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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 5, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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four major candidates vying to become the state's next us senator, hoping they've gotten enough support to move on a last minute pitch for votes and super tuesday could be the final stand for nikki haley. >> she is vowing to fight even as former president trump has a
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large lead in several states. then the massive snowstorm wasn't keeping one couple from celebrating the happiest moment of their lives. >> their white winter wedding, a day they will always remember. >> the snow. >> it is pretty. yeah. it's always dicey. it's a winter, a winter wedding outside is not my dream. for my wedding photos. i think it's beautiful. okay. yeah. all right. >> romantic with the snow. >> freezing cold and frostbite. >> not frostbite. they didn't have all that. >> welcome back to kumasi. aaron, who is not dead. i'm here . >> welcome back. i'm here. >> thank you all for sending me messages and checking on me. i was just supporting my family for a bit, but i'm happy to be back. my abc seven news family. >> i'm so happy. so happy. >> um, i spoke on your behalf. someone said, where is she? and i said, minding her business as i was. >> yeah. thank you fred, i can always count on you. >> i know i have a way with
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words. >> just a light touch. yeah >> you know. yeah. >> here's live doppler seven this morning. mind your business. i'm going to have you respond to the messages i got. >> reggie. >> thank you. i can help you out. gloria just send him your account. yeah, fine. here is live doppler seven. we have some pockets of drizzle working through parts of southern marin county into the city as well. it's just very isolated. this morning. there's no number on the storm impact scale. there's just low pressure off our coast supplying us with that chance of drizzle today. temperatures not nearly as cold as we were yesterday. so today, mostly cloudy skies, some pockets of drizzle along the coast for a lot of us, this is cloud cover and temperatures in the 50s and 60s. hi, gloria, good morning so far. >> looking pretty good out there. just trying to get a little busier on the roads right now, but nothing out of the ordinary. no major incidents or anything to report right now. this is a live look outside from our san mateo hayward bridge camera from the toll plaza to foster city. it will take you 11 minutes right now and looking live at our emeryville camera from highway four to the toll
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plaza, there a little bit of backups there. 36 minutes is how long it will take you. kumasi >> thank you. gloria. today is the primary election day across the state, so polls open in less than an hour. and one of the biggest races is for the u.s. senate. there are four big names vying to win the seat that belonged to the late senator dianne feinstein for decades. senator laphonza butler was appointed to serve out feinstein's terms, but she's not running to keep that position. abc seven news reporter amanda delcastillo joins us live with more on the candidates and their campaigns. amanda. yeah >> kumasi the prominent four candidates, all recently made stops in southern california to for them, it's crunch time with two slots on the november ballot at stake. the four include democratic representatives barbara lee, katie porter and adam schiff, and first time candidate, republican former baseball great steve garvey. a reminder regardless of party, the state puts all candidates on one primary ballot. the two who get the most votes then, of course, advance to the general election in a republican hasn't won a senate race in the state
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since 1988. and right now, latest polls show schiff and garvey running neck and neck at 25 and 27, respectively. porter is trailing with 19, followed by lee with 8. i'm really not running against my opponents. >> i'm running for the people of california uh. what they do is, is their business. s uh. but if mr. schiff wants me, he can have me, so to speak. >> we make sure that that, uh, that one time first baseman, uh, who is now playing in deep, deep , deep, far, far right field never gets anywhere near the us senate. are you ready to win this thing? we feel like it's a very close race. >> we've seen the polling go up and down, low turnout elections are tough to poll because we just have a lot of people who usually come out, are staying home and turning to oakland. >> congresswoman barbara lee. she has served the east bay as a u.s. representative since 1998. lee was in la on sunday, she
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told reporters. california voters should be concerned that for the first time in 30 years, the state may not have a female senator, referencing the importance of representation. and there's no question the race to fill the seat signals a new era in california politics. the late senator dianne feinstein held the seat for three decades. i'm live in studio this morning. amanda delcastillo, abc seven news. thank you. >> amanda. governor newsom was in san francisco promoting proposition one, which he sees as a solution to homelessness and drug addiction. the $6 billion bond measure would build treatment facilities in permanent housing across the state for people with mental health and addiction issues. the measure had broad support, but that support has waned in recent polls and a group of opponents even interrupted newsom during an event yesterday. communities know i'm from one not on problem . >> all of us can agree, including people that may feel differently about this initiative. the status quo is not acceptable. >> some mental health providers
