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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 3, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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area connected tv app available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku download so you can start streaming. thanks for watching. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. >> larry biel, all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- dax shepard, cailee spaeny and music from kim gordon. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, thank you. thank you. hi, everybody.
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i appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for braving the horrors of hollywood boulevard to be here. please, relax. we have so much to get to tonight. so many important stories to cover, starting with the 38th annual "forbes" billionaire list. "forbes" yesterday released a list of all the billionaires in the world. there are 265 new ones. including magic johnson and taylor swift. [ cheers and applause ] making their first appearance. i guess that maga boycott of taylor swift is going great. [ laughter ] she's worth an estimated $1.1 billion and probably has another billion on the way. she has so much money, instead of going to travis' games, she's just going to pay to have them played in her yard next year. [ laughter ] donald trump checked in with a a net worth of $2.3 billion. no applause? [ boos ] well, somebody's going to be spanking himself with a "forbes"
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magazine tonight, i'll tell you that. [ laughter ] joe biden, our president and leader of the multi-tentacled biden crime family is only worth a measly $10 million. which he doesn't care, he's busy right now working on the moon. the white house has ordered nasa to create a standard of time for the moon. they're calling it "coordinated lunar time." it would be recognized internationally. this sounds like a fake project trump would've given mike pence to keep him busy. [ laughter ] "mike, you're in charge of all the moon clocks." [ laughter ] i wonder if they'll have moonlight saving time? [ laughter ] angrily resetting the clocks on their moon microwaves twice a year. here on earth, there were presidential primaries in four states yesterday. biden and trump won them all. but trump, somehow the ghost of nikki haley continues to plague trump, like an undigested chalupa. [ laughter ] haley got 13% of the republican vote in new york. more than 20% of republicans in
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wisconsin did not vote for trump. but not only is he still the front-runner, according to a new "wall street journal" poll trump leads biden in arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina, and pennsylvania. all important states. which just gives me a headache. how could this be? he doesn't even lead in a poll of people who worked for him. [ laughter ] his own former vice president said, "i cannot in good conscience endorse donald trump." here's what you should be paying attention to. his longtime former lawyer, michael cohen, says donald's an idiot. his former defense secretary mark esper said "i think he's unfit for office." his other former defense secretary said "he's the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the american people, he tries to divide us." former chief of staff john kelly said trump "has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our constitution, and the rule of law." his former attorney general bill barr suggested trump "shouldn't be anywhere near the oval office." former secretary of state rex tillerson said his understanding of global and u.s. history is
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"really limited." [ laughter ] can we get some music to speed this up? because there are more. ♪ former national security adviser said he showed "the absence of leadership." another former national security advisor said foreign leaders think trump is a "laughing fool." his former communications director called him "the domestic terrorist of the 21st century." his former press secretary -- "i am terrified of him running in 2024." his former homeland security adviser -- "an utter disgrace." former white house aide, "the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in american history." and his former golf trip sex partner said he has a [ bleep ] like the mushroom character in mario kart. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] all the "best people" think he's the worst. [ laughter ] we learned yesterday that trump is suing the co-founders of his media and technology group. the guys who put together truth social. i guess he had some free time
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between the 75 other lawsuits he's involved in. [ laughter ] these are the guys he's suing, andy litinsky and wes moss. former contestants on "the apprentice" who happen to look like eric and don jr.'s porn doubles. [ laughter ] but this is classic trump. he stands to make billions of dollars from this deal, billions! but it's not enough. he has to have the other guys' money, too. greedy mcgolfy was in green bay last night pushing the red hat hysteria of the week. >> what the hell was biden thinking when he declared easter monday to be transvisibility day? [ boos ] >> jimmy: transgender bad, boo, boo, boo! of course president biden didn't declare easter sunday transgender visibility day. it's been on the calendar since 2009 on march 31st. it has nothing to do with the office the president. but don't let the truth stop you, go on. >> such total disrespect to
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christians and november 5th is going to be called something else. you know what it's going to be called? christian visibility day. when christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before. let's call it christian visibility day. >> jimmy: yes. finally, a christian holiday we can celebrate. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i love that he's somehow the christian candidate. trump, not only doesn't he go to church, he didn't even go to church on easter sunday. the bidens went to an easter vigil. which if you've ever been is boring. that is -- you've really got to love the lord to go to one of those. [ laughter ] while the bidens were reading the bible, trump was out selling them. it's almost too much. and, of course, no trump rally would be complete without a look back at the election that got away. >> we got sideswiped by a wonderful election, wasn't that wonderful?
