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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> live frombc 7. this is
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eyewitness news now at six. >> preside biden set to address the nation and congress tonight in the state of the union. we have a preview and all new at 6 a.m. >> we're live in france. as the mayor of la visits paris, and we get ready to host the olympics in four years. good thursday morning to you. i'm rachel brown here with john gregory and mark cota robles. >> leslie sykes is off and we are drying out and waking up to just a beautiful sunrise view. leslie lopez those clouds really help. >> i know it's pretty. it's very pretty. however, some of these clouds could produce a littl bit more rainfall for us as we get into today. and then also later on this afternoon, but specifically for inland empire in our mountain communities. that's wheree could see some of that rain falling and also sn in the mountains. continue forward for us today. so you have to take the chance you are heading up to the mountains. continue for till for downtown los angeles. we're going to see a chance of some sprinkles or some lingering showers through about noon. orange county about 60 inland empire valley communities. the chance of rain
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also picks up again by the time we're heading into your afternoon. so just keep that in mind if you're in the inland empire. and then also for the beaches, we're back to about 62. our mountains get up to about 38 degrees, and the our high desert communities are going to get to about 58 degrees later on today. we do have a chance of some clearing, some sunshine, some warmer weather for the weend. i'll show you that ming up in a full foreca. brianna ruffalo jaein. take a lo at traffic. how's it going, briaa? >> good morning. not a whole lot in terms of big accidents, but we've had several repor of some potholes and flat tires, and that's been causing some issues, not just this morning, but yesterday and for months, because our roads are a mess. unfortunately, d to recent storms. so we have some problems over into the pomonarea. now, initially, the reports of all lanes bcked off. it loo like that closure has been lifted and you probably can get through it. it's on the 71 northbound through mona, but this whole area is kind of a mess. still, it's right at rio rancho road, so just know that u might still hit some lane closures. we had some flat tires in pasadena and reports of potholes there
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this morning as well. looks like that situation got better. just just make sure that your driving slowly and safely in ce you encounter any on the roads. probably for quite a while longer. john, rachel, mark i'll send it back to you. >> all right. banna. thank you. new at six. bonjour. mayor bass. today she is in paris to see how the city is getting ready for the summer olympics. as la gets read host the games in 2028. >> eyewitness news reporter josh haskell is with that group traveling with the mayor. he joins us live from paris with more. hi, josh. >> bonjour, rachel, mark and john. great to speak with you. we are at the ace de la concorde. we are in paris righ now,ight outside the united states embassy. we're not too far from the louvre or the musée d'orsay. if you are familiar with paris. why are we here? we are here because los angeles mayor karen bass has led a delegation to paris to study. what paris is doing for the 2024 olympic games, to prepare la for 2028. the mayor is inside the embassy right now. we will hear
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from her in a pres conference within in the hour. now, mayor bass has brought a delegatn to paris with her part of that delegation includes three city screen that shows those who are on the trip. it includes council president paul krikorian, council member katie jaroslovsky and council member tracy park. all three sit on the city's ad hoc committee for the 2028 olympic and paralympic games. also so on this trip, metroeo stephanie wiggins, who willf course be taking a look at how paris is dealing with transportation in terms of the 2024 games. now, the la delegation on this trip will explore partnerships with french companies, explore housing strategies for the unhouseand learn from parisian leaders about maxizing public transportation. a big concern for any city that hosts the olympics will they be able to
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ay on budget? the paris 2024 price tag has climbed. billion to ■k78.5 billion, with some estimating th costs may rise as high as k710 billion by the time the game start for the 2028 olympics in los anles, the committee estimated a $5.3 billion price tag, but that's now at $6.9 billion. now, domestic sponsorships are meant to offset the costs of the game, and mayor bass has said if we wait until the opening ceremonies to be on the ground in paris, we will miss a crucial opportunity to learn from e city of paris during their preparations to welcome the world. this summer. and this trip will allow us to fully immerse ourlves in how paris is preparing for the games. back here live now. a reminder our process for the 2028 games. bid that, of cours was handled by mayor garcetti, and there's a chance that mor bass may not even be mayor in 20. her terms
