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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  February 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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they made it dangerous there. >> oh my goodness. >> yeah. good afternoon. thanks for joining us i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. >> you can see it's all gray outside. although some peeks of sunshine uh- interesting weather. we have team coverage for you today. abc7 news reporter luz pena and leslie brinkley are covering the damage from the storm. but let us begin with spencer christian. >> a look at the forecast. and spencer, it seems to change every five minutes is changing every second. >> larry, we've got areas where obviously the sun is breaking through, but we've got areas where the storms, the storm cells are quite intense. let's take a look right now down in san mateo county, where a severe thunderstorm watch or warning is in effect, is moving through. well, there it is. it's a warning. now you can see it moving towards san mateo burlingame down towards redwood city. so that entire area is under this severe thunderstorm warning, while much of the remainder of the bay area right now is seeing little breaks of blue sky, this storm is a level three storm on the exclusive of abc seven storm impact scale.
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through this evening. we expect to see more pockets of severe storms developing with heavy rain, strong gusty wind. we've got strong gusty winds all across the entire region right now and localized flooding, of course, remains a possibility. here's our forecast animation starting right now. you can see as we get later into the evening, it looks like most of the storm activity will be directed north of the golden gate, but obviously not. that's not all of it, because right now we've got the severe thunderstorm probability down in san mateo county as we go to the later evening hours, as the storm begins to weaken, just a bit, the wind gusts will diminish a bit and the probability of heavy downpours will diminish as well. right now, though, we have powerful gusts up to 52mph at sfo and what gusts above 30mph rather wide, spread across the bay area. so wind advisory remains in effect until 4 a.m. tomorrow. gusts could reach or exceed 50mph at times. we still have a high surf advisory in effect until 4:00 tomorrow morning. now dangerous swimming and surfing
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conditions and of course, across the entire region. we have a flood watch in effect until wednesday morning because any additional rainfall, even if it's a small amount, can trigger flooding in those low lying areas of the full forecast. a little bit later, larry and kristen. >> all right, spencer, we'll see you in a few minutes. the storm is hitting parts of the east bay right now in caltrans. crews are making closures to fix a road that was impacted by the storms. this is some video from drone view. seven of state route 84, where what's called a slip out occurred. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena is live near sunol with the details. luz >> that's right. well, part of the road caved in and slipped off into the alameda creek. this happened around 5 a.m. and now caltrans crews are set to begin those repairs tomorrow morning. this is the latest aftermath of the storm in the east bay. parts of niles canyon road west of sunol broke off into the alameda creek. >> there's a slide that's happened, and we're doing one way traffic control in an area that's that's about from
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pleasanton road on highway 84 to washington boulevard. so that's sort of the area that's that's affected. we're seeing this type of thing around the bay area. this is a this is a slide at this location. >> the slip off caltrans said, is a consequence of heavy rain affecting the roadways when the roadway gets eroded, the ground underneath it kind of washes out. >> then the pavement slips down, right? or becomes un navigable. so we can't have people driving on it. >> hayward the weekend storms led many like rob hart to go out this morning to get sandbags. >> rain came down and had debris covered. the clogged my drain came out last night and uh, sort of letting my garage. >> multiple fire stations in alameda county running low on sand as an influx of residents prepare for. >> and it got hit pretty hard yesterday. uh, we're probably going to order some more sand later today. um we did have our fire crew and reserves come and fill pre fill sandbags. we have a few left, but they're going
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quick with high winds. >> parts of the east bay are also under increased tornado risk. tornado in hayward now? >> never. and hopefully i won't see one anytime soon. battalion chief cartland urging the public to stay alert with the high winds that we're experiencing now, we've got a lot of weakened trees, so if anybody hears any cracking or sees any leaning, they should take note of that and make the proper notifications. >> caltrans is set to close this road at 5 p.m. as to an eta of when this road will be repaired. caltrans has yet to give us an exact time and date. luz pena, abc seven news luis, thank you so much. >> now to abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley, who is live in solano county. >> yeah, it looks a cold and windy there. less. you spoke with some officials today. how is everybody preparing? well they're preparing by just watching and waiting like we are looking at radar, seeing where the storms pop up, where these
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thunderstorms hit uh- five minutes ago. >> it was pretty nice out here. now we've got. i'd say, some pretty substantial wind and some medium moderate rain. it's tapering off. just a moment right now. so this was supposed to be one of the areas that could very possibly could have a tornado today. uh, in this stretch along interstate 80, going out towards sacramento. so far so good. but again, watch watchful waiting. >> we've been informed that there may be some really extreme weather, uh, thunderstorms, maybe some hail, even the slight chance of a tornado. the thing that we worry about most, of course, with any heavy rain, is flooded out. streets so anybody that's on the roads should be very careful. >> officials are also keeping an eye on the hillsides to the north for possible mudslides rides. the weather swung to extremes throughout the day, raining substantially one minute than 15 minutes later. pockets of blue sky and even sunshine.
