was like, oh, i'm going to bet some money on this as well. i just did a bet that was like, halftime, one team, full-time, the other team to win. and it happened. i can't remember the team. >> jimmy: mid-game betting? >> exactly. >> jimmy: that's what degenerates do. [ laughter ] >> it was $100. and i won. and then i didn't know how to get the money back. and then i couldn't figure out how did do it. so i called this company and they say, okay, this is what -- we just need your bank account. and i said, okay, i'm not from the u.s. "oh, oh, in that case we can't
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help you." >> jimmy: is that right? >> "what about my money?" you're not allowed to bet if you were a foreigner. >> jimmy: i bet you would have been allowed to bet if you lost. >> i didn't get the money back. >> jimmy: have you been to vegas? >> i have been to vegas. >> jimmy: they'll let you bet. they'll let you lose as much money as you want to. [ laughter ] will you watch the super bowl? >> i won't, i'll be traveling on sunday. i wish i could. i just read that the whole thing is about whether -- >> jimmy: whether taylor swift wins or not, yeah. [ laughter ] >> i know. so exciting. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. travels or headed home or going on another journey? >> i'm going to go use this for my job. >> jimmy: oh, you are shooting, i see. i gotcha. all right, it's great to see you. nikolaj coster-waldau. “an optimist's guide to the planet” premieres tomorrow on bloomberg and their various apps. thank you. we'll be back with drew holcomb and the neighbors.
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(♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) two leading candidates for senate. kids' special ticket offer. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives.
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adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> jimmy: thanks to quinta brunson and nikolaj coster-waldau. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, their album is called "strangers no more." here with the song "find your
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people," drew holcomb and the neighbors! ♪ ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people ones that make you feel alright ♪ ♪ the kind you want to stay up with all night ♪ ♪ you got to find your people ♪ the ones that make you feel whole ♪ that won't leave your side when you lose control ♪ ♪ the ones that don't let you lose your soul ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people the ones that get the joke ♪ ♪ who understand what you're saying before a word is spoke ♪ you gotta find your people that put the needle
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in the groove ♪ ♪ when you're together you got nothing to prove ♪ ♪ when you're together you got nothing to lose ♪ ♪ in a world of strangers you don't know who to trust all you see is danger ♪ ♪ tryna find what you lost ♪ ♪ you can't go it alone everybody needs help ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people then you'll find yourself ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people that'll call your bluff ♪ ♪ who'll ride along when the road is rough ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people the ones that you feel equal they pick you up ♪ ♪ and don't put you down help you find your way in the lost and found ♪
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♪ in a world of strangers you don't know who to trust all you see is danger ♪ ♪ tryna find what you lost ♪ ♪ you can't go it alone everybody needs help ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people then you'll find yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ the ones that understand you ♪ ♪ the ones that lend a hand to you ♪ ♪ the ones that don't demand anything from you ♪ ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people ones that make you feel alright ♪ ♪ that tell you the truth and wish you well ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people then you'll find yourself ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people then you'll find yourself ♪
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♪ ♪ you gotta find your people you gotta find your people ♪ ♪ you gotta find your people you gotta find your people ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, school board sex scandal. shocking details rocking the conservative movement. a florida right-wing power couple's sexual relationship with another


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