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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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water plan. suzanne. >> so, julianne, j.r. water experts say this snow survey is critical. it helps forecast how much will melt and how much will run off to state reservoirs. now, with growing concerns about our water supply, governor newsom released an updated plan for the state to capture more water and deal with extreme weather in california. >> we know that winter snows bring summer flows. >> big news for california's snowpack and what that can mean for a reservoirs later this year. today, the april snow survey got under way at phillips station off highway 50, with governor newsom making a special appearance. here's how things looked. >> our survey today. we recorded a depth of 64in and a snow water content of 27.5in, and that results in 113% of average for this location. >> statewide, the sierra snowpack was 110% of average for april 1st. that's up from 28% on january 1st. dwr says our
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snowpack shows significant improvement, but it also says a dry start to the water year and a drier environment overall may still impact snow runoff. we saw a number of atmospheric rivers over the past two winters, with the extreme conditions becoming the new normal. state leaders say it's important to invest in water storage. >> the snowpack in california has traditionally been about two thirds of our so what it means into the future is we need to continue to invest.
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>> rest of the month. so that could mean more good news
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agreements have been made with
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santa clara county on key terms, including workplace safety. but a sticking point is money. the union is asking for a 15% wage increase through october 2025. it rejected the latest county proposal of 13. >> it wasn't because of the money, it was because of the working conditions and floating us to the other hospitals, jennifer hughes, a psychiatric nurse with the county for 11 years, says along with better staffing, she wants to see safety improvements. we just would like more staffing and more social security to help keep us safe. >> and others want to limit floating positions, saying working at multiple facilities poses a safety risk, and it's not safe for one nurse to be moved to another hospital and give care in those units. >> because what happens is we don't know the policy for that floor and we won't be able to provide the care that we need to. also, in an emergency, we're in an unfamiliar environment. we don't know where all the supplies are. >> santa clara county says the three day strike may impact
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primary care and clinics, resulting in postponements, but the county says it will spend $20 million to keep essential services running with temporary staff during the strike. >> that's really disheartening because that could have been money that they gave to their own nurses who care and love the patient population that we take care of. but instead of doing that, they chose to use the travelers to be able to cover for the nurses who are on strike. >> county leaders have said that they are taking all necessary steps to protect patients, clients, employees and visitors from the impacts of this strike in san jose. lena howland abc seven news. >> new details here. investigators arrested two people in a shooting that injured three people outside of a safeway gas station in american canyon, police say two people from vallejo are being held without bail. one of them is a teenager, the other is 18 years old. that shooting happened yesterday afternoon on american canyon road, just off of highway 29. three people were shot. officials are not giving us any information about their
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conditions at this time. a witness in the nearby safeway says she heard about 16 to 20 shots, and 216 year old boys have been arrested in connection to last week's deadly shooting in downtown san francisco. police say it was a 17 year-old that was shot and killed thursday, just outside of the powell street bart station. it's still unclear what led up to that shooting. then on friday, officers served a search warrant to on turk street and took the two teens into custody. their names have not been released because they are minors. >> three people now face charges for burglaries around the oakland estuary. the arrests are part of an increased focus by the city to crack down on crime around the harbor, but abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with people at the estuary who say there is still more work to be done. >> any kind of permanent anchoring in the estuary is simply not e still some who are doing exactly that with their boats. >> a couple small vessels are still in the middle of the water
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at the oakland estuary. oakland police say they've arrested a few people living there, claiming they stole from nearby businesses. >> they're trying to accuse somebody of something that's not doing nothing. >> this woman says her husband and her friend were two of the people arrested. she asked us not to show her face, but she lives on one of the boats. oakland police say they found stolen items when they searched the boats. but this woman says those items belong to her and her husband and friend are innocent. >> the evidence when they came for the search warrant, they took my personal stuff. stuff that i bought and have receipts for. >> we reached out to opd for comment and we're waiting to hear back. crime has plagued the oakland estuary. last year, the coast guard was brought in to stop pirates who were stealing from boats and sinking them. some of those sunken boats are still there. >> and this is an example. that's a 72 foot ex-navy boat that sunk here by this public fishing pier. >> former harbor master brock delap says the estuary looks better now than it did a few months ago. in december, oakland police removed many boats anchored in the water, but delap
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says there is still work to be done at this point, with the exception of a few anchor out boats. >> we're left with just dealing with these sunken boats. >> it's illegal to anchor your boat on the water. you have to park it at a marina like this one. the problem, according to the old harbor master, it could take a while to get a permit that allows you to live on a boat at the marina. and it's hard also for a harbor master to keep track of it. the woman knows what she is doing is illegal, but says she can't afford to get a permit and says the coast guard is letting her stay. >> the coast guard specifically told me that it's okay for you to park here. >> delap says opd needs to constantly monitor the estuary. he fears if they don't, crime could rise again. >> what's most important going forward is that the city of oakland and the new police chief, floyd mitchell, understands that the estuary is worth protecting. >> in oakland, ryan curry abc seven news.
