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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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problems and keep people safe. >> we coming for you, kansas city. >> it's all about the niners and san francisco city officials want you to celebrate safely. let's go. nine ers. >> let's go. niners i just got a question for everybody behind me who's going to win this weekend. >> niners. >> that's right. let's focus our energy and excitement on the team and the game and the fun. and let's do so safely. let's go . >> niners wearing red and gold. mayor breed hyped the crowd at the city's east cut, where 1540 niner faithfuls are set to meet for a watch party on sunday. law enforcement is gearing up to be deployed across the city. >> we are all here for you. please don't do dumb stuff. >> a message that was reassuring for this 40 niner faithful who remembers vividly the last super bowl win. the last one that was 30 years ago. >> i was maybe 20, 21 years old.
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so i want to see another super bowl san francisco's department of emergency management is increasing staffing to be ready for a surge in emergency calls. >> a super bowl night. it's going to be busier. 911 is for life safety. one of those 911 dispatchers is kathy osorio. >> after 19 years in the emergency department, she unintentionally had this weekend off and you guessed it, she is headed to vegas. definitely plan to come back for the parade. >> i will be here for the un. >> speaking about the parade, we chatted with two san francisco 40 niners greats that know exactly what it feels like to win a super bowl. >> so this is super bowl 24. he's got super bowl 23 on and they're back to back rings. we're probably one of the what 1 or 2 teams that have gone back to back world champions. >> former 40 niner quarterback and super bowl champion john paye had some advice for the current team. >> just have fun, smile out there, live in the moment and you will end up winning in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news.
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>> and luis mentioned the watch party at the crossing at east cut. but there's another one at thrive city outside chase center. this is the first time it's hosting a 40 niners watch party. doors open at 2 p.m, well before the super bowl kickoff at 330. the event is free if you are heading to san francisco. here's a heads up. caltrans is closing some off ramps into the city. here's a map of what's impacted the mission street debow street off ramp from northbound 101 cesar chaz from both north and southbound 101 san jose avenue from northbound to 80, plus geneva avenue on both the north bound and southbound sides. these off ramp closures start at 7 p.m. sunday and will last all all night. all right. we are going out to vegas for sports director larry biel. yeah, he is in vegas once again tonight. >> larry, i know it's getting more exciting by the hour at this point. >> absolutely, absolutely. we're at the nfl experience where it's, uh, it's a little nuts. just like a few feet away from me. the reigning miss america,
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who has a military background, was doing pull ups and perhaps more than i can do. so i'll let your imagination run wild with that. meanwhile if you talk to players and coaches from both teams, they are so thrilled that they had two weeks between the nfc and afc championship games and the super bowl. because week one is filled not only with game planning, but ticket requests. oh, by the way, really cool time lapse of the field going in for the game at allegiant stadium. this is what they do in domed stadiums nowadays. you have a natural grass surface that they grow outside and then they slide it inside for the game. as you know, tickets are really expensive. we're talking thousands of dollars. the hardest part for players and coaches is telling your loved ones. some of them will not be coming to the super bowl. >> you don't realize how many family members you have, so you have to count up super bowl
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tickets, and then you never realize that you had as many people like you until. until that monday when you have 500 texts saying they've never been to a super bowl. and can you hook them up and then you realize that you there's only so many people in that stadium and how hard it is. so like, that's the most stressful thing to me is watching players go through that who have no idea. and you have to say no to your uncle, who was always with you. well, they don't know how much that costs and they don't know how much it gets. and i think that's the biggest thing to have. just a few days to set all that stuff aside. >> you know, some people have actually asked to interview my grandma and her majority answer has actually been she was like, i don't want people around the house because then i have to wear a mask because she's 101, which makes sense, guys. and, um, she's like, i just want to watch the game and not focus on anything else. and i was like, grandma, you rock. so thank you. she's she's just chilling. grandma rocks and so does george kittle. >> but can you imagine telling poor uncle charlie, i'm sorry, unc, you can't go to the super
