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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 21, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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on so many other platforms now they're like, we're going to bring it back. >> it's going to be a way to say that you're real. hopefully. yeah, i think you are dating online, though. >> i think that makes sense. you want to make sure that it's a real person. >> absolutely, absolutely. >> you need the video. uh- >> good morning america. new allegations about the man at the center of house republicans attempt to impeach president biden. charged. the former fbi informant accused of lying about the president and his son in court. the special counsel suggests he had ties to russian intelligence. the american ballerina detained in russia, charged with treason. and the white house plans to announce major new sanctions against russia. what we know about the harsh penalties.
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abc news exclusive. new york's attorney general on collecting the massive fine from donald trump in his civil fraud case. >> we are prepared to make sure that the judgment gets paid to new yorkers. midair scares. a passenger under investigation after allegedly trying to open a door in the middle of a flight, forcing the plane to turn around. and the wing of a united flight tearing apart, forcing the boeing plane to make an emergency landing. we hear from passengers on both flights. mom fluencer turned inmate. >> i took from you all that was soft and safe and good, and i took from you your mother. and how terrifying this must have been for you. >> ruby franke's apology in court, now facing up to 30 years behind bars. why the mom of six could serve much less time. swift versus sweeney? the college student who posts tracking information about
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taylor swift's private jet firing back after her lawyer sent a cease and desist letter. why his lawyers say he's not backing down. valiant fight. >> oh, hi. didn't see you there. >> this morning michael's daughter isabella documenting her cancer treatment. >> this is my friend. >> keeping a bright smile on her beautiful face. this morning how she's doing with chemo and her message for others. you are not alone. ♪ this ain't texas ain't no holdem ♪ put your line dancing shoes on and your cowboy hat. beyonce making country music history and not stopping there. she is not horsing around. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> i want to say mornin' america. [ laughter ] mornin', america! speaking of heating up, sam champion.
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you're not bringing the heat. you're bringing the snow. >> we got both, believe it or not. it's weird and wild, but i promise i'll fill you in. >> all right. >> that's coming up. also ahead, good news for 150,000 people about their student loans. >> we're going to begin with the former fbi informant charged with lying about president biden and hunter biden and his business dealings. the man at the center of the attempt to impeach the president was in court tuesday where prosecutors revealed new allegations. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas is in washington with details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good morning. overnight prosecutors revealing startling allegations about the fbi informant that house republicans have relied on in their effort to impeach president biden claiming the informant had ties to russian intelligence who were trying to influence the upcoming presidential election. this morning the special counsel is calling the fbi informant who allegedly lied about president biden and his son hunter a flight risk and is providing new evidence suggesting the informant has ties to russian intelligence. in fact, according to federal
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prosecutors, the informant, alexander smirnov, claims it was a russian intelligence officer who gave him some of that damaging information about hunter biden when he was trying to harm biden's 2020 campaign. a newly filed court document lays out the stunning allegations. last week after he was arrested for lying and obstruction of justice, smirnov allegedly told an fbi agent officials associated with russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about business person number one, who sources say is hunter biden. prosecutors claim smirnov fabricated the story that president biden was offered a $5 million bribe by barisma. that accusation has been a key talking point from house republicans seeking to impeach president biden. smirnov's arrest ignited a political fire storm in washington. >> he is lying and it should be dropped. >> reporter: government's motion to keep smirnov in jail pending trial contains explosive
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details that he described as on going efforts by the russian government to target the 2024 presidential election. special counsel david weiss claims smirnov is actively peddling lies that could impact u.s. elections after meeting with russian intelligence officials in november stating flatly, smirnov's efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the major parties in the u.s. continueses. prosecutors say smirnov has connections to foreign intelligence agencies that could resettle him outside the united states if he were released. hunter biden on tuesday moved to dismiss tax related charges brought by weiss in california suggesting new allegations about smirnov raise questions about other parts of the investigation of hunter. his attorney saying in a statement, prosecutors bow to political pressure to bring unprecedented charges, overreach in their authority, ignore the rules and allow their agents to run amuck. the judge rejected the government's request to keep
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smirnov in jail ordering him released under strict conditions. he must give up his passport, wear his ankle monitor at all times and cannot travel outside the u.s. >> we know the russians have been interfering in our election for years. what are the national security implications? >> reporter: george, clearly there will be questions about smirnov's credibility. he is accused of lying. the accusations that russians are trying to put disinformation into the upcoming election is something you would think the fbi now has to investigate, george. >> pierre thomas, thank you very much. michael? now to new details about the former american ballerina detained in russia accused of treason and the white house appears to impose new santions on russia. our chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz is tracking it all from ukraine. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, michael. as ukraine is about to enter its third year of war with russia, more disturbing news about russian aggression. this time seizing another american citizen visiting russia.
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this morning an american amateur ballerina is being held in russia charged with treason. abc news has learned she is 33-year-old senia carolina, a dual u.s. russian citizen who was part of the ballet many 2017. her current employer saying she stopped showing up for work in mid january. russian authorities releasing this video tuesday showing what is believed to be carolina seen in custody with a hat covering her eyes being handcuffed and appearing in court. >> with respect to this most recent detention, we are aware of the case. we are seeking consular assistance. that has not yet been granted. >> reporter: while they would not confirm her identity, russian authorities claim she proactively collected funds for organizations that support the ukrainian armed forces since 2022 when putin launched the war on ukraine. the luxury spa where she worked
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saying in a statement to abc, she has been accused of treason for allegedly donating $51.80 to a ukrainian charity in the u.s. she could now face up to 20 years in prison. >> i was crying half of the day today. i'm very concerned. >> reporter: her former mother-in-law telling abc news that the dual citizen went to visit her family in russia. >> if we don't help her, we can say good-bye to her. if we do not protect her as an american citizen, nobody else will. >> reporter: carolina is the latest in the string of americans detained by russia including evan gershovich ex-marine paul wheelan. the white house vowing harsh new sanctions against russia over the death of opposition leader alexei navalny. >> i told you we would be
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announcing sanctions on russia. we will have a major package announced friday. >> reporter: the sanctions set to target the russian defense industry and sources of revenue, as the white house looks to hold the kremlin accountable for navalny's death in prison. we have also learned this morning that a russian pilot who defected to ukraine in his helicopter earlier in the war has been found murdered in spain, shot multiple times. his assailant still on the loose. george? >> okay, martha. thank you very much. race for the white house, donald trump is comparing himself to navalny, refusing to criticize putin as he faces the possibility that his assets will be seized if he doesn't pay the fine for committing business fraud. rachel scott is on the campaign trail in south carolina. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. we are three days out from the south carolina primary. nikki haley taking on donald trump for those comments, calling him a distraction on the republican party and insisting he is weak in the knees when it comes to russia. this morning donald trump facing
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a massive $355 million fine once again comparing himself to alexei navanly when asked about his legal bills. >> how do you put up that kind of money? you have a bond to put up. even if you appeal you have to put up escrow money. it's a lot of dough. >> it is a form of navalny. it is a form of communism, or fascism. >> reporter: after days of silence, trump now calling navalny's death a sad situation, but refusing to condemn the man who put him in prison, vladamir putin. >> he was a very brave guy. he went back. he could have stayed away. >> do you believe putin was responsible for navalny's death? >> thank you, everybody. >> reporter: trump is draining campaign funds spending $50 million last year and nearly $3 million in january. new york state attorney general leticia james speaking exclusively with our aaron katersky and said she will collect that civil fraud fine even if it means seizing some of his assets.
