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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  March 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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starts right now. >> every vote counts, especially in a race where just a few dozen may decide who gets a chance to represent hundreds of thousands of people in the bay area. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. more than a week after california's primary, all ballots that are going to count have now been received. but the counting is coming down to the wire for several races. >> that's right. let's start with the race to replace retiring representative anna issue. this is district 16, in the us house. it includes most of the south bay and peninsula stretching from pacifica to los gatos. >> sam liccardo is in the lead. he'll be one of the two candidates in november's general election for second place. it's really a nail biter when adding up the latest votes from san mateo and santa clara counties. evan lowe just took the lead from joe simitian. he's 59 votes ahead, so it's slim. of course, simitian's lead has been diminishing over the past few days. >> abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes joins us live from san jose. >> zach, how are the candidates
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handling this race? >> well, as far as liccardo? he's very happy to be in a clear first place. now the two candidates fighting for second place are saying, let's wait and see what the results are. those results you just gave, by the way, came in just under an hour ago. different from what we reported earlier at for these updates coming in fast, but all the eligible mail in ballots, like you said, have been received. of course, every count is going to matter in this race, but we heard from the candidates and a political expert about what happens next. sam liccardo, evan lowe and joe simitian have been leaders in the race for the district 16 congressional seat. the spot is opening up for the first time in more than 30 years, as representative anna eshoo retires, with liccardo leading lowe and simitian by a relatively wide margin. the associated press already called the election in his favor, but the battle for second place is far from over. whoever wins will advance to november's runoff to run against liccardo. liccardo says he's grateful to be in the lead, and says the tight race for second place shows the importance of voter turnout. >> the reality is decisions are
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going to be made for you if you're not making the decisions. so i encourage everybody to get out there and vote in november because as we're sitting here from this march election, this is going to be decided by a very small number of votes, whoever my opponent is, simitian was confident on election night, we are clearly in the top two, but now it's not so clear what we're seeing now is a little bit of the votes that come in later. >> those those last minute procrastinators who who get their ballots in, you know, at the last minute, more likely to be younger voters, less engaged voters. and that seems to be trending toward evan lowe. >> in a statement released tuesday, simitian said every vote counts and every vote has to be counted. that's the nature of our process and that's as it should be. having said that, we were in the top two on election night and have been every day since, so i'm confident and optimistic, but we'll wait for the results. evan lowe also issued a statement that said in part to me, no matter the ultimate outcome, the closeness of this race shows that your
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vote truly matters. your vote can have a real impact on who represents your community. depending on how close the votes end up being between the two candidates. professor of political science melinda jackson said one of them could request a recount that they would have to pay for. >> if it goes in their favor, then they get paid back. we don't have an automatic recount process in california where when it's within a certain margin, it's automatically triggered for a recount. so i think it depends how close it is at the end of the day, whether either these candidates will choose to do that. >> yeah. but again, it's really close right now. both san mateo and santa clara counties have to have complete final official results by april 4th. then the secretary of state certifies the election results april 12th. so we're going to have to wait and see what happens. for now. right now, live in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. and there's another tight race coming down to the wire. state senate district seven, which includes contra costa and parts of alameda counties.