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>> four suspects accused in at least three storage locker burglaries in san jose are now in custody. police arrested the four ages 19 to 45 last wednesday at a home in milpitas, where they say they retrieved more than $400,000 in stolen property, including several musical instruments. they say they also discovered a loaded semi-auto pistol, a high capacity magazine. 2000 rounds of ammunition and illegal narcotics. the suspects will face multiple felonies, including burglary, grand theft, vandalism and possession of stolen property. school enrollment offices are becoming service enters the impact of rush of immigrant students. >> seven on your side exposes a scheme that took advantage of a service for people with hearing loss. a local family that fell victim shares their story and personal information exposed. the problem of doxing is growing, and now there's a new effort to help the victims out there. >> i'm spencer christian. some
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cold showers are headed our way just as we approach the giants home opener on friday. how will that affect the game? i'll have the ac ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes
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many are coming here. that's until now. as abc seven news reporter luz pena explains in san francisco, apparently that data is coming from an unexpected place, and that's the school system lose. >> that's right. julian, one of the first things that many immigrant families do when they arrive in san francisco is enroll their kids in school. and as we know, immigration status does not is not a barrier to getting kids into school. and sfusd does not ask a family's immigration status because san francisco is a sanctuary city. but the school district's data now may help other city agencies better deal with this ongoing crisis. >> una pagina es para la nacion. >> it's been a long journey. but finally, the avila's brothers were reunited with their mom in san francisco, alejo's la semana pasada. my kids got here last week, 16 year old eric and his 12 year old brother freddie fled guatemala hoping for a better future. today their mom is enrolling them in school. undermined. there's no more fear for safety, but the simple
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question will i make new friends? >> nervous? >> i'm nervous. just like the avila's. there are hundreds of families coming into the san francisco unified school district offices every month. >> more immigrant, migrant families coming into our office. often our families are coming and they are arriving. sometimes just the day before. and this is the first stop the school district's enrollment office has now turned into a resource center for many. you could say we're going a little beyond what the enrollment center office is. >> so we're going to get two backpacks. >> every student who's enrolled here gets new supplies, but many need more than just notebooks. >> we've had families living in cars and sleeping on the streets before. they're able to access some kind of shelter or service through the city. >> a decade ago, sfusd created rice assaf to help asylum seekers, and lately they noticed the need has increased. >> we're seeing about, i would
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say, an average of 150 newly enrolled students every single month since about december of 2023, and every month somewhere between like 5 to 15 of those families report being unhoused. >> sfusd is working with the city's civic engagement and immigrant affairs office, who noticed the uptick 18 months ago. and not all are coming from latin america. >> there are some families that are coming from ukraine, for example, where we know a why? because of the war. we also have seen, an influx of chinese immigrants coming through the southern border. and we know that many of them make a stop in south america and then come up through central america and through mexico before they reach the us border. >> so why is this data important ? an example of this? just last month, san francisco reported that refugee migration is putting pressure on the city's system of care, especially its family shelter system. this led to supervisor melgar and ronen proposing for the city to
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increase capacity in family shelters in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news. >> luz, thank you so much. in the east bay has storic waterfront restaurant in oakland that closed earlier this year, will soon reopen, the east bay times reports that nathan tran and his family have assumed ownership of quinn's lighthouse before closing in january. the restaurant operated for 40 years inside a lighthouse built in 1890. i spoke with management at the time who blamed increasing costs, crime and loss of business due to the warriors and raiders moving out of oakland, tran hopes to do a soft opening in may. >> telephone captioning services enable millions of hearing impaired people to talk by phone, but they can also be a direct line for phone scammers to reach the hearing impaired. and as a bay area family found out, captioning operators are required by law to type out every single word a caller says, even if it's a scammer swindling someone with a disability. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra has their story without