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bowl. and it's been a while for 40 niners fans 29 years. years since they last won the lombardi trophy. but you know what, uncle charlie? you can go to the parade if the niners win. just as good. how's that? yeah, not quite the same, but you know i can't imagine how many people text all these folks. >> i'm sorry larry tex at all these folks hold tickets. >> hey, i am getting i'm getting texts from people asking me for tickets as they think that i have some power. are you? >> one of those texts was from me, but that's. thanks, larry. >> uh, we'll have more coming up in sports. uh, including some real fun here at the nfl experience that's later on. >> awesome stuff. thanks >> in the north bay preparations are underway for a unique super bowl. watch party. one for teens and young adults looking for a safe space to enjoy the game free of drugs and alcohol. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard introduces you to the
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hosts. >> so over here, we're going to have a hot dogs stand. we will have a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine. >> sadly, newson is getting ready for the super bowl at karma club, a free after school space for teens. she opened last summer. located inside the northgate mall in terra linda. >> you know, it's a place where uh- it gives them really like a sense of community, a sense of belonging, often a sense of purpose. >> karma club is hosting a watch party sunday, giving young people like stephanie medina a fun, safe space to see the game. >> during the big game, there's going to be like a lot of emotions and i know, like, you know, some bad emotions, some good emotions. so i feel like here you can have like a calm place where you can watch it away from drugs and alcohol. >> marin bay substance abuse prevention nonprofit alcohol justice is co-hosting the event. >> we said this would be a great place to have a safe place for teens to be able to watch sports , whether alcohol is an issue in
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their house or not. but, you know, perhaps there's parties and they have no other option other than to be around a drinking party. beer, beer, thompson says videos like this were created by teens to challenge the message of some super bowl beer ads. we're concerned about the alcohol industry targeting youth show teens that they can have a blast. >> they can have a lot of fun. they can be with their peers with the without the presence of alcohol and drugs. >> i think it's pretty cool because they're going to have like pizza. they're going to have like all those things, photo booths. >> stephanie is ready to cheer on the niners hanging in a safe space with her friends in san rafael. cornell bernard abc seven news. >> and we've compiled all of our stories on the 40 niners run to the super bowl in a new streaming special, the road to las vegas. you can stream it on demand right now on our website or the abc seven bay area app. >> the super bowl isn't the only big celebration in the bay area this weekend. tomorrow is the start of lunar new year, the
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year of the dragon. abc seven news reporter anser hassan shows you the preparations underway in oakland. reporter the long lines in oakland's chinatown are of people buying food for new year's eve dinner. >> barbecue pork, roasted duck and chicken are part of the traditional ancestral offerings. >> whatever we taste good, we feel like, oh, it's going to be a good offering for the ancestors. and in that way they offer us wellness and health for the next year to nguyen is among the tens of thousands of asian americans who will celebrate the year of the dragon, which begins saturday, may. >> the dragon is the only mythical creature among the 12 chinese zodiac signs. the year of the dragon is believed to represent courage, bravery and passion. it also symbolizes strong leadership and this dragon, just like they have the energy, you know, just like a dance, like the energy. carol yao posted blessings on her storefront to offer her customers and the community. she says oakland's chinatown was hit hard during covid, followed by a
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crime wave. but she says the busy streets are a sign that the year of the dragon will usher in change. >> oakland chinatown to see now we are already more clean, more safe. and just like every store, you know, they just like a try, you know, to prosperity. >> li gong xi fa cai store. >> chen is president of oakland's chinatown improvement council. he says as tradition goes, saturday will be a day of rest, a sunday, a day of worship. he's looking forward to the following sunday for the second annual oakland chinatown parade, which is expected to attract thousands if you walk around chinatown today and actually yesterday. >> two there are a lot more shoppers out of town. shoppers are coming back their shopping here, their dining. they're seeing their doctors and their dentists. it gives us hope. >> in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> still to come only on abc seven news tonight. the battle to bring home her owners know
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where she is, so why can't they get her back and spending $6 million on two city blocks is this what it takes to build a better bay area? >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. sunshine, to start off your weekend. but will it last for super bowl sunday and for lunar new year's festivities? i'll be back with the forecast when abc seven news at six two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice