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berkeley mayor jesse arreguin is the clear frontrunner. the battle for second place is where it's interesting. about 1000 votes separate. jovanka beckels and dan kalb, the top two winners in the primary, move on to the general election in november. >> the only statewide measure on the ballot is still too close to call and the margin is shrinking . now. proposition one would use billions in bonds to provide housing for the homeless and the mentally ill. currently, it's 50.1% for yes, the number of yes votes outnumbers no votes by about 10,000. so it's very close. all ballots had to be received by yesterday, one week after the election, in order to be counted. ballots are still being processed. there are roughly a million to go at last check. voter turnout is up to 31. now that's about average close to it anyway. turnout in a california primary election has been running about 33% over the past 20 years, and you can find local race results from california's primary election on abc seven a judge in georgia has dismissed some of
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the election interference charges against former president donald trump. the six charges dropped have to do with soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths of office. most of the charges from the 41 count racketeering indictment remain, however, affecting trump and several other defendants. the order does not mention the ethics allegations against fulton county da fani willis. following revelations of an affair with a fellow prosecutor. she has denied that there is any conflict of interest or that she benefited financially from the relationship. a ruling on that issue is expected by the end of the week. >> well, it is getting windy in some areas and it's going to stay that way for a while. >> it is. it's enough to trigger a wind advisory, actually. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is here to show you what that means. sandhya where you live. >> yeah. chances are you're going to experience strong, gusty winds at times near you or over you. dan and anna, i want to show you a live picture right now from our mount tam cam, you are noticing just a beautiful view of ocean beach, but that
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camera has been a little bit shaky as the breeze has picked up 30 miles an hour on mount diablo right now at the lower elevations. it's breezy in some spots. a wind advisory in effect for our hills until friday morning at 11 a.m. the valleys go under this advisory from 10 p.m. tonight until 5 p.m. thursday. north northeasterly winds gusting 45 to 55 miles an hour, will mean the potential for a few outages, maybe some tree damage as well. so we're going to go hour by hour. 7:00 tonight, a little breezy, notice a switch in the wind direction late tonight out of the north northeast. getting gustier by tomorrow morning. you will notice 36 mile an hour winds. calistoga and the gusty winds will remain with us through the afternoon going into late thursday and even into friday morning. i'll let you know when those winds will back off and when the warmth will continue. coming right up. dan. >> okay, sandy, thanks a lot. take a look at the aftermath of a pursuit today that spanned three counties. you see a chp cruiser lost a tire and had to
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be towed away. the pursuit ended at the 29th avenue offramp from i-880 north in in oakland. the chase went through, went north from the peninsula through san francisco onto the bay bridge before it finally ended. the chp will not say why officers were pursuing the driver, but at least one suspect was was arrested. well, travel is back to normal at san francisco international airport. after a different kind of delay this morning, protesters are calling for a ceasefire in gaza shut down part of the airport for more than three hours. part of the off ramp to the international terminal was affected by this, along with two security checkpoints. demonstrators say it was part of a global day of action to demand a permanent ceasefire and an end to u.s. financial support for the israeli military, and they blocked the road. >> so we stuck there for almost 25 minutes. >> we know that there's people that were inconvenience, but we want to make sure that we have our message be heard loudly and clearly. >> international passengers had
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to be rerouted to other terminals. here's a live look now at the airport. officials there say things ended peacefully today. no one was arrested and no flights were delayed. >> the driverless car service waymo says it will start rides in los angeles tomorrow after getting the green light from state regulators earlier this month to expand outside of san francisco. that expansion will spread to san mateo county as well. but there. waymo faces an uphill battle. abc7 news reporter lena howland found. county supervisors have just submitted a new appeal to the state. >> driverless taxis roaming the streets of san francisco could be coming to san mateo county soon. >> the service expands to los angeles and austin thursday. >> i don't want to hear about any more accidents, although some drivers in daly city worry the technology isn't ready. >> i think we need more time to get to get this, these cars ready for the road. >> waymo's expansion across the state was temporarily suspended last month when county supervisors asked for a review period. it was expected to last up to 120 days, but it got the