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captel, she never would have been able to hear the caller. >> she never would have understood them, and she never would have been scammed. >> donna badgett is still trying to understand why a telephone captioning service meant to help her mom also helped somebody scam her. i mean, i feel horrible because her hearing has been bad, so i bought it for her for a christmas gift. >> thinking i was doing her a favor, her 83 year old mother, judith, got the call one morning on her cell phone. >> her grandson was in jail. was she posting bail? judith had heard about grandma scams, but words on the screen made it seem real. >> she wouldn't have been frauded without it. >> the caller claimed to be a lawyer trying to get dui charges reduced. the captel operator silently typed every word the scammer said if you can post bail quickly, i can make sure it's a misdemeanor and not a felony, but you need to act quickly. >> can you get to your money today? what bank do you go to? he looked it up and he's like, oh, they open at 10:00. >> judith asked about her
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grandson. the operator typed the reply. he's a bit embarrassed and wants to keep this between you guys. he did suffer minor injuries. the airbag broke his nose. they gave him five stitches. the captel operator typed out every word of the scammers instructions. are you back from the bank? >> did you get the cash? did you get the envelopes? >> the scammer said, get a nine by 12 manila envelope. you're going to put the envelope from the bank in the middle of two magazines, and then you're going to place it in the manila envelope like you're making a sandwich. a courier would pick up the money and quote, the driver doesn't know anything about the case. he's like an uber driver. leave me on the line and head outside. ask his name. give him the package. >> my mom put the phone down, went outside, delivered the money, and then he called back like an hour and a half later. oh, i have bad news. the woman that was in the car with him was pregnant. she lost the baby. >> the scammer wanted more money from judith, supposedly for the woman's medical expenses. >> you need to go get more envelopes. go back to the bank,
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get the cash after the fact. >> the family got the call log and could see every word the scammer said. >> i read a couple the first time. >> i mean, it's just so disheartening. >> donna was furious. the cattle operators did not try to stop the scam and, she says, effectively assisted in a crime. >> i mean, they are transcribing fraudulent calls. they enabled her to get scammed, but the cattle company hamilton relay services says federal law makes it illegal for transcribers to intervene in any call. >> even if it's a scam. the operators must serve as, quote, invisible conduits without censoring, altering or interfering in any way with personal and private communications. fcc rules in the americans with disabilities act require that captioning services provide the same rights of privacy afforded to hearing phone users who expect no one is listening in on their calls. >> i said, can't you even say, you know? >> please note we think this is a scam. >> donna can't believe it was illegal for the company to
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notify her that her mom was being swindled, or even to stop typing the scammers instructions. >> i think things have to change . the fcc has to make these changes like have an emergency contact on the account, or alert the local police on line forms among caption operators show some disagreement about their role, should they have discretion to intervene in troubling calls, where would they draw the line? >> what if a caller was threatening physical violence? right now, the law says they may not step out of their invisible role. if you have served as a transcriber for the hearing impaired, we'd like to hear from you. for seven on your side, i'm stephanie sierra. abc seven news. >> if you have a consumer issue, seven on your side wants to hear from you. all you have to do is send us your stories online at abc seven and click seven on your side. >> well, julianne, if we were able to have this show anywhere, i think outside right now would be the place to have it. >> yeah, it's been gorgeous weather all day long. that
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incredible stretch of weather we had over the weekend. still hanging around. we love to see it. checking in now with abc seven weather anchor spencer christian. >> okay, jillian and j.r. well, enjoy the weather today. the warmth, if that's what you like, because things are about to change. but let's take a look at what's happening right now before we get to the changes on the satellite radar composite image, you can see high pressure. the controlling factor in our weather. but look at all that active weather up in the gulf of alaska. a storm developing up there, cold front headed our way so you can see why things are going to change. but right now we've got warm sunshine all across the bay area, 62 degrees here in san francisco, oakland 66. we have low to mid 70s at hayward and san jose 68, san mateo 57 at half moon bay, looking westward from the east bay hills. camera other temperature readings right now up in the north, santa rosa stands at 70 degrees mid to upper 60s at petaluma and napa, mid 70s at fairfield, concord and livermore. so this is some nice spring weather. but here's a futurecast starting at 7:00 tomorrow morning. notice clouds will be moving in tomorrow and increasing as we get into tomorrow night. frontal system will sweep through, bringing cold air behind it, and by