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nine in vacaville, residents also swung to extreme in their reactions to the weather. >> i'm terrified. i have to work till 3:00 and i've been praying all morning like my friend just gave me a hug. i'm hoping it just skips over us this is just typical for this time of year, honestly, and i'm thank full for the rain as we all are. >> i have friends from out of state texting me and wishing me to be safe and to be careful in this weather because they heard that tornadoes are coming and flooding and all that. >> no one was taking any chances out at the nut tree airport at this flight school. >> my personal concern is that the aircraft are tied down well enough because if they get loose, it's all bad. if the weather continues like it has been all morning, there won't be any flying for us because as a flight school, we've put a limit of 30 miles an hour gusts, um, on our limited options
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>> it's gusting right now. i would call this rainbow weather today. one minute it's like where i'm standing, windy and rainy, but across the way to the west, i see a band of blue sky and sunshine. right now that's headed our way. it's just been like that all day and will continue. from what i understand. and for the next few hours. reporting live in vacaville, i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. all right, leslie, thank you so sporadic power outages have been reported across the bay area. >> here's a look at the february uh- today. his real time p-g-and-e's outage map for the region. you can see it so much better than february 4th. remember when like the whole map was colored during that horrible windstorm? well, more than 16,000 customers are still without power 6600 in the south bay. around 4300 in the east bay, and another 4600 in the north bay. and those are currently the hardest hit spots. p-g-and-e's crews have been pretty busy with the storm. crews worked this morning in daly city to repair some downed wires. the wires fell along
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south park view avenue near woodrow woodrow street. police closed off the intersection while p-g-and-e's crews got those lines back up. >> the storm brought more pounding waves to the san mateo county coastline. the pacifica pier closed today once again as a precaution after a storm last month damaged the pier. the wave sent water onto the beach boulevard. that pier is expected to reopen tomorrow. and check out how high the waves got. they were shooting up as they hit the santa cruz coastline. now this was caused by gusts as high as 40mph. everybody's keeping an eye on the san lorenzo river. it is rising steadily as the rain and runoff accumulates. look, there's so much to keep track of here with the weather right now. and get the latest forecast. track the rain anytime with our live doppler seven radar. all you have to do is search abc seven bay area in your devices app store and download it now 5-10 binding urah moyer binding binding you a liar with them and a cease fire. >> hundreds take to the streets and eventually walk onto highway
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101. in san francisco, protesting against israel in their fight with hamas. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra joins us live with the latest. stephanie is the protest over? >> yeah. you know, it's just starting to break up now. we've been watching hundreds of protesters in front of san francisco city hall here, demanding a permanent, not temporary ceasefire in the war between israel and hamas. and i'll step out to show you the group left behind. and now this same group group temporarily shut down the 101 freeway on ramp with impacts right near octavia and market street for about 30 minutes earlier today, just within the last hour or two. and i spoke with many of them before that. they were at the civic center and they're criticizing president biden's response to the conflict, calling out the billions of dollars of aid to israelf pales.
