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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 1, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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chicken, make a video. yeah edit it down. >> that is a lot. do you all play jokes on people for april fools? absolutely not. yeah. me neither. i don't want i don't like to play like that. >> don't mess with me. >> stresses me out. >> stress. >> eat it. yeah. so let me live. >> and also pay your pay your rent. >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. dangerous weather on the move across the country. major storm. roads underwater. this car spinning out on the highway. the severeea east. now the center of the country bracing for damaging wind, hail and even a few strong tornados. ginger is tracking it all.
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>> robin: the urgent search for the suspect behind a shooting that left seven children wounded outside an indianapolis mall. >> i need four medics right now. >> robin: more violence hitting parts of the nation. >> george: abc news exclusive. sam bankman-fried answers our questions from behind bars on his 25 year sentence for one of the biggest financial frauds ever. the decisions that led to his crimes. >> robin: also this morning the investigation into a chain reaction crash on a dallas highway. now police searching for a kansas city star chiefs player who may have fled the scene. >> george: alex murdaugh due in court. the former lawyer convicted of killing his wife and son. a new failed polygraph and more money allegedly stolen. will his plea deal hold up? >> robin: breaking overnight. ftc cracking down on impersonation scammer likes this one. >> they even had holding music so it made it sound like an official bank.
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>> robin: our exclusive details on a new rule in effect today. >> michael: ski lift scare. powerful winds up to 70 miles an hour swinging the chairs violently. >> it was like multiple moments of total panic. >> michael: we hear from one of the skiers on the lift. >> george: king charles makes his first significant public appearance since his cancer diagnosis, as princess kate and prince william stay out of the spotlight on easter. >> michael: high horse power chase. >> stop! >> michael: an officer galloping after a suspect. wait until you see what happened next. ♪ >> robin: and overnight -- >> dj burns! >> robin: cinderella nc state still dancing thanks to drops from not one, but two dj's. burns is fired up. and purdue powers its way past tennessee.
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>> and the next stop on the purdue redemption tour is the final four! >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: we do say good morning america. i don't know about y'all, but i know what i'm doing at 7:00 p.m. tonight. i will be glued to the tube. so many people talking about the national title game rematch night. we're talking caitlin clark and iowa taking on angel reese and lsu. a spot for the final four is on the line. >> george: you are ready. >> robin: i am. >> george: also ahead the race to reopen the port of baltimore. crews are working around the clock to remove the debris from the water. we'll have more details on the plan to get more ships moving again. >> michael: we begin with the dangerous weather system sweeping through the country. ginger is tracking the storm and where the greatest tornado threat is right now. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning. this afternoon and tonight is tulsa, oklahoma, spring field missouri. we thought why not show you the origin story of this storm. it did a lot of damage over the weekend. montecito showing off the rain
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3 to 5 inches fell throughout parts of southern california, including around lock beach in monterrey county where you've got big time erosion. the 101 highway shut down. i wanted to show you that tulsa to oklahoma city, this afternoon, all the way up to central illinois, even an enhanced risk. even down to dallas and ft. worth this afternoon and evening you have two ways of getting warnings. from austin to cincinnati it will be a pretty big day. tomorrow it moves into the big south starting with nashville. a big week there. >> robin: it is. thank you very much, ginger. now the race to reopen the port of baltimore as crews work around the clock to clear the wreckage from the bridge disaster. our senior national correspondent terry moran is on the scene with the latest. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this morning that storm ginger's talking about the sweeping over this harbor making that work these crews are doing, that tough work even tougher and riskier. this morning demolition crews
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are working around the clock now lifting portions of the ruined francis scott key bridge out of the water. it's slow and demanding and difficult work. highly trained teams lifted up above the wreckage from two crane barges cutting the enormous snarl of steel trusses into smaller section force removal. maryland's governor moore said it is just the first part of this 24/7 operation. telling abc workers are racing to open a channel to get tugboat closer to the wreckage to help clear it. >> you have to make sure you are protecting the people working on it. and at the same time, we have to move with a measurement of speed because we have got to get this channel open. >> reporter: officials warn it's complex and dangerous. >> you have to do it in a way that doesn't cause portions of the bridge that are there across the water to shift. they've been under a lot of compression and tension. they could behave almost like a spring if they are not expertly managed. >> reporter: the stakes are high, with baltimore's port shut down and the risk of major supply chain issues for the rest of the country.
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for this community, there are worries about environmental hazards from the cargo on board. the ntsb says 56 containers have been deemed hazmat carrying ion batteries and perfumes. presenting an even greater risk if the ship tilts during clearing operations and more containers slip into the water. >> i have asked people to continue to pray for our state. we're going through a really difficult time right now. >> reporter: over the easter weekend governor moore there asking for prayers. especially for the families of those six men who went down when the bridge collapsed, those construction workers. of course, for their families. it is going to be a long road to recovery for this community. george? >> george: thank you very much. there were two big consumer headlines overnight. california bump for minimum wage owners. and a major at&t data breach. chief business correspond
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rebecca jarvis is here with the story. >> rebecca: hi, guys. beginning this morning more than half million fast food workers in california will get that pay raise of $4 increase from $16 an hour to $20 an hour. that's 25% more in their pay checks. advocates say it's about time, given the high cost of living and inflation. the new law only affects fast food workers at chains with at least 60 locations nationwide. but some small business owners are feeling the pressure to compete, and this could also mean higher prices for consumers because they'll want to cover those costs. >> george: 73 million consumers hit by this at&t data breach. >> rebecca: this is gigantic that we are hearing about this. one in five americans impacted. 73 million people had their data including social security numbers, pass codes, birthdates leaked on the dark web. you don't even have to be a current customer to be impacted. the customer said 90% of the people hit are former account holders with data from 2019 and earlier. the company said it's reaching out to people impacted, resetting pass codes for current account holders and working with
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cyber security experts. personal call history and financial information was not included in the leak. at&t says it's launched a robust investigation. guys, i just want to say here, too. be careful because sometimes the scam artists come out when there's a breach like this and they send fake e-males, fake letters. really check the origin of that note to you. >> michael: thank you so much, rebecca. we're going to turn to the latest on a mass shooting outside an indianapolis mall that left seven mine minors injured. alex perez joins us with details, and more violence across the country over the holiday weekend. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, michael. yeah, a busy weekend for investigators here in chicago and several other cities after a flurry of violence and shootings. this morning a weekend of violence hitting parts of the nation as authorities search for the suspects behind that saturday night shooting at an indianapolis mall. >> i need four medics right now.
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>> reporter: total of seven minors, ages 12-17, suffering gunshot wounds, with one still remaining in critical condition. >> shots fired. >> reporter: no arrests have been made and authorities have yet to release any information about possible suspects. police calling out parents. >> this was 11:30 p.m. at night the evening before sunday, easter. if you don't know where your 12-year-old is, i think that should be a priority for you. >> reporter: in nashville, an argument at easter brunch leading one man to fatally shoot 33-year-old alan beachem and wound five others before fleeing the scene. police have identified antow rutger a 46-year-old convicted felon as a suspect in the shooting. they say he fled the scene in this mercedes. >> we are working to get the suspect in custody. the right hands of justice. >> reporter: in chicago, at least 32 people shot over the holiday weekend, with four of those shot dying.
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after at least three major shootings in indianapolis in march, authorities pleading for peace. >> conflict should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it. >> reporter: and here at the chicago shootings, authorities continue to work to identify suspects. robin? >> robin: alex, thanks to you. overseas now to the latest in israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu under went emergency surgery this morning as protesters against his government take to the streets. our foreign correspon britt clinnett is on the scene for us in jerusalem. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yeah, the hospital where netanyahu is staying says the prime minister is in excellent condition after a successful operation to treat a hernia. now, the 74-year-old's surgery taking place as tens of thousands joined with the families of the hostages to call for netanyahu to step down. and they're planning to protest again here in jerusalem for a second night.