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remember 10:00, everyone's calling me. they say, "congratulations, sir." the biggest," congratulations, sir." i said, "yeah, but these people are cheaters. but i don't like to accept anything yet." and then 3:02 in the morning, a lot of dumps happened. >> jimmy: yeah, i bet, i bet. [ laughter ] that's why medical lane yeah has her own bathroom. [ laughter ] 3:02 in the morning incidents. it was quite a night in wisconsin. there were even celebrities in the crowd. >> the great legendary mike lindell and mrs. lindell. mrs. lindell. he's a great guy. fantastic guy with a beautiful new wife. congratulations, huh? look at that couple. that's a beautiful couple. beautiful couple. from the very first day that we take back the white house from crooked joe biden --
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>> jimmy: she got the hell out of there fast, huh? [ laughter ] there's a new mrs. mike lindell? how did i not know this? why wasn't i invited to the wedding? [ laughter ] and who marries mike lindell now? the pillow money is gone! she must really -- she must even love him more than i do, i think. [ laughter ] but what mike lindell may lack in funds right now he more than makes up for with enthusiasm. >> mike lindell, you gave a -- you jacked the audience up with your speech. tell us what you said. >> yeah, watch -- yeah, watch us. hey, everybody! hi! let's go! promo code walrus! oh! >> jimmy: yes, wave at the crazed walrus! [ laughter ] i hope he saves some of that energy for the honeymoon. [ laughter ] >> you couldn't even say "trump." you couldn't say "election." you couldn't say "ivermectin." you couldn't criticize covid. >> hey, i thought i was getting
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shadow banned on facebook, but all my friends were seeing it. they just wouldn't like anything i put there. ha ha ha! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, poor mike. even the people who like him don't like him anymore. [ laughter ] and then as mr lindell giggled his way offstage, sean hannity treated us to a surprise visit from another unique and delightful mike. >> here now with more, former heavyweight champion, the one and only mike tyson. good to see you, my friend. >> what's up, sean? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now that's a show i would watch! those two, that's a fun duo, right? [ applause ] all right, let's go out to hollywood boulevard. it's time to play "which one doesn't belong?" [ cheers and applause ] we worked hard on that logo. this is our announcer lou. how are you doing, lou, how are you? >> lou: i'm doing well, jimmy. >> jimmy: great. i feel like we're really getting to know each other. lou, this is not about you, i know you would agree. this is about the people we see. these people are a family.
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all except for one person in this group. one person in the group is a stranger who doesn't know the other people in the group at all. is that correct? >> lou: that is correct. >> jimmy: and my job is to figure out who the stranger is using my batman-esque detective skills. their job is to try to trick me, and i'm going to try to figure out which person is not in this family? let's see. we have ariana, we have jorge, we have adelia, we have moises and alicia. let me have a look at everyone's faces to see if i have any kind of a family resemblance. start with ariana. go over to jorge. and jorge -- all right. adelia. everybody looks very sad. [ laughter ] this is not a happy family. where are you guys from? >> santa clarita. >> jimmy: okay, all right. i'm going to put you two together. adelia, go stand next to ariana, will you?
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oh! well, that's interesting. you didn't know which one was ariana. okay. oh, that means one of these two on the end -- okay. i'm going to say -- oh, boy. i don't usually guess this quickly. hey, look, it's a guy in an rv. [ laughter ] okay. all right. i am going to say that -- let me have a look at them again real quick. you know how seriously i take this. i'm going to say -- adelia, are you a part of this family? >> no, i'm not a part of this family. >> jimmy: you're not, are you? [ cheers and applause ] i knew it. so proud of myself. what happened to your family, adelia? >> uh -- uh -- [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: did the guy in the rv take them from you? >> what? >> jimmy: are you lost on hollywood boulevard? can we help you? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: adelia, you didn't eat anything that looked like a gummy bear, did you? all right, all right. what do we have for this group, lou? >> lou: well, for the family we've got an xbox. >> jimmy: uh-huh? oh, great. and? what about adelia? >> lou: for adelia we have a box of clean ex. >> jimmy: oh, okay, well yeah. i'm so sorry, adelia. all right, let's bring in another family. thank you for playing. [ cheers and applause ] what do we call this game, again? "which one of them doesn't belong?" i probably should quit now, bought i know i'm really -- i'm ahead of the game, right? >> guillermo: always, jimmy, always. >> jimmy: thank you.
