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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  February 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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ts. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. i, and so are the rates for ads shown during the big game. why the advertising stakes are higher than ever and enter the year of the dragon lunar new year is tomorrow, and while the bay area gears up for celebrations, you can whip up some lucky new year foods. local celebrity chef kathy fang will show us how. but first, the white house is playing damage control after a special counsel report cleared president biden of criminal wrongdoing. but contributed to the narrative of him being too old for the job.
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you're watching, getting answers. i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. white house officials are now discrediting the report with vice president kamala harris calling it a political attack that's, quote, inappropriate and troubling. this follows mr. biden's own uneven defense of himself last night at a last minute news conference, mr. president, mr. president for months when you were asked about your age you would respond with the words watch me. >> many american people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> they express concerns about your mental acuity. they say that you are too old. mr. president, in december you told me that you believe there are many other democrats who could defeat donald trump. so why does it have to be you now? what is your answer to the most qualified person in this country to be president of the united states and finish the job? >> i started? >> well, republicans are already planning to use all of this as
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fodder in this year's presidential election. i spoke to abc news chief washington correspondent and co-anchor of this week with george stephanopoulos, jonathan karl, this afternoon about the impact of renewed questions about biden's mental clarity. jonathan, the special counsel found no criminal charges against president biden are warranted in the classified documents investigation that should be a win for the white house. so why is it playing serious damage control today? >> well, look, this was in many ways a. and even devastating report for president biden because although it did say that a jury would be unlikely to convict him of any crimes related to his handling of classified documents, and therefore there was no recommendation of charges, it went chapter and verse, being very critical of how he actually handled his. classified documents. but more devastating was what the special counsel had to say about president biden's state of mind. one reason, one central reason, that special counsel said for not uh-
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pursuing charges was that a jury would likely to find that he was an elderly man with a faulty memory and therefore a sympathetic figure. that may be true for a jury, but that's not the image that president biden wants to project going into an election. so very much uh- something that the white house did not want out there, particularly the details, saying that when the president biden sat down for five hours of interviews over two days with the special counsel that he his memory was so spotty at times, he didn't know precise when he his time as vice president. it started when it ended, or even when his son beau had died. pushback from the white house, but very devastating portrayal, right? >> especially because age and memory, those are kind of biden's achilles heels, right? at least according to what voters have been saying in polls . but also, president biden did not help himself as well. in his own news conference afterwards. right. >> it was it was an evening news conference. it was a bit
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chaotic. he seemed confused at times. he was very angry in how he pushed back uh. but this was a press conference, in part designed to push back on the idea that he had a faulty memory. and at the end of the press conference, none of which went particularly well at the end of the press conference, he missed, he mistakenly referred to mexico as opening the border to gaza. the president of mexico confusing mexico with egypt again, not the message that president biden or the white house wanted to send out. right. >> is it normal for a special counsel to go beyond saying charges or no charges? and then the basic explanation to kind of include word like these, which biden defenders are calling gratuitous or political? >> well, they may have a point and the words may be gratuitous. i don't know about being political uh- usually when a prosecutor makes a decision not to prosecute, that's it. they'll put out a single sentence. we've
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decided not to prosecute, but a special counsel is required to issue a report to the attorney general. it's up to the attorney general whether or not to make that report public. obviously, in this case, there was tremendous political pressure to make it public. uh. but i think there'll be a lot of second guessing and a lot of criticism already. you're hearing it for the way her wrote this, but it's out. he did it. it's out. and you had and you saw biden's response. none of this helps the white house and this special counsel robert her what is his background. well he was originally appointed by a president trump to the to the justice department. but he was made special counsel by merrick garland, by president biden's. um, you know, uh, justice department. so he is somebody who you know, is originally in his job as a doj official because of president trump, but he's in the current job because