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the executive director of the arab resource and organizing center says 100,000 palestinians have been killed, injured or are missing since those october 7th attacks, and this includes 12,000 children now, i want to point out the u.s. has proposed a united nations security council draft. for a ceasefire in israel's war against hamas and warning against an israeli ground invasion into rafah. but this group says that's not enough. i quote, can't you can't pause genocide. you have to end it. and they believe the only way to do that is for the u.s. to use its leverage to stop providing aid to israel. and now this group is part of the same movement. and protesters that shut down the bay bridge and the golden gate bridge as well. and they say they plan to continue doing so until there is a permanent ceasefire. and they
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feel this is the way their voices can be heard. now i do want to point out, given it's a holiday, the impacts were not as severe as they could have been. but do avoid the area. if you're heading out to the 101. that off ramp right near octavia and market, there may be some lingering traffic there. we're live in san francisco. stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> thanks for the warning, steph. appreciate it. an alarming new report exposes a danger under several freeways in california. out of 60 underpass storage sites statewide, only 12 passed the fire marshal inspections, two out of 16 sites passed in the bay area. fire marshals uncovered several fire risks and lease violations. caltrans leases out the space under freeways and said tenants were given 30 days to correct any problems. inspections were spurred on by a fire in november under i-10 in los angeles. >> coming up on abc seven news at four, our coverage of the
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storm and tornado warnings continues, including a look at what they're facing across other parts of california. a day of remembrance remembering the japanese americans put into internment camps during world war two. and he's done it again. charles barkley slamming san francisco. i'll tell you what he said this time. and the city's reacti
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but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me,
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for all that is you. kaiser permanente. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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people of japanese ancestry who were interned during world war two. san jose state actually played a role in their incarceration, but now leaders there are hoping to help shape a better future. here's abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey. >> like a rain cloud hanging overhead, executive order. 966 represents a dark day in japanese culture, especially here at san jose state university. february 19th, 1942. 82 years ago, president franklin roosevelt signed the order in response to the attack on pearl harbor. it led to the incarceration of more than 120,000 japanese americans. judy nagai remembers the struggles her father and others faced in the camps. >> the red dirt and dust came up through the floorboards of the shoddily constructed back six. they were subjected, subjected to extreme weather and the constant reminder that they were labeled as enemy aliens within their own country perspective shared during a day of remembrance hosted by san jose
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state, a place where a reminder of the mass incarceration still lives on campus today, yoshihiro uchida hall is now named after someone who faced internment and survived, but it was formerly a processing center for the local japanese community. >> 125 sdsu students were among those forced into camps. >> that was, you know, maybe my family. that was someone else's family. in the same space, you know, that i have classes and that really, really changed my perspective of like, this is history right in front of us. and we have to tell these stories because who else is going to tell the story that they were here for those stories on display at this annual event, the hope is to honor the japanese culture and recognize the atrocities of the past in order to create a better future. >> on behalf of san jose state university, i apologize to the people who were processed through our campus. we can't turn back the clock. we can't undo the damage, but we can learn from what happened. this is a story of japanese
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americans. >> but it's not just that. it's for every one. >> soon, a mural on yoshida hall will recognize the role the school played in the japanese incarceration. because part of healing is admitting wrongdoing. in order to move forward. at san jose state university, dustin dawsey, abc seven news a group of pastors is looking for divine intervention to curb the rise of crime in oakland. >> this morning, pastors from various acts full gospel churchf god in christ to pray for improved safety. attendees held up signs that read hear our cry. the pastors say oakland residents are suffering from a collective trauma from thefts and blight. >> it's time for a change. it's time for us to come together. it's time for us to do things that we need to do in god's way. whatever god gives you to fight for you got to keep fighting for it. >> the naacp and a group of pastors have asked oakland city leaders to declare a state of emergency and hire more police officers. an employee of a san
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francisco nonprofit has been suspended after he was caught on video using a racial slur. it's time to go. >> time to go. come on, come on, time to go. >> and abc7 news viewer sent us this video taken sunday near market and seventh streets. the urban alchemy worker was trying to clear people from the sidewalk. we sent them this video today. they call the language unacceptable and say this employee has been suspended pending an investigation. >> a 57 ton fishing vessel grounded on a beach north of bodega bay has just broken apart. powerful waves have torn apart the hull of the aleutian storm. a week after it abruptly grounded itself on salmon creek beach. now, these are images from before the boat was heavily damaged over the weekend. waves just tore the vessel apart, the coast guard says there is still some diesel fuel left on board, so that is a concern. >> all right. it's still concerning because the weather