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ending in 2026. but the mayor make sure she's doing everything e can to make se la benefits from these gam, not just in 2028, but far beyond. this, o course, is a no build olympics for los angeles. the athletes will be staying at ucla. this is the firstames where the olympics will be using facilities that are already exist within the city, and so we'll hear a lot about those details this tp. with all the meetings that the mayor has planned with the mayor of par and other officials, as the delegation is here to learn, i'll send it back to you guys. >> and, josh,ne question that always comes up when politicians make a big trip like this is how much is this trip costing? and who's footing the bill? >> wve asked for a price t. we don't have that yet, but i have been told that the city is paying for this. taxpayers will be paying for this trip, but it is impornt to keep in mind the city telling us th, of course,
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tholympics is supposed to bring in some reports say clo to $1 billion. so they feel like this trip is necessary for officials to come he, make sure the city is prepared. i actually saw council member katie yaroslavsky on my flight, and i asked her what she hos to get out of this trip, and she said, my main focus is to make sure that la gets as much as they can out of the olympics, far beyondhe game. so that means improvements to housing, improvements to transport. then, of course, the city w lots of fl dollars when it comes to hosting event as big as the olympics. but, john, you bring up a really, really good point, and it'sorth, repeating what i said earlier, that the games are already going to cost more than was first estimated. you look at paris, they are well over budget, and there are some questis about whether the facilies will even be done on time. so it should be a very interesting few days here. and we of course will bring all of the action to you and reports on channel seven and online for me,
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it's a flashback to the bid process in la at the time, kind of felt like a consolation prize to get 2028. >> that's right, that's right. heree go. okay, josh, live in paris i appreciate it. we appreciate it. josh's reports from paris continuing al day today and tomorrow on eyewitness news. you can watch on abc seven and our 24 over seven streaming channel 607. >> in the morning, we're following brking news. a rescue in the angeles national forest. scott reiff is li in air7 hd with more scott. >> yeah, and rachel incredibly, it's not going to be a rese now. a man said he was force off of angeles forest highway a mile, marker 20, off the side of the embankment down into the riverbed that's about 200ft from the roadway, and he wasble to walk out of that vehicle up to the shoulder. so initially we thought this was going to be a rescue on angeles forest highway. buthe iividual, the driver saying he's the only person on board the vehicle is now being treated inside that pickup truck there. so, you almost a miracle that this
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individual was not hurt more than just a broken arm and some scratches. this will not affect travel on angeles forest highway. if you use it, it looks like they're not going to block the lanes. but certainly one lucky individual to be able to be involved in an accident like that and only have minor juries. geez >> absolutel okay, scott. thank you. happening today, president biden expected to highlight the economy in his state of the union address, according to white house aides, this year's address aims to lay out an agenda that he could quicy take out on the campa trail. some of the items include protecting t affordable care act, expanding efforts to relieve student debt and housing costs. the president also expected to call on both the democrats and repuicans to ke action on issues they should be able to agree on. as far as for attendees, d the administration has invited specific guests, that personified the night's issues and themes that includes a woman from alabama who had her first child thugh ivf, a texas woman as well who was denied an emergency abortion by the state
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supreme court, and the sister of one of the victims of the uvalde mass shooting, who has now become an advocate in the fight against gun violence. the white house meantime confirming that ukraine's first lady and russian opposition leader alexei navalny's widow were both invited this evening but are not able to attend >> while the weekend is alst here, which means we're getting closer to hollywood's biggest night, we're now three days away from oscar sunda and it is for the oscars.e a nice weekend >> with the rain moving out, crews continue to get things ready. yesterday tre was a ceremonial rolling out of the red carpet and remember last year the carpet was champagne colored. this year, the academy opted to return to tradition. the carpet is back to the iconic red and the green room is green. >> now, aside from who was going to take home the osr for the red carpet? also, the looks always a hot topic. >> yeah, this is what i wore
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last year. so fun. i wanted to pop in this year. as i teased yesterday. mark holy smoke, you popped a barbie theme. oh my gosh leslie, both of you beautiful. i loved the red leslie. that's your color. colorless is it? >> thanks. i like that blue. i mean, we're just gushing over each other. >> that's just i'm going to watch just to see what you guys are wearing. yeah >> it's always fun. >> surprises come sunday. no sneak peek or. i know you said maybe barbie theme. barbie pink. okay. yeah. >> yeah. beautiful. >> we'll see. it'll be. it'll be something to everyone else. would be something to see. but this is what it looks like today. and thanks. it's going to be fun. i think really the best part of this is really just seeing everybody walk in and then getting to see what they're wearing. we havsome fashion experts that will be talking all about it, and we're just there for the ri. it's a lot of fun. live mega doppler 7000 hd this is what it looks like right now. if you're heading out the door, we are going to get rht back to areas closer towards santa clarita frazier park. we have some rainfall out there. we also for areas of our foothill