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>> we are prepared to make sure the judgment is paid to new yorkers. and, yes, i will get 40 wall street each and every day. >> reporter: nikki haley said that legal drama is all the reason for republicans to move on. >> i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. he's gotten more unstable and unhinged. he spends more time in courtrooms than he does on the campaign trail. >> reporter: she's trailing trump by more than 30 points here in her home state, but still vowing to stay in the race. >> i'm not going anywhere. [ applause ] i'm campaigning every day until the last person votes. >> reporter: so nikki haley says win or lose south carolina, she is in this race through super tuesday. as for donald trump, every day he does not pay back that $355 million fine, hes more than $87,000 in interest every day. his super pact spent 90% of his money in january alone on legal fees.
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meanwhile his political rivals, nikki haley, president biden, they are using their campaign funds on actual campaign resources, robin. now to president biden's efforts to forgive student loans. this morning more than 150,000 borrowers will get debt relief as part of the next phase of the president's plan. chief white house correspondent mary bruce is in the studio with us. good morning, mary. >> good morning, robin. well, starting this morning, 153,000 borrowers will be receiving an e-mail from president biden telling them their debts have been forgiven, wiping clean a total of $1.2 billion in loans. now, to qualify you must be enrolled in the president's signature repayment plan and have a low original balance, less than $12,000 and have been making payments for at least ten years. if you meet the criteria, your loans will be forgiven in the coming days. millions of americans are enrolled in this repayment plan. this is just the first charge so anyone who enrolls now and meets
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the criteria going forward will also see this relief. with this latest round, the biden administration has approved almost $138 billion in debt relief for 3.9 million people. this is something the president is eager to tout especially after his initial plan was struck down by the supreme court last year. guys, guiden is well aware voters are frustrated and he wants to show he's making good on his promise. >> thanks for that. we're going to turn to the cross country storm on the move, a flash flood warning for los angeles. more snow on the way for the northeast. sam is here tracking it all for us. good morning, sam. >> good morning, everyone. good morning, michael. flooding rain, feet of snow continues in the west. let's shut this down. l.a., we have been through it. we have had so much rain. we are one inch away from our all time wettest february on record back in 1998. and all of that rain causing traffic, accidents, flooding. marin county, san francisco area still has flooding as well. you're closer to the actual low. let me show you the setup as you watch the rain measured in flooding. there's a low.
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here's that atmospheric river. it has been pounding southern california. for the last couple of days. it's an inch an hour of rain, maybe two inches in the last couple days. that doesn't sound a lot, but when combined with the rain we've already had. we have the flood watches came out very early this morning. feet of snow. 3 to 5 feet has been gathering in the mountains. this after around 11, we're done around california. everything gets quiet. this rain moves across the country. there will be some scattered hail. this is snow exactly how you want it. it's the mountains of the poconos. the green and white mountains. this is all the people that didn't get a good hit of snow. this may be our last one because we're looking at record warm air moving into the country next week. hard to say less snow. look at this one, 3-6 inches exactly in the places you want it. rain for new york. that's the weather around the nation. we'll be talking about the heat warm-up when we come back. >> good save. good save right there. [ laughter ]
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well done, sam. thank you. now to two midair scares. a passenger is under investigation after allegedly trying to open a door in the middle of the flight. while the wing of a united flight was damaged, forcing the boeing plane to make an emergency landing. our transportation correspondent gio benitez has all the details for us. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning. yeah. everyone is safe. it was a series of scary events. we're going to start with this passenger. already this year 200 reports of unruly passengers. >> somebody get help. >> reporter: this morning a passenger under investigation after a midair scare. >> your heart just starts pounding. it's like, oh my god, is this real? >> reporter: the faa and fbi looking into why he allegedly and unsuccessfully tried to open a door midflight. >> the guy sitting next to him heard him say, i gotta get off this plane. we all managed to kind of rip him off the door and eventually
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one of the flight attendants brought duct tape so we could duct tape his legs together. then they had flexi cuffs which we put around his arms. >> reporter: the pilot forced to return the plane back to ail albuquerque just after takeoff. police met the plane, taking the man into custody. >> he was a large guy. if everyone on the plane just sat back and said we're going to let the flight attendant handle this, i don't know what they could have done. >> reporter: this incident coming after the wing of a united plane tore apart, frightening passengers. video showing the damage. the plane was a boeing 757 which first went into service 30 years ago. >> can't wait for this flight to be over. >> reporter: kevin clark was one of the 165 passengers on board. >> plane takes off. all of a sudden i hear loud violent vibration and just noise i have never heard from a plane before. >> reporter: pilots declaring an emergency on the boston bound flight diverting to denver.
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>> touchdown and the night mare will be over. this is an older airplane, but it is a reliable airplane. the faa will look at, was it a fatigue problem? did it happen just because the airplane is old and been used quite a bit? or was there some problem with the maintenance? >> reporter: united says once that plane landed safely, they were able to get the passengers on to another flight, but boeing did not comment, robin. >> gio, this is yet another boeing plane. to say the least, it's been a rough few months for this company. >> reporter: yeah, robin, it really has. this was likely a maintenance or fatigue issue. but still, there's that perception problem with boeing starting with that door plug flying off the max 9 earlier this year. this is something boeing has to deal with and make sure the public can then trust this company. >> well said, gio. thanks as always. coming up here on gma, mom influencer ruby franke facing up to 30 years in prison for child abuse. what she said in court. plus the college student who posts details on taylor swift's
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private jet flights, she's trying to put an ends to it. the growing gap between black and white homeownership. how it can affect black family for generations. but let's go back to sam. >> good morning. so we have all the flooding out west. we've got big snow that's moving into the northeast. let's talk about heat. good morning, st. louis. we could be near 70 today. let me show you dallas. how it starts. we could end near 80 today. if that sounds weird, ending of february, wait until you see these numbers. circled are the records. fargo 49, amarillo 80, midland 87 degrees. this is that big warmth building in the middle of the country. it does spread east. even though we might get a kick of snow we might find temperatures 50, even 60 degree mark next week. this is the end of february. we're talking about numbers just as mild. look at chicagoland near 70 tuesday. here's what you can expect this morning.
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abc seven news meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. a level one light storm today for
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>> coming up, the nationwide substitute teacher shortage and how some schools are responding. stay right there. we'll be right back. ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor.
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to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. (ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. also a live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. president biden is making his third visit to san francisco in just six months. this time, it's to focus on campaign fundraising. we know protesters are expected to gather at alta plaza park for a rally and march. they are demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. a group of about 150 protesters rallied yesterday at the montgomery street bart station in downtown san francisco. they want the u.s.
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government to reconsider a $14 billion military aid package approved for israel. demonstrators are expected to rally and march in the pacific heights area. that's expected to start around five tonight. now, let's send it over to gloria for a look at traffic. good morning gloria. >> good morning amanda. soup foggy out there today. if you are driving, check this out. this is our san mateo hayward bridge camera. you can barely see anything. it is just completely fogged out there. so very hard to see on the roads. this is a live look from our san jose camera and not quite as foggy, but still. visibility is very, very light there. so be careful on the roads today. >> all right. thanks so much, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay area forecast
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. my lat and dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga. an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light. that makes driving at
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night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ga. won't wait. com. >> whatever weather comes your way, weathertech has you covered . with our laser measured liners. no drill mudflaps and floor liners to secure your phone. don't forget the cup phone. order yours you never know when it's going to be a weathertech day. perfect weather today i'm dionne lim and happy year of the dragon. >> we have a dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m. this morning. our valley seeing the lowest visibility. we have low
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visibility around the east bay shoreline across the city as well. it's also chilly, a lot colder compared to yesterday morning. we're starting out in the 40s to level one today for widely scattered showers this afternoon. minimal impact. here's that fog on the golden gate early fog gives way to isolated showers that shower chance is done this evening. amanda >> all right. thanks, drew. if you're streaming on the abc7 bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma. is that better >> the finely crafted volkswagen taos. it's built just right. lease a new 2024 taos for 279 a month after a $500 customer bonus. limited inventory available, all. >> listening to people that drink. bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys! so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time.