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and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. when it comes to restoring foot traffic downtown to pre-pandemic levels. so the city is putting millions into a project called the powell street promenade refresh, which consists of transforming two city blocks at a cost of $6 million. will it be enough to build a better bay area and union square? abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is in the newsroom to explain why it may be a little late in the game for this, leanne. >> well, as they say, a better late than never, right? so you know, we're talking about the first couple of blocks leading to union square, which right now is in need of much attention on so many levels. now the reason they want to make these
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improvements is because everyone knows that first impressions matter. riding the powell-hyde cable car line is a way for tourists to go through the imaginary gates of the city, leading to union square. so yeah, esthetics matter. union square was once home to some of the region's most prized retail space. not so much these days. we saw so many for lease signs and boarded up businesses that we stopped counting. a few people here refer to it as the tumbleweed corridor. it's hard to imagine the impression all those empty storefronts are leaving on the estimated 28,000 tourists that visit the powell street corridor every day. >> i would probably either choose to move or choose to come into the office less, so that definitely has a critical sort of effect on the workers and residents alike. >> so here's the city's plan for phase one of the promenade refresh. remove the aluminum parklets, which, according to the city, have reached the end
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of their useful lifespan. instead and replace them with what they describe as a simple, clean and elegant new and wider sidewalk that will bring more attention to the cable car. david irregular here is not on board with the idea. >> a lot of the things that they're talking about, it just don't make no no sense to me at all. you know why it takes something out that's supposed to beautify the city? the city will invest $4 million to begin improving just those three blocks on powell. >> between market and geary. think of it as a down payment. because a lot more money will be needed to revitalize the entire area. >> ultimately, it's going to be a, you know, many more millions of dollars to do the kind of capital improvements that that area deserves. >> and another $2 million was approved in order to lure and help businesses move into those empty storefronts. on those three blocks. except that, as abc seven news found out already
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$500,000 of that money has gone to another business owner outside of the corridor. >> the mayor chose to spend a half $1 million on two facilities in union square for celebrity chef tyler florence. we were delighted that mr. florence chose union square. it was not a part of the deal. it was not a part of the board of supervisors intention and has really reduced that pot of money to where it's not really there's not enough of it left to do the job that we wanted to do. >> the mayor defended her decision to use the money outside of what was initially agreed. >> and it's not about what is enough. it's when we have it. it's available for us to do something amazing. we want to do it. and tyler florence and what he's been able to do has been extraordinary in terms of the revitalization of union square for this holiday season was magical, and we want to keep the magic going. i love the work. >> the saxophone. >> the end goal is for the new corridor to bring tourists and people living or working in san
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francisco to union square, but here's what we discovered. the local foot traffic seems to be staying clear of the area. >> i'm from france. >> where are you from? uh, i live in, uh, in bethesda, maryland, where tourists? >> definitely another virginia. woodbridge to specific from texas. >> maybe we do have to rely more on on these tourists or sort of out of towners or just folks who may be traditional weren't coming through our downtown previously as part of the overall project, cars on the initial two blocks of powell will continue to be restricted. >> according to the municipal transportation agency. that saves on the wear and tear of the cables because the cable cars were not designed to operate in stop and go traffic. >> i think it's really the perfect time to make these sort of low hanging fruit investments, um, to ride that wave and hopefully that leads to larger investments across the city. >> so when is this project expected to begin? well, right
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now, the city, i'm told, is still going through the design, the review and the public comment phase is stop me if you've heard this before, because as we know, that could take some time, but at the earliest it would start in late 2024. lyanne melendez abc seven news. >> all right, we'll follow the progress of that effort. yeah thanks, liane. >> all right. heading to the weather as we head into the weekend. >> that's right. and it's looking pretty good. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandy. yeah. >> dan and ama, take your plans outside if you don't have them already, because it's going to be a beautiful weekend for lunar new year festivities for the super bowl. let's take a look at a live picture right now from our east bay hills camera. you can see some of those high, thin, wispy clouds as we look across the bay, but they are harmless. here's a look at your 12 hour forecast. if you're stepping out at 7:00, a few clouds around 11 p.m. getting chilly and it's going to be a starry night. 7 a.m. you will need those jackets. we are expecting those temperatures to drop down to the 30s in our coldest locations. all right.