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commities, we have some snow and snow showers and se of these snow showers out. there are going to be continuing forward through about 4:00 today. so with that, take t chains with you. yeah you are it's really slick and slushy out there. so you just want to be careful and then if you are going to heading out the door areas closer towards it looks like our inland orangcounty communities about 60. we have some partly cloudy skies out there and then overall looks good. if there's anybody still watching from san frcisco or the bay area, which i think most of them are, are now switching back over. but just in case, i see they're still on the stream here, we're looking into the 60s for most of you, and it looks like it's about 58 degrees over towards half moon bay. okay john, rachel a mark, i hope you're havina lovely day. you could see that there are clear skies. i know this is the downtown cam, but yeah, very clear skies looking really pretty. and no rain for oscar sunday. so that's also really good, at least for the one year jovanand i were out there. i just have to say this. and we were live on camera and the keeping us covered broke? no. and all of a sudden there was
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just like a waterfall orain that hit the back of my head from here, all the way down. and she and i just kept smiling, and we were soaking w. >> we smiled through it beautifully. >> oh my gosh. wow. >> that's troopers. >> it's fun. at least it was someing to talk about as long as long as george pennacchio was dry. >> that's good. thanks, les. >> a dream vacation turns into a nightmare. and now one families looking fornswers after their mother died following an in-flight emergency. >> also coming up this morning, a new proposal to clean u encampments near freeways. what we are learning about the possible deal this morning for los angeles
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>> welcome back. as ballots continue to be cnted, the race for proposition one is getting tighter. here's where the results stand. r now, the measure would boo iestment in housing and substance abuse programs by tapping into revenue from a tax on millionaires that's already in place. >> in the race for l.a. county district attorneeorge gascon is heading to a november runoff in his bid for a second time. gascon is leing nathan. nathan hochman, a former us assistant attorney general, by about five percentage points right now. results. though are still coming in. the latest tally shows less than 1 million people have voted in the district attorney race. l.a. county has nearly 6 million registered vots. >> we are continuing tfollow e races from the primary elecon on our website to track more of the results, head to abc7om and happening now, a live look at big bear. >> wow, a snowy big bear. we anxisly await for jackie and shadows eggs to hatch a few eagle eyed obrvers on the live
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streams chat yesterday and a few around here thought that they saw a crack in one of the eggs. but friends of big bear valley say it was just dirtjackie and shadow are incubating a clutch of three eggs, a first for them, and they could hatch any day now. >> and all eyes righ there. jackie doing her duty. >> i was in that conversation yesterday about deciding. is that a crack? is that a crack? and some dirt stuck on it. buter all the scrutinizing those eggs lookg for the first signs. >> not just yet. >> they got the snow. we had the rain. i hate to say it. after yesterday, i'm done with the rain. >> we finally got there. >> i'm finally there. >> don't hate you. i'done too. i've been done. enough is engh. we're all done. rachel. >> rachel. back in december was like, is this. >> what's going on? >> yesterday? i always rain as much. >> yesterday i was angry. >> you were? >> yeah. i'm sorry. >> yeah, well, we have. you know what? i have some good new
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mark. i had some really, really good news, this is what it looks like today for heading out the door over into long beach. i'll tell you the gd news in a moment. we're back to 49 degrees over into long beach and it is going to be an interesting setup for today. the reason being is we havan area of low pressure that's just cruising outf here. it is still bringing with it some lingering showers. and i think by this afternoon our inland empire and some of our mountain areas could get to see some rain. and it picks up in intensity right around just two, three, 4:00 today. so you might see some more rain pick up for the i and then some of those foothill areas. winter weaer advisories are also out here in southern california. and so for you area people heading up to the mountains or getting into at least that 6000 foot to 7000 foot mark as you're climbing from 6007, you might need those chains. it is still snowing out there. and then also high surf advisory. we have 4o 8 footers out there for you surfers. bigger waves up towards santa barbara getting smaller as you trek southbound d then by the time you're heading into orange county, it just isn't looking like a whole lot. here's an area of high presre that's going to building on in here for southern california. it's 63