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green light after 11 days after the cpuc says waymo updated their passenger safety plan. >> it was truly a slap in the face. >> now, less than two weeks later, san mateo county supervisor david canepa says the county has filed an appeal with the enforcement arm of the cpuc. >> what we're asking is for them to really consider what we had said in our initial letter, just this communication of working with public works on infrastructure, working with the fire department, working with the sheriff's department. to this date, waymo hasn't talked to our department heads. it's like, beyond the wild west, which is why south bay state senator dave cortese is working to pass a bill that would give local governments control over autonomous cars instead of the state, a bill already formally supported by san francisco, los angeles, oakland and san mateo counties through their own
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resolutions that we need to create a system right away, you know, to do just modest regulations, modest controls, ordinary normal traffic controls to make things safe for our community. >> that's only going to happen if we get our local cities involved. >> waymo says they will continue to engage in cpuc process and remain committed to our long tum approach of dialog and partnership with city officials. waymo said they have not expanded their service here on the peninsula just yet, and there is no set timeline for those plans, either. in daly city, lena howland abc seven news. >> meanwhile, cruise driverless ride services and testing permits are still suspended across the nation after a crash in san francisco last october, where a woman was dragged 20ft by a cruise driverless car after she was hit by another car. >> allegations of unsafe working conditions are creating controversy at a san jose housing project intended to help the unhoused population, the city's largest modular housing
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site at branham and monterey, is expected to open in july after it was initially scheduled for april. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey takes a look at the issues. >> work on san jose's $70 million emergency interim housing site continues on branham lane, the city's largest transitional housing project, will feature 204 rooms within the three story structures for hundreds of unhoused. it was originally slated to open next month, but a look behind the fences shows there's still a lot of work to be done. >> you have non-compliant code issues in there. you have mold. it's just horrible. unfortunately, it seems to be a bigger problem, though, because we've had this exact same thing happen just down the street from that project at another modular housing project. >> mauricio velarde is the director of compliance for south bay piping industry. he's also a watchdog for issues involving union workers, like what he saw with his own eyes. at this project, workers first told him
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about the extensive building issues. they also voiced concerns over wage theft. >> my opinion is that it's simply greed. it's simply greed, you have bad actors and their bottom line is to make as much money as possible. unfortunately at the expense of the taxpayer. and ultimately the, the unhoused, the most vulnerable in our society. >> at a wednesday press conference, mayor matt mehan once again pushed the importance of solutions for the unhoused, including quick build communities, despite a city press release saying the project would be opened in april, mehan now says the opening day has always been this july. he says the role of the city is to audit issues and make sure they're fixed. >> we need to make sure every unit is safe and clean and dignified. if any of those units do have mold or water damage, the contractor on the site will have to replace them. if anybody has not been treated fairly in terms of their hours or pay or whatever it might be, we will ensure that the contractor makes that right. >> velarde hopes that's true for
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the workers sake, but he still concerned that each of the two quick build communities he's investigated in the city had the same problems in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> still to come here tonight, a celebration of racial and social justice. ohlone land is now back in ohlone hands. >> plus, a closer look at what happened to these homes in but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga,
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an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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see just how big the slide was, leaving a gaping crack in the earth. reporter rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles has a closer look at the
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impact. the call came in just before three this morning. >> a report of a fallen tree. when firefighters got here, though, they found much more than that. three homes on ventura canyon avenue. victims of a landslide. this one, the hardest hit. >> it was completely destroyed. flattened by the by the landslide. and that was a red tag. >> fortunately, that house was under construction and no one was home. this house right next door also struck by the slide it to redtagged above the two damaged houses sits the property. firefighters say gave way, carving out a 30 foot deep chasm, a swimming pool left hanging in the balance. >> we ended up draining that pool. that was to relieve, alleviate some of the weight in there and take off some of the stress of the soil up there today. >> slide catching the neighborhood by surprise. residents stunned to see such a big chunk of the hills coming down here and worried what could come next. >> i'm concerned about the mudslides and my retaining wall