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now, it comes as the idf says it has withdrawn after a two week operation. the idf calling it a major success with forces killing over 200 militants. but video showing the utter destruction there now. the hospital complex appears to be totally flattened. some buildings are still smoldering. w.h.o. says 21 patients died during the raid, although that's a claim the idf disputes. netanyahu, before his surgery, reiterating that there is no victory without going into rafah. that's despite the biden administration warning that it would lead to mass civilian casualties. netanyahu signing off on another round of weapons for israel in a longstanding deal worth billions of dollars. george? >> george: thanks. now to an abc news exclusive on sam bankman-fried. the convicted former crypto king answered our questions from behind bars as he begins his 25-year sentence for fraud. senior investigative correspond anne aaron katersky has the story.
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good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning to you. judge really didn't think so, but sam bankman-fried insisted to us that he does feel remorse for his multibillion dollar fraud. just one thing he communicated to us exclusively from behind bars in response to questions from abc news. this morning sam bankman-fried's regret, three days after he was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, the man behind one of the biggest financial frauds in american history told abc news he never intended to hur anyone or take anyone's money. but he did. he used $8 billion of customer funds from his crypto exchange ftx to prop up his failing privately controlled hedge fund. in written responses given to abc news, bankman-fried said i never thought what i was doing was illegal but i tried to hold myself to a high standard. i certainly didn't meet that standard. the judge determined otherwise, saying at sentencing bankman-fried knew it was wrong, criminal. he regrets he made a very bad bet about the likelihood of getting caught.
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bankman-fried plans to appeal. he told us he does not believe he received a fair trial writing, a one-sided media frenzy and the defense's inability to get in critical evidence affected the whole process. bankman-fried concedes i was responsible for what happened to the company adding, i made a series of bad decisions in 2022. they weren't selfish or selfless decisions, they were just bad ones. reflecting on those decisions from behind bar, bankman-fried told us i have heard and seen the sense of betrayal from thousands of customers. he said i felt the pain from my coworkers as i threw away what they poured their lives into and the causes i supported, as their funding turned into nothing but reputational damage. i'm haunted every day by what was lost. bankman-fried would not discuss what his life is like here behind bars. he said he appreciates the human interest in him but he told us this isn't about me or my feels. it's about the people who got hurt and what can be done to help them. michael?
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>> michael: thank you, alex. now alex murdaugh, the south carolina attorney convicted of killing his wife and son is due back in court. he's facing sentencing for stealing millions of dollars from his clients. eva pilgrim has the story. >> reporter: this should have been just a standard court appearance but doesn't look like that's what's going to happen today. despite a plea deal and murdaugh long ago admitting to financial crimes. this morning unexpected new details including 11 new victims could shift his federal sentencing. this morning alex murdaugh expected back in court. the 55-year-old scheduled to be sentenced in federal court for his financial crimes. >> the crime was so egregious the feds decided to step in. >> reporter: it's happening at the same time as his state sentencing. he's already plead guilty and is serving 27 years from that. but that deal is now in question for a few reasons.
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first, investigators discovered murdaugh stole an additional $1.3 million from more than 11 victims, bringing his total now to $10.9 million and 25 victims. and he failed a recent polygraph. federal prosecutors saying in court papers that puts him in breach of his plea deal and shows he wasn't being truthful about where the stolen money ended up. >> it's very difficult to pass a federal polygraph test. it doesn't really matter that alex murdaugh failed. he was expected to fail. >> reporter: prosecutors will ask for a more severe sentence today. and one of the more surprising mentions in recent court documents. federal prosecutors raising questions about another attorney, who hasn't been identified yet, and if that person was or was not involved in murdaugh's financial crimes. guys? >> michael: we know you've been covering that from the beginning. thank you. >> robin: seems like it's never ending.
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all right. switching gears to march madness. the men's final four all set. with one cinderella team still dancing. on the women's side a rematch fans have been waiting a year to see tips off tonight. will reeve is here with all of that. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, robin. to quote a tag line from days gone by, you think you know but you don't know. that is the ethos of march madness. it is a wild ride sure to throw us for a few more loops. tonight the sequel to the best recurring drama in basketball. this morning the men's final four is set. >> the celebration starts for the nc state fans. >> reporter: and cinderella is still dancing. 11 seed north carolina state upsetting rival duke, with dj's playing the hits. >> it's a banger for dj burns! >> reporter: dj burns with 29 points and dj horn dropping 20 leading the wolf pack to their first final four since they won
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it all under jim valvano. that was in 1983. last night's win setting up a date with purdue. >> and the next step on the purdue redemption tour is the final four! >> reporter: they pulled out a heart felt win over tennessee on the back of zach edey's 40 points and 16 rebounds. >> here's edey. five on the shot clock. edey inside. oh! what a move by edey. >> reporter: the boiler makers into their first final four since 1980. on the other side of the bracket, uconn just keeps rolling. their showdown with a surprise alabama team set for next saturday. but now the attention shifts to the biggest game of the year so far in women's basketball tonight. lsu/iowa. an elite eight rematch of last year's national title game. angel reese and the tigers looking to get back to the final four and their quest for a repeat. but caitlin clark is standing in the way.
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angel reese and caitlin clark are the big names tonight, two of the best players the game has seen. they have some real competitive tension between them on the court. you saw reese pointing to her ring finger and doing this. that was from last year. can't wait to see what's up tonight. also tonight uconn/usc for a spot in the final four. this is all on espn tonight. juju watkins, that's going to be epic. shout out to the nc state women joining the men, nc state women are in their first final four since '98. >> robin: they weren't even ranked to start the season. >> yeah. what a run. >> michael: nc state, congratulations. >> george: thank you, will. coming up the investigation into the chain reaction car crash potentially involving a super bowl winning wide receiver. >> robin: the latest on princess kate and king charles following easter. >> michael: an exclusive new look at the ftc crackdown on impersonation scams. but first back to ginger. >> ginger: flood watches from indiana to maryland. we are going to see rounds of rain.
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the northeast will be drenched. let's get your local weather now in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: we're just getting started on this -- what is it? monday morning? that's right. weekend's over. we'll be right back. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ corrs espondent ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes wer the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss.
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some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings this week. crews will be working to stabilize a crumbling portion of highway one that collapsed over the weekend. look at this big chunk of one lane fell down a cliff. it's between carmel and big sur, just south of the rocky creek bridge, which is about a mile from the famous bixby creek bridge, where
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so many people stopped to take photos. caltrans will be allowing organized caravans of essential workers and residents to go through at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. over the next few days, tourists are being asked to stay home all state parks in big sur will be closed until further notice. gloria. >> yeah. you know, so far things are looking pretty good out there on the roads this morning. we have a live look right now from our bay bridge toll plaza. camera metering lights are on, but we're noticing traffic seems to be a little lighter on this monday. maybe with people on spring break this week, but looking here in richmond, things are a little different here, a little bit heavier traffic here on the richmond-san rafael bridge. and right now it is a little slow approaching the toll plaza. there are some delays from canal boulevard. >> kumasi thank you. gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has a
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what to kick off. stand a little taller. >> bah bah bah. >> number one for listening while you work. today's hits and yesterday's favorites. 96.5 co. it >> we fight for the rights of writers. every
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>> good morning. it's sunny out there already. a live look from our exploratorium camera. lots of bright conditions. not a cloud to be seen. temperatures. right now we are starting out in the 40s in most areas, so a little chilly early on. but those temperatures will rebound nicely this afternoon. we'll find a lot of sunshine get you into the 60s and 70s for daytime highs. kumasi >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else. >> when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, they say, oh, cool. but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulous, refined tig1 hop in. its a vw get 0% apr financing or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new
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and energizing citrus body butter. >> jergens. >> you got this, buddy. you got it. >> during an asthma attack, every second feels like an eternity. primatene mist works fast. it's clinically shown to open airways quickly. get the number one fda approved over-the-counter asthma inhaler primatene mist. breathe easy again. >> here's to getting better with age. >> here's to beating these two every thirsty help fuel today with boost high protein complete with boost high protein complete nutrition. >> you need boost. ♪ baby you're a firework ♪ >> robin: back here on gma. that's not iron man. those are sky divers. yeah. jumped out of a plane over arizona. they wore pyrotechics which made it look like they were going up but they were free falling. >> michael: very cool. >> george: yeah.
