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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 25, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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picture of his parents, and he is in good hands. oh, he already has a little brother or sister. i don't know, maurice. maurice. oh, and now they're a whole family and they're so cute. >> so thank you for adopting squiggy. and this is only the tsay that we know of. i couldn't be more. so thank you so much. >> robin: good morning america. heavy snow and strong winds. the spring time storm on the move. twisters and blizzards. >> there's a tornado in garden city right now. i think we're in the middle of it. >> robin: at least five reported tornados, plus large hail in texas. ginger is tracking the severe threats right now. a line of severe storms on the move. and the alert for rolling fork, mississippi, one year after that destructive tornado tore through. how that small town is staying strong this morning.
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>> michael: deadline day for the former president. time running out for donald trump to secure a nearly half billion dollar bond. where trump may come up with the money. >> rebecca: princess kate's diagnosis. >> this, of course, came as a huge shock. >> rebecca: what we know about her cancer revelation and support from around the world. >> i am well and getting stronger every day. >> rebecca: with her three young children top of mind, george is live from the palace. >> robin: the parents of evan gershkovich, editor in chief of the wall street journal one year after he was wrongfully detained in russia. >> george: you are confident the biden administration is doing everything they can right now? >> robin: their fight to bring him home. >> michael: carnival fire. smoke and flames erupting on a cruise. what happened when lightning struck and what it means for that ship?
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>> rebecca: breaking news for our viewers in the west. boeing's ceo set to step down after the jet maker's turbulent pr nightmare. the midair door blowout, several other incidents involving boeing planes. concerns about the manufacturing process and the justice department's investigation. >> michael: major league investigation. questions growing as baseball's biggest star shohei ohtani is set to publicly address the gambling scandal involving his former interpreter. ♪ jump around ♪ ♪ jump around ♪ >> robin: maddening overtimes overnight. >> stanford survives in overtime! >> robin: stanford holding on. >> it is over! the houston cougars survive! >> robin: houston surviving a scare. power houses dominating. lsu tigers and clemson's tigers roaring. and this cinderella story soaring into the sweet 16.
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>> we going to the sweet 16! >> robin: and what a sweet jump. >> that was a huge one! >> robin: meet the 19-year-old soaring to new heights. >> good morning america. >> robin: don't miss his record breaking moment, as we jump into the week. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: why not jump around on this monday morning? what a weekend. lot of stuff happening. >> michael: you know how much basketball i watched? i watched so much basketball, my kids said, please, can we watch golf? [ laughter ] that's a lot of basketball. >> robin: that's a lot of basketball. >> michael: it was great. lot of great games this weekend. it's good to talk about something else this morning. george is outside buckingham palace as the world reacts to princess kate's diagnosis. good morning, george, from across the pond. >> george: good morning, guys. changing of the guard here at buckingham palace after a weekend where the entire nation has been captivated by the story
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of princess kate. the announcement on friday that she does have cancer. there's been a lot of affection, outpouring of affection for princess kate and the king. also pretty big bash lash against media and social media. even some headlines that they believe in london that china and russia are behind some of the slurs on the princess. we'll get into all of that. >> robin: all right, george. thank you for that. first we're going to begin with the severe weather on the move. at least 13 states getting slammed with heavy snow, strong winds and ginger, five reported tornados down south? >> ginger: today i think we'll see even more. the threat area i want you to pay close attention to. let's start what happened in texas. less than a year ago had an ef-3. yesterday afternoon had a tornado that damaged the hospital. they're going to do the survey today. it's also going to snow, so that could impact it, as things change rapidly here. henrietta, texas, this is hail, golf ball size hail.
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south and east of wichita fall, texas. so who's going to get it today and at what time? it stops here at 7:00 p.m. central time from western tennessee right down to the western side of mississippi. that includes rolling fork and jackson, alexandria, louisiana. it starts this afternoon and i say from about 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. have ways of getting warnings. rolling fork just one year later. the northern side of this, we're talking snow. 8 plus inches. a lot to get to. >> michael: lot of weather there, ginger. thank you very much. we're going to turn to former president trump facing a deadline to post a nearly half billion dollar bond in a new york civil fraud case. the state could start seizing his assets as soon as today. aaron katersky is at the courthouse in down town manhattan for us. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. there is no sign donald trump is going to meet his obligation to post bond to cover that nearly half billion dollar civil fraud judgment, so state officials could start taking action at any time. this morning new york attorney general leticia james is deciding how and when to begin
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collecting hundreds of millions of dollars a judge determined donald trump owes after holding him liable for corporate fraud. there is a sign james intends to move swiftly and aggressively. she has already filed a judgment in westchester county in case she chooses to seize his golf course or seven springs estate in addition to buildings in manhattan and properties out of state. but nothing needs to happen today. an appeals court has not yet decided whether to granted trump's request to reduce, delay or waive the bond. he tried securing the full amount, but more than 30 underwriters turned him down. >> every person, he said, hey, can i get half billion dollar bond? they were laughing. they were laughing. >> reporter: the attorney general's office said there's nothing unusual about even billion dollar judgments being fully bonded. trump may be counting on a wind fall from his social media platform that begins trading this week as a public company. his stake on paper is about $3 billion. but he would need the board's permission to sell shares now.
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and this morning trump is trying to use this to his advantage, asking supporters for money by declaring trump tower is mine. the grace period is over so we're waiting to see what the attorney general does next. >> michael: there's a hearing today in the hush money case as well. >> reporter: yeah. right here in criminal court. donald trump never has really faced a day quite like this. the whole predicament over the possibility of his assets being seized and he's coming here to court on the very day for a hearing in the case that accuses him of concealing a sex scandal from voters in 2016 by falsifying business records. his lawyers are going to ask for more time to review some possible evidence. but prosecutors are expected to urge the judge to put trump on trial next month without further delay. michael? >> michael: big day for the former president there, aaron. thank you. now to george at buckingham palace. hey, george. >> george: thanks, michael. we're going to get the latest on princess kate.
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the shocking announcement on friday that she's being treated for cancer. maggie rulli is at kensington palace. that's about a mile behind me here in london. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. what we saw was a raw and vulnerable video from the princess, something we rarely see from the royal family. now that video has already been viewed more than 100 million times on x alone. we understand that kate actually wrote that statement herself. she wanted to speak to the public in her own words. >> this, of course, came as a huge shock. william and i had been doing everything we can to process and manage it privately for the sake of our young family. >> reporter: this morning, after her shocking cancer revelation, the princess of wales saying she is enormously touched by the outpouring of support. kensington palace saying she and prince william are extremely moved by the public's warmth and support and are grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy at this time. >> as you can imagine, this has taken time. >> reporter: the u.k. rallying
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behind its princess and support flooding in from around the world. >> having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, as is the love, support and kindness that is being shown by so many of you. >> reporter: it was that initial abdominal surgery that led to kate's cancer diagnosis. she's now going through preventive chemotherapy. the princess timing her announcement with her three young children front of mind telling the world her news as they began their easter break. >> it has taken time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> reporter: kate all turning to her father in law, the king, who is facing his own cancer diagnosis. the pair supporting each other through their health challenges. the king visiting kate in the hospital when they both underwent their initial procedures, and sharing lunch together the day before she publicly announced her diagnosis. >> at this time, i also am thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer.
