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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 9, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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track record. >> he does. okay, so you know he's like 100% right. he is right. i totally just made that up. but we're going with it. he just looked hungry. gotta believe. all right we're just going to call it 40 niners win right. exactly so good morning america. president biden fires back at the special counsel report on his handling of classified information. overnight the president defends his handling of classified information and his memory. >> it's just plain wrong. >> pushing back on special counsel, who declined to prosecute biden. this morning the reaction and political fallout. rare show of unity at the supreme court. justices appear skeptical in the high stakes hearing to decide whether former president trump can be banned from the ballot for his actions around january 6. >> the question you have to
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confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> what it means for the race for the white house. >> wings clipped. jet blue planes clipping wings on the tarmac. both planes taken out of service, the second incident in less than a year at logan airport. what we know about why it happened. >> hailed a hero. the teenager who helped divert a school shooting allegedly plotted by his classmate. what his dad said about his son doing the right thing. >> i could not be more proud of him. >> fraud alert. an exclusive first look at the staggering new report. how much americans lost to scams last year, the most common one costing us billion, and what you can do to avoid them. >> start your engines. the good news if you're in the market for a car. why experts say now is a good time to drive off with a new one. how you can find the deals. >> are you ready for it? >> yeah, we're ready for it.
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this morning we're getting you ready for the excitement in sin city. who doesn't love vegas? with two days until kickoff, kelce, mahomes, usher. plus our super secret snack savings. how you can fly high with free wings and how the most famous man in the world is flying into the big game. we are live in times square to tokyo this morning. ♪ are you ready for it ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> gio, you are excited about the super bowl. that is very cool. >> very. very excited. [ laughter ] >> i am, too. >> whole country's excited. we're gonna get to that. good morning america. we are going to begin with those extraordinary scenes that unfolded in washington over the last 24 hours. president came out after the special counsel report in a late night press conference. this just hours after the supreme court heard arguments over whether or not former president trump could stay on the primary ballot in colorado and whether he is eligible for the general election.
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not since 2000 in gore versus bush has the supreme court been poised to play such a big role in the race. we will take you through all of this. we are starting with the special counsel report on president biden who exonerated the president over the handling of the documents. also had some criticism as well. it concluded no criminal charges are warranted. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas starts us off. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good morning. the bottom line is that the special counsel decided he could not prove the president committed a prosecutable crime. special counsel hur writes in his 345-page report, quote, we conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. hur flatly state, the evidence does not establish mr. biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. but to be clear, the special counsel was disturbed by some of biden's actions. he pointed out classified documents were found throughout biden's delaware home, in file cabinets, in his basement, even in his garage, basically among junk.
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hur says biden shared some of that information with a ghost writer of his memoir. so there was some evidence that biden intended to retain highly classified information. but here's a significant issue. the special counsel in some cases could not determine how the documents wound up in such unsecured location, including that garage. hur acknowledged the possibility that the documents could have been sent to biden's home and other offices without his knowledge. he concludes in some cases, quote, the evidence suggests that mr. biden did not willfully retain these documents and that they could possibly have been brought to these locations by mistake. another factor in hur's decision was biden's inability to answer certain questions, apparently because he simply could not remember. described biden's memory as hazy and that he might come across to a jury as, quote, sympathetic, well meaning, elderly, a man with a poor memory. finally hur takes great pains to say how biden's case is different from former president trump, who was charged with mishandling classified information.
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biden quickly returned all the document, fully cooperated and even sat down for five hours of interviews. mr. trump, according to hur, and i quote, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, did the opposite. hur goes on to say trump allegedly had others destroy evidence and lie about it. with that, hur, a former u.s. attorney once appointed by trump said, case closed, george. >> pierre tom marques thanks. bring in mary bruce. mary, the president angry last night. >> reporter: in fact, george, i don't recall the last time i saw the president this angry. biden furious and frustrated, ripping into the special counsel for questioning his memory and recall in this hastily arranged press event. the president doing a little damage control as his legal exoneration threatens to become a political liability. overnight president biden defending his handling of classified information and his memory, firing back at special
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counsel robert hur after he declined to prosecute the president, but raised questions about biden's mental acuity. >> they're tasked with making a decision about whether to move forward with charges in this case for any extraneous commentary they don't know what they're talking about. >> reporter: biden, well aware his age is a top concern for voters, defending himself. >> do you think your memory has gotten worse? >> my memory is fine. my memory -- take a look at what i have done since i have become president. none of you thought i could pass any of the things i got passed. how did that happen? >> reporter: the report concludes the president should not face charges, saying biden would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. special counsel describing biden's recollection as painfully slow and his memory hazy writing that biden did not remember even within several years when his son beau died. that conclusion clearly striking
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a chord. >> when i was asked the question i thought to myself, it wasn't any of their damn business. i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away, passed away. how in the hell dare he raise that? >> reporter: biden clearly frustrated as his age comes under increasing scrutiny. >> mr. president, for months when you were asked about your age you would respond with the words, watch me. many people have been watching and they concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> reporter: and defending his decision to run for re-election. >> i'm the only qualified person in this country to be poft united states and finish the job i started. >> reporter: after 13 months of investigating the special counsel determined there was evidence biden willfully retained and disclosed classified material from his time as vice president. but that he should not be prosecuted because the evidence does not establish mr. biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
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but the president pushing back, denying the report's key findings that he held on to classified material. >> i have seen headlines since the report was released about my willful retention of documents. this is not only misleading, they're just plain wrong. >> reporter: still, the president welcoming the news that this case is now closed and emphasizing that the report lays out the stark differences between his own case and former president trump's handling of classified material. that biden fully cooperated with authorities while trump did the opposite. >> i cooperated completely. i did not throw up any road blocks. i sought no delays. >> reporter: now moments after defending his memory, the president mistakenly referred to the president of egypt as the president of mexico. he did later get it right, but look, the president clearly knows while legally this may be over, politically, this report can still do him some damage and that obviously angers him and is something, george, he's trying to get ahead of. >> okay, mary bruce, thank you very much.
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now to the supreme court hearing arguments in the high stakes case about whether donald trump can be banned from running for office for his actions surrounding january 6th. senior national correspondent terry moran has that story. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. in this unprecedented case the justices are being asked to decide whether donald trump can be removed from the ballot under the 14th amendment. that could potentially give them tremendous power over the presidential election. it was clear from the arguments in court, they don't want it. a rare moment of agreement. the supreme court's liberal and conservative justices voicing shared skepticism about this case. at issue, a colorado court's decision to ban donald trump from the 2024 ballot in that state based on trump's alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his role on january 6th. the colorado court found trump violated the 14th amendment section 3 which declares that no one who has taken an oath to support the constitution and then engaged in insurrection can
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hold public office afterwards. during three hours of oral arguments the justices methodically took apart that ruling. justice brett kavanaugh. a trump appointee. >> what about the idea that we should think about democracy, think about the right of the people to elect candidates of their choice letting the people decide. >> reporter: and justice kagan, appointed by barack obama. >> i think the question you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> reporter: trump appointee amy coney barrett agreeing. >> it just doesn't seem like a state call. >> reporter: but looming over these arguments, the national trauma of the attack on the capitol. even though trump himself describes that day as beautiful, justice brown jackson got trump's lawyer to acknowledge the reality of what happened. >> for an insurrection there needs to be an organized concerted effort to overthrow the government of the
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united states through violence, and this riot -- >> chaotic effort to throw the government is not an insurrection? >> we didn't concede that it's an effort to overthrow the government, justice jackson. neither criteria was met. this was a riot. it was not an insurrection. the events were shameful, criminal, violent, all those things but did not qualify as an insurrection as that term is used in section 3. >> reporter: but for donald trump, this day in court looked like a win. >> this was a great day. our supreme court, hopefully, will be doing something in terms of helping our country and preserving democracy. >> reporter: a decision in this case is expected sooner rather than later. this is a case about the colorado presidential ballot and the presidential primary this that state is on march 5th, so we should see a decision in weeks instead of months. george? >> okay, terry, thanks. let's bring in jon karl, our chief legal analyst dan abrams. dan, you said court would be looking for a way to overturn colorado. that was pretty clear yesterday. >> clear. the question is, is it going to be 9-0, 8-1, 7-2. the question is, what's going to
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be the reasoning? look, the most appealing argument of the commonsense one is this idea that one state shouldn't be able to dictate in some way, shape or form, the outcome of a national presidential election. but that's not really a legal analysis, right? that's a what is the practical impact of a ruling? so i wouldn't be surprised if they kind work their way back from that and effectively say, no, the state can't enforce the 14th amendment in that way and they can use one of a different series of off ramps to get there. >> jon, president trump was happy with the supreme court yesterday. i wonder how long that's gonna last? >> he was happy because he saw it clearly going in his direction. of course, we have this immunity case coming up and donald trump is once again expecting the supreme court to come to the rescue. they haven't done that for him. he's been furious at his own appointees in the past for not helping him out. not helping him overturn the election. so, yes, happy for this moment, but we'll see.