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have come out against prop one because it would divert local funds to the state, leaving counties with less money for mental health services. >> there are several other items on the ballot in the city of san francisco. a few of the propositions include prop eight and prop f, which ■aim to help the homeless and drug issues in the city. proposition a is to unlock a, a $300 million affordable housing bond. this was agreed upon by mayor london breed and housing advocates in a deal last july, and needs approval from two thirds of voters. prop f is quite controversial in san francisco. it's a push towards solving illegal drug use in the city. the measure would require anyone receiving county welfare and suspected of using drugs to undergo drug screenings. important to note screenings is different than testing. this would not include testing and get some form of treatment to keep receiving those funds. mayor breed is a proponent of this measure. opponents say that it would actually increase the number of unhoused people in the city. >> nearly 90% of californians voters have not returned their ballot yet, according to our
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media partners at the mercury news, today could be a record low for voter turnout in a state primary over all turnout for the last primary election in 2022 is 33. the state's all time low was a 2012 primary, with just 31, and this year could come in much lower than that in the bay area. between 9 and 15% of ballots have been turned in, so far today, voters in 15 states and american samoa go to the polls depending on the outcome, donald trump could essentially secure the republican nomination for president. >> gloria, the latest polling shows that he is way ahead of nikki haley. >> it does reggie aqui the latest polling from abc news partner fivethirtyeight shows trump leading by at least 37 points in each of the 15 states holding primaries today. it appears as though trump is on the verge of clinching his third republican presidential nomination. in today's election comes just a day after the unanimous supreme court ruling the justices rejected colorado's attempts to remove the former president from state gop ballots
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. the ruling also ended similar efforts in illinois and maine. both trump and haley applauding the decision. >> you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly, but but a court shouldn't be doing that. >> we don't ever want some elected official in a state or anybody else saying who can. >> and can't be on a ballot. look, i'll defeat donald trump fair and square, but i want him on that ballot. >> as for today, haley has no events scheduled. she's expected to watch tonight's primary results privately at home, and it's not clear what she plans to do after super tuesday. haley has been facing growing pressure to drop out of the race, but so far she has refused. reggie >> thank you gloria, stay with abc seven news for our election night coverage. our full team of reporters and experts are fanning out across the bay area to keep an eye on the races that matter to you as the results come in. our coverage of the
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california primary election starts at 9 p.m, streaming anywhere. you watch abc seven news bay area online at abc7, and on your abc7 news app. coming up, just how much that massive blizzard contributed to our snowpack. >> with more of it on the way, then stay indoors. >> that's the warning from michigan police after large explosions sent debris flying through the air for 6 to 8. >> looking at the morning commute, you can see a lot of cloud cover throughout the day. today that low chance of some pockets of drizzle from time to time, temperatures staying in the 50s through noon. but we'll get even warmer into the afternoon compared to yesterday. we'll show you those numbers
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michigan overnight has killed
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one person and police are urging people to stay indoors. this is a scene in suburban detroit where people reported hearing a large explosion, followed by several smaller ones. authorities say debris was thrown into the air and landed up to a mile away. reports say the company inside the building is a supplier for vape parts, so there was a lot of butane and propane, which caused multiple explosions. a 19 year old a quarter mile away from the explosion was hit and killed by one of those canisters. >> 612 this morning, an accuweather live doppler seven showing you we have some light drizzle out there, mainly along the coast this morning. the reason why the wider picture there's a stationary front to our north that is the focus of some heavier showers. we're close enough, especially the north bay, to bring us a chance of some pockets of drizzle today. tomorrow we have a better chance of finding more widespread showers. so this morning we'll track that drizzle out there. there's a lot of cloud cover, maybe a little bit
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of sunshine breaking through in the afternoon. temperatures in our warmest areas, getting into the low and mid 60s for daytime highs. mostly cloudy today. 61 in the city. the same in oakland at about 65. in san jose. a little bit cooler in the north bay where we have a lot more cloud cover. 59 in santa rosa, the same in napa. tomorrow, though, it's a level one for a chance of showers before we dry out, we'll take a closer look at that system. kumasi coming up in eight minutes. >> thank you. drew. coming up back to face a judge. convicted murderer scott peterson will get his day in court as he tries to fight his conviction in. and more trouble for boeing. what a new report from the faa found about the company's manufacturing process. and as we head to break, we're taking a live look outside right now. 613 we'll be right back when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent.