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following a lot of headlines right now, including severe storm. storm is on the move set to bring damaging winds large hail strong tornados from texas to west virginia. also right now, watch this. an officer on horse back chasing a shoplifting suspect accused of stealing $200 worth of merchandise. he does not give up but could not escape the horse. two other officers arrive to take the man into custody. >> michael: wild wild west. another massive lottery prize up for grabs. the powerball jackpot is just shy of $1 billion. no one has won the big prize since new year's day. last week one winning ticket was sold for the $1.13 billion megamillions jack pot. this may be the place to go if you want to get lucky. this store in newburg new york sold two million dollar winning tickets just last week alone. they have a total of eight winners over the last year and a half. >> robin: road trip.
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road trip. let's go. >> michael: i have a feeling there's a line outside the door right now. we have a lot more ahead including the terrifying moment at a ski resort caught on camera. we hear from one of the skiers on that chair lift. scary, scary looking video. that is all coming up. george? >> george: right now the investigation into chain reaction car crash that was caught on camera. six vehicles involved in the accident. authorities are looking for a kansas city chiefs player who fled the scene. mireya villareal is in dallas with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. this accident happened on a stretch of highway right here in dallas. it is a magnet for street racing. this particular accident shut down the highway causing a traffic nightmare for hours. in just his first year in the nfl, rasheed rice played a huge role helping the chiefs to their epic overtime super bowl win over the 49ers. >> and he goes. rice has a first down! he's out of bounds at the 40. >> crazy. i just sat in the end zone
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watching the confetti fall. i wasn't even over there with the team. it's really surreal. >> reporter: but this morning sources telling our dallas station wfaa that police are searching for the wide receiver after a car believed to be registered or leased to rice was involved in this major multi-vehicle accident in dallas. dash cam showing the moment two drivers were speeding when they lost control. the lambourghini hits the center median wall creating a chain reaction involving four other vehicles. authorities say the occupants of the speeding vehicles all ran from the scene without stopping to determine if anyone needed medical help. you can see here as three yet to be identified men exit the vehicle on foot. tmz sports capturing this photo of the after math as they walk down the busy highway shoulder. >> it's potentially a felony in texas to leave the scene of an accident.
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depending on the circumstances whether it will be a potential felony or misdemeanor charge. >> reporter: abc news has reached out to rice and the chiefs but have not received comment. dallas police report four people reported injuries, two people went to the hospital. investigators are expected to release more information about this accident later today. sources are already telling me there are lawyers getting involved in this case already. >> michael: thank you very much. now to king charles. he attended easter service. appeared in public as he fights chan chancer. foreign correspondent james longman joins us from buckingham palace. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, michael. king charles at his first major public appearance since his cancer diagnosis. he was alongside queen camilla, other members of the royal family, though not william or kate. he spoke to well wishers in the crowd.
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he said to one of them, i'm doing my best. a smiling king waving to the cameras. charles making his first public appearance since his cancer diagnosis. the 75-year-old was accompanied by queen camilla and joined other royals at st. george's chapel for an easter service. >> he was interacting with the people. that was a very good sign. i thought he looked better than when we have seen him in photographs. >> reporter: noticeably absent, princess kate, after that emotional message telling the world she has cancer, the princess taking a step back from the royal spotlight. >> we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. for now, i am focused on making a full recovery. >> reporter: the wales missing the service spending time together as a family. the princess calling for privacy while she under goes treatment for cancer. we don't know when kate will be back. that depends on her doctor's advice. prince william shouldering much
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of the royal burden returning to work after the school holiday. >> she spent the holiday with the children. just recuperating after the early stages of preventive chemotherapy. i don't think we will see her until perhaps the latest, birthday for the king. more likely to be in the autumn, i think. >> reporter: so no word on when kate will be back to work. i think everyone understands her need to take time for her recovery. but the king was able to make this appearance. royal sources say it shows that he's responding well to treatment. guys? >> robin: good to see. thank you. we have a look at the ftc crackdown on so called impersonation scams and the new tool to help victims get their money back. our chief economic correspondent rebecca is back with that for us. >> rebecca: yes, i am back, robin. nice to see all of you again. scammers are always evolving.
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now regulators are helping to crack down and get you your money back. ken delacruz says in january he received this text message from a number claiming to be his bank asking, did you attempt to zelle transfer in the amount of $500? >> all i did was text no. a few minutes later i get a call from my bank saying there's some fraudulent activities on my bank account. they wanted to help me stop it. >> reporter: but the call was instead scammers, pretending to be his bank. >> they even had like a holding music to make it sounds like it was from an official bank. >> reporter: he provided personal information that he believed was part of a routine process to stop the fraud. scammers managed to transfer $1,500 out of ken's account, and obtain an online $4,000 personal loan. ken's bank, the navy federal credit union, tells abc news as
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we take all necessary precautions to best protect members financial security, navy federal does not solicit personal and/or account information over the phone or through e-mail. >> the ftc is working hard to get the word out to consumers about these scams. they have gotten more sophisticated. >> reporter: starting today the ftc is adding new rules to stem these scams. >> it gives us the ability, when we sue companies, to get money back that we can then return to consumers. and also to bring civil penalties that we hope will deter fraudsters. >> reporter: experts want consumers to be on high alert for this type of scam. >> even if it appears to be very legitimate, don't trust messages that you receive. always contact the company or the agency at a number you know is real. >> rebecca: and ken is still waiting for that $4,000 online loan to be reversed, but he is getting back the $1,500 that was taken from his account.
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now, according to the ftc, the most common types of imposter scams are copy cat account security alert, phoney subscription renewals, fake give aways or discount, bogus problems with the law and made up package delivery issues. you get a text or an e-mail about this. don't click on anything. you go straight back to the source, the website. check that website. check the back of your credit card. flip it over, call the number. then if you are the unfortunate victim of one of these scams, you can also report it directly now to report again, we were just talking about this. these are so frequent. i get them every day. the biggest thing, the biggest thing to keep in mind, george, because they are coming any which way now. just always go back to the source. go directly to the source if there is any confusion. >> robin: you can look on the back of your credit card or online. >> rebecca: their website. >> robin: you are on this. good job today, rebecca.
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>> rebecca: let's get those scammers. thank you, becky. coming up later we have the new weight loss trend taking over tik tok being called oat-zempic. does it really mimic the popular drug used for weigh loss? and next we're going to hear from a skier who feared for his life. fierce winds tossed around this chair lift. come on back. ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ihop. ihop. ihop. [cheering] ihop! ihop! ihop! certain times just call for it.
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ihop? at ihop, we don't just put food on your plate. we put a smile on your plate. fine lines? make an appointment with this. hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal. with micro hyaluronic acid. hydrates better than the #1 hyaluronic gel moisturizer. in 2 weeks, lines are visibly reduced. plumping water cream by l'oreal. we're worth it. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love. see what we can do for your business. fedex. (vo) tear into it... wea new a new discovery. it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it.