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let's talk super bowl at allegiant stadium in las vegas. just outside as fans are getting their at kickoff. it's going to be 55 degrees. so before kickoff in the low 50s, bright and sunny weather, fourth quarter looking at mainly clear and breezy conditions, temperature of about, upper 40s. super bowl sunday watch parties here in the bay area. you couldn't ask for better weather. there will be some sunshine and high clouds mixing in inland. 2:00 you're looking at 60 degrees later on in the evening, the temperature will drop off down to the mid 40s by 7 p.m, so you will need the jackets initially around the bay low 60s. so you need the shades. it's really going to be nice and then cooler later at night. coast side, mid 50s. if you're going going definitely take that jacket for later on at night. high pressure in command of our weather. and that's why the storm track clearly going well to our north. and that's where it's going to stay at least through the weekend and into early next week on live doppler seven. you're seeing a few clouds right now. your temperatures in the 40s and the 50s, it was a cold start this
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morning, and this afternoon was still on the cool side. here's a look at the headlines as we look at that view from the golden gate bridge tomorrow. sunny and milder day as we look at super bowl sunday, it's going to be dry for outdoor viewing and late next week our wet pattern returns, especially if you're a fan of the wet weather and we certainly need it in the winter time, as you know it will be back, but until then, coastal flood advisory until 1 p.m. tomorrow. these areas shaded in green will likely see some more low lying flooding, just like we have been experiencing the last several days due to the higher than normal predicted tidal levels. so keep that in mind. some of those park and rides already flooded. frost advisory is limited to the eastern santa. clara hills. 10 p.m. tonight until 9 a.m. tomorrow. temperatures down to the low 30s. and that means frost is expected. so bring in those sensitive plants or cover them. we're going to go hour by hour. 720 tonight 4050. those temperatures dropping later on tonight. and by morning, many of you waking up with some chilly
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conditions, 30s and 40s. but by the afternoon, quickly things warm up. sunshine will be out, your morning temperatures coming down to about 33. lakeport 36. santa rosa 42. in oakland, 40 in san jose and 35 degrees in livermore. here's a look at your high temperatures anywhere from the upper 50s to the low 60s. a nice day, san jose, 63 degrees. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. we'll bring you the morning chill and then plenty of sun on sunday, some fog and then high clouds and sunshine. it's dry through valentine's, but then thursday we do have a chance of showers and friday.evel one system ama and dan. >> all politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up.