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let's go back out to hollywood boulevard. we've got a new group assembled. okay. lou, tell me what you know about these people. >> lou: they are a family. except for one of them. >> jimmy: okay. okay, all right, all right. well, let's look at their faces. yes, start with ciara. okay. and stacy. kylely, wendell, jasmine, and celita. all right, all right. stacy -- your eyes are a different color than everyone else. stacy, does your family have pets? yes. >> yes, we do. >> jimmy: what pets do you have? >> we have three dogs. >> jimmy: which of the kids gets the best grades? >> all of them. >> jimmy: stacy, are you part of this family? >> yes, i am. >> jimmy: you are. oh.
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are you positive? >> 100%. >> jimmy: okay, all right. all right, back to the drawing board. let's see. all right. wendell. >> yes? >> jimmy: what's your wife's mom's maden name? >> i've had a couple of drinks here on the strip here, jimmy. [ laughter ] [ applause ] so i'm surprised i answer to my own name. >> jimmy: well, now i'm hoping i'm wrong, because you're in a lot of trouble, wendell. wendell, are you part of this family? >> i am not. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you are not. all right. lou what do we have? >> lou: well, for the family, we've got dinner for five at musso and frank's. for the imposter, a sleeve of saltines. >> jimmy: thank you, wendell. thank you not family. all right. there you go. i don't know what we accomplished, but thank you for plaining.
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we've got a fun show tonight. cailee spaeny is here. we've got music from kim gordon and we'll be right back with dax shepard. so stick around!
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so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now... [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hiya. welcome back to the show.
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tonight, a very talented young actor. her new movie is called "civil war." cailee spaeny is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a music legend. she is a founding member of sonic youth. this is her second solo album "the collective." music from kim gordon. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, we'll be joined by kirsten dunst and andrew scott with music from conan gray. so please join us for that. our first guest tonight is that rare podcaster who's as comfortable discussing emotional trauma as he as manual transmission. from the very popular "armchair expert" podcast and its many spin-offs, please say hello to dax shepard. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for beg here. i know you announced you're
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retired from talk shows. i appreciate you coming out of retirement. >> this is my only toe in show business. >> jimmy: is it? >> this is evident -- i always try to wear a suit for you. >> jimmy: yeah? >> you always do it for me. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i've completely run out of suits. and i only have a singular use of suits. and that's coming on the show. and we ran out. my last appearance, well, that's that, we're out of suits. >> jimmy: you know that you're supposed to keep them after you wear them? you don't throw them away? >> well, sure, but you can't recycle them. i can't come in the same suit -- do you wear the same suit twice ever? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, all the time. >> did johnny carson? he had his own line of suits. >> jimmy: he had his own line of suits. >> my father owns some carson suits. big investment. >> jimmy: i bet, wow. >> my mom is suits in highland, michigan, for what reason?" >> jimmy: i love that your dad saw that ad, "i'm going get me a
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johnny carson suit." >> how can you resist? it's carson. we should find some of those suits. >> jimmy: i know they're floating around. i don't think they'd fit either of us. >> i think everyone was 5'8" in 1979. >> jimmy: it's true. you hit your head on anything -- >> you get to hollywood, you're oaf 5'10", "keep going, there's no work for you here." >> jimmy: i see a vintage t-shirt that's extra large, yeah, that won't fit. >> depending where you buy an extra large is interesting. >> jimmy: do you think so? >> i do. i think an extra large where i'm from, versus an l.a. extra large, is a much different thing. >> jimmy: there's a width difference, yeah. >> you can get a proper pool table cover. >> jimmy: yeah. >> with "o'reilly's" written on it. i love my home, i'm not disrespecting. it's hard to know if you're buying secondhand, this is a milwaukee extra large? or a malibu extra large? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this should be a
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designation, yeah. a milwaukee extra large, if your kid wets the bed, you could use that to throw over -- >> if your kid fell out the window, you could use it as probably a parachute. >> jimmy: you got back from india, what, five weeks ago? >> yeah, four weeks ago. >> jimmy: how was that trip? >> oh my god, it was incredible. we were guests of bill gates, which is mind-blowing to me. >> jimmy: who went on the trip? >> monica and i, cohost, "armchair expert." the whole time we kept thinking, why have they brought us here? we're two broadcasters. >> jimmy: i was going to ask that question. >> it was never figured out. we did interview him at the end of the trip, but it was the most mind-blowing experience where we just went from place to place with bill, the different projects he has, the agricultural projects, the slum rehabilitation, the medical stuff. we hung with him for seven days. and i will tell you, i learned something about him that people don't know. there's lots of conspiracy
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theories about him, but they're all wrong. there is one they should be embracing. >> jimmy: okay. oh, good. >> we were strictly told, when you go to india, it's a great place, do not drink anything that you didn't open the cap on, all right, or you're going to get a bad reaction. >> jimmy: right, okay. >> don't ever eat any raw vegetables or you too will be in the commode the whole time. >> jimmy: okay. >> they're like, don't play around with this. we get there and we go first to this chai wallah, makes chai on the side of a weird cart, weird ingredients are popping in. they handed it to us, they told us, we'll switch it out with one made at the hotel with filtered water. hand it to bill, right down the hatch. monica's screaming, "no!" he's saving the world, we can't lose him to this chai court. the minister's home.
