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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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our company is in mourning over the loss of these fine people. everybody here is shocked, distressed and heartbroken. >> two bodies are recovered following the baltimore bridge
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collapse, but four other people are still missing as the investigation is now getting underway in earnest. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley, and i'm j.r. stone, the two bodies were located earlier today by divers. they were found in about 25ft of water inside a truck. >> meantime, ntsb investigators boarded the cargo ship that struck the francis scott key bridge, causing it to collapse. so suddenly. they took the data recorder and have sent it to a lab to piece together the timeline of the events. just a few hours ago, maryland's governor touched on the importance of getting the port of baltimore up and running again and replacing the bridge. >> the collapse of the key bridge is a global crisis. the national economy and the world's economy depends on the port of baltimore. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment than any other port in the country. >> the u.s. coast guard has launched its own investigation and is making plans to remove the massive cargo ship and
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repair the waterway. we are expecting an update from the ntsb momentarily. you see it right there. when that begins, we will update you in newscast. stay with us for the very latest on the baltimore bridge. crash and collapse will also update the story at abc seven >> all right. we'll take you to ntsb news conference when it begins. but tonight we are back on storm watch as the rain returns. here's a live look outside at conditions as we speak. for details on what's happening, let's go to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. ooh, sandy, it's messy out there. >> yeah, we're just getting started to dan. and as we take a look at a live picture right now from our san rafael camera most of this morning, there have been showers in the north bay. it is still raining right now, as you can see from our tower camera. i'm going to take you in on live doppler seven to where it is raining right now. so we go across san rafael, san quentin 580 into marinwood. you will notice ignacio boulevard. we are
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seeing some light to moderate showers. also seeing some showers in the southern part of our viewing area. a little bit heavier around monterey road uh- highway 101. some of the rainfall rates in this area about a third of an inch per hour. so just be aware of this as this afternoon evening commute goes on. it is going to be a little bit dicey to get around with the damp roadways. it is a light level one storm. and as we time this out for you, the rainfall will continue to increase in coverage as we head towards 7 p.m. tonight, some moderate to heavy rain at times late tonight. tomorrow morning we are still seeing those spotty showers. so here's a look at the winds. right now they are gusty. mount diablo 34 miles an hour at 32 on mount tam. level one tonight. tomorrow. showers spreading, moderate to heavy at night and breezy to gusty conditions. there is a stronger storm on the way for later on this week heading into the holiday weekend. i'll be back with that in just a few minutes. >> dan okay sandy, thanks a lot. don't forget, you can always track the latest weather conditions with our abc seven app. get the forecast any time you wish by searching abc seven
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bay area in your device's app store, and you can download it right now. >> developing news in pacifica, where an investigation is underway after police shot and killed a woman whose adult son says she shot him first, police say that man called 911 from an apartment on francisco boulevard when officers got there, they say the woman was trying to leave and then pulled a gun on them. they shot her and she died at the scene. neighbors say it was so loud. they originally thought it was construction work. >> everybody says it's a pop, pop, pop like a firework. this was not a pop pop pop. it was more like a bang, bang, bang. like dropping the heavy equipment that they use. you know, below me. and i was like, what are they doing this morning? >> wow. tense moments. there at the scene, a ford escape could be seen with at least five bullet holes on the driver's side door and the window was shattered. police say it's still unclear what led to the incident between the woman and her son. he is expected to survive. >> in oakland, the city's new police chief was officially introduced to the public. today, floyd mitchell is taking over as
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the police department faces huge challenges with crime and recruitment. despite it all, mitchell says he's determined to bring about change. abc seven news reporter anser hassan floyd mitchell joins the ranks of more than a dozen others who have served as oakland's top cop over the past 20 years, including last wednesday as the newest police chief by mayor shengtao. >> he's smart. he's a smart crime fighter who delivers results, and it is what i demand . >> the mayor called him a humble man who values accountability, one with a proven track record of reducing crime. >> i'm truly honored to be given this opportunity to serve as oakland's police chief. >> in his first 100 days, chief mitchell plans to meet with key community stakeholders, city staff and his department. key to his agenda are what he calls data driven, proactive policing and high visibility. >> i'm here to work with the citizens of oakland. i believe that when you're actively engaged, you become aware and hypersensitive to the slight changes in neighborhoods and
