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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now. wild weather across the bay area tonight. >> this unusually cold spring storm brought a snow showers and everything in between. and we are not done yet. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. we're tracking the level one storm, bringing the bay area. really a taste of winter. once again, an unusual sight. check this out in the east bay tonight. tons of hail coming down near tilden park in the berkeley hills. it
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melted fast. >> yeah, roads are wet in san francisco tonight with on and off rain this evening. >> and there is more where that came from. >> let's start right off with going to abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel sandy. yeah. >> and dan. and it feels like a flashback to winter. and we're not done yet as you mentioned. so let's look at live doppler seven right now. and we'll talk about where we are seeing some mixed precipitation. first, the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton. you will notice there's quite a bit of snow coming down highway 35. also, mount diablo seeing snow. we are seeing rain at the lower elevations. walnut creek, alamo, also around the peninsula, south city, sneath lane, san bruno, burlingame. so hang on to the umbrellas lake and mendocino counties have been getting their share of snow above 2000ft. this is a level one storm. the area of low pressure moved inland and it did trigger some thunderstorms here in the bay area today as we go hour by hour overnight tonight, you are going to continue to hear the rain falling and some snow showers coming down. as you wake up tomorrow morning, you will
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notice some of those peaks are covered in white tomorrow afternoon. still a few showers developing and we will notice some more snow for mount hamilton, santa cruz mountains and up to our north. it is a level one storm as i mentioned through tomorrow. cold showers, gusty winds, snow on the peaks, chance of thunder and hail. our best likelihood of thunderstorms you will notice will be for most of the bay area. parts of the north bay will be out of it. we've gotten a pretty good soaking. oakland, san francisco, about a half an inch of rain. same thing for napa. 2900 in san jose, three quarters of an inch in ben lomond and picking up about 7000/900 of an inch in livermore. i'll be back with a full look at the forecast to let you know exactly what you can expect for your upcoming weekend coming up. >> dan okay, sandy, thanks a lot. well, in the east bay, mount diablo got a fresh coating of snow today. the flurries at the top of the mountain unusual for april, but the spring spectacle did attract visitors. some made it to the peak before the park closed because of the slick roads. >> definitely obey the signs and follow what the state park says.
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but yeah, it was it was incredibly beautiful. just the wind is the fastest wind that i've ever seen. and, a lifetime memory. >> park rangers in mount diablo say they know that the snow will attract crowds, but they also want to remind visitors the weather conditions can change very quickly. so always a good idea to listen to the warnings and to be prepared. >> yeah. certainly is. and the weather is putting a damper on the return of oakland's first fridays. >> the community street fair was set to come back tomorrow for some springtime fun, but they're calling it off because of the forecast and what organizers called various other factors. organizers said in part, quote, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of all our participants, including our valued food and retail vendors. they're trying to reschedule for next week, or they may just start in may. >> there is anger and sadness in the east bay tonight, after the a's made their breakup with oakland official. their new home will be in west sacramento, a shared with the giants triple-a
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team. there. the a's are set for three seasons at sutter health park before the planned move to las vegas in a few years. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone talked with fans who are just frustrated that it had to end this way. >> i'm sad they're leaving and i'm mad they leaving athletics fans and oakland natives trying to enjoy plank. >> oakland outraged after the oakland a's announced thursday that this will be their last season in oakland, and they will instead play baseball at this minor league ballpark in sacramento come next year. >> well, i'm extremely disappointed, actually, to hear that i've been following the a's since i was a young kid. >> the heart, mind, and soul of a's fans has been kicked to the curb by somebody in the form of john fisher, that didn't care about their emotions and his empty comments about how sad he is to leave oakland. well, draw your own conclusions. >> former athletics executive andy dolich, who also coauthor of the book goodbye, oakland, is
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referring to current a's owner john fisher, who on thursday talked about how excited he was about the interim deal in sacramento, dolich says that fisher is nothing like former owner walter haas, who kept the team in oakland and helped them win a world series championship in 1989. >> this is my miniature world series trophy from 1989. and just to show you the quality of the haas family, every single one of us in the organization got one of these. this talks about what was possible, what the haas tried to do and what they did, and what john fisher i don't think john's ever going to have one of these. the blame game, though, is strong, especially when it comes to what the city of oakland and alameda county leadership did or did not do. >> this new mayor. i don't think she really know how to play the game when it comes to professional sports team. >> i love our mayor, but i think
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she has a lot to do. she didn't fight to keep the teams here. it sucks to see another team leave and it feels like our city is failing. >> the gut punch that this, gives to all of us. and i'm one of them having worked there, this is just hard to comprehend that a city loses three major professional sports teams in such a short period of time. >> mayor shengtao says that oakland offered a deal that was fair to the a's and was fiscally responsible. a's management, though, saying that both sides were just too far apart in oakland. j.r. stone abc seven news now to your voice, your vote, and the unprecedented development in the race to represent santa clara and san mateo counties in congress. >> we've known all along. this won't be decided until november. but tonight, two people are tied for the number two spot. that means voters general election ballots will have three names. former mayor sam liccardo, the front runner from the start,
