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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 20, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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from 238. >> number seven, if you are feeling lucky, the prize for tonight's powerball drawing is now up to $687 million. the numbers are picked at 8 p.m. friday night's mega millions is almost up to $1 million dollars. that's when you get my attention. >> you get that be. >> but be ready to $1 billion. >> you got to play to win. >> i think someone in the bay area is blessed with that. you know, that would be good. you know, to be specific, be specific. >> you had 99 billion to that 1 billion. and you can build a train that goes from l.a. to san francisco. wait a minute, wait a minute, $100 billion. >> con >> good "good morning america."
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a ruling on texas controversial immigration law. whiplash. the micro crisis on the southern border. pushing back on the supreme court overnight. over the controversial state law that allows local police to arrest and deport migrants. kar>> on the primary. overshadowed by the "bloodbath" comment. president biden fires back over president trump's rhetoric attacking migrants. >> at the clinic where kate middleton was being treated. was someone trying to access her medical records? >> 2 of the former mississippi law enforcement officers to spend years behind bars. what happened in court. >> knew overnight it with a headline on alzheimer's in
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america. the growing 12 the disease is taking. >> george: plot twist. what happened in the case of the utah children's author and accused of murdering her husband. why authorities were investigating her mother. >> the amount of food you get with this meal is insane. >> robin: how to cash in on the secret savings at your favorite fast food restaurants from mcdonald's, the texas roadhouse. >> a hero school bus driver pulling line kids to safety right before it exploded in flames. >> her story and the moment she knew something was wrong. ♪ ♪ >> robin: phone onto your brackets. let the madness begin. >> out of staten island, new york, try to write their own history. >> robin: the first2 men's teams that are continuing to dance as the women's tournament
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tips off. >> writing into her country era, releasing the new cover for cowboy carter and the experience that led her to this history making moment. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> good morning, america. it is a great way to start this wednesday with a little beyonce. >> george: it's a big decision day for the federal reserve. rebecca jarvis is going to break it down what it means for buying a home, a car or credit card debt. >> robin: weighing in on a controversial law that would allow the state to arrest and deport migrants here just hours after u.s. supreme court ruled on it. terry moran has been tracking this enjoys us now from the supreme court. good morning to you. >> it was a day and in nine of high legal drama here at the supreme court and in the state of texas. the front line of the border
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crisis. a power struggle playing out in real time over who has the authority to enforce the immigration laws the federal government or the states. this morning, texas' controversial immigration law is back on hold. overnight, the u.s. court of appeals for the fifth circuit issuing an order that once again locks that law from going into effect. the law would allow local authorities in the state to arrest people they suspect of entering the u.s. illegally and even to deport them regardless of federal law. the appeals court decision coming just before midnight restores the status quo in texas and later today, a 3-judge panel in the court will hear oral arguments on how to move forw forward. the bottom line, as a bee 4 is not the law in texas right now. the state cannot enforce it. the decision came 8.5 hours after the supreme court's conservative majority gave a green light the texas and a 6-3
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order, the court dismissed the biden administration's argument that the federal government has authority over immigration and that the law should be kept on hold while it's being challenge. in a scathing dissent, "that decision invites further chaos and crisis in immigration enforcement." "it up it is the federal state balance of power that has existed for over a century." on the ground across the state, local officials are scrambling, preparing first to implement the law then restoring the status quo. as the historic surge of migrants overwhelms border communities, some are concerned, they don't have the resources to implement sp 4. >> the police department is already short-staffed. the mayor says they are going to follow state laws but also tells me the public's health and safety is their first priority. not enforcing immigration laws. >> for many migrants desperate for opportunity, even this new
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law may not deter them. the u.s. court of appeals will take a full long look at this law. that may take several weeks and then almost certainly, this constitutional collision will end up right back here at the supreme court. george barrett >> george: the primaries in five states on tuesday in a closely watched senate race in ohio where they candidate endorsed by donald trump came out on top. rachel scott is tracking it all from washington. >> this was an early test of just how much influence donald trump has on races up and down the ballot. his candidate did win make big in ohio, there are clear warning signs where the former president heading into november. on the biggest primary days in super tuesday, donald trump's grip on full display. in ohio, trump's a victory. the endorsement of the governor and another who already hold
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statewide office. if you go i wear with honor my endorsement of president trump. i wear that with a badge of honor. >> it was largely overshadowed by comments he made when talking about imposing tariffs on foreign cars. the former president warning of a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win in november. >> if i get elected -- if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath -- that's can they be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. that will be the least of it. >> downplaying the comments which were criticized by president biden's campaign. >> if i said tonight our victory was bloodbath, oh, my gosh, what they would say. >> there are clear challenges ahead for trump. 22% of republican primary voters in ohio say they would be dissatisfied with him as the nominee. 29% said he would not be fit to serve if convicted of a crime.
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on the campaign trail, president biden seizing on trump's rhetoric. biden pointing to trump's comments for "poisoning the blood of america." >> immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. >> those visits to both nevada and arizona coming as polls show that biden's support among latino voters has been slipping. we mention the warning signs from former president donald trump. 20% of republican primary voters in the states that voted on tuesday selected a candidate other than the former president. that could be a major red flag for republicans heading into november, george barrett >> george: we see the first hiring of trump official going to prison for crimes committed on january 6. >> the first white house official that served in the
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trump administration to go to prison. he was held in contempt of congress work refusing to comply with the investigating january 6. he has been sentenced of 4 months in the low security prison, george barrett >> we are going to go overseas to israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu set two to five president biden's warning not to launch a new major military operation in southern gaza. good morning. >> good morning, michael. that defined scope of the day after the white house said that an offensive enter -- would be a mistake. israel's minister doubling down telling lawmakers that there is no alternative. a senior israeli official telling that israel believes the last five intact battalions process leaders are holed up in raw for. one reason he sees the world in which israel does not go ahead with this offensive despite what the president says and try to avert a diplomatic crisis, secretary blinken is headed to jerusalem on friday. israel is sending a very high
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level delegation to washington to hear an alternative approach in protecting the 1.5 million palestinians sheltering in rafah right now. this comes as 70% of the entire gaza strip's population is experiencing catastrophic hunger. the u.n. says 300,000 in the north might be in family conditions right now. a u.n. official says they need a tsunami of aid right now. >> robin: thank you. they're breaking news overnight out of london. he reported security breach at the clinic that treated princess kate. good morning, maggie. >> good morning. the london clinic is where princess kate is treated. one of the most well-respected hospitals in london where people that are royal or prime ministers go because it's known for that privacy and security. that is what makes a potential data breach so shocking. the daily mirror is reporting that a member of staff at the credit gets suspected of trying to access the princess's private medical records.