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everyone facing this disease, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> reporter: now, we no longer expect to see princess kate or prince william on easter sunday. as of right now kate's only expected to return to official royal duties when her doctors advise her to do so. george? >> george: okay, maggie. thanks. i am here with robert johnson. good to see you in person, robert. let's talk first about the family, william and kate. they have taken the kids out of the country. what do we know about how they're doing? >> it's still holiday. it gives them a chance to spend some time together. they're at sandringham estate. they just want a bit of privacy. it's a place they can go on their bikes, on the estate, ride around. no one will bother them. that's exactly what they need at the moment. >> george: we know kate timed the announcement for when the kids were out of school. >> it's been pretty well locked down. she did that video message there. she went and had lunch with the king, spoke about them.
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they disappeared out of the country and it hit the air ways when we were all told. it went around the world, by which time she's safely away. >> george: you mentioned the king. we know the king, it appears the king and princess kate bonded even more, as they're both being treated for cancer in the hospital. >> they didn't know they were being treated for cancer. they were in there for different procedures. apparently he wasn't sure when he went in. he had a chat with her when she was in her room. they had the lunch. this lunch shows you how much they mean to each other. they are both going through this. they are both stars of the royal family. very important central figures. and they're sharing this. i think when she came back, i think he spoke about her courage which a lot of us agree. it left a lump in our throats when she delivered that. you can't forget the humanity here. she's a mum of three. there's a lot resting on her at the moment.
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>> george: so much pressure on william right now. >> this is a guy who's been through a lot. he was only 15 when his mom died. we all remember those tragic pictures of him walking behind her coffin. he's a strong guy. he's somebody who i think can carry this weight on his shoulders. there's a lot coming out. he's standing in for his dad, the king. got the d day commemorations coming up, 80 years. there's other things he's going to step up to. also, i think being a dad of three is not easy either when you've got this going on with their mum. a lot resting on him. >> george: we know he is not a fan of the press. there has been something of a backlash against the press. against social media here. even the headlines about maybe china an russia being behind some of this disinformation. what do you make of all that? >> william is not too bad when it comes to mainstream media. he is respectful, as we respect his privacy. the online trolling has just
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been out of control in the last -- particularly the last six months. he's been completely mad. some of the things written about him, about his wife, so ridiculous, it's not worth mentioning. we have even had one of the embassies had to issue a statement saying the king was alive after an online print by the russians. that sort of thing is going on. it's a different world we live in. you just have to rise above it. >> george: thanks, as always. guys? >> michael: thank you, george. now to new details about the terrorist massacre at a concert outside moscow. our chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz is tracking it for us. >> reporter: this morning the horrific toll of the mass shooting evident here in russia's deadliest attack in decades. more than 135 men, women and children slaughtered, hundreds more injured. it was friday evening in moscow when four isis k terrorist,
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armed with automatic weapons, shot their way into a concert hall at a shopping complex. the audience inside was just waiting for the rock band to begin. when gun fire ripped through the halls. all the while hearing the relentless, terrifying burst of automatic weapons fired. an eyewitness saying the men fired directly into the crowd, face to face. another witness saying, when the shooting was over, the isis k gunmen hurled explosives as they fled. within minutes, black smoke and flames pouring from the facility, trapping many inside and caving in the roof. russia saying they captured and charged these men with the shooting. one clearly bloodied, beaten, with reports of torture as well. russian president putin
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claiming, without evidence, that the men were headed to ukraine. he never mentioned isis k, despite its claim of responsibility. the u.s. confirming the attack was carried out by the islamic extremists as well. white house officials say they had warned the russians of an imminent risk of an isis k attack just two weeks ago, an attack they said could specifically target a concert hall. instead of heeding the warning, putin said the u.s. was trying to blackmail russia. that information was not only passed to the russian government, it was made public as well. isis k is based in afghanistan and is seeking revenge against russia for its involvement in the war in syria and elsewhere. also this morning, in the wake of this attack, france has raised its national security alert system to its highest level. michael? >> michael: the world is on alert, martha. thank you. robin? >> robin: now to college basketball. the men's sweet 16 all set this
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morning. a number of prop teams are still in it. will reeve, i know you got the highlights for us. >> i do, robin. good morning. what a weekend it was, full of drama and intrigue at every turn. blue bloods living up to their pedigrees. under dogs earning the cinderella moniker. now we're into week 2 of the madness. overnight an overtime thriller. >> stanford! >> the stanford women winning 87-81 over iowa state. >> stanford survives in overtime! >> lsu playing in front of a sold out home crowd, fighting off a halftime deficit to soar past a pesky middle tennessee team. >> angel reese will zip the pass to williams off the fake. steps back for a triple. got it. >> the tigers on track for a rematch with caitlin clark's iowa hawkeyes, who cruised through the sweet 16. >> in the passing lane, giving herself a couple easy buckets. >> top seed south carolina dominant.
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the undefeated game cocks winning their first games by a combined 99 points. in the men's tournament. >> the houston cougars survive! >> one seed houston advancing to the sweet 16 after a dramatic finish in overtime. the four top seeds rolling into the next round. reining player of the year zach edey dominant in purdue's win over utah state. >> major highlight! >> and reining champs uconn running away from northwestern in the t second half. so the men are all set until thursday. tonight the women's tournament takes center stage. great games all day long. caitlin clark and iowa trying to punch their ticket. that's at 8 p.m. eastern. got a whole bunch of basketball ahead of us. >> robin: how's your bracket? >> your eye is drawn to the red but actually, i don't need this shredder that i brought along. i have got seven of the elite eight in the men's ready to go. put this away and we'll deal
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with that next week maybe. >> michael: keep it under your desk. we may need it later on. great job. will, thank you, my friend. coming up the american figure skating star on his championship performance. >> rebecca: also ahead baseball star shohei ohtani and the growing questions about the gambling scandal. >> robin: and george's interview with the parents of evan gershkovich and how they are remaining optimistic. but first let's go back to ginger. >> ginger: as we watch this snowstorm flash through on the northern side of this system. anywhere from castle rock colorado up through winter south dakota, you're in a blizzard warning. some gusts could go to 60 miles per hour. some drifts could be feet. take extra care if you're traveling anywhere near there. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up the game changer who's using 3-d printers to build schools around the world. maggie's story will make your monday. i guarantee it.
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feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. >> always live abc seven news starts right now >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. oakland leaders are hoping the city's new police chief can persuade local businesses to stay in oakland. as you might know, the city's only in-n-out closed for good over the weekend. and that is the first time an in-n-out anywhere has closed. this restaurant first opened in 2005. ongoing crime on the property and in the neighborhood left the burger chain, making the call to close over safety concerns. their final full day of business off
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of hegenberger road brought in a long line of customers yesterday. the company says employees can transfer to other restaurants, or they can receive a severance package. let's see what traffic looks like this morning. hey, gloria. >> good morning. you know, so far, traffic is looking pretty good out there. this is a live look at our oakland, 8-80 camera. and the nimitz you can see is looking pretty good. so 8-80 is easy going as you pass by the coliseum. and look at our drive times for this morning. also no major delays or anything like that to report this morning. richmond and san rafael, nine minutes. hayward foster. dumbarton bridge,
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of dry days ahead of us, but the cloud cover lingers. this morning. temperatures were in the 40s and in the 50s. so here's the exploratorium camera. we'll have partly sunny skies, dry afternoon, but temperatures slightly below average for this time of the year. by 4 p.m, we'll get you into the upper 50s and the mid 60s, guys. >> drew, thank you for shaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everyone else, it's gma find enlightenment in the chrysler pacifica pacifica plug in hybrid with great deals going on now get 0% financing for 60 months. >> plus, you may qualify for up to a 7500 federal tax credit on the 2023 chrysler pacifica plug in hybrid. >> i'm suzanne rocca with cal home. i was born and raised in the bay area. i have a passion and expertise for helping bay area homeowners with their real estate needs. such as selling in an as-is condition, no repairs, no remodeling, no staging, and no stress. i can sell your property without for sale signs, public open houses or lock boxes
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get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look. are you looking? are you looking. >> get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look. >> after you. good good. no no no no no no. so good i got you. oh dad. you know, just i feel good >> that was a huge one! >> robin: that was just the beginning, the beginning of a historic performance by 19-year-old american ilia mulinan, landing six quads to win the first world championship. six of them. he's gonna tell us about that incredible experience. lara will have more on that coming up. >> rebecca: we are looking forward to that. really incredible. but first the top headlines we're following.