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thursday morning, about the time the morning commute gets underway, we'll see some cold showers swinging through the bay area and they will continue through the day thursday. overnight thursday into friday morning before the showers begin to taper off in. the rain here will translate into more snow over in the sierra. the rainfall totals by 11:00 friday morning will range generally from about a quarter of an inch to just over a half inch. but some locations like hayward and fremont will be a bit wetter, with over an inch of rainfall likely now. how does all this affect the giants home opener friday at oracle park against the padres? well, game time 135. it will be only 52 degrees. partly sunny. showers will probably have ended by then. and then later in the game we'll see a slight increase in temperatures in the late afternoon, up to about 55 degrees, but it's going to be gusty. so that's not ideal baseball weather, but it's san francisco baseball weather overnight lows tonight generally in the upper 40s to around 50 degrees. and then tomorrow, a fairly mild today, just a bit cooler than than to than today
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was. we'll see inland areas warming up to the upper 60s right around the bay shoreline, low to mid 60s, upper 50s on the coast. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. so level one storm coming in on thursday. cold showers that will linger overnight into friday morning. but we do expect the showers to taper off before the game begins friday afternoon. sunny and still cool over the weekend. they will start to get a little bit warmer on monday, which is, what's happening monday? >> the solar eclipse. >> eclipse? yeah. >> i couldn't get the word eclipse. it was stuck way back here. just stuck on baseball. exactly. >> baseball eclipse is the weather right? for those of us who are fans. anyhow, milder weather beginning early next week on eclipse day. all right. wonderful. thank you so much. okay >> a big eclipse is coming next week, as you just heard about ahead. how you can get an alternative view of it. >> and have you seen this video
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yet? yeah. the possible cause of these mysterious streaks of light across the sky down a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. solar eclipse in north america in seven years. here in the us, people from texas to maine will have the best view of the eclipse on monday. we'll only get a partial view between 10
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and 1145 in the morning. now, if you want to take in the eclipse but don't have special glasses like these, usf astronomy professor andrew fraknoi offered an interesting alternative on our afternoon program getting answers. >> here's what you do. stand with your back to the sun. bring a household calendar and hold it over your shoulder so that the holes in it are pointing toward the sun, but you're not looking at the sun and look at the shadow that the calendar makes on the sidewalk in that shadow. each hole in the calendar will act like a pinhole projector, and you'll see lots of images of the eclipsed sun in the shadow. >> interesting. here's another interesting note a state prison in new york is putting its inmates under lockdown during the eclipse as a safety precaution, and inmates are not happy about it. in fact, according to the new york times, they filed suit claiming the prison is stripping them of their constitutional rights, claiming the phenomenon is a religious experience. for a list
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of eclipse events, including viewing parties, head to our website abc seven there's a link on our home page these are some trying times for former president donald trump, who his $175 million legal move today and the ruling by a judge in another case against him that trump is calling unconstitu tional a lawmakers targeted effort against ticketmaster could make buying those third party tickets a
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new york civil fraud case that allows him to hold onto his new york properties for the time
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being. >> in another case, a judge has expanded the partial gag order he put on trump. abc news reporter alex christoforos is following these cases. >> reporter former president donald trump has secured a $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. that means for now, his assets will not be seized by the state. a judge had found trump and his two oldest sons deceived lenders by inflating their net worth. last week, a court reduced the size of the bond trump needed to cover the $464 million judgment. while his lawyers appealed the ruling. but if the appeal fails, trump will have to secure the original amount or authorities could begin seizing his new york properties. >> we will seek a you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> trump's lawyers had argued the former president lacked the cash to secure a bond for the full judgment, after being rejected by more than 30 bond companies. meanwhile, another judge has now expanded the gag
