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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 26, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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$38,000, by the way, all right. >> it looks good, though. all right. thank you so much for watching. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> casey pratt, all of us. we appreciate your time. right now on jimmy kimmel david spade. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- david spade, chef matty matheson, and music from jenny lewis. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: guillermo, thank you for watching. i'm jimmy. i'm the most. thank you for joining us. i'd been hoping you would join us, and, sure enough, you did. i hate to interrupt, but we have an abundance to stupid di to get to tonight. it was a very productive weekend for our former president. when i say productive, not even the slightest bit productive, but he did a lot of talking, specifically donald trump was asked to show up at a gala for the black conservative federation, where he was given the champion of black america award, which is already funny. previous recipients of the "champion of black america" award include no one. they made it up specifically for him. because when you think about the true champions of black america, you think obama, you think dr. king, you think rosa parks, and you think of this guy. >> these lights are so bright in my eyes that i can't see too many people out there.
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but i can only see the black ones. i can't see any white ones. that's how far i've come. that's how far i've come. that's a long -- that's a long way, isn't it? >> jimmy: i don't know. is it a long way? i don't know. maybe in terms of macular degeneration it's a long way. see, he used to be very racist. and now he can't even see white people. that's how -- "i can only see the black ones." >> don't forget, i'm up here now rapping to you guys for 45 minutes without any notes because the stupid teleprompter wasn't working. >> jimmy: he's rapping. this was quite an event. the whole time, i was waiting for borat to pop out from behind the curtain. the notorious p.i.g. freestyled on a variety of topics all designed to let black people know how beloved he is by black people. >> the black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them. i built a lot of buildings.
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and i want to tell you, a black worker is a great worker. you've done an incredible job. you know cary grant? he was this very handsome guy. i'm going to put it more on this. sidney poitier, i thought he was very handsome. should we give it to barry bonds or babe ruth? barry? i'm with barry. especially tonight, i'm with barry. i'm being indicted for you, the black population. you see black people walking around with my mug shot. black people really like trump. my favorite color is black. >> jimmy: black. that is some kung fu pandering right there! the best part of the whole thing, and this was very difficult to find, by the way because there were no shots of the crowd at the black conservative gala. they kept the camera tightly focused on the stage, but we did find some video of the crowd. and we did find some video of the crowd. and now i think i know why they were focused on the stage.
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because as you see, a lot of these black people are very white people. i was working on what they call a solid hunch for that one. and i think it's important to note that in 1989, donald trump took out a huge ad in the new york daily news demanding the death penalty for a group of mostly black teenagers who later turned out to have been wrongfully accused. not only hasn't he ever apologized for that, now he's like, "i'm just like you! you wanna buy my high tops?" that's your "champion of black america." this is funny, trump owes the state of new york $450 million that's the funny part. it that is funny. [ applause ] beyond that, he only has 30 days to come up with either the full amount or a bond for the full amount, or the state attorney general can seize his assets. for every day he doesn't pay, he owes another $114,000 in interest. attorney general letitia james every day has been tweeting the increasing amount of money trump
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owes to remind him of how much money he owes. see, there are trolls on both sides of the bridge. on saturday, trump won the south carolina primary. he beat nikki haley by twenty points. and even though the result was no surprise, it was pretty much expected. trump showed up to celebrate along with the ever-malleable south carolina senator lindsey graham who did not get a warm reception from the gathered crowd. >> when i'm in trouble on the left, i call up lindsey graham, and he straightens it out so fast. and i'll tell you, no, no. [ booing ] i love him. he is a good man. come up here, lindsey. come up here, lindsey. come here. >> jimmy: let's look at that greeting again, if we could. yeah, there you go.