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breaking news from boeing. steve calhoun announced he will step down at the end of 2024. this comes after the midair door blowout last year, several other incidents involving boeing plane, concerns about the jet maker's manufacturing process and the justice department's investigation of the country. other major shake-ups were announced. take a look at the exhaust funnel on a carnival cruise. it caught fire and crashed down after witnesses reported seeing a lightning strike. it took about two hours to put out the fire. the damage forced carnival to cancel two upcoming cruises just as we are in the middle of spring break season. >> michael: got to be scary to see that. those twin lottery jack pots keep climbing. nearly $2 billion is up for grabs. tonight's prize is $800 million. tomorrow's megamillions jack pot is $1.1 billion. >> rebecca: did you buy our tickets?
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>> michael: i'll show up and say good-bye. just saying. i won't leave you high and dry. >> rebecca: good morning america, good-bye america. >> michael: i'll bring you with me, robin. >> robin: thank you. >> rebecca: thanks a lot. >> michael: you, too, rebecca. why not? everybody. we have a lot more ahead, including george's exclusive with the parents of evan gershkovich on their son's year in russian custody. that is all coming up. now to the scandal rocking major league baseball. shohei ohtani is set to address the media after his interpreter was fired for allegedly illegal gambling. victor oquendo is at dodger stadium. victor, good morning. there are questions about how much the player knew. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there are a lot of questions for everyone involved as we prepare to hear from shohei ohtani today. the star and his interpreter were very close. so the questions this morning, how much did ohtani know and how was his interpreter able to
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access his bank account? >> ohtani, flyball to left field. >> reporter: this morning baseball's biggest star, shohei ohtani embroiled in an investigation by major league baseball, while the irs also zeros in on an alleged illegal gambling scandal involving his former interpreter. >> the scandal has the potential to be one of the biggest baseball scandals we have ever seen. certainly one of the biggest baseball scandals we have ever seen. >> reporter: ohtani is the highest paid player in american history. espn reporting that his interpreter and best friend allegedly used the super star's money to pay off at least $4.5 million to cover his gambling debts to a book maker who is also under federal investigation. he first claimed the super star agreed to help him pay the debt only to walk that back a day later. >> he said ohtani had no knowledge of his gaming debt and had not paid the money through the wire transfer. >> reporter: mitsuhari said he
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denies betting on baseball saying he places bets on soccer, basketball and football. a spokes person for ohtani calling him a victim of massive theft. now the questioning mitsuhari's background reporting his former team's biography was falsified including where he attended college. >> he said he attended university of california riverside. there's no record. as it relates to his career, he said that he was an interpreter during the yankees spring training in 2012 but failed his physical that spring. >> reporter: mlb launching their investigation after the dodgers promptly fired mitsuhara. the irs now opening a criminal investigation of mitsuhara. ohtani considered a modern day babe ruth now in the middle of the fire storm. while sports betting is legal in many states it is illegal in california. mitsuhara said he didn't know that what he was doing was illegal. michael? >> michael: all right, victor. i'm sure a lot of questions will be answered.
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thank you so much for that. robin? >> robin: now to evan gershkovich. it's been almost a year since he was arrested while working in russia. his parents have been fighting to bring him home. george, you sat down with them for an exclusive interview. good morning to you again. >> george: i did, just last week. the paper's editor in chief joined us as i sat down with evan's parents. evan was detained one year ago this week. when i talked to them last year, they told me they were hoping for his release. they say they remain optimistic today. how are you doing? >> we're still holding on hope. we have president biden's promise delivered to us personally. and in the state of the union. >> we are also working around the clock to bring home evan and paul, americans being unjustly detained by the russians. >> and we know that the u.s. government is taking this case very seriously, so we are
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optimistic. >> george: why was it important for you to go to the state of the union? >> it's a sign for everybody in the government, senate, congress and the white house are taking the freedom of the press seriously. it's important. >> george: this week marks one year since the 32-year-old was arrested by russian security service at a steak house restaurant while on a reporting trip. evan, who was accredited by russia's foreign ministry to work as a journalist, is being held on charges of espionage, allegations evan, the u.s. and wall street journal firmly deny. he has plead not guilty and the u.s. state department has declared him wrongfully detained. tell me about the efforts that the wall street journal is making to get him free and support him inside russia. >> in terms of getting him free, that's a government to government issue. our main focus of the journal is just to keep evan's story front of mind. to remind people that an innocent journalist is behind bars, in prison for doing his job.
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>> george: what can you tell us about your communications with evan? >> we are still keeping him with us. evan tries to uplift us. we are trying to protect him. >> george: i read you are playing long distance chess with him. >> he's teaching me. [ laughter ] it's a friendly game, not a competition. especially because he is so much better than i am. >> george: i was amazed to read that he's actually making sure that he sends gifts and you do it for him to all of his friends and family. >> yes. he remembers his friends' birthdays. we received flowers for international women's day march 8th. he really cares. he wants to thank people for their care about him, for keeping his story front and center. >> george: the state department confirmed russia rejected a proposal that would have
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included the release of evan and former marine paul wheelan. but vladamir putin suggested he could be open to a prisoner swap. what did you think when you heard president putin discuss the possibility of a trade? >> we were happy that both governments have expressed willingness to negotiate. >> george: you're confident that the biden administration is doing everything they can right now? >> we are confident they are doing everything they can. we want them to continue to do that. >> george: what more has to happen, in your view? >> obviously, conversations have to continue. i think the hostage deals are always, by their nature, complicated. talking chess, they're like chess boards. you move one piece and you edge toward end game, then another piece moves and you take a backward step. evan will be released, but it's complicated to get there. lot of different people and governments involved. so i think, you know, we just
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have to be patient and optimistic, as ella says. >> george: what keeps you optimistic every day? >> if you let depression in, the game is over. the saying in our family is we are moving forward. >> george: it's not like evan does everything he can to keep your spirits up. >> yes. i think for both of us. we exchange those notes. we are moving forward and we want you to keep going. and he said he is fighting. he's fighting. >> george: bet you can't wait to have him back on staff. >> you bet. i imagine that all the time. this is a reporter with a tremendous amount of knowledge about russia and one of the problems we have, we don't have anyone on the ground in russia. not just us, but virtually no news organizations have anyone on the ground there. that's the wider issue at stake here. >> george: ready for a big
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celebration when he comes home? >> of course. >> i will be just happy to be face to face, play a game of chess with him. >> george: even if he loses in the game of chess to evan. evan's pretile detention has already been extended several times. tomorrow evan's lawyers will present his case for release. they've argued, along with the u.s. government, that the russian authorities have presented no evidence to support their espionage allegations. hey, guys, before you go, i have a special pa here in london today. my daughter elliott is studying over here. she got shy very fast. >> hi. [ laughter ] >> rebecca: i hope she brought you a coffee, george. >> robin: nice to see even a glimpse of her. it was great to see her. enjoy your time there. enjoy your time. thanks so much. >> rebecca: great work. well done. coming up the world champion taking center stage on the ice. stay with us.