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kate went into this hospital in january for the palace called planned abdominal surgery and state tutoring weeks. this is a matter for the london clinic. a statement released just today, the london clinic said we have systems in place to monitor management of patient information in the case of any breach, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory disciplinary steps will be tak taken. there is no place in our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues. george barrett >> george: back here at home, we turn to the sentencing for the former mississippi law enforcement officers who tortured and abused black men. good morning, faith abubey. >> this was a shocking and disturbing crime perpetrated by the very people tasked with enforcing the law. today, tomorrow and the officers will be sentenced in the racially motivated attack that nearly killed one of the vict victims. this morning, 2 former
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mississippi sheriff's deputies sentence for their role in the brutal and racially motivated torture of 2 black men. getting 20 years, lieutenant sentenced to 17.5 years. 2 of ekstrand officers who have pleaded guilty to felony federal charges. officers part of a group nicknamed "the goon squad" because of their willingness to use excessive force and not reported. >> this goon squad has been operating without supervision. >> the goon squad bursting into this home without a warrant after a white neighbor reported several black males for suspicious behavior. michael jenkins and eddie parker placed under arrest in their own home without any evidence of a crime. prosecutors say the officers then repeatedly tased the two men, calling them racial slurs, beating and sexually assaulting them over the course of 90 minutes. deputies shooting jenkins in the mouth. as he laid there bleeding them
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investigators say that 6 officers conspired to cover up their actions and even planting a gun at the scene and pretending to seize drugs from the victims, leading to them being falsely charged. >> can you imagine the abject terror to those 2 victims must have felt? >> tuesday, apologizing to the victims. deputy did apologize to the victims yesterday as he was being sentenced. only one of the victims -- not the one who shot says he has forgiven him. as these officers are being sentenced on the federal level, they are waiting tendencies all night sentences and staring down a lawsuit. >> me know you got that covered for us. now to a new report that shows alzheimer's is on the rise with 7 million seniors in the u.s. living with the disease. abc's eva pilgrim has the details.
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>> we are seeing those alzheimer's numbers going up. releasing its new report shedding light on a real issue to take care of those people and those future patients, a shortage of caretakers. nearly 7 million people are living with a disease bear that's 200,000 more than last year. a number of deaths from alzheimer's has more than doubled since the year 2000. this could become a public health crisis. as baby boomers grow older. that is more than any other occupation. there's also the emotional and financial toll of taking care of loved ones. that is also growing. americans are spending $360 billion to care for alzheimer's patients. that's up $15 billion from just a year ago, to stay healthy and help reduce your risk of dementia and alzheimer's. lifestyle changes such as staying active, lowering brought all my blood pressure and fostering strong social connections. this is something that touches so many of our lives, so many of
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us have friends with dementia and alzheimer's. >> robin: it truly is a health crisis. the federal reserve set to announce his latest interest rate decision this afternoon. our chief economic correspondent with what it means for your wallet. good morning. >> that that isn't expected to gauge interest rates today. this is going to signal what is coming later this year. when there could be a rate cut. it will have an impact on you whether you are trying to buy a home, a car, or you are carrying credit card debt. we've been a period of rapidly rising interest rates to target inflation. the aggrega average car loan today. that is up from 4% to ten years ago. you're probably really seeing this on your credit card statements with aprs averaging 20.8%. that is up from 16.3% just 2 years ago. let's put them in real terms. if you are carrying an average
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balance of $6,000 on your credit card him at that 16.3% apr making minimum payments, it would have cost you about $3,000 in interest to pay it off. today, you are paying $3500 in interest, because that is more than a $500 interest difference. the small changes in rates can mean big changes for your bottom line which is why we watch these decisions. so closely. >> michael: sounds like a little bit that ended up being a lot. they give her that rabbi got. now we are going to turn to a march madness bear the women's tournament taps off the night while the men wrap up their first4 games. will reeve is here with everything you need to know about the big dance this year. how is the bracket looking? >> christine so far. we've got a long way to go here. we are going to find out which e final 2 spots in women's tournament. last night, wagoner beating howard by 3.
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a crazy comeback bid. colorado state absolutely crushing virginia by 25, getting credence to the argument. virginia shouldn't have been there in the first place. tonight we have grambling making its first ever ncaa tournament appearance taking on montana state where the winner gets to face first seed purdue and reigning player of the year. and then it's colorado versus boise state where the tin seed. the florida gators away. once that's all done, we will finally get that first round action tomorrow. let's turn our attention now to the women's tournament. 2 games tonight on espnu. i know the names and will showdown between sacred heart and presbyterian. will likely need the power of prayer to be there opponent south carolina. the team is undefeated this year. every bit the power house in vanderbilt columbia going for the 12c. columbia ecstatic with their selections just days ago. that is the power of march.
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>> michael: speaking of, how is your women's bracket looking? >> it is pristine for now. it is on your screen. i've got my eye on usc. i've got stanford going to the final four lead by all-time winningest coach. and for the national championship, all-time leading scorer caitlin clark and iowa. i see them handing south carolina on their first loss of the season, guys. it could be big. >> robin: they are going to get by lsu. >> i think they are going to do it. george, i have some stats for you. >> george: i was going to ask a question. i wanted to know if you have edited your bracket again. >> i have not. it has been locked in the office upstairs. your odds of having a perfect bracket, 1-9.2 quintillion. >> exactly. exactly right. >> michael: keep an eye on
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your bracket. coming up, we have a new twist in the case of the utah mother accused of killing her husband. did she act alone? >> robin: close call and that hero school bus driver that saved the kids right before the bus went up in flames. >> george: another fast food chains. first, ginger is right here. >> rochester, new york, is 50 inches short of their average. more snow to come in a bit. your local weather and 30 seconds.