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grees for los angeles over into areas of sacrament 67 the bay area getting up to2 degrees. but chen we're heading into tomorrow and it's clear. but then rain returns for the bay and northern california. here in southern california, we get to stay with 70 degrees on your saturday. so it's looking like a great weekend. and then on sunday a trough starts to ve back down. we're building in the clouds. 68 safrancisco gets up to about 58 degrees. and then we also have some snow happening and some rain as well happening yet again. now for them. now for us. we just don't have much to talk about. southern californians. we're just going to be dealing with some wraparound showers potentially today. i do have something in the forecast that looks like we could see a chance of rainfall. i don't want to get especially mark. i don't want to tell mark that at all, but it is about a quarter of an inch of rain possible. all. i just nt to point this oureally quickly too. this is what's going to happen this afternoon. maybe some thunderstorms, even for the mountain areas later on this afternoon.ut 60 degrees out there lake elsinore, back to the atmospheric river mark, this important for you. i think we'rclosing the door on that. the reason why o pacific jet stream sinki down to the
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south, not creating that bubbling that would be happening, and bringing and transporting the atmospheric southern california, even though we have rain in the forecast for your monday that's coming, it's out of anrea of low pressure northwest. so it's quite weak and add the chance of it still pretty small. so overall it's a weak chance. and maybe we coul pick up a quarter of an inch on monday. but not looking promising 66 degrees on your thursd, 71 on saturday. springing ard an hour saturday into sunday and then it looks like 69 for your oscar sunday and there's that small chancef rain happening for your monday. and then the valleys, inland empire getting up to 6672 friday 74. wonderful on surday brianna ruffalo and take a look traffic. how's it going? >> hey good rning, you know, it's been prettylow so far. we've had a couple problem, an i'm going to take you out to one that's on the 105 westbound. overall traffic has not been t bad, except for, our roads really just being terrible with potholes. so we've had some issues with that. t we have a stall on the 105 westbound. we have some middle lanes that are blocked at vermont avenue. the
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backups not too terrible. we could definitely see the opportunity for the 105 west withny additional problems. get really bad. it's not looking that way right behind this breakdown, but just know you do, of course, have imperial highway to take as an alternate. we will take a quick look at real time traffic traveling into downtown la at the five and six interce, where both the five and the 60 beginning to slow down. now heading into the city, scott reiff up in air 7 hd with a look at your drive over sadena. hey, scott. >> yeah, it's pretty darn good to tell you. overall, the freeways compared to yestday look fantastic and it is just gorgeous outside now. earlier this morning on the 210 at hill hills, right in the center of your screeon the westbound side, they had ju block some lanes to repair some potholes. they got that done. and look at the 210. it really looks fantastic in both directions. no sunrise thisorning. afterpretty everything cleared out and so crisp and clean. the visibility is great. it is beautiful. please stay with us. we'll be right back.
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an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ welcome back. time now is 6. onto the mysterious death of an american mother of two. she fell ill on a flight home from vacation in the dominican republ. >> abc's victor oquendo has that story for us. >> familand friends stunned by the sudden death of anndiana mother who abruptly fell ill on a flight after vacationing in the dominican republic. it's very frustrating, just the unknown of kind of what happened. last wednesday. stephanie smith was returning from a five day vacation in the caribbean with her boyfriend. her friend mariyannotti, also on that trip, saying stephanie seemed healthy right before the flight. even taking this group >>he loves going to the gym every day. even while we were in the dominican, she made it a point to get up every morning to go to the gym and run on the beach.
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>> mar and stephanie traveling separately asome point during her flight, the 41 year old moth of two fell il >> her boyfriend said, you know, she was sitting in the seat beside of him and he looked over ater. her head was kind of tilted back in her seat. her eyes were kind of rolled in the back and he said she he just thought she was making fun of him like they normally do. just joke arod. and then she started convulsing. >> stephanie receiving cpr after the plane mang an emergency landing in turks and caicos, she was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced deadronounce. stephanie's brother says he was not aware of any preexting health conditions. authorities in turks and caicos say they will be conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death. victor oquendo, abc news, miami. >> wow, a lotf questions. frightening. >> so frightening. feel so horrible for her a her family. wow. well, people in our local mountains are waking up to a fresh blanket of snow. we have new video from overnight. >> and here on the oscars red
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carpet, they brought back th red carpet this year and so i'm bringing out theed suit for oscar sunday. we're counting down. we got a lot coming up. what the heck
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chase. make more of what's yours. >> live from abc seven. this is eyewitness news now at 630. >> preparing to address coness and the nation. what we are expecting from prident biden's state of the union address. less than 12 hours from now. >> and keeping with tradition, the red carpet is back, and it's officially been rolled out a live look from hollywood boulevard right now, as we count down to oscar sunday. >> yeah. good morning everybod i'm john gregory with rachel