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also, george, very important. they're going to claim vindication if this goes the way it looks it will go, but the court did not address the fundamental question of whether or not donald trump is guilty of what happened on january 6th. whether he aided and abetted an insurrection. that question was simply not addressed by the court and will not be reflected. >> very deliberate. maybe wonder if there were some behind the scenes conversations among the justices on that. dan, let's talk about the special counsel's report. bottom line, no charges, but highly critical. >> look, from a legal perspective, that's the only way you're looking at this, sure, win for president biden. no recommendation of charges, specific language in there distinguishing it from the trump case. but as a practical matter, it was a disaster for president biden. >> politically. >> politically, but the language, some of reasoning he's giving for why he wouldn't bring charges. the jury might see him as just an elderly man who doesn't remember things. i think from a practical
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perspective, he would have been better off with robert hur recommending charges but not putting in the language about how bad his memory was. 'cause the memory reference was nine times in there. i don't think anyone's going to remember oh charges weren't brought. they will remember the language that robert hur used. >> i agree politically very damaging. i don't think charges would have been helpful. >> recommended. they wouldn't have brought them. i'm just saying a recommendation wouldn't have meant anything. >> president trump wants the charges dropped against him. based on this. >> he'll make that case in florida. it was devastating and then it was made worse by the way president biden came out and responded last night. i mean, this is -- >> don't you think he had to respond? >> i think he had to respond, but, you know, first of all the memory mistake, mixing up of mexico and egypt, the angry response. it was not a good moment for president biden and democrats this morning are asking questions about, you know, what it all means.
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>> he only responded once. >> this was his second time responding. >> not good. >> thank you both very much. gio. we're going to turn to the latest incident at one of our nation's airports. two jet blue airplanes clipping wings on the tarmac at logan airport raising more questions about those close calls. this morning another head scratching moment on a tarmac at one of the nation's busiest airports. early thursday at boston's logan international airport, the left wheel of this jet blue plane bound for las vegas clipped another jet blue plane while de-icing on the runway. both jets were damaged, but there were no reported injuries to passengers. dave sauer was sitting on that plane. >> our left wing took a big chunk, two or three feet off the tail of another plane. the turn was happening, it was too close. >> reporter: brian o'neil was also on board and took this video. >> it sounded like we hit a pot hole. it was something like in the
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road, oh, wait. >> reporter: this is the second incident in less than a year at logan air. last june the faa launched an investigation into this moment. >> oh my. >> reporter: the wing of a united airlines plane clipped the tail of a parked delta plane. while the united flight was taxiing to a holding pattern. while nobody was hurt in this latest incident, it's an example of the kind of incidents the faa is trying to get to the bottom of it. >> having three of these occur in a fairly short period of time means there's a training issue. even though it may not involve the same airline. >> reporter: and the faa is now investigating. jet blue said both planes will be taken out of service for repairs as they work to figure out how and why this happened. that is a very important question. >> so important, with three in such a short time. gio, thank you. we turn now to an exclusive first look at a new report on how much americans lost to scams just last year. elizabeth schulze is here now with the staggering numbers. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. these new numbers from this report are pretty staggering.
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nationwide last year americans lost more than $10 billion to fraud. that is the highest amount on record, up 14% from the year before. the number one place people are losing money, $4.6 billion total is to investment scams. this is when consumers are tricked into thinking they can make a lot of cash fast with little or no risk. so think about big crypto currency company offering you a guaranteed return. americans lost billions to imposter scams. that's when scammers pretend to be a business or person you trust and then convince you to send them money. the way people are lured into these schemes is also changing. for the first time ever, e-mail was the most common method followed by phone calls and then texts. a tell tale sign is so important to know. they will put pressure on you to act fast. always take a minute to stop and think. hang up the phone or, better yet, don't even answer in the first place. >> never answer your phone again. elizabeth, thank you. we really appreciate it. coming up the hero teen who spoke up and possibly saved his
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school from a tragedy. plus the big pharmacy hearing on capitol hill about drug prices. we'll tell you what they said. we're breaking down all things super bowl. will reeve is in las vegas. hey, will. >> reporter: good morning. we are just two days from the super bowl. it's getting real. we are joined by some real fans at this early hour. they're some of the hundreds of thousands here for the big game. it could be an all-timer with all-time ticket prices, too. and history is on the line. we've got all that an more coming up. >> let's go to ginger now. >> wisconsin had their first february tornado since records began in 1950. it's a big deal to see this in february. remember they also had record high temperatures so that was what was helping fuel those storms. they'll get out there in evansville and see what rating they'll give it. looks like rounds of heavy rain saturday and sunday tornados in the same area. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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america's #1 lotion tissue. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. stanford university is evicting students who have been holding a sit in protest on campus for the last 112 days. the students are protesting the humanitarian crisis in gaza and have refused to leave white plaza. the local council on american-islamic relations says the students have a right to protest. however, the university says the demonstration has become a safety concern for the community. well, now let's check in with gloria for the traffic. gloria >> good morning amanda. good morning everyone. right now
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there are 20 minute delays on bart on the sfo line. that's because of some police activity at the glen park station. and this is affecting the sfo. millbrae daly city and east bay direction. so we'll keep you updated on this much. >> gloria. now, meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay area forecast.