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>> robin: back with the american figure skating phenom who made history on his way to a first world title. lara has the story. >> lara: i love this story. i love this young man. 19-year-old ilia mulinan is the new world figure skating champion after recording six quad, notching the highest score in history during his free skate. the virginia teen says he was
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nervous beforehand, but you'd never know it. take a look. >> that was a huge one! >> lara: he was on fire on the ice. american teen ilia mulinan, he is your new world figure skating champion. >> when you think about the greatest moments in sports history. this is one of them. >> it doesn't really feel real yet. it feels a little like a dream. >> reporter: the 19-year-old nailing not one, two, three, but six gravity defying quads, each one with four full rotations in the blink of an eye. >> perfect quad. >> lara: showing why he's nicknamed the quad god. he's the only skater to ever land a clean quad axle. >> i almost knew that if i gave it everything, it would turn out amazing. >> lara: the 4 1/2 minute
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master class in technique in perfect stride with music from "succession." routine with music from the hit show "succession." >> i was wondering what could go wrong or what could possibly happen? once the music started it just vanished, the voices vanished. >> lara: the scores the highest ever for a free skate, catapulting him from third place to first. >> just an amazing feeling for me to be a world champion. it's just incredible. i have no words to describe it. >> lara: both of his parents were olympic skaters for uzbekistan. they are also his coaches. he sure hopes his mom will be able to attend more in the future. she was too nervous to attend this championship. but his dad was there cheering on their incredible son. cannot wait to see what he is up to next. >> robin: like you said, a master class. he put on a master class. >> lara: absolutely. >> michael: fact that he's the first one to ever do it shows how tough it is. >> rebecca: the quad god. >> michael: all right, mom, show up next time.
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i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available
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through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. >> ginger: the snow is flying on a typical spring day in eden, utah. we want to check in on how the snow pack is doing for the rocky, all of that that needs the colorado basin. lot are at 100% plus so that is great news as far as reservoirs getting a little bit extra. coming up, more on princess kate's cancer diagnosis. dr. ashton here with what you can do to reduce your risk. and the airport security breach. how a man allegedly got on a flight without a ticket. your local news and weather are next.
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atlas cross sport. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary event. >> i do have two amazing women here. i can picture a life with both of them, but they're still a fear. if that person is going to choose me. >> nothing is better. sometimes >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. gloria, how's traffic on this monday? >> good morning. reggie. well, you know what? we are tracking a crash right now in san jose that's causing some delays in that area. this is a two car crash on northbound 101 before toll road. right now, speeds are down to nine miles per hour. and we're told that a two car crash is blocking a lane right now, and traffic is backed up from hellyer avenue. and looking live at our walnut creek camera here, you can see traffic is pretty heavy on southbound 680. there was a crash earlier before treat boulevard. it has moved over to the shoulder, but there are
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still some delays in that area. >> drew. hey, gloria, you could see it was pretty cloudy out there right now. we have temperatures that are beginning to climb out of the 40s and into the 50s. live look from the exploratory camera. it's a partly sunny day, but we are totally dry. we got rid of the rain from this weekend. temperatures are a little bit below average upper 50s to the mid 60s. 59 in the city, 62 in oakland, up to 64 in san jose. reggie. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming us on our abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage clean up starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk? >> are you ready for ultra reliable, ultra fast, award winning internet and better mobile experience? astounding service and savings tailored to
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don't give up. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage clean up. starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk. >> family is >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. twisters and blizzards. >> there's a tornado in garden city right now. i think we're in the middle of it. >> michael: at least five reported tornados, plus large hail in texas. 13 states getting slammed with heavy snow and strong winds. ginger is tracking the severe threats right now. >> rebecca: princess kate's cancer revelation. >> it's been a tough couple of months for our entire family. >> rebecca: how charles and kate are supporting each other through each of their treatments. how william is stepping up.
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and what's behind the alarming numbers of younger people and cancer, and how to help reduce your risk. >> robin: mississippi strong. one year after the tornado that devastated rolling fork, we are back, checking in with chuck's dairy bar owner tracy harden. we've been with her every step of the way, since her restaurant took a direct hit. from helping feed a community in need to rebuilding. >> hey, y'all! or should i say good morning america? we are standing in the new chuck's dairy bar. >> robin: taking us inside as they get ready to reopen. get away to get shut eye. sleep tourism is taking off. the hotels and resorts offering special packages to help travellers get some much needed rest. and how to make your home a sleep sanctuary. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> michael: meet the game
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changer who is using 3-d printers to build schools around the world. maggie's story will make your monday. and she's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. we can't wait to get to our game changer series celebrating women who are making a difference in their communities and in the world. maggie grout has created innovative ways to build schools around the world that you have to see to believe. >> rebecca: it is an amazing story, michael. also, news about gas prices if you're set to hit the road for the upcoming holiday. >> robin: first top stories breaking at 8 starting with severe weather on the move including tornados. you know ginger is tracking it all for us. >> ginger: we've been watching it throughout the weekend. this one is really powerful. it will do it again today tornado wise. if you're on highway 83 traveling along garden city, kansas. then you see all that debris floating through the sky, that circulation, that was one of the reported tornados. unfortunately, perryton texas that just less than a year ago
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had an ef-3 had another tornado. they'll get out and do the survey with the damage at a hospital and actually get some snow today. really powerful cold front is a system, too. today we stop at 7:00 p.m. i'd say anywhere around 4, 5 p.m., get ready. have two ways of getting a warning. rolling fork jackson, alexandria are in that elevated risk for strong tornados, large hail and damaging winds. this goes through tonight so even after the sun goes down beware into parts of louisiana and mississippi. and then, the cold side of it has blizzard warnings from colorado up to winter south dakota. we're talking gusts up to 60 miamis an hour. that's the type you just can't travel. drifts will be feet high. >> michael: thank you very much, ginger. going to turn to former president trump, facing a deadline to post a nearly half billion dollar bond in the new york civil fraud case. the state could start seizing his assets as soon as today. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse in downtown manhattan.