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brown and marc cota-robles. leslie is off. and yeah, that's tony cabrera that's on the red carpet. >> well, you don't want to do of the cameras. in front >> like he just did. but we love you, tony. all the same. >> that guy smooth. >> we also want to butter. we also want to welcome our vwers really fast in the bay area. so thank you guys f jning us this morning to well they have technical difficulties up there. >> but so now we're we're trying to give you a little foreca a little snippet. so i'm going to go from san francisco down to southern california and back and forth again. but live mega doppler 00 hd we do have some rain out there. we a expecting to see temperatures today sy pretty cool. we're back into the upper 50s and low 60s and then towards the bay area. just not a lot happening. that'nice to see. we're goi to get to see high pressure return. we're going to warm up. we're going to clear out our skies. and so for the next two days or so, we're going to be pretty nice throughout most of the state of california. downtown los angeles 64 degrees. now today, i do have to mention there's still a chance of some wraparound showers. so for areas of the inland empire or even our foothill communiti, you could get to see a little bit of
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rainfall. orange county, your temperatures around 61 degrees inland, empire valley communities about 62. and if you are going to be heading out the door for the coastline today, it's going to be about 62 degrees. our mountains get up to about 38, and if you are heading out towards our high deserts, about 58 drees brianna ruffalo, then take a look traffic. how's it going? brea >> good morning. slow on the roads, in terms of accidents. so we don't have a whole lot of em. and that it just slow moving and mostlall the typical spots we've had some problems this morning with some potholes. it looks like those have gotten a little bit better. but, you know, that's sothing that we're dealing with everywhere throughout the southland these days. unfortunately our roads are a mess in rms of potholes, but we'll take a ick look at this, looks like a breakdown on the 105 westbound ithe west athens area. we might have some middle lanes blocked at vermont enue. the backups not too terrible. i mean, this is kind of what it looks like on a typical morning on that 105 west. if you're headed to lax, just know you might get a little more delays than usual. you do have imperial highway to take as an alternate, but so far no huge major issues
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out there. this morning we'll have another check in just a bit. jon. rachel, mark, back to you. >> okay. brianna. thank you. happening right now, l.a. mayor karen bass is in pas to see how the city is preparing for the summer olympics. as los angeles gets ready to host the games in 2028. >> eyewitness news reporter josh haskell is traveling with that group. he joins us oe again this morning from paris. hi, josh. >> hey. and, you know, we've only been on the ground for a few hours, but you can already tell the excitement here in parifor the 2024 games. even our taxi drivers, we drove past the stadium where the opening and closing ceremonies are taking place in the swim aquatic center. something pretty interesting. there's going to be volleyball taking place at the under the eiffel tower, so the city is certainly embracing the games. there's been a lot of questions about whether the facilities will be donin time. and that's, of course, something that our mayor, los angeles mayor karen bass, is here to find out what pair, what they are doing here paris to
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prepare for the 2024 games so she can take those lessons back to los aeles. she said a big goal of this trip is to make sure that l.a. is ready for the 2028 games, and then far beyond e 2028 games, and we actually have t mayor, who just met with the us ambassador to france at the embsy walking over to us now. we are going to bring you that press conference that she's about to give us, any moment. but we are here in paris , traveling with l.a. mayor bass and a delegation of three city council members paul krikorian, katie yaroslavsky, and tracy park, and the mayor is, we can show her. dave. she's just right over there right n. you can see with, paul krikorian. katie arlovski, tracy parks, stephanie wiggins of metro, is also here on this trip, so they're going to come over and take a few of our questions and we will stay with this shot. >> stand right here. i'sure
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everybody and that's about it. >> it's our it's already swapped, actually. >> that's righ well, it's, very exciting to be here. we literally got off the plane a couple of hours ago. probably did. we definitely wanted to make our firsttop at the embassy to get a briefing. and from here, we're going to meet with businesses, meet with mayor hidalgo, and then in the evening , we'll be having a reception at the ambassador's house. so this was very, very instructiv they told us several things. first of all, i didn't know that there were 400,000 us citizens that live here in france. i also didn't know that benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson were the first ambassadors here. when we talked about the olympics. that will be happening here in the next couple of months. we talked about security. we talked about t goals of the french tmake sure that when they put the olympics on, that it's consistent with their sustainability goals. so they want to have thelympics that reduces emissions by 50.