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paper covers rock. and that's why he is the black champion, you know. and then trump gave a shout out to his family. >> 5 of all my family, baron, don jr. and kimberly, ivanka and jared, tiffany and michael, they're so supportive. >> jimmy: okay. melania wasn't there by the way, of course. but did you forget anybody who was? i'll give you a hint. his name rhymes with generic, eric, and his wife laura who were there. he forgot them. about six minutes later somebody hands him a note. uh-oh, i better mention laura and eric. >> so i have a son. he is a very talented guy. we love him and his wife is very good, she's so good, lara. and i want to thank eric and lara for doing such a fantastic
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job. >> jimmy: wherever you are, thank you. "he's still learning to tie his shoes. loop the loop, i tell him!" trump beat haley in south carolina by less than he hope head would beat her. among voters with a college degree, he and haley were widely tied, but trump won with nonedge indicatesed voters. absolutely dominates among voters who have been hit on the head with a boulder or a falling brick. and despite a loss in her home state, nikki haley said she is still in this to win it. >> i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for president. i'm a woman of my word. [ cheering ] >> jimmy: and that word is denial. although it's interesting that people seem to be so perplexed, let's make it clear for those who are confused about why nikki haley is still in this race. it's because the guy she's competing against has 91 criminal charges against him. in new york, florida, washington
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and in georgia. that's why she's staying in it. it's like being charlie sheen's understudy in a broadway play. pretty good chance you're getting onstage. trump also made an appearance at cp cpac, which is the conservative political action conference, where he brought back a classic donald trump entrance. ♪ but there ain't no doubt, i love this land, god bless the usa ♪ >> jimmy: that's right. you're welcome. the traditional molestation of the flag. say what you like about him, this man cannot get enough of our flag. he really, he just gets in there on the flag. he squeezes it. he kisses it. he spanks it a little bit. he licks it. and the crowd loves it. he squeezes it. my goodness, he even -- well,
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yes, he loves that flag. [ applause ] and then after fully impregnating old glory, he treated the crowd to a new donny dance move. snot where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died, who gave that life to me ♪ >> jimmy: that's called the trumpty dance. then fiberace did a 90 minute set with no intermission. he pulled out all the gestapos for cpac. he said "for the liars, and cheaters, and fraudsters and imposters who have commandeered our government," the election "will be their judgment day." which is great. he was totally unhinged. that's the word everyone's using, unhinged. which means it won't be long before he starts insisting he's hinged. "i'm so hinged! i'm hinged like nobody's ever been hinged before! very hinged, very stable. very combobulated! so combobulated. you can always tell what trump's most worried about by whatever
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he denies the most strongly. this weekend, he's worried about people questioning his mental stability. >> you know this is all genius, okay? you do know. i hope you do. they'll say he rambled. nobody can ramble like this. he rambled. he is cog 5ly impaired. no. it's really the opposite. it's total genius, you know that. it is. it's total genius, right? [ applause ] >> jimmy: here's the thing. if joe biden said one of the previous 19 things i just show you'd from trump, we would go to the white house, we would gently wrap a shawl around him, he would lead him out to one of those like old classic cars you rent out for weddings, put him in the back. we'd roll the top down, and then we'd let him wave at everyone as we trucked him off to a rest home, right? is that not true? but boy, trump is out there just
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raking ining in the dough. mark zuckerberg, he was in japan over the weekend. for some reason mark zuckerberg feels the immediate to share his hobbies with us, maybe to prove he has a human pulse? i don't know, but one of them involves sword play. he likes to pretend to be a ninja turtle. here he is making a sword. you can see him here awkwardly hammering i guess a custom blade that he is making for himself. and i couldn't help but think as i watched this go on and on and on that maybe he's practicing for when he gets to hell. you know, last week mark zuckerberg made a video hammering the apple vision pro. have you seen the vision pro goggles? they're the new and most advanced in what they call augmented reality. they're expensive so you don't see them much. they cost about $3500. we thought it would be fun to have my cousin, who can be
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gullible, to test the pair. but instead of the real vision pro we gave her ski goggles, regular ski goggles. and we augmented the reality ourselves. buff did it fool cousin micki? yes, it absolutely did. ♪ >> yeah, that right up there. so do you know anything about these? >> just that -- a little bit. >> and so what it is, you put them on. siri, because it connects to siri, will be talking to you. and you can talk back. >> okay. >> and it should be interactive. >> hello, micki. >> hello. >> welcome to apple vision pro. >> thank you. >> micki, you say "apple please calibrate." >> apple please calibrate. >> micki, look left. micki, look right.
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calibration complete. good job, micki. >> thank you. >> micki, say "apple please butterflies." oh my god! how cute. i like this. >> what are you seeing? >> orange butterflies? >> do they look real? >> yeah. >> do you feel like you could almost touch them? >> yes. >> to end butterflies, say apple sauce. >> apple sauce. >> micki, shall i open a video window? >> sure. >> say apple please, puppy. >> apple, please, puppies. >> look down. >> oh, geez. cute. >> what you seeing? >> puppies playing? >> micki, wave your hands to move the video. >> what's happening? >> oh my god, this is cute.
