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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 9, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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congratulations to bay area resident tracy chapman. >> just a few moments ago, we found out she's received her first nomination for riding fast car. this is from the academy of country music. this song was originally released in 1988, but it blew up again last year when country singer luke combs released a version of her song. the acm awards are next month. >> well, congratulate. that's amazing. >> what a great year. >> yeah, such a good song. tracy you supposedly live in the bay area. >> if you're watching right now, we still want you to come on. yes, please. you invited any time you can >> george: good morning america for our viewers in the west. federal agents prevent a deadly terror attack. terror takedown. the fbi arrest an idaho man before he planned at taxes on churches. what we know this morning.
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>> michael: overnight severe storms moving in. a river of hail in texas. ginger is tracking the path and the biggest threats right now. >> george: trump on trial. the former president's lawyers attempt to delay the manhattan interference case against him less than a week before it starts. the latest moves after an appeals court denied one last attempt. and the former president now faces criticism from democrats and his own party after he claimed the issue of abortion should be left up to individual states. >> michael: new trouble for country singer morgan waller, facing felony charges as police say he threw a chair off a roof top bar in nashville. what his lawyers are saying. >> rebecca: course collision. cars launching over a barrier into the stands. how no one got hurt. could 8% interest rates be in america's future? the new economic warning from the head of the nation's biggest
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bank as households feel the pressure. ♪ ♪ you got me feeling emotion ♪ >> robin: it's hard to express the emotions that you feel when you see something like this. >> michael: millions across north america on the emotional solar coaster. >> it's beautiful! >> you got emotional. >> tears in my eyes. >> michael: marvelling eclipse mania. >> robin: it's a feeling that's indescribable. >> michael: and the huskies are feeling great this morning. >> it is a uconn coronation! >> michael: back to back national titles for uconn. >> special delivery to justin! >> michael: dominating purdue to become the first repeat champions in nearly two decades. coach dan hurley joins us live. we just hope he got some sleep after the emotional celebration. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america.
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thank you for joining us this morning. we are looking forward to chatting with coach dan hurley champion coach dan hurley. and millions of people across the country stopped their day to watch the eclipse, including you and your daughter. >> rebecca: yes. we didn't have plans to do this. we were walking to dance class. people all over the streets of manhattan were looking up. we had the glasses, thank you gma. isabelle was really into it. it was fun. >> george: look at that mouth. she was in awe. >> rebecca: she was pretty into it. i love this collective experience when people come together at the same time. it's a good vibe. also ahead, as you get ready for your morning commute, we're gonna tell you about the scammers that are targeting ez pass. that is coming up. >> george: first arrest of an idaho man plotting a deadly attack on churches in support of isis. the fbi director calls it a truly horrific plan. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has the latest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good morning. the suspect was arrested on saturday just hours before the
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alleged planned assault on sunday. authorities say he had picked a specific church where he would start his attack, set for the end of ramadan. this morning the fbi claims this 18-year-old was on the verge of conducting a terror plot involving attacks on multiple churches in idaho. alexander mercurio expressing his allegiance to isis. the plot involved a murderous rampage using knives and firearms to kill parishioners. he also planned to set the houses of worship on fire, going from church to church until he was killed by police. it's a plan eerily similar to that isis assault on that concert hall in moscow. >> talked about using knives, fire and possibly weapons. and so the combination of all three if, in fact, he did launch that, had the possibility of harming a lot of people. >> reporter: according to criminal charges unsealed last
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night, mercurio had bought a number of items for his attacks including butane canisters for setting fires. and those charges are also on saturday he sent an audio file to an fbi informant that says in part i'm answering the call for the islamic state for jihad and to kill. charges against mercurio lay out a chilling plan where he would, quote, incapacitate his father, restrain him using handcuffs, steal his firearms to use for maximum casualties in his attack. sources tell abc news his father had dozens of weapons including an ar-15 style assault rifle. mercurio's arrest comes at a state of heightened alert by u.s. law enforcement. authorities have been concerned about rage ignited by the hamas war and late last week they sented out an urgent bulletin saying isis was trying to use the horrific attack in moscow to inspire people here to conduct attacks. announcing this arrest last night we received statements
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from both the attorney general and the fbi director, both expressing deep concern, saying just how dangerous the threat environment is right now. michael? >> michael: happy they were able to stop him. thank you very much. now the severe weather in the south. the storms could cause trouble for people trying to get home from watching the eclipse. ginger is tracking the latest. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: we're grateful a lot of storms waited for after the eclipse. but it did make for tough driving especially if you were in texas, where hail was reported, more than 50 reports. the hail causing flash flooding in the streets there. today we're going to see more severe weather. we do see more hail in the forecast, but also damaging winds. it's kicking up an isolated tornado threat that becomes bigger. austin, waco, into louisiana today but it doesn't stop, the overnight, we will see the potential for tornados going into tomorrow morning. we will likely be waking up tomorrow morning talking about watches.