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and of course, that's similar to how we would like to do things as well. and we talked about economics d the way they hope to use the olympics, very similar to us to help our small businesses develop. and so made in france is going to be a focus. and so we're here really to learn what is going on. that incredible opportunity to be here before the olympics, to see how france is preparing. and it is my hope that angelenos will become very excited and think about how we need to begin to prepare. i'm herwith counc president krikorian, council member katy wroclawskie and tracy park, who make up the ad hoc committee on the olympics for the city uncil right now. >> can you talk about what what on your priority li? what do you really want to learn in this whirlwind year tt you're here? >> well, really, how they are going aboutddressing some of the challenges that they have here in paris, similar challenges that we do. i tell
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you, it took us about an hour to come from the airport to here. and so looking at traffic, i know cars are going to be blocked and people are going to be expected to take public transportation. we're also here with the c of metro, stephanie wiggins, so that we can talk out our transportation needs. so what should angelenos be doing to prepare for the olympics? it's four years away. but you know, that time goes very, very quickly. so we want to make sure that we stay on top. now we know we have la 28. la 28 isn top of thing, but we need all angelenos to get excited and to get involved >> mayor. >> mayor bates josh haskell abc 7. >> we're going to go to josh. yeah. >> mayor bass, we know that you weren't part of the bid process for 2028. so as you are learning everything that's being done put on the games, talk about a wide is important for you to come here to meet with these people and to now be a part of this process. right. >> well, fortunately, i'm here with our council president, who was a part of tt. and so for the three of us who are new,
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it's very important that we beco oriented to we know that in in paris, there is a challenge withhe unhoused population. so on saturday we will be going to see how the french are dealing with that as well on way from the air. >> okay. >> you're listening to karen bass speaking in paris. she is there on a fact finding mission to deal with the olympics that will be in los angeles in 2028. so we'll have more coverage of her visit there over the next few days. >> rolled out the red carpet now we're just waiting for the stars finally arrive.e are just three days away from the oscars. >> eyewitness news reporter tony cabrera joining us live in hollywood on the red carpet with more ty. >> hey, good morning everybody. we're having a good old time out here on the red carpet. it's covered in plastic at this point to protect it, we've got to have it nice and beautiful for oscar sunday, but crews are busy getting everything ready. there are oscar statuettes everywhere. and on this step. and repeat
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right here. but yesterday, all eyes were on that red carpet as it was rolled out on hollywood boulevard. the big news was that they flipped the script and went back to the traditional red carpet. compared to the champagne carpet last yearthe academy wanted to have a different look. and you'll also see that in the drapery and the step and repeat where all those photos are taken. we also got a sneak peek at the oscars green room, hosted by rolex. the space is described as an oasis for presenters and winrs before and after there. on stage sunday night, jimmy kimmel will be on stage hosting the academy awards and his wife, molly mcnrney, is an executive producer of the show. yestday she talked about it being his fourth time hosting. we definitely learn lessons each time jimmy gets more and more comfortable, i get more and more nervous >> it's kind of our dynamic, i think that jimmy just has really become very relaxed as a host. he knows the room really well. he has a lot of respect for the room and likes to have fun.
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>> and so, yeah, it's going to be a big week ahead of us as they're just doing these last minute preparatis. we see this table here. these are like three foot tall oscar decorated ones that they're going to be putting up on these wls that they have up here. we have the drapery. it is pearl white. that is not champagne. it's not gold apparently. pearl white. and the carpet red. so mark, rachel and john countdowns on well, if we're here clarifying colors, your suit is maroon, not red, but it still looks good. >> tony and my friend, youre no stranger except he has a comment on this. he has a comment on this. >> this is cardinal. oh, it's cardinal. oh, it's your usc, it's your usc, my us, usc jacket. >> so you're no stranger tony t the red carpet. and it's not just the oscars. the are the after parties. there are those viewing parties all over los angeles. you've done it before. you got a dress to impress my friend.
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>> oh, tony never disappoints. >> absutely. yeah, absolutely. look at all black and sharp two. >> he was all black. >> looking sharp, oking good. tony?w many tuxedos do you own, >> last year, a few, a few. st year. the. the champagne carpet. i had a champagne suit. oh, and i brought that out, too. and so i got to match the carpet. >> you are color coordinat. >> we're big. all right. very interesting. >> tony. thank you, as alway and remember, we are your home for the oscars. you can watch everything from the red carpet to the ceremony, even the after parties on sunday right here on abc seven. >> well, we got rain and overnight the mountains saw some sn. and weave new video too. >> and hey, good morning. this is what it looks like to if you're heading out the door, live mega doppler 7000 hd has a little bit of rain on it. and yeah, it is going to tracking across our mountain communities and our foothills later on today we could see some mor increasing showers. i know it's still some lingering showers there. this all moves out by tomorrow. we're going to get to see some nice clearing through southern california, some spotty
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shows through frazier park. we'll have more coming up in a full forecast. stay with us and good morning. >> i'm scott rife in air7 hd. we're looking at the drive on the santa monica westbound through mid-city. and boy, los bad. it slows the vermont a la cienega. but this is a great drive compar to what we saw yesterday morning. there are no accidents on the west end isprel congestion. if you're east on the santa monica. looks great. it is wide open. please stay with us. we'll be right back. is it givingeople lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great id, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and ge my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! (vo) real superheroes don't wear capes.
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and you run and ge they don't have superhuman strength. they don't scale buildings. real superheroes aren't t of this world. they're the ones who are in it. who help preserve it. because when you visit the san diego zoo, you help protect animals around the globe. and your superpower can change the world.
