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tv   America This Morning  ABC  March 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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nothing at all. that was the savvy move. $9,600 puts you, martha bath, in the semifinals. well done. [applause] oh, dear. come finish the week with us tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now on america this morning. president biden makes his case what he's expected to tell voters at tonight's state of the union address and how his campaign is responding to a new debate challenge from former president trump.
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>> a verdict in the alec baldwin movie shooting case. the woman in charge of weapons on set is convicted, a juror explains the decision, and our legal expert weighs in on how this could affect baldwin's trial. >> your safety on the ride to work new york deploys the national guard to protect subway commuters from crime. and in philadelphia, changes on the way after eight teens are shot at a city bus stop. a closer look at the concerns coast to coast. >> billion dollar rescue the fears in the financial industry about another potential regional bank failure. backyard horror. >> it was just so fast. she was so aggressive. >> this woman explains how she survived a showdown with a mama black bear caught on camera. >> the hero police officer and his k-9 who saved this toddler from danger after he wandered from his home. >> and later, no more late fees. one library's creative new way to punish people not returning their books on time. >> from abc news in new york,
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this is america this morning. >> good thursday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> happy thursday i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with president biden making his case to the voters as a general election rematch with former president trump takes shape. >> we're learning what biden is expected to outline during his state of the union address tonight. polls show he's trailing trump with voters most concerned about the border. the economy and biden's age. >> his campaign is already facing questions about whether biden plans to debate trump. abc's ikazuchi has a preview of tonight's address. hey, good morning. >> hey, good morning ryan. and things will look differently, both inside and outside the state of the union address this year. but as the president prepares for his speech, he's facing a new request from former president trump just hours before his state of the union address. tonight, president biden is facing a direct challenge from donald trump, the former president, posting on social media, i'm calling for debates any time, anywhere, any place. the white house press
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secretary was questioned on this issue. >> do you think that it is going to quiet concerns about the president's age and acuity if he decides not to debate, not talking about the debate? >> that's something for the campaign to speak to. >> the biden campaign responding, saying that's a conversation we'll have at the appropriate time. and claiming trump, who refused to debate any of his primary rivals, is thirsty for attention. trump yesterday picked up the endorsement of senator mitch mcconnell. the two haven't spoken in three years since mcconnell blamed trump for the january sixth riot, shortly after the attack on the capitol. >> that i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party. >> tonight, it's biden's turn to make his case to voters on issues like the border and the economy, where he's suffering in the polls. he's expected to take credit for rising wages, millions of added jobs and low unemployment rates. and he's expected to renew his push for higher taxes on corporations and billionaires dismissed by republicans has the wrong
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approach. >> america is in decline and nothing he says tomorrow night is going to change that. and it's a majority. >> one thing we may not see this year interruptions. speaker mike johnson is urging house republicans not to disrupt. the president reportedly telling them decorum is the order of the day. and outside the capitol, roads closed and security tight in washington as more than a dozen groups plan to protest today, demanding a cease fire between israel and hamas. now, in his speech, the president is also expected to tackle abortion rights and access to fertility treatments. americans affected by both issues are expected to be the among the invited guests attending tonight. rhiannon. >> all right, ike, thank you for that. breaking overnight lawmakers in alabama have passed a bill restoring access to in vitro fertilization, and the governor quickly signed it. the law protects ivf doctors and patients from civil and criminal liability. couples undergoing fertility treatments have been in limbo since the state supreme court recognized frozen embryos
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as children. >> now to the verdict. in the case of that deadly shooting on the set of alec baldwin's movie rust, a new mexico jury finding armorer hannah gutierrez reed guilty, the question now how could this affect baldwin's trial? here's abc's andrea fujii this morning. >> hannah gutierrez is in custody in new mexico awaiting sentencing after it took jurors just under three hours to convict her yesterday in the death of cinematographer halyna hutchins, we find the defendant, hannah gutierrez, guilty of involuntary manslaughter as charged in count one. the jury found gutierrez not guilty of tampering with evidence. hutchins was killed in 2021 after alec baldwin's gun fired on the set of his movie rust. prosecutors argued it was gutierrez's job to oversee the guns and that she was responsible for bringing live rounds onto the set. >> jurors agreed that was her job to check those rounds, those firearms and if no one wanted to pay attention or do that, then she could stop the work, the
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defense argued. >> the 26 year old, who did not take the stand, was made a scapegoat and shifted the blame to baldwin, who was handling the gun when it went off. they plan to appeal, my sense was the evidence wasn't sufficient to convict, and it was a lot of guesswork and lot of speculation. >> hutchins parents and sisters say they're satisfied with the verdict, adding, we look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for helena's death is required to face the legal consequences. baldwin's trial is set for july. he's pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. legal experts say prosecutors face more of a challenge with the case against baldwin. >> well, i think with alec baldwin, it's harder. i mean, he has said publicly that he didn't pull the trigger. that's going to be difficult for him when you have forensic experts. but this verdict is probably nothing that he, you know, he likes to hear. i'm sure he's very concerned in this moment for his for his own future. >> for as for hannah gutierrez, she faces up to 18 months in prison when she's sentenced next
