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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 16, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. >> janai: good morning, america. it's our second hour. midwest mayhem.
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>> that's a big one. >> janai: a string of at least 15 tornadoes ravaging the heartland ripping trees out from roots and destroying homes. >> scene of the crime, i guess. >> janai: we're live on the scene with the latest on the damage. >> gio: this morning, "gma" health alerts including a potential option for colorectal cancer screening. and a new study on walking and life expectancy. why you may not need to walk 10,000 steps a day. dr. darien sutton breaking it all down. >> whit: maui strong. seven months since the devastating lahaina fires, the women empowering the island's recovery. how they're protecting the land and bringing the community together. >> janai: under the sea with nat geo, taking a deep dive into the work top nature photographers are doing to protect ocean waters around the world. ♪ baby, there's nothing holding me back ♪ >> gio: one-pot wonders, almost zero mess. recipes for breakfast and dinner
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that save on time but don't skimp on flavor as we say, good morning, america. ♪ ♪ there's nothing holding me back ♪ >> gio: just talking about food, my stomach starts to growl. >> whit: that's right. breakfast time. >> janai: i know. >> gio: one-pot meals are coming up. good morning, america. so good to be with you on this saturday morning. st. patrick's day eve is coming up. the luck of the irish is on our side because, guess what, dory johnson with the "deals & steals" on some lucky finds. >> whit: looking forward to that. first, we want to look at some of the other big stories we're following including the desperate search for a 22-year-old college student who disappeared from a nashville bar leaving no clues behind. >> janai: we do begin with the violent weather across the country. families digging out after a deadly string of at least 15 tornadoes in the heartland. let's go back to alex presha in
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hard-hit lakeview, ohio, with so much damage around you, alex. good morning again. >> reporter: good morning, janai. with the sun up, you can see how powerful this storm was. the front of this house completely ripped off. the owner telling me he had to dive into his bathtub to survive that storm, and this morning, as they're cleaning up, so many are thankful here because they know things could have been much worse. >> oh, no. >> reporter: this morning communities digging out from damage dealt by at least 15 tornadoes across seven states stretching from texas to indiana. a deadly outbreak blamed for killing at least three people and leaving entire neighborhoods in ruin. the hardest hit, ohio, this is the aftermath in logan county from an ef-3 tornado with winds of at least 136 miles per hour.
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three dying in the storm. at least 20 sent to the hospital. you look at what's left on the ground from this home and it's a pile of splinters and around the corner, i mean, this is just utter destruction. >> the scene of the crime, i guess. >> reporter: in lakeview, ohio, blaine schmidt showed us how he survived the storm by crawling into his bathtub and praying. today the front of his home fleetly gone. he's thankful his wife and two kids weren't home at the time. >> it's unreal. >> you still have your family. meverything important still to everything that's important to me is still here. >> reporter: a tornado touching down in crawford county uprooting trees and flattening homes with residents forced to clean up what's left. >> it was just, just really, really loud. i mean you hear people say you hear a train or loud -- believe me, you couldn't hear hardly yourself talk. >> that's a big one. >> reporter: other states feeling the blow of the storm too. in arkansas, this frightening scene as an ef-2 tornado tears up everything in its path. this drone video showing the destruction near little rock while other parts of the state dealing with flash flooding, more than half a foot of rain in some areas. tornadoes in indiana damaging or
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destroying more than 100 homes. still a lot left to clean up here. authorities telling us, gio, it's going to take some time. >> gio: take some time to pick up the pieces. alex, thank you so much. now to that college student who went missing after being kicked out of a nashville bar. riley strain has not been seen in more than a week. morgan norwood is back with the latest on that. morgan, good morning. >> good morning to you, gio. that's right, so many questions in this case. missing now for more than a week and his family's search for answers only growing with each day. this morning investigators are looking into whether the 22-year-old was overserved at a nashville bar. this morning that bar claims only had one drink and it's further deepening the mystery into the college student's disappearance. this surveillance video shows strain running through a parking lot last friday stumbling and then falling and then here's another angle which shows the 6'7" mizzou student hunched over as he walked down the street. now, in a statement luke's 32