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good morning again, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. donald trump's legals worlds really collide today. he's coming today over a hush payment to stormy daniels. but his most urgent legal threat involves that nearly half billion dollar civil fraud judgment. there is no indication that trump is going to meet today's deadline. his lawyers have said it's practically impossible. the appeals court has not decided yet whether to give trump a break. at any time leticia james could move to freeze trump's bank accounts and seize his properties. not sure that happens today necessarily, but we know she has already taken a preliminary step to file in westchester county, where trump owns a golf course and large estate. this morning the former president is attacking the attorney general on social media, claiming again, without evidence, that he's sitting on $500 million in a bank account. the next move really is up to
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the attorney general. she has long said she wants to make sure trump pays what he owes. rebecca? >> rebecca: we know you will be staying on top of it. okay, aaron katersky, thank you very much. we turn now to rising gas prices, as demand increases ahead of spring and summer travel. they are up $0.07 in the last week. now in los angeles, average prices have topped $5 per gallon. i always hear from people in los angeles. they're never feeling good about this. unfortunately, we are heading into the more expensive season for gasoline so it's something to keep in mind, even though it's more fun to drive on a sunny day like this. right, michael? >> michael: i love it. don't love the gas prices but i love to drive. >> rebecca: okay. we turn now to new surveillance video of a serious airport breach showing how a man allegedly got on a flight without a ticket. trevor ault join us with that story. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. so authorities say this passenger was on a stand by list
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for several southwest flights but all the flights were full so he moved to the delta area. you can see him on this video appear to snap some pictures of other passengers boarding passes and then using those to slip onto this plane. this morning abc news has obtained surveillance footage of the man accused of sneaking onto a delta flight without a ticket. afternoon talking and laughing with fellow passengers, he appears to snap a photo of that man's boarding pass. the criminal complaint says he did this multiple times with multiple people. watch as he then scans his phone to get on board. >> digital technology has made traveling easier but it is not infallible. in this case we see that a simple qr code could be photographed from a paper copy and used to board an airplane. >> reporter: according to the affidavit, when another passenger tried scanning her ticket the system said she'd already boarded. the man waited in the airport bathroom exiting as they began
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to taxi. when questioned by a flight attendant, he told her his name and a seat number which wasn't in the system. he wasn't booked on any other flight. the plane then heading back to the gate where he was arrested, now charged with felony stowe away. >> this guy would have succeeded if we hadn't been in the t middle of spring break where almost every airplane seat is sold out. if he walked in the back and seen an open seat, he could have just gone and sat down and nobody would have been the wiser. >> reporter: in a statement, delta says it's cooperating with law enforcement. according to the criminal complaint, he told the authorities he made a mistake and he was just trying to get home. guys? >> michael: big mistake there. all right, trevor. thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, how the royal family is moving forward after princess kate was diagnosed with cancer. and what we know about younger people and the disease. dr. ashton is here. >> rebecca: also ahead, would you go on vacation just to get a good night's sleep? i'm looking at you, robin.
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okay. the hotels now going beyond blackout curtains to offer sleep and spa packages. >> robin: okay. plus why selena gomez is saying, we are back. fans are excited. lara will have more on that in pop news. but right now, lara, you have a special guest? >> lara: a very special guest, robin. i am here with a real game changer. she's using cutting edge technology to build schools around the world and break barriers in the process. can't wait to talk to this young lady coming up on "good morning america." ming up on "good morning america." so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing.
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my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. every march, jersey mike's thturns money from subs intod charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th,
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for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. (ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ we're building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your business forward. with a streamlined shipping network. and new, high-speed processing and delivery centers. for more value. more reliability. and more on-time deliveries. the united states postal service is built for how you business. and how you business is with simple,
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affordable and reliable shipping. usps ground advantage. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. >> robin: back here on gma. tomorrow, do you know what?
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i'm cooking with gisele. the supermodel and wellness advocate showing some of her favorite recipes from her new cookbook called "nourish." also taught me a few dance moves as well. she says put the right fuel in your tank. put the right fuel in your tank. tomorrow. that's tomorrow. >> michael: do you want to show us? [ laughter ] >> robin: tomorrow. >> michael: you got to stand up and do it. you look like elaine in seinfeld. [ laughter ] just saying. >> robin: you're actually right. i'm fine with that. you're right. >> rebecca: you have many gifts. >> robin: that's not one of them. >> michael: going to turn to our gma cover story. the royal family responding after both princess kate and king charles were diagnosed with cancer. let's go back to maggie rulli at kensington palace with a look at how they are moving forward. >> reporter: good morning. this really is an unprecedented moment for the royal family to have the king and future queen under going cancer treatment at
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the same time. not only is this putting a strain on the monarchy, but also just emotional for the family. the royals contending with a double cancer diagnosis. the king and princess of wales, two stars of the monarchy, both under going treatment for cancer. >> it has been an incredibly tough couple months for our entire family. >> reporter: prince william and his wife doing everything they can to protect their children, waiting until george, charlotte and louis would be on vacation before going public with the news. >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. >> reporter: the children knew their grandfather had cancer and have now found out their mother does, too. >> as i said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day. >> reporter: the king and the princess supporting each other through their treatment. charles visiting kate the day before this announcement. george stephanopoulos spoke with royal contributor
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robert jobson. >> they're both going through this. they're both stars of the royal family, important central figures. they're sharing this. i think he spoke about courage, which i think a lot of us agree with. >> reporter: buckingham palace saying the king is so proud of her for her courage in speaking as she did, adding his majesty has remained in the closest of contact with her. prince william stepping up, supporting his wife and his father through these tough times and keeping up with his royal responsibilities. the heir to the throne saying he will return to public engagements in april once his children are back at school. the princess will return to royal duties only when her doctors clear her to do so. that video from the princess has already been viewed 100 million times on x alone. we understand that kate actually wrote that statement herself. she wanted to speak to people directly in her own words. michael? >> michael: thank you so much,
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maggie. joining us now abc chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton. and, doc, good morning to you, first of all. there are so many people are wondering how someone can go in for elective noncancerous surgery and come out with a diagnosis like this. >> let me take you through that. when we take someone to the operating room, there are preop testing and then there's post operative testing after the person comes out of surgery. in terms of preot testing, sometimes you can do blood tests. you can look for tumor markers. sometimes you can do a biopsy. other times you cannot. not every body part, every organ can be biopsied. then imaging tests, cat scan, mri's. ultrasounds. usually we have an idea whether we're facing something that's benign or malignant. but then after the surgery, the pathologists go to work. they look at that specimen. sometimes hours, days to weeks afterwards that's when they give you the diagnosis that it in
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fact was malignant. >> michael: you get one like that. the latest step from the american cancer society say 40% chance that you can get cancer. >> right. >> michael: why are we seeing more young people like princess kate? >> we've been reporting on this trend for a couple of years now. the short answer is we don't know. we know certain cancers are going up in people under the age of 50. there's a few theories involved. awareness is up so when you look for something, you're more likely to detect it. better screening, better diagnosis. the big unknown environmental factors and lifestyle factors definitely at play. we just don't know how much and with whom. >> michael: speaking of lifestyle factors princess kate takes her health and fitness seriously. how much of an impact do those things have on cancer prevention? >> it's massive. risk reduction is massive. we also have to remember just because you do all the right things does not mean you can't get cancer. it doesn't mean there's any blame if you do.
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but, yes, she is the poster child for a healthy lifestyle. things like eating right, being physically active, exercising, not smoking, alcohol minimal or in moderation. then knowing your risk factors and your family history and screening, if appropriate, if you have any symptom that doesn't feel right to you, you should speak up. >> michael: in her announcement, she said her and prince william were having to navigate with the young children. as a parent, how do you have this conversation? >> age dependent. ask for help if you're unsure. you don't have to navigate it yourself. kids are resilient, but they are also astute. and even without being told something, they can often sense something is wrong. open lines of communication, that's the best approach. you have to know your own children. >> michael: all right, doc, always love your advice. thank you very much for that. ginger? >> ginger: michael, we have such a drencher of a weekend in places that have already been so wet. look at this. hartford more than 8 inch ace above average. all of that purple you are
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seeing, including new york city at 150% of normal. providence, rhode island, has more than 10 inches above average. when you add the cold right along the northern new england, you had big snow. more than two feet in a lot of place, which is great spring snow for all the spring skiing. 50 inches in maine. looking nice. let's get a check closer to home. >> robin: hey. i do look like elaine. wait til you see erielle in just a little bit. the need for sleep.