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>> michael: stay right there. we will be right back. ike himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at
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- bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc. seven
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mornings in the east bay. the parks district is warning everyone and their pets to stay out of the water because of harmful blue green algae blooms. danger advisories have been posted at a number of parks like livermore's lake duval, shadow cliffs lake in pleasanton, quarry lakes in fremont. the algae blooms are starting now. they can last all summer long, experts say. if the bloom becomes big enough to drop oxygen levels in the water, fish will be at risk next. much like the bloom that happened in lake merritt two years ago that killed off thousands of fish. now check of traffic with amanda. >> yeah. good morning kumasi. we're going to start off at the bay bridge toll plaza, where the metering lights are on. you can see that it's slowing down here at 723 this morning. and we do have to get to a two car crash in hayward. this is on southbound 880 before highway 92. it is blocking a lane there and emergency crews are on scene . you should expect delays from 238. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has
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long live the lazy. streaming only on disney plus >> the exploratorium camera is lovely this morning, as you see partly cloudy skies from this vantage point. temperatures right now. it is cool in spots, especially in the north bay where we're starting out in the 30s and 40s. right now, 40s and 50s around the bay shoreline. hello san jose! it is bright, so we have a lot of sunshine out there today. it's a mild afternoon for the first full day of spring. temps near average kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next for everyone else. as gma. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life. yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter and that feeling
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>> robin: welcome back to gma. beyonce's new song, "texas hold 'em." the countdown is on for beyonce's new album. those superstars sharing the new album cover and a personal memory. about what inspired her to make a country album. that is coming up. >> george: overnight, the u.s. court of appeals for the fifth circuit issued an order that block texas controversial law from going into effect. arrest people they suspected entering the u.s. illegally and deport them. right now the international olympic committee decided athletes from russia and belarus will not be able to take part in the opening ceremony in the summer olympics this year in paris. some russian athletes will be allowed to compete in the games themselves. >> michael: heads up if you shop at trader joe's. the company has recalled whole cashews because of salmonella
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contamination. no illnesses have been reported thus far. note winner in last nights mega millions jackpot. $893 million that is. your next chances friday night. that drawing will be for an estimated $977 million. if you are lucky, like clint eastwood. in knights powerball, top prize will be an estimated $687 million. we've got a lot more ahead including amazon's first ever spring sale is happening right now. lori bergamotto is breaking down the biggest bargain. >> george: a twist in the case of the utah children's book author accused of poisoning her husband to death. kayna whitworth has the details. >> good morning. investigator questioning if she acted alone in the alleged murder of her husband. new court documents reveal that her mother also lost a loved one to a
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this morning, an unexpected plot twist in the case against the utah children's author accused of murdering her husband. i recently unsealed affidavit obtained by abc notes shows authorities investigated the mother in last spring saying, they believed she was possibly involved in planning and orchestrating the death of richins' husband. prosecutors say he died in march of 2022 after drinking a moscow mule laced with five times the lethal dose of sentinel. >> i do not believe in my heart, speech in good ever and not just kill eric black kill anything or anyone. >> last november, they sat down with abc news claiming that death was an accident. >> i believe eric may have gotten pain pills and then realize that they had fentanyl
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in them. >> a possible connection saying, she was there then night eric was allegedly poison even having a drink with a couple to celebrate kouri closing on a house for her business. documents also say investigators learned darden's former romantic partner died unexpectedly from an overdose of oxycodone in 2006. her partner reportedly struggled with abusing medication. b12 was named the beneficiary of her partner's estate just before the suspicious overdose death. >> it make sense that the police would look into lisa darden, kouri's mother, her fast with respect to her former partner who also died from an overdose of opioids. at this point, there has not been any evidence revealed to the public that would link lisa's darden to the death of eric. >> darden has not been charged with any crime. richins attorney in a statement,
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"the suspicions around darden and her former partner's death are nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory." he went on to call the death tragic that hardly suspicious. kouri maintains her innocence and she will be back on court on may 15. >> robin: now to that hero school bus driver who saved and the kids her bus just in time before the bus went up in flames. not close call all caught on camera. gio benitez has that story. >> the incredible woman you are about to meet has been a school bus driver for just a few years. she was about to make our fifth stop when the unthinkable happened in the hero was born. take a look. >> i have a child. i thought about the kids like it was my own child. >> a mother's instincts. that's what she credits with saving her own life and the lives of the 9 kid she was driving on this bus before it went up in flames. >> reporting the school bus on fire. >> can you dispatch ems to this
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location. >> that's what i meant thinking about. every time i look at the pictures. my feet where the first thing that caught on fire. >> the hero's actions all, and came out. something was off when the bus started losing power. >> the bus started acting crazy and started going real slow. >> take a look at it she pulls over, a bystander lets her know that flames are coming from underneath the bus. gathering the group of kindergarten through eighth grade students and leaving them off and away from the bus. >> running on the street and i had to get them. making sure -- >> within moments of her making sure everyone was off. the entire front of the bus was engulfed. the employer calling her actions courage on wheels. >> i was just glad that i was being a hero to the kids and being a hero to myself, getting them off the bus real quickly.
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>> she says she is shaken up about the whole thing and she probably won't go back to driving school buses at least for now. no doubt about it. the maternal hero inside isn't going away anytime soon. >> robin: the bystander who alerted her to that. >> michael: everybody stayed calm. thank you so much for that. coming up, our infertility series looks and adoption. one family sharing their journey and want to know about that process. next, order out there those secret menu secret menu saving, your favorite fast food restaurants when we come back. l (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur,ist recommended because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler
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that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds.
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he's thinking squirrels. (♪) is this normal? yeah. i mean, he does look happy. when you've got questions, chewy's got answers. too happy? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? chat with our vet team for free. [thud] [purring]
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>> michael: we are back now with a secret savings at some fast food chains and how to find them. eva pilgrim is back with the story. good morning. >> secret menus are nothing new about they make you feel kind of cool. now the holy grail of secret menus, the hidden deal. if you know, you know. >> you guys have a dinner box. >> this morning, tiktokers are eating up videos posted to this social media. showcasing a budget friendly meal bundle one taxes diner got at her local mcdonald's. the clamp viewed over 12 million times. >> there's 2 cheeseburgers in here. there are 4 small fries.
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ten piece chicken nuggets. and there's 2 big max. $12. >> the entire $12.19 if each item was separately picked up on the mcdonald's outcome it wouldn't cost more than twice as much. the stay-at-home mom's total savings at least $14. >> i am happy to get the word out there and let people know, there are still deals. >> many tiktok users highlighting that prices and items in the bundle vary depending on where you live. one writing, this dinner box as to when $22 here in ohio. another saying that the one in tucson, arizona, $18.99. the bundle box las vegas is $14.99. ten the "abc news" that franchisees set their own prices and have the flexibility to create promotions that will
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drive demand in the restaurants. >> restaurants have secret menu items because they consume years want to feel exclusive. when you have constant loyal customers, they want to feel special. >> tiktok meantime becoming a resource for people wanting to save some dough. this couple sharing their favorite family-friendly from popular chains like texas roadhouse, panda express, and bj's brewhouse. >> the amount you get with this meal is insane. >> some employees post impacts online. if you follow starbucks baristas, they often are the ones that are posting new and exciting things are new and exciting deals. >> it pays to be nice to those workers. the easiest way to find out is to ask a person who works there. preferably when they are not slammed busy, and ask nicely. keep your eyes and ears peeled. these kind of secret menus don't
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just appear at the big chain restaurants about the mom-and-pop places have them as well. >> george: your mom would be very proud of you, ask nicely. >> robin: there is a sign out there, there, applebee's, america's favorite boneless wings. >> the brackets if you take your bracket, you get six boneless wings. sts -- sorry. >> robin: you are in the know. we do know coming up from amazon amazon's first-ever big spring is happening right now. lori bergamotto breaking down the best deals. some good news with big smiles on our faces. >> billionaire philanthropist mackenzie scott making good on a big promise. wait until you see the reaction. we will have that story for you next on "good morning america." ." ? girl: let's go! let's go! have i heard of (screaming) whoa. don't overthink it. let's go shopping. actually what i need are some cleats.
