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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 13, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning america for our viewers in the west. putin raises the prospect of nuclear war again. breaking news. putin says he's ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat to russia's statehood as
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ukraine launched one of the biggest single attacks since the war began against russia overnight. and can putin remain in power for another decade? tik tok on the chopping block? members of both parties backing a bill to ban the video sharing app over national security concerns. but could it be dead on arrival in the senate? boeing backlash. the company vows to change its safety procedures amid concerns about its manufacturing process following the alaska airlines door plug incident. this moring new video. hydraulic fluid leaking from the bottom of a boeing jet, forcing the plane to turn around. measles on the rise. >> we can be vigilant. that's sort of the best thing we can do. >> the growing concerns for parents, and the best thing you can do to help protect your family. quiet on set. a new look at the documentary with claims about the dark side of kids tv. the nickelodeon stars say what was going on behind the scenes. ♪ it's gonna take some time to
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realize ♪ >> as we hear from drake bell. ikea price cut. >> i'm not talking about 10% or 20% off. >> and they're not done? now could other major retailers follow suit? an abc news exclusive. christina applegate, in her first sitdown interview since being diagnosed with ms. you've given her permission to go, this sucks. with good friend sopranos star jamie lynn sigler by her side through their shared disease. >> it sucks. >> yeah, it sucks. >> it's not my favorite disease. i've had a couple. it's not my favorite one. >> how long has she really been facing it? >> i was kind of putting on a little act for everybody for so long. >> now her emotional, angry, funny takes. >> and i don't care anymore. >> and meet the real christina this morning.
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>> announcer: live in times square this is good morning america. we did say good morning america to jamie an christina. they are quite special. we'll have their conversation coming up in our next half hour. >> it's also about friendship when you look at that conversation. also, so many people are waiting to see what happens with tik tok. about 1 billion users world wide. we're gonna get the latest from washington in just a few moments. >> first breaking news overnight. putin's new threat, saying he's ready to use nuclear weapons after ukraine's massive drone strike on russia. foreign correspondent james longman starts us off. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, george. vladamir putin said he aos ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat to russia's statehood. in a wide ranging interview this morning he said it was up to the united states to calm the situation an avoid a nuclear war. this is as overnight ukraine launched a massive drone attack on russia energy infrastructure, the largest single attack of its kind since the war began. more than 60 drones launched in six different regions. an oil refinery, among those targets hit. that's the second night in a row
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that an oil refinery has been targeted. ukraine is trying to disrupt fuel delivery to the front line in its war and also russian energy exports more broadly. this is this weekend russia heads to the polls for the presidential election. putin has changed the constitution. technically he can remain in power until 2036. it's all but certain he'll win another six year term. especially because since most opposition leaders are in exile, in jail or dead. the most famous was alexei navalny whose funeral this month drew thousands. robin? >> disturbing news to wake up to, james. thank you. now the battle over tik tok. the house is set to vote this morning on a bill that would ban the social media giant from the u.s. unless its chinese owners agree to sell it. senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is on capitol hill and has the latest for us. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. in just a few hours the house will vote on a bipartisan bill that could lead to a nationwide ban of tik tok. it's an app used by more than
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170 million americans, 5 million businesses. but lawmakers have been sounding the alarm about tik tok's chinese parent company, warning that the chinese government could have access to your data, including your browsing history and your location. and that the chinese government may be able to influence what you are seeing as you scroll through the app. tik tok flat out denies these allegations, but this bill would put them on notice, requiring that tik tok be sold within six months of the bill being signed into law or they will face a nationwide ban here in the united states. tik tok has launched an all out pressure campaign on capitol hill, bringing dozens of content creators to washington to persuade lawmakers otherwise and also urging its users on its app to call representatives themselves and demand that they do not support this bill. but the bottom line here is that's had little impact. this has growing support in the house. it could face more challenges in the senate. the president made it clear he would sign this bill if it hits his desk. robin?
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>> many people are watching. also on capitol hill, the slim republican majority getting even slimmer. >> reporter: yeah, robin, an even slimmer majority, believe it or not. this actually caught republican leadership off guard. we always knew republican congressman ken buck of colorado would be retiring, not seeking re-election. he's made the sudden decision to leave congress next week, blaming all of the bickering and the infighting that does leave republicans with an even slimmer majority. now they can only afford to lose two vote, robin. >> thank you. thank, robin. we turn to boeing. the company has vowed to make changes to its safety procedures after a series of high profile mishaps. trevor ault is at newark airport with the latest. trevor, there's another incident raising concerns this morning. >> reporter: yeah, another incident, rebecca, this time with leaking hydraulic fluid. forced the pilot to immediately turn around and land. it, of course, comes as boeing is promising to step up its manufacturing procedures under pressure from regulators, though some passengers are losing faith
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in the safety of boeing planes. this morning video capturing the moment hydraulic fluid begins leaking from the bottom of a boeing 777 as it departs sydney for san francisco. the plane forced to turn around, landing back at sydney airport. in a statement, united citing a maintenance issue, saying passengers would be rebooked on another flight the next day. this comes as boeing promises changes to its safety procedures, including added layers of inspection, but concerning reports about the company's manufacturing process. ceo stan deal saying they'll soon deliver a plan to the faa. the new york times reports boeing failed dozens of faa audits with nearly 100 alleged instances of noncompliance in the wake of that door plug flying off an alaska airlines 787 max in january. >> most of these problems go back to a failure to follow basic procedures. so this will be what boeing needs to do. go back to basics. >> reporter: some travellers
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like john kerr, say boeing's safety record is enough to rethink flying. >> i'd fly on other planes, but if it said boeing on my ticket, i'd be going to the counter saying, yes, i'd like a different flight. >> reporter: while a poll conducted after the alaska airlines incident found most americans say air travel is safe, across the country major air carriers have more than 2,800 boeing planes in service, about 61% of all the planes they fly. both united and southwest say they don't expect to receive all the max planes they ordered this year. southwest even trimming its schedule in response. and after that alaska airlines door plug incident, travel site kayak said they saw a 15 fold increase in people filtering their search results by whether they would be flying on a 737 max. george? >> lot of concern out there. thanks. race for the white house. biden and trump both clinched their parties nominations overnight making their rematch official. chief white house correspondent mary bruce has the latest on the race and the testimony by the
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special counsel who investigated president biden's handling of classified documents. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. well, the 2024 election is now set. overnight trump and biden crossing that threshold to become their party's presumptive nominees. that hearing yesterday with the special counsel, the front lines of this fight, a proxy battle for the argument at the heart of what is going to be a very long campaign. this morning as the two front runners lock in their nominations, the central argument of this campaign front at center at a hearing in washington. >> this meeting will come to order. >> reporter: the hearing political from the start beginning with duelling campaign style videos, trying to paint the other party's presumptive nominee as unfit. over five hours former special counsel robert hurr facing hostile questions from democrats and republicans. both sides furious with his report that concluded president biden mishandled classified documents, but should not be prosecuted. >> we identified evidence that the president willfully retained
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classiied materials when he was a private citizen. we did not however identify evidence that rose to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. >> reporter: democrats raking him over the coals for what they called a gratuitous attack an biden's age and memory. hurr saying one of the reasons biden should not be prosecuted is because he would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. democrats accusing the former u.s. attorney of a political hit job. >> you understood when you made that decision, didn't you, that you would ignite a political fire storm with that language, didn't you? >> congressman, politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative -- >> you say it wasn't political, yet you must have understood, you must have understood the impact of your words. >> reporter: hurr defended his decision. >> partisan politics had no place in my work.