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and the house above me. so just in case, i mean, i'm just taking out my valuables of the house officials blaming the slide on all the rain we've seen this winter. >> the last few days have been dry, but the hillsides, they say, are still saturated. >> the soil is like a sponge. it sucks up all that rain, and it takes a long time for that to dissipate and dry out. so we always advise people in the canyons and in the hills to use caution. >> rob hayes, abc seven news. >> we're glad to get a break from the rain. >> definitely, and it seems like a decent break. >> i know right? it feels a little like spring. sandy. >> it's about time right, dan? and let's take a look at our high temperatures for today. here is a sampling. if you like what you see. you're going to love the weather the next couple of days, minus the wind. of course. san rafael 71 degrees today san francisco 60, concord in the upper 60s. got up into the mid 60s from oakland to san jose to redwood city. these temperatures for most of you going up over the next few days
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as we look at our winds right now, 29 mile an hour sustained winds in san francisco, napa gusting to 20 miles an hour. a lovely view from our san jose camera, where you are seeing a few high, thin, wispy clouds. here's a look at your forecast over the next 12 hours. bright and breezy at 7:00, and certainly will be clear and starlit at 11 p.m, but increasing winds as we head towards the overnight hours and tomorrow morning does start out gusty, with the coastal areas gusts to 34 miles an hour. stronger winds right over the higher terrain. so you're wondering why we're in this windy pattern, which we expect as we get closer to spring. here's why. area of low pressure that brought us the rain a few days ago has moved on. high pressure is building in quickly. behind it. we have a northerly wind flow and it's going to turn more northeast. that's why we're seeing the downsloping winds prompting that w wind advisory that's already up for the hills. it will go up for the valleys at 10:00 tonight on live doppler seven. no rain to speak of. here's a beautiful view from our pier 39 camera. looks like some
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people are enjoying the sunshine here. even the sea lions. 59, in san francisco. low 60s oakland, hayward 64, san jose and 55, in half moon bay from our oakland airport camera, you can clearly see it's just a beautiful view. filtered sunshine due to those high, thin, wispy clouds. 67, in santa rosa. it is currently in the 50s petaluma 60s for concord and livermore, and one other live picture from san rafael camera. you're going to be seeing more of this tonight through friday morning. gusty offshore winds, sunny and much warmer. next few days you will notice it. and then for the weekend, we're talking about warmth. nice enough to hit the beach. the winds will ease, but it will still be springlike. so 7:00 tonight, breezy. the wind starts to move out of the north northeast towards midnight. you're going to be noticing those winds ramping up while you're sleeping tomorrow morning, 3436 mile an hour wind gusts at lower elevations and that gusty pattern continues that downsloping wind will actually provide the warmth. now, this goes on friday morning as well. and then calistoga, 40
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mile an hour winds friday morning at 11. elsewhere you're looking at 30 to 35. and then that wind will back off as we head towards friday evening. your morning temperatures mostly 40s 50s lakeport 39 degrees. it is going to be clear tomorrow afternoon. sunny side up 70, in san jose, 69 in santa clara in the south bay on the peninsula and redwood city in palo alto. 67 half moon bay, sunshine, 68 degrees in san francisco. north bay 68, in san rafael, 70 for you in calistoga and santa rosa in the east bay. above average 69. oakland 70. hayward. if you want warmth, you got it in the inland east bay 68, concord 69, in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. enjoy the warmth. i know it is going to be windy the next couple of days, but mid 70s by friday. it's going to feel like spring this weekend. saint patrick's day is going to be beautiful. winds will ease and then above average. monday spring starts tuesday night ama and dan very nice. we're in for some beautiful weather in the next seven days. >> love it! >> yeah, we've earned it this
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rainy season. >> absolutely. enjoy it. >> thank you sandy. >> coming up next, a look back in time thanks to a photographer with a gift for capturing people , including some celebrating san you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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more a side of photography that may be lost to time. yeah, it's
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the focus of the work is the focus of a single photographer who is able to convince everyone, really, from dock workers to celebrities, to sit for formal portraits. >> and some of his work captured san francisco's summer of love. >> abc seven news anchor karina nova gives you a sneak peek. >> penn was very sensitive to the sort of set up in some ways, walking through the irving penn exhibit is like taking a magazine cover tour of 20th century america. >> from the glitzy postwar fashion layouts for vogue magazine to the celebrity portraits that helped define his work, everyone from a soulful pablo picasso to a shy, smiling audrey hepburn to an exotic and distant marlena dietrich. jeff rosenheim is curator with the metropolitan museum of art, which loaned the penn collection. he traveled the world with his camera, but in new york he was able to explore people who were coming through the city. >> he was in the right place at the right time. he was a master technician. the pictures are amazing. he was a great image
