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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  February 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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ce and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. small businesses say they're being killed by an exceptionally long and delayed city construction project. we'll dive into it and nfl honors are being handed out this evening ahead of sunday's super bowl. our larry beil will bring us the latest live from the red carpet in las vegas. but first, in the latest
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effort to control a rise in crime in alameda county, the state is sending in additional resources in the form of lawyers . you're watching, getting answers. i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. governor gavin newsom and state attorney general rob bonta are launching part two in the state's latest efforts to battle crime in oakland and surrounding areas with violent crime up over 20% in oakland last year. they're sending in state attorneys to help the alameda county da's office prosecute more criminals. just in the last half hour, i spoke with attorney general rob bonta and asked him how this is going to work. attorney general bonta, thanks so much for joining us. sending in state attorneys under your purview to handle local business. is this a reflection of how critical you think things have become in alameda county? >> there's no doubt that the levels of, of crime and safety, public safety challenges in oakland, the east bay, alameda county are unacceptable and i
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think nearly every leader will tell you that. and it's a time for collaborative leadership. the different levels and layers of government working together. the governor's office, my team at the doj, the da's office in alameda county, mayor's office, our legislature, ours, the oakland police department. so that's what we do when there are when the evidence and the data show what exists here in oakland, that there are spikes in crime uh- uh- much higher than other levels in the state of california. so we need to be responsive to it. we need to hold people accountable. accountable. we need to work together to deliver the results that the people of oakland and the east bay deserve, and they deserve their leaders working together. and we're delivering that. >> so let's get some details. how many attorneys and what types of roles are they currently in and what exactly will they be focusing on? >> so in my office, we have a whole civil side and then we have a criminal side. so we have criminal prosecutor throughout the state of california, including some right in oakland,
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in the state building there in san francisco, in sacramento, uh. and we are ready, willing and able to provide whatever is necessary to prosecute the cases that are brought by the oakland police department. the chp and others. as we team up moving forward from here, the alameda county da's office will have a responsibility to handle cases, and the cal national guard is providing attorneys to prosecute as well. and we will be another layer. we prefer to focus on the most complex, sophisticated and organized criminal cases. and that that has long been our focus and will be our focus here as well. um, but we can level up or down with resources as necessary to meet the need our, our our commitment is to meet the need and to team up with the da's office and the national guard to prosecute whatever cases come in the door. >> so could you give us a number, though? for example, we learned that the state will be sending 120 chp officers. how many lawyers total? >> it could be less than ten. it could be more than ten. but they're on standby to deliver
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the results. i think i've heard that there were three coming to be embedded in the alameda county da's office from the county national guard. um, i'm not sure what the alameda county da's numbers of prosecutor are, but there are many. um, and we have many as well in our office. and we are committing to assist and support and team up with and partner with the alameda county da and the national guard. it sounds so it's not a specific number. it's not i'm not it's not being evasive. the number it will be what the number that is needed, uh, requires. >> it's fluid. okay. um, it sounds like you're saying there will be a focus on organized crime, whether that's fentanyl dealing or perhaps retail theft rings. um, but are those the only things, or do you anticipate other types of crimes as well? >> other crimes too? uh, not limiting. um, you know, other types of property crime, burglaries, um, violent crime. uh, we often have gotten involved with organized criminal
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operations in, in cities throughout the state of california, where there's human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, uh, where there's violence, uh, where there's murders. and and we're prepared to do the same here. so certainly fentanyl organized retail crime are top of mind. uh, but there's also, of course, you know, car burglaries, uh, there's organized criminal activity behind, uh, some of those car burglaries. there's also violent crime. and so, um, we're we're here to commit to anything and everything that will help keep the great people of oakland and the east bay safe. >> i wonder how much of it, though, you think is due to not enough lawyers to prosecute, right. because today, in this week for example, we've seen brazen thefts at the apple stores in emeryville and berkeley, and police say at least one suspect have been arrested before for other apple store thefts. and on social media, i'm seeing people ask, why was he released after previous arrests, only to do it again? i mean, is this something that more lawyers can solve? >> certainly a part of it. and the effort here is not just more
