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tv   Nightline  ABC  February 17, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PST

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this is nightline tonight. >> our exclusive interview with prince harry, speaking out for the first time since his father's cancer diagnosis. our cameras catching up with the duke of sussex in canada at his beloved invictus games. >> any illness, any, any sickness, brings, brings families together. >> and what he says about the
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king's condition. plus the staggering $354 million fine imposed on donald trump and his companies, donald trump may have authored the art of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steal. a new york judge leveling the fine on the former president over over inflating property values in order to obtain sweeter loan rates. trump denying it all. >> there was no fraud. could this topple the trump business empire? >> and little shop owner in little shop of horrors. it is little shop of horrors in all of its glory. the cult classic is back in style with evan, rachel wood and darren criss. the stars of westworld and glee suddenly sing more, an up close and personal with audrey two find out where the horror comes from. >> hahahahahahaha! also a few yeah yeah yeah reunited after more than 50 years. >> a piece of she loves you is
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now back with sir paul mccartney . >> nightline will be right back >> candreva support your fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season.
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>> byron: good for joining us tonight. an abc news exclusive with prince harry. as you've rarely prince harry as you've rarely seen him, speaking
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candidly about his move to california, the rift in his family, and his father king charles' cancer diagnosis. harry opened up to abc's will reeve about the future he hopes to have here in america and back at home. >>. >> reporter: prince harry in canada this week promoting the first-ever winter invictus games set to take place next year. speaking exclusively with abc news for the first time since the royal family announced king charles is battling cancer. how did you get the news that the king was ill? >> i spoke to him. >> reporter: what did you do next? >> i jumped on a plane and went to go see him, as soon as i could. >> reporter: harry reportedly spent about 45 minutes with his father before flying back home. it's a royal relationship that's been rocky since prince harry and his wife, meghan markle, stepped away from royal duties nearly four years ago, airing their grievances to the public in harry's memoir "spare" and in an explosive netflix
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documentary. >> they're happy to lie to protect my brother. they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us. >> i wasn't being thrown to the wolves, i was being fed to the wolves. >> reporter: how was that visit for you emotionally? >> look, i love my family. the fact that i was able to get on a plane and go see him, spent any time with him, i'm grateful for that. >> reporter: what's sort of your outlook on his health? >> that stays between me and him. >> reporter: an illness in the family can have a galvanizing or reunifying effect for a family. >> absolutely. >> reporter: is that possible in this case? >> yeah, i'm sure. throughout all these families, i see it on a day-to-day basis, again, the strength of the family unit coming together. >> i did note that when harry came to the uk to see his father, the media was informed that prince william had no plans to meet with harry. and i think it was interesting, not just that he had no plans, but also that he was happy for it to be known that he had no plans. and i think that says quite a
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lot about how significant those hostilities still remain. >> reporter: now that the king is stepping back to undergo treatment, he's leaving the royal work up to the rest of the family. raising questions about how the two brothers, harry and william, will react in light of hard times. >> i do think that the british public would love to see harry make up with his father and with his brother. and this idea of a happy ending, i think there's very much a sense that would be fantastic. however, since harry and meghan stepped back from -- as work royals, that popularity has kind of plummeted here in the uk. >> reporter: in moments the duke of sussex will be hurtling 60 miles an hour down a winding track of ice in the mountains of canada. it's all part of his and duchess meghan's multi-day tour at the site of invictus games whistler 2025. harry is the founding patron of the games.