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according to the cdc about one in three adults in the u.s. report not getting enough shuttle eye. could a sleep get away be the answer? >> rebecca: yep. >> robin: erielle reshef is already in on the trend. good morning. >> you know it, robin. i would say gma from a bed in leopard pajamas was not on my bingo card but here we are. [ laughter ] for so many of us, getting enough sleep is a luxury. ever notice you get better sleep on vacation? now you can become a sleep tourist with hotels around the world offering a host of amenities to get you relaxed and ready for your rem cycle. >> hey, you awake? >> reporter: there's nothing like a good night's sleep. but for many americans, getting enough shut eye has never been harder. >> i just wanted to close the door and get some sleep. >> reporter: the cdc recommends adults ages 18 and over should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night but that's far from reality for a lot of us. >> one in three adults report struggling to either fall asleep
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or maintain sleep. >> reporter: to the rescue, hotels and resort, offering special sleep and spa packages, ranging in price from $300 to $12,000 to help travellers get some much needed rest. it's a trend called sleep tourism. >> the idea behind these sleep retreats is really giving us collectively a break and pulling ourselves out of our normal day to day. >> reporter: hotels creating environments that are best for rest, quiet, temperature controlled and comfortable. equinox hotel in new york has temperature regulating mattresses. >> i thought it was a very relaxing experience and it helped my jet lag. >> mary just spent two hours at a wellness resort. >> i slept on one of these new beds that adjust to your pressure points. it tracks your deep sleep, your light sleep, your rem. >> reporter: in maui, guests are empowered with information on customized sleep technique.
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>> it was amazing. i slept like a baby. >> reporter: making his dream a reality, ahmed said he scored the cutting edge rest and recovery specialty suite at hotel figuora in los angeles. >> this was the best experience i had in a hotel room. >> four seasons, gma set, same thing. of course, good sleep doesn't have to come at a cost. there are ways to get rejuvenated at home. manage your stress, make time for exercise, keep dinner on the lighter side, keep alcohol to a minimum and come up with a routine like taking a warm shower or bath, make a good cup of tea and turn off your electronics. none of which i do. do you know what's conducive to sleep? being on a set. night night everybody. [ laughter ] >> robin: night night erielle. [ laughter ] night night. how are you gonna top that with pop news, lara? >> lara: move over, lady. let's do some pop news. good morning everybody.
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we can confirm lots of people over the weekend called the ghostbusters the latest installment ghost busters frozen empire scared up $45 million in ticket sales which pushes the franchise over the $1 billion mark since the first movie came out in 1984. it's hard to believe that was 40 years ago this june that the first ghostbusters hit theaters. there's another significant 1984 anniversary that happened yesterday. march 24 marks the 40th anniversary of the day five students came together for saturday detention. the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess and the criminal formed an unlikely bond as they all endured what they called the breakfast club. that movie went on to be called the '80s film. it was preserved by the library of congress for being culturally significant. it sure was. >> robin: anybody have to ever do detention? anybody? anybody?
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>> lara: not really. >> rebecca: i'll never admit. [ laughter ] >> robin: oh. you won't tell me. >> lara: you, robin? >> robin: of course not. [ laughter ] >> michael: i'm not sure. if i did, maybe i want to forget. >> lara: also this morning selena gomez taking a break from investigating murders in the building to focus on magic. gomez is officially returning to the wizards of waverly place series, a sequel that disney is doing. she posted on instagram that it will be for the beloved teen seery that's in production right now. the original cast including gomez and david henry will be part of it. the first one hit air waves 17 years ago, 2007. the new show will follow older brother justin living his normal nonwizard life when his sister alex, selena, comes around with a new magical problem. it begins streaming this fall. that will be really fun.
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yeah. congratulations to kevin hart who's been given comedy's highest honor. the kennedy center 25th anniversary mark twain prize for american humor. the long time comedian hitting the red carpet with his family in washington, d.c. there they are. some of comedy's heavy hitters were on hand. on hand, and jimmy fallon even performed a tribute to heart. the mark twain prize honors individuals who have made an impact on american society in ways similar to twain himself. after getting his start in philadelphia, harte became a household name. of course, thanks to his stand up and his hilarious roles in films like jumanji and ride along. here's kevin to talk about the honor. >> i fell in love with the idea of comedy and fell in love with the idea of comedy. made me say, oh my god, i'm in love with something that i can do for the
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rest of my life. that's the win. i committed to comedy. i committed to saying that it's either this or nothing else. all my eggs are in this basket and you can watch that on netflix on may 11th. >> and finally this morning. ready? set. croissant. hundreds of french servers gathered in paris yesterday for a precursor to this summer's olympics. the course de café waiters race is 110 year old tradition, 200 servers from restaurants around the city. powerwalk a little over a mile through paris with a tray on it, a glass of water, a croissant and an empty coffee cup. good idea there. the rules are that you have to carry the tray in one hand the whole time. no spilling. this year's male winner finished in just over 13 minutes. the winning waitress finished in 14 minutes, 12 seconds. both get a fancy hotel stay and of course, the pride of being the fastest server in paris. and that's pop news, everybody. >> and that's what you call a parisian workout. lara, thank you so much. coming up, the young woman who's building
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schools around the world, she is a game changer. and you don't want to miss it. stay with us. >> lives will never be the same again. they'll be better >> one of europe is a war zone. >> it is not safe to be here. >> our families are out there. it will make it. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi erin from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in with gloria. now for a look at traffic. hey, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi good morning everyone. so yeah, traffic is really starting to build at this hour as more people head to work. this is a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera and the metering lights are on. traffic is still backed up from the end of the parking lot and looking live at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera, it is busy at the toll plaza in richmond as well, so pretty much delays from canal boulevard kumasi.
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>> thank you gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> ask anyone driving the reigning champion to the biggest meet of the year or opening night in front of the whole town. >> ask anyone running barely on time to the biggest moment of their life. >> so far, from electrified hybrids that go the distance without charging to advance safety features. >> there are lots of reasons to buy a honda, but you know the real one honda is reliability. ask anyone who owns a honda. >> get a championship deal on a new hrv at your norcal honda dealer. light it guides our every waking moment. >> what we do and how we do it. but the amount of light we need can change in an instant. and when it does, you can control it . three day blinds find the light for your life. visit three
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day to get started >> after a car accident. beware of insurance companies bearing small checks. you may feel pressured to settle too soon and for too little money. choose jacoby and meyers. we've turned low insurance offers into big settlements. jacoby and meyers. because everyone deserves justice. >> hey! bay area live with kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with carol burnett from palm royale, and we kick off live's auto week with micah muzio. that's at nine on abc seven. we will see you very shortly, guys. temperatures right now we are in the 40s and climbing into the 50s. currently we have partly sunny skies out there from our rooftop camera. we're done with the wet weather from the past weekend. we have dry skies today and those
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temperatures a little bit below average upper 50s to the mid 60s . 59 today in the city, 62 in oakland to 64 for high in san jose. good air quality today, but tree pollen is still running high. oak sycamore and pine the top allergens. kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. min you can as find the latest on our news app and at abc seven >> robin: can you believe it? 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. >> oh my god! >> oh my goodness! >> robin: for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet. >> breakfast in bed extravaganza like you have never seen before. >> robin: go to good morning or scan this qr code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in bed. >> lara: we sure hope we do hear from you. we want to hear about all those amazing moms.