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it had no place in any of the investigative steps i took. it had no place in the decision that i made. and it had no place in a single word of my report. >> reporter: republicans also on the attack, hammering home questions about biden's mental acuity. also asking whether biden should not be prosecuted just because he's sympathetic. >> one of the points you make is that president biden is likely to be an elderly, sympathetic figure with a poor memory. but how does that bear on anyone's scale or innocence? isn't that a question for a judge or jury to decide? >> reporter: democrats emphasizing hurr found biden fully cooperated with the investigation, unlike donald trump, who faces 40 criminal counts related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents. >> did you find president biden engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct justice? >> no. >> did you find president biden engaged in a scheme to conceal? >> no. >> reporter: hurr insisting he did not exonerate biden entirely, instead concluding there was insufficient evidence. >> i need to go back and make sure that i take note of the
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word that you use exoneration. that is not a word in my report >> i'm going to continue with my question. i know -- >> that's not part >> you exonerated him. >> this is not an exoneration. it is not a word in my report. >> reporter: but the white house is now declaring this case closed. republicans are still pushing for the audio of biden's interview but the white house tells us they don't think that's necessary. robin? >> thanks. now the crisis in haiti. the u.s. sent special tactical teams to protect u.s. embassy staffers. haiti's prime minister has announced he plans to step down. matt rivers has the latest. >> reporter: overnight as haiti continues to spiral, the defense department sending a team of marines to the u.s. embassy in port-au-prince, a sign of how dire things have become. the state department already deployed special tactical teams to, quote, protect the mission and remaining staffers as the country sits on the brink of
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anarchy. a two week long rebellion by groups in port-au-prince demanding the resignation of the prime minister. the gang got their wish. henri resigning, ceding power to a yet to be named transitional counselor. the u.s. evacuating nonessential u.s. personnel from the embassy. but with the airport closed, for now americans are stuck. >> this is our third week. we can't get out. >> reporter: haitians though have nowhere else to go. the gang leader behind the attacks, known as barbecue, spoke to abc news just before henri resigned. >> if henri resigns, will you stop fighting? he says, indeed, if henri resigns we will automatically stop the attacks. so far barbecue appears to be holding to that. tuesday was a relatively calm day in port-au-prince. the question, is how long does that last for?
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the world food program says 1.4 million people in haiti right now one step away, george, from famine. >> such a difficult situation. okay, matt. thank you. now the crackdown on shoplifting around the country. new york's governor is rallying support for a 45 million plan to take on organized retail theft. aaron katersky has the latest. >> reporter: this is both shoplifting and organized retail theft. for business owners, it can all be debilitating. this morning most anyone who wants taco bell in oakland needs to use a drive-thru. several dining rooms are closed after a rash of crime. oakland's in and out burger closed, too, because of car break ins, property damage, theft and armed robberies. it's happening in major cities across the country. >> i have never, in all my life in retail, seen such brazenness. >> reporter: you can see a thief stealing from this vintage boutique in new york city. >> they walk up to the rack, pick things up and walk out the door. >> reporter: she joined the new york governor in announcing a new state police task force to
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go after theft rings a tax credit for stores to upgrade security and a push for a new law that would increase penalties for assaulting retail workers. >> retail theft has been characterized as a petty crime. calling it that makes it sound small and trivial. >> reporter: after looters stole merchandise, even the cash register from a rite aid in philadelphia an dove through a glass door down the street. the city announced a task force to take on retail theft. in los angeles, california, highway patrol blamed the theft ring for stealing a million dollars in cosmetics from places like sephora and cvs, which now puts more items behind locked plexiglas. >> statistics show retail theft is up in certain areas, not everywhere. some examples of brazen thefts tend to go viral on social media. retailers are in a really tricky balancing act where they're trying to reduce theft, but unfortunately some of the
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tactics they use to deter thieves can also deter consumers. >> reporter: when retail theft goes viral, it makes it seem like the crime is surging. crime statistics don't bear that out. for small business owners, every stolen item is money out of their pocket. >> it is. and for those workers it can be terrifying. if you're faced with one of those incidents. thank you very much. we appreciate. we turn now to the alarming uptick in measles cases across the country, already nearing the total of last year and it's on march. stephanie ramos is here with what's behind the increase. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the city of chicago is on high alert as the cdc sends a response team after reporting its first measles case since 2019. the chicago health department reporting eight cases in the last week, at least seven were reported at a migrant shelter. and there is growing concern over cases becoming more frequent. this year alone a total of 45 cases have already been reported in at least 17 states.
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measles is transmissable through air. when one person sneezes or coughs. children are particularly vulnerable to the disease. let's talk about vaccinations. routine childhood vaccination coverage has declined since the pandemic. with the cdc reporting a vaccination rate of 93%. that's lower than last year and below the national target of 95%. experts say the best thing you can do is make sure you are up to date on those vaccinations. robin? >> all right, stephanie. thanks to you. did you know it's just four days until selection sunday? [ laughter ] overnight more teams clinched their spot to the tournament. the texas longhorn women punched their ticket when they became the big 12 champs. congratulations to them. wagner will make an appearance for first time in over 20 years. the oakland grizzlies on their way for the first time in over a decade. i love all the dancing. that's why they call it the big dance. the big upset the portland pilots with a huge win over gonzaga.
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and a stanford star just declared for the wnba draft. her godfather, steph curry, sent his congrats. said, i know you have unfinished business when it comes to the ncaa tournament. tis the season. >> on the calendar. coming up our exclusive conversation with christina applegate. angry, emotional, as she talks about her ms diagnosis for first time in a tv interview. and how her friend, who also has ms, jamie lynn sigler, is helping her cope. also ahead, why ikea is lowering its prices on popular products. first sam is here. >> hey, george. good morning everybody. i've got a circle for the call lendser as well. we're less than a week away from spring. were you out in this yesterday when the temperatures got out in the 60s in new york? the bulbs are up. that's fine. the bulbs are a little early. even though we'll get a cold shot next week it is not enough to ruin this. don't do your spring planting yet. philly 75 thursday. the normal would be right in the 40s for most of us.
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now moving into the plains, this big snow in denver moves out and causes some severe weather in the plains. st. joseph, you're right in the middle. kansas city in the bulls eye here. there will be some damaging winds, large hail, even a tornado threat. we're going to spread the severe storms and winds up towards peoria by tomorrow. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. [♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, between treatments with vabysmo. did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings of the us house. just finished voting on a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban on tiktok. that
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motion passed overwhelmingly. the bill would require the app's chinese parent company, bytedance, to cut ties with the app within six months or risk getting blocked in the us. now it moves on to the senate, where its fate is unclear. president biden has said he would sign the bill if it ends up on his desk. and now let's take a look at traffic this morning. looking at the richmond camera, traffic is stop and go approaching e toll plaza. it continues
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history. 26 people will go all in this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here.
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afternoon. the morning commute. no issues, just partly cloudy skies. it is chilly out there. we're starting out in the 40s, climbing into the 50s by 10 a.m. and then by 1 p.m. we're getting into the 60s. it is a mild afternoon on the way, just looking beautiful from our tam cam. partly cloudy skies up above. here's how the sky looks. we'll have those partly cloudy conditions throughout the morning, then bright sunshine. temperatures in the 60s. it turns breezy this evening and then gusty winds overnight. tonight. a wind advisory starts at 5 p.m. tomorrow morning. reggie, those winds could gust as high as 50mph, so be prepared for that. >> okay, drew. thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> unraveling life's mysteries at stanford medicine. it's part of our dna. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to
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have no introduction. angela bassett. love watching her. so many captivating performances. angela is here in times square this morning because "911" is moving to abc. >> looking forward to that. i haven't seen that clip in awhile. so leck trie tpaoeuing. following a lot of headlines including the latest on the war in ukraine. putin raised the prospect of nuclear war again. he said he's ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat to russian statehood. ukraine launched one of the biggest single attacks against russia overnight. also sent a new aid package to ukraine, $300 million. officials acknowledge it's a stop gap measure as they continue to negotiate for a broader aid package. the funding comes from cost savings. take a look at this. they are calling it miracle march. fresh snow for skiers in new england. everyone is taking advantage. it's supposed to reach a high of 66 in new york city today. just glorious.