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with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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shot and killed in downtown oakland just before thanksgiving in 2021. today alameda county district attorney pamela price
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announced new charges and new enhanced counts against all three suspects. >> all three men will face gang and gun enhancements for the first time since 2021. we have an obligation to get it right, and these charges are consistent with the actual evidence in the case. back in december, pamela price's office dropped special circumstances that would have made the defendants face life sentences. >> now, the three suspects charged mitchell, herschel hale and lauren gilbert. gilbert can be tried together on charges of murder, attempted robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, along with gang and gun enhancements. they could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted. court paperwork names gilbert as the actual shooter. he was arrested just last month in missouri after two years on the run. kevin nishida's widow was asked about the changes today. >> you're innocent until proven guilty. so just like we did before, everything was on the original had all the original, all these charges on there. and
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then as we got further into the case, it went lower and lower and lower. is she going to do that again now? >> the suspects are due in court on march 8th to enter pleas. >> a moderate earthquake hit southern california this afternoon and sent at least one dog scampering for safety. little guy. a los angeles woman shared this video of her dog freaking out seconds before the quake hit. they can sense it sometimes. the 4.6 quake hit near malibu. no significant damage reported and a 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit hawaii's big island today. people say they felt very strong shaking. the quake did not trigger a tsunami. >> coming up next, the i-team looks into why caltran has denied this driver's damage claim. after a chunk of the richmond-san rafael bridge shattered his windshield. i'm j.r. stone, we are live in las vegas where 40 niners fans are arriving from across the
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country. >> you'll meet some of those fans in my story
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a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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i'm sure they hope they can get to the other side safely. and we wish them well on their journey. now that turned out not to be the case for one driver falling concrete damaged his car and when caltrans denied his claim, he decided to do some digging. >> abc7 news i-team reporter melanie woodrow has the story. >> this ram truck may have been a real lifesaver this summer. marco villetti says a chunk of concrete nearly took him out while driving over the richmond-san rafael bridge, and it hit me right about here. >> it just scared the hell out of me, shattering violetta's windshield. if it did come through. i mean, it was like aim straight at my and my chest and it will probably kill me instantly. >> the impact showering him with shards of glass. >> i was lucky i was wearing my sunglasses and i didn't get any glass in my eye. otherwise i probably would have been blind.
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>> now villetti can't believe what he's seeing. more than five months after he filed a claim with caltrans for damages to his car, the agency wrote back, letting him know based on its own investigation, it determined it's not liable to me is total negligence from state of california. >> it's a state owned bridge and they should own up to it. >> abc7 news data journalist recently crunched the numbers and found caltrans was out owning up to most claims, approving less than 4% of claims filed between 2020 and mid 2023. the rejection letters are vague, so villetti called to find out why his claim was denied. caltrans left him this voicemail in response or debris type claims you have to have prior notice of debris falling like falling into your vehicle. >> essentially, it's like debris. debris claims are fairly difficult to prove because we need to have prior notice. essentially, you need to have prior notice of the condition and then address it timely in order for caltrans to be liable for damages, prompting villetti to call back and leave a voicemail of his own. >> if i get something coming
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down from a bridge, how can i get prioritized action? should i call ahead and say, hey, uh, 7:00 on a thursday night? uh, we're going to have a piece of concrete coming down from your bridge before or that. that is totally ridiculous. >> in turn, he received this one. >> unfortunately, we have already conducted the investigation. um, again, if you wish to dispute the claim itself , you're welcome to do so through small claims court, something villetti is considering. >> what do you say to that? >> i mean, if this is the way we are in the state of california and sorry to say, this state is doomed a week after the incident, villetti bought this recording hoping to catch caltrans on camera if it ever happens again. we pay taxes and we expect them to maintain the bridges. we expect them to maintain the roads, a caltrans spokesperson tells me. >> you can call up to find out why your claim was denied, but that option isn't explicitly stated on these rejection letters. you only have six months from the time of the incident to amend your claim