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welcome back to gma. we are, in fact, dining in style to celebrate one of our favorite events. it is that breakfast in bed. we've done it for so many years. it's always an incredible day, celebrating women over these 25 years. this will be our biggest celebration yet. tell us why your mom, or a mom you know, deserves the surprise of a life time. just scan the qr code you see right there or go to our website to enter. now i throw it to that guy. >> michael: all right. not a mom but i'm here. thank you so much for that, lara. going to turn to our new series game changers. this month this women's history month, we are introducing you to women who are breaking down barriers while creating a better world for everyone. this morning we're kicking things off with maggie grout who is using cutting edge technology to make education more accessible. maggie, welcome to gma. i love what you are doing.
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thinking hut. you were just 15 years old when you founded your nonprofit thinking huts. tell us what it is and why you are so passionate about it. >> so thinking huts is a charity that brings 3-d printing to build schools. we are currently working in africa with a current focus on madagascar. i am passionate about education because i was born in a rural village in china and spent most of my life in colorado. it changed the trajectory of my life. i hope that we are able to do just a fraction of that for other children in the world. >> michael: it's amazing that at 15 you realize this. how many schools have you built and what do you hope for the future? >> we opened our first one in 2022. our current focus is on our honey comb campus, slated to be africa's first 3-d solar campus. our hope is to bring charity mainstream. not many people have been able to bring it into pop culture. that is where the trajectory will hopefully take us. >> michael: what kind of feed
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back have you gotten from the students? >> they are really inspired. in a lot of developing countries they don't really dream of what could be possible like here in the u.s. they dream of being the next football star or hollywood actress. i think it just gives them hope that they can do a lot more. >> michael: what were your biggest challenges with thinking hut and how did you break through the challenges? >> just starting so young, at 15. i'm now 24. it's even now a challenge. with being taken seriously and being under estimated. i think with women ceo particularly, we are unable to raise venture funding. less than 2% are able to raise funding. it's a constant uphill battle to get more people to understand the vision. >> michael: but it's what you are doing is amazing. almost a decade later. thinking huts made an appearance at the oscars on the red carpet. >> we did. louisa able she was part of the
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team that won best picture for oppenheimer. this is the pin she wore. we brought one for you. >> michael: thank you. >> it represents peace and prosperity. >> michael: peace and prosperity. something we can all use. let me put it on right now. >> so stylish. >> michael: so stylish, yes. we've got so many young people watching right now. what is your advice for them about having a big dream and making a difference and making it happen? >> i think a lot of it is persistence. i got so many no's. i still do. you just have to believe in yourself and keep going because eventually it will happen and you'll find the right people. my family is really important to me. i think having that support system and finding other people who also value that is how i got here today. >> michael: i love that you said it had so many no's and you still do, but you keep on going and now look where you are. on gma celebrating you. >> i don't know how we got here. >> michael: you got here through your hard work and your dedication and your commitment to help other people. i think that's special.
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>> thank you. >> michael: we thank you so much. i'm glad we kicked this series off with you here today, thinking hut. congratulations. for day 2 of game changer, we're going to have the teen who created her own technology to fight back against cyber bullying. you're going to meet her tomorrow on gma. coming up we visit one of the heroes in the recovery of rolling fork, mississippi, one year after the devastating tornado. we'll be right back. fork, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait.
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treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to next. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga next.
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>> robin: back now on gma finding hope and inspiration in rolling fork, mississippi, one year after it was devastated by a tornado. through our mississippi strong initiative, we've followed their journey of recovery, rebuilding. and now they're looking forward to the reopening of tracy harden's beloved hometown diner. this morning the people of rolling fork, mississippi, still feeling the impact after a destructive tornado tore through their small town one year ago. >> hey, y'all need help over there! >> robin: in the after math, 15 lives lost, hundreds of families displaced, buildings flattened. chuck's dairy bar taking a direct hit. tracy harden safely sheltering her staff inside the restaurant's cooler. >> not a whole lot was saved but our lives.
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>> robin: in the recovery, tracy, a source of strength and comfort, providing meals to those in need. >> we are feeding about 500 people a day. they are getting to come and not just eat. they're getting loved on and cared for. >> whatever is going on, she's right there with us. she's one of us. >> robin: tracy, like many others, making a commitment to return. >> i got pancakes or biscuits. >> robin: during the summer chuck's popup, operating on limited hours, but the heartbreak still evident. >> it's hard. you pull up every day to what used to be. you'd think four months in we should be farther along. it hurts that we're not. you drive around and still see a lot of the smiling faces. >> robin: the build officially
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beginning in the fall. >> we've been cooking out of that little bitty cook trailer for so long. i look at this and i see our future kitchen. just to see it coming together, just happiness. not just for me and my family, but for all of my employees. we're just all ready to be home. >> robin: during the holiday, tracy's beloved employees coming together for an emotional reunion. >> it's been a long time since we've been together. >> i thank you for being there for me. i never would have got through this without y'all. i love y'all. i love you, tracy. >> robin: just this month, the finishing touches. >> hey, y'all. or should i say good morning america? we are standing in the new chuck's dairy bar. >> robin: now just weeks away from reopening.
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>> and the wonderful to go window. >> robin: tracy says she's so ready to welcome her family back home. >> i wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of my wonderful community and people from around the world. i'm so thankful for it all. >> robin: such gratitude. clearly more than a restaurant. it's a sign of hope for that community. tracy, i am telling you, she is so incredibly special. she really is. >> michael: you have more good news from rolling fork. >> robin: sam and i were there over the holidays back in december. we checked in on everyone. we surprised two families with announcements about the construction of their new homes. we have exciting news. those families will move into their brand new homes next month. four more families were approved for their new homes and counting. >> michael: that is good news. >> rebecca: it is great news.
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you've been dedicated to this story from day one. i remember when it first happened. this is all part of a nonprofit that came out of the tornado. >> robin: oh my gosh. can we just say thank you to the gma viewers? they have been with us every step of the way. >> rebecca: yes. >> robin: and rolling fork rising is the organization really making this happen. they are a volunteer run and operated organization instrumental in getting these homes built. homeowners to be complete a program about ownership, which is so important. they get zero, a special 0% interest loan to keep the housing affordable for them. rolling fork rising is thriving. they are rebuilding, hoping to house more people ho lost so much over this past year. it's been a year. it's been a year. >> lara: so much goodness has come out of it. >> robin: it really has. >> michael: the community coming together. all the gma viewers pitching in. >> robin: they've been great. ginger, i know you've been in that region. >> ginger: i was there a couple days after the tornado. just one year ago.