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happier to hear that. okay. we're back. >> i know you have been in the twilight zone this morning
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because you've been seeing la news, and we do want to thank our la friends for helping us out at kabc this morning. we've had some massive technical difficulties. they are resolved. we're done. yes so we are back and we are so grateful for all of you who have called in, written in, dm'd us. we're alive and well and you are too. yes. so let's get going. >> yes, we are back. all right, weather wise. get ready. we are in store for a nice afternoon outside the exploratorium camera. we have clouds right now. they are going to depart over the next couple of hours from north to south. so get ready. brighter skies coming our way this afternoon. sunshine a break from the storms. finally temperatures well into the 60s away from the coast. here's a look at your accuweather seven day forecast. get out. enjoy the sunshine today and tomorrow. clouds roll back in here over the weekend. a chance of some evening showers on oscar sunday. again, remember that starts at 4 p.m. right here on abc seven and on off showers through early next week. guys, let's get a check of how we're doing out there on the roads this morning. gloria. good morning.
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>> good morning drew. good morning everyone. yeah it's so good to be back on. thank you so much for watching this morning. well right now we are tracking two crashes. one is in oakland. this is on westbound 580 approaching the 80 connector. this is a two car crash and it is blocking one lane right now. so this is causing delays in this area. we're also tracking another crash in sunol. this is on southbound 680 after 84. and this is a two car crash. and right now this is blocking one lane and getting a live look outside this morning from our bay bridge toll plaza camera. you can see it is very busy out here right now. the metering lights came on at 528. and right now the backup is to the 880 overcrossing kumasi. >> thanks, gloria. your voice, your vote. president joe biden will be delivering his state of the union address tonight, and it marks an unofficial start to the general election as the president ramps up his campaign for a likely rematch with donald trump. abc news anchor mary bruce has more on the stakes
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this morning. >> president biden preparing to deliver perhaps his most important speech yet as the general election kicks off. biden making his case in his annual state of the union address. he spent days preparing, huddling with his closest advisers at camp david, rehearsing, fine tuning his message up until the final moments with a rematch against donald trump all but set the president will tout his record from his bipartisan infrastructure bill to tackling prescription drug costs and fighting for freedoms, including access to abortion. >> we must be clear democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. >> that theme, driven home by the guests in the first lady's box, including kate cox, the texas mother, denied an abortion under the state's strict ban despite life threatening complications and women impacted by alabama's supreme court ruling that forced some ivf clinics to close. just as important as the substance of this speech will be, biden's delivery facing persistent
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concerns about his age, over 80% in our latest poll, believing he's too old to serve another time. the address a chance to show voters he's up for the job. he will also take on issues at the top of voters minds, like immigration and the economy, that are posing a real political challenge to his campaign. the president running behind trump on both. >> that was mary bruce reporting. president biden delivers his state of the union address tonight. his campaign is organizing watch parties around the country. you can watch the event live right here on abc. seven. covers starts at 6 p.m. >> san francisco mayor london breed will deliver her state of the city address at 11 this morning. that event will be live streamed. london breed is up for reelection in november. an ex-google engineer is facing a federal indictment this morning accused of stealing artificial intelligence secrets from the company. >> and it's a troubling accusation, given how given how delicate and dangerous this emerging technology can be. abc seven news south bay reporter
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lauren martinez has a closer look at this case and the risks it exposes. you know, one of the reasons we got interested in ai from the very beginning is that we always viewed our mission as a timeless mission, the race to dominate artificial intelligence between the u.s. and china is well underway. >> a former software engineer at google is being charged with stealing ai technology from the company. the department of justice made the announcement on wednesday. >> a federal grand jury in san francisco charged that lin wei ding also known as leon ding, stole valuable trade secrets from google. >> ding, who is a chinese national, was living in newark. an indictment alleges that he transferred sensitive google trade secrets to his personal account while secretly working for two ai companies in china. >> we should not just look at it as just the technology to make you know life easier. it's actually a national security. >> in october, world security leaders from the group known as
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five eyes gathered in palo alto. the summit addressed threats to innovation, specifically economic espionage from china, according to court documents. the technology ding allegedly stole involves the building blocks of google's advanced supercomputing data centers. >> this is goes deep into not just having the software we're talking about the design of the chips that will run the super computers, computers that are going to train the ai. we also spoke with associate research professor and founder of uc berkeley risk and security lab, andrew ready, the data loss prevention uh- procedures. >> even at a firm like google that i mentioned before, is fairly well endowed. appears from my perspective, to be fairly easy to circumnavigate, ready said. >> this case is a warning to all companies and government agencies to think about an insider threat problem, trying to make sure that we develop this technology safely. >> and so, you know, i think that this is a bad news story, but i think that you know, bearing in mind all of that good