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is still volatile with even a possibility in some areas. for a tornado, small possible. >> small possibility. spencer. yeah this is confusing for a lot of people. the warnings watches what's really happening. >> whenever we get severe thunderstorms anywhere, a severe thunderstorm can produce can trigger a tornado, a spawn, a tornado. so that's what we're talking about. let me give you a look at live doppler seven. you can see more clearly what we mean here. notice the rather loosely structured nature of this storm. this is not a blanket rainfall cover covering the whole area. many areas are seeing sunshine right now, but we have severe storms moving through the santa cruz mountains right now, and some storms moving through santa uh- san mateo county, but are now see the thunderstorm. severe thunderstorm warning that was in effect just a few minutes ago has been lifted. that's how rapid these cells are moving. but had there been a tornado, it's good to keep in mind what some of the tornado safety tips are. stay away from the second story of the building you're in. most damage in a tornado occurs at the top floor, so what you want to do is go to the lowest
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floor, seek an interior hallway or bathroom, avoid windows because they blow out during a tornado. and of course, that broken glass is dangerous and cover your head with a pillow or cushion or something of that nature. so those are some pretty good tips for protecting yourself during a tornado. but that is not what's happening right now. we just have a severe thunderstorm that sort of fizzled in san mateo county. nonetheless, the storm that we have, the broader storm is still a level three storm, and the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale through this evening. severe storms are possible. they'll be isolated, but they could be potentially dangerous, producing pockets of heavy rainfall, strong, gusty wind, localized flooding a possibility as well. here's our forecast animation going into the late afternoon and early evening hours. most of the activity from this storm will be north of the golden gate, up in the north bay. but as just was evident in san mateo county, isolated storms can hit any part of the bay area going into the evening hours, but later tonight we expect the system to lose some of its intensity. wind speeds will diminish a bit and of course, rainfall amounts will diminish. right now, though,
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we've got powerful wind gusts up to 52mph at sfo and 30mph or higher in numerous other locations. this is a view in emeryville. it looks pretty calm right now, but it was pouring there a little bit earlier, 57 degrees right now in san francisco and oakland, low 60s at oakland, hayward, san mateo, 59 at half moon bay at the golden gate, we could see bright sunshine just a few seconds ago, but right now you can see a little sunlight flashing through. but it's getting cloudier. temperatures are in the upper 50s right now at santa rosa, petaluma, napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. on we go to our wind advisory in effect until 4:00 tomorrow morning. we may still see gusts up to 50mph for a while, and we have a high surf advisory in effect until 4:00 tomorrow morning. large breakers, rip currents, dangerous swimming and surfing conditions, flood advisory or flood watch in effect for the entire bay area through wednesday morning as the ground is pretty saturated. so any additional amount of rain, even if it's small, could trigger flooding overnight. low temperatures mainly upper 40s to low 50s. tomorrow's highs upper
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50s to low 60s. and here is the accuweather 70 forecast tomorrow and wednesday we have level one storm activity. it'll still be rainy and breezy and not a not a blanket. widespread rainfall, but showers sunnier and drier on thursday and friday with a chance of showers again on saturday through the weekend. the pattern will be unsettled. no ranking on the storm impact scale yet because we want to see exactly how these systems develop. >> there's a lot developing, there's a lot going on for now. >> yep, i'm a hard working dude tonight. >> well, it's about time you got to balance larry out. >> yeah, exactly. >> my first day back, i had to do something. >> yeah, yeah. you missed him. hot yeah. >> all right, santa rosa high school students found a unique way to honor america's history. this presidents day by staying at jefferson. >> cast in monroe of adams. >> these students are from a us
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history class, and they're singing the names of all the us presidents in order. and they're sending this singing video to the white house as a way to invite president joe biden and vice president kamala harris to the school's 150th celebration in october. the santa rosa high school is the ninth oldest school in california. >> coming up, a falcon loves story, and you can actually be a part of it. >> we're down to the wire to pick a name for annie's mate at cal. how you can help choose next
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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you all that green representing rain. on the right we have a live look at the bay bridge, dark and foreboding clouds. it's basically raining, then stops, then rains, and then it stops and we're just going through the cycle right now. >> um, but this is going to pick up your mood for sure and brighten things up for you because you have a few minutes left to pick the name of the falcon that's looking for love, a top you see berkeley's campanile tower. this is the bird that's courting annie the falcon. he appeared a short time ago after annie's previous male companion, mysterious poof, vanished. >> yikes. >> there's always a bit of a like a conspiracy theory that when the new male comes in, that she's somehow, like, kind of
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bumping the old ones off. but that's not the case. she really does want to keep these males around. so >> so she makes us think these are the possible names for her new mate, the one in annie's life. there's wolford for walter wolford, the founder of cal's school of forestry, archie for archie williams, a cal olympian. morgan for famed architect julia morgan, who's got several buildings in berkeley. and of course, she designed hearst castle and galen for john galen for the architect of the campanile tower. >> larry and spencer. not on that list is what i'm sorry. >> what have you contributed to cal, by the way? you have until 5:00 to vote at cal falcons dot berkeley dot edu. i was going to go for morgan because i love julia morgan's work, but then i think, oh well, annie lives atop campanile tower, so maybe galen i don't know, i just find it interesting the way the female falcons handle their men. >> uh, coming up, it's the latest controversy over san francisco's image.