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beautiful, so happy to be a guest. it's bill gates. two ministers of defense and agriculture. seven tech billionaires. then monica and i's placard says "podcasters." [ laughter ] it was so em baresing. i was like, i appointed myself his security at that point. i'm like, the only reason i can be here is to jump on him if something comes up. >> jimmy: i know -- like you don't know why you're there. did any of the other people -- >> he doesn't know. >> jimmy: he doesn't know, yeah. >> no. so then we sit down at this breakfast. and i look and i go, oh no. it's a 16-ounce glass of water, i don't know where it came from, maybe the tap. another 16-ounce glass of orange juice. a beautiful, beautiful tray of all raw vegetables. like, that is 90-minute breakfast, what are we to do? as i was thinking this, out of the corner of my eyes, bill is halfway there. glug glug glug glug! bam! pops down the 16 ounces of tap water. moves immediately on to the orange juice. glug glug glug glug!
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then hosed all these vegetables. there was one deep-fried pastry, and i made a -- you know, action out of that. i kept myself busy with that. then my mouth was so dry. [ laughter ] and i was so afraid of these beverages. i'm looking at bill, and he's never looked healthier. [ laughter ] so there is a conspiracy that should be -- >> jimmy: maybe the microchips are protecting him, you know? [ laughter ] >> somehow, he's impervious to any pathogen. he could eat anything. >> jimmy: interesting. >> yeah, it was mind blowing. >> do you think he ever brushes his hair? >> meaning, does someone else do it for him? [ laughter ] because that is a thought i had. because every morning -- >> jimmy: you think they're not doing a great job? >> well. let's be calm, let's be gentle here. i had the opposite thought. we'd greet him at 7:00 a.m. in the morning to start our day and i'd like, bill's hair
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really good. there's no way bill's wasting his time combing his hair, is someone combing it? another mystery i never uncovered. his hair looked phenomenal the whole trip. >> jimmy: maybe next trip. >> i'll get into that. >> jimmy: as a child, did your parents take you to the dentist? we had a conversation during the commercial break here. and i'm just curious. >> i overheard some of it, yeah. >> jimmy: you did, okay. >> yeah, yeah. yes. laura was great at taking us regularly. i have a lot of weaknesses. i have an autoimmune issue. my skin turns flaky and red. i have been blessed with very strong teeth. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> to the point where kristin and i had been together for quite a while, and she said, "you know, i've noticed since we've been together these 12 years, you haven't been to the dentist." [ laughter ] which was true. and i said, "my teeth don't hurt, and when i floss, there's nothing there, guys. it's a total waste of time,
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waste of floss. they're so tight. so i appeased her and i went to a dentist in best of lil hills. very repable man. [ laughter ] and i get a cleaning. and i'm sitting there and i said to the hygienist, "if you had to guess how long it's been since i had my teeth cleaned, what would you say?" and i promise this is the truth. she said, "well, i don't think it's been within six months because you did have a bit of tartar. but i don't know that it's been a year, either." and i was like -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] this is a professional. >> jimmy: what a vehicle tee. >> sure, she didn't think it had been six months, but she also thought it wasn't a year long. it had been 12 years. so i've gone three times in 29 years in l.a. >> jimmy: three times in 29 years? >> three times. and they're good. >> jimmy: well, whatever you're doing, it's really working for you. >> although i did -- you know i have a jimmy kimmel jinx. i used to come on here and brag about how pretty my feet were. >> jimmy: oh, right, yeah.