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competitors, many wounded veterans, will participate in a dozen events including skeleton, that head-first luge. harry's trying it and bringing me with him. are you quite competitive? >> sometimes. depends on what it is. >> reporter: are you going to -- i feel my competitive juices flowing. harry making it safely to the bottom. hitting a top speed of 99 kilometers, or 61 miles, per hour. >> oh, man. that was really exciting. >> good. >> i'll do it again. >> well done. >> reporter: then it's my turn. you had 99, i had 98. where do you get the desire to be so involved in helping other people? >> i've always had a life of service. i get my fix being with these guys. there's no version of me coming here, watching them, and not getting involved myself. this is peacemaker. >> reporter: we met competitors like peacemaker from nigeria,
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who used this preview as a chance to get used to the slopes. >> what time did you get here today? >> yeah, it was like 9:00. >> 9:00, and it's now -- >> the lifts are closed. >> reporter: instructors like alex, a paralympic skier. >> what does it mean to you to be able to teach these guys skiing for the first time? >> it's normalizing a bit of a hidden world of disabilities. the more people that know about what we do, the better. >> reporter: for so many of the service members, these games are about finding meaning after devastating loss. >> the invictus games gives you purpose baby, something to train for, looking forward to. it doesn't matter whether i win a medal. what matters is putting the time in to train, just to compete. how that camaraderie with other service members, and you know, build that family. >> reporter: with the help of a phone to translate, we saw that firsthand with this ukrainian competitor. what brought you here to whistler? >> i am here to help my brothers
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who are currently wounded in ukrainian hospitals. >> reporter: when you hear that, what does that do for you? >> the emotions. you know. it's not lost on me, it's not lost on any of us, the thousands of ukrainians that are being injured now. >> reporter: harry says what's most significant to him is the meaning the games bring to everyone involved. >> you go to provide the resources and the opportunities and the platform for them to be able to heal themselves. because they heal themselves, and the whole family heals. to me, that is without doubt the most rewarding thing to all of this. >> byron: our thanks to will. earlier today in new york, a stunning find. a $354 million penalty leveled against former president trump for overinflating the values of his properties in a civil fraud case in order to obtain sweeter loan terms. justice engoran saying the
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former president's "complete lack of contrition and remorse" borders on the pathological. john santucci has covered president trump for at least a decade. what's the reaction? >> no surprise, donald trump is livid. this case at the heart of it was the one that got to donald trump's heart. donald trump, five children, the business is hi sith, many say that's his favorite. that's been donald trump's brand, legacy. never in his wildest dreams would anybody formally come out in a ruling saying donald trump was a fraud. that's what happened. >> byron: how big a deal is it for trump the businessman and trump the politician? >> the businessman, a big blow to the ego. the opening to "the apprentice," that's what donald trump was, the image he sold to voters. the politician, this is the campaign message. this campaign is about the courthouse.
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he's weaponizing these cases to build his campaign coffers. a fund-raising email for the campaign. >> byron: trump faces several cases. in atlanta, argument whether to remove fulton county d.a. fani willis from the case. >> what is humiliating to think the sitting d.a. is sitting on the stand having to talk about her personal life. all those details. the way that trump's attorneys went at her. what was striking, to have the d.a. sitting there and say at one point, look, i'm not on trial, they're on trial, trying to overturn the election. that's what's important here. regardless, none of it mattered. delay, delay, delay. it's been the tactic of team trump the entire time. that is what they were trying to do in this georgia hearing. >> byron: there are cases involving the president in new york, in d.c. which do you think poses the greatest threat? >> i think at the moment the d.c. election case. that gets at the heart of democracy. trying to overturn the election. those images of smashing the capitol are not good for donald
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trump. if there's a trial, that one would go on for months. and donald trump would have to be in that courtroom every day. it's not like the civil ones where you pop in and out. >> byron: we know for trump's base, none of this matters. but for the independents, the other people he would need to win the election, i would have to think this will have some impact on them at some point? >> look at some of the exit polling after the iowa caucuses. a small percentage said if he was found guilty, convicted, it would sway a little bit of the country. does that sway, have an impact on the election? so far, the polls, as you know, neck and neck. >> byron: it's going to be a long year. john santucci, thank you, my friend. >> thanks, byron. when we come back, "little shop of horrors" gets a new infusion of star power. shop of horrors" gets a new infusion of star power. ♪ tel [waterfall roars] want to go somewhere amazing? [engine revs] (♪) nice right? but we're not there yet...
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>> are you awake? >> i was here all the time. >> what would you i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> byron: "little shop of horrors" has delighted fans for decades. the latest new york city production now features two beloved tv stars alongside the infamous killer plant. here's my "nightline" coanchor juju chang. ♪ little shop little shop of horrors ♪ >> juju: are you into plants? >> i am the antichrist of plants living, which is ironic. >> juju: you have a black thumb? >> the most green things about me is the nails. >> juju: whether you have a green thumb or prefer plants at a distance, the joke's on you in "little shop of horrors." >> i mean, it has killer songs.