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bridge, a bar owned by country star luke bryan said that our records show he purchased and was served one alcoholic drink and then two waters adding, our security team made a decision based on our conduct standards to escort him from the venue. now, strain's friend braden says that's when he lost sight of riley. their group, which came to nashville for their fraternity spring formal trying to track his location on snapchat to no avail and authorities led an exhaustive search going from building to building using sonar and drones to scan the nearby river. no signs of riley just yet. so far law enforcement says there's no indication of foul play but strain's family are convinced that someone knows secret and they're pleading with the community to come forward with information. whit? >> whit: such a sad story and so many questions. morgan, thank you. turning to opening day for the national women's soccer league and it's a landmark day for women in sports as the kansas city current take on the portland thorns in their first
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match at the new cpkc stadium. cpkc is the league's first women's soccer specific venue and the first stadium in the world built exclusively for women's sports. kickoff is at 1:00 p.m. eastern. 10:00 a.m. pacific on abc, espn deportes and espn+ and coverage begins at 12:30. >> janai: cpkc, that is cool. >> gio: and i like how you said deportes. >> whit: i can roll my rs. >> janai: still coming up in our "gma" morning menu, the women powering maui's recovery. >> whit: we take an in-depth look at the work nature photographers are doing under the sea to sound the alarm about climate change. >> gio: and less dishes equals less mess. listen up, janai. we're keeping it simple with one-pot meal ideas you do not want to miss. stick around. we'll be right back. >> janai: i don't cook. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions.
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(woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. (♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪
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♪ >> janai: welcome back to "gma" with our cover story. three significant health stories making headlines and this morning abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton, our dear friend, is here to break them down. we love having you with us, dr. darien. so, first, there is a new potential screening option for colorectal cancer that's so important. tell us about it. >> incredibly important and this research is fascinating. so, there's a new test that can test for the signs of colon cancer. so in this study published by guardant health they found this blood test was up to 85% accurate compared to a colon colonoscopy. >> gio: just the blood test. >> just the blood test. not 100%, again, providing additional access to those in
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need an estimated one in three eligible adults don't get them. just a simple reminder to get checked. talk to your doctor about screening methods. >> whit: all right. let's talk about -- always a discussion about the importance of walking for fitness and health and longevity and there's some new data to support that, right? >> there is, new data is wondering how many steps are necessary. we always talk about that 10,000 steps a day and this new study they found 5,000 steps a day at three times a week just for two years was able to increase life expectancy or extend life by up to three years. so it's a simple reminder that walking is helpful for our cardiovascular health. simply parking farther away from your job, taking the train or pacing while talking on the phone, all methods to increase steps. >> gio: the best mobility exercise is simply walking. >> simply walking. >> gio: this is a new headline we're hearing about. mindfulness telemedicine. what's this about? >> telemedicine has increased in popularity throughout the pandemic providing more access to those what can't get to appointments. in this study they found that
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one hour of mindfulness and compassion training was able to significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression. this adds to the monumental research we've seen about mindfulness, taking that purposeful pause before you do certain actions and it can help guide you to better choices. that can improve your health. >> gio: when you're brushing your teeth, just brush your teeth. don't look at the phone. >> meditation, yoga, all great additives to your life. >> whit: plus the steps. >> absolutely. >> whit: dr. darien, always appreciate you. thanks for coming in as usual. we do have another story to get to this morning. i believe we're talking about our maui strong, maui 808 segment. it's been seven months since part of the island was devastated by wildfires and throughout the recovery, a group of women have come together to protect the land and empower the community. jaclyn lee has that story. jaclyn, good morning. >> hey, whit, good morning.