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love it when people get outside. we've got a lot more ahead, including the new survey about teens and delta 8 thc. the alarming number of kids who say they use it. that's coming up. robin's exclusive conversation with christina applegate and jamie lynn sigler. you showed a bit of it to us yesterday. what a powerful friendship. >> it is a special special friendship. christina said jamie has allowed her to be honest with others and, more importantly, with herself about her emotions facing ms and that openness has helped her cope. >> christina! >> after four decades in the spotlight, this morning christina applegate, with good friend jamie lynn sigler by her side. >> she's doing this because i have the tremors. >> also because i love her. >> candid about her life since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2021. do you feel the love, christina? >> yes, yes. i live kind of in hell. >> that raw honesty, infused with humor, carrying her through.
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when we saw you last at the emmys presenting, can i just say the emotions that i felt when you came out on that stage? >> thank you so much. oh my god, you're totally shaming me with disability by standing up. it's fine. okay. [ laughter ] >> were you able to take in the moment, the standing ovation and everything? >> yeah. i actually kind of blacked out. people said, oh, you're so funny. i'm like, i don't even know what i said. i felt beloved. it was really a beautiful thing. then, i'm just gonna say this, that audience stood up for everybody. >> come on. [ laughter ] >> there's something i have to confess. >> the seven time emmy nominee was filming the final season of her netflix show "dead to me" when she noticed something was wrong. >> my symptoms started in the early part of 2021. it was like literally just tingling in my toes. by the time we started shooting in the summer of that same year, i was being brought to set in a wheelchair.
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i couldn't move that far. so i had to tell everybody. 'cause i needed help. i needed someone to help me stand. i needed someone's help. i needed someone to help me get there. and they were wonderful. but i probably had it for many, many years. >> when do you think you first had it? how long do you think you had it without realizing it? >> six or seven years, i think. yeah. i noticed, especially the first season, we'd be shooting and i would buckle. my leg would buckle. i really just kind of put it off as being tired or i'm dehydrated, or it's the weather. or, you know? then nothing would happen for like months and i didn't pay attention. but when it hit this hard, i had to pay attention. >> she credits her former co-star and good friend, selma blair, for urging her to get tested for ms.
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>> whatever happens, we're roommates. >> blair was also diagnosed with a degenerative disease of the central nervous system in 2018. >> she goes, you need to be checked for ms. i said, no. really? the odds, two of us on the same movie? come on, that doesn't happen. she knew. >> she encouraged you? >> if not for her, it could have been way worse. >> like a sisterhood. a sisterhood that you don't really want to be part of. >> jamie was starring in the sopranos when she was diagnosed with ms at just 20 years old. >> believe it or not, the world doesn't revolve around you. >> the two have bonded over their shared disease, supporting each other through its unique challenges. >> you are at different places and you're helping each other. i love how you've given her permission to go, this sucks. and you wouldn't say that before. >> never.
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>> she keeps me going because i'm the one who's like -- i'm flipping the bird all day long at this thing. i'm angry. i'm really, really pissed. you know? i'm a dancer, a runner, all these things that i love. a mom. it's like, mm. she's like, okay, i have you, and you are going to be okay. you're going to be okay. if not for her, i honestly don't know. >> for so long, i have been celebrated for being the strong one and the positive one that it felt like i was not bad if i would admit some days were hard. but she has really pushed me to be able to say that. i thought i was letting people down if i would talk about how hard it was sometimes. and it sucks. >> yeah. it sucks. it's not my favorite disease. i've had a couple. it's not my favorite one. >> are you still in the grieving process? >> mm-hmm.
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i'm not putting a time stamp on it. >> i don't think it ends. >> i'm never gonna wake up and go, this is awesome. >> no. >> i'm just gonna tell you that. like, it's not gonna happen. i wake up and i'm reminded of it every day. it's not going to happen. but i might get to a place where i will function a little bit better. right now i'm isolating and how i'm dealing with is by not going anywhere because i don't want to do it. it's hard. they call it the invisible disease, you know? it can be very lonely. 'cause it's hard to explain to people. i'm in excruciating pain, i'm just used to. >> there's this little bit of hope that maybe one day we won't live with this, you know? >> i'm waiting. that's why i'm sleeping. wake me up when it's over. just wake me up when you can be like, you're good. thank you. >> the two friends are launching a podcast, messy.
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>> this is our conversation about stuff. >> where they will welcome their famous friends and co-stars to get real about the messiness of life. >> you're really evesdropping on an intimate conversation. that's my favorite podcasts. you somehow got to listen in on a conversation between people. there's no format, no agenda, no questions. it's messy. it's for sure a mess. >> what do you want people -- why should they listen? >> i think one, to feel seen, if they're going through this. to feel heard. even if it's not ms. i was playing a character christina for 40 years who i wanted everybody to think i was because it's easier. but this is -- kind of my coming out party. like, this is the person i have been this whole time. >> i said that to her. >> i was kind of putting on a little act for everybody for so long. 'cause i didn't -- i thought that was easier to be liked, be
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funny, be liked. don't make people feel uncomfortable. and i don't care anymore. that's kind of what this is. >> after we recorded our first episode and we listened to it, the first thing i did was call her. i was like, i am so excited for people to get to know this christina. i just feel like i have a front row seat for -- i know it's hard and i know it's hard to see, but a really beautiful chapter for her. i really believe that. >> christina applegate, nice to finally meet you. >> again. >> nice to finally meet you. really good feel. as many times as i have been around her, i was meeting her for the first time. many are asking, will she act again? it's tough. you can tell. her initial response is no. she has struggled so much physically. but it's all she's ever known.
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do you know her first on camera credit came at just 3 months old on the soap opera "days of our lives." this is all that she's ever known. jamie said she's got a role for her. she's got an idea for a show. >> one step at a time. >> one step at a time. there's so many people, families, who are going through this. it's different for every one. that's what they really signify because they're at different stages where they are right now. we're going to have so much more about these two. and you can see it tonight on "nightline." and then their first episode of their honest, funny and moving podcast -- i have heard many of them -- messy drops next tuesday, march 19th, wherever you get your podcasts. whether or not you have ms, there's a message in this podcast messy. >> can't wait to see that. thank you, robin. coming up next good news for shoppers. a major brand is actually lowering prices. elizabeth schulze is here with the story.
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>> hey, george. this is good news. ikea is slashing prices on some of its most popular products. just wait until you hear why. that's coming up next. next. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did. wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5-asas
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or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc. (vo) for over 50 years purina cat chow has been helping cats feel at home. velsipity. with trusted nutrition, no wonder it's the number one dry cat food in america. come home to cat chow. you are such a good listener, thomas. it makes me feel so special. if you don't mind, if you... this makes me feel really special too because you know, discover is giving me cash back on debit. not just credit. discover gives cash back on debit to everyone. everybody? introducing discover cashback debit. ohh... ( ♪ ♪ )
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start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease... ♪ ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting.
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what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. we are back with a major retailer bucking the trend and lowering prices. ikea announced knockdowns on hundreds of products and promise this is just the beginning. elizabeth schulze is here with the story. >> this is welcome news. one of the biggest retailers in the world. consumers still feel the pinch of persistent inflation.