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shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other, while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> when i think about black history, i think about preserving legacy. >> my family opened our first mcdonald's location in 1988, and now i'm a next generation owner operator, continuing that legacy
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over the past three decades, we have supported our local community in many ways through mentorship and volunteering efforts. we have contributed to the ronald mcdonald house, the boys and girls club of the peninsula, and other charitable causes. i want to be an example to other young black entrepreneurs and inspire the next generation to give back. i'm lauren and i'm creating black history at mcdonald's. mount tam this morning, showing you partly cloudy conditions. >> it is another chilly morning. frost advisories are posted across the region. in fact, more areas are underneath frost advisory as compared to yesterday, so a lot of us starting out in the 30s, that winter jacket, your best friend several layers underneath to the day looks like this partly cloudy conditions throughout the afternoon. we'll get those temperatures into the mid 50s, a little bit below average for this time of the year. so looking at highs, we'll hit about 55 in the city, 56 in oakland, 58 in san jose, 56 in
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san rafael, 55 in napa. warmer weather arrives over the weekend. tomorrow 60s come back and on sunday nothing but sunshine. we're dry through the entire weekend. amanda. >> all right. thanks drew. and if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma. to create lasting memories under the big top at cirque du soleil kooza in the bay area. >> kooza now playing at oracle park and playing april 18th to may 26th at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du >> california veterans have given everything for our freedom. often at extraordinary cost to themselves. prop one is for them. it's disgraceful that we've left 10,000 veterans living on the streets, many suffering ptsd. prop one directs $1 billion to serve veterans experiencing homelessness, mental health and substance abuse issues. one builds thousands of new veteran homes, including critical mental health
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overnight there were at least three tornados reported in wisconsin and illinois. plus there's a new storm bringing flooding to the south. 12 states from washington to tbgs are under snow and avalanche alerts with this new storm. also right now the ftc says ai generated robo calls are illegal. the ruling takes effect immediately, will allow states to take legal action during this year's election. the use of fraudulent ai generated voice mails have been on the rise. >> the lakers unveiled a statue of kobe bryant. the 19 foot high bronze statue shows the hall of famer as he walked off the court after his 81 point game in 2006. it's the first of the three statues of the five-time champion. one will feature him with his daughter gianna who was among those killed with bryant in a helicopter crash four years ago. we've got a lot more ahead including why now is the time to go shopping for a new car. that's coming up. now we turn to tragedy averted thanks to a teen who thankfully spoke up and possibly
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saved his school from a shooting. stephanie ramos has that story. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: rebecca, good morning. police arrested a 14-year-old for a potential threat at mariemont ohio. the district said there was a credible plot to harm students and staff. this morning a teen is credited with helping thwart a school shooting allegedly plotted by his classmate at this high school in ohio. >> that was more important than his life, was protecting his classmates. i could not be more proud of him. i mean, he's a hero for what he did. >> reporter: zach swallen said his son boom wasted no time earlier this week telling him his classmate revealed a plan to shoot people. >> his swift action was warranted. i'm grateful that my son reached out. >> reporter: investigators say that classmate allegedly planned to kill eight students and a teacher. >> it was an obvious threat. there was no doubt that this was going to occur. >> reporter: authorities say
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text messages reveal the would be shooter was conspireing with an adult who is out of state. the teen suspect allegedly texting, i need them dead really soon. the adult allegedly responding i got you, bro. police say the teen responded, can you do tomorrow? swallen said his son saw it on paper and told his father. the next day the teen was arrested and is accused of conspiracy to commit aggravated murder. swallen said the suspect threatened boom if he told anybody about the plan but that did not stop him from doing the right thing. >> he said he didn't care. he would be in protective custody. >> the prosecutor said she plans to request the teen suspect charged as an adult. this tragedy was averted. this year already, according to the gun violence archives there has been 38 mass shootings, 24 kids killed and 124 teens killed. guys, the student who told his dad about this alleged plot said
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if he wants one thing to be taken away from this, if you see a student, a child, a teen, anybody hurting, report it, tell someone. >> absolutely. >> so important. >> thanks, stephanie. now to the big pharmaceutical ceo's of johnson&onson and merck and bristol meyers squibb on the hot seat over the high prices of prescription drugs. >> reporter: to put this in perspective, consider this recent report. prices for brand name drugs in the u.s. in 2022 were three times higher than those in 33 other wealthy nations. senators from both parties demanding answers on capitol hill. big pharma ceo's in the hot seat thursday over the high price of prescription drugs. >> those codes mean nothing to anybody who cannot afford it. >> reporter: the heads of johnson&johnson, merck and bristol meyers squibb grilled about why the prices are so high. citing research and development while defending the billions paid in dividend to
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stockholders. >> we have to pay dividend because this is the only way the company can remain operational. >> reporter: the senate health and pensions committee chaired by bernie sanders aiming to lower costs for americans. >> ten of the top pharmaceutical companies in america made over $110 billion in profits in 2022. they are doing phenomenally well, while americans cannot afford the cost of the medicine they need. >> reporter: the committee focusing on several popular drugs saying johnson&johnson charges americans with arthritis $79,000 for stelara while the same product is about $16,000 in the u.k. merck charges diabetes patients $6,900 for genuvia when it can be purchased for $900 in canada and $200 in france. >> that comes as a fairly significant cost for those patients outside of the u.s. in canada, patients will wait roughly 3 1/2 to 4 years to get
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access to a medicine that is available in the u.s. >> reporter: under questioning the ceo's blamed middle men in part for the high out of pocket costs. this hearing happening as a new program gets under way which enables medicare to negotiate the prices of some expensive medications. but this conversation is far from over. >> no question about that. whit, thank you very much. you're on your way to the super bowl? >> i am. we're going to fly in an hour before kickoff. fingers crossed. >> you'll still be working sunday morning? >> you'll see me in the morning. >> coming up, right now is the time to buy a new car. coming up next, history on the line in las vegas. will reeve there with our super bowl countdown. reeve with our l countdown. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain.
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welcome back. we want to get right to will reeve for super bowl sunday. hey, will. >> reporter: hey, george. good morning. you can really start to feel it now. [ cheers ] look at all these fans that we have here. we're incredibly excited. people are just pouring in to las vegas. people from all 50 states expected to attend the game. plenty more are here just to take in the skeptical that can only happen in vegas. this morning the excitement is building for super bowl lviii. >> we have to bring the vibe to vegas. keep it faithful. >> reporter: and descending on las vegas. >> who doesn't love vegas? >> reporter: an expected 330,000
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of them, many taking it all in at the super bowl experience. >> we're excited for this. kansas city, they've had it. it's our turn now. >> reporter: what do you like about the chiefs? >> i like how their team is put together and they know how to win. >> reporter: allegiant stadium expected to hold 72,000 fans for the big game. it's a hot ticket. stub hub saying it's the third best selling super bowl ever. the get in price hovering around $6,000. an average ticket costing nearly $9,000. >> purdy stays up on his feet somehow. >> reporter: the main event may well be worth the money when the 49ers and chiefs battle it out on sunday. >> all of the strain, the stress, is to get to this moment. it will be a great challenge for all of us, receivers, o line, everybody. we gotta be on point for this one. >> reporter: san francisco's been one of the best teams in the nfl all season and red hot kansas city is seeking their second consecutive title. >> it is caught by kelce for the touchdown! >> the number three is a big number, in terms of dynasties
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and things like that. hopefully, we can get this thing and you can start talking about dynasties. trying to get this third ring. >> someone's got to be the underdog. they've been a great football team all year long so they deserve to be the favorite. all we can do is play our best football. >> reporter: all right. now everyone is super fired up here. by the way, treat mahomes as an underdog at your own peril. he is 9-3 as an underdog in his career. i don't know, for these fans, i think they're ready for anything. is that right? give us the loudest cheer here. [ cheers ] i want to point something out. do you mind coming over here, you in the sweatshirt? i want to show you, because this is the taylor swift bowl in certain ways. i want to show you these sweat shirts says nfl taylor's version. these girls are fired up. we're fired up to tell you about all the taylor swift of it all, as she makes her way back from tokyo. in our second hour we're going to break that down.
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i wish we had a microphone on you because i have so many questions. can you tell america, are you more excited for the game or for taylor swift maybe being here? >> taylor swift. >> reporter: taylor swift. that's right. we're bringing new fans to the game. i think everyone here is very excited. let's hear your wildest possible cheer on the eve of the super bowl here. [ cheers ] >> those little girls are saying, go taylor's boyfriend. >> my question for our producers are we going to track taylor's flight the way we track santa? i just got a yes. [ laughter ] >> there you go. all right, will. thank you very much. coming up later saving on your super bowl celebrations. where to find deals for your party including wings. and lara is here with who's taking center stage at the big game. >> so excited. from reba to post malone, usher. they're all performing. what they're saying ahead of their super bowl moment. we're looking at what's sending the bey hive into overdrive. rive. bey hive into
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overdrive. or you ♪ ♪ one ♪ ♪ two, three, four, ♪ ♪ five, six, seven, eight, nine, ♪ ♪ ten, eleven, twelve, huh, ♪ ♪ how many times, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times have i, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times have i felt this, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times have i felt this good ♪ biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪)
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missing. >> all >> all right. we are back now with our play of the day. lara is here with who's taking center stage in las vegas before kickoff. >> get ready, it's almost here. super bowl fever has taken hold. we know everyone's excited for the game. now we have more information on the entertainment and musical performers we can look forward to. reba mcintyre will kick things off with the national anthem. how does a country star prepare?