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day long, but with prilosec otc, just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours for one and done heartburn relief. prilosec otc one pill a day, 24 hours zero heartburn as a teenager, i struggled with acne and i still struggle with post acne marks. >> new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal visibly fades post acne marks by up to 40% new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal paris. back, get back to where you want to be. >> no, make it back to gma because we got big news about the beatles this morning. >> fans are going to be excited about this. and lara will have all the details coming up in pop news. >> a lot of headlines right now as well, including the former fbi informant all at the centerf following a lot of headlines including the former fbi informant at the center of the attempt to impeach the president. according to the prosecutor, the
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informant, alexander smirnov claims it was a russian informant that gave him information about hunter biden when he was trying to harm biden's campaign. of course, that information turned out not to be true. also american flyers are going to pay more for checked bags. they are raising their fee to $40 for the first bag, $45 for the second. that's up from $30 to $40. you can save some money buying ahead of time. that first checked bag is $35 if purchased online. wow. >> all right. and the countdown to march madness is heating up. this college basketball game overnight is already driving uconn fans a little mad. huskies historic 14 game win streak is over after a huge upset. creighton beat connecticut by double digits 85-66. the fans could not contain their excitement storming the court as expected. gonna see how it all plays out in march. and we've got a lot more ahead including the college student taking on taylor swift. that's coming up, robin.
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right now, michael, parenting influencer ruby franke and her business partner jodi hildebrandt each sentenced to a maximum of 30 years in prison. franke offering a tearful apology in court. kayna whitworth is at the courthouse in saint george, utah. good morning, kayna. >> reporter: robin, good morning. ruby franke saying the moment she was placed in handcuffs was the moment she gained her freedom. her husband brought to tears during her emotional statement yesterday in which she also apologized to her siblings for what she calls her decision to roll around in a pig sty. >> it is important to me to demonstrate my remorse and regret without blame. >> reporter: a reckoning for the once popular mom influencer turned inmate ruby franke, set to serve up to 30 years in prison for her role in abusing her own young children. >> to my babies, my six little chicks, you are part of me.
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>> reporter: the disgraced mother of six sobbing while apologizing to her family. >> i took from you all that was soft and safe and good, and i took from you your mother. how terrifying this must have been for you. >> reporter: franke's estranged husband kevin and their two adult children in court. overnight, kevin's lawyer saying these injuries were both physical and psychological and the scars will remain for a life time. the judge handing down the same sentence to hildebrandt who was once an established therapist in the mormon church, with specialized training and counseling, a skill the judge says makes her more dangerous. >> you terrorize children and the results have been tragic. >> reporter: prosecutors likening the conditions hildebrandt created to a concentration camp like setting. >> they were beaten and a 12-year-old was regularly bound, hand and foot. >> reporter: franke, claiming hildebrandt manipulated her through her faith.
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the two often appearing together in hildebrandt's online life coaching program. >> i'm jodi hildebrandt. >> i'm ruby franke. >> reporter: hildebrandt, for the first time, speaking out in court. >> i sincerely love these children. i desire for them to heal physically and emotionally. >> reporter: but prosecutors questioning her acceptance of responsibility. >> ms. hildebrandt has not expressed any remorse. >> do you think jodi will serve more? >> i hope jodi does serve more. i think that would only be fair. >> reporter: franke's attorney alleging that hildebrandt was a powerful manipulator. >> the deception started four years ago and progressively increased to the point where i think, truthfully, ruby lost track of what was right versus wrong. >> reporter: now prosecutors do plan on releasing the jail house phone calls that they say show
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hildebrandt's lack of remorse. ultimately it's up to a parole board to decide how long these women will spend behind bars. guys? >> we will wait and see, kayna. thank you. coming up the legal battle between taylor swift and the college student tracking her private jet. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company from my great-uncle. well, rest-assured, company's in great hands. hit the vid', marci. (marci) now? (luke) yeah, now. we're bringing together the nation's agents in a super-comprehensive agent directory. (dave) did you know he bought a helicopter? (luke) gathering up-close, detailed info on neighborhoods. and hiring top experts to get you insider info on local schools. (weezy) what do y'all think... smash or nah? (classroom + luke) nah. (marci) you got weezy for this?! (luke) exciting, right? (weezy) now, who wanna see what one hundred g's looks like? (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your homework.
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(luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (luke) drink up, everybody. (vo) ding dong! when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at
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rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. we are back with the legal battle brewing between taylor swift and a college student who publicly tracks her jet. the star's legal team said it
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puts her at risk of stalkers. janai norman is here with the story. good morning. >> good morning. it is so nice to see all of you. they say what this guy is doing is putting the pop star at risk of those who wish to do her harm, but the attorney for this 21-year-old university of central florida student says he's done nothing illegal, using public information and his right to free speech. this morning a legal battle brewing between super star taylor swift and 21-year-old college student jack sweeney, sharing tracking information for swift's private jet on social media. an attorney for swift sending sweeney a cease and desist letter in december which he then posted on x. now the college student firing back, posting a letter from his attorney with the caption look what you made me do. ♪ look what you made me do ♪ >> reporter: in the letter, sweeney's attorney claiming his client didn't do anything unlawful. >> we wanted to really hit home
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that there is no legal claim here. this is just public information and he's not using it in a nefarious way. this is tracking jets. there's a purpose. these jets are emitting an insane amount of carbon emissions. >> reporter: swift's attorney, however, alleging sweeney engaged in stalking and harassing behavior writing, you essentially provide individuals intent on physically harming her or with nefarious or violent intentions a road map to carry out their plans. >> i don't think it's great behavior. i don't applaud this. i do worry if swift is in danger. but i don't see there being a legal remedy. >> reporter: swift has repeatedly dealt with stalkers, including a man who was arrested multiple times outside her new york home in january. and this isn't the first time sweeney has gotten into hot water for tracking flights. in 2022, his then twitter
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account was suspended for keeping tabs on tesla's ceo and x owner elon musk's plane in real time. a spokes person for taylor swift told abc news earlier this month that, we cannot comment on any on going police investigation, but can confirm the timing of stalkers suggests a connection. his posts tell you exactly when and where she would be. so jack sweeney now tracks her flights on delay. his attorney tells us this is just another string in an effort by a rich and powerful person to try to silence public criticism and free speech. definitely a talker. >> it certainly is. thank you. so good to have you here. showing baby pictures. >> i know. michael especially loves them. [ laughter ] >> i really do. beautiful baby. beautiful baby. >> you saw those cheeks. >> you know who's a beautiful baby? isabella, your daughter.
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>> yes, she is. yes, she is. >> and she has a personal update. michael's daughter isabella. come on back. you'll hear from her. me on back. you will hear from her. (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society,
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and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way.
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i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. (vo) tear into it... and learn how abbvie a new adventure. a new discovery.
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it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it. life happens. out there. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. michael, i know our viewers have been looking forward to this update from you. >> yeah. my daughter isabella. back in october she was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer, a diagnosis she shared here on gma last month with you, robin.
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she has bravely documented her journey on you tube in hopes of helping other people with the same diagnosis feel supported and to know they are not alone. well, she started chemo this month and we wanted to share with you how she's been doing. >> woke up, came to the hospital. i think i'm just freaking myself out. this is a big bag of chemo. big bag. that's where i am for six hours now. but i am stressing myself out because i feel like everything could go wrong at any moment. i don't know. i'm just terrified my leg will start twitching. what if my organs shut down? you can only have two people in the hospital. mom and cindy were here in the morning. dad is coming. >> pulling up to the hospital. with isabella's favorite breakfast.