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life happens. out there. (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo.
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a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. ♪ ♪ ihop? ihop?! ihop! ihop's pancake of the month is here. loyalty members earn bonus pancoins when they try them all. >> george: we are back with video of chair lift at a ski resort being tossed around in wind 60 miles an hour.
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zohreen shaw spoke to one person on the lift. good morning zohreen. >> reporter: he said there were a couple times he said he didn't think they would make it. a lot of us go skiing every single year. he says there is one thing we should all be thinking about before we get on that lift. this morning the terrifying moments caught on camera. two experienced skiers violently swung around in a chair lift at an italian ski resort thursday. >> i never even knew chair lifts could rotate that way. >> reporter: watch as powerful winds, reportedly 70 miles an hour, forcefully swing them high in the air. >> there were moments of total panic. >> reporter: it started when the skiers felt a major weather change. >> this wind just picked up. it was getting quite strong. you couldn't really see much in front of you. >> reporter: he thought the ski lift operator would take them to safety. instead it turned into a harrowing 40 minutes that he wasn't sure they would survive.
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>> it was literally like we were in a washing machine, i guess. >> reporter: you felt like you were in a washing machine? >> yeah. you're just getting thrown around all over the place. >> reporter: he said they were repeatedly blasted by sheets of snow. some moments just holding on for life. >> three different times there was nothing underneath me. >> reporter: the ski resort saying the weather conditions changed suddenly and access to the lift was immediately closed but there were still the last users who were taken to the station unharmed, although understandably scared. dunning said trust your instincts if something doesn't feel right. >> when you're skiing, you trust the lift operators. i felt they just let the lift keep on going at the time it was really far too dangerous. >> reporter: he does say he is incredibly grateful to that lift staff. he said he was also incredibly shocked. he said he's not going to be in an alcohol ad but immediately
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after it he knocked back six beers, shared a bottle of wine and some cocktails and the very next day faced his fears and hit the slopes again. guys? >> george: with a hangover. [ laughter ] >> michael: george, well said. okay. coming up later, the new hope for spinal cord injuries. next we have our play of the day. we'll be right back with more gma. s is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see
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otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (vo) with so many choices, how do you pick the right dog food? well, you want real meat to be the first ingredient... and you probably don't want things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food.
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not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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>> michael: back with our play of the day. countdown to the total solar eclipse. just one week away. ginger has everything we need to know. >> ginger: it's a big deal. 20 years until it touches the u.s. again, 45 until we get a cross country path. take advantage is what i'm saying. [ laughter ] one week from today the moon will totally block the sun which will reveal the sun's outer atmosphere called the corona. you can see it right there. the path of totality starts in texas at 1:27 p.m. central time and ends in maine at 3:35 p.m. eastern time. so the only thing that could get in the way, clouds. this is a week out so it's not a final forecast but i does look cloudier on the southern path of totality. little more clear to the north.
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i do want to remind you, it only takes one cloud. my team and i were in nashville and it was clear all day, beautiful. just at the last moment this cloud comes in and my husband was five miles from me. he saw it perfectly and we were blocked by that one cloud. so, you know, take that for what it is. our coverage of the eclipse starts on gma next monday. then you can follow it live on eclipse across america which starts 2 p.m. abc, abc news live and all of disney's family of networks. you'll see it there. someone will see it. >> robin: everyone is so excited. we'll be right back. we'll be ri. e world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is.
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(vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on.
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which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine,
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its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. >> ginger: coming up a fan
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favorite with money basics that every couple should discuss before you take the leap. we're kicking off a new series this morning. your local news and weather are next. makes jacoby and meyers because everyone deserves justice. >> choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler. you want to be like number one chef dad cooking up a free hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. >> mom made this, i added the garnish. >> stay twice and get a free night. when you book direct. >> teens have drama. one more minute braces and more drama.
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>> oh, how does anyone do this? >> invisalign is better oral hygiene and no drama >> it's april fools, but idol showstoppers are no joke. your top 24 are revealed. a star is born. and there's one huge surprise. the judges have a special announcement for you now. new item always live seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in with gloria now for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning kumasi. good morning everyone. we do have a crash over in fremont that's causing some delays in that area. this is a two car crash on northbound 880 before fremont boulevard south. and traffic is starting to ease up. however, there are still delays and traffic speeds are down to 19mph in that area. for today, we're
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seeing a little bit of lighter traffic out there, probably because of the spring break. a lot of people are still off right now from tracy to dublin. that's usually a slow spot right now. it'll only take you 26 minutes. not too bad. drew >> not bad at all. we'll look outside in our santa cruz camera. it is just a lovely morning. we have lots of sunshine across the region. temperatures right now we're in the mid 40s to the mid 50s. we're on our way to a really comfortable afternoon. a lot of sunshine today and it's mild if not warm. we'll get you into the 60s and 70s for your afternoon temperatures. kumasi. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> at cresco express, we've had the opportunity to work with so many first time renters, working on exciting projects at home. we hope that you like our loyal cresco express customers, now realize just how much you can do on your own, given the right tools and just a bit of instruction. our cresco express team loves sharing in the
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success of do it yourself victories. i'm chris smith, president of cresco and if you need it, cresco still got it. now hiring. check us out at cresco >> we fight for the rights of writers every day. we give back millions to support the motorcycle community because we are writers and motorcycle law is all we do. if you're injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 804 bikers. we ride, we care, we win. if you go down, call russ brown. motorcycle attorneys. >> sometimes all you need to get the party started is a little help from your friends. everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond. you won't want to miss. starting april 26th, when your child has moderate to severe
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eczema, it's okay for them to show off. >> show off their clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. with dupixent because children's six months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within, serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. so off to the world . ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> every baby deserves a happy start, but for those in foster
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care, that start can be a little wobbly. that's where you can make a difference. join mancini's sleep world and the ticket to dream foundation in providing everything a baby needs through donations of new diapers, bottles, toys and other baby essentials. together, we can provide the warmth and security that every child needs to thrive. drop off your donations at any mancini sleep world location. learn more or donate online at sleep >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. dangerous weather on the move across the country, roads under water. this car spins out on the highway. the severe weather sweeping east. now the country braces for damaging wind, hail, even a few strong tornados. ginger tracking it all. >> michael: lizzo says i quit. the grammy winner says she's leaving the music industry.
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what she blames for her decision. >> robin: it's new. the viral oat drink being called oatzempic. but does it really mimic the popular drug used for weight loss? and what does it actually do for your health? our reality check this morning. >> michael: before you take the leap, all week long on gma, the hard must have conversations before marriage, having kids or buying a house. >> still at that level i wasn't stepping into conversations that needed to happen. >> michael: the morning the money basics every couple should discuss, and the questions to ask even on the first date. ♪ you can ring my bell ring my bell ♪ >> robin: plus we're in the kitchen with valerie bertinelli. get ready to indulge. she's bringing delicious, decadent and special dishes to spice up your week night dinners. she's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma.