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that's fun. >> micki, to stop the video, say apple sauce. >> apple sauce. >> how about a dance party, micki? >> apple please dance party. ♪ >> i don't really know how to dance, but i can groove to it. geez! it's a bunny! how cute! i like bunnies. i'll dance with a bunny. is this a panda or bunny? >> i don't know. you tell us. >> i think it's a bunny. you know what's nice about this, can i say? >> yeah. >> like if you live alone and you want to hang out with someone and you don't -- can't at that moment, you can create a whole world. >> to end your dance party, say apple sauce. >> apple sauce. >> so what just happened? >> it felt like i was really dancing with a bunny. >> yeah, even though the bunny wasn't there? >> yeah. >> micki, would you like to blow out virtual candles? >> yes. >> all right.
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can you see me? >> i see you holding a cake. >> does it look real? >> yes. >> okay. give it a big blow. oh! >> here, put out your hands. >> thank you -- oh, geez! yeah, i like it. this is fun. i don't know what this is, but apple knows what they're doing. >> at what point did you realize you were wearing ski goggles -- >> shut -- [ laughter ] now. what is this? that was fun. i had to say, i really like that for people who live alone. like this would be really good at a convalescent home. >> yay, micki.
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>> anything is possible. >> jimmy: hey, mick! cousin micki, everybody. [ applause ] not a skier necessarily. you know guillermo is not real, right? [ laughter ] >> you never know, you never know. >> jimmy: cousin micki, everybody. hey, we have a fun show for you tonight. from "the bear," matty matheson is here. we've got music from jenny lewis. and we'll be right back with david spade. so stick around. ♪ abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by allstate.
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ >> jimmy: hey there. tonight, a multitalented man whom you may know f "the bear" is with us. then later, she is a killer. her latest album is called, "joy all." music from the great jenny lewis. you can see jenny on tour starting tomorrow night in san diego. this week, we've got new shows with jennifer hudson, eugene levy, theo james, anna sawai and david cross, with music from sheryl crow, dhruv and the kid laroi. so please join us for all that. our first guest is a
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relentlessly funny man with the hair of an angel and the name of a gardening tool. you can hear him along with dana carvey on two podcasts, "fly on the wall" and "superfly," please welcome david spade. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: now david, i want to encourage the audience at home to review the tape, but i felt like i went in for a hug and you kind of gave me the sidestep there. >> just now? >> i didn't know you were going to hug me. i went with it a little bit. but it was more of a handshake and then you pulled me in against my will. >> jimmy: yeah, it's great to touch you. how you? >> i had a little trouble in the rain last night. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. it was crazy, wasn't it? >> you know, people not from here don't know, but it's
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raining a lot and we don't know what to do. first, i was listening to "golden bachelor" on audio. >> jimmy: you're going back? >> i missed the boat on that. i can't even catch up. i remember that guy because i saw him. it's a good idea. it's a great idea. this guy, he is older, probably my age. any way, he is older, and he is like his wife passed away. he hasn't dated since, and he was finally going to find his true -- sure. so he goes on. and after a while, some lady comes forward and goes you know, i dated him for nine months. oh, that geezer? that was sort of a hit and run. don't hate the playa. he is not exactly what i thought. but no, that was it. so then i'm at the light. >> jimmy: that's a real good summary of what happened, by the way. >> that was really the whole. >> jimmy: and we slipped right by that some how. >> everyone was rrr, okay.