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because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. ask your child's eczema let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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found problems in the manufacturing process, parts handling and storage, and product control. boeing now has less than 90 days to build a quality improvement plan and present that to regulators. regulators also found issues with one of boeing's top suppliers, spirit aerosystems. boeing has said it is in talks to buy. the company developed news from tennessee. five people died after a small plane crashed into a highway in west nashville. police say local control tower operators got a message last night from the pilot, saying the plane was experiencing engine failure. the pilot requested an emergency landing, but later radioed that the plane wasn't going to make it to the runway. the plane then crashed on the shoulder of highway 40, and officers confirmed and confirmed all passengers on board died. the cause of that crash is being
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investigated by federal regulators. happening now is starting to look more like the calm after the storm in the sierra. this is our live camera from lake tahoe. the area is finally clearing out after this weekend's major storm. a large portion of interstate 80 was frozen and shut down over the weekend. abc news reporter faith abubey is in truckee with the latest that there is snow packed from the ground here all the way up to the top of the house, covering all the windows. >> and then there are several feet of snow packed on top of the roof all the way up to the chimney. there the sierra nevada mountains has seen more than ten feet of snow in some parts, just since friday. wind gusts upwards of 190mph. but crews have been focusing a lot of attention on the highways. on the main roads cleared i-80 that opened for the first time since friday yesterday, but the surface streets, the community roads are still a little dicey to travel on, which is why officials are urging people to take caution as they're going about their day, especially as we're expecting
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another 3 to 6in of snow to be dumped on i-80 as this new system moves through. >> ooh, blizzard conditions in the sierra didn't stop one couple from a celebration that was months in the making. chloe bowman and chris nielsen from sacramento. they've been planning their wedding since last year. now it was set for this past weekend in truckee at old greenwood resort. but as the date crept closer to the forecast looked worse and worse. >> monday and tuesday, i think i cried more than i have ever in my life. um, wednesday, my planner thought i was going to cancel it, but she was the trooper and just kept the show going on. >> this is the picture. oh my gosh. okay, so this one's nice, but but it has the two lights on his head. >> you know what this is? >> this is a picture that represents their love no matter what okay. 70 guests attended the wedding and 168 people rsvp. so they were able to figure out who's who, what's what, and then
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out of the 70, about a dozen of people still went out on the town in truckee, after the reception. oh, those are your friends, are they? those are your friends. because this is your wedding day. yeah. and you can't redo it? yep. and we we're out. >> but why can't you redo it? because. reschedule it all your money. >> you don't get any money back. yeah everybody made plans to travel there. yeah. you just gotta go. you gotta power through. and you're like, listen, it's march in the tahoe area. this is the day, okay? and we're going out. >> you ain't going. but did you put people in danger to get to your wedding? well that's our problem. >> and you want to have fun or not? and were they okay? okay they look fine. >> they took the risk. they're okay. >> can i just say something really quick? because i just got the most hilarious message of where it was. kumasi this long thing about where's kumasi been? where is she right now? please come back. angelica, you just posted. she's right here. hey, girl. where are you? okay maybe
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she has a delay sometimes there is a slight delay. >> an hour delay? >> how long is it? delay? is she also in truckee? >> maybe she could be to me. >> but i'm back to the wedding. >> shout out to angelica. only this morning she's back. >> well, thanks for watching, angelica. >> here, san jose, this morning. >> we have mostly cloudy conditions, low pressure off of the coast is supplying some heavier showers well north of the bay area. we'll get some drizzle today along the coast, but as this low moves into southern california tomorrow, it gives us a better chance of a quick moving shower in the afternoon for wednesday. so today your sky will have a lot of cloud cover, some breaks for sunshine here and there. the chance of drizzle is really confined to the coast and parts of the north bay today. temperatures with that front moving through. we actually are a little bit warmer today than we were yesterday. we'll get into the low and mid 60s in our warmest areas later on. so
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closer to average for this time of the year, we'll hang on to the cloud cover tonight. temperatures dip into the 40s with a better chance of showers tomorrow. so it's a level one for wednesday afternoon. a brief downpour is very likely, and even the chance of a clap of thunder. we'll watch that very closely. here's future weather showing you by three, four, 5 p.m. there's that chance we'll see some showers moving through. but it's a fast moving storm. it's out of here thursday, looking beautiful. friday gorgeous. so we'll get two sunny days to finish out the week. any rainfall we do see tomorrow? very light in nature in terms of our totals, where most cities will get less than a quarter of an inch of rain, where this system passes by. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you we have drizzle today, showers tomorrow, then sunshine is back thursday and friday over the weekend. not as bright, but our clocks go forward one hour as daylight saving time begins sunday morning. >> gloria, you know, right now it's starting to get busy out at the bay bridge toll plaza and the metering lights flipped on at 533 this morning. there's also a crash. a two car crash before the metering lights. that's not helping things here.