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>> nba analyst charles barkley blasting the city during the all star game. being around a bunch of homeless crooks in san francisco when you. >> oh, that's. >> oh, chuck, the fallout from his comments and what it means to san francisco prepares to host the all star game next year
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me."
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makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. being shocked. charles barkley slamming san francisco again last night at the nba all star game, where? >> well, today, san francisco lawmakers had a lot to say about barkley's comments.
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>> abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra explains, it's not the first time, and likely will not be the last. >> well, san francisco definitely has challenges, but we're far from a dystopian city. that's one san francisco supervisors response to pro basketball hall of famer charles barkley's comments he made about the city during last night's nba all star game. >> barkley is regularly in the spotlight as a tv analyst for tnt and cbs sports, but today he's getting unwelcomed attention for this. did you get a chance to be in cole or being around a bunch of homeless crooks in san francisco when you. >> oh, that's you know, i'll let you in. >> you know, i know we don't. >> barkley, also known as sir charles or chuck, didn't hold back his comments of distaste for san francisco, specifically calling out public safety. >> you can't even walk around down there. you can't walk around. yeah, with a bulletproof mask and this wasn't the first
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time the night before, during saturday's nba all star pregame in indianapolis. >> sir charles was seated next to draymond green when this happened for all star. >> we got san francisco next year. oh that's not a great one. but draymond pushed back. >> relax. >> that's why you're not welcome there. wait let me tell you something. now you got to admit it's dangerous there. no they cleaned it up a flood of comments followed on social media. >> both in support of barkley and criticize him, many of them making it clear this is sir charles m.o. he often doesn't hold back. case in point, last may, different suit, same talk. 20s of it. >> it's not raining in san francisco to clean up those dirty streets. they got there. san francisco, you know, it's a great city, but all that dirtiness and homelessness, y'all, man, y'all got to clean that off the streets. >> the trash talk is not new to the nba and certainly not new to san francisco, but district four supervisor joel engardio says
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he's fed up. i would invite charles to come to the very next sunset night market that we're going to produce later this year to see uh- 3-6 thousands of people, san franciscans in the street, enjoying each other's company and good food and music and entertainment and living their best lives. we reached out to turner sports to get further comment from barkley, but have yet to hear back. stephanie sierra abc seven news all right, joining us live now with more reaction. >> abc seven news insider phil matier. look, charles has the benefit of being able to say whatever he wants to say, totally unfiltered. but what do you make of barkley's comments? well, isn't he supposed to say things like this? well, it does spark conversation, that's for sure. >> and that's what his job is. his job. he's gone from being a terrific basketball player to being an entertainer and a commentator. and so he is there to get attention. and that's what he did. and everybody played along with it. and now my question to you is, is it what he said or how he said it and where he said it. oh, well, i
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think it's maybe all can i go d all of the above. >> well it is because if you look at san francisco, the most recent chamber of commerce poll that we've been reporting on shows that three out of four san francisco voters say the city is going in the wrong direction. >> and one of the biggest concerns is public safety and cleanliness of the streets. it's been a long running topic in san francisco for mayor. london breed and others, and is one of those things like it's okay for the family to discuss it within the family, but you don't go out in the street, have a stranger go out in the street and scream it. but he said it here and he said it on a national audience, and everybody is all a flutter. >> yeah. he also used the terms homeless crooks, which he doesn't understand. what's going on? there's homeless and there's crooks and they're not necessarily this is true the same because we all the videos of the people stealing stuff out of the stores, that's different from people who don't have a place to sleep. >> exactly. and you could there would be like the homeless. there would be the drug, there would be the stealing. there