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but let's bring on m-30. >> jimmy: so i have an old land cruiser, and it's '95. here i am at the light, and it's chug, chug, chug. it dies me in the rain. it's been a while since i've had to push my car. so i get out. i'm sort of looking, i have a hat on, because i'm rocking a little bit, and i'm in neutral. guys, it's pouring, pissing rain. help me. i'm a grown up. what's going on? where is my wrong missy crowd? where is my fan base? no one gives a fat [ bleep ]. and i'm rocking it. so i finally get it going. i get it right in the middle and everyone has to wait for me. who is that woman? help her. me? yes, help me. help the woman, whatever it, help me. and then i got to crank the no power steering. and i finally get it over. it's still there. i dent even know what's going on. >> jimmy: you left the car? >> i might need you to run me
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over after. >> jimmy: i would be more than happy to help. >> you got some jumpers? >> guillermo: i can do that. >> jimmy: you get out and help if somebody is stranded? >> i do. i will push. i thought where's good people? but it's fine. >> jimmy: you love awards. you love awards in general, right? you're like an awards -- you're one of these gold derby checking lovers of you name it, if there is hardware involved, you can't get enough of it. >> i don't think i have any awards. >> jimmy: you don't have any awards? >> nah, i have a couple, a couple medals and ribbons. nothing like you. you're hosting the oscar. >> jimmy: i am. [ cheering ] >> jimmy: i feel like i caught a little bit of a sneer. >> no, no, no. i think you're going to do -- you'll do fine. [ laughter ] you know, you're going to -- oh, you're going to go to the "vanity fair" party. what's your slot? you know that party after.
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>> jimmy: what do you mean my slot? the "vanity fair" party. >> you know that big party they have? jimmy, you don't know this? >> jimmy: yeah, i know about the party. but it goes on after the show. >> when you get in, you got a time slot. >> jimmy: is that true? >> it's sort of embarrassing. i didn't know that. somebody said you should go. go around nine. this year, 9:00. that's a good one. that's right after the show, you go over there, bee, bop, boop. but i didn't know that they time it out. and they stagger you. one time i got midnight. i'm sorry, what? that's when i go? so i sit home all day and then i go? no thank you. because i did go. [ laughter ] but you're like a salmon upstream because everyone is leaving to go to guy o.'s party afterwards. hey, is the buffet still? any chili left? >> jimmy: but you got a good slot this year? >> i got a good slot. this year i got a good one. i'll see you there also, you don't want an early slot like
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5:00 p.m. then have you joao to help set up the chairs. >> jimmy: is that right? >> that's no fun. >> jimmy: and the people, i guess they watch, they supposedly watch the show? >> i guess. i haven't gotten involved in that part. but i do -- i have seen clips of the show. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> i watched some clips when you're on. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i'm excited about that. but the parties, you know, if you can't get into a party, here is a tip for the crowd. let's say you're visiting and ooh, i heard about a -- you see a parties, just go to one of the stores out here and grab a big fake plastic oscar. and you walk and go eh! cinematog cinematography, they don't know. >> jimmy: you're 100% right. >> anybody gets in. >> jimmy: yes. >> you don't have to be a star. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you guys, you and dana carvey, you host this show that is about -- >> it has "snl" theme. most of our guests have something to do with it, yeah. >> jimmy: your show has been so successful, you've had a baby podcast, a spin-off. >> they said let's do another
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one. so dane in and i are busting our hump. doing another one called supefly. sometimes we have a guest. >> jimmy: is this about "saturday night live"? >> no, doesn't have to be. >> jimmy: so there is another difference then. >> they're both pretty fun. >> jimmy: are you running out of guests who have hosted "saturday night live" or been in the cast of "saturday night live" on the other one? >> uh, can i talk to you host to host? >> jimmy: sure. i would love that. >> they can listen. i mean, sort of. we have cast members. we have writers. we have producers, we have hosts, obviously. but we seem to still have enough. i don't think we'll do it forever. but it is fun because we're branching out a little bit. it's a little wider net. now it's medians. it's people that are interesting. have you seen "snl"? that's how we do it. but it's been good. and, you know, i still try to watch it. >> jimmy: did you watch the
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show? did you watch this weekend? you know who is hosting next weekend? do you know? >> i didn't know. but i know shane gillis, who is funny was last week. and then sydney sweeney is this week. and i only know because i was in spokane. i'm on tour right now, so i'm doing all these sold out shows, whatever. and other people's words. and everyone at my hotel was -- i was staying near the theater. and then every single person hey, i was at the show. oh my god, you're so great, you're a genius, whatever. oh my god, never seen a show like that. whatever, i don't remember. but then they go you know who is from here? sydney sweeney. and i go oh, from euphoria. she is great. yeah, yeah, yeah. she is from here. so that's their claim. and then my buddy is talking to someone. and they go this guy's brother -- her sister's whatever, big famous actress. oh, cool. and he had to extract it out of the guy. he said sydney sweeney is any
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sister. everyone goes oh, that's great. i get to the airport. they say sydney sweeney is on your plane. this is like a reality show. so i go in. lovely woman. she is sitting behind. >> jimmy: it's really her? >> it's really her. so she is back there. blah blah, i don't even know what to say to her. i'm on the flight. i can't find my 5-hour energy. i think it rolled. and she is back there. with maybe her boyfriend. you guys see that 5-hour energy? obviously a little suspicious. because where else is it going? it probably rolled under. >> jimmy: it rolled down the aisle? >> i think, uh-huh. i don't know for sure. so then she is like oh, you're doing a show here? yeah. and hey, we met your brother. oh, he's not here. jimmy, what's wrong with people? this guy is running around saying he is her brother to get attention, and he's not.