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order against trump in the criminal case where he's accused of falsifying business records related to a so-called hush money payment to actress stormy daniels. ahead of the 2016 election. trump has pleaded not guilty. the order from judge juan merchan prevents trump from attacking the judge's family members and the family of district attorney alvin bragg. trump targeted merchant's daughter on social media for her work with a group involved in democratic politics. during radio interviews in wisconsin ahead of that state's primary, trump called the cases against him unfair. >> i didn't have cases in my whole life. can you imagine? and now i get all this stuff that has happened with with that and it's purely election. it's all nonsense. >> in a statement, the trump campaign called the judge's order unconstitutional, saying it deprives him from engaging in political speech, which is protected by the first amendment. but judge mershon said trump's words have singular power and is deliberate and intended to intimidate this court. the trial is set to start
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april 15th. alexis christoforous , abc news, new york. >> seven aid workers in gaza were killed in an apparent israeli airstrike overnight. we've learned one of the victims was an american canadian dual citizen named jacob flickinger. injure the other aid workers were from australia, poland and the united kingdom and the palestinian territory. the workers were delivering food with the world central kitchen when they were hit. the israeli military says it's investigating how it happened. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the strike was not intentional. world central kitchen says it's pausing operations in gaza and assessing future aid operations. other aid is also at risk. cyprus says it's turning back ships loaded with about 240 tons of undelivered aid after this strike. >> cleanup is underway at dragon river restaurant on geary boulevard in san francisco. after getting burglarized once
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again, the restaurant's owner says she's been hit at least four times and claims police don't do anything. she shared this surveillance video of the intruder breaking in. she says he got away with some coins, mail and other random things. >> legislation to make doxing a civil crime is now making its way through the state legislature. the bill from san diego assembly member chris ward would allow victims to pursue damages of up to $30,000, in addition to court costs and legal fees. ward says doxing is one of the most extreme forms of privacy invasion in exposing sensitive information through doxing can also put victims at risk of, or responding to injury from identity theft, harassment, stalking, physical harm, and even death. doxing is the unauthorized release of someone's personal information like phone numbers, addresses, or medical records as a way to embarrass, extort, or exploit victims. it's already a crime in california. >> we like to focus on solutions
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and abc seven's ongoing commitment to help build a better bay area. a new state bill would make it easier to build housing in cities and counties that are not meeting construction goals. that bill, by assembly member buffy wicks of oakland, would put more teeth behind a current law promoting housing construction. it designates which areas are suitable for residential development and excludes industrial zones. the bill targets cities and counties reluctant to build housing, and this bill is not about taking away local control, it's about creating consequences for ignoring the law would also allow more dense housing and eliminate affordability requirements for smaller projects in the south bay. the city of milpitas is accepting applications for a program that will help 50 lower income households pay their rent. applicants who qualify for the milpitas rent relief program could be eligible for $645 a month in rental aid for two
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years, a family of four has to make less than $53,500 a year to qualify. the threshold for a one person household is just over 37,000. the residents will also work in the city, will be given priority. applications are due by may the 1st. >> new details as we look live at oakland international airport, san francisco international airport's director says the city's board of supervisors will introduce a resolution formally opposing the oakland airport's proposed name change. metropolitan oakland international airport could drop the word metropolitan and change its name to san francisco bay. oakland international airport. the port of oakland's commissioners are set to vote on the name change proposal april 11th. sfo says the oakland airport should consider a different name to avoid confusion for travelers. sfo officials think that the name change could confuse travelers.