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within the organization, chief mitchell says he will also sit down with the federal monitor to craft a strategy to get out from under federal oversight, he adds. >> success in fighting crime will be built on relationships forged with oakland's diverse communities. >> let me be clear i nor the police department can accomplish this monumental task alone. we will have to work together to solve these issues. >> mitchell spent more than 20 years on the police force in kansas city, and went on to serve as police chief in temple, texas, and lubbock, texas. justin johnson, oakland city administrator, believes mitchell's experience in big and small cities will help him navigate oakland. >> some of the challenges that you see in larger organizations where it's highly bureaucratic going to a smaller community where you can move far more nimbly and be more entrepreneurial. those issues and instances can certainly apply in situations like oakland, oakland city council member trevor reed's district includes the hegenberger corridor, which has had some high profile businesses closed due to crime. >> she says the new chief has
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said a lot of things. oakland wants to hear. >> he's going to be proactive, he's going to be responsive. he's going to have deep community engagement and he's going to be a guardian of what is the best interest of this city. >> chief mitchell is scheduled to start at the beginning of may in oakland, anser hassan. abc seven news. >> now to san francisco, where the board of supervisors overrode the mayor's veto and decided to keep housing development restrictions in place on several historic blocks in the city. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the president of the board of supervisors, luz. >> that's right jr. supervisor aaron peskin sponsored the legislation and said they received hundreds of emails from san franciscans who said they wanted to preserve the historic areas targeted in this legislation. experts are now categorizing this as a huge political loss for mayor breed. >> the ordinance is approved over the mayor's veto in a historic vote, the san francisco board of supervisors overturned mayor breed's veto of a controversial housing bill. san francisco is such a special
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place, and it's grown for centuries, and it can continue to grow, but there's a right way to do it, and there's a wrong way to do it. >> this veto is technically putting the brakes on the construction of high rise developments along the northeast waterfront and in jackson square , two historic areas in the city. it all started last summer when supervisor peskin worked with mayor breed and the planning department to rezone that area to allow for new housing. but then state laws created what he called a loophole for developers to supersize luxury towers that would have allowed historic buildings in one of san francisco's most special areas. >> the largest collection of gold rush era buildings in jackson square to be demolished and replaced with 270 foot high luxury condo towers. the board of supervisors got it right. >> mayor breed calls the board's vote a setback on housing. in a statement, she said in part, i will not let this be the first
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step in a dangerous course. correction back towards being a city of no. we will not move backward. state senator scott wiener said he was disappointed over the board's decision and called ■it anti-housing. >> what this ordinance is doing, it's reducing the amount of new homes that can be built. i think that that is bad for housing policy. we're we're in a real disaster in terms of the cost of housing in san francisco. >> san francisco has approved 82,000 new homes by 2031, a goal that experts say will be hard to achieve. >> we don't build housing and we don't build housing across vast stretches of the city. we build housing in the tenderloin, we build it in soma, but we build it in bayview. vast stretches of the west side of the city pacific heights, the marina. we don't build any housing and that has to change. this veto is a neighborhood issue, but could translate into a political opportunity if supervisor peskin decides to run against mayor breed. >> there also potentially going to run against her? >> listen, if i run or i don't
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run, i will always stand up for good legislation that protects san francisco's treasured history, and that continues to allow us to be pro housing. >> and this is the first time the board of supervisors has overridden a veto from mayor breed. the mayor blames the current housing shortage to decades of what she called bad policy decisions. luz pena, abc seven news thanks so >> all right, let's go back now to save lives. baltimore where the ntsb is giving an update about this deadly bridge collapse. this is jennifer hammond. >> very sorry for all that you are going through. it's unimaginable. and truly, we think about you throughout this investigation mentioned yesterday, for those who may not be familiar, the national transportation safety board is an independent federal agency. we are charged by