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reba said that she's been singing the anthem everywhere including the shower, the car. she says it does help to know that everybody will be singing it right there along with her. that probably settles the nerves a bit. also on deck post malone will sing "america the beautiful." post admitting it is definitely a little nerve-racking. let's talk halftime show. usher, baby. he did reveal some new details, or confessions, about who will be with him on stage. take a look. >> i think i made it easy for myself when i decided to have features on songs that became hit records. that gave me the greatest point of reference. i do feel like the people who are gonna share it deserve just as much recognition for what they do in their careers, whether we have collaborated -- rather they've had moments of their own. >> you heard the word "they." we know there's a they. who will it be? lil john?
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ludicrus? will i am? all names being thrown arounded a possible collaborators. the other big star of the show is, of course, the commercials. this morning the queen b fans are swarming in on this verizon teaser. take a look. >> hold up. she wants me to squeeze all these lemons by myself? oh, no, no. this better work. >> okay. that's actor tony hill. we love him so much. he's making lemonade of a beyonce reference. he also said the word hold up. that's a song off of that album. and a bit of a song happens again. you hear those couple of notes? that happens to be "my house, for all of you eagle ear listeners. if that is not enough a second teaser shows him talking to
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beyonce from her renaissance tour. that horse known, of course, to fans as rene. so will the queen make an appearance? we'll have to see. but my guess is yes. >> we sure hope so. >> my work is never done here. [ laughter ] >> lara, thank you. coming up it is national pizza day. three top chefs are here competing to see which slice is a cut above. stay with us. us hs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. [crowd noises]
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my tip is, love yourself and get the help you need to quit smoking. you are worth it. (announcer) tobacco companies aggressively market to lgbtq+ communities. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. several states in the rocky mountains have had avalanche warnings. here at cotten wood canyon in utah they're doing avalanche mitigation to make sure they don't have an accident. then you go further south and
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you got northern arizona getting some snow. we're gonna wrap that up and give denver snow on saturday. looks like they're in that watch area. they could get considerable snow. enough to muck up things for the weekend. then that storm starts to slide toward us, so early next week we would end up with the potential for rain/snow mix. or snow on the top end. as it gets closer, we'll get more details. coming up lori bergamotto with the right stuff for valentine's day. and we're gonna check in on the taylor swift experience in tokyo where there's a new devoted chiefs fan base. plus stephen a. smith is live with his super bowl predictions and why he thinks taylor swift is good for the game. your local news an weather next. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up.
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with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. this message >> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> gma monday. the one and only dionne warwick together with damon elliott and unforgettable live gma performance. balwani monday only on good morning america's concert series sponsored by planet fitness.
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>> lust, greed, betrayal this is one of the most complex investigations i've ever seen. no one could have fathomed how twisty this story would become. >> sealed with a kill 20 always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. gloria. >> good morning. we do have a delay we want to tell you about on bart. right now. there are ten minute delays on the antioch line in the antioch direction. this is because of earlier police activity at the glen park station. let's get you into the forecast at seven day. >> looking lovely. but here's the tam cam. got live look. partly cloudy conditions. a frost advisory is still up. it is cold out there. most of us in the 30s right now. your winter jacket is your best friend. put some layers underneath there. stay warm. at 36 in sonoma, 39 in palo alto, 33 in danville,
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45. right. now that current temperature in the city. so let's break it all down for you. partly cloudy conditions throughout the day. totally dry today. no issues when it comes to wet weather. the afternoon. we'll get those temperatures into the 50s. dry weather continues over the weekend amanda. >> all right thanks, drew. and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues for everyone else, it's gma >> stop your search for the one and find your perfect mattress match at mancini's sleep world. up to $1,000 plus get interest free financing during our presidents day sale. save on mattresses from tempur-pedic, avocado beauty, rest and more. plus, shop queen size mattresses starting at only 1.99 with guaranteed best prices. free next day delivery and set up in your home. plus old mattress removal. your perfect match is waiting for you online or in stores at mancini's sleep world,
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two leading candidates for senate, two very different visions for california steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. >> he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrection zionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90%
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clearer skin. some even achieved long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> kathryn lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and janitors overtime pay for farm workers. kathryn's winning equal pay for more women. now kathryn is fighting for opportunities for working families to buy their first home. kathy is endorsed by nurses, teacher equality california and california environmental voters. she's
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>> step into the world of cirque du soleil. kooza under the big top in the bay area. kooza now playing at oracle park and playing april 18th to may 26th at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du soleil .com. live is giving you more of what you love . >> good morning america. >> it's 8 a.m. overnight. the president defended his handling of classified information and his memory. >> these assertionsy misleading just plain wrong.nsy misleading >> pushing back on the special counsel, who declined to prosecute biden. this morning the reaction and political fallout. the good news if you're in the market for a car. why experts say now is a good time to drive off with a new one. start your engines. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ >> ryan gosling, his oscar nominated hit is a ten for us, but will he be performing at the academy awards? plus one of the supporting actors calling it the hardest role he's ever played.
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♪ looking for some hot stuff ♪ >> we're fired up. the trend igniting social media. ♪ how to pull off a burn away cake. we're trying it out loud. ♪ party in the usa ♪ >> game day bargains. we have all the best deals on everything you need for the ultimate super bowl bash. whether you're making your faves or ordering in. plus how you can score free wings and how the most famous fan in the world is flying into the big game. we're live in tokyo and las vegas saying -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> we are live in tokyo this morning. of course we're counting down to the super bowl. good morning america. >> we are very much looking forward to that. will reeve is our quarterback at the super bowl experience in las vegas. he doesn't play football but he does touchdown everywhere.
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you got that pit bull reference. he has much more on the big game and all the festivities happening there. that is coming up. >> will is very much in his element now. it is national pizza day so we are throwing a pizza party to find the best pizza in the northeast. there are competitors here. we have judges. we have a huge surprise. that's coming up. >> first a look at the top stories breaking at 8. we start with the special counsel report that exonerated the president over handling of the classified documents. he was quite critical, but said no charges are warranted. we want to go back to our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas. >> reporter: the very first sentence of special counsel robert hur's 345-page report sums up the case. quote, we conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. hur flatly states that the evidence does not establish mr. biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. but to be clear, the special counsel said he did find some evidence that biden intended to retain highly classified material. he pointed out classified documents were found throughout biden's delaware home, in file cabinets, in his basement, even
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his garage, basically among junk. hur said biden shared some of that information with a ghost writer of his memoir. but hur acknowledged the possibility that the documents could have been sent to biden's home and other offices without his knowledge. in other words, by accident. another factor in hur's decision, apparently the president's poor memory, which might make him sympathetic to a jury. finally, hur makes clear biden's case is different from that of former president trump, who was charged with mishandling classified information. biden quickly returned the documents, fully cooperated and even sat for five hours of interviews. mr. trump, according to hur, and i quote, did the exact opposite. even allegedly enlisting others to destroy evidence and to lie about it, george. >> thank you very much. now the supreme court heard arguments in the high stakes case about whether donald trump can be banned for running for office surrounding his actions on january 6th. want to go back to terry moran. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning,
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george. this is the biggest election case since bush versus gore in 2000. that case left the justices bitterly divided and the court itself damaged. it's already clear in this trump case they don't want to repeat that. a rare moment of agreement. the supreme court's liberal and conservative justices voicing shared skepticism about this case. at issue a colorado court's decision to ban donald trump from the 2024 ballot in that state based on trump's alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his role on january 6th. the colorado court found trump violate the 14th amendment section 3, which declares no one who has taken an oath to support the constitution and then engaged in insurrection can hold public office afterwards. during three hours of oral arguments, the justices methodically took apart that ruling. justice brett kavanaugh a trump appointee. >> what about the idea that we should think about democracy? think about the right of the people to elect candidates of
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their choice, letting the people decide? >> reporter: and justice kagan, appointed by barack obama. >> i think it's a question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> reporter: trump appointee amy barrett agreeing. >> just doesn't seem like a state call. >> reporter: but looming over these arguments -- >> usa! >> reporter: -- the national trauma of the attack on the capitol. even though trump himself describes that day as beautiful, justice brown jackson got trump's lawyer to acknowledge the reality of what happened. >> for an insurrection there needs to be an organized concerted effort to overthrow the government of the united states through violence. this riot -- >> chaotic effort is not an insurrection? >> we didn't concede that it's an effort to overthrow the government either, justice jackson. none of the criteria were met. this was a riot. it was not an insurrection. the events were shameful, criminal, violent but did not term insurrection.