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so that's weird. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we land, and we all stand up, and then some lady in the back goes "is this yours?" my 5-hour energy. she found it, way in the back. so they passed it up omni are come code, everyone grabs it. [ laughter ] you could tell it was a little light, a few gulps missing. i didn't make a scene. that's your reward. and then we left the plane. i don't even know. and she is hosting. that's the whole story. >> jimmy: did you book her for the podcast? >> i didn't say anything. i felt too dumb that i thought she was criminal. >> jimmy: well, maybe she'll see this and know. >> maybe she'll come on the show. >> jimmy: david spade is here, everybody. >> hey! >> jimmy: "fly on the wall" and superfly." we'll be right back. why do we have to audition again? i don't know. everyone is auditioning to get t-mobile 'magenta status'. drop off your car at dollar...
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...and t-mobile will top off the gas. i think that was good. i think that was great. they say i can play high school but... i don't want to take a job from the kids. ♪ get a special rate on your hilton stay. ♪ mom! they'd be crazy not to hire me, right? is this too much? what about the hair? no need to audition. introducing 'magenta status'. premium benefits from brands you love. what's happening? t-mobile 'magenta status'. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails what's happening? on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. how do i do it all? with a little help. and to support my family's immune health, i choose airborne. it has an unbeatable amount of vitamin c, plus a unique blend of immune focused ingredients to turn up our immune support. airborne
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let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. we're back with david spade. david's got two podcasts, "fly on the wall," which airs every wednesday, and a brand-new podcast "superfly," both with dana carvey. you had jason kelce? >> this dude out here looks like him. is that you? that looks like you. it's a great story. see? look at that. but he came on. and he's great. because we have different people. we ran into him once. so we talked to him than.
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>> jimmy: you like talking to sports guests, you and dana? are you inclined that way? >> we're not inclined to kettle bells and stuff. i'm not super sporty. i saw you at the super bowl in a box. >> jimmy: i was at the super bowl, yeah. >> the thing about the box, if you're not there with taylor swift, who cares? the funny thing is i'm watching super bowl, and poor taylor swift. they've got probably -- those cameras are like snipe owners her. there is 18 cameras on her, two on the field. and two on the game. and she -- you don't realize when you're in a game like that, you to be laser focused for five hours, because she has to be like this. they don't know. she is like this. and if there is a fumble, ooh. and then she gets up to get a chalupa, and where's taylor? why isn't she watching? i'm just having one bite. there is a fumble. my guy? she has to like -- oh, no, they're breaking up. she wasn't watching. so she really has to be there
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the whole time. because everyone is watching her watch the game. that's stressful. >> jimmy: yeah, that's no fun at all. it seems like a terrible thing. >> i went with sandler once. we went for grown-ups, and they're show you again to promote "grown-ups." they're going to show you. when? we don't know. i have sandler for two quarters. they didn't show? i took them off. oh, they just showed i you were crying. no, i wasn't. i was going like this. >> jimmy: are you following the love story of taylor and travis? is that something that interests you? >> you can't not. it's on every website. i like her. i think she is great. performer and she does a great job. she was on the 40st of "snl" so i met her briefly. they seem cool and they're doing a good job. it's just tough. that's tough. she's here and then she goes to australia and then you want me to come down there, babe? and she's like yeah. are you doing some new stuff?