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traffic is backed up right now to the 880 overcrossing and two lanes are blocked in that area. so if you drive there give yourself a little bit more time. this morning and a look at your mass transit for today. bart is running trains at slower speeds because of the wet weather, but caltrain ace are on time. kumasi. >> thank you gloria. now we are checking in with ginger zee who is live with what's coming up on gma. >> good morning ginger. hey there kumasi reggie. >> nice to be with everybody this morning. so we are following super tuesday of course because this morning voters are headed out to the polls in 15 states. so we're going to break down what exactly is at stake. and then this explosion at an industrial building outside detroit. crews have been battling that fire, but there's now an investigation into what caused it. and the new warning about what's called malicious tagging, how clicking them could put your personal information at risk. so we're going to tell you how you can protect yourself and the real estate brokers that are encouraging single women to become homeowners. they've got some advice to get you started. and also, speaking of advice,
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the stars of top chef are here live and they are cooking with cheez doodles. we are all in a big tizzy figuring out who likes the puffy, who likes the crunchy , and if both are under the umbrella of doodle. so i would like to know from both of you what is your cheez doodle belief? >> you know, i have. i have changed uh- my you know, as adults, you know your taste buds change a little bit. so i've gone from puffy. i was puffy only as a child and now i'm crunchy. only >> are you kidding me? because i have never had these. >> what are you talking about? you've never had them. stop >> you never had a cheeto? >> yeah, we can say that like a cheeto. yeah we're using the generic cheese puff. >> we're trying to stay away from it, but like, we're talking about a cheeto here. yeah, we're talking about you. >> okay. >> thank you for bringing me back in. yes. crunchy. crunchy >> crunchy. have you always been crunchy, or was that a change? yeah, i don't know. >> i don't like the puff one. >> okay. and so how about you, mr. juicy? >> yes. i remember having, like,
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the cheese ball, the puff as a kid, but i just didn't know what was out there. and now, like, as if there's another choice, then the crispy. there is no other choice. >> there isn't. so also, i love this star earring. >> so cute. >> it's really giving me jen. >> thank you. gem is back. >> yes, gem is back. i love it. you are. >> you are now in the holograms, which i'm pretty excited about. >> yes. >> so good. well, thank you for that. yeah. now i have, um, all i can think about is a chief, a cheese puff, a cheese doodle, a cheese puff. >> see, i googled this. i'm like a doodle doodle. >> okay, it feels weird to say that, um, it will turn your entire mouth orange, that's all. and your fingers and hands. oh, worth it, worth it. ginger thank you for that. walk down nostalgia lane and we'll see you at sev i live in bloomington, illinois.
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i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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craft parachuted prepackaged food in pallets. it's part of an emergency humanitarian assistance authorized by president biden after more than 100 palestinians who had surged to pull goods off an aid convoy were killed during a chaotic encounter with israeli troops. the us believes the airdrops will help address the dire situation in gaza. new developments in san mateo county judge has granted scott peterson a hearing after a filings from the la innocence project, the legal nonprofit is looking for dozens of items of evidence they say could not be located. after reviewing the trial files from peterson's previous counsel, it's believed the hearing will be in response to the request for those items. peterson was convicted of killing his wife and unborn son in 2004. he was originally sentenced to death, but was later resentenced to life in prison. the innocence project is trying to get
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peterson a new trial and says new evidence will exonerate him. next is 630, the warning from berkeley police after they say someone tried to kidnap a child at school and cutting down on late fees. the push from the white house to slash what you
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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now at 630, one of the longest serving bay area politicians is retiring and the race to replace her is hot. who has the leg up to fill anna swease seat? >> then the white house giving a boost to a company that helps transport children around the bay area and. >> and where is kate? the duchess seen for the first time in months as she books a public engagement. but i guess it's still not satisfying. people who have questions about her
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well-being. >> well, good morning everybody. it is tuesday, march 5th. it's election day. >> it really is time to vote. and also time to mind your own business. seriously, people are up in this woman's business. >> seriously. like let her live her life, let her go through whatever she's going through. >> you don't have concerned they care. >> are they? >> oh, yes. >> yes. >> and cue the weather. here's a live doppler seven. we have some pockets of drizzle out there this morning, and it's all associated with a stationary boundary to our north. that is the focus of steadier rain well away from us. but we're nearby. this system that the pockets of drizzle are, are possible throughout the day. today. temperatures are in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. so certainly not as cold as we were yesterday. looking at the forecast for your day today, we do have just a mostly cloudy skies, some peeks of sunshine here and there. the best chance of drizzle is along the coast, but those temperatures will get you to the upper 50s and mid 60s. hi gloria, good morning. >> well, we have a live look
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outside right now to our san rafael camera. this is at 101 and you can see some raindrops on the camera lens. so you might experience some light showers when you're driving this morning. maybe slick roads. just give yourself a little bit of extra time this morning. look at your drive times for today right now we have from tracy to castro valley in the red, which means that there are some backups here that will take you 71 minutes from highway 85 to the san jose airport, 12 minutes highway one to san francisco, and ten minutes reggie, gloria, thank you. >> your voice. your vote. today is election day. one of the questions voters will answer who will succeed longtime congresswoman anna eshoo? it is a hot race issue. is retiring not running for reelection in california's 16th congressional district. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in menlo park, where voters are casting their ballots. later this morning, lena. >> reggie, this is a seat that has not been open in more than 30 years. here on the peninsula and in the south bay. and there's a long list of candidates vying for the seat.