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part of the protocol, you have to wash your hands first. wash your hands. everything is hands-free. this door opens, then you're able to enter the area. here's her room. >> potatoes for breakfast? >> yeah. >> your dad brought you fil-a. >> just in case. >> my favorite is a loaded baked potato with lots of cheese, lots of sour cream. oh, hi. didn't see you there. room tour. two tv's.
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no netflix. so unfortunate. they have different channels on each one. >> just got to decide which one you want to watch. >> i will. i have my stress ball, my water bottle, some air pods, chap stick. >> what's this thing? >> this is my -- i don't know what it's called. it's where like all my fancy stuff go in here. okay. so my eyes are strained. they hurt to look to the side. my whole mouth feels like i got one giant root canal of my whole mouth. of every single tooth. just ripped out. not even surgically put back in.
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my jaw hurts. my tongue -- the bottom of my tongue hurts. >> does it feel better being home? >> yes, it's better being home. i slept in my bed for the first time in awhile. personally, i don't mind the hospital too much because i feel safe. >> yeah. >> but i do like being home. i want to take a walk today. maybe stretch. drink more water. >> and eat. >> eat something. potatoes are my favorite food. baked potato, two baked potatoes. lots of sour cream, ketchup chick fil-a sauce, butter, bacon. some onions. lots of cheese. yeah. that's my favorite meal to eat. i could eat that every day. >> that is some loaded potato. >> yeah.
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[ laughter ] the girl loves potatoes, george. she's going through it. she's fighting through it. last three days have been a little rough because she had a fever. that kind of comes and goes. had a fever, had to take her to the hospital. thought she'd come home. she said i thought it would be two hours. it's been three days. but hopefully, she will be home today. >> how are you? >> good. i'm good. i got you guys here to support me. i know so many people have gone through it. they all reach out, send their love, their support. i don't think anything has happened that we haven't expected. nothing has happened that she hasn't expected. it is tough to see her go through it. but i know she's a tough young lady and she's going to make it through. >> what an attitude she has. >> she really does. great attitude. >> i know she's helping raise funds through her blog. >> yeah. and i think for her, so many people who reached out and said, thank you for doing this, this has really helped us and all that support that she's getting from people she doesn't know on top of people that she does know has kept her in a very positive
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state. >> all right. >> so thank you to everybody. >> thank you for sharing. we'll be right back. asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra,
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the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? "may-ow" best foods?? you can talk? ♪ a chicken salad sandwich. god i love you. ♪ (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing. so discover your heritage. preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪) okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried new tide fabric rinse?
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it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try new tide fabric rinse. as we age, our natural collagen production may decline. with vital proteins collagen peptides, your bones, joints, skin and hair may never have to know. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire. great sleep at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! it's inspire. learn more and view important safety information at (vo) what does it mean to be rich? learn more and view important safety information maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there.
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the key to being rich is knowing what counts. special k is oven-toasted to crisp perfection then tossed with yogurty goodness or maybe some red berries special k. in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. >> sometimes coffee just tastes better with a view of the beach. look at lauderdale by the sea. going into the 70s. it has been a lousy winter season, florida, i know. but this weekend coming up at hraoeflt is a little bit better. miami 78 friday, 77 saturday. so at least there's some good looking sunshine. coming up the nationwide substitute teacher shortage and how some schools are responding. plus walking dead star danai gurira is here in times square live. and we're going to meet a 14-year-old, caden harris, who teaches other kids about financial literacy on his bus.
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we're hopping aboard. honda is the best car i've ever owned. >> don't miss the final days of unprecedented deals on every new fuel efficient, rugged, reliable honda suv. >> i would expect this car to last longer than i'm going to last it. >> hurry. the deals only last through february 29th at your norcal honda dealer. >> jackie elwood supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. jackie elwood voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher
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than the national average. can we afford jackie elwood in the state senate? >> i want to make everything right. >> i'd stay, but this sounds like it's going to be awful after all these years. >> i finally got the mother i've always wanted. today until she skipped out my. always seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. >> good morning. it is super foggy out there this morning, amanda. so if you are driving, you want to be very careful on the roads this morning. we have a map here that shows the visibility in different areas. so if you look at livermore zero miles, very hard to see there. half moon bay five miles. also tough to see if you're driving there and look at this. this is our san mateo-hayward bridge camera. can barely see the cars out there because of all of that fog, so just be extra careful on the roads this morning. >> hey, gloria, here's that
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dense fog advisory you were just talking about. it will go until 10 a.m. this morning, and we're also tracking some light showers moving on shore into the city. the peninsula, parts of the north bay this morning. we're at a level one today. we're almost done with this storm. widely scattered showers, minimal impact, no flooding issues with this today. no wind issues. it's just a brief downpour as possible. here's that fog in san jose. there's that fog advisory and isolated shower this afternoon. we are drying out this evening, amanda. >> all right. thanks, drew. and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it is gma. my late father in law lit up a room , but his vision dimmed with age . >> he had amd i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga. an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry or missing visual
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spots that make it hard to see faces like this one. or trouble with low light. that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't. don't wait. ga is irreversible able. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ga. won't wait. >> comm bay area record profits for power companies. record bills for you. electricity rates are soaring, but your bills don't have to. while making huge profits. now they want even more announcing yet another huge rate increase. local veteran owned semper solaris is on a mission to help you achieve energy independence. the best way to do that is with solar plus battery storage. introducing tesla powerwall three now in stock. go solar for less. with the battery you want. and best of all, you only need one battery. let us install your very own power plant on your roof. need a new roof? we can install that too. it gets better. we'll take care of your electric bills for three months. plus zero down, zero interest and get your 30%
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intelligence with impeccable interior details, an impressive range, and a panoramic moonroof for every shade of luxury. >> it's 100% electric and 100% bmw. bmw the ultimate electric driving machine. hurry into the bmw president's day sales event and receive exceptional offers through february 29th. >> track the rain with live doppler seven now on the abc seven bay area streaming app. >> good morning america's 8 a.m. new allegations about the man at the center of house republicans attempt to impeach president biden. the special counsel suggests he had ties to russian intelligence. >> the science of you taking a close look at the new over the counter test for menopause and how it should know about the so called big change. >> i'm having a hot flash. >> and the difference between peri menopause and menopause.
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dr. ashton is here. balling on a budget. how you can spin on all your favorites from travel to dining to shopping without breaking the bank. >> the walking dead star danai gurira is bringing the action to times square. who convinced her to come back to the franchise and why this newest chapter is unlike anything the show has ever done before. ♪ it's gonna be a good good day ♪ >> meet the 14-year-old on a mission in a bus to teach kids financial literacy. and he's saying. >> all aboard, good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> you heard that young man. good morning america. that young man is caden harris. he's been interested in money matters since he was 7 years old. he has some lessons for all of us this morning. coming up an amazing young man. >> since he was 7.