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maker, but he was a splendid object maker. but in the 1960s, penn turned his lens on san francisco and the summer of love, capturing formal group portraits of bands like the grateful dead with big brother and the holding company, and giving middle america its first look at san francisco's hippies, complete with young families. >> i love this portrait, such sensitivity, with which penn captures their connections. >> the young curator emma acker says. penn was even able to coax members of the hells angels motorcycle club into his formal backdrop by giving them easy access to a studio in sausalito. >> he actually told them to ride on up the freight elevator of the building on their bikes and immediately begin posing, and he described them as coiled springs ready to fly loose and make trouble. and he said he breathed a huge sigh of relief when their screaming bikes went down the road. but he's really sort of contained them in this space,
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and there's this wonderful sense of energy and defiance. >> in the end, it's a century of american life, captured with the technical precision and relaxed formality of a portrait photographer whose work reflects its energy across the decades. in san francisco. karina nova abc, seven news. >> wow, that's great to see. and the irving penn retrospective opens this weekend and runs through the middle of july. >> well coming up. time may be running out for tiktok next. why congress is taking steps to ban the app in the u.s. is there a way around it? >> plus, financial struggles for dollar tree and family dollar. how that
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in the us if its parent company, named bytedance doesn't sell the app. lawmakers, citing concerns about security with its ties to the chinese government. >> the bill now moves on to the senate. abc news reporter perry russom has a look at the details from washington. >> the rules are suspended. >> the bill is passed today, one step closer to a tiktok
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shutdown. >> tiktok is a threat to our national security. >> this morning, the house overwhelmingly passing a bill that would ban tiktok if its parent company, bytedance, does not sell the app in the next six months. >> this is not an attempt to ban tiktok. it's an attempt to make tiktok better. tic tac toe a winner the app has about 170 million users in the united states. >> that's more than half the american population. >> i use tiktok a lot. i kind of just like, keeps me informed. >> it helps me be aware of more activism as well as like issues going on in the community. >> lawmakers on capitol hill say their issue is not with tiktok. they say they're concerned about bytedance, a company in china, and its ties to the chinese government. lawmakers say bytedance could share user data with the chinese government, and china could control what americans see and do not see on their phones. >> tiktok is owned by bytedance. bytedance is in china, and when you're in china, you have to do whatever the chinese communist party says you have to do. a
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tiktok spokesperson says they have never shared user information with the chinese government. >> this is a pandora's box. what's to stop congress or the united states government in the future from forcing the sale of another social media company, claiming that it's protecting americans data from foreign adversaries? >> the bill now goes to the senate. if it passes there, it heads to the president to sign into law. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer says he will review the bill he has not committed to putting up for a vote just yet. top senate intelligence leaders are pushing for a vote, citing the national security threats. perry russom abc news, washington. >> now, you heard in that piece that president biden does plan to sign the tiktok ban into law if the senate approves it. so if that happens, what happens next? >> then there develops all sorts of new legal questions. so if i try and skirt the ban by like using a vpn, for example, all uh, am i going to be held liable for that? is the vpn going to be
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held liable for that? like a lot of these questions i think are going to emerge as this. if this bill moves forward, it is complex. >> obviously, if the bill passes, the owners of tiktok could potentially avoid the ban if they decide to sell the app and cut ties with their chinese parent company, bytedance. tiktok is estimated to be worth $60 billion, and that's just for its business in the u.s. >> a mixed day for the market, wall street is looking toward the federal reserve's policy decision next week. today, the dow saw a 37 point boost to the nasdaq, dropped 87. the s&p lost ten, down from yesterday's record high. close stocks sank for dollar tree today after it announced unexpected quarterly losses. the company is going to close nearly $1,000 tree and family dollar stores nationwide. about 6% of all stores. most of the closures will involve family dollar locations. the rival chain dollar tree, bought nearly a decade ago. about 600 family dollar stores will shut down in the first half of this year, and
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370 more locations will close over the next few years. there are nearly $90 tree stores in the bay area, as well as two family dollar stores. the company hasn't said which locations will close. by comparison, rival dollar general has opened about a thousand stores lately. >> the california supreme court is going to take up the fight over people's park next month. justices will hear an appeal in the case that blocked uc berkeley's plans to build student housing on the site. students and alumni are asking the university to reopen people's park. the park has been closed, blocked off by shipping containers and surrounded by surveillance cameras since early january. people's park will stay closed until a ruling comes also in berkeley today, a celebration for what the city calls the largest urban land give back to indigenous people in california state history. it involves the west berkeley shellmound the moment was marked by a tribal dance and ceremony. abc7 news reporter anser hassan