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plus evan lowe and joe simitian in an exact tie, 30,249 votes each. liccardo had more than 38,000. abc seven news reporter tara campbell looks at what's next, why experts say a recount is unlikely. >> after weeks of waiting a tie for runner up in the primary race for the 16th congressional district. and tonight the candidates are talking. >> what a roller coaster i am so excited about the opportunity to go into the general election to reaffirm the importance of earning the trust of the voters of this congressional district assembly member evan lowe and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian ready to face off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november's general election. >> it's been a wild ride, a roller coaster or a cliffhanger, but you know, a win is a win is a win. we're in. and that's the exciting news tonight. >> i've never seen this before. you know, the odds are just, pretty amazing to think that
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after all the votes are counted, we end up with an exact tie. >> doctor melinda jackson is a political science expert at san jose state university and says despite liccardo being the front runner, it's anyone's race. >> it's going to be a different electorate. in november. it's a presidential election, so we're going to see higher turnout. it's going to be a more diverse electorate. >> and as far as the candidates calling for a recount, she doesn't think they'll want to foot the bill. >> they probably are thinking they're better off to save that money for, the november race instead of, you know, taking the gamble of maybe finding an extra vote or two. >> and it's a question thrown at both of them tonight. >> will you be considering requesting a or requesting a recount? >> i'm excited that we achieved our goal, which is to run in a primary election and go into the general election. and after the certification of both san mateo and santa clara counties, we've
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been successful in this opportunity to advance into the general election. >> so no recount. >> we are into the general election. there's no recount that is required. >> and you considered a recount. is that something? >> oh, look, i'm here to celebrate tonight, not something that i've given thought to right now. i just am going to take a moment to celebrate the victory. congratulate the other two candidates who are in the race and say, i look forward to having a lively debate between now and november. >> tara campbell abc seven news. >> we reached out to mayor, former mayor sam liccardo, his team, but did not hear back tonight on x, liccardo shared his reaction to the race, saying given the extraordinary, highly unlikely outcome, quote, it's a good time to buy a lottery ticket in california. 16. >> happening tomorrow. the man convicted of kidnaping and killing 12 year old polly klaas will try to overturn his death sentence in court. the case made worldwide headlines 30 years ago and led to california's three strikes law. klaas was having a
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slumber party with friends when richard allen davis broke into her bedroom and kidnaped her. davis's attorney argued criminal justice reforms mean his sentence should be reconsidered. sonoma county prosecutors and the class family are fighting it for a deep dive into this case. you can watch our abc seven originals documentary, be struck by justice the impact of polly klaas. it's streaming right now on the abc seven app and abc seven >> here at abc seven, we care about building a better bay area, so we'd like to highlight progress when we see it. tonight's first building, a better bay area breakthrough is a good sign for downtown san francisco. it's still not what it used to be, but after years of businesses leaving, we are seeing some large companies move in. >> we may be beginning to reach an inflection point. we're seeing, for example, an increase in tenant demand, which is the, you know, the starting point for leases being signed. >> that's ted egan, the city's chief economist. he says several companies are expanding their
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footprint downtown. crypto company ripple recently moved its headquarters to a space on battery street. tech company rippling signed a new lease on a 123,000 square foot space on california. egan is hopeful the expansion of new industries like ai will boost downtown's recovery. >> our next bay area breakthrough will help our work to fight climate change. the giant cranes used to move freight containers around the port of oakland will soon run on hydrogen power. senator alex padilla and congress member barbara lee visited the port today to see how it will work. federal funding will allow the port to switch to cleaner power sources. it will improve air quality and cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. and our final breakthrough is an update on housing for teachers. earlier this week, we told you about applications opening for san francisco's first affordable housing just for educators. tonight, we learned where that next project might be. the san francisco united unified school district just announced two
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spots that could also turn into teacher housing. o is the administrative offices on golf street, just two blocks off market. the other is an empty lot on seventh avenue near sutro tower. the first school board vote on this is in two weeks. applications open tuesday for spots in the building currently under construction. it's located in the sunset. the school district is hoping the housing will help them hire and retain teachers. >> new at 11 the discount $0.99 only chain is closing its stores. there are dozens of locations across california. the discount retailer cited rising costs and merchandise loss for the closures. last week, bloomberg reported the company was considering filing for bankruptcy. $0.99 says it will liquidate all merchandise owned by the company at all of its 371 locations across the west coast. >> well, there's a new lottery to help people buy their first home with way better odds than powerball. >> as our p-g-and-e's bills go