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how about one of these? great. done. anything else? no. golf clubs? not for me, for a friend... yeah, yeah, of course... anyone impressed with how fast that was? yeah, totally! i know, i went to dicks... my cleats! thank you! i love you! wha... i-i went to ever heard of it? girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. ( ♪ ) if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions.
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(sigh) (snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey? inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> robin: we are back now with our "play of the day" and with billionaire philanthropist mackenzie scott will start your wednesday off right. you guys share the story. >> good morning to you. mackenzie scott is one of the richest women in the world. since our divorce from amazon founder jeff bezos, she has vowed to give away the majority of her fortune to good causes and this morning she is keeping true to her word again. >> the first we got mackenzie scott.
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and they gave us -- >> suffers from als. he is learning some hopeful news. his foundation "i am als" receiving $2 million from billionaire philanthropist mackenzie scott. overnight, scott announcing she will be donating $640 million to 361 organizations. that's more than doubled at 250 million she initially pledged to give away last year. on our website, scott, the former wife of amazon ceo jeff bezos wrote that she was grateful to lever for change. the organization managing open call for charities for creating this pathway for support for people working to improve access to foundational resources in their communities. they are vital agents of change. >> another of scott's 2 million grants to beyond literacy. a group that aims to improve lives by providing high-quality education and career readiness.
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a benefactor using beyond literacy to help him begin a new career in construction. >> the rate of low literacy for adults in philly is almost twice that of the national average. >> to have financial security and the ability to think long term and invest in our mission is something we truly have never been able to do before. >> since she began giving away her billions in 2019, scott and their organization research and selected groups and provided them with large unrestricted gifts, and it just keeps going from here. >> robin: they are unrestricted as he said. it really is. >> michael: a real gift. >> george: it is always a surprise. >> robin: coming up emma find out why -- i can stop talking like this. >> keep goin >> there you go.
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trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. speak on the famed cherry blossoms in washington, d.c., have peaked. you might be a little chilly if you're going out to see them. it is not just cold but windy. we've got dry air in place. some red flag warnings, which means fire danger and high wind alerts from much of virginia and parts of western maryland for the next couple of mornings are going to stay cold. we have a reinforcing shot of cold air that brings washington, d.c., close to freezing on friday morning. coming up here, beyonce revealing that, or offer anticipated country album.
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everybody is waiting for this. a very personal memory by the way about what inspired it. spring break taking off, our parenting experts are answering questions about traveling with your kids. that was always a nigh his largest, most reliable 5g networks. free for 12 months. be astounded and switch today.
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traffic. >> good morning. kumasi we're going to start on the richmond-san rafael bridge where you can see it is heavy traffic this morning. this is from harbor way, and we want to get you to sunnyvale westbound 2.37. after lawrence expressway. we have to tell you about a two car crash that's blocking one lane. expect minor delays. >> amanda outside the exploratorium camera. >> sun is up here. we're in store for a nice first full day of spring. it is chilly, though. we have 30s and 40s in most of our cities right now, but we'll rebound nicely heading into the afternoon. hello, sfo, lots of sunshine there. it's just a sunny day today. mild later on this afternoon. temperatures pretty close to average. the only fly in the ointment, so to speak. today your pollen. i'm sorry. allergy sufferers. it's the trees that are running hig when it comes to grass and mold. those are at low levels. >> kumasi thanks. true. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else, as gma. >> the future looks golden at
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greyton and are up to $500,000. good fortune slot tournaments thursdays now through march win up to $15,000 cash with 40 winners guaranteed at each tournament. only at graton resort and casino. >> ask anyone who gave the keys to their kid or had an emergency in the middle of the night. ask anyone whose friend desperately needed a burrito and a hug from electrified hybrids that just keep going to honda. sensing safety features. there are lots of reasons to buy a honda, but you know the real one. >> honda is dependability. >> ask anyone who owns a honda. >> get a great deal on the accord hybrid at your norcal honda dealer. >> it just keeps getting worse. the crack keeps growing, the doors and windows stick. >> it must be very frustrating. almost no one can fix that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting, but it's okay. we got it. >> oh, this is done. growing in
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breaking overnight, whiplash. the migrant crisis on the southern border. court in texas pushing back on the supreme court overnight over the controversial state law allowing local police to arrest and deport migrants. the latest this morning. >> breaking overnight, a reported security breach of the clinic where kate middleton was being treated, someone trying to access her medical records. >> as fans countdown to beyoncé's cowboy carter, the superstar shares the new album cover and reveals that moment when she says she did not feel welcome and inspired her to dive into the country genre. >> building a family through adoption. one family shares their journey after facing fertility challenges. >> how we want to be parents, to us it didn't matter. >> what to know about the process. >> george: has millions of families take off for spring break, experts are live answering questions about
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planning activities, mealtime, bedtime, and screen time. [ ♪ ] ♪ celebrate good times, come on ♪ >> michael: and we are celebrating good times, unleashing the dogs live in times square. as they say, "good morning america". [ ♪ ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: we appreciate you being with us. those frenchies are here for a very special announcement and we will tell you what it is coming up. >> michael: we have a lot ahead this morning, including a new study about possible lead exposure in drinking water for children and one of the nation's largest cities. >> george: first looking at the top stories breaking today. an appeals court in texas. then a controversial law that would allow the state to arrest and deport migrants just hours after the supreme court ruled on it. terry moran joins us from the supreme court.
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>> reporter: good morning, george. the controversial texas law is back on hold after a chaotic day and night of legal whiplash. that law would empower local authorities in texas to arrest people they suspect of having entered the country illegally and even deport them regardless of federal law. the u.s. court of appeals late last night issued an order that once again blocks the law from going into effect, while the judges their considerate. that order came just a few hours after the u.s. supreme court issued it's own order and 86-3 vote. the courts six conservatives rejecting the biden administration's argument that the federal government has exclusive authority over immigration, a power grounded in the constitution, and that this law should be put on hold until all challenges are resolved. the court's liberals warn of, quote, "chaos and crisis at the border." so now that the u.s. court of appeals is going to take a few,
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long look at this law and that may take several weeks. then the supreme court will have the final word on this constitutional collision. >> robin: this is all far from being over. thank you, terry. to breaking news overnight out of london. a reported security breach at the clinic that treated princess kate. maggie rulli is tracking that story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the london clinic is where princess kate was treated, one of the most well-respected hospitals in london. it's where royals and prime minister's go because of its privacy and security. it's why this potential data breach has been so shocking. the daily mirror is reporting and member of staff at the clinic is suspected of trying to access the princess' medical records, a breach of uk law. kate windred to hospital for what the hell is called planned abdominal surgery in january. kensington palace said this is a matter for the london clinic. in a statement released today,
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the london clinic said "we have systems in pace -- in place to monitor information and in the case of breach, all the appropriate steps will be taken." "there is no place in our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues." michael. >> michael: thank you, maggie. now to an alarming study about possible lead exposure in drinking water for children and one of the nation's largest cities, chicago. alex perez has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this study used machine learning to look at tens of thousands of drinking water samples from homes right here in the city. published in the journal of the american medical association, the study used water samples with help from artificial intelligence and machine learning models to project an estimate that approximately 129,000 children under the age of six, or 68 percent, could -- and emphasize "could," as this
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is not a report of actual exposures, but estimates from machine learning -- machine learning models -- could be at risk of exposure in the windy city. the study also finding black and latino neighborhoods where more likely to experience lead contamination. yet those neighborhoods were less likely to be tested. doctors consider any amount of lead exposure to be unsafe for children. like many cities, chicago has pipes that contain lead and is actively working to replace them. the city offers free at-home tests for residents who request them and they do point out that the water here meets and exceeds epa standards. >> robin: alex, thank you. coming up on gma morning, beyoncé shares the experience that led to her highly anticipated country album. >> michael: >> george: the path to parenthood. our series on infertility. >> michael: plus, get ready to roar. the cast of godzilla x kong: the new empire is here alive.