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so far, four have raised the most funds, according to as of the last report on february 14th, newcomer peter dixon raised more than $2.7 million, followed by former san jose mayor sam liccardo, state assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. simitian a longtime local leader, is the candidate who has the endorsement of the retiring anna eshoo. he said his goal is to introduce a different way of thinking in washington, d.c. so lawmakers at the federal level can understand many issues facing the 16th district, including housing. >> i'm going to need the federal government to sort of reevaluate how it looks at housing across the country. you know, our region is different. it's a very pricey region. a lot of folks were shut out trying to get folks in washington to understand the unique challenges of our high cost area is not going to be easy, but i am game for that effort. >> candidate evan low has served in the state assembly since
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2014, after having served in the campbell city council and as campbell mayor. he says transitioning into the federal level would be a natural progression, allowing him to bring in a new generation of leadership and helping to ensure that we reflect the values of protecting reproductive freedom, public safety, environmental change and helping to make sure that we have an environment of society that we want to be conducive for. >> everyday californians. >> the top two candidates will be able to move on to the november general election, and we are expecting to see people to start dropping off their ballots here at menlo park city hall at any minute. now, they do have a 24 over seven ballot drop box. just remember to drop your ballots off before 8:00 tonight. live in menlo park. lena howland, abc seven news. >> thank you. lena today in santa clara, the future of the city's police leadership is on the ballot. residents will decide whether the next police chief should be elected or appointed. a vote for measure b
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would allow an appointed police chief opening up the search nationwide. supporters questioned the current system. city leaders say six out of the last nine elections only had one candidate on the ballot. >> you don't really have a vote if you don't really have choices . if you only have one person on the ballot, that's not a choice. or if that person was picked by another association. we want santa clara to have the very best police chief possible. >> those opposed to measure b believe an elected chief makes them more accountable and reachable to residents. officials say santa clara is the last city in the state where residents still elect a police chief. stay with abc seven news for our election coverage tonight. our full team of reporters and experts are fanning out across the bay area to keep an eye on the races that matter to you as the results come in. our coverage of the california primary election starts at 9 p.m, streaming anywhere you watch abc seven news, bay area online at abc seven, and on your abc
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seven news app. >> the effort to recall district attorney pamela price took a big step forward yesterday. the group is turning in a petition with enough signatures that could lead to a special election. ten boxes with over 123,000 signatures being turned over to the alameda county registrar's office. so far, supporters have raised $2 million to fund this recall. >> we shouldn't have to do this, but for the safety of our community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. this is a right for the citizens of alameda county with the signatures handed over. >> they now need to be verified if they are, it goes before the county board of supervisors to call for a special election, one that could be as early as this spring. >> berkeley police are investigating an attempted kidnaping. the berkeley unified school district released a safety alert yesterday, saying that a suspect in a white van or a large suv approached an elementary school student. it
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happened at or near route 80 elementary school as a student walked home on rose street after school, the suspect asked the student if they wanted to get in the vehicle. the student refused and ran home unharmed. >> add new details on a car chase and shooting in santa rosa that we first told you about as breaking news yesterday morning. a sonoma county sheriff's deputy remains in critical condition this morning, just after midnight yesterday, a man began showing a gun around stony point and todd road. neighbors called it in to 9-1-1 when sonoma county deputies arrived. they say the man had a rifle. that man took off. officers followed to pursue him for about two miles during the pursuit. >> the suspect fired at the deputies and they returned fire. ultimately, the suspect crashed and subsequently died at the scene. >> neighbors said they heard dozens of gunshots. the suspect eventually crashed through a fence. it's unclear if the suspect died from the impact of the crash, or if the suspect was shot and died that way, for