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with caltrans, but in the case of the person i interviewed, by the time caltrans rejected his claim, that deadline had already passed once denied by caltrans claimants have another six months to file in small claims court. melanie woodrow abc seven news. >> a new video shows the dramatic moments before a small plane crashed yesterday in half moon bay. the plane was stolen from a palo alto airport and flown 27 miles before it landed on poplar beach. the new video shows the citabria, a single engine plane, lose altitude as it coasted along the coastline. police say a 50 year old miami man stole the plane, but they've not indicated exactly how he got access to it. an aviation expert tells abc seven news. the man likely had experience as a pilot taking us off is probably more difficult than landing a citabria, and in fact, the takeoff for a citabria is considerably more difficult than most small airplanes, indicating had some experience. citabria
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planes don't require a key to start, so stealing it may not actually have been that hard to do. >> we are in the countdown to the super bowl. the 40 niners will play the kansas city chiefs this sunday in las vegas. lots of fans are heading to vegas for the super bowl. and check out this very special flight today. it includes 40 niners, staff, interns and family. the team is sending 800 people total to the super bowl. fun flight. yeah and many fans are heading to las vegas today. >> they are picking up more and more every day. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone found them arriving at the airport in vegas. j.r. they certainly are. dan. >> and earlier today, i saw a lot of chiefs fans. but let's be honest, the 40 niners fans tonight are now rolling in and rolling in. in big numbers. and for many of them, the party started on the plane. today the flight attendant getting into the 40 niners spirit. this delta flight from san francisco
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international airport, they were drinking and screaming the whole way. >> go niners cheer was decked out with niners fans. >> all niners gear. we're ready to go represent the bay all niner fans cheering even the stewardess were cheering with niners gear on. >> yeah it was awesome. >> just two days away from the super bowl, fans are filing into harry reid international airport in las vegas. faithful arriving in town from just about anywhere coming from long beach, new york. >> five hour flight from tampa, florida. >> we came from ontario, from san francisco. >> i got here today and i'm from san francisco. welcome to las vegas. >> woo! >> they came with fresh cuts. 210 year old ryan cole says pilot of the plane even led a cheer. >> everybody started chanting when, like the pilot like said go niners. >> but not all the flights have been like that. you got to take it back to the bay. >> it was 5050 on the flight. >> okay, so it was a little banter back and forth. >> we had niners and chiefs fans on the plane. cool and no fight or anything broke out. >> there were more kc fans. yes.
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no. right >> so you had to deal with chiefs chants. >> i had to deal with that. but it's okay. i can handle it. >> but some reminded us that the super bowl is not just about football, it is. it's about your 40 niners style. >> my sandy goldberg. oh wow. >> show us the nails real quick. there we go. yep there's just a little swish and a little slash showing that rock and roll and bang, bang purdy gang flair at the best vegas parties. i'm looking forward to the all the party parties drinking before and after. >> yeah, definitely. yeah. >> every time someone say bang bang, everybody says niners gang . >> and you are looking live at harry reid international airport . terminal three is a busy one this evening and it will be busy into the evening. it will be busy into the weekend and really all the way up until sunday as 40 niners and chiefs fans arrive here at the airport. and i've been talking with so many. and
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to each one i said, are you going to the actual game? will you be tailgating? are you hoping to go to the game? it's around 5050 from folks who will be tailgating and watching the game at parties, and those who are actually going to the super bowl. but the energy boy, you can just feel it as they come in, as they shout, as they cheer. good times to be had going forward this weekend, reporting live in las vegas j.r stone abc seven news. >> yeah, fun to just be there. thank you j.r. coming up next the battle for the cat once lost now found. >> why isn't she back home with her family though. it's a story you'll see only on abc seven are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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in the puppy bowl. yeah, this is the 20th anniversary. it started as a platform to promote pet adoption. two puppies from humane society silicon valley will be participating. frankie and niner. >> we actually flew back to new york with the two puppies. um a few months back, and they filmed it. we don't know the results. uh, so we will be watching on sunday like everybody else. they are so cute. >> the two teams are rough and fluff. they're competing for the lombardi trophy. oh my gosh. the puppy bowl starts at 11 a.m. on sunday on animal planet. and you know, many of us consider our pets family, not property. >> and one san francisco family's cat was lost, then found, but they haven't been able to get her back. >> abc seven news anchor dion lim went in search for answers in a story. you'll see only on abc seven news. my sister thought it was a really good idea to get her when she's still young, because then you could grow old with them and they,