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that will keep pushing east into southern mississippi and the florida panhandle. this is a big event with many tornados possible. in the next 36 hours. it is time to say, okay, where am i going to be? do i have a shelter? can i be close to that when a warning is issued? >> george: lot of good advice, ginger. thanks. the latest on donald trump's legal troubles with jack smith calling the supreme court to reject trump's claims of immunity as the former president tries some last ditch legal maneuvers to delay his manhattan trial on election interference. aaron katersky is at the courthouse in downtown manhattan. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning. we're less than a week before former president trump is to stand trial in new york. an appeals court already rejected one of his attempts to delay and is expected to take up another one a bit later today. trump's attorneys would like to stop everything and move the case out of manhattan. they say there are too many potential jurors around here who have been exposed to pretrial negative publicity. prosecutors say trump should have nothing to complain about
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though since much of the publicity is his own doing. he talks and posts about the case so much to weed out bias potential jurors will fill out a seven page questionnaire that asks whether or not they's been a trump rally and their feelings about how trump is being treated. today, trump is going to ask again to delay the case and relax a gag order the judge imposed that stops him from attacking the judge's family, prosecutors and witnesses. george, as you know, trump would like to push all of his criminal trials past the november election. so far one here in new york is the only one set to go on trial next week. >> george: aaron, what can you tell us about the special counsel going to the supreme court? >> reporter: jack smith says there's nothing in american history, the constitution or even policy debate to suggest that a former president cannot be held criminally accountable. that no president has ever been prosecuted before. it's not because he's immuned.
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jack smith said it reflects the unprecedented nature of trump's alleged conduct. george? >> george: thanks. bring in dan abrams. we are seeing all of these last minute maneuvers. any chance of success? >> very very small. at this point it seems clear this case is moving to trial. these issues have been litigated, addressed, and i think that the chance that this isn't going to begin monday is small. >> george: monday the courthouse opens. what are you looking for? >> first thing is jury selection. right? you heard aaron talking about the questions the jurors will be answering. it's not just big picture ones like, have you been to a trump rally? it's what media do you watch? where do you get your information? there will be subtle questions that will tell lawyers a lot about these jurors. that's going to be the most critical thing in this case. we can sit here and talk about all the legal issues, all the factual questions. but the most important question is going to be who is on that jury? and that will be number one.
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then number two is going to be at the trial legal and factual. from a legal perspective, are they going to be able to demonstrate this falsification of business records was an effort to conceal another crime. in effect here, the election crimes that the prosecutors say were also committed even though they weren't charged. secondly factually, is the former president going to continue to deny he had a relationship with stormy daniels? i think he's going to. i think his position is still it didn't happen. >> george: do you think he'll have to take the stand? >> no, he doesn't have to take the stand. i would be surprised if he takes the stand. i know his team is talking about it. i would be very surprised if he does take the stand. then again, classic legal case, right? you have to view this case through the legal and political prism. as a result, the typical rules that apply may not apply here. >> george: dan abrams, thank you very much. donald trump is under fire from all sides on abortion rights. the former president now says the issue should be for the states to decide.
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members of his own party disagree. democrats say he is back to the strictest bans on abortion. rachel scott has the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump has made it clear this is all about politics. he has been trying to find a winning message on this issue. after months of floating the idea of a possible 15 week national abortion ban, he now says the decision should be left up to the states, sparking backlash on both sides. this morning donald trump is facing criticism from his own party after declaring that the issue of abortion should be up to individual states. >> the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state. >> reporter: but as president, trump appointed three justices who supported overturning roe, and during his video announcement saying he is proudly the person responsible for the supreme court's decision. the vice president firing back. >> one in three women of reproductive age now live in a
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state with an abortion ban. if he were to be put back in a position where he could sign off on a law, he would sign off on a national abortion ban. >> reporter: the former president making it clear politics is at the heart of his decision, keenly aware abortion rights won in all six states where it has been on the ballot including conservative states like kansas, kentucky, ohio. >> you must follow your heart on this issue. remember, you must also win elections. >> reporter: many on the right outraged that trump declined to endorse a national abortion plan. his former vice president mike pence calling his announcement a slap in the face to millions of pro life americans who voted for trump. and close ally senator graham saying he respectfully disagrees. president biden pointing out 21 states have banned or restricted access to abortion since the fall of roe v. wade. >> donald trump just endorsed every state ban on reproductive care nationwide. >> reporter: trump says he does support exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.
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he did not say he also supports exceptions for health of the mother, george. >> george: this does leave open a lot of questions about what donald trump would actually do if he were elected president again. >> reporter: george, it is notable that the former president did not say what he would do on this issue if he were to be elected, whether he would sign a national abortion ban into law, or whether he supports access to medication abortion. trump himself has been on all sides of this issue over the years, george. >> george: what he did as president is what counts. okay, rachel. thank you very much. michael? >> michael: now the scam targeting ez pass users. scammers are using phoney text messages to try to get your money and information. erielle reshef is here now with what you need to know. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning. can't let your guard down for even a second. drivers in 18 states from the east coast to midwest have ez pass as a way to pay tolls. now scammers are targeting those who use that system. the pennsylvania turnpike commission reports thousands of its customers received bogus text messages warning of an
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outstanding balance directing them to click a link to a website to pay in order to avoid a late fee. but these texts are not from the turnpike commission. what should you do if you received one of these? experts say ignore it and never click a link in an unfamiliar text message. if you're unsure go to the state's official ez pass website and look up your own account. authorities in pennsylvania say the ez pass system has not been hacked and these fake messages are just targeting random phone numbers. but toll agencies around the country are reporting similar scams in recent days. rebecca? >> rebecca: we're getting to a point where you just ignore any text message from an unknown number. okay, erielle. thank you. now the economic warning as the head of the nation's biggest bank and as house holds feel the pressure of inflation. elizabeth schulze joins us. 8% interest rate could bes in america's future? >> reporter: that's right, rebecca.