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♪ seymour ♪ >> there's a big puppet plant eating people. >> if you're familiar with "little shop of horrors," you are not going to be disappointed. it is "little shop of horrors" in all of its glory. ♪ suddenly seymour ♪ >> juju: the cult classic grabbing hold of the new york theater scene, now starring darren criss as seymour and evan rachel wood as his love interest, their friendship in full bloom on and off the stage. >> i didn't realize you and evan are such good friends? >> it's been a really wonderful blossoming friendship over the years. >> we're coming to the show with all that history and chemistry, which audrey and seymour are already supposed to have. >> feed me! >> juju: first a movie, then off broadway, then a movie musical. ♪ it's like you're not happy unless i open a vein ♪ >> juju: back on stage again. ♪ this tale charming audiences for
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more than six decades. darren, who plays the lovestick homicidal herbologist, known for his emmy-winning portrayal of another killer in "the assassination of gianni versace." >> i can't allow that to happen, david. this wasn't your fault. >> i've played a lot of characters that will go to insane lengths to accomplish greatness. and that seems to be a thread. i don't know if it's the same thing about me. >> juju: it was his run on "glee" foreshadowing his latest role. ♪ suddenly seymour ♪ ♪ is standing beside me ♪ >> juju: the award-winning "westworld" actress -- >> they're lost. it's all i have left of them. ♪ blackbirds singing in the dead of night ♪ >> reporter: evan already a stock stress in films like "across the universe." ♪ take these broken wings and learn to fly ♪ >> reporter: and "frozen ii." ♪
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even after growing up in a theater family, this is her new york stage debut. people know you can sing. it's a little different doing it live? >> it's different doing it live. when you see somebody singing in a film, you could think, maybe it's movie magic. >> juju: you have a couple of show-stopping numbers. do you get nervous that you're going to hit the notes right? >> yeah, it does sort of kneel like when an ice skater is about to go for that triple axel or stick the landing, like here we go! >> juju: the real star of the show, audrey ii, the sieging plant from outer spate space. wasn't quite ready for their tv debut. >> i'm afraid she's not feeling very well today. she's willing. >> juju: she's willing? >> she needs a little something. a little -- >> juju: maybe a little blood lust? seymour's otherwordily adventure begins when he happens across a
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mysterious plant. >> a faustian tale, an ancient tale. the deal with the devil. what does one do to accomplish greatness? if you put in an alien man-eating plant, do-wop music, and a whole lot of comedy, pathos is a dish best served fun. >> juju: by his side, audrey, the thoughtful dreamer. >> what's so beautiful about her is she has this incredible vulnerability and sweetness despite everything she's been through. >> juju: amid the comedy and cultivation, the musical plants seeds on weightier themes like poverty and domestic violence, a topic evan has been vocal about spotlighting as an advocate, speaking out in "phoenix rising" about the abuse she says she survived. >> i wasn't the only one this had happened to. >> juju: you've been advocating against intimate partner violence. how did you walk into those shoes? >> there was that moment before i took the role, is this going to be too triggering?
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because we can sort of hide behind that the veil of campiness and comedy. it made it areas to go there. i can bring my personal experience to this, i do understand this character on a very deep level. >> juju: it's amazing how it gets to the truth. >> her feelings of not feeling good enough, not feeling like she deserves anything better. those are real things abuse survivors experience. the fact that they were able to capture it so accurately, you know, also with a spoonful of sugar. ♪ neat and clean ♪ >> juju: if these tunes sound familiar, there's a good reason. ♪ somewhere that's green ♪ ♪ wish i could be part of that world ♪ >> juju: the show was written by the same duo behind so many disney legends. >> howard ashman wrote the lyrics with al man to ki
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this show was responsible for the disney renaissance, a proto "aladdin," "beauty and the beast." >> juju: "little shop of horrors" was the genesis of that? >> i think that's why it's so timeless. >> juju: for darren, stepping out as seymour and making howard proud, a meaningful milestone. ♪ >> i feel so emotionally and spiritually connected to this man who i never had the privilege of meeting, that doing this in many ways is sort of my offering at the altar of somebody that has always had my utmost respect. >> juju: through your art, you're able to touch on so many important issues. >> yeah, that's what art's about. we put ourselves in these situations, we tell these stories, we relive some of our traumas to teach people. it creates empathy, it creates connection, it creates healing. >> juju: "the little shop of horrors," the place where dreams go to live and die, full of surprises around every corner.
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>> for "little shop of horrors," it looks beautiful. misleading title. find out where the horror come is from, ha ha ha ha >> byron: our thanks to juju. when we come back, a beatle and his bass got help to find each other again. ♪ won't you please please help me ♪ i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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him. charlamagne tha god from the br conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ >> juju: f an iconic base back where it belongs ♪ always be true ♪ >> byron: when the beatles wowed the world in 1962 with "love me do," paul mccartney played a hofner bass guitar. he played it on many other hits including "she loves you." it was stolen and presumed gone forever. that is, until loss bass project got involved, tracked it down, and arranged to have it returned to sir paul, who said said he is "incredibly grateful." that's "nightline" for this evening. see you right back here, same time monday


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