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>> robin: one of my favorite tunes. just saying. good morning america. we cannot wait to indulge with valerie bertinelli. there she is. that's the title of her new cookbook. she is sharing some of her delicious dishes with us. >> michael: also ahead the dramatic rescue caught on camera. we're going to hear from the former college football player saved after 12 hours stranded in the gulf of mexico. >> george: first a look at the top stories breaking at 8. we start with the dangerous we weather system sweeping through the country. ginger tracking severe storms and where the greatest tornado threat is right now. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning. oklahoma, arkansas, missouri, states that are target for the tornado threat. i'll show you in a bit. first the storm and what it did over the weekend with 3 to 5 inches of rain falling in parts of central and southern california, shutting down part of the 101 because of that erosion. they've dealt with a lot of that. second year in a row. just banner seasons of water. los angeles, you see the tree because the ground is so saturated. doesn't take a lot of wind and
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you can easily get a tree into a home. thankfully, nobody hurt there. looking at the picture of what erupts later this afternoon. it's really this afternoon from dallas ft. worth up through oklahoma city, over to tulsa. springfield, fayetteville, into central and southern illinois. it doesn't stop there, it keeps moving. tomorrow nashville, huntsville. they will also be in that target area. this is the time of year where the jet streams gets really excited and this will be the result. i guarantee we'll see tornados in the next couple days. >> robin: hate to hear that. thank you, as always. now to easter and spring break travel. with a number of people flying topping the busiest holidays of the year. trevor ault is at newark airport for us. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yes, been a pretty busy major stretch of travel here. you have spring breakers mixed with people traveling for easter. mixing later with all the people traveling for the eclipse. it has been slow going. tsa tells us from friday to
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sunday they screened more than 7.5 million passengers. thursday the 2.8 million passengers they screened, that's not just the single busiest day of the year, that's more than they screened the friday before christmas or day before thanksgiving. and of course this time of year people are going on road trips, so much that aaa said it is having an impact on rush hour traffic particularly in the evening. your typical commuters and people going on their trip, it's a little slower. we're already looking ahead to next week, monday. that total eclipse. if you're going to be in the path of totality, you need to get ready for several hours of gridlock after the eclipse goes through. it's not necessarily a deal breaker but you gotta work that into your plans. michael? >> michael: thanks for that advice, trevor. looking forward to that gridlock. now the dramatic rescue caught on camera. a former college football player was saved after being stranded in a kayak on the gulf of mexico for 12 hours. janai norman is here with the story. good morning, janai.
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>> good morning, michael. wild story. this guy was not only a former college football quarterback but an experienced kayaker. but that didn't mean much of anything when he found himself two miles off shore surrounded by water, as he put it, at the mercy of the wind, fighting against mother nature. this morning a dramatic rescue caught on camera in the middle of the gulf of mexico. kayaker chris smelly, a former quarterback for the south carolina game cocks spotted by the u.s. coast guard after being stranded at sea two miles off the coast of florida for 12 hours with no phone or life jacket. >> i was just kind of in survival mode. i threw my hands up and screamed. >> reporter: the 37-year-old with one hand on a fishing pole, the other waving for help, unable to paddle back to land. rescue crews in the sky repelling and swimming toward smelly. >> it's not often that things turn out the way this did. unfortunately, when someone goes
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out without a life vest and on a kayak, they might come off and try to swim to shore and don'ted have anything to keep them afloat. >> reporter: he had set out on his kayaking trip thursday morning. high winds making it impossible for him to get to safety. >> i was still moving backwards. the wind was too strong. >> reporter: his family reporting him missing, prompting that frantic search. among the rescuers, smelly's close friend, eddie morgan. >> he looked up to me and said, eddie? i said, yeah. i said, there's a lot of people worried about you. >> i am blessed. i felt every prayer and loved and just thankful to god that it turned out the way it did. >> you saw that picture of his family. as time ticked on he said his family and friends were expecting the worse. that was the hardest part for him. but meanwhile, he went into survival mode, holding onto that fishing pole. he already caught a fish that he said he was prepared to eat if necessary, guys. >> robin: wow.
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>> got to do what you got to do. >> robin: glad he is okay, janai. thank you. coming up our gma morning menu. what drove grammy winner lizzo to say i quit? >> george: the oatzempic phrase. can oats really mimic the benefits of the drug used for weight loss? maya feller is here with a reality check. >> michael: plus our week long series before you take the leap. this morning the questions you can ask on the first date. valerie bertinelli is here cooking up some delicious dishes from her new cookbook. that's all coming up right here on gma. on "gma." presents the abc's of ckd. ndia c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet
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that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium. kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? kidn(tony) oh, no problem.type 2 di(man) thanks. reversible. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable.
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people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, so, here's to now. i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam. (bill) when we started blue buffalo, we made a promise to our boy blue -or up to zero feel. that we would create the best pet food we possibly could, made with the finest natural ingredients and none of the things you find in many other pet foods. we call it the true blue promise and it's our commitment to feed your pet just like we would feed blue. it's what makes blue buffalo unlike other pet food companies... ...which have many different brands with different standards. we have one standard —the one inspired by our boy blue, for the wellbeing of your dog or cat. because like you, we love them like family, too. at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression.
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with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪ (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? oats 'n honey? or everything bagel? nature valley makes an everything bagel bar?! try nature valley savory nut crunch bars, available in three flavors like everything bagel. your favorites are in one place. -let's take a roll call. meredith? -here. -officer grant? -copy that. -rookie? -officer john nolan reporting. -my aunt loves you. -i'm big with aunts. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle.
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>> robin: april 1st. rabbit rabbit. back with our gma -- it's good luck. [ laughter ] >> michael: i have no idea. >> robin: rabbit rabbit. >> george: you've been doing that for years. >> robin: charlie gibson got me doing that back in the day. >> michael: okay. i'll just do my april fool's jokes. >> robin: please do not. four time grammy winner lizzo sharing an emotional post online ending the post by saying i quit, blaming online criticism she has received. erielle reshef is here with details. >> good morning. as you know, so many people view lizzo as the queen of empowerment. her songs are basically a sound track of self-acceptance in releasing stigma. but her latest post on social media surprising her fans with that cryptic message, i quit. ♪ this morning lizzo apparently not feeling the love ending an instagram post with i quit.
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♪ the grammy winner writing, i'm getting tired of putting up with being dragged by everyone in my life and on the internet. all i want is to make music and make people happy, but i'm starting to feel like the world doesn't want me in it adding, i'm constantly up against lies being told about me for clout and view, being the butt of the joke every single time because of how i look. my character being picked apart by people who don't know me. ♪ this cryptic message coming just weeks after the pop star promised new music would be on the way. it's not the first time she's hinted at quitting because of online abuse. >> what she would really be missing out on is the engagement with her audience which is why i find it hard to imagine that she'll be gone for that long. ♪
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♪ thinking out loud ♪ >> fellow high profile artists from ed sheeran to nikki minaj and justin bieber have all at one time, like lizzo, comtemplated leaving or taking a break from the industry for various reasons. for lizzo, the latest chapter in her career follows an attempted dismissal by her legal team was denied in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against her by former background dancers. the singer denying any wrongdoing in that case. and lizzo was last seen when she performed last week at a fund-raiser for president biden. it is unclear what precipitated that post but it did prompt an outpouring of love and support from her fans and other celebrities. no comment from her team. lot of the comments did mention social media is not reality and we have to sometimes just take a break from the internet. and take a deep breath. >> robin: that's true. so true. thank you so much. >> you bet. >> michael: now to the new weight loss trend taking over
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tik tok in the face of the rising cost of drugs used for weight loss. some are turning to an oat based shake being called oatzempic, that they claim can lead to ozempic like results. even though it has nothing to do with the actual medication. rhiannon ally has the story. >> reporter: day five. yes, you heard that right. it's not ozempic, it's oatzempic. >> oat, oatzempic. >> reporter: a mix of oat, lime and water with a sprinkle of cinnamon blended into a meal replacement drink meant to some weight loss drug alternatives like ozempic and wegovy. some users claim using up to 40 pounds in two months. >> i have lost four pounds in five days. i feel really good. >> reporter: anita from california started the routine along with intermittent fasting. >> i have been struggling with my weight loss journey for a little while. i just said i'm gonna give it a try. >> reporter: but mom of three brandy frazier is taking up the oatzempic challenge as a gate
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way to healthier eating. >> i needed a pick me up. often when losing weight, it's very slow. when you don't see progress on the scale you get discouraged. >> reporter: along with low calorie, high protein meal, the alabama mom says the drink is helping her to get closer to her goal weigh. >> the energy that i have gotten back. i'm able to walk longer. my knees aren't hurting as much. hopefully that will continue. >> for good morning america, rhiannon ally, abc news new york. >> michael: we have registered dietitian and nutritionist maya feller here to break down the health implications of this oatzempic trend. thank you for joining us. first off, does it actually mimic what ozempic givious? >> it absolutely does not mimic what ozempic gives you. this is a drink based in oats, water, a squeeze of lime juice and perhaps a dash of cinnamon. it is not a medication. it does not mimic ozempic.