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up, so do executives paychecks. new details on the big raise for the ceo and a massive cash heist . >> tens of millions gone, and the owners were unaware for hours. we now know how the burglars broke in, but not exactly how they you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. much at stake at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. >> that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you. >> welcome back. breaking news just coming in right now. we've learned apple plans to lay off more than 600 employees at several locations in santa clara
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county, a filings with the state show. the layoffs start in may. it's not clear why apple is cutting jobs these are the first mass cuts of the tech giant since the pandemic. all right, listen to this. it is truly like a plot from a movie. so it's fitting that it happened in hollywood's backyard. $30 million in cash stolen from a money storage facility. >> tonight, the fbi and lapd are trying to track down the cash. reporter carlos granda with our sister station in los angeles, looks at what it took to pull off the crime. it sounds like a movie. >> millions in cash stolen from this secure building. from the air, you can see there appears to be a hole on the side that was boarded up, a pile of debris right next to it. it's still unclear if this is related to the robbery. we do know that thieves got in through the roof undetected without setting off alarms. the lapd confirms it is working on the case with the fbi. >> i think anybody who hears this story, the first thing they think of is this had to be an inside job. >> experts say the operation was sophisticated, and obviously carefully planned, and so the
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support system necessary to be able to get that kind of cash out there as well is pretty significant. >> and you can't do it with 1 or 2 people. and so the fact that it went undetected until uh- open a business monday morning again says just how professional they were. >> cash storage facilities like this one are used as a temporary stop when money has to be held and then moved along. they have very strong security and can hold millions of dollars, all of the pickups, every day by all of the armored car companies, that cash has to be stored somewhere until it can ultimately be deposited in the bank and dealt with appropriately. >> carlos granda, abc seven news all new at 11 as p-g-and-e's asked to raise customers rates, the company's top executives got a raise. >> big ones a filing with the securities and exchange commission shows the utility giant's ceo got a 20% pay bump last year. ceo patricia poppy made just shy of $17 million last year in her executive pay.
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five other executives listed in the filing got raises and several others made less. the utility made $2.2 billion in profits last year. electric rates went up 20% in january. state regulators approved another increase last month. >> the path to home ownership in the bay area is very tough, as you well know, and california is bringing back a lottery to try to help applications for the state's dream for all program just reopened this week. recipients can get up to 20% for a down payment or closing costs on their first home. the maximum is $150,000. keep in mind, buyers do have to pay back the loan when they sell their home last year, this program ran out of money in just 11 days. we have the details to sign up on our website. just go to abc7 >> three new developments from this frightening incident on an alaska airlines flight business filings show boeing has paid the airline $160 million in compensation after the door plug
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blowout, alaska airlines says boeing is paying out for financial damages incurred when all its max nine planes were grounded. the airline says more money is coming from boeing. the ntsb and department of justice are still investigating that door plug incident. >> all right, let's go back and talk about a weird day of weather and weather. more is to come. >> that's right. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with that sandhya. yeah, we're in the middle of spring. >> but, ama and dan, we're changing it up and it's feeling like winter. i want to show you a scene from mount tam. this was from a few hours ago. the snow was coming down. it was accumulating over the mountaintop there. believe it or not, they did pick up quite a bit of snow up there. and this is something that you expect to see in february. not exactly around this time of year. so let's look at a loop of the area of low pressure that has moved onshore. and as it is over land now, it has been bringing us everything from thunderstorms earlier tonight to snow showers over the mount tam, santa cruz
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mountains up to our north, mount diablo, mount uh, uh- these areas are going to continue to see the snow fall. so right now we have a combination of showers at the lower elevations san jose, santa clara, milpitas highway 130, and you see that wintry weather over mount hamilton, widening it out here, still seeing showers off the coastline. so we're not completely done yet. seeing some pockets of downpours in the inland east bay right now right around antioch, lone tree way, oakley, brentwood area. this is going to continue around san francisco peninsula, the san mateo millbrae area, all the way to oakland, san leandro and fremont. here's a live view from the tahoe area where the snow continues to fall up in the mountains. they do have a winter weather advisory until 11 p.m. tomorrow night. 2 to 6in of snow. those snow levels very low, 1000 to 3000ft. so travel could be difficult. they already have had chain controls. here's a wider perspective of all this is cold, unstable air. even