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half his life. he's 14. oh my goodness. also ahead the substitute teacher crisis. the teachers calling out in huge numbers, there aren't enough subs to go around. what it could mean for kwror children. >> first top stories breaking at 8. we start with the former fbi informant charged with lying about president biden an his son hunter's business dealings. he was in court tuesday where prosecutors revealed the new allegations. want to go back to pierre thomas. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good morning. the special counsel's calling the fbi informant who allegedly lied about president biden and his son hunter a flight risk and is providing new evidence that the informant has ties to russian intelligence. according to federal prosecutors the informant says that it was a russian intelligence officer who gave him some of that false information about hunter biden when he was trying to harm biden's 2020 campaign. those prosecutors claim smirnov fabricated the story that president biden was offered a $5 million bribe by ukrainian energy company baresma an
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accusation that's been a key talking point for republicans seeking to impeach president biden. the government's motion to keep smirnov in jail pending trial contains explosive details about what he allegedly described as on going efforts by the kremlin to target the upcoming presidential election. special counsel david weiss claims smirnov is actively peddling new lies that could impact u.s. elections after meeting with russian intelligence officials in november r michael. >> thank you very much, pierre. now to troubling signs for homeownership among black americans. the national association of realtors say the gap between black homeowners and white homeowners has become more extreme. elizabeth schulze joins us from washington. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. this new data shows homeownership rates are improving across minority groups, but the gap between white and black homeowners is now worse than it was one decade ago. the analysis finds 44% of black americans own a home, 51% of
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hispanic house holds and for asian americans 63%. both of those are new record highs. homeownership among white house holds stands at 72%. what accounts for this gap? access to credit is a big factor. research shows it's often more difficult for minority households to get favorable terms on a mortgage. the housing gap between black and white americans also mirrors a growing income gap. so ten years ago white house holds earned on average $21,000 per year than black house holds. that has now increased to nearly $28,000 more. to try to boost homeownership especially for first time buyers the federal government does offer fha loans where you can put down a 3% down payment instead of the traditional 20%. people can see if they qualify by going to robin? >> so many factors involved. thank you. thank you. now the nationwide substitute teacher shortage.
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schools across the country are struggling to find replacements when teachers call in sick. morgan norwood is there with that story. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it was challenging before the pandemic. then covid turned around and made it a crisis. right? so districts have been waving the help wanted signs. many say it is becoming a lot harder to get backups in the door. this morning the nationwide substitute teacher shortage intensifying with many schools from coast to coast scrambling to find fill ins. >> in some instances, district has 2700 teachers we may have as much as 300 teachers who are out each day. >> reporter: according to the bureau of labor statistics while demand has traditionally exceeded supply for substitute teachers because of the pandemic, 20% of requests for fill ins have gone unfilled. many districts lean on substitutes to help vacant teaching positions. now the pool of available subs shrinks for when teachers take off. >> unfortunately, what we are seeing is the flip side of that.
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they are not trained or supported to really step in as educators. they're more like a baby-sitter. >> reporter: megan konklin runs a support group to help train other subs. >> i think one of the obvious reasons subs are walking away from the job is compensation. it's not a living wage job. i think this might even be more significant if the lack of support. >> reporter: hoping to lure subs back in, many school districts working to increase pay. but they're often at the mercy of tight budgets. >> our goal is to make sure that not only are we valuing who they are, but we have to be as competitive as possible. >> reporter: look, for smaller school districts in lower income neighborhood, the idea of raising pay becomes even more challenging. in a statement the national education association says providing paid family leave for teachers, subs, bus drivers, counselors is now more important than ever. guys? >> it certainly is, morgan. i hope the students are kind to the subs.
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coming up in our gma morning menu, the science of you. we're checking out the at home menopause test and how it could help you navigate the change. also ahead money moves with podcast mandi woodruff-santos. her advice for doing what you love while staying on budget. beyonce making history with her newest hit. all the details in pop news. lara has a special guest. hey, lara. >> i do, robin. look who it is. michael, i'm here with the walking dead, the ones who lived, danai gurira. that and so much more coming up on "good morning america."
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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we are back now on this wednesday morning with our gma cover story and our science of you series. becky worley joins us with a new test for one of the biggest changes a woman will go through. good morning to you, becky. >> robin, good morning. okay. menopause is just weird. you're in it when you haven't had a period for a year so you can only truly know where you're at retrospectively. so could a new $29 over the counter test help women be more in touch with the condition in real time so they can treat the symptoms more effectively. >> today we're going to talk about the symptoms of menopause. >> menopause is having a moment. the added buzz includes a new product introduced to the public. >> the menopause journey has stages. learn about yours with clear blue menopause stage indicator. >> reporter: it's an over the counter test plus an app. it works a lot like a pregnancy test except you have five of these sticks plus you enter the results into an app.
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the results are indicative of your current hormone levels. you're also prompted to log any menopause symptoms which helps the app estimate the stage of menopause you're in. the app tells me i'm in late peri menopause. when i go see my doctor in northern california, she is not so sure about the need for a test like this. >> those tests are not that helpful, i'll beont with you, because things are fluctuating. >> reporter: the company said the test is meant to be an indication, not a diagnosis, of menopause, reminding us only a doctor can confirm what stage of menopause you're in. because this is a hormonal test, this is not for women on hormonal birth control or who have any condition that affects their natural hormone levels. dr. cagan's team takes a complete history with a focus on the symptoms that i'm experiencing. >> the hall mark of menopause is hot flashes. we're really trying to educate women about how important it is to treat those hot flashes.
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>> boy was i having them, like in the middle of filming this cooking story. i'm having a hot flash. the symptoms came on like a freight train. i got hot flashes. my sleep went absolutely haywire. dr. kagan says hot flashes, sleep disruptions and brain fog are all the peri menopause signs she needs. she said your cycle history can tell you a lot, too. >> when a woman has skipped 60 days we say they are in the late peri menopausal transition. there's no blood test to help there's no urine test to help us. really, in that time period, hormones are fluctuating daily. >> now clear blue does say this is a great tool for doctors, especially in conjunction with their app where you log your symptoms. it presents them with a full picture of what the patient is experiencing and helps guide the conversation between patient and doctor. as for me, better living through chemistry.
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i started the estrogen patch. my sleep has gotten much better. i have not had a hot flash in months. and these patches are so simple. you just peel and stick. it's been life changing for me. how others choose to treat their symptoms of menopause is really something they need to discuss with their doctor, robin. >> i was gonna ask how you're doing. i'm glad you're doing better. that's great. good for you. thanks for sharing this. this is really important, becky. you take care. >> you got it. >> all right. our chief medical correspondent dr. ashton is here to help us understand things a little bit more. there is some confusion. give us the definition of menopause. >> medically, this is only a diagnosis that we make when it's in the rear view mirror. so 12 months without a period. but let me go through some menopause by the numbers. i do think that can help kind of further define it. average age in the united states for women going through menopause 51.
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one in eight women can experience early menopause, before 40, because of surgery, cancer treatment or natural early menopause. in this country, 50 million women estimated to be in menopause right now. the estimates world wide 1 billion, with a b. you've heard me say before, robin. in medicine, you shouldn't do a test unless you know what you're going to do with the results of that test. when you talk about the symptoms, that can start well before then. that's a big deal. >> going through cancer treatment brought on mine a little earlier than expected. peri menopause? >> yeah. yeah. here's the thing. peri menopause refers to the number of years or the time period before we actually cross that line and make that official diagnosis. that can start two to more than ten years before official menopause. so if you back up the clock that can start affecting women in their 30s. yes, you heard me correctly, in their 30s.
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when you talk about the range of symptoms, literally head to toe. and there are over 30. some people say there are 50 symptoms ranging from brain fog, migraines, anxiety, depression, mood changes, skin changes, weight gain, irregular periods, muscle joint aches. bladder symptoms. that is just a smattering. >> wow. >> when you think about women going through this in their 30s for ten years until they actually cross that line, this is really a significant issue. >> i'm so glad we're talk about this. there's stigma. people have their own opinions. you are a board certified ob/gyn. what should women know? >> i think the first thing is menopause is a privilege reserved only for women alive. so it needs kind of like a pr change, number one. number two, we're more powerful and more prepared than we think. we've already been through a big life change like this. it's called puberty. you didn't have the experience or resources to deal with it, which hopefully women at older ages do.