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same five-hour show? i'm heading there. i'm going. i was just saying like do you guys have it on video? [ laughter ] can i zoom in? no, but it's great. they're under pressure. what am i talking somebody i don't know what i'm talking about. >> jimmy: i don't know. >> i thought we went to commercial. >> jimmy: we started talking about his brother and wound up there. >> jason was pretty cool, though. he was blast on the show. i like him. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. please give dane in my best, dana carvey. the new episodes of "fly on the wall" on wednesdays and "superfly" comes out friday wherever podcasts are sold. david spade, everybody. we'll be back wimatty matheson.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. music from jenny lewis is on the way. our next guest is an actor and restaurateur who lights up chicago on his emmy award winning show "the bear." two seasons are waiting for you on hulu now. please say hello to matty matheson. [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: very good to see you. hey, congratulations on all of this stuff. it's crazy. [ cheering and applause ] >> it's crazy. thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: i mean, you know, you've always been a very creative guy. i think when i met you, you were running around shooting videos, cooking at restaurants and doing this fun running around chef stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and now you're a star of a multi -- i don't even -- i can't imagine how many awards. >> all of them. >> jimmy: you have all of them? you do. you guys -- >> it was good. >> jimmy: the sag award on saturday, right? >> we won sag. we won pga last night. >> jimmy: emmy. >> a couple of emmys. [ cheering ] >> jimmy: and not only you
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acting on the show, you're one of the producers of the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you get all the emmys. >> yeah we got a couple. it was good. it was nice. . >> jimmy: it is nice. you -- now for those who don't know, you are a real chef. >> real chef. >> jimmy: an accomplished chef. >> very accomplished. >> jimmy: you are on a show about chefs. >> yes. >> jimmy: about a restaurant. >> jimmy: you do not play a chef on that show? >> no, no. i didn't want to. >> jimmy: is that white? you said i don't want to be a chef. >> when chris asked me to be a part of it, he was hey, we want you to come and consult and help out and let us know what is going on. he was would you want to act? i don't know. i don't know. and i really wouldn't want to be a chef if you're going ask me that. that sucks, because i don't want to do that. that's stressful. we want you to be the handyman guy. i was perfect. i don't know how to do anything. this is amazing. i just -- the screwdriver, mostly have it in my ear.
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>> jimmy: on the show, i would imagine one of your jobs is to make sure it accurately represents what it's like to work in a restaurant. >> i work with people. i got a shout out to courtney store, the culinary producer, and she kills it. there is an amazing team there that makes all of the actors up to speed and get them to a level for sure. >> jimmy: and you tell them what? what have you added to as far as their cheffing experience? >> just i think movement is a big thing. moving with confidence, and showing people how to move in a kitchen. a kitchen is a very busy place. and people are constantly moving. and i think it's finding the movement cadence constantly while doing lines is really difficult i feel. and i think it's when you're watching it on camera, oh, you got to move like with more purpose. you got to move your shoulders. you got to keep your hands moving. you got to not have your hands in your pockets ever. just small little things. >> jimmy: always doing something. but it's important, i would imagine, that the chefs watching the show go yeah, that's how we do it.
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that's the deal. >> yeah, it's more than drinking water out of a liter container, a deli container. there is a couple little nuances. io and jeremy and lionel are so, so great at it. and i think it makes my job really easy because they did a lot of work and went and worked with other chefs as well. and did a lot of work. >> jimmy: evan moss was here on friday. you and he had a very romantic moment at the emmys. it was a lengthy kiss. i think it went on for about 20 seconds. >> jimmy: >> it was long. >> jimmy: i asked him what to ask you. and he said to ask about your acting technique. are you aware they have a name for it? >> they like to make fun of me. they like to make fun of me because i'm not an actor, but i act serious. and he says it's the acting school of reading.