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work that's trying to happen in the background is really important as well. the fact that it's google like amazon, like microsoft, and we build so many application on top of that core technology, i don't think that should be lost in this case. >> happening today, a north bay neighborhood without a single grocery store is finally getting one. grocery outlet is set to open today in marin city. that's where we find abc7 news reporter amanda de castillo. hi, amanda. >> hi, reggie. they say the early bird gets the worm, and there are a couple dozen early birds behind me. some arrived as early as five this morning. i'm going to step out of the way so you can really get a feel of what's going on up here. they're waiting for that 7 a.m. grocery store grand opening. the first 100 people were met with a dj and discount cards. ricky is the gentleman at the front of the line. he tells me the short wait is worth saving some money, especially considering inflation. the u.s. labor department is reporting it's been 30 years since americans spent this much of their income
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on food. people in line tell me this also saves them from driving long distances to save a few dollars. marin city has been considered an underserved community since world war two, when that lacked grocery options, and this location is now within walking distance for many of these residents. the ones up front tell me they were born and raised here, happy to celebrate the opening of this much needed resource and talking with them. the man up front, ricky, i mentioned him. he said his wife sent him here with a grocery shopping list in hand. i'm coming back in just to explain to you how excited these people are. they say they were really outraged about that cvs closing and because of anything that they needed pharmacy pharmacy wise, they had to drive into target, which is a short distance away. some of them have had to go to molly stone's in mill valley, all of them really looking forward to kind of taking their first step in here and really getting what they need. we really don't think about how important it is to have these resources near us. all these people say they finally have that again. doors
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open at seven for now. reporting live in marin city, amanda delcastillo, abc seven news. >> you're happy for them. thank you so much. san francisco's union square will be in bloom this saturday. >> a dazzling display of spring flowers will be there for tulip day. this is the sixth time the city will host this event. now this is video of the event last year. tulip day is a nod to international women's day, which is going to be celebrated tomorrow. access to this event is free and so are the tulips. >> union square will be covered by 80,000 colorful tulips uh- all kinds of colors. you have to come early because it tends to get very crowded and busy. so be early and then the public can go into the flower fields, take their pictures, take their selfies, and then pick up to eight uh- free tulips. >> is saturday from 1 to 4:30 p.m? >> it is going to be followed by nine other floral displays throughout spring. >> now kumasi is already wearing
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green today, so she's getting ready for saint patty's day, which is officially still more than a week away. but the festivities are already underway in san francisco, mayor london breed hosted the annual irish flag raising at city hall yesterday. the lord mayor of cork, ireland, joined her. what a title the two cities are celebrating 40 years as sister cities. this year's theme for the celebration is unite sf as we celebrate. >> it's about bringing communities together. it's about remembering our challenging times. but also recognizing that san francisco and our irish community represents resilience. coming o of n francisco will host the 173rd saint patrick's day parade on saturday, march 16th. >> it kicks off at 1130 at second and market streets.t ends at civic center plaza, and there's going to be a celebration in front of city hall. >> i'm just happy we're here. yes, happy. we're with you.
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thank you again for being patient with us during our technical issues. at the top of the show. but we're back. >> the internet was really the devil this morning. it brought us down. it was stay busy, but so did our engineer. >> yes they did. up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now. you can start streaming. >> isn't this beautiful? we're taking a live look as we
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his state of the union address tonight. you can watch it live right here on abc seven. the coverage starts at 6 p.m. november 2nd. >> san francisco mayor london breed will deliver her state of the city address at 11 this morning. the event will be live streamed. london breed is up for reelection in november. >> number three today, a grocery outlet opens up where an old cbs
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used to be in marin city. this is a community that has been disadvantaged and underserved for decades, and people are already lining up. the doors open in just a few minutes. at 7:00. they are excited. >> number four, a new report shows that last month was the hottest february ever recorded, according to europe's climate change service. february was also the ninth consecutive month of global record breaking temperatures. the month as a whole was three degrees warmer compared to the pre-industrial era. >> and number five, get ready for a sunny afternoon. we are done with the storms. it's cloudy out there this morning, but those clouds will depart throughout the morning. the afternoon. get ready for that bright sunshine. temperatures nice and mild in the mid to upper 60s. a quick look at the accuweather. seven day best chance of rain returning sunday night. >> right now we are tracking that multi-car crash in the city. this is on northbound 101 before debeaux avenue. right now one lane is blocked and we also have a live look outside at our
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san mateo bridge camera. and it looks like there is a crash that's blocking a lane before the high rise. so just be aware that it might take a little longer to get through there today. >> and number seven, lindsay lohan shows steph and ayesha curry to be her baby boy's godparents. oh, lohan says that she and ayesha have been good friends since they met. both of them on lohan's new netflix movie, irish, which i did not know about. >> this friendship. i'm here for it. i'm also here for mom. >> this is amazing. great >> look here for our engineers. thank you for getting us back. thank you. we're back. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. the pivotal moment tonight, president biden set to address the nation. high stakes state of the union. president biden looks to jump


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