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month. rhiannon. andrew. >> all right. andrea. thank you. the state department is urging americans in haiti to leave the country immediately. it comes amid a surge in gang violence aimed at removing the prime minister, who's believed to be in puerto rico. gangs recently attacked the airport and a prison, releasing thousands of prisoners. the u.s. is pushing haiti's prime minister to begin a transition of power without delay. >> we turn now to safety on your ride to work. it's not just commuters worried about crime on public transportation. assaults on transit workers have tripled in recent years, and now some controversial new plans to make the ride safer. from new york to philadelphia to san francisco, authorities are taking new action to stop the violence plaguing the nation's mass transit systems. in new york, the governor now deploying the national guard, saying things are getting better doesn't make you feel better, especially when you've just heard about someone being slashed in the throat or thrown onto a subway. tracks 750 troops will join hundreds of additional officers on patrol,
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randomly checking bags in the new york city subway after a series of violent crimes, which were up 46% in january compared to the same period last year. just last week, a conductor was slashed in the throat and a musician was recently hit over the head with a metal bottle. the suspect had eight prior arrests and two active bench warrants, but was still released by a judge. >> why are we arresting people? 100 times? and once we make the arrest, why are they back out within a day or two? sometimes. >> in philadelphia, this surveillance video shows the moment eight teenagers were shot at a city bus stop yesterday. two left in critical condition. the suspects allegedly seen here were on the run overnight. it's the fourth shooting involving a city bus in the last week. police now planning to ramp up frisking of people suspected of carrying weapons. >> we're going to use every legal means at our disposal. to target illegal gun possession on septa and in san francisco, voters this week approved giving police more surveillance equipment to crack down on crime, including cameras and
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drones equipped with facial recognition. >> back in new york, just one hour after the governor's announcement about national guard troops, a subway conductor was attacked with a glass bottle. >> people on a united airlines flight from houston got the scare of their lives. look at this. this is what they saw. flames shooting out of an engine . they say shortly after takeoff, they heard a loud bang. and then the plane started shaking. the pilot quickly turned the jet around, landing safely back in houston, where ground crews were able to put the fire out. meanwhile, new pressure at boeing after that door plug blew off a plane back in mid-flight in january. federal safety officials claim the company has not cooperated, and turning over documents for the investigation. boeing insists it's now turned over a list of staff members and is fully cooperating. >> louisiana's governor has declared a weather related disaster because of a shortage of crawfish drought, extreme heat and other environmental factors have devastated this year's harvest, which is worth $500 million a year to that state's economy. the disaster declaration clears the way for
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federal help. >> it is time now for a look at your thursday weather. >> good morning. we are talking about the heavy rain working its way out of new england. as we start off the day, but there will be puddling and ponding. watch out for some localized flooding. meanwhile, there's another storm system on the move. this time through texas and oklahoma. starts off with some rain, but watch the thunderstorms develop late in the day throughout texas and continue to push east as we head into friday morning. so friday there's another round of severe weather, this time along the gulf coast states, and they'll be more rain in the northeast from the storm in the weekend. for accuweather, i'm melissa constanza >> coming up, concerns in the banking industry about another regional bank failure. also, i had a woman describes being attacked by a bear in her own backyard. >> we'll tell you how she survived. >> and later, the wrong call by the refs that ended up erasing
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this team's upset win. can anything be done when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema.
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end your college career? >> let's go. >> this morning only on good morning america us forces have launched new strikes against iranian backed rebels after they attacked a cargo ship yesterday, killing three people in the waters south of yemen. >> these are the first fatalities since the houthi rebels began their attacks last year. in one of the busiest shipping lanes for global trade, a new video circulating online shows a russian warship exploding after being hit by ukrainian drones. the ship sunk in the red sea, reportedly killing at least seven russians. ukraine says the ship cost $65 million. back here at home, a struggling regional bank has agreed to a $1 billion deal to try and stay afloat. >> new york community bank is getting the money from a group of investors led by former treasury secretary steve
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mnuchin, the bank has suffered massive losses in the commercial real estate market, fueling concerns about other regional lenders in the wake of last year's collapse of silicon valley bank, we turn now to pennsylvania and a shocking attack in a woman's backyard. >> it was just so fast. she was so aggressive. she was all over me. >> leanne galante is recalling the moment a black bear attacked her in her backyard north of pittsburgh. >> she had me down and she put my arm. she was on top of me. i thought, you know, i thought she had just let her dog smokey out tuesday night. >> having no idea that a female bear was lurking in the dark until she saw bear cubs in her neighbor's tree. there were three of them. >> if you were to see that big. those bears were in that tree. and how big she was, she just kept coming. but i didn't want her to eat my baby. and if she would have taken one bite, he would be dead somehow. >> the mama bear got distracted, and galante got herself and her dog back inside.