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looks at the decision that came after years of litigation between the city and the landowner. >> it was a ceremony to mark renewal and rematriation the restoring of a sacred relationship between the ohlone people and the earth. >> we acknowledge and honor the original inhabitants of berkeley . the documented 5000 year history of a vibrant community at the west berkeley shellmound, and the ohlone people who continue to reside here in the east bay. >> in a unanimous vote on tuesday night, the city of berkeley announced the settlement to purchase the city block, which is currently a parking lot serving the fourth street promenade. >> this is the largest urban land get back in the state of california to uh- to an to an indigenous tribe. >> the two acre site is believed to be part of the first human settlement in the bay area. the shellmound was a human made mound of earth and a place of sacred ceremonies. >> we are celebrating today the return of native lands to native
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hands. >> the land will be handed over to the cigaret land trust. they plan on converting it back to a place of gathering and ceremony, and including an educational facility and museum about the ohlone people. >> we want to restore the native landscape, daylight, the creek that flows through this area. we want. yes we want to plant native medicines, native foods to honor the native people that were standing on right here. >> and that's the sad part, that people do not even know that we're here. >> efforts to develop the site goes back several years, as a housing development was planned and then blocked by the city, which designated the land as a historical landmark. after a years long battle with the property owner, berkeley agreed to buy the land for $27 million. >> we wish them well. we wish the trust well and excited to see what's going to happen at the site, tribal leaders say. >> this is just the first step. it can take years before work on
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a new project will begin in berkeley, anser hassan abc seven news. >> coming up next, the fight to become okayasu strong. meet a child battling cancer. he and his family could use your support. and your help can be part of building a better bay area. >> how do charitable donations affect your taxes? if you've got questions like that, submit them now! seven on your side is once again hosting a tax chat this friday, exactly one month before taxes are due. united way bay area is sponsoring this really helpful opportunity and resource for you. get your questions answered by tax professionals, but abc seven click seven on your side and you'll find the form right there to submit your questions. then watch friday right here
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to our community and powerful ways. >> and tonight we're spotlighting camp okayasu. a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children and families affected by cancer. >> abc7 news reporter stephanie sierra introduces you to beckett and his journey to becoming okayasu strong. >> going through cancer treatment is really isolating, really emotional and really hard
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. >> meet erica and blake poznansky, the proud parents of three boys, dylan, tanner and beckett. when beckett was four years old, he was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia that affects the blood and bone marrow. >> he actually started with what we thought was a stye in his eyes. he had a swollen eye. >> acute lymphocytic leukemia or al, doesn't normally appear that way. >> we for a couple of weeks thought he actually just had something in in his eye. not really thinking much of it. >> it wasn't until a checkup appointment the head of the er came in and 80% of his bone marrow was cancerous, a diagnosis that changed their world. >> it's very overwhelming. i remember when i would be going into clinic with beckett, and i would just be so desperate for connection. >> that's until the bosnian guys found okayasu ichizu provides a safe, loving place to just be where you're not isolated and you're not alone anymore. for 43
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years, camp okayasu has offered support programs to families who have a child facing cancer. thousands of patients, just like beckett, come to camp to feel united with survivors like them. >> it was like the world just opened. it's like this is what normalcy is like. so he was around other kids. other kids didn't have. they had lost their hair. other kids had had, you know, medicine that they ended up having to take. it was incredible to be able to see. >> okayasu offers a variety of camps, including sibling camp, oncology camp and family camp, where parents bond and learn from each other through group sessions. >> the one thing that came across from every single parent was, i wish i would have asked for bloodwork sooner because if i would have asked for bloodwork sooner in all of this, we would have been able to get to a diagnosis sooner, and our child wouldn't have been so sick. >> in 2020, camp okayasu facility in berry creek suffered significant damage during the north complex fires. the fire burned most of the 500 acre
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property, and the camp has been searching for a permanent home ever since. >> something with so many precious memories, it's just been so scarred. >> despite the loss, the place might be gone right now, but the people definitely aren't. oh, kaiser's magic lives on each and every year. >> it gives them a space to just be themselves, where it really becomes your community. >> in my hardest moments of treatment, i would turn to the kaiser families, a space filled with acceptance, healing, unity, and a family of survivors just like beckett, who was pushed into remission in six months within his treatment plan. >> that's what we call ochi strong. stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> it's just a wonderful place, and kaiser's annual gala fundraiser is next saturday, march 23rd, and abc seven is a proud sponsor. >> if you'd like more