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and also, it's about being proactive and not reactive. knowing about this is the first step. and then we can handle anything. >> thank you for that perspective. that really helps. all right. >> thank you, my friends. >> we'll see you on gma3. >> yes, you will. >> i'm gonna walk over for pop news with lara. >> get over here. let's do it. we're going to begin pop news with beyonce making music history. her new country music single "texas hold em" makes her the first black female artist to debut at number one on billboard country music chart. robin, i see you doing the two step. ♪ she's not stopping there. talking beyonce now. it also debuted number two on the billbore hot 100 chart and her other country song "16 carriages" good. >> good, good. >> that is a good song. it is a top ten on the country chart coming in at number nine on the list. this is not the texas native's first forray into country music. it is not her first rodeo, as we say, sam. she had 2016 hit. country music stars are welcoming her.
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lainey wilson saying, i love it. the more the merrier. she's so lovely. all of this is a huge leadup to beyonce dropping her new album renaissance act 2. that happens march 29th. we should have her on to perform. >> i love that idea. >> she can rock a cowboy hat. >> way to throw that out there. come on, beyonce. >> all right. also happening this morning for the first time ever the two surviving beatles and the estates of john lennon and george harrison have agreed to a scripted movie about their lives. it's all come together, if you will, under the direction of oscar winner sam mendez, who will make four separate films. one from each of the beatle perspectives. i love this idea. telling the story of the he legendary rock band. mendez saying he is honored and
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excited to challenge the notion of what constitutes a trip to the movies or fortress. ringgo starr posted his support writing, have you heard the news today? oh boy. yes, indeed, peace and love. that's what he sends. no word yet on when production on this begins. it sounds really exciting. >> it's amazing though how relevant the beatles are. that was 54 years ago. >> we have not hear their scripted story. this is the first time they have ever approved it. it's really special. looking forward to that. finally looking forward to this. a gma exclusive. with just two weeks plus to the oscars, wolfgang puck is sharing the very special menu for the governor's ball. this is his 30th anniversary of serving the winners at that party that happens just after the oscars. here's what the legendary chef had to say about the special occasion. >> we're going to have some traditional dishes and also some
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brand new innovations. can you believe this year i'm doing the governors ball for the 30th time. so i will see you all on the red carpet. >> it never gets old. we love wolfie so much. he sent some menu items. come on in. they're dressed up for the occasion. it is oscars after all, sam. the boys dressed up. >> wow. >> thank you, guys. looking great. we have the truffle chicken pot pie that will be served to the winners. also a new dish on the menu if you'd like to try. little like nibbles that you have. it is truffle -- no. brioche toast with a honey butter. will you taste that and tell me? that's a brand new addition. if it's not on your diet, i understand. if you can taste it. i would appreciate it. >> i'm going for the pot pie. >> i'm saving it. is it great? okay. >> amazing. >> i love a pot pie. >> i know. he's so good. also the classics will be there
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as always. the smoked salmon oscars, the golden edible oscars. something they are calling bougie tots. tater tots covered in caviar. bougie. >> i used to pack my bags with these things. i would just grab them at the tables, shove them in the bag. >> that's why you're not covering it anymore. >> is that why? >> what you're doing right now. [ laughter ] >> check out the oscars. it's obviously -- we told you, march 10th, sunday, right here on abc. we're so excited. wolfie will be on the week of with us on the red carpet. sam, leave your backpack at home. [ laughter ] >> all right. let's get a little check of what's going on out there this morning.wanto start with mammot mountain. ten feet of snow in february. this is me carving the fresh pile. >> really? >> yeah. i looked it up. that's what you say. carving the fresh pile. is anything more beautiful than utah? that's the water we need for spring in the colorado river basin.
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we are getting a big warm-up of temperatures that kind of move as the system moves across the country in the heartland. that's the weather around the nation. here's a check of the best weather in the business from your local abc station. abc seven news meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. a level one light storm today for >> now to our series money moves. this morning we look at how to pursue your passions without breaking the bank. talking with mandi woodruff-santos. co-host of the brown ambitions podcast. welcome. great to see you. >> thank you, george. good to be here. >> let's start with the basics of budgeting but still having fun. >> absolutely. honestly, if you're someone who wants to ball on a budget, the
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first thing you want to do is make sure you're balling out on things you actually value. people are out spending money on dinners or going out, but they don't actually enjoy doing it. for me it's theater. every couple of months i save money and spend on a good broadway show. that allows me to spend and invest in something that i'm actually going to enjoy. >> the first question is, what do i love to do? >> absolutely, which not a lot of people do. >> let's get some viewer questions for you. this one is from kelsley who wants to prioritize travel. take a look. >> i love to travel. but flight upgrades are so pricey. are there any deals that you recommend? >> did you know you can actually bid on seat upgrades at airlines? pick your favorite airline whether it's delta, southwest. they have a portal where you can go on and people will action off their seat up grades. that's a little known fact. >> i didn't know that. >> loyalty pays. if you feel like you're mission out on deals, ask yourself am i a member of my hotel chain royalty program?
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that's where you'll get the best ideas and best options. >> how about credit card points? >> i love a good credit card. my favorite is a chase sapphire reserve. they have such amazing benefits like $300 in travel credit each year. when i say travel i mean plane, trains, automobiles, car rental, ubers. lyft, all of that. plus if you book your travel through the chase portal, you get extra points on that. that's one of my favorites. >> that is a good on any tips on how i can save money but still indulge at nice restaurants? >> i absolutely i love to eat as well, so one of my favorite apps is called seated and you can actually get points back and discounts on the food that you buy at certain restaurants. it's amazing. literally money in your account that you can use on anything from amazon rewards. you know, rewards your favorite restaurants. and also, if you're
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someone who wants to splurge on a really good like michelin star restaurant, you got to check out ray's because people will actually auction off or let you buy their reservation to a really fancy restaurant. so without having to wait months and get the best you know, make sure that you are on on that calendar and getting a reservation in advance. you can still go to the best on your own timeline when it's within your budget. by using services like that. >> about 30s left. what if shopping is your hobby? >> what if shopping is your hobby? you know what sustainability actually is a great way to save and do well for the environment. so what i mean is shop pre-loved. you know, by you know, from sites like the real real by pre-loved. you can even, you know, buy things that have been posted on ebay and auction to get the best deals. so honestly, sustainability is key. how can you reuse things in your wardrobe and invest in good luxury items rather than getting caught up in the fast fashion race? okay a lot of good advice there. >> thanks for coming in. we'll be right back. >> america's most watched
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newscast abc's world news tonight with david muir, is now available on youtube that. >> have you told your friends that you see ghosts? oh, absolutely not. >> things are just a little bit complicated. listen up. my father, the owner of this paper, is coming here today. >> good morning everyone. >> you look wealthy. father >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. good morning. gloria. >> good morning amanda. good morning everyone at home. it is super foggy out there on the roads this morning. this is a live look in san jose right now. if you can even make out the road right there. or the cars. i mean, that fog just really making it hard to see this morning. if you are driving, we are also tracking a crash right now that's causing some delays. so we're zooming in to show you where this is. this is over on
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southbound 101 past third avenue in san mateo. this is causing some major delays in that area. and for left lanes are currently blocked. >> all right. thank you so much, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma s your accuweather forecast after the break. >> good morning. i'm cindi bigelow i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. hey. so, what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow, that is what my family hopes for.
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>> cheers. cheers >> this ad is typical politicians. he's bad. i'm good. blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> disney on ice presents frozen and encanto celebrate the power of love. ey familia. playing this week at oakland arena. great seats are still available for tickets and show details, visit disney on and get your tickets today. hey bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up, we'll chat with danai gurira from the walking dead, the ones who live and the bachelor stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you very shortly. we have that dense fog advisory
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in effect until 10 a.m. gloria just mentioned that live doppler seven scattered light showers this morning will stay with us this afternoon. it's a level one, but we are not tracking any of those downpours like we had yesterday. foggy right now in san jose, dense fog advisory gave way to isolated showers. we're dry this evening, amanda. >> thanks so much drew. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. and always on 30 our news app andd s app and >> welcome back to gma live from times square. >> there is no denying, denying our next guest. see what i did there? we are here with black panther and the walking dead star danai gurira. the award winning actress play wright is leading the new chapter in the walking dead saga. please welcome back to gma, danai! good to have you back. looking good as well. >> thank you.