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congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the united states and significant events in all modes of transportation. that includes bridge collapses, and it includes marine accidents and incidents. our mission is to determine why something happened , how it happened, and to prevent it from reoccurring again to save lives. i want to talk a little bit about how we conduct an investigation, but i think it's really important for folks to understand that we will not analyze any of the information we are collecting. we will not provide any sort of findings, conclusions or any safety recommendations while on scene. our entire focus on scene is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs. it's taking any sort of electronic or components,
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whatever goes away. once the scene is cleaned up, we need to collect that information for our investigation. when it comes to digging through inspections, maintenance records that can be done when we leave. right now, it's focused on the scene itself. so to conduct our investigation, we work with parties to the investigation, parties to the investigation, provide us technical information. this is factual information that we use as part of our fact finding. so if we need bridge inspection data, we would ask, say, the federal highway administration uh- or uh- information about coast guard inspections. we would ask the coast guard. so parties to the investigation are the united states coast guard, maryland transportation authority, the
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association of maryland pilots and we've invited grace ocean, private limited and synergy marine, private limited. grace ocean is the owner. >> you are listening to a press conference in baltimore, maryland, with jennifer homendy of the ntsb really updating their investigation into that accident. dan, they were talking about being on board that vessel. >> yeah, they got on board today. this is really the first full day of investigation for them. obviously documenting everything they possibly can get their hands on. she made it clear they're not going to divulge a step by step. what's going on. but this investigation now just getting underway in earnest collection process. >> then they got to go
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shall seek seek the state's top office. the democrat and san francisco native has held several political offices over the years and is currently the state comptroller. lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, california superintendent tony thurmond and state senator toni atkins have already entered the race. >> well, today, white house officials and cities around the country joined together for a forum hosted by the city of san jose. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has more on how artificial intelligence is being used in federal and local government. >> artificial intelligence continues to grow at an extreme pace. while ai comes with concerns, it also comes with many benefits that even government agencies are taking advantage of. >> we're on the cutting edge of transforming government services to better serve everyone. with the limited public dollars we have. >> the city of san jose hosted city, county and state governments from across the country. each were part of the gov ai coalition. the goal is to promote responsible and purposeful ai in the public
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sector. >> we want to do it safely and responsibly, of course, but we have a lot to gain from leveraging ai and machine learning and other kind of newer and emerging technologies to better serve our constituents. >> two white house officials from the office of science and technology policy joined wednesday's call, elaborating on how some agencies like the social security administration, are already using ai ai to help speed up disability determinations. >> so they get a lot of basically applications for disability benefits. and what they're doing is not making the determination using ai, but instead using ai to surface potential relevant medical documents that can help them speed up processing for disability discrimination. >> the conversation over the use of ai in government isn't just centered around the federal level. >> president biden and vice president harris have been clear from the start that we must manage ai's risks so that we can seize its benefits, and that's especially true in local government, where i can so directly impact the lives of citizens. >> together. the ai coalition
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has developed a strategy to get more accountability from businesses selling ai to their agencies. still, more has been called for by tech leaders from the federal government. biden did sign an executive order last year that aimed to safeguard against threats posed by ai. on wednesday's call, white house officials said we could now see another new major development that could bring clarity in the use of ai. >> we are planning on imminently finally issuing, that policy on the federal government use of ai . so look out for that coming very soon. we're very excited about that in the south bay. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> coming up, we'll check back in with meteorologist sandhya patel, who is tracking
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here. abc seven news meteorologist sanjay patel is back with the forecast. andy. >> yeah, dan and jr. no pressure about getting the storms out of here by easter. let me show you the view from the sierra. this