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>> reporter: but for donald trump, this looked like a win. >> this was a great day. our report hopefully will be doing something in terms of helping our country and preserving democracy. >> reporter: efforts are under way in more than 30 states to remove trump from the ballot so this case will have a major impact. a ruling is expected before the colorado primary on march 5th. guys? >> okay, terry. thank you very much. coming up in our gma morning menu, becky worley has the best deals for your super bowl party, including how you can get some free wings. >> looks like she got some wings. i guess there's 1.5 billion wings consumed on super bowl sunday. big time. also next, if you are in the market for a new car, we're gonna tell you why now is a good time to buy and how to find a deal. lara and sam are with some very special guests. hey, lara. >> we are. it is almost valentine's day. our valentine, lori b has the right stuff. she's sharing the love with the
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best gifts for your valentine, including an exclusive look at the new stanley cup color from rei. perfect timing. >> gorgeous. >> she has that and more. sam, what else? >> come down here, lara. just generally -- [ cheers ] >> we're looking for the best pizza in the northeast on national pizza day. one of these pizza makers is going home with not only this gorgeous pizza trophy, which is over there. anne's holding it. we've got some brand new information, guys. you didn't know this, but there's $10,000 in prize dough! [ cheers ] that's a lotta dough, right? >> let's go. that's all coming up on gma! coming up... >> i'm gma. before my doctor ae breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing.
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪
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we are back with our gma cover story. good news if you're in the market for a new car. elizabeth schulze is back to tell us why. hey, elizabeth. >> it's been an incredibly challenging market for anyone trying to buy a new car. thanks to low inventory, high borrowing costs. but with dealerships lots filled up again, some offering incentive, 2024 is looking like the best year since the pandemic to buy that car. this morning much needed relief for americans on the hunt for a new car. >> it's becoming a buyer's market. much better time to buy a car. >> reporter: experts say dealerships are stocked again after suffering from supply chain back logs that left many lots low on options for buyers. >> dealerships are oversupplied in a lot of cases. they're starting to compete with each other by offering incentives. it's driving prices down. >> reporter: auto analysts say brands with excess inventory
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like ford, gm and stellantis are more likely to lower their prices. with the federal reserve set to cut interest rates this year, sky high auto loan rates could also level off. >> it was definitely shock to see how expensive cars are. >> reporter: megan and addison told us in august they had been trying to buy a car in denver, but five months later haven't found anything in their budget. >> we really thought we could get something around $10,000, then $12,000. then $14,000. we're hoping $15,000 will do it. >> reporter: the average price for a new car is still at an eye popping $49,970, $8,000 more than before the pandemic began. and while used car prices are dropping, the average cost of $28,000 is also $8,000 higher. consumers demanded larger vehicles. consumers demanded larger vehicles. they demanded more amenities. automakers met that demand. big part of the issue, there are not a lot of cheaper vehicles
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for sale period. >> reporter: many americans forced to take on more debt to pay for their vehicles when auto loan delinquencies rising, too. >> what advice do you have for someone trying to find a deal on a car? >> look at new, used, certified preowned. all of those can represent a good deal depending on where you're looking. make sure you are seeing incentives in certain regions for certain vehicles. that's all really important to save yourself some money. >> one way to try a get a more affordable interest rate is apply for a shorter term loan. pay it off in three years instead of four or five. a bigger down payment will also help lower the monthly sales. just like you want to shop around for the best car, it is always best to shop around with lenders for the best rate. >> great advice, elizabeth. thank you. we turn to super bowl savings if you're hosting a party. we've got some of the best food deals for your celebration that will not break the bank. becky worley joins us from san francisco. i can't tell who you're rooting
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for. it's really hard. >> i know, rebecca. despite my journalistic integrity, i will not pretend i'm a neutral party. go 49ers! i am always cheering for our viewers to save money. let's start with the most economic menu choices. good news, the price of fresh chicken wings is down 5%. frozen wing prices are down 11% compared to january 2023. shrimp, if you love shrimp cocktail, prices are down about 6.5%. but boo, boo, meat prices are up 12% from last year. turkey chili, pulled pork sliders, that's what i'm thinking. let's talk snack savings courtesy of our friends at the crazy coupon lady website. dollar general, coca-cola, pepsi, 60% off at walgreen's. lay's potato chips. 32% off at wal-mart.
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frozen pizza 44% off at target. i think i have hit all of the junk food. also, if you have an aldi in your area, they are offering 25% off meatball slider pizza. they are calling it, rebecca, get the quarterback promotion. quarterback. right? >> i see what they did. >> we'll take our quarterback and our snacks. just make sure if you're doing shrimp you have extra ice on hand. if you go the direction of ordering those chicken wings, becky, how do you get them for free? >> set hike. yes. game on for free wings at applebee's. you're gonna get 20 free boneless wings if you spend 40 bucks with a code. if you spend $15 at pop eye's on door dash they'll give you 12 wings free. buffalo wild wings one free order of six wings if the super bowl goes into overtime. that is not happening, sports fans. whit johnson might have a heart attack if his, our niners, go into overtime. >> no overtime. no overtime. i love that i get to be here
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with everyone. you have to sit there and tell me about it. tell us about the pizza. we've got national pizza day here. there's some great deals for the super bowl as well. >> there are. lot of the vendors are getting in. pizza hut and little caesar's offering $7 off grub hub. this next one, domino's is really speaking to the swifties out there. you will get a bunch of goodies for just 1989. yep. mm-hmm. with the coupon code $13.87. to decode that. 13 is taylor's lucky number, plus 87 travis kelce's jersey number. we weren't going to do this without mentioning taylor. come on. >> a peanut butter deal, becky? >> it's true. save the celery. jiff peanut butter points out every year during the big game, americans eat a billion or more chicken wings. that leaves a lot of celery
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sticks langishing after sunday. all you have to do is google jiff save the celery campaign and you will see how you can sign up on super bowl sunday 4:30 p.m. eastern for a free jar of peanut butter to dip your celery in and not have to compost all of these leftovers. >> i don't even need celery. i just want a spoon for my peanut butter. okay, becky. thank you for sharing all those tips with us. go 49ers. >> go 9ers! >> for you. gio, over to you. >> that was great. all right, becky. thank you. there is one star everyone will be watching sunday. of course, taylor swift. the super star will be performing in japan for her eras tour then flying to vegas to watch boyfriend travis kelce play. will is back in las vegas. but first we're going to tokyo to check in with usa today. listen to the title, taylor swift reporter brian west. brian, you've got the best title in journalism, my friend. good morning. thank you for being here.
