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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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now in america this morning. >> upping the pressure. president biden warning israeli prime minister netanyahu the humanitarian crisis in gaza is unacceptable and warning u.s. policy on the war could change. and now, overnight, how israel
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appears to be responding. a deadly crane crash. >> a piece of crane comes crashing down onto a bridge in florida. the terrifying close call we hear from the man inside that car who escaped. >> concerns about airport security, the sharp increase in the number of security breaches nationwide, and what could be to blame. the new crackdown on a growing scam called pig butchering. >> but it has nothing to do with animals. how fraudsters are stealing millions via text message. >> countdown to the eclipse from overbooked hotels canceling reservations to scientists preparing to document how animals react, how millions are preparing for the big day, and the forecast that could rain on the eclipse parade. >> excitement building for tonight's women's final four and the skyrocketing ticket prices and caught on camera. >> the suspect who tried to escape through the ceiling
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>> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> very good friday morning i'm lionel moise. i'm andrea fujii. >> andrew and rhiannon are off. we begin with president biden stepping up the pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to protect civilians in gaza. >> the white house says biden told netanyahu the humanitarian crisis is unacceptable. the president warning israel that u.s. policy on the war could change in the wake of that airstrike that killed seven aid workers. >> and overnight, israel announced some changes. abc's christiane cordero has the latest. christiane. good morning. >> andrea. good morning. it appears israel is trying to ease the outrage over the humanity crisis in gaza by apparently agreeing to some new demands from the white house this morning. israel is taking steps to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza, now allowing shipments through a busy port and reopening a border crossing. it comes hours after a tense phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu, in
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which biden warned u.s. policy on the war could change if israel does not allow more aid into gaza and protect civilians, a demand that signals a major shift from the white house. abc's mary bruce asked the white house what might happen if israel fails to meet biden's demands. >> and how much time are you giving them to make these changes to implement these concrete? >> again, we would hope to see some announcements of changes here in coming hours and days, and i'll leave it at that. >> biden also called for an immediate cease fire as part of a deal to release hostages. cia director bill burns is expected to travel to egypt this weekend for more hostage negotiations. sunday marks six months since hamas attacked israel, igniting the war. the white house has provided israel with crucial military aid, but israel has come under fierce criticism since the airstrike monday that killed seven aid workers for the world central kitchen, including american jacob flickinger, his partner says flickinger was a man of honor and service. >> he was a part of me and he's
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such a loving father to his son, and i don't know how i will explain that to him that he is now gone. so this is a lot to process. >> the israeli military has reportedly now suspended two commanders in connection with that airstrike. meanwhile, today, israeli forces are on high alert after iran vowed to retaliate for an airstrike this week that killed two iranian generals. people across israel now reporting the gps on their phone being disrupted, reportedly just one defensive measure by israel to guard against potential iranian strikes. israel's military has also paused all leave for soldiers in combat units, and reservists have been called up to boost air defense. >> andrea, christiane, thank you. tensions in the middle east have pushed oil prices to their highest level since october. those prices put pressure on stocks yesterday, sending the dow plunging 530 points. the selloff was also fueled by a
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federal reserve official warning that interest rate cuts may not happen this year. today, investors get the monthly jobs report. >> officials have announced a tentative timeline to restore traffic to the port of baltimore after last week's bridge collapse. the army corps of engineers now expects to open a limited shipping channel in the next four weeks. it wants the permanent channel up and running by the end of may. today, president biden will visit that site and meet with the relatives of the six workers killed. the white house is asking major employers in the area to keep workers on their payroll until the port reopens. >> now to south florida and a deadly crane collapse. we're hearing from witnesses and victims. here's abc's derrick dennis this morning. >> harrowing accounts of the moment this high rise crane came crashing down onto a bridge in fort lauderdale, crushing one car and hitting another. mark simpson was inside that tesla. >> it hit the front of my car. it was like slow motion. i couldn't believe that i was still alive. we were driving to
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the museum, so the construction was to the right. >> on the right, we saw this, crane. >> becker says she was just seconds from being in the path of the collapse in the car with her young daughter. she says she saw the crane sway, then fall. >> and it was kind of like in a horror movie, you know, because you don't understand how heavy it is until it reaches the ground. and in this case, it reached the car. and, it was very scary and very, surreal. >> a construction worker who fell with the crane was killed. three people on the ground suffered minor injuries. at the time, officials say the operator was in the process of hoisting a piece of the crane to the top of a nearby building under construction. >> it was not the crane, per se, that actually failed. it was a platform that they had equipment staged on that had failed at the time of the incident. the investigation now shifts to what went wrong with that platform behind us. >> it was a school bus and i