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of the biden administration. >> what's really bewildering in a way, is the fact that this seems to be overshadowing trump s own classified documents at mar a lago investigation, which is actually going to trial with, you know, criminal charges. >> yeah. and look, uh, this is a troubling report that some of the details, not just the memory, but also details about the way biden handled his documents, are not pretty, but the situation is dramatically different from what happened with president trump, former president trump, he took those documents from the white house, many more documents that we see described by president biden. and then he and then he was asked to turn them over. he only turned over some of them. he instructed, uh, people, uh, who who worked for him, allegedly instructed them to lie and to try to hide the documents. he tried, allegedly to get rid of surveillance camera footage of the area where the documents were stored. a very different set of circumstance cases. that's why you see trump charged with the crime. biden having a
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critical report but not being charged with a crime, and also the other big political story yesterday kind of moved to the background as well, because of the biden report. >> but the supreme court heard oral arguments in the case of colorado taking trump off its presidential primary ballot using insurrection, i think. but you tell me as the legal argument. but i'm wondering, how did it all go? >> well, i listened to all the arguments. fascinating to listen to the to the way the justices questioned colorado officials and questioned the trump side. it seemed clear that the supreme court is deeply skeptical. the liberal justices and the conservative justices deeply skeptical of the idea that a state like colorado can decide to remove a candidate from the ballot because they decide, uh, that he is ineligible under the 14th amendment. it seems like trump will be on the ballot in colorado and other states who have have tried to go in this direction will not be able to do this, and it may well be a
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unanimous decision or very close . keep in mind, though, there will be another case that the supreme court will have to decide whether or not to take up , and that's on donald trump's claim that he has absolute immunity from any crimes that may have been committed while he was president of the united states. uh, and the supreme court may have a very different view on that case. uh, trump likes the supreme court after hearing yesterday's arguments. we'll see what happens when the next case gets before. >> right? right they are separate. and of course, the clock is ticking, you know, with super tuesday coming up and the general election in november. um, but i want to ask you, i hate to end with this because trump himself is only three years younger, but i want to go back to the age issue and the fact that it's front and center again are people taking a closer look at vice president kamala harris? i saw an interesting post on x yesterday that potus put out, really elevating her and praising her for her response to the special counsel report. um, there's some talk
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about that. yeah >> well, first of all, there's no question that the biden campaign, the biden white house has, uh, in recent weeks been trying to give her more high profile role. you saw her take a lead in, in responding to the special counsel just today. uh, uh, you know, there's no question there's a lot of private discussions among prominent democrats, very concerned about the age issue with with president biden and a more concerned after yesterday than they were before. um, and that raises us questions about about harris and what would happen if she had to step in either as a candidate or, or as a, uh, taking over as president? uh, i think you're going to see a lot more of a bright spotlight on kamala harris in the coming weeks and months, and no doubt and i guess we'll end here because israel, hamas, the war has been a liability for president biden as well. >> the longer it goes on. and israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu is going to be on your show on this week with you and george stephanopoulos this sunday. can you give us a preview? yeah this is a big interview. >> uh, prime minister netanyahu has not done an interview with an american outlet news outlet since november of last year. big questions for him about what's going on in gaza and also about the very pointed criticism from president biden last night describing the israeli actions in gaza as over the top. so i think this is a very consequential and important interview. and again, the first interview that president that prime minister netanyahu has done, uh, in almost three months, all right. >> this week, jonathan karl, thank you so much for joining us today. thank you. it is a huge year for super bowl ads with 32nd spots costing a record $7 million. we're talking with a public relations professor from san jose state about why advertisers are going big, especially this year. we'll be