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>> a bay area legislator wants to make buying concert tickets more like buying airplane tickets. the state bill would ban companies like ticketmaster or live nation from having exclusive control of ticket sales to concerts and events that would allow fans to buy tickets from different vendors and make it easier for fans to resell their tickets. live nation says the bill promotes ticket scalping. and speaking of ticket sales, if a chance at winning $1 billion didn't convince you to buy that powerball ticket, maybe the jackpot now will. no one hit all the numbers last night? so the powerball is now worth at least $1.09 billion, 12 people in california, they got lucky enough. they got four numbers plus the powerball that gets them $14,000. in last night's drawing. here are the numbers. it's been three months since anyone won the powerball jackpot . tomorrow's drawing will be one of the biggest of any lottery ever. >> yeah, i could go for $1 billion. i'll take it. >> yeah, the one week ahead of that highly anticipated eclipse,
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some people in southern california are trying to understand a different mystery that came streaking across the sky early this morning. >> that is so cool. >> what am i seeing? >> yeah, what are they seeing? dozens reported these mysterious lights in the sky over temecula, orange county, los angeles, and even further beyond. some speculate it was debris from the space x rocket that took off from the vandenberg space force base last night. also a chinese spacecraft was predicted to reenter the planet's atmosphere near l.a. so far, there's been no official word on exactly what everyone saw in the sky on today's four at four private time. >> does your boss ever bother you? after your work hours? that could become illegal in california. all right, disconnect that phone call. >> and while we're talking time, fast food restaurants are living up to their name. the new dining trend. that could mean the end to tha you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. is still technically on the clock. a state bill would give employees the right to disconnect when they leave the office. san francisco assembly member matt haney introduced a bill yesterday that would let employees ignore calls and texts from employers after work hours. the bill mandates employers to clearly outline working hours
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and guarantees workers uninterrupted personal and family time outside of those hours. exceptions include emergencies or scheduling notifications. luiz pena is always on her phone after hours loose. how do you feel about this one? >> okay, i'm gonna answer. and then you got to answer this one too, because we are both always on social media and responding to people. i feel like it goes for certain people, but as reporters, i don't think i can do that. i always want to be in the know. i want to be available and also people are always sending you pictures for stories, and i want to be able to respond. so i personally wouldn't be able to follow this. what about you, jr? >> well, i think hey, you know, maybe if they pass it, maybe we get more money when we stay on a little later. julian your thoughts right. >> add it up. add it to the total. i think it's different though, right? if we're talking about people, you know, viewers reaching out to us with tips, maybe outside organizations, then the station reaching out to you right. you know, on slack and email after hours. so what
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do you think in other lines of work? >> of course, that may be a good thing, but but for us, i mean, we need to be on call because news breaks, weather changes, you know, all kinds of things happen that need us on the job. and. right. so i'm okay with that. >> yeah. >> they would call me during my off hours. >> okay. be careful what you wish for, spencer. you know, they make the exception for emergencies. >> but, you know, like some folks in tech, they are always going 9:00, 10:00 at night. give it a break. >> but if you are going to get more money for it, you know, like, okay, well, i'll work extra, you know, like that. not against that. >> it's never more money. come on. >> okay, so maybe you want to keep a close eye on the cash register next time you shop at target or safeway? because they're taking too much of your money. apparently, price inspectors, they found several target and safeway bay area stores that have overcharged customers above the posted price. customers at a novato safeway were found paying $1 extra for items like soap, coffee, oreos. not the first time it's happened either. as sfgate reports, both retailers