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>> and i had feet-offs with your co-workers that i won. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then i had to have a toe surgery, and they made it miniature. now i have the craziest [ bleep ] foot on planet earth. so i'm a little nervous the next time i come here, i'm going to have, like -- >> jimmy: a jack-o-lantern when you come back. >> big flappers. >> jimmy: dax shepard is here. he's got all his teeth. right now they're beautiful. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem...
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>> jimmy: all right, we are back with the armchair expert, dax shepherd. by the way, i've been on your show a couple of times, on your podcast, it's always a month the of fun. my wife, molly, was on your podcast. >> maybe one of the best guests of the year. >> jimmy: maybe the highlight of her life, and i include the children and me. [ laughter ] i don't know the word to use. i don't know if obsessed is right. i don't know if infatuated is right. it's some combination of those words. >> i'll take all of those words. >> jimmy: to the point where i find myself saying things like, "you know, dax never goes to the dentist." [ laughter ] >> you should call kristen and just get the laundry list of things against that. >> jimmy: maybe i'll have her send those to molly. >> she was on, and she was phenomenal. and then she sent me a really,
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really nice gift recently, which is -- in the fact check of the episode, i told a story about my daughter, who's 11, and she had woke up, and she didn't sleep well, and she was feeling under the weather, and she came into my room. she was just like, "i don't want to go to school, i just feel so bad." and i said, "okay, let's go over to the mirror for a second." i took her to the mirror. and i said, "here's what i want you to say. i'm a bad bitch." [ laughter ] she goes, "i'm a bad bitch." and i go, "i'm a bad bitch and i'm going to [ bleep ] this day up." [ laughter ] she goes, "i'm a bad bitch and i'm going to [ bleep ] this day up." i go, "how do you feel?" she's like," i'm ready." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's a really good strategy. >> i'm not condoning swearing for minors, but this is what we did. molly really liked it. and so -- then she told kristin about it. kristin really liked it. kristin's shooting a show right
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now. she had told the makeup and hair people about this. they're all women. and they even wrote it like on the mirror, there's a little sticker that says this. >> jimmy: oh. >> her hair person, marie, maria, she's from colombia. so she has a great accent. and kristin was having the worst day of her filming career. and she came and sat in the chair. she just wanted to go home. maria came up to her and shouldn't, "just remember, kristin, you're a bitch." [ laughter ] "kristin, you're a bitch, and you're going to [ bleep ] everything up." [ laughter and applause ] weirdly, that worked. because it was so crazy and funny. it snapped kristin right out of her mood. >> jimmy: and molly got you a needlepoint of those words? >> she did, and i love it, such mixed messages. cute little babies, then all this profanity. somehow, yeah, it's empowering.
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>> jimmy: speaking of mixed messages, your daughters, how old are they? >> 9 and 11. >> jimmy: 9 and 11. they will drink beer. and when i say beer, i don't mean alcoholic beer. >> no, of course not. >> jimmy: i mean your nonalcoholic beer. >> yes. >> jimmy: a beer that you formulated? >> yeah, i did absolutely everything on this beer. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> let's just get a nice crack. >> jimmy: all right, yeah. >> so before everyone gets freaked out, there's been articles about this. people are really mad. i just want to be clear that orange juice has more alcohol than n.a. beer. so do hot dog buns. what do you think? i brought this up to your fishing lodge and people were hoarding it. >> jimmy: yeah, right, people were hiding it. it is very good. but it's very weird to see your kids drinking it. [ laughter ] >> it makes people uncomfortable, but they're good to drive afterwards. [ laughter and applause ] they stay faithful to their partners.