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the word of the month is wahine. it means woman in hawaiian. wahine are stepping up and taking charge from the housing crisis to the environment. after the devastating lahaina fires last august, the wahine or women across the island of maui are sounding the alarm about the toxic debris. >> do you feel like we're currently in trouble? >> i feel like we are teetering on some very, very sensitive areas where we're putting this toxic ash. >> reporter: toxic ash and debris containing arsenic and lead. more than 400,000 cubic yards of it temporarily dumped here by maui county. >> here across the street is the mother reef of hawaii. >> stop the desecration. stop the dumping of the toxic waste. >> reporter: this woman's hawaiian ancestors are buried
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adjacent to the dump site. >> the ancestors, all those who have come before us. >> reporter: she's giving this [ speaking in a non-english language ] offering to her ancestors, asking for strength after filling a public nuisance injunction against the county this week. the debris is contained in a plastic lined pit but she is concerned it will taint the water system. >> there's no structural guarantee that there is not going to be contamination into the ecosystem. >> reporter: meanwhile, other wahine like this woman are fighting to ensure this land stays in lahaina hands. >> we have this very, very real sense of foreboding for the possibility of these land grabs of disaster capitalists that might try to come into lahaina and try to take advantage of people. >> reporter: there was a land trust created, a nonprofit that offers to buy properties from families who can't afford to rebuild rather than selling to developers. the organization then offers to lease the properties back to those families.
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>> when corporations come in and they're better resourced than the local people and how it changes the entire makeup of a community over time, it's almost like the second disaster after a disaster. >> women determined to take a difference. in regard to the concerns about a temporary dump site, the state confirmed no cultural or historical sites will be disturbed and will publicly report environmental samples every 90 days starting at the end of april. whit? >> whit: jaclyn lee for us. it's so great to see people coming together and help that community but still a long, long ways to go for the people there in maui. thank you. let's turn and get a check of the weather and go back to somara theodore and serious storms across the country. >> somara: yeah, we saw some pretty intense severe weather on thursday. look at this tornado just materializing in realtime. this was an ef-1 in bluffton, ohio, thursday. 100-mile-per-hour winds and you can see the debris being picked
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up aye that's why you see debris this neighborhoods far away from the actual site of the tornado, right? so we do have the threat for severe weather today, this afternoon around 1:00 central time dallas could see storms but the most pressing threat is going to be in cities like uvalde, san antonio, where they could see scattered tornadoes and large hail. then we're expecting copious amounts of rai >> gio: all right, time for tory
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johnson here with "deals & steals" and our theme is lucky finds and aren't we lucky to have you here. >> you're so sweet. >> gio: we're just a day away from st. patrick's day and you have all these small businesses. what's this one? >> first up this is karma and luck. you can wear your good luck if you want to. these are really gorgeous, both good luck symbols, gemstones, everything is handcrafted by artisan, big assortment of bracelets. >> gio: these are beautiful. >> for both men and women. lots of different styles here. i mean, it's hard to pick a favorite on these. then we have their tree of life. these people say they're good about attracting good karma. everything is 50% off today. starting at $24.50. >> gio: how beautiful. >> okay. this is a "gma" favorite. this is called bra:30 and it's an easy way to feel support without underwires, straps, any of that uncomfortable stuff. feel that fabric. you see --
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>> gio: it's so soft. >> it's a really soft fabric. perfect combination of cotton and spandex that retains its shape and really sort of holds you in place. we've got seven different styles, all brand-new colors for spring. all slashed in half starting at $17.50 -- >> gio: we got socks. >> this is pro it is specifically long like that so it is full calf coverage right up to the knees which is important for any kind of compression socks to be able to give maximum support whether you work on your feet all day, traveling or just want to feel good, compression socks deliver that. so we've got every single mlb team and have lots of options if baseball is not your thing or if you just want to look good in compression socks. >> gio: fun colors too. >> they're really fun colors, but they also feel really good. this is a brand that really delivers and say they make the most comfortable compression
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socks. i'll leave that up to you guys to decide. they're fabulous and 50% off starting at $15. >> gio: makes such a difference to work out in compression socks. >> it does and good for recovery too. very often i bring you pretty polishes. dermelect they bring you a lot of options. and if they've taken a toll on your natural nails you want these products because they're all about helping to repair, restore, rejuvenate your nails. we've got everything from repair kits to ridge filler, even things that are kind of for a quick fix me up, we also have great -- that oil you just saw there. this is just a brand that's fabulous and really accessibly priced starting at $6. >> gio: 6 bucks, okay. ooh. what is this? >> this is about cocktail and mocktail confidence. camp craft cocktails has done all the thinking for you. so, they've put together these
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great kits. all you have to do is you'll add your favorite alcohol, let it sit and you can also use tea or hot water if you want to make mocktails instead. you'll leave it in the refrigerator for three days. that gets infused with the flavors that are inside these jars. >> gio: that's pretty brilliant. >> it's so smart. you have either eight full-size cocktails to make or you can make a pitcher of cocktails. i know you're looking at the types. sangria, punch, lavender lemonade, cherry limeade. the names are fun and the flavors are fabulous. it's a really popular brand. we've got it at 50% off. $12.50, your choice. >> gio: beekeeper. so cool. >> they're delicious. you can have a lot of fun with those. with those. >> gio: 100%. >> a good hostess gift. this is farmsteady. they promise kits that help you make foods, some of our favorite things, that are even more delicious than those you can buy. >> gio: really? >> a rainbow bagel making kit.