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like, live a lot longer. >> high school student leanne lee may never get that wish to grow old with her cat. after the feline disappeared from her family's san francisco home in late october 2023. >> that made me, like, really sad. she was like a family member for me. >> so leanne and her mom posted, fliers, reported the cat missing to animal care and control and searched this excelsior park. >> we are looking at every single day. >> the fliers worked. leanne and her mom got a tip on blackie's whereabouts and were able to connect with a young woman who had. i was really happy that happiness was short lived, mom, jana says. the person was living with refused to give her back, even after offering a $2,000 reward and suggesting shared custody. >> we miss her so much. >> san francisco animal care and control confirmed they scanned the cat and it indeed was. but that's all they could do. all we can tell you is the chip matches. >> we have no idea if somebody and family one gave somebody and family two. >> the cat animals are
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considered personal property in california, animal law attorney bruce wagman says he gets a lot of pet custody cases. >> and even though leanne and jana are technically in the right, if i left my computer on the beach and you picked it up, it doesn't become your computer. >> but if you picked up my cat, it's still my cat. >> it's proof of ownership that makes things complicated. >> sometimes animals are given as gifts. if i said dionne, happy birthday. here's a cat. then the cat's yours. >> leanne and jana say they definitely did not give away. and my calls to the person is staying with were not returned. so for now, this family is considering legal action and are holding out hope. >> we want her to return the cat to us. >> i hope to somehow negotiate with her still and maybe get her back in san francisco. >> dion lim, abc seven news. that's a tough story, all right? >> it's looking like super nice weather for super bowl sunday. you can see the embarcadero center and salesforce tower lit up in niners red and gold in this live picture. you'll see
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sandy a seven day forecast next politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban
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congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... and sizes to relieve your pain. we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. and forecast. yeah.
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>> and ama and dan, it is so nice that we're going to keep it going for the start of lunar new year festivities here in san francisco tomorrow. it is the year of the dragon bright and cool. start 49 degrees. plenty of sun in the afternoon for all the festivities. upper 50s and later on at night, temperature will drop to 52 degrees. mainly clear and cool. at 9 p.m. let's check out live doppler seven. right now we do have some high clouds coming through here tomorrow afternoon after the morning chill. it is going to be a nice mild day. milder than today. upper 50s to the mid 60s as we go. hour by hour. sunday morning there will be some fog on super bowl sunday and that will be followed by a mix of sun and high clouds for the afternoon at kickoff. but overall just looking fantastic for outdoor plans. outdoor viewing parties as we check out next week, thursday morning is our first opportunity for a few showers. then friday is when it looks like through the president's day weekend, we're going to be back into a wet pattern. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a dry weekend next week.
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fog valentine's day is nice. and then we bring in that level one on friday. dan and ama. >> all right. nice break. thanks, sandhya. all right. >> we want to go back to las vegas. two days and counting. >> that's right. sports director larry beals there. hey, larry. >> i'm a dad. we are counting down to super bowl 58. we're actually live at the nfl experience. the obstacle course behind me is calling my name. i think. i don't think i should answer uh- joe montana, though, did answer the call. tell you about a very special event he took part in for charity that rewarded a veteran. this is incredible stuff and it's next in sports two very different visions for california.
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steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. growing up, my parents wanted me to become
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a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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is good evening everybody.