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would be that crooks implies organized. well, we have that too. so unfortunate. >> you're starting to sound like charles, by the way. okay okay, let me let me ask you this because we try to keep these in perspective. >> when buster posey made statements about wives of potential giants players not feeling comfortable or safe because of the crime in san francisco, it didn't get the reaction like this. did everybody was sort of sympathetic, going, oh, well, he he really loves san francisco. but he said it in an interview and he said it almost apologetically, but he did say that perception is reality. now, it's one thing if perception is reality in a conversation tone, charles barkley decided to shout it out right? and so that grabs much more attention, including the mayors and everybody else's. but that's the all star game is coming to san francisco and he will be here for that. you can bet on it. oh, yeah. >> absolutely. so here here's the larger question right. we saw what happened during apec. the city was all clean and sparkling and shining and everything was wonderful. what can the politicians do along
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with the police, da, etc. to change the perception of san francisco that is a tough one because as people's perception and video and visuals, we are attuned to that now, no matter what the stats are. >> crime is down this year from last year. we are seeing things get better, but the images stay. so i think the best thing that san francisco could do would be to have a very successful all star game here and a super bowl coming around. and so the more successes they have, the better off they are. willie brown wasn't necessarily the greatest mayor, but he was a heck of a showman and he had as many problems as as these people face. but he made sure that every month something was happening in san francisco that got a positive response. and i think the mayor might want to try to follow that tactic. >> yeah, some lessons can be learned there. and this is something maybe invite charles out for lunch. yeah he'll he'll eat lunch. i can tell you that. all right. thank you. phil >> all right. well, san
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francisco will indeed get its chance at next year's nba all star game. and the build up officially started. that's golden state warriors owner joe lacob getting that ceremonial basketball handoff. it signified the end of this year's all-star festivities in indiana. the warriors are hosting next year's showcase at chase center, coming up, we have presidential sneakers and virtual reality for senior citizens. >> the ford four is next
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fdr, george washington, teddy roosevelt, and thomas jefferson top the list. president biden came in 14th, just ahead of woodrow wilson and ronald reagan . president trump came in last at the results based on polling, a panel of american presidency experts. spencer, you're something of a of a historian. what do you make of the poll? oh, gosh, i am something of a historian. >> thank you. i yeah, i can't argue with that list from top to bottom. i can't argue we've only had one president who didn't go along with a peaceful transfer of power. so you know, historians may take that into consideration in ranking him so low. >> yeah. dan, what do you think? >> well, you know, he certainly joins a list of some dubious characters. james buchanan, you know, didn't fight the spread of
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slavery. uh, yeah. uh, warren harding had all kinds of corruption scandals. herbert hoover didn't help with the depression, his policies. so there's a group of people, presidents that were considered some of the worst in history. what will be interesting, i think now now we're sort of in this heated political climate. what will be interesting is to reflect on ten, 15, 100 years from now and see where those rankings sit. >> exactly, exactly. >> yeah. because and not, you know, those presidents, they led during less divided times and so you're right, with the benefit of history and reflection, they could change. right? >> sure. i mean, you know, we've had presidents, uh, uh, in more recent times who are judged differently now than they were at the time. jimmy carter is one example. second, george bush have been judged a little bit differently as time goes by. >> that's a great point. >> now it's time for us to pass judgment on these snow talkers that donald trump unveiled. check it out. they're called the never surrender. hi tops. they're gold and have an american flag and retail at $400. but with only 1000 pairs
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available, they're already sold out. trump also launched a red sneaker and one called potus 45. he unveiled these at sneaker con . um, yeah. >> um, i we should point out that these are these not the best sneakers ever in the history of sneakers. they've never been better. >> i think he was booed at sneaker con, by the way. >> but how weird. i'm so funny that you have to sell a lot of sneakers to cover a $380 million judgment. >> yeah, exactly. wow. >> true. yeah. >> it's more than a thousand pairs. >> it's a little surreal, isn't it? the president am. i mean, he came to the office as a businessman, but now hawking sneakers. it's a little strange while running for president. >> but you think about it. i mean, the hotels, you know, bear his name. there was trump water. trump steak. i mean, all sorts of things. trump university, there were four casinos, although the hotels are taking his name off the one in hawaii, on oahu, it's just not been as profitable with that name. >> yep. all right, all right.