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information, just go to our website, abc seven >> as we continue. >> hey, we're starting to look ahead to the weekend. >> always coming up next, a look at 70 and sunny in entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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march 14 or 3 143.14 write pi as in the mathematical constant 3.14, represented by the greek letter pi. it's the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. the first major observance of pi day was in 1988, at the exploratorium in san francisco. happening tonight. the finale of feud. capote versus the swans star tom hollander, is almost really unrecognizable as the one and only truman capote. reporter alicia vitarelli, from our sister station in philadelphia, talked with him about what it took to truly embody the famed writer and socialite. >> this is what a writer does. >> he's quite an extreme character. truman. so it's quite you go. oh well. here goes. >> award winning actor tom hollander says to become truman capote. he became a student of
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the author's idiosyncrasies. >> wait. go back. we're talking the governor's wildebeest wife. >> you know, you need to get the voice and the mannerisms, but you've also got to be able to be relatable. as a human being. >> tell me everything. >> capote was the best friend, the confidant of manhattan's female elite. he called them the swans. hollander says if this looks like fun, it was. >> i just loved walking down the streets with central park in the background. it was brilliant. >> i would invite all my swans and it will be a kind of grand reunion. >> and what a cast, i thought to myself. if there's one lunch table where you'd like to get a seat, this is a good one. >> there's, >> that's true. yeah. what an incredible array. >> from demi moore to diane lane, molly ringwald and calista flockhart, the ensemble is packed with star power. >> oh, my goodness, this is chloe sevigny, and now i'm acting with jessica lange, and.
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and now i'm rolling around on a chaise long with naomi watts, and we're best friends. >> hollander says playing capote was a lesson in unapologetic confidence, swagger, because there was a kind of, you know, machismo to truman's gayness. >> it's because he did it with such kind of attitude. there's something to be learned there. the defiant courage of be yourself, be yourself. >> but capote's lows were low. the writer's demise came when he dished out the swans dark, dirty secrets in esquire. >> it's a cautionary tale, isn't it? there was a, you know, a gaping void inside him, which he was filling with, with, with the wrong stuff, whether it was alcohol or high society or name dropping or gossip or lying, when actually maybe he should have been working because he was so brilliant. >> never let the truth get in the way of a good story. >> alicia vitarelli. abc seven news. >> his transformation for the
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world was something else. well the finale of feud capote versus the swans airs tonight at ten on fx and tomorrow on hulu. disney, of course, the parent company of those stations, as well as abc seven. >> it is season premiere night here on abc seven. at eight, it's the conners, followed by not dead yet at nine abbott elementary, then judge steve harvey at ten, and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. >> but right now, let's go back and talk about the weather for the next few days. >> meteorologist andy patel has that. sandhya. yeah. >> we're not going to be alone. ama and dan in this wind. let me show you a gorgeous view from zephyr cove where it's not terribly windy. just a lovely view with a mix of sun and high clouds. they do have a high wind warning that will be in effect until 5 p.m. friday, and that is because they are expecting strong, gusty winds. so that begins tonight and you will notice the winds beginning to ramp up as we head towards tomorrow. 5060 mile an hour winds at kirkwood and topping that 60 mile an hour wind as well. heading into early friday. but then the winds will back off by friday evening. the one thing
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is that they may have to actually close down some of the ski resorts if it's that windy, so keep that in mind right now on live doppler seven. just a few passing clouds tomorrow afternoon it is going to be warmer with 60s and 70s windy in the area across the region. friday the winds will be with us mid 70s for the warmest spots. saturday we lose the wind, we keep the warmth and sunday the same thing. so it's going to be beautiful. accuweather seven day forecast. you want sunshine? you got it. the next seven days, including saint patrick's day weekend and also for the start of spring, which is tuesday evening, by the way, dan and lovely. >> yes, i like that the weather arrived before the calendar date for spring. >> yes, it's a great time. thank you. all right. larry beals here with sports. what's going on warriors 18 games left in the regular season. >> they're trying to climb up in the standings. but no steph and no draymond for golden state tonight in dallas. so how do the dubs get a dub in big d against luka and the mavs. that's next
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good evening. continuing his comeback from an ankle injury, steph curry worked out with the warriors g league team today and it seems like he's trending to be ready for lebron and the lakers on saturday. saturday night it's a 530 tip off here on abc seven. so no steph tonight in dallas. and no draymond green either. out with a sore back.