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have paid penalties for overcharging in the past. we know it's so tough for people just to make ends meet. inflation is at an all time high, and to hear that the chains these big chains are overcharging you. this is wild, spencer. >> how has that happening? is does that mean that the price you're charged at the when you're checking out is different, is higher than the posted price on the aisle? exactly. that's that's crazy. >> you know, i feel like i would personally fall for this because i don't actually check every time that somebody's ringing whatever i'm buying. but we have to now after seeing this, i mean, you have to double check. >> yeah, i do my best to check, but sometimes it just goes so fast i can't keep up. now, if i see something, i'm like a hawk. >> and their workers are so nice. you're just talking to them. you're just having a good time. >> maybe we'd pay closer attention at self-checkout, right, yeah, that's a good point. >> yeah, yeah. >> then you're eyeing it. but you're also going a little slow. >> yeah. that's true. >> well, you could face a time limit the next time you head to
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a fast food restaurant. some restaurants are putting up signs to impose time limits for eating. the intent is to speed up customer turnover and prevent people from hanging out at the restaurants all day. people on reddit are posting photos of the new trend. while some applaud the move, others expressed concerns about potential discrimination against certain groups, such as the homeless community. hey, let's be honest, mcdonald's has been doing this for years. they just make it uncomfortable to sit there and then you have to leave. julian. >> what do you mean? the chairs are uncomfortable enough. >> the idea is to get them in, they eat and they're uncomfortable, and they leave. >> you know, a lot of sit down restaurants since the pandemic. when you reserve your table, they'll let you know you have this table for an hour and a half or two hours. so i guess it's kind of a sign of the times. spencer. >> yeah, i think it really is. i wish it would apply to more coffee shops, chains, wherever people go in and get one, you know, cappuccino, and they're there for three hours doing other stuff. >> the wi-fi. yep. yeah. >> i wonder if you can buy something and then you, you know, you pay for that and then you buy something else and you just like, keep extending that.
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>> yeah. you could do that. >> as long as you're still giving them some money, that'll probably be okay with you, right? >> yep. >> i don't have a problem with time limits, though. i really i mean, again, spencer made the great point. three hours for one coffee. yeah. come on. >> don't you see that often? right. oh for sure. >> yeah. people come for the coffee, stay for the wi-fi. right a list of companies looking to cash in on next week's total eclipse keeps getting longer and longer. so far, we have krispy kreme and oreo. they're teaming up on a donut cookie creation. you're looking at them right here. a sonic drive in. they are selling a blackout slush float. wow. sunchips oh, those are good. they've unveiled a new flavor that will only be available during the event, and airlines including southwest and delta, they are advertising a clip viewing flight paths. i guarantee you those are already sold out. but this eclipse can be big business. >> yes. so yeah, it certainly can. >> i mean, our our data producer upstairs, lindsey, she's going to arkansas next week. say she won't stop talking about it. and it's great. it's really exciting. as for the meals that
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we see there, can we do some healthy meals here instead of it all being the junk food? yeah, yeah. >> like the donut oreo. what are we even talking? >> i mean, i want to eat it, but still, that's what i was just thinking. i mean, if i had a sweet tooth, like most normal people do, i would. i i'd be curious. i'd want to check that out. but, you know, it it means nothing to me. >> hey, good marketing for them. you got. it is great marketing. you got. yeah. good job for them. >> i agree, it's totally great marketing. >> no doubt about that. >> limited edition wine, maybe. spencer the grapes only pick during the solar eclipse. >> now we're speaking your language, right? >> i'm so there for that. >> it's like wines healthy too, right? >> put that eclipse on a wine label. >> you got them hook, line and sinker. that'll do it for the four of four. w
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that is matt bolton vibing out right there and tainting people around thrive city outside of chase center in san francisco. he is the first performer in thrive city's live music lunch series, which runs from noon until 130 every tuesday through june the 11th. the organizers tell us it is a great way to spend your lunch hour and enjoy some live music from local bay area musicians. and today was a perfect day to get out and enjoy it. the sun was shining. it was beautiful. >> spencer christian is here.