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just grabbed my kid. so it's crazy feeling. as a mom, i can tell you that you need to appreciate every day with your kid and that bridge is closed until engineers determine whether it's safe. >> andrea. lionel. >> dirk. thank you. we are now hearing from a man nearly killed by a boulder during the taiwan earthquake wednesday. he was driving to work when the quake triggered a landslide. his car was hit. the 25 year old says he didn't even realize how big you see there that boulder was until he got home and saw video online. at least ten people are confirmed dead after the quake, but more than a dozen are still unaccounted for here at home. >> forecasters are predicting a very active atlantic hurricane season. experts at colorado state university are predicting 23 named storms and 11 hurricanes. they predict five of them will be major hurricanes. the government's official forecast comes out next month. meanwhile, a more immediate threat is the powerful nor'easter, which has left about
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700,000 homes and businesses without power, mostly in new england. in new hampshire, a woman was killed when a tree fell on a propane tank. well, check today's forecast in just a few moments. it's a busy travel weekend, and this morning we're learning about a growing concern at airports across the country. >> a huge spike in security breaches this morning, a troubling new report about the number of people who breached airport security in the last year, including an incident from february when a woman at the nashville airport bypass security sneaking past officers before boarding a flight to l.a. and last month, a man without a ticket was caught taking pictures of other passengers boarding passes at the salt lake city airport to board a flight. he was removed just before takeoff, a tsa spokesperson tells the washington post. of at least 300 cases nationwide in the last year, where people have bypassed airport security, a huge increase from previous years. just 72 cases were
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reported in 2022. only 29 in 2019. some of the factors the spike in post-pandemic travel and mental illness. >> there's certainly some concern when you see security breaches. however at the same time, there's no such thing as a perfect security system, a tsa spokesperson calling it a trend, saying the number of breaches is a larger number than we realized. >> the most common cases were passengers reentering secured areas through exit only lanes. other times, including that recent case in nashville, officials say people were just tired of waiting. >> is it something that the traveling public should be alarmed about? not, in my opinion, and certainly concerning about let's strengthen that vulnerability. but nothing to be concerned about the supply. the skies continue to remain safe. >> airport officials say they are working to address this trend, with ideas including new barriers and one way gates. >> time now for your friday weather.
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>> good morning. unfortunately we're still dealing with this nor'easter as it's struggling to move out of new england. and look at this as we go throughout the day. more of those showers blister up. there could be even a little bit of icy pellets coming through as some of the snow showers continue through new england. this dies down overnight, but maybe a few more showers as we head through saturday. meanwhile, the western u.s. dealing with their own storm system, which is going to bring 2 to 4in of snow towards the grapevine. this storm then pushes east into the weekend and brings thunderstorms to the plains. from accuweather i'm melissa constanza >> coming up, the suspect who tried escaping through a ceiling. >> also ahead, it's called pig butchering, but it's got nothing to do with animals. the growing scam via text message and how to avoid it. >> and later, seven tons of trash found at this home
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. >> and that's why at good morning america, we're right here and we got you. >> we got you, we got you. >> i hear it up there. >> oh. do you have a key? >> he's in the ceiling. can we get him down back now with video of a fraud suspect trying to escape through the ceiling of this hospital in new mexico. >> he had gone into the bathroom, locked the door, then tried to get away. eventually, he crawled out, telling police, quote, i just got scared. he was at the hospital after claiming he had chest pains. >> now to a growing scam with a very unpleasant name. it's called pig butchering. it refers to how scammers are luring in victims, then stealing their life savings using everything from dating apps to random text messages. >> i don't like to terme, it comes from the scammers, who, liken it to the practice of fattening hogs before slaughter.
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>> it's a growing scam online known as pig butchering. scammers send innocent sounding messages to you on a dating app or in a group chat. they get you talking, then lure you into believing that a small investment in cryptocurrency is exploding in value if fattening them up before they slaughter them, they steal their money. officials in new york have now seized nearly two dozen web domains from ip addresses in china, they say, were used to carry out the fraud with cases from california and illinois to pennsylvania. victims say it's a lot easier to fall for this than you might think, because the scammers often get some of your personal information off the web, so they're using all of your social presence as well to find a connection with you to gain your trust, and then to bleed you out of money. this woman in brooklyn says she was scammed out of $106,000. another lost 118,000. >> the way he was talking, like, you know, like, oh, i'll take
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care of you. you know, like just building that relationship that rapport. >> the accounts look legit at first. victims see some fake dividends from their investment and can even withdraw small amounts of money. but when you try to cash out, you're locked out and your money is gone. >> if they say, i love you, or if they say love or crypto within a week, just do not engage. >> one study estimates pig butchering scammers have made more than $75 billion worldwide. >> no arrests have been made after that massive heist in los angeles that we first told you about yesterday. officials say up to 30 million in cash was stolen from this storage facility. the thieves entered using the roof, getting into the vault without tripping an alarm. police confirm a hole in the side of that building, now boarded up, is damaged from the heist. no word on where the suspects or the cash might be coming up. >> a new setback for electric vehicles. >> also ahead, eclipse tourism hits a snag overbooked hotels canceling reservations and the
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canceling reservations and the rates are out when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here!