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you've got all the swifties there in tokyo. you've seen them all. are you feeling that super bowl spirit? >> good morning, gio. we are feeling that spirit. taylor swift just wrapped up night 3 in tokyo. she ended about 9:15 p.m. local time which was about an hour ago. when i was out there, i saw a lot of red and gold jerseys. lot of number 87's. it does appear the fan base, the swiftie base, over here in japan is supporting the chiefs. they are going to be watching the super bowl to see, one, if taylor swift shows up and to see if the chiefs can pull it off. what's also interesting during the concert that famous lyric that she changed, lot of fans still saying karma is on the chief, come home to me. >> so great. i want to hear more about the fans and what they're saying about taylor trying to get from there to here in time. >> lara, a lot of them, just
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like the amazing tik tok video outlining everything that she can make it. she leaves here at 9:15. she does have the means to get on a private jet and get to las vegas saturday night. i am curious if i could make it. if the concert wrapped up after 9, it is possible to get to the hotel, take an uber to the airport an fly out at 12:50 a.m. and be in las vegas at 9:30 a.m. lot of fans are going to be watching that, see if she make answer appearance. >> that is high caliber math. i would say skip the uber, go right to the airport. here's the real question. let's get into vegas. let's do it. we're going from tokyo to vegas. will, are you there? i mean, since we're doing this around the world thing. will reeve -- okay, will. now, i know there's a lot of logistics to the game itself. but let's keep talking taylor logistics. some people say she's going to be in a luxury suite there. are the plans for that? >> reporter: yeah, sam. we've seen taylor in a suite at every chiefs game she's been to.
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i think she's been to 13. do i have that right? 13 games. i think so. we're going with that because that is her favorite number. her favorite number on the chiefs, 87, travis kelce. she will likely be there in a suite to celebrate him. the suites in vegas, everything is bigger at the super bowl. going for millions of dollars. i think taylor will be okay. not sure if she's paying for it herself. it's certainly a hot ticket. i don't think you're going to see taylor in the stands. but these guys want to see her anywhere. >> we do, too. >> absolutely. and we will. all right, will, thank you. brian, also thank you in tokyo. ginger, over to you. >> you know you got two seasons in one day when you've got piles of snow from the last snowstorm and now you've got hail falling on that, which is with thunderstorms and record high temperatures in wisconsin. so record heat was found in many places, couple handfuls. but today see it again. chicago going into the mid 50s. as is grand rapids, detroit, in
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the low 60s. this all slides to the east. raleigh in the low 70s. >> pop news time. >> all right, george. let's do it. good morning, everyone. we're going to begin with, here we go. hello. we're going to begin with ryan gosling opening up ahead of the oscars saying he has not been asked to perform "i'm just ken." not yet. oscar nominated song from the barbie movie. he said he's open to it. fyi.
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gosling going on to it to say the role of ken was the hardest thing he's ever done, calling it a high wire act in tiny shorts and no shirt. >> which is a tuesday at my house. [ laughter ] >> i knew you were going to say that. >> he actually turned down the role at first because of scheduling but greta gerwig protested. the rest is six pack history. he is nominated for best supporting actor. this coming monday he will be with all of the nominees for the oscars lunch and class picture. we always love seeing that. the big night, the 96th annual oscars, getting close, march 10th starting at 7:00 p.m. right here on abc. excited? >> very. can't wait. >> we have to talk fashion. all right. speaking of oscars, everybody, we have some news from the film academy. they just announced 96 years in they're adding a new category. best achievement in casting award will begin with the 98th academy awards.
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that's in 2026. this is the first competitive category created by the oscars in 23 years. the academy president and ceo jointly stating that casting directors play an essential role in film making. as the acaddie evolves, we are proud to audit. i think long time too, right? >> why wouldn't you? >> why wouldn't you? i just feel like without that -- >> you know they're thinking, who's the right mix? who's the right character? >> great job. i think that's a great addition. two years. finally -- not finally. i forgot we have a special thing coming up. right now we have our kid correspondent. he has a report from the super bowl. he's been catching up with players and even usher. 16-year-old brandon killing it giving us the scoop on usher's mind set and his goal for the performance. going deep. take a look. >> what is your favorite thing about performing? >> performing. >> yes. >> performing. [ laughter ] the moment of connection between
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me and the audience. making the song is great. but that reaction, that connection, that serenade, that ability to connect and hear them and feel their energy is the most important part. >> there you have it. we're gonna hear more from brandon about his super sized for at least two minutes. and finally this morning. all right. tiktok is getting fired up over this new trend. burn away cakes. you may have heard about them. yeah so it's where? well, i'm glad you're asking, sam, because you're involved here. oh, no. it's where savvy bakers are burning away the top layer of their cake to reveal a fun surprise. that's awesome. a burn down kitchen. um, we've seen videos popping up across the internet. now we know how it works. the top image is printed on this super thin paper made from sugar rice, and other starches. it helps. it's held in place by frosting and then the
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bottom image is actually printed on the cakes. so guys, would you do me the favor? billy, bring in some cakes. we're going to multitask here, sam, with your help. so. oh this is so we're doing it. we're. and we do have a fire extinguisher. >> so i've seen sam around. it's a fliers. i mean. oh, no, someone says fire. >> why wouldn't you say sam? okay. >> all right, hold on. can you see that? so, sam, sam, we're going to multitask. oh. there's more. yes. you're going to tell us who's going to win the super bowl because we know you know these things. one of these cakes, both of these cakes have the teams, one of the whoever you reveal is we just we just write it down. >> we just burn it with light and light one at a time, okay? we're running out of time. the winner of the super bowl this year, thanks to sam champion burning the cake. >> sam, burn quickly. the winner will be. >> it's the 40 niners. it looks like in their sam 40 niners ers
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rumble protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. >> the rookie returns tuesday, february 20th on abc. it's a beautiful life. >> the good doctor sees him always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. >> let's get a look at traffic. good morning gloria. >> good morning amanda. good morning everyone at home. so why don't we get started right away with your drive times for this morning. so far. seen a lot of green. not too many slowdowns, which is what we like to see. but from highway 85 to the san jose airport, it will take you 15 minutes. right now, not too bad, but just a little bit slower right now. allight >> thank you so much, gloria. and meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break.