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[ laughter ] >> michael: there you go. >> i made that fairly clear. it's just not the same. >> michael: is there a benefit of using this as a meal replacement? >> so this is what i have to say to folks. if you're looking for a meal replacement, it needs to be done under clear medical supervision. i would not use this because you're not going to get all the nutrients that your body needs. you're essentially starving your cells of what they want. it's simply not worth it. >> michael: if you are trying to lose weight, are meal replacements worth it? >> i think under medical supervision it can be done in a responsible, respectful way. what i always say to folks who are looking to lose weight, you really have to think about your why rather than doing a crash diet. this is mimicking an eating disorder and it's not something i want to see the general public engaging in. >> michael: i can agree with that one right there. oats can be part of a healthy diet. how can you incorporate them? >> absolutely. so oats are wonderful. they are resistant starch, good
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for reducing cholesterol. they are absolutely wonderful. i have a great smoothie here with protein powder, veggies, dates, chia, flax. this is something you can add to your meals in a sensible way without going to the extreme. >> michael: okay. i'm gonna save that one for robin. she really liked that one. >> i mean, listen, michael. from my perspective, i understand folks really want to engage in this process. i get it. but we have to be thoughtful about how we do it. and not go to the extremes. >> michael: there's a safe way to do everything. >> exactly. >> michael: i do like the name oatzempic. >> it's catchy. catchy. >> michael: maya, thank you very much for your honest opinion. we appreciate that. now to you, george. >> robin: you can come back over but don't bring anything with you. [ laughter ] >> george: okay, robin. we have a gma exclusive. new hope for people with traumatic spinal cord injuries. after a mayo clinic study showed promising results with the use
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of stem cells. we've been tracking this story for so long. this is promising. >> we've been on this for years now. we've been following this promising story, this promising trial out of mayo clinic. an innovative use of stem cells as a potential treatment for spinal cord injury. the trial results for the ten people in the study are out today. it was the right time to check back in with patient number one. this morning progress against paralysis. stem cells taken from a pay patient's own body according to findings from phase one of a clinical trial at mayo clinic released today. >> this is a very stubborn disease. these findings give us hope. >> reporter: the study followed ten patients and showed seven had an increasing sensation when lightly touched or pricked and had strength in certain muscle groups. the remaining three patients did not improve or get worse. >> stem cells are safe and potentially beneficial in the
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treatment of spinal cord injuries. this could be a milestone in our theory of treating patients with spinal cord injuries. >> let me push down on your knee. >> wow. >> one success story is chris, the first patient in the trial paralyzed in a 2017 surfing accident. >> whoa. >> i met hi at mayo clinic in 2019. gma following his inspiring story of enduring srry and therapy. he had regained some mobility and sense of touch only to see his progress stall. it took him nearly a minute to walk just 30 feet. but upon entering this ambitious stem cell trial, barr's fortune turned. 15 months after being injected with stem cells from his own stomach, he could cover 30 feet in 23 seconds and he was eager to show off. i can stand. does it feel mice to just stand? >> yeah, it does.
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>> never thought you'd do this again. >> i'm telling you. >> today he's ten seconds faster. and as i caught up with him, grateful for it all. >> this whole intention was originally just to donate my body to science. i never dreamed i would have the recovery like this. i can feed myself. i can walk around. i can do day to day independent activities. >> what does that do for you emotionally and psychologically? >> i'm just thrilled that there are people taking bold steps to try and do research to cure this. it's been a wild ride. it's not over yet. >> no serious adverse events were reported after stem cell treatment. we are following new science in unchartered territory. there is still no fda treatment for spinal injuries. there is not a cure. but positive results from trial likes this one move the ball forward, as chris put it to me.
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news like this makes hope increasingly tangible. >> robin: i know your family has been very involved, also, in helping, with the foundation. >> the reeve foundation is at the forefront of research like this. seeing chris barr and the other patients just make us want to keep working hard. >> george: we know you will. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: lauderdale by the sea starting us out there. they will be seeing record high temperatures by wednesday. today the record highs will be in south texas like del rio going to 100. 92 for san antonio. if you look at the trend going into next week the middle of the nation is in for a warm one. much above normal. all the way up into kansas,
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>> michael: now to our new series before you take the leap. looking at tough topics before taking the next step in a relationship. this morning we're starting with the conversation about finances and why it's important to address before marriage. eva pilgrim is back with more. there are questions you can even ask on the first date. >> i know money is one of those subjects many people don't really want to bring up on their first date. one bachelor said we should all do it. he's opening up about his own mistakes in love, saying finding out about your possible future partner's finances could tell you a lot about if you're compatible. when you fall in love, there's one topic new couples hesitate
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to bring up. money. >> i got caught up in what i call the love cloud. stories can shift, context can change but numbers don't lie. >> reporter: jason tarte sharing lessons he's learned from his life and career in banking when it comes to talking about finances in "talk money to me." was there a point in your previous relationship where you knew you needed to say something about money? >> i look back at those day, and i lived in seattle. i ended up moving to nashville. then the first weekend we rescued a dog together. you think about all the moving parts there and someone who has the experience that i do within the personal finance realm. and still at that level i wasn't stepping into conversations that needed to happen. >> reporter: jason outlining the money basics every couple should discuss. >> you gotta know your individual's credit score. got to know annual expenses. you have to know what they are
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making per year. i want you to go over every single account and what the value in those accounts are and where they are. we know there are a lot of hidden accounts out there. there's debt to income ratio. i want you to know that. there's a net worth section. understanding one another's net worth and benchmarking it. then you want to understand what their total risk tolerance is. then the last one is what age do you want to retire? >> reporter: money, one of the leading causes for divorce. jason says it's important to find out early on if you're financially co state, you could ask questions like, you'll win a million bucks today. you got to spend every dollar. how are you going to spend it or something even funny like last six months? what's the most outrageous purchase you made? because a lot of our consumption has to do with our behaviors and a lot of behaviors create connection when we openly talk about them, because that's a hard thing to share. yeah.