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and here's lori bergamotto. >> reporter: amazon just kicked off its first ever spring sale. talking to some of the best deals, we're going to roll out the first one and you're going to tell us about this. >> that's right. spring has sprung, and so have those flies and mosquitoes. keep them out of your house with this electric flyswatter. no chemicals or pesticides, just a swype with this. it's almost 50 percent off, from $14.97 down to $7.98. >> reporter: and that's just the beginning. you can find more deals at we'll be right back on gma. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. lookin' good, danny. we've got subs to make though.
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oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us wednesday, march 27th for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see.
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if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) (chef vo) fancy feast. chef-inspired. who just want to be kids again. cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail...
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brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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[ ♪ ] >> robin: first day of spring. [ cheering ] we are getting there. our gma cover story, beyoncé counting down to her new album, cowboy carter. sharing the moment that inspired her to enter the country genre. janai norman has those details for us. >> reporter: good morning. she looks like rodeo queen bey. many referring to her 2016 performance of a country sounding song from her lemonade album that she performed with the chicks at the cmas. it sparked backlash on talks of boycotts. now we are just nine days away from cowboy carter, which the houston album says ain't eight country album, but a beyoncé album. [ ♪ ] queen bey reigning supreme. debuting her out will -- her album cover for cowboy carter.
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writing "this album has been over five years in the making. it was born out of that experience i had years ago where i did not feel welcomed and it was very clear that i wasn't," adding "the criticisms i faced when i first entered this genre forced me to propel past the limitations put on me." the 32 time grammy-winning megastar says that experience pushed her to take a deeper dive into the history of country music, studying its archives, adding "it feels good to see how music can unite so many around the world while also amplifying the voices of some of the people who have dedicated so much of their lives, educating on our musical history." >> the reason country music is not your stereo typical white cowboy image that it has become today, those cowboys were also black, mexican, freed men, slaves, people of different statuses of living. those roots are what she is hoping to explore.
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[ ♪ ] >> reporter: cowboy carter hasn't even dropped yet, but two singles, 16 carriages and texas hold 'em are already heating up the country charts, making her the first black woman to meet -- reach number 1. beyoncé writing "act two is a result of challenging myself and taking time to bend and blend genres together. my hope is that years from now, the mention of an artist race as it relates to releasing genres of music will be irrelevant." there was even a country station that initially wouldn't play her new songs. i just spent time in houston at the houston rodeo talking to artists who play on texas hold 'em about what they say is gatekeeping and country music. they say beyoncé is now joining the efforts to break down those barriers that so many artists
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have been working on for decades. >> robin: there have been many before her breaking down those barriers. absolutely. how was houston? >> reporter: i learned a lot! [ laughter ] i learned a lot about rodeo culture. there were a lot of -- >> michael: it was great. >> reporter: i've never been somewhere where there's so many different kinds of people, all just enjoying that. it was incredible, it was. >> george: can i speak for houstonians, you're not welcome back. >> whoa! >> reporter: i just mean the culture! everybody, all kinds of people. it was really special. >> michael: it's more than just rodeo there. [ laughter ] it's fantastic. >> reporter: i'm coming back,
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houston. >> robin: we are going to move on. thank you. >> george: this morning, families being built through adoption. we spoke to one couple about the process. rebecca jarvis has their story. >> reporter: when you are in the middle of infertility challenges, it's agonizing and hard to see the light. but there is hope with many paths to growing your family, including adoption. when andrea and louis began facing challenges trying to build their family, they started to explore other options. >> it was a very trying and learning experience for both of us. >> reporter: after fertility testing, they decided to try ivf, but were not successful. >> at that point, just due to the roller coaster of that journey, we decided to pause and explore adoption. >> it was more of the fact of, let's decide what we want to do. we want to be parents, how do we want to be parents? to us it didn't matter.
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>> reporter: they research to different agencies before deciding to work with american adoptions and start the process. >> preparation took a few months to get the homestudy complete, the american adoptions agency helped us put together a profile >> the birthmother has the choice to pick you, to say, this person seems to meet my qualities. >> reporter: about 38 percent of adoptions in the u.s. are private domestic adoptions, with an average cost between 20000-$45,000. >> you want to make sure you're on the same page a softly and financially with anything you're signing your contract to. this can be vulnerable for some families, and they are anxious to be parents. it's worth it to slow down and take the time to find the right match. >> reporter: the family connected with their first daughters birthmother within seven months of beginning their adoption process, two months before she was born. >> we had time to build the relationship with her and see the delivery.
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i remember the birth mom asking me, do you want my baby? i was almost heartbroken. hearing that there's that fear from birth moms. we said, of course,, we are so grateful you are picking us. >> reporter: the couple keep open lines of communication with their birth mothers. 95 percent of domestic infant adoptions today have some level of openness. >> it used to be the concept that the birth parents were giving up their kid. now the mentality is the birth parents are looking for a family to give to their kid. that's been a huge game changer. >> reporter: celebrating their daughters' adoptions as part of their stories, even creating a special day. >> we celebrate both of their gotcha days every year. it's so normalized that our nephew told my sister, i want eight gotcha day too. >> reporter: such a beautiful
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family and eight beautiful -- beautiful perspective. and for more perspective, there are about 400,000 kids currently in foster care, 117,000 of them awaiting adoption. this can be such gift. i think this story, this series have opened up the floodgates of people experiencing this. i'm so thankful people have come forward to share their stories. >> robin: what have you heard the most from people who reach out to you? >> reporter: just that they feel hope, they feel seen, and they feel less lonely. that just gives me so much happiness. i want people who are in the depth of this to feel that. it is so beautiful to be on the other side, and i want everyone to be there someday. >> george: thanks, rebecca. let's go to ginger. >> thank you so much. we've had a snow deficit. 50 inches short of average in rochester, new york. but we are getting a little bit and there's more where your osha
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where that came from. some march magic in stowe, now 232 inches in vermont. some of the highest elevations did pick up considerable amounts this winter. we do have winter storm warnings, with lake enhancement for the clippers coming through. parts of elevated >> we begin with great news.