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>> a new study out of stanford finds virtual reality is a hit with seniors. researchers studied people between the ages of 65 and 103 years old. they found the majority enjoyed vr and had better emotional capacity and interactions with staff at their senior communities. the study also found vr can lessen the impact that dementia has on some seniors. i think this is awesome because you imagine, you know, you're in your 80s or 90s, maybe you can't move around that much, but suddenly you have the ability to be to put this on your head and suddenly you're in paris or you're wherever you want to be. you're at the beach. uh- spencer. isn't this cool? >> yeah, well, he's the most senior person here. i'll say. >> yes, i know, no, but honestly, i like it. >> i mean, if it elevates your mood and helps you remember things more clearly and helps with things like dementia, i absolutely. it's really cool. >> dan i might not take him off. >> oh, i know, you know, we actually when my father visited recently we put those vr glasses at my oldest son had sorry, my earpiece just broke, but an and
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he loved it and he never seen anything quite like it. so i think it's, uh, i think anything that can almost at any age, but certainly as you get older that can stimulate your brain, an open your imagination, uh, give you some it's fun to i mean, you know, why not? it's great. absolutely >> yeah. >> i love it that there's no space limitations, mobility. you know, limitations. you can enter a whole new world. all right. uh, first grade can be tough for kids in sweden. it literally leaves kids shivering. these are elementary school kids jumping into the icy cold waters of a frozen lake. this is not a challenge. the ice bath is part of the school curricula. um, they call it survival training. yeah it's, you know, in case kids fall through ice while skating or ice fishing. and that's a real skill you need in sweden, in the arctic circle. >> you do? yeah, absolutely. i mean, i think it's smart to do this because the natural reaction is, is to panic and that's the worst thing you could
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do. you know what's really popular, somewhat related to this is everybody's doing these cold plunges now, like wake up in the morning and you jump into 40 degree ice tub. um, not not for me, but yeah, in sweden, i'm sure they would say only 40 degrees, but what kind of a man jumps into 40? let's go like ten degrees. >> my oldest kid is in his 30s. >> does those ice plunges all the time? the only way, for the record, that i'm going into one of those is if i fall through some ice. yeah, but i think it's a great idea. but. but because you're right, larry, i've been in. i've done those once or i've been in really cold what we consider really cold water. and initially it does shock your system. yeah. i mean it. you don't think clearly when it happens. >> yeah, i've been trying it just because i have so many friends that are doing these these things with the cold plunge and stuff. so i just take a shower and turn the thing all the way to cold. i last like 30s. i mean, that's what i'm like. this is stupid. >> that's twice as long as i think spencer and i are going to last. >> that's exactly right.
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>> i'm. i'm running to the hot tub. you know, the one that's 104 degrees. yeah that's the one. >> yeah. i'll you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line.
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plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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right now. >> but in a minute it could be different. again. let's check in with spencer christian. hey, spencer. hey, kristen. >> that's the nature of our of our current storm at the golden gate, which you can see over, over the shoulder. there's a lot of blue sky as well, but other places, not so blue. take a look at live doppler seven. you can see that we've got drenching pounding rains moving through the santa cruz mountains right now. this is the biggest mass of heavy downpours i've seen so far this afternoon, so let's move along. take a look at the storm impact scale. this is a level three storm through this evening, which will produce severe storms. well, from time to time with pockets of heavy rain and strong gusty wind and localized flooding, of course, is possible. here's our forecast animation going into the evening hours. and again, i'll point out that most of the energy from this system seems to be going into the north bay, but occasionally an isolated severe storm could hit just about any part of the bay area because of the relatively unstructured nature of this storm. if a wind advisory that remains in effect until 4:00 tomorrow morning, wind gusts may reach or exceed 50mph at times, we'll see the
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winds diminishing a bit late tonight, though high surf advisory remains in effect until 4 a.m. tomorrow. and of course, a flood watch across the entire region until wednesday morning. the ground is relatively saturated. any additional rainfall, even small amounts, can produce a localized flooding. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. level one storms tomorrow and wednesday, producing scattered showers, maybe an occasional downpour tomorrow, but generally scattered showers. sunnier and drier on thursday and friday. but going into the weekend, increasing clouds with an increasing chance of showers. larry. all right, spencer, thank you. >> and we're not the only ones experiencing this type of weather. southern california also bracing for more rain and more flooding. abc news reporter zohreen shah with the latest in just the second time in weeks, california, now pummeled by heavy rain flood alerts for nearly 40 million people, nearly one out of every eight americans as those storms unleashing up to four inches of rain, with up to another four in coming hours, possibly leading to flash