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it's amazing how quickly the year goes and i'm sure how long it feels for everyone there. unfortunately, today, this afternoon and evening, there is a shot at severe storms. this is not the same setup but it is unfortunate one year later to have about 6 p.m., 7:00 p.m. especially from rolling fork down to jackson. including hattiesburg and alexandria. strong tornados are possible in that orange area. we thought it was interesting and very effective to show you how the tornado season and where the number of tornados have changed. the number of days favorable for tornados is much higher now in parts of mississippi, especially northern mississippi and western tennessee. let's get a check closer to home. >> lara: now to our new series shouting from silence highlighting women and the
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health battles they often face alone. eva pilgrim is here with a story on endometriosis awareness month bringing attention to a disease that affects 10% of reproductive aged women globally. good morning eva. >> good morning. kelsey knew something was wrong. she was in intense pain but says doctor after doctor dismissed her issues, making her feel at times like she was losing her mind. thousands of dollars and years of searching for answers later, she finally got her diagnosis. for more than a decade kelsey barbario battled an array of uncomfortable symptoms that left her feeling unwell most of the time. >> stomach problems have been on another level for me lately. i spent the whole day with a heating pad on my stomach. i was just puffy. the bloating was so bad it looked like i was six months pregnant pretty much all the time. >> reporter: the 28-year-old said she often had heavy periods, weight fluctuation and
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debilitating pain. she sought medical help but it proved to be a challenge. >> it's shocking how hard it is to find doctors who really listen to you. >> reporter: doctors suggesting it was more likely connected to her siliac disease. or gluten related issues. >> i saw seven different gynecologists. i was feeling so desperate. i would leave doctors offices in tears more often than i wouldn't. it felt like time and time again i was dismissed. that was extremely frustrating. >> reporter: that frustration forcing her to be her own advocate, seeking out one final opinion to finally get the diagnosis she had been waiting for. stage 2 endometriosis. >> to know that i had a chance of not being in as much pain and feeling like my feelings were validated, that was so major for me. >> reporter: endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. the condition causes severe pain during periods, nausea or
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bloating, fatigue and depression, among other symptoms. it impacts roughly 10% of reproductive women and girls globely. >> patients will come to see me and they feel like their pain has just been dismissed. sometimes it really does take finding the right doctor, right provider to sit down, listen to symptoms and really believe in your pain and say, okay, what can we do? what's the next step in getting you diagnosed and feeling better? >> reporter: now six months following surgery to get her tissue removed the bloating and pain she's been experiencing is gone. >> my biggest advice is to never, ever give up. it is important and nobody should be living a life in pain or discomfort just because they don't have a diagnosis. >> kelsey said while getting the diagnosis may seem like bad news, for her it was a huge relief to finally know. she tells us she can feel the difference pretty much immediately after surgery, saying she even looks different
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now. >> lara: i'm sure carry herself differently just but a of the pain. >> her message is advocate for yourself. keep pushing, keep asking, keep going. >> lara: if it doesn't feel right, you gotta trust your gut. thank you very much, eva. coming up, we celebrate festival of colors to welcome spring. we're going to take you to the pa are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole.
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ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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>> rebecca: we are back with the festival of colors. holi is a celebration of joy, love and rebirth to welcome spring. reena roy is here to tell us about it. happy holi. good morning to you. >> good morning. happy holi to you or holi hey as we say. this holiday is all about letting loose and even getting messy as we bring in this new season. it's a day of endless fun across the globe.
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over 1 billion hindus celebrating holi, the larger than life festival of color, is marking the arrival of spring, good over evil and new beginnings. michelin star celebrity chefs inviting us into his roof top celebration with friends and family. >> happy holi! >> reporter: and giving us a first taste of his unique dessert. that is so delicious. i love it. made specially for holi at his brand new restaurant bungalow. >> it is a very traditional drink. now we are seeing it in this form. he modernized it. >> an almond milk drink with nut, saffron and sugar. it also helps me to connect with my generation. >> reporter: coast to coast, millions connecting with their heritage an ocean away, embracing the culturally rich tradition from powder throwing to song and dance. ♪
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splashes of color from los angeles and miami to indianapolis and right here in new york city. and this is what holi is all about! there is music and dancing. it is messy and wild! it is called the festival of colors for a reason. more than 600 people celebrating at this elementary school in manhattan. younger generations learning about ancient customs in a fun new way. you bring the elementary school side of this to a very traditional indian celebration and you have magic. children from all walks of life come together to share the joy. >> kids don't see the difference in color and ethnicity. all they see is friendships and festivities and laughter. >> happily holi! >> in recent years we've been seeing more holi celebrations popping up around the u.s. it's just so great to see those kids from all backgrounds
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getting in the mix. >> rebecca: very sweet. >> lara: holi hey. >> holi hey. happy holi. >> michael: the kids are just having fun. >> rebecca: exactly. they're learning all about it. i didn't see that growing up. it was special. >> rebecca: thank you for sharing it with us, reena. we'll be right back.
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on gma when lauren daigle takes the stage. friday kick off your weekend with sheryl crow live. ♪ all i wanna do is have some fun ♪ >> only on gma concert series presented by planet fitness. >> michael: concerts are always fun. always looking forward to those. we want to thank you for watching us on this monday morning. >> lara: have a grea america's number one news source . >> right now, countless american women are facing medical conditions without even knowing silent threats. and that's why tomorrow, gma with a vital breaking new health series for women watch this only on good morning america. >> can you believe it? it's 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. oh my god. oh my goodness
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for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full on breakfast in bed extravaganza like you have never seen before. so go to good morning or scan this qr code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in bed. >> hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love? really love pop culture. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms. wherever you get your podcasts. >> what would you do if you found hundreds of dollars in a store? >> are you taking them? >> what for money would you step in like her? >> you can't do that. >> it's okay. it's. what would you do? we did the right thing. >> what would you do sunday night? >> i do have two amazing women here. i can picture a life with both of them, but they're still a fear. if that person is going
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to choose me, are is better, isn't it? >> took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, but it also took 189 pizzas and 52 all nighters. the meticulously refined tig1 gets 0% apr financing, or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig1 during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> throughout the course of your life, a great many memories will find themselves framed within the windows of your home. picture perfect, captured in time and always there to look back on and relive these moments. frame who we are and what we hold most dear. shouldn't their frame reflect the beauty of these memories found within >> fresh out of papa murphy's kitchen, the limited time triple pet pizza uh. >> actually, it's fresh out of my oven, dad. >> it's just an expression. >> giant, classic and mini cup pepperoni. >> now that is an expression.
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dorado. >> we bet you didn't see that. but if you were an atlas and could detect things in 0.0 two seconds, you would have the atlas with front assist, get 1.9% apr financing, or a $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas or atlas cross sport. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary event. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. gloria. >> good morning kumasi. so far no major issues to report this morning. no major accidents which is what we like to hear. just your usual morning traffic. so here's a look at your drive times for this morning. albany to the maze. ten minutes. fremont to san jose 27 minutes and one on one at cupertino. just 12 minutes. drew. >> hey, gloria. we'll take you to the exploratorium camera, where we do have partly sunny skies out there. this morning. we're in store for a dry afternoon. temperatures though a little bit below average upper 50s to the mid 60s. for our daytime highs, we'll go to 62 in
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oakland today, 59 in the city, 64 in san jose, 67 in santa rosa, about 62. the high in livermore. you're still sniffling and sneezing. it's because of tree pollen that's still running high. your main offenders oak, sycamore and pine. kumasi. >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll be back at 11 from a goo midday live. have a >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ today, award-winning actor and comedy legend, the wononderful carol burnett! plus, inside the vehicles as we kick off "live's auto week." all next on "live!" [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ and now here


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