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deputies were hurt, one in critical condition with a head injury. another was shot in the leg and two suffered injuries to their hands. >> new this morning credit card late fees will cost you a lot less now the consumer financial protection bureau finalized a rule today that will cut the typical late fee from $32 to eight. the financial regulator estimates the change will save americans $10 billion every year, and average savings of about $220 a year. the new rule will also stop credit card issuers from automatically increasing fees based on inflation. today marks two weeks since a cyber attack targeted a major health insurer. >> it paralyzed some hospitals, doctors offices and pharmacies. gloria reports are coming out that the company may have paid a large ransom to the hackers in this case. >> that's right, reggie, it appears as though insurer united health group may have paid the hacker group responsible for this attack. the group, known as black cat, was allegedly paid
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$22 million in ransom money. that's according to experts. since the attack, thousands of smaller pharmacies have been facing major disruptions. pharmacists are sometimes unable to fulfill prescriptions and cannot verify insurance coverage. >> they're targeting the health care industry because they know that people patients, they are especially vulnerable. they say these these organized actions are in a position where they cannot wait too long before they have to pay a ransom. >> united health has not confirmed, termed the payment, an analytical firm estimates the cyberattack has been costing health care providers more than $100 million per day. so we'll stay on top of this story for you, kumasi. >> thank you. gloria marin county reports a cluster of fentanyl overdoses higher than what is considered normal for that county. the county's public health office said that five people died in the last two weeks of february, and they say that's about four times higher
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than the usual overdose rate. all five individuals had both fentanyl and methamphetamine in their systems, and according to their investigation, so far, they were all adults with substance abuse histories. >> in the south bay state, leaders are using san jose as an example of how to bridge the gap between homelessness and permanent housing. they joined city officials at one of san jose's interim housing communities to announce support for the interim housing act of 2024, the legislation would speed up the time it takes to build short time housing throughout the state. state senator josh becker is the sponsor. >> well over the last 12 months, the rest of the state has increased just by 10. the number of unsheltered people living on the streets in san jose, they have decreased. by 11. >> san jose is home to six interim housing communities. unhoused people are allowed to live there rent free. >> the san francisco unit square alliance is hosting a meeting tomorrow with local businesses
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to talk strategy. >> they plan to talk about what it will take to modernize, post street and union square. the multi-million dollar powell street promenade, refresh is one of the revitalized revitalize ation efforts. it will replace existing aluminum parklets with a new design. the idea is to make the promenade more inviting so retailers come back and fill those empty storefronts. >> s this is the gateway to san francisco. i can't think of a more important place to put resources to ensure that the downtown will recover. >> opinions are divided as to whether money should be spent on improvements or on addressing vandalism and graffiti in the neighborhood. >> coming up, a local bagel shop is set to expand across the bay area, with three new shops in san francisco and a look right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> another update on the markets next, and a record setting day for dinos. >> how many people dressed up as prehistoric creatures all at once and stay with us on the abc7 bay area streaming app at
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seven for abc seven seven. we are live every day from 7 to 8 a.m. download that app wherever you stream. >> 641 we'll take you to our rooftop camera at kgo along the embarcadero, though that sun is up here. we had a couple of light sprinkles over the last ten minutes across the city. live doppler seven showing you just some widely scattered drizzle this morning. it's also shifted with a stationary boundary to our north that is supplying us with a little bit of moisture. this morning. we're finding some of that moisture. it's very light in nature across the city. parts of the east bay, marin county, as well. no organized showers today. no number on the storm impact scale. just a pretty cloudy day out there for our tuesday. you look at the morning commute, you can see those overcast skies that very low chance of some drizzle and temperatures in the 50. so the sky today very similar to yesterday, make it a little bit of sunshine peeking through the clouds. but it's a mostly cloudy day and with that boundary nearby we'll have some pockets of drizzle. the best chance of that drizzle along the coast. highs today 61. in the city in oakland, 65. in san
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jose. a little bit cooler in napa in the 50s. and then we'll find tomorrow a better chance of showers. it's a level one for wednesday. we'll take a closer look at that system