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>> i thought, oh my gosh, what if she's right behind us? and i slam the door and i was at. >> galante suffered injuries to her head, neck and arm and may need surgery for broken bones in her face. >> she is a trooper. when we first saw her, she certainly was very traumatized. but definitely through all this, she's handled it very well. >> galante is recovering well and her dog is said to be okay. >> glad both of them are okay. coming up, women's college basketball star caitlin clark one on one discussing her future. >> but first, the hero police officer and canine who saved officer and canine who saved this toddler from danger oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing!
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you're ready to take on the day. try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season. difference. mucinex night shift it's comeback season. >> back now, with the results of a brain study completed on the man who carried out a mass shooting last october, robert cod killed 18 people at two locations in lewiston, maine, before dying by suicide. scientists now say his brain showed evidence of traumatic injury, which they say likely played a role in his mental health. he was a longtime instructor at an army training range, where he was likely exposed to thousands of grenade explosions. >> in michigan, a police officer and his canine companion are being recognized for saving a little boy's life who was in danger after wandering away from his home. a dramatic rescue in southern michigan. hey, buddy. hey. police finding this missing three year old wearing nothing but a diaper. >> it's okay. >> the boy had wandered a
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quarter mile from his home after climbing out a window. he was finally found days close to two ponds, one just 50 yards away. >> if he'd have went to the left or the right, i'm going to tell you five minutes earlier, we'd probably have a different outcome. >> officers had immediately deployed drone teams and canine units for the search. >> once our canine got to the wooded area over there, he did see a little footprint in the mud and the canine track started. >> it was just another day for deputy eric calhoun and his k-9 officer named kuno. turns out this is the fifth time that the deputy and k-9 duo have tracked down a lost child. >> i've never heard of a canine recovering multiple kids throughout its career, just five kids in his short career as a canine. >> that is amazing. deputy calhoun says his goal is to have the number one dog in the state of michigan, if not the entire country. as for that little boy, he had only minor scratches
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coming up. >> the rare sight at the bellagio fountain in las vegas. >> college basketball star caitlin clark describes the fire caitlin clark describes the fire and emotion that drives her if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol;
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low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. [♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief
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i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. end your college career? let's go this morning only on good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. beginning with a surprise visitor to the las vegas strip. yeah. >> people were gathered around the bellagio hotel's fountain. it's famous, of course, when a very rare yellow billed loon made a pit stop, forcing the hotel to actually stop the show. >> wildlife experts later captured and relocated the wayward loon, which likely got sidetracked during a storm. the fountain, meanwhile, is back up and running. >> i know what you're going to see in vegas. >> no, you do not. >> next to new jersey and a wrong call controversy. it was the state semifinal basketball
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game between camden and manasquan, a manasquan player shot this three pointer, his teammate catching the rebound off the miss to score a buzzer beater. >> it looked like they had scored that upset win, but then the referee stopped the celebration, saying the ball dropped after time had run out. however, pictures show that was definitely not the case. the ball was in the air with half a second left. >> i've known some of the kids on the team all four years, see all their work be disregarded because the refs made a decision, then changed their decision. it's ridiculous. >> and despite all the evidence, a state board denied the school's appeal to overturn the results of the game because using video to review game decisions in this high school basketball league is not allowed , you got to feel for the manasquan players who thought they won a heartbreaker and celebrated and they did not. all right. next, an exclusive one on one. speaking of basketball with college star caitlin clark, she's used to winning, isn't she? >> she's got the big ten and the ncaa tournaments ahead. and then
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she will enter the wnba draft, where she is expected to be the top pick. clark sat down with our own robin roberts to discuss her future. >> you're moving on up. you're leaving? yeah. how do you feel about, you know, the next the next chapter? >> i think it's something i'm ready for. and that's why i decided to make this move. but also, this is the place. like, i've really all i've known all my life. and that's this is the. that was the main reason of coming to the university of iowa. >> clark says she thinks she's become a fan favorite because of her passion and her emotion. more from robin roberts exclusive interview is coming up later on. good morning america. next, there is a new line of barbie dolls that are designed to inspire little girls. mattel has unveiled its latest barbie role models collection. >> the dolls are modeled after four inspiring entertainers in celebration of international women's day and barbie's 65th birthday. >> believe 65 years. they include actress viola davis. helen mirren also singer shania twain and kylie minogue. kind of
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cool to see them holding the barbies right there. they're not for sale, though. they're one of a kind. they were gifted to each of the women priceless. >> yeah, priceless. >> and finally, a perfect way to eliminate late fees at the library. >> the library in worcester, massachusetts is calling this march meaulnes. it's now accepting any photo of a cat in exchange for erasing a late fee. >> perfect cat photos now currency. i'd say it's working in the first five days of march. get this 400 accounts have already i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi.
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