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>> jimmy: you were talking about parenting with bradley cooper, your old pal who you had on the podcast. and this is a headline that came out of that. you know, people grab things. it says, "bradley cooper, dax shepherd both say they let their daughters watch them poop." >> i mean, that's -- wow. what a headline. >> jimmy: i like it. my favorite word is the word "let" in that situation. >> thank you. thank you. that's my entire court case against this headline. whoever wrote this does not have a kid. and has never met a kid. >> jimmy: yeah, no. >> you don't "let" them come no or out of the bathroom. they go wherever the hell they want, when they want. half the time they're in a fight they want you to resolve. you're on the can. only -- for me, an hour. [ laughter ] an hour of my day that's really pleasant. >> jimmy: right. >> then they come in for me to litigate some dispute that they have. >> jimmy: yeah where the girls have a full bladder from all this ted seegers beer. [ laughter ] >> sure, they put back a couple
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of seegers. my god, it is great, that's a good beer. >> jimmy: quickly tell me why it's called this. >> oh, the three of us that do it, my two best friends from michi michigan, we're all from michigan. ted nugent and bob seeing wear the biggest stars in michigan growing up. so i said, let's put them together. this is aaron weekly's father. his real-life father. [ laughter ] what i like to say to people is, we've got 60 plus combined years of alcoholism under our belt, the three of us. [ laughter ] if you're going to trust anyone in this space, by god, it should be us. >> jimmy: ted seger, everybody. dax shepherd. hid podcast is called "the armchair expert" and we'll be back with cailee spaeny. d built for adventure. which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods.
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>> jimmy: hi, there. still to come, kim gordon. last year our next guest burst on the scene as the young bride of elvis in priscilla. you can see her alongside kirsten dunst and nick offerman in the new movie "civil war."
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it opens a week from friday. please welcome cailee spaeny. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: can i interest you in half a nonalcoholic beer? >> oh! so kind of you. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> yeah, i'm all right. >> jimmy: you're all right. you're from missouri, i hear? >> i am from missouri. >> jimmy: just like in the movie, your character's from missouri in the movie. >> that's true. >> jimmy: what part of missouri are you from? >> i'm from springfield. >> jimmy: you worked in branson as a kid, right? >> anyone been to branson? >> jimmy: a lot of people have been to branson. >> for those of you to are who don't know -- >> jimmy: they're not enthusiastic about it but they've been there. [ laughter ] >> no we like to hall it hillbilly vegas. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm interested in bran son son. i've never been there. i'm from vegas so i have this
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interest in it. >> it's just got a little twist on it. >> jimmy: yeah, i feel like when things kind of ran out in vegas, then those performers would go to brandon, right? >> yeah, we had some great people there. >> jimmy: where did you work there? >> i -- well, i did sort of like anything i could get my hands -- hands into. you know, i did some little theater. then i worked at a theme branson called silver dollar city. >> jimmy: that's fun. >> i was 13 when i started but i worked there seven years. >> jimmy: that is legal to work at 13? >> it's a good question. [ laughter ] it's a good question. but it was like the best way to spend my childhood. because i just performed and -- i usually worked during christmas, so i was a shepherd in a living nativity. >> jimmy: oh. you do strike me as a shepherd type for sure. [ laughter ] >> i'd try to edge it up. wear hot-pink lipstick. i almost got fired. >> jimmy: shepherds don't wear
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lipstick. sometimes they'll put them on the sheep, but no, they don't -- [ audience moaning ] [ rim shot ] >> jimmy: the band's asleep. >> i went and did shows. did a little song and dance. then i'd go and ride roller coasters and eat funnel cakes all day. >> jimmy: you'd meet other teenagers who worked there as well? >> yeah, there was one time where there was a family band, they had 12 kids, they all played bluegrass together. there was one cute little guy who played a banjo. we all went out. we walked around and rode roller coasters. i just thought he was so sweet. oh my god, this is my dream guy. then the night ended, the sun was setting. and i said, "can i get your number?" he said, "oh, we don't -- we're mormon, so we don't have phones but we do have one group family email, we could keep in touch if you wanted." romance died immediately. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. you don't want to send it "to whom it may concern."