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mayo, hellmann's. >> you can talk. and then she says, and boom, hellmann's saves the leftovers. >> all right. the super bowl xl was a huge day for advertising. eager to grab american eyeballs. and this year is proving to be a record breaking year with 32nd spots costing $7 billion. joining us live to talk about how current trends and culture are impacting the share of super bowl ads. the associate professor of public relations at san jose state university, matt cabot. how's it going? thanks for joining us. >> thank you kristen. good to be here. >> yeah. so let's explore this
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question. why are prices at a record high. does it have to do with a certain pop superstar. >> well, you know there's no opportunity out there that's bigger than the super bowl in terms of reaching people. certainly the taylor swift factor is huge. in fact, it's bringing advertisers in who have not advertised before the whole health and beauty sector is coming back x, y, um, uh, nicks makeup is going to advertise for the first time. dub is coming back since 2015. elf cosmetics is going to be advertising again. it's a big deal in general, but having taylor swift there is next level. >> ah, so maybe fewer products for bros like the crypto ads from a few years ago and more. more ads for, you know, things that appeal to women and girls. >> well, i mean, they're still going to have your beer commercial. in fact, budweiser is back with the clydesdales and the dog delivering beer to a bar that's run out of beer. another
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coors one. also same theme a party runs out of beer. coors delivers that. so with more than 50 advertisers, there's still a lot there for the for the bros to. >> okay, okay. but you're right. i mean, you know, the ratings i think for the football games, nfl games have gone up right. so that justifies i guess some of the rates set. but you always still wonder 7 million 30s will advertisers get their bang for their buck? will they this year? >> well, you know, it's you have to make that calculation. if you're a big national brand, you need and you're looking for a broad audience, there's no better event. but this year, actually, advertisers will be adding more things into the advertisements, like qr codes to track, engage. but no one wants to spend money and not deliver an roi. they are right, and technology just might help them better track that and decide if they want to plunk down that money. >> right. um, look, do you think big stars being in the ads help
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make them more memorable and successful? >> yeah, celebrity endorsements have come up and more and more over the years. this year, two thirds of the ads will feature celebrities. the uber eats commercials alone has like a half a dozen celebrities that will be in that uh. what stars can do, celebrities can do is they can amplify a commercial using social media. and that's why these big brands tap into the celebrities that they that we all know and love. >> i was just going to say, has social media changed super bowl ad campaigns? >> yeah. it's huge. i mean, because i think think about before the, the, the, the idea was these were all surprises. like we all waited for those times during the super bowl where the ads would come on because no one knew what they were going to be. now, the ads have been out for, you know, a couple of weeks. there's already been a pre-game buzz to them. there's always already some amplification that's happened because of social media. and that will continue after the games. uh, after the game has has aired. those ads are right.
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>> so it's not the same as before where you're just sitting there waiting. now it's kind of like keep hitting them right. release it early, get the buzz going, and then um, so i wonder, are there risks though for advertisers? could grabbing attention on super bowl sunday backfire ever? >> it only backs backfires if you don't read the room. i mean, a classic one was 2015 nationwide insurance did this really morbid commercial. all of a little boy talking about what he would have done in life if he had not died in a car accident. it was terrible. i mean, people were in a room there partying. they're having fun ads that that do not fit into that genre, do not work very well. >> right. and speaking of like having fun, people are eating, people are drinking, people are talking. i'm just always wondering how much attention are they actually paying, you know, because if i'm dropping 7 million, i want people actually watching, you know, what they wouldn't do it unless it actually there was a return on these things.
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>> you're right. i mean, but what? and the super bowl parties that i've been to, people tend to stick around for them, even if they're like going back to the food buffet to get something. they've got one ear listening for to the tv, especially. people say, oh, i heard about this one. you got to come see this ad now. >> yeah. and you know what? even if they didn't pay attention that day, afterwards, when they see that kate mckinnon or beckham commercial again on social, it keeps paying off. i guess. >> keeps paying off. that's right. there's a, there's a, a long run with these now because of social media. >> all right. matt cabot san jose state university public relations professor, thanks so much. >> thank you kristen. have a good day. you too luke, for new year, celebrations are underway in the bay area and it wouldn't be a celebration without some lucky food items. >> we'll be right back with celebrity chef kathy fang with her top picks for not only a delicious lunar new year party, but guess what? it also works for you are living in the moment and taking ibrance.