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he's going to say enjoy it while we got it. >> that's true and we won't have it much longer, but it will be coming back, of course. so for tonight, look for an increase in clouds and overnight lows will be mainly in the mid to upper 40s. and tomorrow partly cloudy skies with increasing clouds through the day. breezy, especially at the coast. highs tomorrow mainly in the mid to upper 60s, so a little bit cooler than today was, but the cooling will continue for the remainder of the week. as we look at our forecast animation, we have some clouds rolling through that will bring. it will be a cold front bringing some cold air in behind it for thursday and some showers that start early thursday morning. continue through the day thursday and linger into friday before they wind down. so we're talking about cold showers associated with a level one storm on thursday. as we look at the accuweather seven day forecast friday, we expect some partial clearing in the afternoon. giants have their home opener at oracle park, so we're looking forward to dry conditions for that going into the weekend. not much of a warm up, but a significant warm up beginning on eclipse monday and continuing into the middle of next week. julian and jr thank
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you so much. >> decadent naughty and poignant. those three words are used by reality star lisa vanderpump to describe her new show. >> yeah, we're going to hear from her about the docu drama vanderpump villa and how it focuses on her new business venture in france. when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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trend, followed by the rookie and then at ten. the good doctor , they want to stick with us after that for abc seven news at 11. over the last decade, lisa vanderpump has been a part of some of the most talked about reality tv shows like the real housewives of beverly hills and vanderpump rules. >> the die hards just love this show and this post-scandal world. the mogul is taking a break from all that drama, taking her over-the-top taste overseas for a new series with a brand new cast. it's called vanderpump villa. >> entertainment reporter joelle gargiulo caught up with lisa and has all the details. >> if you know reality tv, you know the name lisa vanderpump. welcome to vanderpump villa. the restaurateur turned real housewife turned reality tv mogul is bringing her business abroad. wait, where are we be expanding the vanderpump verse with the new show. >> vanderpump villa is a curated luxury experience. it's not just
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a hotel, it's a fantasy. all my staff has to do is execute my wishes. >> congratulations on the new series. >> thank you. know, it was a dream of mine. >> it really was to own a chateau and to really indulge myself in this kind of fantasy. >> the premise goes a little something like this. lisa hand-selected the staff staff who will work, live and play at chateau rosé belle. what do you want people to know about this group? also like who are these people? >> i think we had something like 5000 people apply in the first couple of weeks while they're creating once in a lifetime experiences for guests. >> as long as we make sure they leave happy, we can do whatever we want. >> living and working together 24 over seven is sure to create some rivalries, romances, and everything in between. >> as long as you can assure me your relationship does not affect my business. >> marciano is kissing my guess. >> what must we know about vanderpump villa?
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>> i think it's decadent. it's naughty. i'd never lived with my staff, so for me to be around them 24 over seven was definitely an eye opening experience. >> there's a lot of heart and soft moments, and we should say this is not vanderpump rules. >> ■yeah, that was very poignant moments because when people liken it to vanderpump rules, it's nothing like vanderpump rules because it's much more immersive. i can't say it's escape ism because it's, you know, it's naughty and complicated. it's not like just a dream for sure, but it's about people's different characters and how they react and the relationships between them, but also the beauty of a chateau in the south of france should never be missed. >> i'm joelle gargiulo, abc news . >> the first three episodes of vanderpump villa are streaming now on hulu, which is owned by the same parent company as abc seven. julian, i will say i did get hooked on a vanderpump rules season early on, okay, if you start watching, you may never stop watching. so i'm just giving a warning out there.
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>> you get some catching up to do? apparently, yes. >> and in this one, new episodes will be released weekly from what they say. >> all right, start binging now. abc seven is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> that's all the time we have today for abc seven news at four. thank you for joining us for abc. >> seven. news at five is coming up next. you got dan and dion. take care. stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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now we want to make sure all the ballots that are coming in are counted correctly. so every vote counts in every election. the importance of every vote could not be more evident than in the district 16 race to replace congressmember anna eshoo. good evening, and thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm dionne lim, and i'm dan ashley, former san jose mayor sam liccardo has already secured


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