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>> well, interesting characters. >> jimmy: i have more bad news, mormons have phones. [ laughter ] i know a lot of mormons, they all have phones. >> oh, really? >> jimmy: you may run into some amish. or the kid wasn't telling the truth, i don't know. >> yeah, damn. >> jimmy: earlier this year, i know you were nominated for a golden globe. >> so weird. [ cheers and applause ] that was trippy. >> jimmy: you went to the show and the whole deal. >> i did, i went to the show. i mean, so surreal. i was on cloud nine. so excited to be there. and i got in, i brought my friend, ruby. and i heard that i was sitting at the "poor things" table. and i was like, oh my god, this is the winner's table. that's the winner's table, very big deal. i sort of wandered in. i was trying to find my nametag. i saw emma stone. all right, okay. so someone had moved my nametag, but it was totally fine. then taylor swift ended up sitting at that table. >> jimmy: oh my god. >> i feel like maybe my name
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card got moved for taylor. >> jimmy: oh, that banjo kid must have been beside himself. did you talk to taylor? >> well, i was sitting with my friend. i don't know who won. i don't know what the speeches were. because i was just staring at the back of her head the whole night. [ laughter ] i couldn't believe this was my life. i was just -- she was so sparkly. she was so nice. she stood up for every winner. then i told my -- my like," you're not leaving without meeting taylor." she went around and asked people. finally at the end of the night, someone had gotten word to her. she stood up and said, "oh my god, i loved you in the movie." it was so surreal. she also had remembered me in "mare of easttown," which was crazy, i only worked a week on that show, half that week i played a dead body. [ laughter ] she had done so well. she really -- >> jimmy: did you get her family email address? [ laughter ]
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>> she's such a pro. when you're talking to her you're like, oh, i get it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> like, she -- before i even got to it, she was like, can i take a photo with you? >> jimmy: that's smart, uh-huh. >> then my friend ruby, god bless her, she was like, "i'm in mare of easttown too." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she's like, "were you dead? then get away! " [ laughter ] >> i could have said so many things like, i loved your last album. or, i loved the eras tour. instead i said, "your hair is so pretty, such a nice color." >> jimmy: i think she probably liked that better. she's probably heard enough about people telling her how much she loves the -- >> that's true. >> jimmy: right. this movie of yours, please tell us a bit about this movie. i don't think i would do a good job of describing it. the word "harrowing" comes to
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mind. >> yeah, that's a good word for it. it's set in the near future in america. >> jimmy: let's hope not. >> embroiled in a civil war. and we follow a car full of journalists, four journalists, or three professionals and one aspiring journalist, which is my character. and we go from new york to d.c. to get the final story, which is an interview with the president. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. it's quite something. yeah, i don't want to say too much about it. i don't want to ruin it for folks. >> yeah, it's effective. >> jimmy: yes. your costar, kirsten dans, will be here tomorrow. did you know her before? >> no -- i mean, gosh -- i mean, probably like so many of you guys here, i grew up watching her work. so rare to have a career like she's had. she's so inspiring to me. and yeah, i mean -- >> jimmy: you want me to tell her? >> yeah, can you tell her? >> jimmy: or did you tell her already? >> tell her, tell her, she'd love that. no, it was so cool.
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so i, you know -- i ended up doing this movie with her. and then actually, i heard that the role was out for "priscilla." she ended up putting in a good word for me, basically got me that role. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, on the last day i found out i booked it. she was standing outside of her trailer. i said, "i got the role!" she burst into tears. yeah, it's really sweet. >> jimmy: you have to get her one, that's how it works. [ laughter ] it's reciprocal, you know? congratulations on all your success. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: the movie's called "civil war." it opens a week from friday. cailee spaeny, everyone. we'll be back with kim gordon. you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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>> jimmy: thanks to dax shepard and cailee spaeny. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, her album is called "the collective." here with the song "bye bye," kim gordon! ♪ ♪
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♪ buy a suitcase pants to the cleaner cigarettes for keller ♪ ♪ call the vet call the groomer call the dog sitter ♪ ♪ milk thistle calcium high-rise boot cut advil black jeans blue ♪ ♪ jeans cardigan purse passport pajamas silk ♪ ♪ hoodie toothpaste brush foundation contact solution mascara lip mask eye mask ♪ ♪ ♪ ear plugs travel shampoo conditioner eyeliner dental floss money ♪ ♪ contact solution mascara ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sleeping pills sneakers boot sneakers black dress white tee turtleneck ♪ ♪ ibook power cord medication button-down lap ton ♪ ♪ hand cream body lotion bella freud ♪ ysl eckhaus ♪ eyelash curler vibrator teaser bye-bye ♪ ♪ bye-bye ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, growing outrage over the deaths of seven world central kitchen workers in gaza, killed in an idf air strike. >> humanitarians and civilians should never be paying the consequences of war. >> byron: their convoy hit while trying to improve the dire situation on the ground. >> she just had this empathy for people. she would listen to them. she would hold their hands. >> byron: several humanitarian aid groups pausing operations as the u.n. says gaza's on the brink of famin


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