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>> larry biel live in las vegas at the nfl experience counting down to super sunday between the 49 ers and chiefs. now a few days ago i told you about a special event that niners legend joe montana was participating in. he was helping out a charity that was started by my old espn buddy kenny mayne. it's called run freely. org and the mission of the charity is to provide prosthetic devices for veterans who've lost their legs in combat . it is a fantastic cause, and joe was so wonderful to give his time, time to participate. so he threw passes to a select group of fans. they paid. they got the football. they got autographs and photos with joe, and the event helped pay for a new prosthetic device for a veteran in need. fantastic. now montana. he won four super bowls with the niners. he knows what it's like to win the big game. as for the current niners, they
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can only dream about it. >> it definitely would mean a lot. obviously, just growing up watching my dad win super bowls and um, knowing how much work that he put in to accomplish all those with his teammates and to have an opportunity to do it this week with this team is special. >> you know, i was talking to brandon today and i'm just like, bro, i kind of feel different than like talking about it and you really hear it. he was like, yeah bro, it's a little different. i said, yeah man. like you got to enjoy it bro. but i promise you, like we got to keep the main thing, the main thing just so we can get the job done. >> you know, like losing a super bowl is not fun, and it makes you want to win one even more because you're so close. right? but, like, it's not it hasn't been, like, singed in the back of my brain. when you get close repeatedly and it doesn't, you know, you don't get over the hump or whatever, you know what words you want to use. it's just, uh, it is a little bit more motivating, but just want to, you know, i don't think we're very motivated to win this football game. and there's nothing else that's going to motivate us any extra to celebrate. >> um, i haven't thought about that yet, but i'll do it for a while. it won't just be one night. >> hey, brock purdy went to
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perry high school in gilbert, arizona this week. they renamed the street outside the school brock purdy way, and while at perry high, purdy led the pumas to back to back state titles. he was named the arizona high school player of the year his senior season, and today the entire school was wearing brock nation t shirts in honor of their most famous alum. i don't think hawaii's going to be renaming any streets after me, although they may want to reconsider their decision even after they see this video. when we visited the nfl experience earlier today. >> come on larry, come on larry, push push push push push >> one more, one more. come on. one more, one more. ah >> okay, i got it. um, you want to. >> the weights were plastic, but this video is real. we could not resist the passing contest. just
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. to be clear that it's not brock purdy or patrick mahomes hitting target after target. because those guys are righties, and i'm left handed. um, since i know people are going to ask, you're going to see the deep ball coming up here in just a few seconds. and that was absolutely positive. one take i promise you, you're going to see it. and it's happening right now . now splashdown. as for our own chris alvarez, he's, uh, kind of like a jake moody field goal wide right, wide right. wide. right. he finally hit the deep ball on. fortunately, that was not photographed. and as my daughters often tell me, dad, if there's no picture, it never happened. abc seven sports, sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. if we widen out, we can see the obstacle course all of our crew
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members want to run it. and i said, yeah, that's fine. i just don't know. our workers comp policy. guys, back to you. >> good point. >> all right. all right, larry, thank you so much. all right. >> well, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. tomorrow is lunar new year. and the lucky color of red will be proudly on display in many asian american communities. gung hay fat choy and that lucky red will come in handy on sunday. just throw in a little gold too, as we've been reporting all week, the excitement about the 40 niners chance to win the super bowl is being seen and felt across the entire bay area. the controversy over the 40 niners squishy practice field in vegas, the early morning hotel fire alarm that woke up the team. well, that will all be quickly forgotten at kickoff then it is on a two great teams, two fantastic coaches and two unbelievably good quarterbacks. the stage is set for one heck of a thriller on sunday. of course, we want to beat taylor swift's
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boyfriend's team, but what really matters is to take in this magical moment that transcends sports in many ways. as we celebrate and rally around not just a team, but around this place where we all love to live. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter and on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> and that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, larry biel and our entire crew in las vegas. >> we appreciate your time. have a great evening. >> we'll see you again at 11.
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a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy! champions wild card." introducing today's past champions... a consultant from washington, dc... a customer success specialist originally from huntington, indiana... and a librarian from winnipeg, manitoba, canada... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"... ken jennings. [cheering and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to "jeopardy! champions wild card."
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as we prepare to wrap up the week today, we're welcoming back season 39 champions emma with an exclamation point, and jesse and patrick. let me wish you all good luck with an exclamation point. with a spot in the semifinals up for grabs, here are your categories in the jeopardy round... we have first... then... some... and finally... you need to locate the main campus of each school. emma, start us off. ends in "x" for $600. this four letter gemstone is often used to make cameos, like the one seen here. - patrick. - what is onyx? - yes, - sec & the city for $800. - jesse. - what is oxford? - yes. - sec & the city for $1,000. - patrick. - what is columbia? - correct. very good. - poetry for $600.


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