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you've got right there, the pain au chocolat. >> gio: can i try it? >> kombucha, jelly donuts, foccacia. so many different options. this is a great weekend kit. the ravioli kit is fun. it's a fun project to have and you get a big payoff in the end. all 50% off starting at $10. >> gio: you're the best. our lucky tory johnson. we've partnered with all these companies. find each deal on our website, janai and whit, care for some pain au chocolat. >> whit: yeah. >> janai: you know how we love snacks. it's time for this saturday's "gma" buzz pick. it's "green frog" by gina chung, a short story collection full of danger and joy, heartbreak and hope. here's gina with more. >> many of the stories in this collection were inspired by folktales or stories i heard growing up and the characters
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here include demons, robots, a praying mantis contemplating dating in new york city and so much more including characters and settings that look a little more like the world that we know. >> whit: okay, and "green frog" available right now and keep reading along with us on our instagram @gmabookclub. coming up here, we're making cooking and cleanup as easy as one pot. yes, we've got dinner and breakfast covered next. food in the studio. here we go. >> janai: look at that.
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introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection
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and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪
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you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low.
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and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. good morning. i'm stephanie sierra, 780, in benicia is back open this morning after a shooting closed a portion of the highway overnight. police say they tried to pull a car over when they received an alert from their automated license plate readers. it happened after nine last night. that's when officers say two suspects started shooting and police fired back. the two suspects are now in custody. it will be nice out again today. how's it looking out there, lisa? >> oh, it's gorgeous. santa cruz, 48 degrees right now. at least ten degrees cooler today. so the beaches, the shoreline
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will have that sea breeze. and we're looking at the fog returning tonight. 52 in san jose's 53 in san francisco. there it is. you can see some of that marine layer 43 in napa. so a cooler day at the coast low to mid 70s inland. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. gma is next he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries!
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where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. definitely going to fail that test tomorrow. definitely going to fail
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that test tomorrow. >> yeah, you are. unless you learn how to game the system. >> but isn't that against the rules? >> let me let you in on a little secret. rules are for ugly people. >> gio: oh. >> janai: welcome back. >> gio: jenifer lewis. >> janai: there's jenifer lewis in "black-ish" and this morning we are taking a look at robin's one-on-one interview with the actress as she opens up about a really harrowing experience surviving a ten-foot-fall while on vacation. she's talking about her journey to safety, how she's doing. it was such an incredible interview. my mom called me and was like, did you see robin's interview? it was great. >> gio: she's an amazing woman. >> janai: yes. >> gio: both of them are amazing women. >> janai: that's coming up. first, a look at some of the other big stories we're following this saturday. former vice president mike pence announcing he will not endorse donald trump for president. pence saying, he, quote, cannot in good conscience endorse the president he once served slamming him for pursuing an agenda at odds with the
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conservative agenda. pence adding that he would, quote, never vote for joe biden. >> gio: l.a. rams defensive tackle aaron donald shocking sports fans by announcing his retirement after ten seasons in the nfl. the 2022 super bowl champ posted on social media he's looking forward to spending time with his family. donald was a three-time defensive player of the year, eight-time first-team all pro, a ten-time pro bowl selection and 2014 defensive rookie of the year. >> whit: a wish come true when magnolia jackson celebrated her 106th birthday at the walt disney world resort in florida this week. born on march 14th, 1918, jackson is the oldest living graduate of bethune-cookman university. she was at one of the school's football games last year when she saw a disney inspired halftime show and vowed to spend her birthday at the park and now pretty incredible pictures there that she has to show for it.