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is from homewood right now where there's plenty of snow on the ground. and it is snowing at this hour from blue canyon to tahoe to truckee. chain controls on 50 and 88. here is live doppler seven showing you the snow showers moving through the region. it is also gusty there. winter storm warning until 11 a.m. tomorrow, expecting 8 to 20in above 5500ft over the peaks. expecting 30in. gusts to 50 could mean tough to travel up there. here is the storm. as you will notice, much of northern and central california dealing with the rain or the snow, but the front is still off the coast, so we're going to get you into street level radar where we are seeing some pockets of moderate rain right now, right around morgan hill, highway 101, monterey road. if your travels, take you through this area this evening, it is going to be a little bit slow going from the santa cruz area to scotts valley highway 17, slippery roadways, and in the north bay lake ville highway right around sears point and black point. we are seeing damp roadways, temperatures anywhere from 49 at clear lake
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to 60 degrees in brentwood right now. a live view from san jose camera. you will notice the clouds are stacked up tonight. showers gusty in the hills friday a stronger level two storm comes in. there is a possibility of thunderstorms and for easter, lingering isolated chance is what we're going with. it is a level one storm tonight and tomorrow. showers spreading this evening. moderate to heavy at night and breezy to gusty conditions as we go. hour by hour 6:00 tonight you will notice the rain is covering more areas. 8 p.m. some brief pockets of heavy rain is certainly possible as we head into 1030. still looking at the wet weather in the east bay, parts of the south bay. 1 a.m. same general area and then tomorrow morning. it's not widespread. we're expecting spotty showers if you're an early commuter, 4 a.m. in the north bay, and you will notice that those showers remain spotty well into the early part of the afternoon. and then kind of tapering as we head towards the evening hours. rainfall totals will range anywhere from about a 10th of an inch to a half an inch, and some of the
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wetter locations will pick up more than that. your temperatures in the morning, 30s to 50s. i would carry the umbrella just to be on the safe side, but you'll likely need your shades for tomorrow as well, as we will see some breaks in the cloud. cover high temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for tomorrow. spotty showers uh- friday. stronger storm level two. it's a moderate strength storm, bringing the possibility of thunderstorms. certainly wet windy weather. and on saturday a level one. still the thunder threat as we head into easter. while most of that storm gets on out of here and heads towards southern california, the models are kind of hanging on to the isolated possibility, so we'll keep it in there. after that, it's back to warmer weather and sunshine monday through wednesday. j.r. and dan so well, let's hope the easter egg hunt still happens. you know, i think it'll go on. i don't think that the easter egg hunts will get canceled or the bunny will get two fingers crossed. >> yes, maybe a rain jacket. that's okay. you're okay. >> yeah. >> well, still ahead, a growing concern over public safety ahead
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stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yay! >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are. >> where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching. >> disney is taking its next step forward in streaming hulu on disney plus for disney bundle subscribers is here right now. it allows hulu and disney+ subscribers to stream extensive hulu content directly in the disney plus app. oakland city officials are asking the a's organization to help prevent any problems during a planned boycott at the coliseum complex tomorrow. >> now, thousands of fans are expected to fill the parking lot to protest the team's pending move to las vegas for 2024 season will likely be the a's final year in oakland. tomorrow's protest is scheduled
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to start hours before the a's host their first game of the new season. a similar protest was held toward the end of last season. there's also a concert at oakland arena tomorrow evening. the city has asked the a's to open the coliseum parking lot earlier than usual to try to prevent a traffic backup, and excitement continues to build for the arrival of the warriors wnba team. >> the organization says it's received more than 5000 deposits for season tickets so far. great start. the team is set to begin play at chase center in 2025. if you're interested in buying season tickets, you can do so by placing a deposit at wnba .com/ golden state. can't wait? >> well, we still have much more news ahead. we do. >> let's go to abc seven news anchor stephanie sierra for a look at everything coming up at 530. >> stephanie thanks, jan and j.r. the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo is raising lots of questions. tonight. we have new insight on the likelihood of a recount and who may make it to the runoff. a
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political expert joins us live to discuss the latest totals and possible outcomes. then an expansion to a program that aims to help unhoused people return home. lyanne melendez joins us live to discuss the boost coming to homeward bound. join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. dan and j.r. >> stephanie. thanks. >> you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven to join steph in just two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us, we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm j.r. stone. see you at six.
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