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flooding and mudslides. >> caution should be taken around flood control channels and in the crossings area. >> recent landslides in dana point have many holding their breath during these storms, as the homes now rest on the edge of this cliff. over in santa barbara, the main airport completely shutting down because of heavy flooding, los angeles is chasing its wettest february on record. >> wow, that's big mess. >> the state's biggest highway shut down in klamath, california, after a tree smashed down on a roadway making traffic impossible. some people are fearing that being prepared may not be enough. >> we are prepared, but i do still worry because because the hills have not dried out from the last storm and so, of course, every time there's a rain that's going to be heavy, we have to worry about mudslides. this rain is going to go through tomorrow, possibly the day after, until the storm moves northeast. >> zohreen shah abc news, los angeles and a reminder you can get the latest forecast track the rain anytime with our live
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doppler seven radar. >> all you have to do is search abc seven bay area in your device's app store. you can download it for free right now. >> a deadline is coming up this week to help california homeowners prepare for the next big quake. you have until wednesday to apply for a retrofit grant through the state's earthquake brace plus bolt program. homeowners in more than 500 high risk zip codes are eligible for grants up to $3,000 to see if you qualify, you just enter your zip code on the website. earthquake brace, bolt dot com. we know how to prepare for an earthquake, but are you ready? get a kit, make a plan and be informed. and if you need help, you can check out the abc seven norcal page. >> we got to get that go bag ready. all right, get ready for the final season of the good doctor. >> it'll feel sad vying for everyone involved. i think that's our aim. um, certainly a few surprises, surprises and more. >> we'll he a preview next
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of 2020. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. the good doctor returns tomorrow night for its seventh and final season. the star and executive producer freddie highmore told entertainment reporter george pennacchio his diagnosis is that when it's all over, you will feel satisfied. start the timer, please. >> the clock is now ticking for
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the good doctor in its shortened swansong season on as you, you know, move through these last ten episodes, there's definitely going to be something special that feels right for everyone involved. for freddie's character, doctor sean murphy, that something special is fatherhood. >> good pictures of steve. >> i was just about to ask this way i avoid the disruption of pulling out my phone. >> look at that smile. >> just like his mom, he was pooping in that one. >> it's a pretty big, crazy season. >> um, obviously we left off season six with sean and leah's newborn baby. um, and we're going to be following, you know, sean as he has the joys and also the struggles of fatherhood and sort of juggling those two roles. the schedule is very important. >> i know, sean, i know it's just a few extra minutes, eight minutes. >> that is not a few. it is several. >> are you ready to say goodbye? >> the analogy that someone gave to me and i've been borrowing,
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is that it feels a bit like graduation, in the sense that it's this big, momentous event and sort of goodbye and it makes you nostalgic and at the same time excited for the future and looking forward to other opportunities. >> as doctor murphy, you need to abort this procedure for sean. >> this final season will be dramatic and as always, unexpected. i just applied maggots to a baby a few months older than steve. overall, can you give me an idea of what we're in for without breaking any rules? >> it will be genuinely conclusive for everyone. i think you know the way that the stories are being written and continue to be written at the moment. it'll feel satisfying for everyone involved. i think that's our aim. um certainly a few surprises along the way in los angeles, george pennacchio, abc seven news and the surprises begin tomorrow night at ten, right here on abc seven. >> but tonight is the next round of the jeopardy's wild card tournament, a local contestant
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trying to make the bay area proud. deb bilodeau, a winemaker based in oakland, won big on jeopardy before $17,000 last year. now deb is in the semifinals. you can watch jeopardy! tonight at seven right here on abc seven, and that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry biel, abc seven news at five is up next with dan and ama. and all the latest on the wild and wacky weather. we're experiencing in the bay area
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of a tornado. >> we can't afford this weather. a lot of us just can't. >> this is a level three storm. possibility of severe


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