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what i've learned about this topic with money is the only way to get other people to share is to show your cards first. but if i want to achieve this idea of not normalizing money and talking about it, i think you have to lead with an open hand. >> what are you hoping comes out of this book? >> i'm hoping that people really just can get comfortable with the idea about not weaponizing money, understanding that every single one of us has some form of financial hardship. you do have to step into the conversations with the people you're marrying. >> it causes all kinds of awkward conversations. i know, but jason's book talk money me is out tomorrow. everywhere books are sold. i did ask him the really important question i think most people want to know, which is he dating someone uh- because, you know, he's been single for a while. he wouldn't say there was a definite person, but he's been back out there and there's someone interesting. oh, okay. >> all right. thank you. eva we're gonna be we're gonna dive more into these tough conversation you need to have before having kids or buying a
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home. later this week, we'll be right back. >> what are the questions every couple should ask and answer before jumping in to marriage, owning a home and having children. tomorrow on gma. oh yeah, we're going there before you take the lead tomorrow on good morning america tonight kimball's back all new with billy crystal and jb smoove. >> plus aunt chippy gets april fools. >> oh, my god. >> then later this week, kirsten dunst, james corden, kim fields, conan gray and more new kimmel tonight and all this week on abc will tread new tuesday eight seven central on abc. always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning amanda. good morning everyone. so far we have a crash that we are continuing to track. this is over in corte madera. this is a three car crash on southbound 101 before madera boulevard. right now, the speeds are down to 21mph. we're
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told this is blocking a lane and chp is on the scene. so there are delays from five 8-80. we'll continue tracking this for you throughout the morning, and a look at your drive times for this morning. so far, everything looking pretty good on the richmond-san rafael bridge from point richmond to san rafael. just seven minutes. and on the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city. just 14 minutes. amanda. all right. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast after the break. >> precision garage door is a local family owned business and part of your community. when your garage door breaks, it doesn't care whether it's the night or the weekend. that's why your call will be answered by a live person. >> 24 seven precision door service a name you can trust. >> start your work day feeling good. listen to 96.5 koit weekday mornings for the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday. kickoff nearly 90 minutes of today's hits and yesterday's favorites. 96.5 kayo it when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan
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chassis, they say, oh, cool. >> but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulously refined tig1 hop in. it's a vw gets 0% apr financing, or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig one. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event after a car accident, you might think it's best to wait and see before calling a lawyer, but if you've been injured, wait and see could turn into wait and lose. >> when the insurance company thinks you need money, they usually offer less than you really deserve, often a lot less . at perjury. lawyers we don't believe in wait and see. we believe in fight and win car accident. get bird one 800 400 berg. >> hey, bay area, live with
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kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with emma roberts. >> plus a performance from the barenaked ladies that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in 30 minutes. we'll take you outside our east bay hills. camera showing you bright sunshine out there. temperatures were already warming through the 40s and 50s on our way to the 60s and 70s today, so get used to the sunshine. it's mild to warm today. we'll get you into the 70s away from the coast. amanda. >> all right. thanks drew. and news update have another abc ses and always on our news app an >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: a great way to start the week. we are so happy to have our next guest here. she's an actress from tv shows like "hot in cleveland" or "one day at a time." and a best selling author, i might add. valerie bertinelli has a new cookbook. it is called "indulge." dishes to share and enjoy.
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valerie, welcome back. >> thank you. so great to be here, robin. i have my little top over there. >> robin: so cute. at the kiddy table like that. all right. "indulge." i'm always curious about the title of a book. "indulge." >> indulge has negative connotations that i wanted to strip that of. i'm a life long dieter that indulging or cheating on the weekend, there's no such thing anymore. food doesn't have feelings. they're not good or bad. they're just there to nourish your body. i wanted to take back indulge and say, we should be indulging in joys. we should be indulging in everything. >> robin: yes. >> we should be indulging. doesn't mean you eat decaden the things all the time. or what if we change our brain and say everything we put into our body is decadent. and wonderful and joyful and indulge it. right? >> robin: we needed to hear that. what are you cooking up? >> i am going to make some chicken breasts in a tomato and prosecco sauce. >> robin: why prosecco?
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>> it's got this beautiful little light, almost sweet flavor. the bubble in the alcohol do just drain out or cook out. so we're going to start by cooking out the -- god, i have done this before. i used to have a cooking show, by the way, and i used to know how to do this. [ laughter ] >> robin: you got it. >> you want to salt and pepper both sides. you want to get these nice and crispy on both sides. don't worry about them being cooked all the way through. i will let you flip them. i am going to start on the sauce. this is what the pan will look like once you take the chicken breast out. it will have all that yummy stuff in there. get in some shallots. we're going to start building the sauce now. some shallots, tomatoes. >> robin: cherry tomatoes. >> yes. cherry tomatoes 'cause they're nice and sweet. we've already got olive oil in here with the chicken breast. we're going to come over here. it's going to come count down to this. then we'll start adding some other things. we want to add garlic because life isn't right without garlic. lemon zest.
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i just drop that. >> robin: why capers? >> capers are nice and salty. it adds all these different flavors. you want salt, fad, acid. you want all the fun stuff on your tongue. >> robin: smells so good. >> so good. get all of this cooked down, and then add a fancy french term for flour and butter mixed together. >> robin: all right. >> i don't even know if i'm saying it correctly because i can't speak french. it's almost like a cold roux already started. so the roux gets started. you have to whisk forever. those french were on to something. all this gets cooked down and turns into this. >> robin: ooh. >> nice beautiful thick sauce. you put the chicken breast back in. got to make sure the sauce is all cooked down. this isn't. this is live tv. then we come over here. >> robin: then go over there. >> then over here. it's magic. >> robin: come on, guys. what do you think?
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>> ginger: the caper is everything. the chicken is the perfect thinness. i love it. >> michael: i didn't plan on eating this much. this is delicious. [ laughter ] >> you saw how nice and easy it is. >> robin: you have some of your son's favorite recipes. >> i do. >> robin: speaking of your son, the oscars. you all had so much fun at the oscars. >> there they are. there's wolfie and his wife. we had the best time. oh my gosh. that was the show stopper of the oscars. it was a great show anyway. jimmy kimmell does a great job. ryan gosling killed it. my son was up there with him. i mean -- i mean. >> robin: mama bear. >> dre and i were the first ones out of our seats. we see robert deniro out of his seat. i'm like, that's my boy. >> robin: great moment. this will get us out of our seats. baked ziti.
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lasagne can take a lot of time. this is faster. >> this is something you can throw all together super quick, super easy, one pan. you have like the taste of lasagne in a really easy baked dish. >> robin: baked ziti. what do you think? >> so flavorful and fantastic. >> can you come around with me and talk about my food? >> michael: let us eat it. >> robin: michael doesn't really eat in the morning. >> michael. >> michael: i don't. >> oh my goodness. >> michael: you broke me down. >> i'm very excited about this. >> michael: i'm trying to time it out so i don't finish it. >> thank you. thank you. >> robin: high honor. how are you doing? >> i am doing amazing. >> robin: you are. i'll have what you're having. >> called a boyfriend. >> robin: oh! >> you taste the love. i see it. >> robin: thank you for sharing.
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>> i can't stop myself. >> robin: i know. i bring that out in people. they want to tell me things. >> it's all the work i have done to recover and really work through all of my emotional troubles and problems. to come out the other side and be a healthier, better version of myself. a more authentic version of myself. that's what i have done. and i met a great guy. >> robin: now you have something to offer. because you offered it to yourself first. >> exactly. >> robin: thank you for sharing that. you can get these recipes on good morning valerie's cookbook indulge. gotta wait until tomorrow but she will be back wednesday with more delicious dishes to share. >> thank you so much. >> robin: coming up, a new docu series. come on back.