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happy birthday, by the way. >> janai: my gosh. >> gio: very cute. very cute. all right, janai, look, of course, already with the fork. >> whit: this is what happens. >> janai: yes, yes. >> gio: we're excited about this. >> whit: she doesn't wait. >> gio: what's easier than a one-pot meal? here to simplify editorial director of "eating well," victoria seaver. welcome to "gma." >> thanks for having me. >> whit: of course. >> gio: we are excited because this smells so good. so tell us what is when you say one pot, what do you mean? >> not only needs to be easy, it shouldn't require a lot of hands-on time and cleanup needs to be a breeze. so we really took that to extremes when we were developing recipes for this feature. >> janai: i love that. >> whit: first time we'll get into a breakfast that tastes like dessert, right? a carrot cake sort of thing. >> yes. >> whit: walk us through it. >> readers love our dessert-inspired oats. rule number one, no mixing bowls allowed.
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so we'll dump everything into our casserole dish. >> whit: save on dishes. >> we have our wet ingredients, milk and eggs and see all the delicious ingredients you find in a carrot cake. this has the addition of fiber with oats and made with way less added sugar. so we're using just a little bit of maple which i love, right? >> gio: it makes such a difference. >> it does. vanilla. >> gio: yeah. >> cinnamon. ginger. >> janai: oh, my gosh. >> ready? there we go. so, listen, we're just mixing this all together in a single bowl. after a quick stint in the oven you have a really delicious energizing breakfast. >> whit: am i allowed to eat this? >> please do. >> whit: okay. >> it should be nice and warm and dollop it with a little bit of yogurt to give it that carrot cake feel and what's so great about it, it's a great make ahead breakfast. put it in the fridge for a week and individually wrap pieces and freeze it for a busy week down the road and you can't go wrong. it's east and delicious. >> gio: that's fantastic.
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>> janai: next up we have a pasta casserole for pizza lovers. >> yes. yes. we're going to scoot over here. >> whit: okay. >> we're doing this from start to finish to see how easy it is. again, no mixing bowls. >> janai: no. tell gio to do it. >> so please help. i'll do the wet ones. even that -- >> gio: you don't trust me with that? so the dry pasta. >> dry pasta. you're not even dirtying a -- go for it. you're not even dirtying a pot to boil the water. we, when developing this recipe, used a precise amount of liquid so by the time it's done the pasta is perfectly tender and the sauce is nice and silky. >> gio: wow. >> i know. >> gio: boom. look at this and a little pepper there. >> there you go. so imagine this all mixed up. the pasta is submerged in the liquid. we get to step number two. so, this is -- after it's been
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cooking a little bit, so you can see that pasta is really all nice and lovely. >> gio: you don't have to cook the pasta separately, it's part of this? >> no. that is what we meant by in-pasta-bly easy. >> whit: put down one plate and move to another. >> after a quick stint in the oven, you have a delicious dinner, great weeknight meal. it makes even better for lunch the next day. >> gio: that's incredible. >> im-pasta-bly easy, right? >> gio: victoria, that is awesome. thank you so much for this. >> thank you for having me. >> gio: coming up, a picture is worth a thousand words. two of the world's top photographers, they're going to take us under the sea as they fight to protect the ocean waters. incredible images coming up. . the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic.