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ikea is known for deep discounts on furniture, home decor. now these discounts are about to get deeper. >> i'm not talking about just 10% or 20% off. >> ikea is luring in shoppers, frustrated with stubborn inflation, slashing prices on hundreds of items. >> they've already had low prices for as long as i can remember, so the fact that i went in recently and noticed even lower prices was just shocking. >> customers like taylor documenting big discounts from the swedish furniture giant. >> that's insane. >> reporter: the sweish furniture giant. ikea tells abc news it is reducing prices globally with plans to continue lowering prices on hundreds of more products in the coming months. ikea said it is part of an effort to roll back price hikes introduced in the wake of the pandemic when inventory was low and raw material costs were surging. now with the shelves stocked again, the company opens to
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appeal to shoppers whose budgets are under strain. products will be marked with a new lower price label. this sofa will cost you $299 instead of $399. this is down to $79 from $120. >> they're realizing their customer is price sensitive, so having less expensive furniture will keep them coming back over and over again. >> okay. so asked whether other major retailers will follow suit, some experts say don't get your hopes up. that's because customers have shown they are willing to keep buying stuff, even as prices have gotten more expensive, guys. >> good for ikea. good for them. >> hundreds of more products and hundreds more to come. including their swedish meatballs. [ laughter ] >> we got our play of the day. come on back. nicely done. the day, come on back, nicely done.
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[dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. roll up to easter with fast and easy drive up. [ upbeat music plays ] drive up is fast, easy, and always free only at target. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom!
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(mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness,
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dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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>> play of the daytime. what do you have, sam? >> this is a moment from the mini golf course. take a look at this little girl named oakland as she hits the course. watch this moment. >> perfect. >> no way. but, yes. she said she wants ice cream for
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that. her mom said she definitely gets a double scoop for that. you better believe she did. this is where my scoop ends. i don't know what her favorite ice cream is. i would hope it's something like funky monkey. for me that's like a treat. do you have a favorite ice cream? >> mint chocolate chip or butter pecan. >> both are classics. >> that's the toddler equivalent of buying a round for everyone. [ laughter ] >> at the ice cream bar. she go sprinkles. >> anything to celebrate. >> thanks for sharing that with us. we needed that. we got angela bassett coming up in our next half hour. come on back. back. [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking.
7:52 am
with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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(grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. loohi baby!t! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪ )
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hey, dad. i got an a on my book report. that's cool. and i went for a walk in the woods and i didn't get a single flea or tick on me. you are just the best. -right? i'm great. -you are great. oh, brother. this flea and tick season, get 20% off your first pharmacy order at chewy. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) >> hi, guys. need to get serious for a second.
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fire danger back in texas. these fires could get bad really quickly. 55 mile per hour wind gusts less than 5% humidity. coming up we hear from a former child actor on what they say was going on behind the scenes at popular nickelodeon shows. first the best weather in the business from your local abc stations. stay with us. grown in this house. okay. >> we have answers to all your concerns at bay area underpinning. we'll do a complete home inspection for free so your home can stand
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strong all year long. schedule your free inspection today. >> when a delivery driver causes an injury, we'll deliver the most compensation. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. walk a personal injury law. call 866. walk up law >> mrs. howard, how come we don't read this? good. >> i am very adept at many amusing sounds. watch i am a pig. i see always live abc news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's take a look at traffic now on the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are on and traffic is going to be backed up from the maze. just kind of your typical morning commute. a crawl into san francisco at 32
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minutes. hi, drew. >> hey. good morning. we're going outside showing you what your commute looks like. it's nice and clear and a lot of spots. we do have dry conditions. temperatures right now, mainly in the 40s. so here's a look at your commute. partly cloudy skies for the most part. climbing into the 50s by 10 a.m. by 1 p.m. we're into the 60s. it's just really shaping up to be a very nice day. here's a live look at our exploratorium camera showing you filtered sunshine out there. we'll keep the clouds with us throughout the morning. we're dry. in fact, the dry pattern continues for the next seven days. we'll turn up the breeze a little bit. it gets gusty this evening. a wind advisory kicks in at 5 p.m. reggie. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma >> a car accident can shatter your world, but a jacoby and meyers. we want to help you get back to where you were before
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taking on insurance companies, hospital bills, medical care, whatever you need to get back to the life you love. jacoby and meyers, because everyone deserves justice >> your electric bill is rigged. the electric companies have been raising prices while they make record profits. to make the problem even more stupefying, they charge you more for electricity in the evening when you're home, but less during the day when you're not there. now, the state wants us all to drive electric cars. the answer used to be solar, but now the electric companies take the
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excess power you generate during the day and sell it back to you at night for top dollar. the final insult is they can black out your power any time. it's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle. but we have the cheat code. it's semper solaris there. local and veteran owned beat the electric company at their own game by using solar panels and a tesla powerwall. three. your panels charge the battery during the day, and you use your own electricity in the evening. when the rates are through the roof. eliminate blackouts, escape corporate greed. go solar now. >> got a large mushroom pizza. >> susan marie pizza again. deep homer hellofresh has delicious, guilt free recipes you can make in a snap. speaking of cooking, plain chicken really? >> it's healthy. >> it's boring. listen sue's hellofresh makes eating well exciting to the table. >> who?
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>> i know, i know. >> dessert visit to learn more. >> this is what it takes to take on alzheimer's. awareness of the fact that nearly two thirds of people diagnosed are women. courage to accept that memory loss that disrupts daily life could be a sign of alzheimer's. dedication to lowering your risk by staying active and monitoring blood pressure and support from family and friends to talk about signs, screening and early detection. take on alzheimer's. learn more about signs and screening at take on brought to you by the california department of public health. live good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking news. putin said he's ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat to russian statehood. as ukraine launched one of the biggest single attacks of its kind since the war began over russia overnight. and can puttin remain in power for a decade?
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>> quiet on set. a new book, a documentary claims about the dark side of kid's tv. >> those were torture moments for all of us. >> this morning the nickelodeon stars on what was allegedly going on behind the scenes of some of the most popular shows. super sneeze. an early start to allergy season? thanks to pollen bombs like this. what's behind it? how to know if it's allergies or something else? and what you can do to get relief. >> get ready for the crookie monster. >> okay, let's do it! >> the cookie croissant combo taking a bite out of social media. >> oh my god, so good! >> we're showing you how to make it at home. ♪ and the queen is here. >> i am queen! >> angela bassett is live. >> remain calm! >> telling us all about the new season of "911" and more.
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she's saying -- >> good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> little mary j. little mary j on wednesday. i'm rhyming. looking forward to angela bassett. oh, yeah. catching up with her in just a little bit. listen up. with the price of food so high, this morning we've got five healthy meals for your family, five healthy meals for just $50. jenn lueke, known as jenn eats good, is going to show us how to do that. >> we are eating good and on a budget. plus the new survey on teens and delta 8 thc, a cannabis compound. just how many high school seniors admit to using it is coming up. >> first breaking news at 8. we start with breaking news overnight. putin said he is ready to use nuclear weapons after ukraine's massive drone strike on russia. want to go back to james longman. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, george.
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vladamir putin said that he's ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat to russian statehood. in a wide ranging interview this morning, said it was up to the united states to calm the situation and avoid nuclear war. this as overnight ukraine launched a massive drone attack on russian energy infrastructure. actually, one of the largest attacks of its kinds since the war began. more than 60 drones launched at six different regions across russia. they hit an oil refinery, second night in a row they've hit oil refineries. ukraine is trying to construct lines and hit russia's energy infrastructure. this weekend russians head to the polls in a presidential election. putin already changed the constitution so technically he can stay in power until 2036. he will most likely win another six year term especially since all opposition is either in exile, in prison or dead. the most famous alexei navalny, whose funeral drew thousands. robin? >> it did. all right, james. thank you.