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lawyers, it's also more law enforcement officers. it's the chp coming to town. uh, 100, as you just mentioned, 120 officers, uh, major, uh, show of force, 900% increase. um to work side by side with oakland police department. uh, we have special agents, law enforcement officers, as well, that will be working in the east bay and in alameda county again, part of that collaborative effort teaming up. uh, so, um, law enforcement officers are part of it. um, prosecutors, uh, are part of it to hold people accountable and, and, um, and, you know, we have a whole complex criminal justice system which is imperfect and as, as changes are needed systemically, systemically, uh, those should be addressed as well. but, uh, if you look across the state of california, you're seeing a lot of crime going down in, um, murders are going down in, um, violent crime in many places is going down property crimes going down in oakland. it's going up, um, by double digits in certain violent crimes and property crimes. and so it's important to
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deploy the resources where they're needed most. and the data shows and doesn't lie that it's needed in oakland and the east bay. that's why we're here at this point, working together, teaming up across different levels of government and across different departments and agencies. >> all right. you know all too well, of course, that the national conversation is that california, despite the statewide figures that you, uh, just mentioned in the trends of crime actually going down, but when you have some very visible examples, the narrative is that california is struggling with fentanyl, with retail theft, because its laws are too lenient. or perhaps the prosecution is too lax. is this your counter to that argument? >> look, there's, uh, certain cable channels that are going to, uh, have a predetermined outcome when it comes to california and aren't going to go where the facts or data or evidence leads. and some of those channels have been successfully sued for not telling the people of this nation the truth. i choose the data. i choose the facts, the truth, the evidence that will
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guide us to where we need to go. um uh, we are, uh, at one of the lowest levels of crime, uh, in, in california, nowhere near the heights of crime in the late 80s and early 90s, nowhere near, uh, murder is down across the state. uh, property crime, uh, two years ago. and uh, some violent crime were up by single digits, but down the following year. so the data is the data. it's not an argument. it's just the facts. and but any crime is of great concern to me. the east bay, alameda county is my home, and i care about the great people of this community and will, uh, continue my commitment to help keep them safe. my conversation a short while ago with attorney general rob bonta. >> now let's get some analysis and reaction on this major announcement. joining us live now is abc7 news insider phil matier. hey, phil, hello. so interesting. the ag called it a partnership and the da pamela price, has issued a statement saying she welcomes it. but
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behind the scenes, what kind of reaction are you hearing? who is excited? who's not? >> well, let's let's roll the tape back a little bit. a lot of this originates in january. on january 17th, when the n double acp oakland chapter along with local business leaders and community leaders and other faith organizations, went up and met one on one with gavin newsom and his staff in his office. they laid out what was going on in oakland and alameda county, and they offered a ten point plan. the n double acp offered that plan, which included bringing in the california highway patrol. the governor took that, handed it to his staff, and we're starting to see the results of that. the chp came in now, the next step is we're seeing is the district attorney is getting some help from the attorney general and the national guard in the form of additional prosecutors. this came from the governor's office. this wasn't da pamela price going up and asking for help. this wasn't a thought out partnership. this is the governor saying this is what we
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need to do. and there's a lot of things the governor does, the details we have yet to be seen or even worked out. he likes to move first and then work on the details. >> yeah, we understand that. they say this will be starting in a few days, but i want to ask you if this is viewed as a strong statement or a smart move . >> it's both. it's meant as a smart move in that, okay, let's say he says, i'm bringing in prosecutors to help out, whether it's for an organized crime or very serious crimes or something like that. in other words, nothing that sort of violates the progressive ideal of we don't want to just lock up everybody, but we're going to go after, as they like to say, the bad actors. what's district attorney pamela price going to do? it's a bit of an embarrassment, but does she say no? that would be political suicide. i mean, they're already gathering signatures to recall her, possibly from office, because she's perceived as being soft on crime. so she goes along with it. rob bonta, our attorney general, he's already looking at possibly running for governor. what does he do? he goes with it to the uh. so it's good
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politics. on the governor's part . and it also makes a statement to the rest of the country that when asked, he says, yes, i am doing this. i am making these moves. >> all right. phil, interesting stuff. thank you so much for coming on to share that with us. all right. all right. coming up, san francisco business owners around the alarm or sound the alarm, if you will, about a construction project that they say has turned into a slo motion disaster. our media partner, the san francisco standard, will join us next to explain
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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a partner. the san francisco