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it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort and there's no better time than now. >> kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> this ad is typical politicians. he's bad, i'm good, blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable, and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> when i think about black history, i think about preserving legacy. my family opened our first mcdonald's
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location in 1988, and now i'm a next generation owner operator. continuing that legacy over the past three decades, we have supported our local community in many ways through mentorship and volunteering efforts. we have contributed to the ronald mcdonald house, the boys and girls club of the peninsula, and other charitable causes. i want to be an example to other young black entrepreneurs and inspire the next generation to give back. i'm lauren and i'm creating black history at mcdonald's. >> hey. bay area live with kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with diane lane from the new season of feud, plus bargains with monica mangan. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> all right, we'll see you in 30 minutes. let's go outside. live look from our san jose camera. partly cloudy conditions out there is another chilly morning. we have frosted advisories. these are in effect for a big portion of the area until 9 a.m. for the next 30 minutes. so we're starting out in the 30s. it's a chilly morning out there. the winter jacket, your best friend. look at temperatures right now. we're down to 35. in danville, 39 in sonoma, a little bit warmer,
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relatively speaking, around the bay shoreline. we're in the 40s there. looking at the day today, expect partly cloudy conditions. really nice afternoon. we're dry today, 50s in the afternoon. dry through the weekend amanda. >> all right. thanks so much drew. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. and always on our news app. and abc seven gma, live from times fromom. >> can you feel it? >> can you feel it? we have to say thank you to the mother daughter owned bakery. moretti bakery. those burn cakes were so cool. >> that was the most exciting thing. >> i hope we can burn the other one. they are so delicious. thank you mother/daughter team from moretti bakery. [ applause ] burn cakes are the coolest. >> that is something. >> no wonder it's such a hot trend. do you know what else it is today? national pizza day, everybody. sunday is just around the corner. biggest day for pizza sales in
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the u.s. with more than 12 million pies sold on game day. according to the american pizza community. we're having a pizza party! trying to find the best in the northeast. >> can i join the pizza community? we have three family owned pizzerias to compete. a pizza trophy and $10,000 prize. we have brooklyn square pizza founded in 1982 from connecticut. zuppardi pizza. zuppardi pizza. the ladies are here. it's been in business since 1934. from new york city we have john from bleeker street. established in 1929. i was there for the opening. are you ready? >> there's more. our judges. we cannot forget our judges. host of worst cooks in america, our friend chef anne burrell is here. [ applause ] you may remember this doll from the golden bachelor, susan noles is here. [ applause ]
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mwah. you are our bachelorette forever. and new york giants safety. let's go, xavier mckinney. [ applause ] gio, did you volunteer for this? that's so nice. >> somebody said food and i'm here. [ laughter ] >> what are you looking for in that perfect pizza? >> the first bite of a slice or a pie is always the best one. so i'm looking for the right ratio of crust to cheese to toppings to sauce. that really nice crunch. you want that crunch and the nice oily pizza. >> let's get a little background on our contestants. >> roll it. >> okay. >> three different states. >> we've perfected what we have. we're not gonna make any changes. >> three different pizzas. >> we make hundreds of pizzas a day but we're only as good as our laugh pizza. >> just one winner. brooklyn square pizza of new jersey hoping to flip the script with their upside down square,
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cheese on the bottom, special red sauce on top. >> it's crispy yet like a pillow. you can't eat just one. >> family run zuppardi from connecticut with a sausage slice so good. >> we had a customer come in at thanksgiving and order two large with extra sausage so he took it home and took all the sausage off it and used it in his stuffing. it's outta this world. >> but don't count out celeb hot spot johns of bleeker street. >> we had bruce springsteen, frank sinatra, very own michael strahan. tom brady. >> competing this morning with their traditional cheese. >> gonna be a little charring on the crust. it comes out just perfect. >> all right. time to get this party started. we are going to start with contestants number one. peter and susan grippo from brooklyn square pizza in new jersey. guys, welcome to gma. [ applause ]
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thanks for bringing your magic of pizza here. tell us about your pizza. >> this is my upside down square, my award winning pie in the state of new jersey. we only use fresh ingredients. we only cook fresh. >> look at that. >> we use fresh mozzarella. fresh mozzarella on the bottom first. >> i like the upside down idea. really sticks to the bread. anne burrell is looking. >> you taste the sauce and cheese together. >> look how gorgeous it looks when it's done. >> marinara. >> tomato sauce. >> sorry. i have been schooled. i'll leave to it the chefs. >> he makes the best pizza. >> yes, he does. >> she said that on her own. we put the sauce on top, as you see. it's a fresh mozzarella. >> just browns up nicely. that was a nice gift right there. >> i want to ask you, did you
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take a bite? >> yes, i did. i will say i love the inverted pizza, the upside down pizza. it really showcases the sauce because the sauce is delicious. >> it's not hidden by the cheese. >> you kind of get hit with that first. then cheese through the bread. >> i just noticed adding olive oil. >> extra virgin olive oil. peccorino romano and we bake it. >> it sounds like you got a thumbs up. [ applause ] >> next cheryl and lori from zuppardi pizza. i love it. i know the baby clam is a big deal. what do you bring? you brought us sausage? >> we brought our home made fennel sausage that we are famous for. >> what goes into it? >> what goes into the sausage? >> into the pizza, the whole thing. >> it's going to win because we use ground tomatoes from italy. everything is imported.
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we use whole milk mozzarella. here's our fennel sausage. >> fennel sausage. we're saying sausage is the secret for today. >> the sausage is the star, sam. >> it's done in chunks. >> big chunks. you're not shy. wow. >> what's our dad's saying? >> last bite has to be as good as that first bite. >> love that. >> he was a stickler with that. we actually feel each ingredient complements each other. >> it has to. >> you can't put too much of everything. >> yeah, great. >> did you try this one? tell me what was the rundown. >> i thought it was the perfect slice of pizza. >> wow. >> thank you. >> proportioned really well. i love the cheese, sauce. the sausage ties it all in for me. good job. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> all right. lara, we've got one more.
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>> sounds like the competition is stiff. i guess i'll go over here. i want to see what's going on here. we've got our last but not least kevin jackson and chef george from johns of bleeker street in new york. kevin, tell us about your pie. you went with a classic. >> we're in new york, right? there's nothing better than a fresh new york style thin crust pizza right out of the oven. that's what we're going with today. >> i love it. it's got all the classics. you use fresh ingredients. what makes john's the best? >> what makes john's the best? we have a 95-year-old brick oven. heat gets up to 850 degrees. you get the perfect melt, the perfect charging. you're gonna see george putting down the cheese first. we're gonna putsauce on top. that will give the cheese a little layer of protection against the heat. it comes out just right. >> all right. >> susan, give us a hot take. then we're gonna ask gio. >> i'm loving all of them. i'm a thin crust girl. there's nothing like a new york pizza. they should have a sausage business on the side.
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>> right? >> all right. >> we are very, very picky here. >> i was having dinner with you last night. you are a super picky eater. [ laughter ] >> gio, you also -- >> overall, i think these are absolutely delicious. the ingredients are unbelievable. preparation is incredible. i love them all. >> okay. i think, sam, time to declare a winner in best pizza. >> what we need to do is get everybody to vote. you've all weighed in. paddles up and ready. can we get a drum roll? at home you can do this, give us some extra sound. everybody ready? let's get started. anne, which pizza was your favorite? >> i mean all delicious, all great ways, all different directions. but for me, i'm a fan of the sausage party! [ applause ] zuppardi. >> susan?
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>> even though i like thin the best, i can't. that sausage was amazing. [ applause ] >> okay. let's go. >> every pizza was great but i'm going with john's on bleeker. [ applause ] >> gio? gio? you are going to break the tie. >> i don't want you to feel the pressure, but you're under pressure. >> i feel the pressure. here we go. brooklyn square! >> congratulations. >> not only do you get this beautiful trophy, make it a family thing. not only do you get the beautiful trophy -- >> come on over. >> gio, grab that for us. we've got $10,000 worth of dough. [ applause ] >> you just won $10,000 from our friends at the paper and packaging board. a lot of people saying open up, open up.
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open this up! >> but there's more! >> lot of people think pizza boxes can't be recycled. that is changing. check your local recycling guidelines. it's really important. keep them out of landfills. enjoy your pizza trophy. we will enjoy the fruits of your labor. thank you to our judges. thank you. if you want to make your own pizzas at home shop on good morning we've got it all for you. >> lori bergamotto is here with the right stuff for valentine's day coming up. if you want to make pizza at home, we've got everything ready for you. lori, you ready? a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature.
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i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> we are back with the right stuff. with valentine's day spending expected to reach $14 billion this year, lori bergamotto is here with gift ideas for everyone. some of these have great discounts. always great to see you, lori b. >> so great to see you. >> i was so excited to see this. we are exclusively revealing for the first time the new stanley cup. >> yes, rebecca jarvis. making its television debut, the stanley fuscia quencher. you can only get it on rei just this morning. really, just this morning. that extra tumbler that 2024 loves. that viral tumbler that keeps going strong. keeps warm drinks warm, cold drinks cold.
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it's the perfect gift for anybody whose love language is wellness. right? we love that. under $50. you can get it for the first time ever on rei. >> incredible. flowers always a good idea. >> exactly. flowers we love. right? these are all from 1-800 flowers. the reason we picked them as the right stuff flower pick is because we love their floral network. they have over 5,000 local florists that they work with so you can either click on a bouquet that you see that's already prearranged or you can do their one of a kind bouquet. you can really customize the person you're giving to, whether your mom, sister, galentine. if they love tulips or carnations. whatever it is. you can get them at 1-800-flowers. these are a great deal. >> they smell beautiful. i also love that you're supporting local florists. >> local. exactly. >> okay. jewelry.