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the battle over tik tok. let's go back to senior congressional correspondent rachel scott on capitol hill. good morning to you again, rachel. >> reporter: just moments ago the bill passed the house with bipartisan support. tik tok is used by more than 170 million americans, 5 million businesses here in the u.s. lawmakers have been sounding the alarm about tik tok's chinese parent company, warning that by using the app, the chinese government could have access to your data, like your browsing history, even your location. and that china might be able to influence what you are seeing as you scroll through the app. tik tok has flat out denied these allegations, but this bill would put them on notice, requiring tik tok be sold within six months or face a ban in the united states. now, tik tok has gone on an all pressure campaign on capitol hill, bringing content creators to washington. also urging its users to call them representatives and demand that they do not support this bill. it has made little difference though.
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there is growing bipartisan support for this bill in the house. it could face challenges in the senate. the president has made it clear if this bill hits his desk, he will sign it, rebecca. >> then they have those six months. okay, rachel. thank you. we turn to an alarming new study about the use of cannabis types among high school seniors. stephanie ramos is back with details. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: hi there, rebecca. this study looked at nearly 2,200 students talking about substance abuse and attitude towards drugs. the survey which was funded by the national institutes of health found that about 11% of high school seniors they surveyed admitted to using delta 8 thc, a compound related to the psycho active chemical in marijuana. it is legal in many, but not all, states. it also noted almost a third of high school seniors reported using marijuana in the past year. it also found fewer people reported using delta 8 in states where cannabis is legal. now, the science says the study
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likely under estimates how many teens are using these drugs which can be found in gummys, edibles or other forms. while delta 8 has been banned in at least 17 states scientists do not know the effects delta 8 might have on teens whose bodies are still developing. guys? >> okay. thank you, stephanie. let's go to our gma morning menu. we hear from former child stars on the inappropriate behavior behind the scenes on some nickelodeon shows. >> also ahead, why spring allergies are starting earlier this year. some states even experiencing pollen bombs. dr. sutton is here with how to get relief. plus the viral food sensation, the crookie. it's a cookie croissant combo. we're going to show you how to make it very easily with your family. and sam has a very special guest. hey, sam. >> i'm in the presence of royalty right now. and i am not worthy. but we are going to talk about "911" and how it's coming to abc. do you know what angela bassett just said?
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i don't want to be a morning journalist, your hours are too crazy. that's coming up right here on gma. ♪ ("good feeling" by flo rida feat. atr) ♪ this is a hot flash. (♪) this is a hot flash. (♪) but this is a not flash. (♪) for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone—free veozah... you can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment.
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most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. (♪) ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... and enjoy more not flashes. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1?
8:09 am
olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ real fruit... and whole grains. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ doing something good for yourself has never been this easy. just do what's delicious. kellogg's special k. there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it?
8:10 am
dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. shop etsy until april 15th and get up to ask your doctor about dupixent. 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home. save on lighting, furniture, gifts and more. when you need 'just the thing' to make your space feel like new... etsy has it. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most.
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early spring here in times square. back with our gma cover story. new documentary shining a light on what was going on behind the scenes at nickelodeon, home to some of the most popular children's shows in the '90s and early 2000's. eva pilgrim sat down with two of the stars. good morning, eva. >> good morning, y'all.
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watching back some of these scenes as an adult it hits you immediately how inappropriate some of this content was. so much so we can't even air some in our story this morning. the children on these sets tell us many jokes went over their heads but the adult behavior was all around them. for children of the '90s and early 2000's, nickelodeon was home to some of the most popular shows of the era from "all that" to "the amanda show." >> my name's amanda! >> reporter: but in the new investigation discovery docu series "quiet on the set" the dark side of kid's tv, some of the former child stars behind those shows say they were subjected to inappropriate work environments. one star even claiming he was sexually abused. >> if you don't get these people out of here in two hours our lives are over. >> reporter: drake bell from the show "drake and josh" revealing for the first time publicly that he is the john doe victim in the 2003 child sexual abuse case against
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his dialogue coach brian peck. bell claims that peck purposely isolated him from his father, who was also his manager. >> i think brian got a sense that my dad was on the watch and so he started to really drive a wedge between my dad and me. he started talking about how my dad is stealing my money. nobody likes that my dad's on set. he's a real problem. i was believing it because he's been in the business for so long and he must know more than us. >> reporter: peck was convicted in 2004, sentenced to 16 months in prison and is now a registered sex offender. bell says that abuse put him on a path of self-destruction, including two dui's and a 2021 child endangerment conviction. nickelodeon saying in a statement, we are dismayed and saddened to learn of the trauma he has endured, and we commends and support the strength required to come forward. >> i can't even describe the feeling, to know there was a
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monster among us. >> reporter: two actors from "all that" say peck worked closely with the child actors. when you saw who the victim was -- >> it broke my heart. i cried. >> we weren't close with drake, but we were around him. he was a legend. so to find out that he was being harmed in a terrible way, infuriated me. >> reporter: they also spoke about former writer and executive producer dan schneider who nickelodeon parted ways with in 2018 after complaints he created a hostile work environment. what was it like working for dan schneider? >> dan -- >> asking the two black children on a nickelodeon set where --
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>> we were overlooked. >> reporter: the actors were calling sketches like on air dares. >> those were torture moments for all of us. >> reporter: he was covered in peanut butter then licked by dogs. >> my on air dare, i was saying i don't like this. just to see that is -- >> to voice it. >> i voiced it. i don't like this. >> and to be ignored because, oh, it's funny. >> yeah. >> it wasn't funny. >> who was it funny for? >> right. >> it wasn't funny for me. >> reporter: they hope the series sparks an important conversation about the treatment of child actors. >> your childhood is gonna be a little tainted after watching it, but i hope that it protects the next group of kids. >> yeah. >> about the hostile work place allegations, nickelodeon tells abc news, while it cannot corroborate or negate
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allegations of behaviors from productions decades ago, it investigates complaints as part of our commitment to fostering a safe and professional work environment free of harassment or inappropriate conduct. we have adopted numerous safe guards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience. as for schneider a spokes person tells abc news his script went through multilayers of executive approval and that, quote, dan expected and asked a lot from his team, but he also notes some people did not have a positive experience and he is truly sorry for that. "quiet on the set" the dark side of kid's tv, a two night event starts sunday, march 17th beginning at 9 p.m. robin? >> that was an eye opening report, eva. thank you for sharing that with us. we now have a gma health alert about an early start to allergy season. according to, some states in the south are even being hit by what experts are calling pollen bombs.
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our medical correspondent dr. darien sutton is here with more. pollen bombs? what exactly are these, and why are so many suffering earlier than usual? >> well, good morning. pollen bombs are often responding to when you see those massive amounts of pollen being released in short periods of time. it might feel like you are feeling and seeing it earlier and earlier. we are. as the climate gets warmer, flowers and plants respond to that. if you look at this map, you'll see high levels of pollen in the south, specifically tree pollen. as you come up north, you can see moderate levels of pollen, grass pollen, up even here in new york. that's causing many people to be very symptomatic, coming to the doctor, trying to find answers. >> how do you know if it's allergies or something else? >> always a difficult question to answer. there's a lot of crossover. when we talk about why allergies happen. it causes us to feel itchy. our throats to close up. that wheezing. there's some symptoms that are definitely viral and infection.