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tree. >> we're back with a monster cleanup underway in los angeles. crews have now removed seven tons of trash from outside this home, and they're not done yet. neighbors say the man who lives at the home suffers from mental health issues. the city only has permission to clear the yard and can't go inside yet. >> kansas city chiefs star rishi rice now says he takes full responsibility for this chain reaction crash that happened in dallas. his attorney says rice was speeding in a lamborghini when he lost control, leaving four people injured. the attorney says rice plans to compensate the victims. when asked why rice walked away from the crash, he said that's still being investigated. no charges have been announced. >> ford is delaying the rollout of its new electric vehicles to focus instead on making more hybrids, ev trucks and suvs that were supposed to go into production next year have been pushed back at least a year, as the auto industry sees slower
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than expected demand for electric vehicles. >> we turn now to eclipse across america and from scientists to hotel managers, millions are gearing up just three days to go before the historic solar eclipse. and for some, the final preparations have been bumpier than the surface of the moon. overbooked hotels from upstate new york to the deep south are suddenly canceling some guests reservations, leaving them with no place to stay. for others, the options are pricey. a super eight hotel in illinois, usually $95 a night, will be nearly 950 sunday night. speaking of somewhere to go, portable toilet companies are flush with business, some reporting a fold increase in revenue ahead of so many big gatherings. >> it's just really hard to manage that many people with excitement. >> sky high people in the path of totality are getting creative . this new york high schooler turned a cereal box into a tool to safely watch the eclipse. as
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it happens, looking at it like with a glass is pretty cool, but it's like dimmed. >> but you can see the whole thing with the with the box. >> but before you start carving up cardboard, keep an eye on the forecast. overcast skies could dampen the experience for millions. >> clouds are going to be an issue. places like waco and tyler and even dallas, and the overall flow is not really a dry one. so cities up the line like indianapolis, cleveland and buffalo hopefully just some thin clouds. but i think that area is going to be touch and go. day of what looks best for clear viewing right now is in northern new england. >> we aren't the only ones going wild for the eclipse. biologists will carefully observe animals after seeing some strange behavior during the 2017 eclipse, when the moon covered the sun, giraffe started running around their enclosures. flamingos made a protective circle around their young. and as for some tortoises, they started mating behavior. this biologist tells our danae new he's watching the eclipse with 40 other scientists at the fort worth zoo, and he's encouraging children everywhere to document any strange animal behavior they see.
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>> maybe now this is enough to spark the interest of a of a kid or a teenager to think, yeah, maybe science is something i could get into. >> and this is cool. you should consider wearing red and green during the eclipse. those colors, especially if you are in a group, will create a unique effect because of how we see colors in low light. and a reminder, abc news is your home for everything. eclipse. our live coverage begins at 2 p.m. eastern on monday. >> very exciting. well coming up, another streaming service cracking down on password sharing. >> also ahead, the prices people are paying to see tonight's are paying to see tonight's women's final we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart
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don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. the first place to see the skies go dark >> time now to check the pulse. we begin with the women's college basketball. >> it could be the most anticipated women's final four ever. and it's tonight. iowa's
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caitlin clark is the headliner, trying to lead her hawkeyes to a title before going pro. they face uconn tonight. >> that's after undefeated south carolina takes on nc state. the average price for a ticket more than $2,300. that is more than double the average price for a men's final four ticket. granted, there are three times as many tickets for the men's event. a new record in the auction world for the sale of a superman comic book. >> it fetched $6 million. the single issue is action comics number one, which introduced superman to the public in 1938. the new owner is staying anonymous. >> some news from hollywood. after a strong box office showing for a dune part two, a part three is now in the works. part two made 630 million worldwide. our parent company, disney, is preparing to crack down on password sharing. >> it's part of an effort to boost disney plus subscribers and profits. the password crackdown is scheduled to begin in june. it follows a similar move by netflix, which boosted subscriptions next. caught on camera one crafty criminal.
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yeah, the thief was disguised as a trash bag going up to this home in sacramento to steal a package. >> by the time the homeowner realized what happened, the package and the suspect were gone. >> and finally, a close call for a paddle boarder. >> video showing a woman in the mediterranean keeping her balance as a shark approaches her. but, she falls off the paddle board, landing directly on the shark. the woman was not injured. this video was filmed in 2021, but recently posted online. >> she is a very lucky paddle boarder, that's for sure. headlines coming up next type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes.
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live the race for san francisco mayor. expected to get more crowded today. now at five, the longtime city supervisor, who says he wants to get the city back on track and before the a's settle in vegas, will be temporarily calling sacramento home. >> we're hearing from fans upset over this latest development. >> it is opening day for the san francisco giants. we're live this morning at oracle park for a preview of what the park has in store for fans. >> first, though, how will the weather hold up for the game? a live look outside this morning. it is a chilly stt


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