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for bruce springsteen fans, the bosses back onto her after postponing shows to recover from that peptic ulcer. he reunited with the e. street band in phoenix, arizona, telling fans, be prepared because we are going to rock you into the ground. the boss played for almost three hours, giving his adoring fans 29 songs to sing along to, including the swan, born to run, thunder road. he kicked off the show with lonesome day. [ ♪ ] [ ♪ ] >> yes, bruce! twenty-four rescheduled performances as well as a few brand-new stops, including vegas and a return to new jersey, course. after that, bruce and the band
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go worldwide, hitting 17 countries through late november. so happy to report that he is a-ok. also this morning, taylor swift making history just after dropping the euros stuart taylor's version on disney plus. the movie is now the number 1 music film to ever stream on the platform, wrapping up 4.6 million views with fans spending over 16 million hours watching. those numbers are just in the first three days of streaming. get ready for it. swift beats out concert specials by old and john, beyoncé, the beatles, even her own folklore concert in part due to those four new acoustic songs in this version of the film. worth watching, i will tell you personally. the eras tour has grossed more than 260 million at the global box office, the highest grossing concert film in history and it still going. >> robin: even if you went to the film -- the concerts like we did, it's still unbelievable.
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>> reporter: we have a new swiftie. you have to see it if you haven't. and finally this morning, match made in heaven. a 10-year-old beluga -- mixed breed, he spent 700 days in austin, texas' shelter, workers thought he was going to be life are there. that is until 75-year-old jeanette walked in looking for a companion, asking for a low-energy jaw -- dog to spoil and the team that pets alive new just who to match her with. beluga. he has 80 new name now, his name is now velcro because he sticks with his human all the time. he's f., doesn't see very well, but that did not stop jeanette. this perfect match keeping each other company, and jeanette says her hope is that her story inspires people not to overlook
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special need or senior dogs, especially encourages other senior citizens to adopt senior pet companions. she says they deserve love and give as much as they get. i love that story. >> robin: let's go to michael now. >> michael: thank you. now to amazon's big spring sale. this is the first time they are doing the sale at this time of year. gma lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here was some of the best deals you can shop from let's get started. first thing we've gotta something to get you going in the morning. >> reporter: that's right! this is the keurig supreme coffeemaker. not all single serve coffee makers are made equally. this one you can customize, with five different temperature settings, six different strengths settings. you can do iced coffee or if you're me you can do extra strong coffee, which i really like. the deal on this is $199.99, the
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original price 35 percent off. $129.99. >> michael: great deal! what do we have next? >> reporter: let's bring this in. spring is here, if you want to go outside, you want to go running, you need bluetooth wireless earbuds. >> michael: music to your ears. >> that's right. these are in the top ten sellers across all of amazon's wireless earbuds. the reason people like them so much as they say they don't fall out when you are running, they go over the ear. original price on this is $58.99, they are 56 percent off at $25.99! so you're going to want to buy a few of those to have around. >> michael: okay,, bring it that's right. now, you know, spring cleaning is in full effect. this is the gold
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standard in lightweight vacuums. it comes with four different attachments. this is particularly great if you live in a house that has a pet because it's great with pet hair. the original price on this is 4.69 99. now it is 26% off. remember, dyson rarely goes on sale. the new price is three 4999 and it's great for the car too. >> exactly. there you go, i broke it, i got it. oh, now you gotta buy it. >> michael strahan. you gotta buy it. all right, bring in the next one here. so this. do you have one of these at home? >> i don't, but i'm gonna buy you one of these. >> so this is the vegetable chopper. this thing is incredible. it's 14 in 1. you can use it. there's so many good seasonal veggies right now. you can dice, you can slice, you can mince, you can chop, you can do everything. it even has an egg white separator. if that's the thing you can't do. super easy to contain. 32.99 is the original price 45% off $17.99. my friend here. and then we've got one more here. if you need
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some leggings, we've got high waisted leggings. these have over 20,000 positive reviews. you're going to want to check them out. original price 1999 55% off $8.98. >> all right duane for you i got these for you. all right. we've got more deals from the sale on good morning america .com. even more deals tomorrow. yes. we are not done yet. next we're going to find out why the frenchies are here. i'm curious myself. beautiful pups. >> everybody wants to talk about it >> oh, doctor bailey, shall we begin? >> take a seat and learn something. >> so who wants to make history? watch me do it like. >> a good boy. welcome to my always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic
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with amanda. hi >> good morning. reggie. yeah, we're going to start drivers off here in sunnyvale on westbound 237. this is after lawrence expressway. a two car crash is blocking one lane. traffic is now backed up from 880. and chp is on scene and get you to the bay bridge. metering lights are still on. it's going to take you 24 minutes to get to the maybe to get to the city from the maze. >> thanks so much, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for that weather after the break. >> imagine yourself in a new toyota. so which one do you want? this one. >> well, get a low lease on corolla or choose a low lease on camry after $1,000 bonus cash. toyota let's go places. >> because, you know, i'm all about meghan trainor. if i was you, i'd want to live in the bay area. >> the timeless tour. i'm gonna go with special guest paul russell. shoreline amphitheater friday, october 18th. get tickets friday, march 22nd at 10
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a.m. at live nation comm. the brand new album timeless is available everywhere june 14th. for more, visit meghan trainor .com. >> last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes firm now for your free consultation. the barnes burn injury attorneys, call one 808 million. >> imagine yourself in a new toyota. >> wow. nice thanks, bud. get 1.99% apr on tundra, or check out the all new, redesigned 2024 tacoma toyota. >> let's go places. >> hey, bay area live with kelly and marcus.