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>> jimmy: matthod acting. >> i'm not good at acting. i've never done it. >> jimmy: you seem to be pretty good at it. i think you're selling yourself short. >> i'm surrounded by amazing people. i think it's one of those reciprocals me like lending myself to everyone. and then like there is definitely moments where like i be doing stuff. and they're like you got a scene up next. and jeremy would come over. hey, dog. let's go run the scene outside, see if you got it. i was like what? now i'm even more scared. it's like they're testing me. i was like should be just like say the lines. what? now? just like now? just say lines. yeah, you have to have them memorized. i just feel them. no. no, no, don't just feel them. >> jimmy: they need to know what you're going to say, i guess. >> yes, it's important. >> jimmy: when we're talking about accuracy, is it possible for a chef to get caught, to get
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locked in the walk-in refrigerator? >> yeah, that -- that particular story -- i was working at this restaurant, and one of our pastry chefs, some walk-ins have actual freezers within the walk-ins. and she went in to get some butter out of the freezer, and she was locked down there for 45 minutes. it was during service. and it was really kind -- it was definitely scary. and so like there was a moment where i was kind of talking about these moments of different things that happen in restaurants and different things that happen. and this is probably like 2003. and, you know, we got her out. we were all working and all of the sudden, where is chef? and then somebody ran around and then we went in. bless her heart. she was in the freezer for 40 minutes. >> jimmy: it's like a sit com or manage in the 70s that used to happen on those shows. >> guillermo: yeah. it was a predicament.
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>> jimmy: have you had a real predicament, accident or emergency in the kitchen? >> me? if you can tell, not too -- >> jimmy: that's one of the things that you keep going no matter what happens, right? >> you keep going. this within time. i opened this restaurant, parts and labor when i was 27 years old. and i was making staff meal. and it was two weeks into opening, and i was making egg salad sandwiches. really great meal to share with people. and i was boiling a bunch of eggs. and i went over to the sink to pour them into a colander. and i splashed myself a little bit and took a step back and flipped the pot upside down and shot a bunch of boiling water down my leg -- into my -- i was wearing a pair of boots. and i ripped the boot off and i had wool socks on too. i live in canada. i ripped everything off. it ripped a lot of the skin off my foot. one of the cooks wasn't there. so i was working that night.
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so i set up a little ice bath. and then i was keeping my foot in like a ice bath. and i'd hop around and kind of do service. and this happened at 2:00 in the afternoon. and i was okay, service is done. i'm going to go to the hospital now. i went to the hospital, and the doctor is like when did this happen? oh, like about 2:00 in the afternoon. you have third-degree burns on your whole foot. yeah, i just had to finish the -- i had to keep going here for a bit, because people need salads and stuff. >> the eggs had to be boiled. >> people are going to come in and complain about an overdressed salad. and i just have a burnt foot. >> jimmy: well, the show is great. and you do a great job on it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: whatever you guys are doing, keep going. >> thank you so much. we're in chicago. we're in chicago right now. i love chicago. it's such a great city. i go tomorrow 5:00 a.m. get on a flight. and then go straight to set. >> jimmy: there you go.
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>> it's nice. >> jimmy: matty matheson, everybody. he is working hard on "the bear." all the episodes are on hulu now. we'll be back with jenny lewis. i'm jimmy kimmel, and this year the oscars are starting an hour earlier, but don't worry, they'll still end several hours late. >> jim conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate.
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...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> jimmy: thanks to david spade and matty matheson. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, her album is called "joy all." here with her number one single "psychos," jenny lewis! [ cheering and applause ] ♪ ♪ life goes in cycles it's a merry-go-round i've been working off that juju from my hometown ♪ ♪ i am a rebel all-american made jesus christ and the devil yin and yang ♪ ♪ there are no hard feelings
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how can i help you help you ♪ ♪ it's time i get away get away how can i how can i help you ♪ ♪ when you are up and down give me the runaround boy this is crazy town why do you come around boy ♪ ♪ i'm not a psycho i'm just trying get laid i'm a rock-and-roll disciple in a video game ♪ ♪ turn down the treble drop the bass respect to your guru
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namaste ye ♪ ♪ there are no hard feelings how can i help you help you ♪ ♪ it's time i get away get away how can i how can i help you ♪ ♪ when you are up and down heavy must be the crown boy this is crazy town why do you come around boy ♪ ♪ how bad do you really want it how hard will it make you cry ♪ ♪ how bad do you really want it is it the ego the id hello goodbye ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh how bad do you really want it ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh
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how hard will it make you cry ♪ [ cheering and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, ivf under threat. the fight riling up the country. >> alabama is a pro-family state. this is not a pro-family ruling. i don't need the government now getting involved. >> shock and outage over the future of fertility in alabama. >> the impact is so far-reaching. first and for most, there are fewer babies in alabama. >> rachel scott chasing down lawmakers for answerss


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