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always a good idea as well. >> this is from kendra scott universally appealing to everyone. we had a bunch of people say, oh, my tween wants this. then somebody said, i bought this for my mother-in-law. it is all things to all people. these start around $50. all part of their heart collection. if you have a little bit more time, you can customize the stone you get. you won't get it in time for february 14th. but think about birthdays. think about all of the gifts you can buy. kendra scott is the gift that keeps on giving. you'll want it all year long. >> jammis. i love jammies all year long. >> this is perfect if you have kids or even if you don't. hanna anderson, are all known for their adorable design. i think we have some pictures of some gma staffers. they are great quality. you can hand them down. we see noah and leo. we have a picture of mia. really affordable. they are great. there's mia. so cute. this is cool. gift for experiences are ratcheting up.
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we are seeing a lot of people who want those. this is from the scavenger box. you can customize this and do it with clues. you get a little card. it's locked in that treasure box. they have to do all these different puzzles that you customize to get them to open it up. >> just don't forget the code. >> it's really fun. it's an experience. people love that. speaking of experiences, if food is your love language, like it is mine, it's all about gold belly. gold belly is the number one food market place. any restaurant, any chef, any bakery that's worth note, you can get it shipped anywhere in the country. we have this pizza. not a margarita. we've got cookies from the flower bakery. and a martha stewart cake, you guys. happy valentine's day. >> i have already taken my kids a cookie. i have claimed it. lori b -- >> there you go. >> happy valentine's day, ladies. we love that the watch is talking. we love you, lori b.
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we have an exclusive digital discount available on our website. ginger, cheers. over to you. >> i love it. i love an edible let's go back to vegas. stephen a. smith joins us live from vegas. there's so much in this show. >> hi there, steph. ith.
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two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga.
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like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> we're back with stephen a. smith. he's joining us from las vegas. okay. you are the expert. let's start with the big game. who's going to win? who's the mvp? >> good morning, good morning. well, patrick mahomes is how i
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feel about it. when you look at the kansas city chief, nobody is more elite than patrick mahomes. he is the best in the game considered the greatest ever. six straight afc titles, six straight afc title appearances, two super bowl champion, three super bowl appearance, two super bowl mvp awards. he's the real deal. we're going with patrick mahomes. >> i guess that means you think the chiefs will win it? >> absolutely. i think the 49ers are formidable offensively. they can make a lot of noise. but defensively i see a lot of holes. if anybody is capable of taking advantage of it, it's the kansas city chiefs. san francisco is even coming into this game as the favorite because they're that talented. patrick mahomes has a way of neutralizing the competition in ways others simply cannot. i gotta see him lose to believe it. >> all right. i love it. >> you are our sports expert and mine personally for 20 years. stephen a., it's sam. let me just ask you this. we had the burn cake. that said 49ers. that doesn't seem to be working 'cause you're not going 49ers. what about everything taylor swift? how do you sports guys feel about that part of the conversation? >> well, i don't know what's
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wrong with most sports people who have been complaining about it. evidently, they did not go on the eras tour, 'cause i did. i saw this girl perform in concert. i saw little girls of all races, i mean, crying and screaming, knowing every lyric of every song. taylor swift is absolutely fantastic. the nfl has made additional money because of her presence. the kansas city chiefs have made additional money for her appearances. and i'm quite sure she and travis kelce have both profited from all of this. we're not losing. when you see people complaining about this, it points to a bigger problem in america. jealousy! envy! they wish they were them! >> just love the love. stephen a., i love that attitude. hey, lot of people are talking about you, too, my friend, your podcast, the stephen a. smith show. it has some new digs. sounds like a tv studio, to be honest with ya. >> it is. [ laughter ] it is. it is. it's something i built out of my
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own pocket. something that's very important to me. it's not just a podcast, it's a show. whether suitable for linear television, i consider it hybrid. it could be a late night show. could be an afternoon show. could be a news show. could be a sports show. i believe i have that kind of flexibility and versatility. obviously working for walt disney and having a lot of people interested in me and what i bring to the table, i wanted to show my versatility in that regard and that i had some taste. so i wanted to build a nice studio that represented that. that's what i did. >> i can't wait to see it. so, is this the super bowl everyone is talking about with all the hype that busts all the records? do we really just slam them all here? you got vegas, you got all the attention. is that it? >> well, i think when you look at, again, the taylor swift and travis kelce thing, that's one thing. but these are two great teams. when you look at the chiefs in the past you saw patrick mahomes in an elite offense. that hasn't been the case this year. they led the league in dropped
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passes. but patrick mahomes and travis kelce still found a way to work around it. their defense is young. their defense was the second ranked defense in the national football league this year. they're winning in a different way. san francisco, kyle shanahan, this is his third consecutive nfc title appearance, four nfc title appearances in the last five years. now he's in his third super bowl. first as an offensive coordinator in atlanta against new england and obviously the last two times against kansas city. now he's back at it again. i love what i'm seeing. it's a great matchup. i think it's going to be an epic game, no question. >> you're always a great guest. stephen, thank you very much. have fun sunday. check out the stephen a. smith show wherever you get your podcasts and we'll be right back. . check out (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me.
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it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... cheers. - cheers. we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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catherine's winning equal pay for more women. now catherine is fighting for opportunities for working families to buy their first home. catherine isn't endorsed by nurses, teachers, equality california and california environmental voters. >> it's halftime. time to hit the bathroom. >> shower. it works. got two more upstairs. and the bedrooms
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>> i don't know what goes on in there. >> and the living room is the hangout house. >> that's why i'm moving. >> and get an offer on your house. selling your home to open door is so easy. you can do it during halftime. sign up for a halftime showing at open door. com >> gma monday. the one and only dionne warwick together with damon elliott and unforgettable live gma performance. only on good morning america's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> and vernon, are you ready? that's it. this is your moment, sam. what do you want to say to america? well, it looks like the chiefs and the spurs fired up for the weekend. >> monday and tuesday, an explosive two on one. >> she is the problem. you're a trouble maker. i owned up to the things i said. she is not somebody you would want your wife to be. i cannot give you this, rose
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>> save thousands on your next family adventure in the all new integra odyssey se 22 cf only at rec van. >> this ad is typically politicians. he's bad, i'm good, blah blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message >> great party carly, you must have blown your budget. no >> not exactly. >> you have great wine. name? brand snacks. tons of meat. and where did you get this imported cheese? hello grocery outlet, bargain market.
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8:59 am
>> rugged, agile. versatile. whether you're going off to work or off the grid, rec van has a sprinter van for every lifestyle at the best prices. you are incredible selection today at rec van, your adventure van headquarter. always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning i'm amanda delcastillo for abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. hello gloria. >> good morning amanda. good morning to everyone at home. we are all getting ready for the super bowl. of course the 40 niners. and we know a lot of you will be out celebrating this weekend. and so they are going to be closing down a few of the streets on sunday here in san francisco. so northbound 101 at mission street, northbound southbound 101 at cesar chavez street, northbound 280 at san jose avenue, and northbound southbound 280 at geneva avenue. >> hey, gloria, look at temperatures right now. we're getting into the 40s. we had a frosty start this morning with a
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lot of us in the 30s. partly cloudy skies this morning as we head throughout the afternoon, we'll keep those partly cloudy conditions. we'll get you into the mid 50s, even warmer weather here tomorrow. expect a lot of sunshine, dry weather over the weekend. amanda. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. be sure to have a great day be sure to have a great day it's live with kelly and mark today, from the series feud: capote vs. the swans, diane lane. plus, exclusively for our amazing viewers, bargains to pamper yourself. also, for your upcoming super sunday, big game party food. all next on live. ["padam padam" by kylie minogue] ♪ i hear it and i know ♪ ♪ padam, padam ♪ ♪ i know you wanna take me home ♪ and now here are kelly ripa and mark consuelos.


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