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>> coming up, we'll chat with brian tyree henry, plus a performance from shaggy and bruce melody. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you very shortly. here's the exploratorium camera right now showing you all that bright sunshine we're in for. just a really gorgeous day. temperatures right now. we were on the cool side. we had some spots in the 30s. we're now climbing through the 40s and into the low 50s right now, 50 in the city. same in san jose. good morning oakland. you're at 49 degrees sfo looking sunny right now. over the airport. a lot of sunshine today. it's a mild afternoon for the first full day of spring. today is dry . tomorrow is dry as well. but by friday rain back in the forecast. it's a level one to finish out the week. >> reggie drew thank you. another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. find you can always find us on our news app and abc seven now here's more gma. [ ♪ ]
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>> welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> robin: we certainly do welcome you back to gma. we are celebrating the american kennel club's number 1 dog breed. we are revealing, it is... of course the french bulldog. [ applause ] let's bring in vice president of public relations and communications at the akc. how are you? and this is barney. hi, barney. >> this is the second year in a row. >> they're absolutely adorable. they're also very adaptable, energetic, affectionate. and they only require moderate exercise, so they make perfect for apartment living. they are great in any setting. >> robin: i can see this. >> i also want to point out, you can get full bread beautiful dogs, adoptable, and there is
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even as little albert. >> robin: how do you guys rank the dogs? >> we base that on akc registration. we recognize over 200 breeds, and you're totally right about rescuing the dog. you can do that. all of our national care homes do have rescues. >> robin: and the ranking system is something that -- how does it work? >> it's proprietary to akc. every year we look at registrations, and at the end of the year we tally, and the tiley is the french bulldog on top. >> the other breeds that made the top five or the poodle at number 5, the german shepherd dog -- yes, german shepherd dog at number 5. sorry, german shepherd people. the golden retriever at number 3
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, and the lab which came in at number 2, and then frenchies at number 1. >> george: barney! >> robin: you need to know the type of breed for your family. >> yes. not just with the frenchie, but any breed. first you want to do research on what their lifestyle is. you want to make sure the breed you are selecting fits your family. every breed that we rank is not necessarily going to fit, so we are not saying to rush out and get these dogs. take your time, do your research. he's after the girl, he's a teenage boy. [ laughter ] you want to make sure you're doing the appropriate research. make sure that it's a fit. the most responsible dog owner possible, only get the breed that works for your lifestyle. >> robin: i love your
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concentration. [ laughter ] >> dogs and kids. they are active, they're great dogs. they're also show dogs, but have some athleticism as well. [ laughter ] >> robin: come on, barney! weak are going from the frenchies to godzilla, and i'm not talking about you, michael. [ laughter ] >> michael: i think some people here want one of those dogs. that was cute! we are going to turn now to the titans. they are taking over gma, the stars of godzilla x kong: the new empire are here this morning. were going to talk to them and just a moment, but first let's look. [ ♪ ] >> it should hold. >> damn good.
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>> he's either going to love it or he's going to rip it up with his teeth. >> michael: please welcome rebecca hall, brian tyree henry, kaylee hottle, and dan stevens. thank you all for being here. [ applause ] rebecca, i'm going to start with you. in this movie, godzilla and king kong have a very unlikely friendship going on. and you are doctor eileen andrews. what was it like for you to dive back into this role? >> tremendous fun. i had so much fun, and when the call came there would be another one, i was like, absolutely. can't wait to get back in to it. there is so much joy to be had in these films, and i think you can tell in the fun we had making it. i'm working with my friends. these are the people i got to
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work with, i didn't get to work with brian, but i will on this one. and dan is an old friend of mine anyway. it's been able last. >> michael: and i want to go to kaylee. you are breaking boundaries in hollywood for the deaf community. and you are still in school. for you, your interpreters with us this morning, but in school, you go to school, but then you are fighting monsters in the afternoon. how do your classmates feel about that? >> voice of interpreter: i think it's super cool. seeing one of their friends on the big screen, and it's alongside king kong too. >> michael: so working, and then fighting and doing after. >> voice of interpreter: yes. >> michael: and she saying it like its nothing. and dan, this is your first time in a creature feature. you were in beauty and the
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beast, you played the beast. what is easier? being the beast are fighting the beast? >> as fun as it was to play the beast, it was fun to be wearing the fancy hawaiian shirt this time. he wears it much better than me. >> michael: i'm sure he's used would more more than you are. and brian, there's a lot in australia you will miss. i'm not necessarily an animal person. >> define animals, michael. we were filming in the rain forest, one of the oldest rain forest in the world, i believe. there are a lot of things that you had to think about, like there were clips that dropped all the way down, there were crocodiles, but a particular breed, their heads above water but there is a 500-pound body below the water. leaves could kill you, there was a leaf that could kill you.
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there was an animal called the cassowary, which is a mixture between a velociraptor, ostrich, and peacock. >> michael: that's real? >> oh, yeah. and we still survive to sit here with you. so we are quite grateful to make it to good morning america. >> michael: i'm glad we are doing this interview in the studio and not out there. i'm not sure if i should say you shouldn't go to australia, but i'm not not saying you shouldn't go to australia. [ laughter ] >> i know exactly what you are talking about. >> michael: and kaylee, the monster in the movie is closer to your size, many kong. do you think everyone is going to fall in love? >> voice of interpreter: in the first movie, we had a little teaser at the end. so now that we are seeing him, he's just so cute. i think everyone is going to love him. >> michael: i think everyone is going to love this. thank you for being here. first of all, it's fantastic, but your description has me a
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little queasy here. >> come on, you can handle it. [ laughter ] >> michael: i not go, but i'm glad you're all here. fighting monsters and doing homework at the same time. godzilla x kong: the new empire is in theaters everywhere next friday, so make your plans, everyone. coming up, our parenting expert here with tips for traveling with your kids, just in time for spring break. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year!
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not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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>> welcome back to gma. on this first full day of spring, we thought we would look at the spring, just kicking off in bloom, which lasts about 6-8 weeks or so. really gorgeous. and the weather has been quite warm, especially in southern california today, staying in the 70s on low 80s, but that pattern is about to shift and we are bringing in some much more wet and cold air, especially by next week.
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>> george: time now for parenting playbook. our viewers have questions, experts here to answer them. we have pediatrician dr edith bracho-sanchez, and executive director of the lonely planet travel nitya chambers. we have a question from a mother of two from charlotte, north carolina. let's look. >> i'm traveling for the first time with my family. what should i expect and how should i plan ahead to make sure it's a good time for all of us? >> first, i think traveling with your family is an amazing opportunity to break out of the schedule that you have and get into something new, and have new experiences together. but your family still your family when you're traveling. i think the opportunity to be flexible, to starting there. being flexible with how the day is going to go, how it's going to change, setting realistic expectations. and thinking light -- packing light. not taking a lot with you gives
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you the opportunity to be more nimble. >> george: i always have the one bag rule for everyone in my house. it's not always followed. [ laughter ] >> this one comes from another ericka in virginia. she says, we are traveling with another family who might have different rules and bedtimes with their kids. how do we adjust and set new boundaries away from home? >> first and foremost, you have to talk to the other family before you actually take the trip. you want to manage expectations. talk about bedtimes, especially if the kids are sharing rooms. and if you have different bedtimes, compromise. you should also talk about the schedule, how much he will do together and just with your family. when it comes to roles, i love the idea of explaining the behavior you want your child to do. you're going to get on the plane, use our inside voice, keep our hands to ourselves and pray for the best. you also have to have consequences. realistic consequences.