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>> whit: we're back with a new national geographic show "photographer," a docu-series that follows some of the most visual storytellers and each episode provides an in-depth look at a different nature photographer as they create their work and will ganss is here to tell us more about it. incredible pictures. >> really stunning stuff, you
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guys. in the first episode paul nicklen and cristina mittermeir are personal and professor partners inviting viewers to join them in the bahamas, on a mission to capture photographs that can change how we see some of our most pressing climate challenges. take a look. in the new national geographic series, "photographer," it's all about perspective. >> this is it. >> reporter: viewers invited behind the lens of world renown photographer like paul nicklen and cristina mittermeir. showing us our world through their eyes as they fight to protect the ocean's waters. >> is that oil or sand or sediment? what is it? it's pretty shocking something that big is here drilling. >> reporter: the climate activists and real-lie partners going to great lengths and depths to keep our oceans and its inhabitants safe. >> this is incriminating as possible without being illegal, you know. that's powerful right there. >> reporter: an unprecedented look at their work even for millions of online followers. >> our hope is to take this boat
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around the world and help tell the stories that need to be told everywhere. >> reporter: on this expedition nat geo track the coast of the bahamas. >> there's beautiful wildlife, dolphins, sharks. oh, wow. >> reporter: as the couple turns their lens on the threats that this very wildlife now faces. >> they have the opportunity to drill for oil, and we know what can happen when the companies drill for oil. >> we're on this mission to chase big oil out of the bahamas just using our cameras. >> reporter: the crew sending up drones. capturing a tense moment with the staff of that oil rig. >> please do not come out. >> yeah, okay, roger, copy that. >> reporter: the team's mission in the end, a success. >> drilling has now ceased, and the well will be permanently plugged and abandoned. >> yes, yes. >> you never know how the campaigns will go. maybe we all will be heroes in
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this case. >> change is possible. change is happening. >> this episode "win or die" is part of a six-part series highlighting the work of the top nature photographers and they hope the series inspires amateurs to follow in their footsteps and do their own part to document and help save the world. and i'm going to start right now, you guys. one, two, three. >> janai: cheese. >> did it go? >> whit: nope. sure didn't. [ laughter ] >> an amateur. >> whit: you brought a camera from 1985. >> that's what the problem is. >> whit: there we go. it flashed. we got a picture. >> janai: shake it. ♪ shake it like a polaroid picture ♪ >> whit: will ganss, thank you so much. that series "photographer" premieres monday and is able to stream the next day on disney+ and hulu. pretty amazing. can't wait to see that picture. should be a real gem there. somara, over to you and our friend in the snow. >> somara: i love you guys.
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so this is skylar. he's 15. skylar just moved from alabama to colorado. look at that. he had never seen so much snow. legend has it skylar is still there stuck in the snow. i need you to get up, skylar. we have snow coming down again, this time farther south in aspen, 6 to 12 inches. some spots in northern new mexico could see one to two feet. meanwhile on the east coast, beautiful saturday in store but get ready for a few showers rolling through on the second half of your weekend. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a >> janai: now to jenifer lewis revealing she survived a harrowing experience fracturing the socket that holes the high bone in place and spoke with
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robin about that moment and her journey to safety and her recovery. take a look. >> did you think you were going to die? >> i did. i did think i was going to die. and i'm telling you right now, when i was wheeled into surgery, they didn't know if i was going to make it, and i did my last will and testament. >> so i'm going to surgery. if anything happens to me under anesthesia, i do not want to be resuscitated. i want to be -- my body to be shipped home and want to be with my family, my siblings. and i told the world after i talked to my family and friends, i said to the world, i've had a great life, so i just wish all of you love.
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and laugh, laugh when nothing is funny. so godspeed. >> that's what i said when i thought i was dying. >> reporter: those videos gravely grasping her reality. with over ten hours of surgery, three blood transfusions and six days in the icu, jenifer able to return back to the u.s. >> the beautiful, sweet people. they took such good care of me, and i have to say "black-ish" is very popular over there, some of the little girls would come in my room to bring me dinner and say, it's ruby. i would say, can you get me mother piece of chicken, baby? all right. i was still crazy and acting silly but in a lot of pain. >> janai: oh, my gosh. but that humor through the pain. so incredible to see her maintain that sense of humor while speaking about that
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experience and throughout her recovery. you can see their full conversation in that special "after the fall: a conversation with robin roberts and jenifer lewis" streaming on hulu. really incredible conversation. great work by robin and we'll be right back. known as a loving parent. known for lessons that matter. known for lessons that matter. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea,