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though the front came through earlier this morning and the low came through tonight, we still have to deal with the instability off the coastline. that's going to be for the second half of this storm, which is tomorrow. temperatures right now. oh boy. it feels like winter 30s and 40s. it is cold out there compared to yesterday. running even cooler, nine degrees cooler in oakland and half moon bay. a golden gate bridge is a little bit of a wet view. showers and snow through tomorrow. thunder chance with brief downpours and hail. we already saw it today, but we could see a rerun tomorrow. the weekend weather. it's going to be a cold morning, a sunnier saturday north bay likely will go under frost advisories tomorrow or saturday morning. excuse me through tomorrow. it's a level one. cold showers, gusty snow on the peaks. chance of thunder and hail. so while tomorrow morning starts off with pretty light winds, by 11 a.m, the winds start to pick up along the coast over 30 miles an hour and it does get gusty. close to 40 miles an hour in the evening hours. we're going to time this out for you while you're
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sleeping. snow showers and showers continue through 8 a.m. spotty showers for the commute, and then we head into the afternoon at 130 and you start to see some showers popping back up again with the snow falling over. mount hamilton. this carries on into the evening hours as far as additional rain, most areas will be a few hundredths to a few tenths, but if we do see thunderstorms, we'll pick up higher totals. so more snow for the santa cruz mountains. mount hamilton is where we will likely see the accumulating snow, along with the interior portions of lake and mendocino counties, where that winter weather advisory got extended above 2000ft until 5 a.m. tomorrow. 1 to 2 more inches of snow, 30s and 40s. bundle up. tomorrow morning is going to be cold tomorrow afternoon. hang on to that extra layer. highs will be in the 50s. breezy with those scattered showers. and here is the great news for opening day giants take on the padres. it is just going to be an isolated shower chance. 54 degrees ninth inning windy, partly cloudy. so i would take a windbreaker with you. the accuweather seven day forecast, a one for tomorrow, showers and
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snow cold morning. saturday. mainly sunny. a slight chance of a couple of drops sunday. it's not a game changer, but next week talk about big time changes from spring like warmth to summer like warmth. with some 80s showing up for the eclipse. it's going to be perfect viewing. partial eclipse here in the bay area. dan
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to figure out what time it is there. nasa has until 2026 to give the moon its own time zone. the moon is spinning a little faster than earth because it has less gravity, so the white house wants a new coordinated lunar time, or ltc. >> i set my watch to maybe. all right, resale tickets to the ncaa women's final four tournament, featuring iowa sensation caitlin clark, are almost double the price of the men's. the average price for the women's semifinals tickets were $2,300. the men's average sale price was about 1000 bucks per ticket. the average price of tickets from the iowa women's game against connecticut went for about $1,100. at this time last year, those tickets sold for $400. great to see the ladies game is really strong. yeah. >> all right. it's not how you start, it's how you finish. and the warriors are finishing
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strong. >> this is what counts. sports director larry beil is here larry. >> dan this is a very, very good time to go on a six game winning streak. and the warriors kept the good times rolling in houston. yeah you could say they came out to play
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a gloomy rainy day in sacramento. the a's announced that will be their new home next season. the a's will leave oakland after 56 years, using sutter health park as their temporary home for the next three years in anticipation of the move to vegas. a's owner john fisher made the announcement. then he bolted to avoid taking questions. our casey pratt talked with team president dave kaval about oakland. >> i mean, we were just too far apart. like it just it was not a competitive offer and unfortunately, that we couldn't get close enough to really put it in the consideration set. and we had a really viable and robust offer here from the kings. >> we can prove that there's a market here. we can make the team successful. i think we're in pole position to get the new franchise pole positions. >> nice. but is there any assurances at all or is this just something he said he would be willing to entertain? >> yeah, i know there's no
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guarantee. you know, we have to show what we can do. sad to houston of the rockets. >> got the warriors attention posting warriors come out to play when it seemed like houston might catch them in the standings. the warriors came out to play tonight steph you know he's got fans everywhere. the dubs they tormented the old james harden. rockets. this is a new group. but same result. curry baby skyhook dubs led by as many as 14 early. and klay thompson hits seven threes tonight. he goes for 29 points. warriors up by 15 at the half. now the rockets made a run. they cut it down to five. but curry helping extend it. he also had 29 as the splash brothers combined for 58 total. and they keep it rolling in the third with klay on the heater. that means somebody is going to be open. trace jackson davis with the hammer here with authority. career high 20 for the rook. warriors roll 133 110 season high six game win streak. have almost locked up a play in spot. >> were a proud group of guys that understand we are capable of winning. played way below our
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level. i think for most of the year. but for us to be in this situation where we have an opportunity just because we dug deep and you know this, it matters to us, to the tank. >> this might be the most dangerous game of musical chairs in history. sharky should get two minutes for instigating. the kings scored twice in a 17 second span in the first period to take control in the third period. klim kostin, the one timer, he's got nine points in 13 games as a shark, but not enough. teal falls to one sports on abc seven, sponsored by river
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all of us. we appreciate your time. jimmy kimmel is next. have >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- kirsten dunst. andrew scott. and music from conan gray. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!


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