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a fever, sore throat, cough. that is when you should suspect an infection and treat accordingly. >> so, what, 81 million americans suffer from seasonal allergies. >> yeah. >> give us some relief. >> before you reach for those over the counter medications, some find them beneficial. it's about figuring out how to change your environment. change your clothe whens you get home. eliminating that exposure. changing the filthers. the hepa filters, we should change those. investing in an air pour purifier can be helpful. if your neighbors are gardening, closing your windows to avoid that exposure. you can grab that high quality mask that all of us have. when you fine levels are high. of course, if you feel like your symptoms are stopping your daily activity, talking to a doctor, getting evaluated. you might be a candidate for prescription medication. >> all great recommendations. appreciate it. see you on gma3. all right. appreciate that. let's get some pop news. sam champion is here. >> lara has me here again.
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don't come on over. it's big. we've got beyonce, taylor swift and lenny kravitz. let's get pop news started this morning, the news that pops. beyonce announced the title for her upcoming country album. it will be called act 2 cowboy carter. she's been teasing it. it's the follow up to her renaissance album. remember when the world went crazy when she dropped two new tracks, 16 carriages and texas hold em? of course texas holdem already went number one on the billboard country chart, making it the first time a black female artist accomplished that feat. as we mentioned yesterday, guys, dolly parton has kind of revealed that beyonce may, in broad air quotes, recorded a cover of "jolene" for the album. fans are going nuts about this online. why wouldn't they? this is reportedly the second of three acts in her renaissance era. act 2, country carter, begins streaming everywhere on the 29th. now i promised you some taylor swift. here we go.
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the countdown continues for swifties. we've got just 24 hours -- i need a countdown clock. i need one here. i need one in the car. 24 hours to go until taylor swift the eras tour, taylor's version debuts on disney +. thanks to taylor, we're continuing our daily sneak peeks of the four new acoustic performances featured in the movie. this morning we have an exclusive preview of "death by 1,000 cuts." check it out. ♪ >> george, you saw it. robin, you saw it. did you have your phones out at that moment? [ laughter ] >> i'm trying to get to my flashlight. i can't get the flashlight.
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[ laughter ] >> all right. okay. all right. >> it was fantastic. >> i know. we can see it on screen. taylor set the track for 2019 lover. there's more to come, guys. tomorrow on gma, we'll have a brand new first listen to another acoustic performance. taylor swift the eras tour, taylor's version, begins streaming this thursday. now robin's got it. now robin's got it. lights on, please. [ laughter ] >> we'll get ready for tomorrow. >> you'll edit that in later. congratulations are in order for super star lenny kravitz, the rock star getting his own star on the hollywood walk of fame. i saw this happen live. it was amazing. honoring his more than three decades in music. of course his daughter was on hand for the ceremony. this was such a beautiful touching father/daughter moment. she also took the opportunity to roast her dad.
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they have this amazing relationship. take a look. >> i've seen the way you show up and take care of the people you love. i've seen your incredible dedication to your art. but mostly i have seen through your shirts. [ laughter ] you really do pull it off. your relationship with the netted shirt is probably your longest one. [ laughter ] and it works. >> i love it. wasn't it a great moment? everybody burst into laughter at the same time like you did. i want to personally thank you, lenny kravitz. that see through shirt thing, you made it real for everybody. by everybody, i mean me. [ laughter ] >> i know what you meant by that. i know what you meant by that. my eyes. >> that's pop news. >> great share by sam. >> we've got some problems going on in texas and big snow for denver. can you believe this will be
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denver's biggest snowfall? it may be one of their biggest since 2001. let's start with the fire danger and the risk here. this is extreme. the weather service doesn't offer this up much. 50 mile per hour gust and 5% humidity problem. these could be explosive fires. denver, if you get 9 inches today, this goes back to the bigger snowfall you've had since 2021. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can peck this morning. >> okay. turn to the latest baked good mashup going viral. it's the crookie, a croissant
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and chocolate chip cookie. it was first seen in paris bakeries. home made versions are all over the internet. so now our own rhiannon ally tried it out. so nice to see you. >> thank you. it's a tough assignment. someone has to do it. i jumped right in. do you remember the cronut? that croissant/donut? that was almost 11 years ago. luckily you don't have to wait in those lines for the crookie. it's easy to make at home. i tried it with some very special very cute helpers. we are going to try the crookie. >> reporter: meet the crookie. >> so, so good. >> reporter: it started at a bakery in france and has caught on like wild fire, going viral on tik tok. >> if you haven't hopped on the viral crookie trend, now is the time. total comfort food. >> reporter: so what is a crookie? a croissant stuffed with chocolate chip cookie dough then baked to perfection.
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let's see if it's really as easy as these viral videos claim. i got my helpers, my kid, roman, mila and natalia. i have a question for you three. which do you like better, croissant or chocolate chip cookies? >> chocolate chip cookies. >> chocolate chip cookies. >> definitely a croissant. >> what if we put the two together? >> oh my gosh. >> yes. >> oh my gosh. >> okay. let's do it. first my helpers are going to scoop cookie dough. i cut the croissants in half. we put two to three scoops inside each croissant and then close it up, flattening it up, and then two smaller scoops on top. we got a cookie sheet. look h yes. you can't. we got to bake them first. bake for 15 to 20 minutes in a 350 degree oven. it smells so good in here. it's time to get them out of the oven and voila! are you ready to try
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them? yes. okay, let's put on some powdered sugar. oh, yes. oh, my god, it's so good that is perfect. you guys are the best sous chefs ever. they really did such a great job. now the inside. yes. you're going to scoop one on there. it's supposed to be gooey after it breaks because it's warm. but if the raw cookie dough makes you feel a little uneasy, you can bake them for 5 to 10 more minutes. just keep your eyes on them so try it. let me know what you think. i had a bunch last night so it's still good. delicious, nice and warm. perfect. >> angela bassett back monday morning. your week kicks off hot when shaggy and bruce melody perform live only on gma's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> come on now, everyone wants to know this. what taylor swift songs that weren't in the original film will now be included in the heiress tour, taylor's version dropping soon on disney plus. well, all this
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week on gma, we're going to tell you and reveal a new song every day. watch tomorrow morning only on gma. thanks, taylor. >> what would you do if you saw a mother reject her son's new girlfriend because of the color of her skin? >> this is your girlfriend. >> you couldn't have prepared me, mom, you're getting a little crazy here, i think. >> knock it off. what would you do all new sunday night on abc. >> how long do i have to wait? >> what are you waiting for? let's go. >> i love you, and i'm gonna love you forever. >> doctor altman is in critical condition >> always live abc7 news starts right now i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven warnings. we're going to get a look at traffic right now. taking a live look from our walnut creek camera. you can see traffic slow southbound 680
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heading toward highway 24. there is a delay from state route 242. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break >> when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent. show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. to help heal your skin from within, many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic
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infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> fresh out of papa murphy's kitchen, the limited time triple pet pizza, actually, it's fresh out of my oven. dad. >> it's just an expression. >> giant, classic. >> and mini cup pepperoni. now, that is an expression. >> order the triple pep today >> hey, bay area, live with kelly and marcus. coming up. we'll chat with angela bassett from 9-1-1. >> plus, comedian tig notaro is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. we will see you in a half hour outside at santa cruz. >> our camera looking lovely. you can see sunshine is up here. it is partly cloudy out there.
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we are beginning this morning with temperatures mainly in the 40s across the board, 49 in the city right now, 43 in sonoma, 48 currently in san jose. we'll look at the exploratorium camera. it's a veil of thin cloud cover. this morning we'll have partly cloudy skies early on, giving way to bright sunshine temperatures in the 60s, but it will get breezy around here this evening and those winds turn gusty later on tonight. it's for that fact. a wind advisory begins at 5 p.m. today, lasting through friday morning, where we could see winds as high as 50mph at times. kumasi thank you drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest p and at abc >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> we have been looking forward to this. joined by an actress we love as tina, stella and so many other incredible women.