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so many parents are like, we're going to go home early if you do "x". make sure you can follow through with what you say. >> george: easier said than done. question from claire in st. louis. >> it's always challenging finding healthy meals while on vacation. any tips or tricks on how to eat out while not knocking away the routine? >> it is hard, but we are looking for balance, not perfection. i would say right from the beginning of the trip, bring your own snacks. any time you're able to pack some string cheese, nuts, fruits that you can peel and give your child while you're on the go, you're less likely to go for the chips and the sugary things at the counter at the airport. the other thing, be smart about your sugar consumption. i love going to local ice cream shops, bakeries. if i know i'm going to do that, i'm not giving my child sugary juice in the morning or sugary
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breakfast. and maybe one afternoon, swap out the ice cream for the smoothie without sugar added. any time you're eating out, or member to order that side of veggies, go for the protein and complex carbs. >> smart advice. what else can families do while booking their trip to ensure smooth sailing, so to speak,, and also save some money? >> i think booking early. starting your planning early lets you start to understand what the options are and where you can save money along the way. i also think setting up frequent-flier accounts if you are flying, it's amazing, they start to accrue points and at some point you can start to use those points for their ticket. when you book early, you can start to weigh options between getting the king with the rollaway or the room with two queens. givers off that time to make choices. >> great piece of advice. >> george: one of the tougher ones for both of you. how do you limit screen time while traveling?
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>> the goal of vacation is to get there safely and have fun. definitely there are rules, based on what we know about children's brains. we want to limit to one hour per day, but it's okay to be flexible on vacation. >> and if they have very strict guideline, half an hour after breakfast, or one hour after dinner, and make sure you are following the same rules. >> george: that was great, thank you. coming up, how a you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> robin: welcome back. with consumers looking for ways to make green choices, many companies trying to reduce their carbon footprint to meet that need. lifestyle contributor laurie is back with a look at what one company is doing to do just that >> that's right. this businesses incorporating more sustainable practices. this segment is sponsored by michelin, which does everything
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from manufacturing tires to spotlighting elite restaurants. now they are trying to make their products more environmentally friendly. [ ♪ ] as a pioneer entire technology for over eight century, michelin is finding sustainable solutions for our planet. we came to sonoma raceway to check out some of their ev ready tires. let's get things rolling and try these babies out. [ ♪ ] >> there is so much grip and control with these tires. they just feel so smooth. our sponsor opened its doors to the media at their sustainability summit in california. >> we are committed to continuing to improve. >> we got it first-hand look at the future of tire technology in action from personal to commercial vehicles. >> what sets michelin apart? >> michelin has been on the forefront of innovation for 135 years, and this is what's made us the most awarded tire brand in the u.s.
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transportation is one of the biggest contributors to co2 emissions. so it's up to us to be part of that solution. >> what does the future of sustainability look like at michelin? >> we are focused on ensuring all our tires have at least 40 percent renewable and recycled materials. that number gets to 100 percent by the year 2050. the summit is an opportunity to demonstrate the bold acceleration we have in sustainable solutions with tires, around tires, and beyond tires. this includes using the michelin guide to reimagine sustainable tourism for everyone. >> while michelin... it's also become world renowned for this. the michelin star is the holy grail of culinary world. it's quest popularized in hit shows like the bear. >> do not get overwhelmed. >> reporter: this restaurant opened just about two years ago,
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but it's already one green star, which accompany awards to restaurants with the highest standards of gastronomy and sustainability. >> to receive that green star, it gave the team purpose. >> the owner of the restaurant on's k. and jay orchards. >> we handpicked, package, and deliver. everything is done by hand. the process of trying to be sustainable is not just something brand-new to the industry, but it needs to be ingrained into the industry. >> reporter: the michelin guide also recommends hotels for environmentally conscious travelers. one of them is the gorgeous resort and spa, a sprawling property in napa valley where guests are encouraged to trade in four wheels for two. every cottage is stuffed with eco- friendly products. you can relax outside in these rocking chairs, which, would you believe, are made from recycled milk cartons.
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michelin's destination? a sustainable future for all. >> it's about proving our dedication to these efforts through innovation and collaborative partnerships. >> michelin man! yes. and thanks to our sponsor michelin for showing us some of the ways we can all support sustainability. >> more than just tires. i had a great time.
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winners guaranteed at each tournament. only at grayton resort and casino. you're gonna love next wednesday on gma when singer songwriter lauren daigle takes the stage live only on good morning america's concert series, sponsored by planet fitness. >> michael, i know you did it for our houston affiliate, but what day is today? all day. >> that'll get you over the get it for you. for you. so the question is, what would you do if you saw a young woman having her drink spiked? >> you put something in your drink, so just say no. >> no, seriously, take a sip. >> don't take a sip. >> who will step in to help a stranger put something in her drink? >> here we go. here we go. hi, guys, i knew it. >> god, i knew it. oh my god. >> what? >> i've seen you on tv. >> it's. what would you do? >> yeah, i know the show. >> sunday night. all new, right after american idol on abc. she's the mom influencer found
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guilty of child abuse. rubi frankie now new body camera video. shocking recorded calls. and see inside the interrogation room. >> what do you think would have happened to ruby's son if he hadn't escaped? do you think he would have died? >> 2020 friday on abc. >> i have very exciting news. >> i've been nominated for an award i was nominated to. >> i didn't get an email. maybe i need to stand closer to the router. >> we're finally getting the recognition we deserve. like jennifer coolidge or brussels sprouts. >> a rookie stunt driver again will prove he's got what it takes in this year's most exciting nissan sales event. hurry in to the nissan thrill of the drive sales event. get 1.9% financing for 60 months on the 2023 nissan rogue. >> my late father in law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning
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signs of ga like hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda approved treatments for ga and go to ga. won't wait. .com one kiss. >> woohoo! with reynolds rap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. >> easy prep, easy cook, easy clean reynolds rap. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> i'm rich barnes is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? >> call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised . >> okay, here it is. me. pick
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me, choose me. >> love me. >> it's a beautiful day to save lives. we are superheroes. you're my person. >> dance it out. no, let these things. oh, this is awkward >> derek. >> meredith, what are you waiting for? let's go. a year >> a rookie stunt driver again will prove he's got what it takes in this year's most exciting nissan sales event. hurry into the nissan thrill of the drive. sales event. >> get 1.9% financing for 60 months on the 2023 nissan rogue. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. amanda how's traffic right now? >> yeah, well, traffic is bumper to bumper here in oakland. this is from our oakland, 8-80 camera
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. you can see traffic is backed up on nimitz. a three car crash on 880 at oak street, traveling northbound. one lane blocked. expect delays from 238 in san leandro to downtown oakland. >> hey, amanda. we'll take you to the tam cam. what a lovely looking day out there. we've got a lot of sunshine already. temperatures are starting to warm through the 40s and into the 50s. morning hayward. we're at 5655 right now in oakland. a lot of sunshine today. enjoy those mild conditions. will feel very nice this afternoon. pretty close to average for our daytime highs. today is dry. tomorrow is dry. rain is back here on friday. it's a level one, a light system on the storm impact scale. >> reggie drew thank you. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll see for live with ky ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!"


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