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now the mavs come in eighth in the west. the warriors and 10th place. and daniel gafford says hello to a big jam as the mavs jump out to an early lead. the first half was like a dunk a thon, although brandon pisemsky here the high degree of difficulty three over the defender dubs down 1612. now dallas as i mentioned they love the lob derrick lively who was appropriately named. he is very lively and he is he's a problem. uh- warriors hanging around moses moody in attack mode with authority. but the dubs got down by double digits in this game. you got to stop luka doncic somehow. easier said than done. clearly he's got a dozen at the half working on jonathan kuminga, who has 16 at the break. mavs leading 4842 there at the half. the 49 ers. they're trying to get better and save money. and that's why they released defensive tackle eric armstead. that saves $18 million off the salary cap. they also restructured fullback kyle hughes checks contract. and that frees up another million and a half dollars. so the 49 ers
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today they traded a seventh round pick to the houston texans to acquire defensive tackle maliek collins. he started 46 games for the texans the past three seasons. and his presence should help stop the run. the 40 niners need more d-line help, and this thing really turned quickly. out of nowhere. only hours after it was reported that the niners were signing linebacker eric kendricks, he changed his mind. he never actually signed. he agreed, but didn't sign. so he's going to dallas instead. now the niners need to find somebody to hold down a linebacker spot while dre greenlaw recovers from that torn achilles, the saint mary's gaels. they are going dancing yet again after winning the west coast conference and the regular season title for just the third time in program history. so they've officially punched their ticket to the ncaa tournament. the gaels arriving back on campus today, met with an adoring crowd. saint mary's sustained success under head coach randy bennett has been absolutely remarkable, and they're going to the ncaa tournament for the third straight year for the first time
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in program history. >> yeah, you know, this is hometown love, you know, being from here and everything, it's great to see all the support we're getting. and, you know, we hope to continue that and get a couple more bus rides back with people here. so we're looking forward to the to the next step in our journey. >> and it's an unbelievable feeling, mostly just to do it with with this group of brothers on this team, we fought through so much all year and coming back here and seeing our wonderful fans is, dream come true for all of us. >> i think, good to see randy smiling there. and they could get a seven seed in the tournament. abc seven sports, sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. great. what randy bennett has done in 20 plus years at saint mary's is just astonishing. they consistently have the best program in the bay area, and this is a school with fewer than 4000 students. >> yeah, and he could have left many times. but he's committed. yeah >> no he he loves it. he's he's in the right place at the right time. and just continues to crank out 20 win seasons. remarkable yeah. thanks larry. >> don't forget abc7 news is
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streaming 24 over seven. you can get the abc7 bay area app so that you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel. >> all of us here, we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again for abc seven news at 11. spring is coming. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios... this is the... [applause] welcoming back today's finalists-- a philosophy professor from green bay, wisconsin... a music executive from tampa, florida...
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and a social and personality psychologist from vancouver, washington... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny, and welcome back to the finals in this tournament of champions. in yesterday's game one, it was ben chan who pulled off the come-from-behind victory with a savvy wager and a correct response in final jeopardy! today, 61 new clues await our finalists as yogesh and tr are each hoping to lock in their first wins in this first-to-three competition. good luck. welcome back. let's get right into the game. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. we have... followed by... then we're... note that b-i-t in quotation marks. followed by... but first, i need you to... [laughter] yogesh, where do you want to start?


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