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standard has an article out explaining the project aims to make the streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists, but because of how slowly it's going , neighbors have had enough and some businesses have been forced to close. joining us live now to talk about it is the reporter on that article, julie zagorsky. hey, julie. >> hi. how are you? >> good, good. thanks. i just to be up front, i do frequent a couple of businesses on taraval, so i've seen this work in progress, but. and it's been going on a long time. but for our folks at home, what is the l taraval project and how long has it been going on? >> yeah. so this is a project that started in 2019. it's a $90 million project. so really, really big endeavor. and the intention of the project is to make the l taraval corridor, which is a high injury network. there's been a lot of pedestrian accidents there. um, to make that corridor safer for pedestrians, for people travelin, muni riding the l taraval. and that's the intention of the project. but
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unfortunately, it's been a project that has dragged on and on and on, and all of the small sinesses along taraval street are really suffering the consequences. >> yeah, you can see what's going on in the middle ofhe street there. so it's really kind of, um, hurt foot traffic, if you will. but was it always suppos to take this long? julie or has there been some sortf delay for whatever reason? yeah that's the thg. >> as this project was originally communicated to the communit, it had a 2021 completion date for both segments of the project. but but now the second segment, it's now in segment b, is slated to be completed in fall of 2024. so you can see there's already been a three year lag. and many of the merchants are wondering, is the fall 2024 even going to be a reality? because it's just a project that has been going on and on for so long and the businesses have been experiencing so many inconveniences as the project's
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been happening. >> yeah. >> here's a picture of a parklet that is no longer there right now, because of, uh, the work and the community raised money to build it. but i want to mention, um, abc seven coincided featured a localish segment, featured a restaurant cafe called rolling out cafe because they have these incredible mochi croissants, but they've lost 30% of business from the first half of last year to the second half. and they're really concerned. you tell me you've talked to other businesses as well. is that unusual, uncommon? >> not at all. um, one business i spoke with, guerra quality meats. they estimate they've lost 40% of their business. and you're talking about businesses that already are suffering from you know, the pandemic and some negative stereotypes about san francisco. there are already so many challenges to operating a small business in san francisco. and then you throw the fact that you have no parking into electricity, water spurting out of the sidewalk. um, you know,
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water randomly being turned off for days at a time. i mean, just the list goes on and on. and it's been really, really hard for small businesses to attract customers over to that corridor. >> so is there any relief for these businesses? is any compensation? what is the city telling them? >> yeah. so, um, part of taraval street is in, um, joel engardio and guardiola's district, and there are maybe some relief coming there. um but the $1 million projected relief if a lot of the merchants there say that's so little and does nothing for the years and years of inconvenience they've had. um, for example, while a lot of the soma businesses is impacted by apec, which they say, you know, is only ten days, instead of five years, and there's, you know, projected some millions of dollars of relief coming there. so the little bits of relief that may come down the pipe, um, do not seem like enough. and supervisor melgar, who her
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district is the district of the businesses i spoke with for my article. um didn't respond to comment. my request for comment. so, you know, the business is there. they really feel like city hall is not listening to them. um, they have been told to file complaints with the city and with the sfmta that they will then deny so that they can transfer those complaints to the construction company because they say the construction company is the one is at fault for breaking the plumbing of various businesses. so it just becomes this total, byzantine, tangled, bureaucratic nightmare that these businesses are going through. and they have, you know, windows that are broken and plumbing that's not functioning. and, you know, all that's related to this ongoing construction. >> julie, thanks for your article and calling attention to their plight. you know, of course it's part of a bigger story. so thanks so much for coming on. >> yeah, thank you for having me. >> you can check out julie's story and more of the san francisco standard's other
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original reporting on their website, sf this is the home page. and by the way, you can notice that they have a whole new look with a great interface that's very easy to use and find the articles you're looking for. so abc seven will continue to bring you more segments featuring the standard city focused journalism twice a week, right here on getting answers at three. all right. up next we'll take you to las vegas as our countdown to super bowl 58 continues. tonight. it's all about the nfl honors marking the best players and performances from the season. and guess who's right there larry biel. yeah
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a pfizer product. stars will be out in las vegas tonight. the 13th annual nfl honors will celebrate the best players and performances this season. joining us live now from the red carpet, mr. glam himself, abc seven sports director larry beil. hey, larry. >> well, that is the first time
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i have been referred to as mr. glam. i got to tell you. so let me just give you the idea of the setup here. there's this red carpet is so big and so long. there is an outdoor portion of the red carpet, as you see, uh- cameraman abe mendoza is panning that way. and there's also an indoor portion of the red carpet, which is extensive and i have to say, kristen, i got a hand it to all of the women who are dressed in these fancy gowns, because the nfl has created a lovely wind tunnel. so people are freezing here. but but the women are. they're toughing it out and they always harder for the women. larry, coming down the red carpet. >> always harder for the women. >> you know what i can only assume that the same nfl people that set up the 40 niners practice field set this red carpet. >> oh, my gosh. okay. right. we got to talk about that in a little bit. but just do we expect any 40 niners you know coaches players to win tonight to be honored tonight. >> it's quite possible. you know