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>> whit: now to this month's "gma" book club pick. it's "listen for the lie," amy tintera's highly anticipated first novel for adults that stephen king, by the way, called a world class whodunit and already a "new york times" best-seller. so amy is joining us now. amy, welcome. >> thank you. >> whit: congratulations, by the way. >> thank you. >> whit: what's it like to hear those words from stephen king himself about something you wrote? >> it's unbelievable. >> whit: right? >> when my editor told me she was going to ask him to read and blurb, i thought, there is no
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way he was going to do it. then he did, and i had that reaction with everyone who blurbed the book. >> janai: this is a murder mystery, a comedy, a romance. how did you get all of that in there? >> you know, the humor was actually really natural for me because i just want to be funny even in serious situations and make a joke and lighten the mood. >> janai: me too, girl. [ laughter ] >> the romance also, i just really like putting romance in inconvenient situations. i think it's so fun to see someone like falling in love when they really should not be doing that, when they should be focusing on something else. >> gio: i love that. okay, so we've got a question. you know nurse bookie, michelle jocson, is a book influencer, and we have a question from her. take a look at this. >> in the story, one of my favorite characters is lucy's grandmother. she brought a lot of humor to the story. now, my question is, was her character inspired by someone you know? what was the development of her character in the story? >> i love this question because
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the character of beverly the grandma was lightly inspired by my own grandmother who was very much a loud, opinionated woman. she was not a knitting and baking cookies grandma. and i just really -- i wanted to bring that to an older woman character. and my favorite story about my grandmother is the time she went to new orleans, and she got herself a hurricane and let 20-year-olds buy her shots and was dancing with them. so i wanted to bring that sort of energy to an older woman in my books because i think that is such a nice portrayal. >> gio: i love that. so fun. >> whit: previously you wrote your novels for young adults and switched to adults with this one. why make the change, and what was it you liked most about it? >> i wanted to write about characters with a little more life experience. it was fun to be a little bit darker. i like to write characters who are going through something and making jokes about it. it's easier to do it with adult characters.
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it was a lot of fun. >> janai: so, was there a particular case that really piqued your interest in true crime? >> yeah. with the amanda knox case i was pretty obsessed with it and i was obsessed with the media response in italy to the amanda knox case. how no one really believed she and meredith were friends, they just were totally -- they totally didn't believe it at all and i thought that would be a really interesting idea to explore in fiction. >> janai: yeah. >> gio: that's amazing. all right, amy, thank you so much for being here. congrats again on the book and the book is "listen for the lie." >> whit: that's right. >> gio: available right now. >> whit: we'll be right back. amy, thank you. >> thank you.
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♪ >> whit: our resident photographer will ganss is here taking pictures. let's go ahead and look at this polaroid. >> janai: oh, cute. >> somebody told me to shake it like a polaroid picture and that was bad advice. >> janai: shake it, shake it, shake it. >> try again. >> janai: we'll see you tomorrow. [ laughter ]
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>> announcer: at "gma" we love dogs and we're about to reveal good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. today, multiple cities, including san francisco, will honor the victims of the atlanta spa shootings that happened three years ago. the shooting left eight people dead, six of those were of asian descent. today, asian american communities and allies in new york city, la and atlanta will host events called stand together remembering 316. it will feature asian american leaders, activists and artists addressing anti-asian hate. the event will happen in japantowns hotel kabuki today from 2 to 5. happening now the oakland marathon is getting underway
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this morning. more than 5000 runners are participating today. the route will take them around lake merritt, fairyland and jack london square. that is the marathon and half marathon began earlier at seven. the 10-k started at 830 and the five k just started at nine. not bad weather for it either. let's check in with lisa. how's it looking? >> yeah, that blue sky behind you stephanie. it's going to be a beautiful day today. very spring. like a cool down right here at the coast. it is 50 right now in santa cruz going up to the low 60s. but that's going to be a good ten degrees cooler than yesterday. so right now we are 57 san mateo 53 downtown. and look at the fog from mount tam here where the temperature is 54. it is 45 in petaluma. so some cooler numbers to start out. then anywhere from 6 to 13 degrees cooler right now, but will be the same with those low to mid 70s bayshore and inland. while we see temperatures in the low 60s for the parade today in san francisco. so by the afternoon you'll feel that breeze and then the low clouds
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and fog come back tonight and we will have another beautiful day on the way for your sunday. stephanie. lisa, thank you. >> up next, the latest on the federal women's prison in dublin. what a judge is now ordering amid ongoing claims of sexual abuse.
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now at nine interstate 780, in solano county is back


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