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it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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>> george: we are back with a new documentary series the synanon six which is about a ground breaking drug treatment program in the '50s evolving into a cult. we're going to speak to the director rory kennedy after this preview. >> thank you. >> george: founded in 1958, synanon was the first residential drug treatment program in the u.s. >> my dad chuck's story and synanon's story. it's a big beautiful tragic story. >> george: but as synanon's grew
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in popularity, amassing thousands of members, grew for allegations of violence, child abuse and attempted murder were levelled at the organization. >> he did bring synanon down around him. but all of us in synanon he couldn't have done it without us enabling him. >> george: a new docu series the synanon fix, did the cure become a cult explores what happened through the eyes of those who lived it. >> lot of really smart, talented, educated people did things we would never do now, you know? i mean, how did that happen? because that's not how it started. >> george: rory kennedy joins us now. thanks for coming back to gma. what's your reason for this story? >> it's a fascinating story,
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george, as you can see. it's not just a typical cult story. it's really the story of this innovative drug treatment program. there was a heroin epidemic in california at the time, in 1958. there was nowhere for these folks to go. there were no drug treatment programs in the united states. people went to jail or to mental hospitals where they died. and the leader of this so called cult brought them in, had an innovative program and saved a lot of lives. >> george: what drew people to him? what was the source of his power? >> well, he had come from aa. he had been an alcoholic. his experience going to aa programs, which he did for many years and got a lot out of them. but he felt like they weren't confrontational enough and people were able to tell their stories, but he didn't feel like those stories were always so authentic and wanted to challenge people and have people challenge him.
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so he started these programs out of his home, basically, where they were like aa programs but you could attack people. you could challenge people. i think in addition to that, he was enormously charismatic and people were drawn to him. they came in. they wanted to stay. and many of them got off drugs. >> george: despite these allegations of abuse and all the violence you show in the documentary, most of the people you spoke with don't regret getting involved with synanon? >> well, that's the interesting thing. for me, having the opportunity to talk to the folks who lived through this, the pillars of synanon when it began was, no drugs and alcohol, and no violence. by the end, they had more firearms than anybody in the history of california and there was an open bar in the facility. so to talk with people who lived
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through this program and lived through these changes going from one extreme to another and how they made sense of it and processed it and learned from it and also maybe were damaged by it is fascinating ride. >> george: you also say that we are seeing the kind of dynamic we saw in synanon with a cult like leader playing out in our politics today. >> i think so. i think we are seeing the cult personality. what i have learned in making this documentary is that in times where there's uncertainty and it feels precarious, the world around us, that people are drawn to alternative models. there are supposedly 10,000 cults in the united states today. so i think there's a lot of people who are drawn to different leadership and being pulled into ideas that maybe
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aren't consistent with their moral compass. i think we can learn a lot from this program about what's happening in the world today. >> george: one other question about what's happening in the world today before you go. your brother, of course, robert f. kennedy jr. is running for president. you say this is the most important election of our life time and a vote for your brother is dangerous? >> well, my biggest concern with bobby's run is that he is going to take votes away from biden. i think this election is going to come down to handful of votes and a handful of states. i am concerned that voting for bobby is going to take votes from biden and lead to a trump election. i am very concerned what that will do to our country and to the world over the ensuing four years. >> george: rory, thanks for coming on. the series the synanon fix air tonight on hbo.
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ginger? >> ginger: today marks the start of earth month. the walt disney company and national geographic are launching a new global initiative called our home, spotlighting efforts to protect, restore and celebrate the planet. take a look. >> our world is an amazing, % place. it's our home. and we have the power to love and look after it. this earth day join national geographic and disney and take action to protect the shore and celebrate our planet. join the celebration on disney + all month long. >> ginger: it's going to be a big month. we are looking forward to seeing all those
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>> michael: coming up ronda rousey is here talking about her new memoir. we'll be right back. i'm excited, if you can't tell.
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>> michael: back now with a living legend in the world of fighting. ronda rousey was the first woman inducted into the hall of fame to hold ufc and wwe title, and the fired american woman to win a medal in judo. give it up for ronda rousey, everybody. welcome. [ applause ] i have always been a big admirer of yours. all fighters in general. such a tough business. you've been so open about everything that's gone on in
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your career and the brutal consequences of fighting. one of those things is concussions. i know you've suffered from concussions. how are you doing right now? >> i'm doing fine. i'm trying to be appreciative of every day. i have got dementia and alzheimer's in my family. so family members that haven't been taking impacts their whole lives. trying to appreciate the present. >> michael: you have to appreciate the present. you were the first in so many things. first woman to sign a ufc contract. you earned undefeated, had 12-0 record until your big bout famous fight in 2015. how did that bout change the course kwroufr career? >> i think it just really forced me to confront my own health issues that i had been burying and avoiding and at times living in denial of that. when my judo career, over ten years i have been experiencing concussion symptoms more often than not. back and forth cte and all that research was out.
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i just got to the point where all the hits i was taking, even though i was having fights that were only a couple seconds. there's 50 rounds of sparring that goes into every fight. it was just starting to take a toll where, like, i was just getting -- every time you get one concussion, the next one's easier. next one's easier. by the time i was done when i went to wwe i was getting open hand slap from stef mcmahon and having concussion symptoms after ward. it was just get easier and easier to get hurt. i just couldn't be fighting at that top level any more. >> michael: it's amazing. people don't see that. they just see the glamour and glory of you and the excitement of all those things. it must have taken you to a dark place. how did you pull yourself out of that dark place? >> my husband had a lot to do with it. he just kept a lot of chocolate and crepes going. [ laughter ]
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love and understanding. he didn't rush me through it. he let me take my time in dealing with it and just being there for me. >> michael: after ufc you go to wwe to wrestle. you become the champion. what made you step away from that? >> it's just not a lifestyle i can continue while being a mom, you know? i was on the road 18 months with my baby. there was nothing we could sustain forever. >> michael: would you ever consider going back to wwe? >> not unless things drastically change with how things are run there. i highly doubt it. >> michael: you and your husband travis have a working farm. i see you on instagram. you got animals. you work it. what's next for you? >> we're growing our alternative waygu ranch. we raise our animals. we have waygu and poultry. we mimic natural processes to sequester carbon into the
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ground. we take this land that was more dirt than grass and bring it back into this thriving grassy habitat. we have herds of antelope coming through, mule deer habitat. it's become self-fulfilling that we get hooked on that outside validation that it's nice to have something that's validating in itself. >> michael: you describing that i'm like, sounds like paradise. it's your paradise. >> yeah. and we had a hand in making it, you know? it gives us a sense of pride that nothing else does. >> michael: thank you for being here. really, really, all the respect in the world for you, ronda. >> thank you. >> michael: ronda's book "our fight" is available tomorrow. make sure you get yourself a copy. stay right there, everybody. we'll be right back.
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>> what are the questions every couple should ask and answer before jumping into marriage, owning a home and having children? tomorrow on gma, oh, yeah. tomorrow on good morning america . >> a great start to the week and the month here on gma. have a great day everyone. take care. >> happy april fools. rabbit. rabbit is rabbit. >> can you believe it? it's 25 years of breakfast in bed. surprising moms across america. oh my god. >> oh my goodness.
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right now, save $50 on select battery lawnmower sets real steel. find yours. >> no one can undo an accidental death, but we can help manage what comes next. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. it looks like a lot of people are on spring break this week because the traffic volume is very light today. check this out. this is a live look at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera. hardly any cars out there compared to what we normally see this time of the morning. so you will not have any issues here. and looking at your drive times for this morning. also a lot of green, which means no slowdowns, no
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delays from highway four to walnut creek. only six minutes, walnut creek to five 8-80 12 minutes, and even tracy to dublin only 24 minutes. right now. >> hey, let's take a live look at our south beach camera. it's lovely out there. temperatures were warming fast this morning. 50s if not already 60s on the board. a live look outside. you can see our day planner from san rafael. nothing but sunshine. warm in the 60s and 70s. amanda. >> all right. thanks, jude. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for b midday live. have a deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, from american horror story: delicate, emma roberts. plus, tasting & testing peanut butter with corey b. also, a performance from the rock band, barenaked ladies. ["10:35" by tiesto and tate mcrae] all next on live. ♪ and i can feel your arms around me ♪ ♪ let 'em drown me ♪


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