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christian mccaffrey is up for a couple of awards. in fact he's competing with his own quarterback brock purdy for mvp honors. and christian is also in the running for the offensive player of the year award. so i mean uh, they're not going to be here because they have more important things to do, like practice. uh, they have a media availability at their hotel at lake las vegas. uh, that's coming up at 4:00. so we'll learn more about the practice field. but but christian really deserves i mean, uh, as much credit as you could possibly give because he is the swiss army knife of the 40 niners. offense i mean, there's very few players in the nfl that can combine the speed and power and finesse as a receiver to put it all together in one package. yeah. and it's truly remarkable. all right. we got some we got some more people strolling on
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in. >> i mean, larry, i don't know who you're seeing. like if you see any, you know any nfl hall of famer types. just point them out and just jump to it. i don't know who you've rubbed elbows with already. >> uh, not not not many people. i'll tell you what. okay all right. this is this is good. now we might do this live right here. let's do it. uh, we've got several kids from the lahaina luna football team. >> oh, and they are here invited by the nfl. >> lahainaluna in the house. come on, brah, let me talk to you guys. we're live on television right now. okay all right, let me get your name first. >> uh, kuala watson. all right. >> so what is it like? i mean, look, i'm from hawaii myself, so i used to play at the lahaina civic center gym, so you're laughing like this guy's ancient , right? uh anyway, so i'm, you know, grew up, spent a lot of time in lahaina. what does it mean for you guys, given the tragedy and the loss of homes to
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be able to be invited to the super bowl by the nfl? >> it's kind of a surreal feeling for everybody. um, we're extremely blessed and grateful for all of the things that the nfl has done for us and all the opportunities they've given us and i don't know, just being here with my boys, it's it doesn't feel real. yeah. it's like, imagine when you start to, you know, mingle with the nfl players or you're freezing to death, aren't you. >> we all are. yeah. you're not dressed for this. uh, yeah, a little chilly. yeah. what's your name? uh morgan. >> montgomery. >> morgan. you look like a linebacker. morgan. no i'm, uh, center. center. all right. so, uh, what does it mean to you to be invited, uh, to be involved in the super bowl? um, i think all said it all. >> i mean, we're just grateful and blessed to, like, be given this opportunity from the nfl. um, i get just super thankful, um, for all that they've, like, done for us. and like, have given to us. uh, it means it
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means a whole lot to everyone. yeah, i want to try to get all of you guys in. >> what's your name? >> uh, trevor loft. >> all right. and so, uh, based, uh, yeah, we're we're being told we're in the way. uh, i get that a lot. uh, so for you, same situation, uh, same question. uh, what does it mean? uh, i mean, this is it's like a dream come true for high school football player. you guys have been through a lot, but to be able to be on this side of it now and in the recovery phase, what does it mean? >> just it means so much like forever grateful for everything the nfl does and just to see these players that grow up watching it just means so much. i look up to all these players and just forever grateful. you want to jump in this? >> what's your name? >> kalani tejada. >> alana, how are you doing? i'm doing great. all right. you want to say, how's it to everybody back on the, uh, on the on the 808? yeah >> how's it? everybody all right ? >> uh, awesome. you guys having
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fun so far? >> oh, we're having the time of our lives. >> all right. kristen do you need to take it back? uh, we're going to try to get the coach. >> it's so sad. i think we only have about 30s left, but i love this reunion. i love the hawaii kids. i think it's so great that they're here. >> coach ricard. yes, yes. nice to meet you. oh how was it? real quick. let me get coach ricard here. uh, what does it mean for your boys to be invited to the nfl honors? >> oh, i mean, first of all, it's an extreme honor to be invited by the nfl. and at the same time, uh, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these kids. and you know, we're very fortunate that, uh, the nfl has, uh, taken notice of what's happening to our community. and, um, you know, we're just very grateful for the opportunity to be here. >> all right, coach, we're live. we're running out of time. so we got to throw it back. but maybe we'll throw up a shaka sign for everybody. right? you got it right. you probably watched me back home when i was a kid. i were you or when you were a kid. >> yes, larry. >> anyway, kristen. >> all right. my hawaiian brothers.
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>> right on. aloha >> sounds good. aloha. take it back. >> kristen. >> okay, i'll see you again.
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two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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tonight, breaking news. president biden cleared in the classified documents case, but the special councsel raising questions about the president's memory. no charges, but the special counsel did find the president willfully retained and disclosed sensitive information. the difference, the special counsel says, from the trump case, is that biden handed the documents over. the special counsel saying if biden was charged, he would present himself to a jury as a sympathetic,


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