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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to pay for more than 2000 new zero emission busses. >> well, we have heard plenty about the businesses that are leaving san francisco, specifically downtown. but now two restaurants are expanding in the city, partly geared toward the downtown area. china live is one of them. their dinner crowd has been strong, so people have been asking for lunch. founder george chen says they're now making it a regular thing monday through friday for the foreseeable future. now now emily winston started boychick bagels in berkeley and she's expanded all across the bay area and will soon be opening three stores in san francisco, including a location along market street in battery. >> and then we can like, you know, really be part of the
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rebirth of downtown. and i'm, i'm very excited to be doing that. and what better to bribe someone to come back into the office than with a bagel? >> both physicists say they are excited about the potential in the city by the bay along the peninsula, stanford researchers are utilizing the wet conditions in the portola valley to burn piles of debris for wildfire management. >> officials say low intensity fires can reduce wildfire risk by up to 60. these kinds of small burns are smaller. they're easier to control. if coordinated, they can create a safety barrier for nearby homes and wildlife habitat. >> we're burning fuel and we're actually removing the fuel out of the system instead of just rearranging it. when you cut things and just kind of put it on the ground, which is an excellent way to do things like when you chip material, but when you're burning it, if a fire were to come through, there's nothing left to burn. these burns also bring educational benefit to stanford students,
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and researchers can use these techniques to study low, medium, and high intensity fires to discover more about the impact on the environment, two more stores are pulling out of san francisco's emporium center, according to the san francisco business times. >> beauty brands like titan and sephora are both closing their stores. lots of town has already shut its doors, and sephora, the san francisco based sephora plans to close its location in the former westfield center by mid-april. picture this chicken tenders and pancakes, all under one roof. it could happen. dine brands global is looking into putting applebee's and ihop together. company says it's looking at considering a us market after some international success with this, the ceo says a prototype has been performing well. there's no specific opening date for an official combo restaurant, but the brand is hoping to launch within the next two years. >> you know, yesterday i was trying to figure out what ihop has. >> uhhuh. >> it's the root and tooty fresh
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and fruity. >> yeah, yeah. >> now for your morning money report. bitcoin has just hit a new record high. yesterday, the digital currency was trading at $68,791. that is $2 more than its previous record in november of 2021. bitcoin's climb over the past several months has been propelled by us regulators approving exchange traded fund connected connect, one. what >> i don't know what i don't pretend to know about bitcoin. >> okay, so me reading this word salad is not helping. >> i say it with confidence. >> in any case, according to coin market cap, bitcoin accounts for more than half of all crypto currency in circulation. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange, this trading gets underway. routine tooty fresh and fruity. >> that's that's what that's your specialty? >> yes. you can see that we are down about 178 points new. this
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morning came middleton's first public appearance since christmas has just been confirmed. so if you are worried , don't be. it'll be at the trooping the color in june. the princess of wales has been recovering from abdominal surgery since january. kensington palace previously said that she'd be out until after easter. it's not clear if she will end up having other appearances before june. middleton has been the focus of intense speculation for weeks online now since she has stayed out of public view. however she was spotted driving in a car with her mother yesterday, so everyone can calm down in southern california, more than a thousand people dressed up as dinosaurs as they were trying to break a guinness world record. >> it happened at legoland california in carlsbad on sunday, a thousand 273 people in dinosaur costumes all came together for a dance party of prehistoric proportions. the celebration was held in anticipation of the park's new dino valley area, which officially opens. on march 22nd.
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how cute! >> i love the costumes. mhm. >> have you been to legoland? anyone new there? >> never did, but it was. >> i was on the east coast. it was a far for us to come here. so yeah. dream is never achieved. >> well it's never too late right. mhm. it isn't. well being in my 30s without kids going to legoland. >> hey i don't know. >> go do it. you know what i passed when i was driving home in florida. >> what. i had a walk down memory lane. medieval times. oh no i've been there. >> yeah, i was in southern california, still there. >> i'm like, should i go? i'm like, no, you should have got that crown. >> eat that turkey leg. >> the food. yes >> i liked it so much as the great janeane garofalo once said, there are no forks in medieval times. >> therefore there are no forks at medieval times, i remember that. >> do you remember that from a movie called cats and dogs? look it up. yeah but they don't have the rooty tooty fresh and fruity. >> reggie, what are you gonna do? i don't know, what do you say at denny's yesterday?