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always awesome to be here with you guys. >> the walking dead universe. been a minute. been a minute. >> yeah. >> but you are back and reunited and feels so good. it was your sister who helped you make the decision to go back? >> it's funny. it was the idea of, we left it a cliff hanger. the idea was to come back and do this chapter. when we were facing the plan, it was sort of like, should we do this? my sister was like, she's very pragmatic to the point scientific with her passion. she was like, yeah, you do it. you proposed it. you finish it. i was like, you're right. we love it. we love the fans. they really were wondering when are you coming back? it is awesome for me to be back. >> we're happy you got a sister like that. we're benefitting from your sister's tenacity. you're running behind the scene, in front of it, in front of the camera. you're an accomplished playwright.
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you're writing for a character you've played a number of years. it's got to be a challenge. >> it was initially quite strange. i took sometime with it. i was like, these are all the things i'd love to say. i'm like, no, this is not how they talk. i went through a lot of phase, calibrating the fact that there are very high emotional stakes, specifically my episode. it was combined with the world they embody and the characters that they are. so it was a very interesting navigation. and you know, it was beautiful because i got to do a lot of stuff, but it was also kind of weird because there were times on set i was running the show that episode and i'd be about to act in a scene then i'd see a zombie or a dead corpse that just didn't look right and i'd be like, guy, guys, it has to look three weeks dead. it looks about two days dead. [ laughter ] then i'd jump back into character. >> that's an extra level of expertise. >> that's right.
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>> let's take a look at a clip. >> my name is michelle. i lost someone. years ago. but i just found out that he's alive. i thought people who needed me, your people, and i helped them. that's it. no other reason, no agenda. >> there's a twist right there. i guess the whole season has a twist. there's a love story this season? >> yes. this is an epic love story between rick and michelle. they got separated, as you saw. this question of, she always believed he didn't die, but she could never prove it. she had to just carry on. this is like nine years later when she found real clear evidence that he couldn't have died. so she's on that journey and we go with her and catch up with where he is.
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we see how it goes. [ laughter ] >> i love that you did your love interest some homework in the form of bridgerton to sort of get in the mood, if you will. [ laughter ] >> no, no, no, it wasn't to get in the mood. i was co-creating this with the show runner for many years and now oversees the whole walking dead universe. the three of us are co-creating this. i have seen the move love stories. i said it's got to be everywhere. i was helping them warm up to that understanding. >> it's interesting. bridgerton, walking dead. >> i love how bridgerton tells a love story with unabashed clarity of character. i would just say -- the arguing scenes in bridgerton and i would record them on my phone and send them text. they weren't going to watch the whole thing.
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>> right. >> that wasn't going to happen. to get them to watch certain scenes and understand what i was getting at. >> right. >> what does a date night look like during the apocalypse? >> so easy. stay alive. [ laughter ] find some canned goods and hide behind the stronger of the two of you. [ laughter ] >> pretty simple. why do you think, what is it about it that folks, viewers, just can't get enough of? >> when i started to watch it, it was three years in or two years in when i auditioned. i hate horror. i'm so scared of horror. i have a crazy imagination. i get scared so easily. i got so caught up in it just watching those first two seasons because there was something they set up from the jump about how you feel. it relates to you. who would you become if to, a the convenience, all of the stability that we sometimes take for granted was just gone and you're dealing with that type of loss and that type of fear and
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that type of hostility in the world that you know. who would we all become? i love how they navigated character like investigation with such clarity. so humanity was being investigated. it's interesting. i have come across -- it's become a very family show. mothers tell me i watch it with my 14-year-old. that's how i bond with my 14-year-old son. you know? guys are like, oh my god, i'm on the phone with my daughter. she's in college and we're watching it every week together t. it's heart warming to realize this show is doing that when we didn't expect it. so the fans have been very, we've been stuck with it for a long time. >> fans are so happy that you're back. you're back. thank you, danai, as always, for always bringing it. and the walking dead the ones who live premieres this sunday 9 p.m. eastern on amc and amc +. coming up you're going to meet a 14-year-old high school graduate, you heard me, taking his financial literacy lessons on the road. so come on back to gma.
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come on back to "gma." are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance.
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a pfizer product.
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>> we're back celebrating black history month kick off our series generation rising, shining the light on some young people already making an impact in high schools and middle schools mandating financial literacy courses, one man is ahead of curve with his own special program. >> all aboard!
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>> reporter: this is a classroom on wheels, founded by 14-year-old caden harris, who has a passion for financial education. >> i have my stock exchange, my atm and one of my favorite parts my mock grocery store where kids can learn the difference between their needs and their wants. finances are the apple of my eye. they call me the rich kid because i'm a financially savvy kid that earns, saves, budgets and invests their money. >> caden's financial literacy bus drives all over atlanta, teaching kids all about money. >> you have to stay under a budget of $40. >> the idea, originating when he was just 7 years old after always hearing his dad's business meetings. >> i remember asking my dad just different things. what is a liability? what is a dividend? i just wanted to know more, be able to teach kids about it. >> he would tell me things like,
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i want to make an investment in a stock. i would say, how do you know what a stock is? he was looking things up on the tablet. he was watching the stock market every day. >> at that point he just really started picking up on it and i knew he had something special in him. >> rallying around caden's vision, the harris family purchased and renovated a 54 passenger school bus, giving students the opportunity to learn about finances in a hands on way. >> have you ever written a check before? >> no. >> who are you giving the check to? >> my mom. >> how much are you giving her? >> $105,000. >> most kids graduate high school without knowing the basics about financial literacy. that really needs to change so we can have better city, better communities. >> that sentiment ex-co-ed by local law enforcement, who invite caden to teach at their community summer camp each year. >> i see the bus pull up. oh, the bus is here.
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the bus is here. >> with over 100 speaking engagements, 50 school visits and over 50,000 students educated, caden's stock can only go up. >> i want to inspire my generation to be needle movers and to be able to change the future. are you guys ready to budget? >> yes! >> well, you heard him say the bus is here, the bus is here. he's driving the bus. not literally, because he's only 14. caden is joining us live. thank you very much. they call you the rich kid. i like your necklace. got rich kid on it. wearing a nice watch. you're all set up. >> thank you. >> you love finances so much that you even have a favorite term. what is it? >> my favorite term is asset because it's something that puts money in your pocket. i want to put money in your pocket as well with a little gift. >> oh, oh, okay. maybe i need to get me one of those necklaces, too. we could be twinning then, man. thank you.