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now angela bassett is back for the new season of "911." welcome angela bassett to abc. and "911" to abc. >> thank you. >> hello. >> thank you. yes, yes, yes. >> hold it right there. >> okay. i know how she does in an emergency. how would angela bassett do in a 911 emergency? >> don't count on it. [ laughter ] >> no? >> oh, no, no. if you can handle it, i'll let you. if you fall apart, i'll step in. >> tell us about season 7. >> season 7 started off with a bang. here we are moving. we're a family now. big move to abc. bobby and athena are going on their long awaited honeymoon. they've been together four years. they're empty nesters. athena, they go on this big cruise. that was his idea. wouldn't be her choice. wouldn't be mine either. [ laughter ] interesting how they do that.
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of course, in "911" land, everything that could go wrong potentially does. >> let's look at a take. >> last week my husband, he did something. he booked us on a cruise. >> a cruise. >> kind of a belated honeymoon. he's so excited. this trip means the world to him. i wouldn't want to spoil it. >> why would you? >> because the idea of even setting foot on that boat fills me with dread. i'm terrified. >> i'm with you. now, is it true though that your real life husband has not seen the show? [ laughter ] >> i don't think he has. maybe in the early years. i don't know. he's one of those with projects so he's always doing his thing. >> you all are very supportive
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of one another. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> can i talk about -- are your twins actually about to graduate? >> i know. it truly does happen so quickly. >> empty nesters, like in the movie as well. i hear your daughter wants a little special time with you. >> she does. she asked me, mom, can we take a trip? maybe, you know? but she wants to bring some other girlfriends with her. i'm just there to pay for it or something. but, yeah, she's a sweetheart. we're trying to figure it out. >> so long as you don't have to call 911. >> yeah, right? >> 25 years since stella got her groove back. is it true you still carry a little piece -- >> little costumes. remember her running across the beach. you know? i don't know if they'll fit today, but i'm working on it. trying to work back to it. >> are those shoes from her? can we get a little shoe cam here? you're bringing it. can we talk about queens?
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you are a queen as well. i mean that sincerely, angela. this docu seeryious have for nat geo talking about the matriarch in the wild kingdom. >> whether it's the monkey or hyenas, elephants, lions, you know? some of the queens are very sacrificial and others will sacrifice their young. it's fascinating. another wonderful thing, it was an entirely female-led crew in documentaries. we know usually male dominated. the face, the music needle drop moments, the music. it's very exciting show to watch. >> it was very important you. >> such a great idea. >> well, thank you. >> thank you. >> what else you got going on? >> what else? damsel. the movie i did with millie
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bobby brown. just dropped. that's doing very well. an opportunity to be in the sci-fi world with the accent and all of that. it's fun. check it out. >> when i went home yesterday i was watching a great show. visuals are stunning. >> you enjoy those type of films? >> i do. something to do on my time off. [ laughter ] >> i was about to say, when do you have time off? again, welcome to the abc family. we appreciate you very much. >> thank you. i am excited. >> i hope you do get that trip with your daughter. spend some one on one time. he's an empty nester over here. >> did you cry? he looks like he cried. he looks like he cried. >> harper is coming home today. >> oh, good. [ laughter ] thank you. angela, thank you again. thank you very much. the new season, the new season of "911" premieres tomorrow 8 p.m. on abc.
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queens is streaming now on hulu and disney +. coming up we got a social media star, jenn lueke, known as jenn eats good. gonna show us how to make five meals for a family for $50. $50. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye.
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tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court.
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>> we are back now with the
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return of tanning. the hash tag getting more than 4 billion views on tik tok. but there are ways of getting a healthy glow without putting your skin at risk. it's a story we first saw in "the washington post." melissa, good morning. i am taking myself back to high school saying put that spf on. >> exactly, rebecca. good morning. we're talking about this tanning resurgence that's going on. it's not tanning beds or spray tan. it is making some women feel more confident and happier in their skin. tanning appears to be making a comeback. >> when i'm tan, i'm happier. >> you're gonna want to keep circling motion. >> on tik tok hash tag tanning has more than 4 billion views. >> point of this is to look like i'm naturally tan not change my skin color. >> many aim to look sun kissed, like you just came back from a beach vacation, but without the sun damage. >> do you see those tan lines? >> it's not just for the tan obsessed. hollywood is glowing.
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at this year's oscars, jennifer lawrence glistened on the red carpet. bradley cooper and his mom appear to have gotten their tan on, too. but gone are the days of tanning beds and overdone spray tans. >> how dark do you want to be? one, two or three? >> i like how you look. what are you? >> puerto rican. [ laughter ] >> two. i'm thinking a two. >> we are now seeing the hype over self-tanning creams and mousse. women like rebecca tell us they're trying to tan safely. >> how i can reap the benefits of this tan, be happy but not potentially give myself wrinkles and premature aging. >> so how safe is it? new york dermatologist mr. michelle henry says tanning creams and mousses are far safer than tanning beds that use uv light which significantly increases the risk for melanoma. >> it's okay when applied directly to the skin. the problem is that a lot of formulations use
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aersols. >> when you are under the sun, don't forget your spf. >> it does not matter what you have on your skin. so whether it is self-tanner or bronzer or you just have a darker skin type, you need to use sun protection. >> now dr. henry also does not recommend spray tans because she points out a lot of those ingredients can cause damage. the best message is, as long as you feel good in your own skin, you will look good. rebecca? >> confidence is golden. thank you. we turn to our sun kissed, always sun kissed sam. >> take it from me sun screen, sun screen, sun screen. all right. let's take a look at this. i want to show you, do you remember the big damaging winds that moved through the northeast? the highest point is mount washington. there's a science observatory up there. they had 250 mile per hour winds there. i'm sorry, 150 mile per hour winds there. the record is 231 in that area. that was a really strong push of a storm moving through.
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we are now into mild air. look at this from hartford to washington. see the 70s popping up. normal temperature in the 40s for a lot of us. this is ending the warm streak with some rain, showers as we get into friday. the good news is for new york into philly, lot of rain is headed north and south of the area. that's the weather around the nation. here's >> all right. we are back. and we are going to find some meals, because people are spending so much money at the grocery store. families are really feeling this budget crunch. so we brought in jenn lueke, social media star known as jenn eats good, to help us turn $50 into five meals. >> so many people follow you in this studio.
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>> oh, yeah. >> $50 in groceries. >> this is the grocery list. what's the trick? >> well, thank you so much for having me. so excited to be here. the trick? there's a couple of things. the first thing is i always recommend have a plan. go to the grocery store with a list. last thing you want to do is show up and have no idea what you're going to make. >> me. >> the other thing, buy in bulk. you also want to reuse the same ingredients for multiple res pass. if you're buying rice for one recipe, use it again in another recipe. or crushed tomatoes or beans. whatever it is. you want to use it up. use everything that you buy. do not waste anything. you'll save cost that way. you also just want to go for ingredients that are more budget friendly. like these canned goods, like some of the ingredients i'm going to speak to. rice. having a stocked pantry is key. having your basic spices, oils, sauce, olive oil, maple syrup, whatever you normally use. having that there will help you create your meals and form it around that. i got my groceries this time at trader joe's. you can go anywhere. i like to shop just for the most budget friendly ingredients.