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>> um, that's the, uh, moon over miami and the grand slam. >> the grand slam? oh, grand slam. i believe. yeah. >> there you go. um, here's a live look at sfo. you can see there's some drizzle out there close to the coast this morning. the reason why low pressure air is making its way down our coastline. and eventually it will move into southern california tomorrow. is everything okay over there? this is not my coffee mug. >> every thing is fine. >> when i hear things falling, i'm like, oh, no, not another kumasi coffee mug. all right, so we'll find that we have some drizzle today, but a better chance of showers tomorrow. so a lot of cloud cover today. temps features upper 50s to the mid 60s, so a little bit warmer than yesterday and closer to where we should be for this time of the year. we'll hang on to the cloud cover tonight and we'll keep those temperatures in the 40s tomorrow. it is a level one in the afternoon for scattered showers, a brief downpour, even the chance. no, no no no. i never in mind. >> we're all related. we are related after this thing. >> then all of a sudden. oh my
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gosh, that is karma at its finest. and real time right, it's a shower here. uh, tomorrow afternoon, noon. that low goes into southern california. any rainfall? less than a quarter of an inch. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. uh- drizzle today, showers tomorrow. sun is back here in a big way. thursday and friday. and then those clouds roll back in here over the weekend. hi gloria. >> good morning drew. we're all dropping things this morning, so i've got to really hang on to this clicker. make sure i don't drop this. uh, we're all clumsy today, but here's the live look right now at our bay bridge camera. and you can see traffic is moving smoothly into san francisco. so? so no issues here. it does look like there could be maybe some light showers overhead there. and then on the richmond bridge, we have a three mile backup. as you approach the toll plaza. so a little bit of a delay right there. kumasi. >> thank you, gloria. people are enjoying the fresh snow in pennsylvania in a unique way. so many people took part in this
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cardboard sledding contest over the weekend in scranton. and there were some pretty creative sleds going down there. people packed into this bright pink barbie van sled. okay, that's cute. >> that is cute. look at this. oh look at that. whoa >> this is a fighter jet sled. oh, this is really cool. >> no, not the not the cup. stanley >> bob's your uncle. >> i don't know what that means. oh, well. well you know what? >> this is actually pretty cool. >> it's a lot of work now, under the rules, all sleds had to be made using just glue, tape, string, paint and cardboard. >> winners. and they had categories. different categories . oh my gosh, that's johnny number five from wow wow wow okay. >> short circuit. so the prizes went from $250 to $1000. >> that is really cool. >> yeah, i like that. >> we have a bit of an update to
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a story we first told you about last week. so that viral willy wonka experience in scotland, the character that had a lot of people confused, maybe creeped out. i don't know. it is getting its own movie. we're talking about this person scaring children and hiding behind the mirror. so this company says that the film will be called the unknown, and it will follow a grief stricken couple in the scottish highlands who encounter an unknowable evil. they say production is set to start soon, and the unknown is aiming for release later. this year. >> this is the second time we've done this story today, and it still doesn't make sense. what does it have to do with willy wonka? why is that? why is that scare actor at a child's willy wonka event? kids >> and who asked for the movie? >> no one. >> not a soul. well, up next, the seven things you need to know today parents were calling police because of that character . >> we should make a movie. you know, while we're on this, you can watch all of our newscasts
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live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. just download the app now and start streaming. >> and as we head to break a live look outside right now at 655, we'll be right back. >> when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes,
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband, the father of our girls. i see a public servant, a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department, where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem solver, who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy because he sees a better future for all of us. >> i'm peter dixon, and i approve this message at la-z-boy furniture galleries. >> you'll find solutions from cozy to spacious. it's the la-z-boy trade in event. now you can trade in your old sofa or chair and save money on new la-z-boy furniture. la-z-boy furniture galleries live life comfortably.
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>> it is 657. here are the seven things to know this morning. number one, it's election day. we haven't already turned in your ballot. polls open across the bay area in just minutes. at 7 a.m. >> number two, 15 states and american samoa are holding primaries today. the republican presidential primary is one of the hottest races. donald trump, donald trump is leading nikki haley by at least 37 points, and each of the states voting today. >> number three, one person has died after a huge industrial fire outside of detroit, michigan. it caused multiple explosions last night and sent debris flying through the air. number four, california's snowpack has gone way up after last weekend's storm. >> state data shows it's now 104% of normal. two months ago, in january second, it was just 25% of normal. >> and number five, we have some isolated drizzle out there this morning. you can see on live
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doppler seven, a lot of that drizzle is mainly close to the coast. what you'll notice today is just a cloudy day. maybe some peeks of sunshine here and there, but clouds really rule the sky for our tuesday, so find those pockets of drizzle throughout the morning. any of it will be very light and very scattered in nature. just a lot of cloud cover today into the afternoon is actually warmer than yesterday. yesterday we were stuck in the 50s. today we'll get into the low and mid 60s away from the coast. a better chance of widespread showers tomorrow. tomorrow is a level one on the storm impact scale. >> and number six, there is a crash on westbound 80 before treasure island. so right now traffic is backed up from the car crash. so there are delays backed up to the toll plaza. and this is our caltrans camera, by the way. >> look at this number seven seven to celebrate super tuesday you can get two free krispy kreme original glazed donuts. today you don't even need to buy anything. you don't even have to prove that you voted to get the sweet treats. but you should vote anyway. yeah maybe they
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might give you, i don't know, but. but you can do it. you can walk in and do it at the drive through, i like it. >> oh yeah, i do love that you should. i just put my sticker on the san francisco i voted sticker is really good. >> it has the parrot. >> it has my sea lions on it. oh, and there are the sea lions. speaking of, please vote today. prove everyone wrong about the low turnout. participate. >> good morning america.. millions of americans head to the polls this morning. super tuesday showdown. voters from 15 states going to the polls. donald trump set to sweep and lock up the republican nomination. nikki haley makes one last stand. after the supreme court rules states cannot kick trump off the ballot. >>


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