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ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban
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or new year, which is tomorrow. so kicking off the year of the dragon. but you always have to have duck. that duck is popular in all week long people have been getting ready throughout the bay area, and it's customary to ring in the lunar new year with some lucky food that i'll usher in good fortune for you and your family in this new year. someone who knows all about that is the chef and owner of the celebrated restaurant fang. kathy fang kathy is a second generation restaurateur in san francisco, and the star of the food network reality series house of fang and kathy fang joins us live now from her restaurant, fang, to share some favorite new year dishes with us. hi kathy, happy new year. >> happy new year. >> i see you got your lucky read on. you always look fantastic. and what do you have there? is that a massive bamboo basket with all sorts of goodies in there? >> yes. i don't want to tilt it too much. we'll have someone help me so you can get a little
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close up on it, but. but this right here is something i'm super excited about. as you know, for lunar new year, there's so many different goodies that you have to have to bring in a beautiful and lucky, fortuitous new year. we have so many different traditions, and now i'm actually combining it with an east meets west kind of idea. and as we know, the 40 niners are going to be playing this sunday for the super bowl. so we need to. >> you're wearing red right? it's for the niners. it's for lunar new year. so you're yes east meets west charcuterie boards got to represent as well. >> yes. and it is so easy for you to put together i'm going to show you how to actually make this and talk about all these symbolic items here. okay >> so we have to lose the graphics. otherwise we can't see all the awesome items in there. so so um, there. oh, that's great. perfect. okay >> perfect. maybe a little higher. so right now the basic of the charcuterie board is find
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your favorite cheeses. >> that's easy. everybody knows how to do that. so i have some hard cheese, some soft cheese. and then we like to go with the fruits. something sweet. you've got some grapes. and then the tanja greens, the tangerines, the mandarin oranges or oranges are a very lucky, fortuitous. and it means it's going to bring you wealth and prosperity. okay. so make sure you have beautiful whole tangerines in there. you can also add candied oranges to bring some sweetness into your life. and the color orange is also very lucky. the next i want to share with you that you can add are these beautiful little chocolates. it's actually covered in this gold foil. and this is what old money used to look like. this is gold okay, not real gold, but this is what gold used to look like. and this means you're going to make lots of money. you're going to get rich. >> yep. and that is the same reason why in our family. and i think i'm sure in yours too, we
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make dumplings because they're in that shape. right. of the gold nuggets. so the more you eat the wealth you're going to be, i love that you brought that up because i just brought over a very cute little dumpling into this grazing board. >> and this is what we called cook die. okay. this is a fried dumpling, also shaped like a dumpling, except it's crispy and it has peanuts, coconut and sugar. so you bite into it. it's like sweet, sweet, delicious and crunchy. so this is a really fun twist on having a dumpling on a grazing board. and it works. beautiful right? salty a little sweet. have some cheese with your goat, die and then then i have. >> if you're having a super bowl party, kathy, it's much easier to grab a goat tie and less messy than if you were grabbing an actual dumpling or dangerous. >> you just pop these in. oh, that's good. grab a piece of cheese. yeah, some air. it's perfect. um, here's another really fun one that you're going
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to see in the chinatown markets during lunar new year. they're always packaged. but this right here is a lotus root, okay. the whole lotus root sliced up. they're going to dry it. and basically preserve it with sugar. candied lotus root is something that you must have on this board. something sweet candied with cheese. a beautiful pairing. and let me tell you why you want to have lotus root okay. so when you think about a lotus, it's growing under water underneath the lily, beneath it, there's a lot of roots. the roots are very skinny. and all of that basically in chinese culture represents love. long, full generations for families. that's what we want. the elders always want us to have lots of kids. so if anybody wants to have babies this upcoming year, be sure to add lots of the lotus root onto. okay, so you really want to have babies like in the near future? yeah, if you want.
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yeah. >> yep yep yep. and next topic to explore in your next reality series. but how about lucky drinks? i mean people are going to drink at the super bowl parties, right? the lunar new year parties. >> i'm so glad you said that, because i am going to be one of those people who will definitely be needing a drink because those games are so intense, so what i have here is a cup of ice and i am going to be adding some oolong tea to this. okay little fresh pop of caffeine. and then we're going to add some vodka. ooh ah yeah. we like punch right. and then i'm going to add jujube date honey okay. actually has if you look at it jujube in it. and what is jujube exactly. jujube is a chinese red date okay. the skin is red. it's dried. it's not the typical date that you would think of, but it reminds me of. is it kind of
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like a cross between a date and an aroma of, like, apple? so it's not as sweet. and when it's made into this honey, it's super delicious. it's light. it's not super heavy. and this makes me think of, like a sweet tea. sweet tea made with oolong and some vodka to give it a good stir. >> voila. oh my gosh, i wish i could take a sip of that. um, you know what? for the super bowl for lunar new year, it's perfect. and kathy, i got to say, people know that you throw the best parties or as restaurant is popular for private events, corporate events , and even apex. so um, this is you're like the hostess with the mostess. so. so thank you for coming on and sharing those ideas with us. >> you know, thank you for having me. this is very special for me to be able to do it right on new year's eve today. this is the eve. yay! >> happy l
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two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. millions feeling an earthquake in california just minutes after an earlier quake in hawaii. a deadly plane crash on a busy highway during rush hour. and president biden unleashing his f fury over the special counsel's scathing report. back-to-backerred quakes in california and hawaii. millions feeling an earthquake centered in malibu. the quake felt throughout the los angeles area. minutes earlier, a 5.7 quake hit just off the big island followed by several aftershocks. matt gutman


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