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>> all right. you did some of the things that you talked about right there in your menu so let's jump to that. one of the recipes is a one pot spinach artichoke chicken and rice. this is in my lane. this is delicious for me. tell me how you did it. why did you choose chicken thighs? >> i like to use chicken thighs. one, because i find they are a more budget friendly source of protein. they're really forgiving. you're going to use your rice, the other ingredients, but everything will be done at the same time. you don't need to worry about overcooking. it's budget friendly and is easier to cook for somebody who is newer. you're going to get your vegetables, your baby spinach, artichokes. then you're going to use some of those pantry staples. then olive oil, garlic powder, oregano. this is a family of four. >> you've got everybody covered at home. >> i'll let you move that way while i sample this. rebecca is going to move on. >> i'm going for the vegan chili. you made it meatless to save money. >> that's a great tip for saving money. try some of the plant based proteins if you're not somebody
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who would normally reach for it. that's why i like to do a mix. this has three types of beans, black bean, chick peas, kidney beans. and the pantry staples. the spices, paprika, cumin. >> great flavor. that's also a trick. you give flavor to it with the spices. >> yeah yeah. that's all about utilizing the pantry staples. you're using the onion again, the canned tomatoes. you're still making a dish that has a lot of protein. >> that artichoke chicken was amazing. in this you use ground turkey. >> i use ground turkey. but some of the stuff you had was from the other meals. >> yes. i use ground turkey. it will cost less than the ground beef. you're reusing the rice. you're reusing the crushed tomatoes, the baby spinach and onion. it's a completely different dish but you're using the same recipe but it won't feel like you're eating the same thing every night. >> so different even though you're using the same thing from the chili. tastes like a new dish. here you did something really interesting with avocados.
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>> yeah, it's actually broccoli and spinach in the sauce. that's what's making it green. i like these cashews as a sub for dairy. you'll blend them up. you're making this creamy green sauce which is delicious. cashews are more expensive, but you're using them in multiple dishes. if you're going to buy in bulk, you will make it work. >> you're going to get your 5-year-old to eat those vegetables. last dish. >> the last dish is the sticky tofu bowl. i love -- >> that's delicious looking. >> it really is. >> it's a budget friendly plant based protein source. usually about $2 for a block which is cheap. if you haven't tried it over, it's so, so good. lot of people haven't tried tofu before. i get them to try it. they love it. you can add it to your grocery list. use some of these budget friendly vegetables. >> well done.
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>> i am so glad we tried these. i generally loved every single one of them. >> me, too. >> i will be making them at home. you can get the full shopping list and all of these recipes on good morning thank you, jenn. coming up tamron hall is here talking about her new crime thriller. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life.
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that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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>> we are back with emmy winning journalist talk show host, tamron hall. welcome back. great to see you. >> great to be here. >> tell us about "watch where they hide." >> this is a follow-up to our first. jordan is back. she's an up and coming reporter in chicago, but being pulled into this world of solving crimes. now we see jordan rising to the top in her career, but she's also turned more vigilante. she's been called in by the sister of a missing woman to solve her disappearance.
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jordan is willing to put her life on the line, her career on the line to find out what's happened to this woman. it's a thriller. my goal is to keep up you up after you finish the book at least two days. get ready. [ laughter ] i'm telling you, i want you to look to the sky and go, tamron hall! it's that kind of book. >> it's also rooted in personal experience. your sister's unsolved murder. >> you know what? for me, i was looking for a way -- they say it was cathartic. when i launched this series i thought this is a great protagonist. she's pulled in to being more than a journalist but a crime solving character. it harkened back to why i did the show "deadline crime" which ran for six seasons after my sister's unsolved death. i wanted a way to connect with other families and give them a voice. deadline crime ran for six seasons. in the introduction of that show i don't want to know details, but i want to know more about the family, the why. for me that was an opportunity
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to use my voice, my platform to advocate for survivors of domestic violence. i needed to take a step back. i actually ended that show when i was pregnant because i covered the murder of a pregnant woman. i remember being in the studio tracking that and thinking about her, thinking about my sister. i said, i need a break. a couple years passed. jordan manning, named after michael jordan and peyton manning, came to life. gives me the ability of fiction to escape reality, but still tell the story and give a glimpse what it's like. i have been a true crime reporter now for 30 year, ten of that on "deadline crime." your job is not to be the story, but the pain and reality of sitting across from someone who has gone through a great loss. it takes a toll. >> how do you fine the time? you have your show. you're a mom. where does your writing fit in? >> in the shower. [ laughter ] no. i have voice recorders all
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around my house. often i'm in the shower an i'm like, i need jordan to do this. i'll jump out. you see wet footprints all through my house. my mom is old school. she goes, you're going to electrocute yourself. mom, it's a cell phone. i jump back in. or i'm in bed and then my phone is there. i'm lying in bed asleep. i wake up, oh, i need jordan to do this. my husband is like, what's wrong with you? i wanted this to be a thriller. i wrote this particular edition of jordan manning in the city. at first i was out on long island doing my best stephen king. i sound like a new yorker, sweat-a. this one, i was in the city. my kid is 4 years old so we're preschool wars on the playground. i came ready for battle with this. you see jordan. she's action. she's heart. she's compassionate. but she is a bloodhound when it comes to her case. >> who will play her? >> george, you wear the same
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haircut. [ laughter ] in the role of jordan manning. i'll tell you what. angela bassett was just here. when i was creating this character i thought a lot about, truly, her power and her presence. jordan, in her late 30s. she's single. she puts job before everything else. i wanted those layers. i think chloe bailey, halle barry. one of those young stars. at the core, she is someone that i just feel is so relatable and so dogged and determined to find justice. i hope people fall in love with her. >> thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> it is out now. tamron hall airs weekdays. check your local listings to find out where. we'll be right back.
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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boy, it's like
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>> now's the time for cleaner indoor air with an air duct cleaning from stanley steemer. you've known us for carpet cleaning, but we've been cleaning air ducts for over 20 years. we do things the right way. cleaning your entire system. so if you need an air duct cleaning, call one 800 steamer today. monday morning, your week kicks off hot when shaggy and bruce melody perform live only on gma's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> we have the breakfast of champions here. cheers, george. cheers rookie. everyone. buy buy buy buy. yeah >> everyone wants to know this. what? taylor swift songs that weren't in the original film will now be included in the heiress tour. taylor's version dropping soon on disney plus.
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well, all this week on gma, we're gonna tell you and reveal a new song every day. watch tomorrow morning only on gma. thanks buckle up. >> i'm gonna be the best captain this station has ever seen. i am all in. >> i want to love you back >> when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent. show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatology gists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. to help heal your skin from within, many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions
8:58 am
can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent in all of san francisco, there's no place like wicked. >> how you can find me? >> look to the western sky. wicked. >> the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. only become a member today to book your seats before they go on public sale, visit broadwaysf .com. to get wicked diamonds at historic lows. >> one carat gia white c quality diamonds, 1990 plus designer mounts, just 4.992 carat studs,
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1990 and three carat, three stone rings 4990 by factory direct and save the jewelry exchange, redwood city what does it take to take on alzheimer's awareness that memory loss and confusion that disrupt daily life could be signs of alzheimer's knowledge that among those 65 and older, 1 in 6 will develop alzheimer's and the courage to have important conversations with family, friends and your health care provider. >> you have what it takes to take on alzheimer's. learn more about signs, screening and early detection at take on als. com brought to you by the california department of public health. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic and our bay bridge camera. you can see traffic flowing pretty easily into san francisco. metering lights are still on though at the toll plaza, so a very minor delay.
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looks like everybody is making their way in smoothly. drew. >> hey kumasi temperatures right now we're climbing through the 40s and into the low 50s. this morning, a partly cloudy sky, quite nice on the bay right now. just some calm waters as one of the boats goes by. we'll find those clouds giving way to sunshine throughout the afternoon. it's a bright day, but the breeze will start to pick up temperatures go into the 60s tonight. that wind strengthens a wind advisory begins at 5 p.m. overnight through friday morning. gusts up to 50mph are possible. kumasi. >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll be back at 11 11 for midday live. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, film and television star angela bassett. plus, from her new


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