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i love this program. i always say that young people need financial literacy. something schools are now trying to catch up on. little behind the eight ball on that. what is it like for you? you have this bus. you drive around. kids come on the bus, 50,000 kids. when you see that light bulb go off that they get it, that they learned a term on your bus, something that will help them in the future, how are you hoping to inspire them? >> it's awesome seeing that light bulb moment when they are inspired and i see the excitement. it's awesome. so many times when kids get on my bus, there's a section in the book where they get to choose a career, business owner, pilot and many others. i always choose business owner. they say they want to be just like me. >> just like you. that would be a good thing to be. right? it's not that you're busy enough doing the bus, you graduated high school at 13. you're 14 now and you are
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already working with georgia, with lawmakers in the state of georgia. tell us about that. >> i wanted to be able to graduate high school so i could spend more time teaching kids about financial literacy. you know what they say, mr. michael. time is money. >> time is money. how many students are you hoping you're going to impact with the work you're doing? >> i'm hoping to impact over 500,000 kids about financial literacy. i'm hoping there's at least one kid, just one, that's able to say they were inspired and that they got on my bus and they created this huge company and i came to their school and they were in middle school. it would be my ultimate goal to do that. of course i can't be everywhere at once teaching kids about financial literacy, which is why i wanted to create my very own curriculum. it teaches kids how to earn, save, budget and invest their money. also teaches them about credit and so much more. right now we're looking for
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companies, different organizations that want to help underserved schools and underserved communities and putting the curriculum in their schools. >> do you know what? we're gonna help you with that. we found someone who really does want to help you. charles schwab. >> thank you so much. >> they are passionate about financial literacy themselves. they wanted to help you reach that goal. they're providing you some supplies for you to give out on your bus to help you along the way. >> wow. yes. thank you so much, mr. michael. this is gonna help so many people. >> well, thank charles schwab. and do you know what? not only that, you're not done yet. this is gma. we don't give you stuff. charles schwab stepped up. they're donating $10,000! [ applause ] >> thank you so much! >> to your company, caden teaches. >> thank you. >> this is going to support your vision to help all these kids. caden, remarkable young man,
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remarkable family. met his sister, who's one year older than him. she's got two businesses going. can you come to my house? come on up here, sis. let's get sis up here, too. [ applause ] you gotta love this family. caden, thank you. thank you for coming up. sam, to you. >> if caden can, you can, too. >> if caden can, you can, too. >> thank you, caden. i'm gonna try. i learned time is money. i also just learned from michael money is money. that $10,000 was really nice to see. let's get it going. we're wabc so we show off at sun rise. take a look at that. it's beautiful. thank you, new york. i know it's chilly. has been. we had a flirt with february snow. we've now got 7.5 inches in the bucket. we are about 21 inches is where we should be. we do not have the snow we should have. look at boston. talk about a snow drought. should have about 34 inches of snow. now if you look at the spring, the april to may forecast here, look how warmer than normal it is in new england all the way
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into the mid-atlantic. if you're looking for snow during that time, it does not look like it. that's the weather around the nation. >> coming up, affion crockett is here to tell us about his new movie "a hip hop story." he's got all the moves. look at him. hip hop story." he's got all the
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this van just. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team. they took care of me like a . i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> we're back on gma with a new independent movies hitting cities nationwide called "the hip hop story." we have the man behind it, producer and actor affion crockett. he's here to tell us all about it. great to see you again. >> you, two, brother. >> great to see you. why did you choose to make a movie about hip hop story?
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>> because i'm hip hop's baby. we turn 60 a day apart. when i was growing up, we're both army brats. right? grew up around the world, culture shock. and so being the new student, you get bullied sometimes. and hip hop was a thing that i latched onto, beating, rapping, popping. when people started to see my talent, the bullies were like, he's entertaining. let's watch him dance. >> you can dance, act. you can do it all. talk about one of the most talented people i have ever been around. >> thank you, brother. >> this was like a love story, a love letter to hip hop. >> exactly. my love letter to hip hop because what it meant for my life. i'm a practitioner in so many different aspects of it, and i'm a writer so i wanted to write a story that focused on where it came from, where everybody was unified and together and then shine a light on where it is today and see if we can maybe heal it a little bit to get back
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to what it was. we had some fun with it while interlacing comedy throughout the message. >> you've done it all. not only acting, but you're producing. you wrote it. what is it like to have something that's so personal that you will finally see it become reality, to see it on the big screen? >> it's mind blowing to have something that lives in your head so long and have a partner who directed it for me, someone who understands your vision and can get it on the screen. it's mind blowing. i'd be on set some days and cedric the entertainer is doing the baby character and doing the lines, lines that i wrote. i'm marvelling like, wow, this is cedric the comedian doing the lines that i wrote. it was amazing. >> you were the only person that was missing. i didn't get an invite. >> you got like 12 jobs. [ laughter ] come on. >> there's no other rapper with a big space in his teeth that i could have filled in for.
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if there was one -- >> you would have been a shoe in. >> i would have been literally spitting rhymes. >> spitting rhymes. [ laughter ] >> i did play cornell west. he has a gap in his teeth. >> i could have done that. >> i know. i know. my fault. next time. >> how did it reflect where you see hip hop culture right now? >> where i see hip hop culture right now, i feel we can do better. some of the imagery, messaging. when i was a kid i wanted to wear everything run dmc wore. i saw all the movies. i watched the beat boys like i saw in the movie beat street. i know there's a direct correlation between the messages that go out and what kids want to do. for me i feel like, it's not all bad. what i am saying is we've seen a lot of death, we've seen people lose their lives to drugs and violence in recent hip hop years than more so in the past. i just want us to heal. that's it. i'm not pointing fingers.
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we are all responsible for where hip hop can be. >> you said this is a film that makes us all see our value. what do you mean by that? >> we are beautiful people. we are creative people. we spend too much time tearing each other down. there's too much violence. there's too much drug taking. that's self harm. i think we are such a beautiful creative people that created such a dope culture that it's now world wide. it's emulated everywhere. if we can understand what our value is, we can preserve that. and what goes out to the world is even bigger and better and has more of a loving message to it. >> you're helping it. you're helping it. "a hip hop story" opens friday in theaters. make sure you check it out. stay right there, everybody. we'll be right back with more gma. hey, i could have been in that movie. >> you could have, man.
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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really no judge, but let's act like it. >> farm workers marched 330 miles for their union for three years. carlos villa voted with the united farm workers every step of the way. carl villa for state senate. >> this is me and this was my stubborn body. fat my name is adrian and sono bello, america's number one cosmetic surgery specialist, permanently removed my body fat in just one visit. >> sono bello's board certified surgeons use micro laser technology to safely target and remove your diet resistant fat cells permanently. >> my tummy is gone. my double chin is gone, and my hourglass shape is back. >> don't wait. call or go to sono bello com now disney on ice present, frozen and encanto. >> celebrate the power of love e familia. playing this week at oakland arena. great seats still
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available for tickets and show details, visit disney on and get your tickets today. this ad, typical politician. >> he's bad, i'm good. blah blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> why is honda the winning choice for presidents day? ask anyone who owns one. i think it's the perfect combination of style, grace and attitude. >> my honda is a beast. >> it's affordable, fast and very reliable. >> it's dependable. it's great on gas mileage and it's kind of hot. don't miss the final days of unprecedented deals on every new fuel efficient, fun to drive honda. >> ask anyone who owns a honda. >> it's a good car, man. i like
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it. >> hurry. the deals are only good through february 29th at your norcal honda dealer, former congressman jerry mcnerney said campaign money is poisoning the system. >> my proposals would eliminate all pacs, but jerry mcnerney took 5.3 million in pac money. guess he didn't mean it. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. gloria. yeah. you know, if you're driving this morning, it may be tough to see because it is foggy out there. >> check this out. this is a live look at our bay bridge camera. hard to see because of the visibility right now with the fog. and here's a look at that. visibility. zero miles in livermore, five miles and half moon bay. so just be very careful if you are driving this morning. drew, how's it looking out there as far as the rain for today? yeah. >> hey, gloria, we're at a level one today because we have the scattered light shower. some of
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these moving onshore into marin county. have one shower that just moved over the golden gate. widely scattered showers today. we have no flood concerns with these leftover showers or wind concerns. so minimal issues. you'll just see an isolated shower move through. here's how the day shapes up. we have dense fog out there, giving way to those isolated showers drier this evening. >> amanda. all right. thanks so much. drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. be sure to have a great day. it's live with kelly and mark >> today from the walking dead, the ones who live, danai gurira, plus a visit from the bachelor himself, joey crosetti. also, more viewer comments joey grazi. also, more of your comments and thoughts on another addition of the inbox. all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]


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