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good morning. this is an ominous warning from the ceo of jp morgan chase. jamie diamond says interest rates could spike to 8% in the coming years. he cites high spending by the government and disruptions to global trade as reasons that inflation could stay higher for longer. the federal reserve has already raised interest rates to around 5.5% to fend off stubbornly high inflation. while the prices we pay are not going up as much as they were three years ago, the typical american house hold is still spending $1,000 extra every month on the same goods and services because of inflation, with so many struggling to make ends meet. jamie diamond has been warning about an impending recession for awhile. he admits that still has not happened. guys? >> rebecca: it's been happening for sometime. he's been putting this out there. okay elizabeth, thank you. >> michael: now to the march madness finale. university of connecticut
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huskies, they're champions again. uconn beat purdue for the first back to back title in 17 years. our will reeve was at the game, of course, as he always is, covering it for us. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, michael. all around me folks have been working through the night cleaning up and breaking down another march madness comes to a close. it looked like we had a game last night, but in the end the huskies were inevitable. this morning uconn reaching new heights. >> it is a uconn coronation. the huskies make history, back to back national champions! >> reporter: the huskies repeating as national champions, the first team to go back to back since the 2006/2007 gators. uconn dominant once again pulling away from two-time national player of the year zach edey and purdue in the second half, winning 75-60. >> long stride, puts it in!
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he just challenged edey for the bucket. >> reporter: tristan newton named the tournament's most outstanding player. where does uconn go down in history in terms of all time great programs? >> number one. >> smith! upstairs! jumbo jam zach edey! >> reporter: edey scoring 37 points and adding ten rebounds, but it wasn't enough. >> you can say whatever you want about me. you can say however i play, whatever. you can never say i didn't give it 100% every time i stepped on the floor. >> newton's bulls eye! >> reporter: for the second straight year, uconn winning each of its tournament games by double digits. their average margin of victory more than 23 points a game. >> to win two years in a row with a special group, different group, it means a lot. it's special to me. it doesn't feel real. >> reporter: with last night's win the uconn basketball program is now 17-1 in national championship games.
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the men are 6-0. the women are 11-1. speaking of women's basketball, guys, word for sunday's national championship game between iowa and south carolina. south carolina winning it all in front of 18.7 million viewers on tv. that is the most watched basketball game of any kind in five years, guys. really amazing. >> michael: it is amazing. worth the watch. worth the watch. a great game by uconn there. seems like a school of winners. they don't lose when it really matters. thank you for that, will. coming up uconn coach, dan hurley, gonna join us live fresh off his back to back titles. i don't know how much sleep he got, but he is here. >> rebecca: he is ready. also ahead, the incredible images from mexico to maine, gathering for the eclipse. >> george: now trouble for morgan wallen, now facing felony charges. >> ginger: as if tornado hail and wind wasn't enough, we'll add flash flooding from east texas through northern louisiana, mississippi, alabama, southern arkansas.
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we're already in a flood watch. it's going to be rounds of rain that come in the next 36 hours, adding 3 to 5 inches quickly. we don't miss out on this, because we've been so wet. some of the weather moves here thursday. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up, is ai cool for school? and can it be used for homeworkwe'll find out. we'll be right back. ere it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. (man) excuse me, and more would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires.
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or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. tesla has settled a high profile case involving a driver who died after his model x crashed while autopilot was on. jury selection
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for the wrongful death trial was set to begin this week. former apple engineer walter wong died when his tesla hit a concrete highway median in the south bay in march of 2018. the ntsb's investigation found. the car had been on autopilot for nearly 19 minutes before the suv veered off the highway. terms of the settlement were not disclosed. >> reggie, that three car crash in novato has cleared, but drivers should still expect heavy residual delays. this is after the crash blocked one lane at san antonio road. the alternate lakeville highway is only ten minutes faster at this point. >> reggie, thanks so much. meteorologist drew t
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2024 summer concert series with performances by the roots, jim gaffigan, jason isbell, and the 400 unit. 24 frames. melissa etheridge and julie.
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nice afternoon. temperatures right now we are mainly in the 40s as we get you out the door, so light jacket is certainly needed, but those temperatures rebound really nicely heading into the afternoon. highs today. you can see we're getting that warm sunshine in full effect. if we stopped in the 60s by lunchtime that would be average. but we continue to warm up away from the coast. we're going into the 70s. a close look at daytime high 67 in the city today, 72 in oakland, 78 in san jose and santa rosa, a high of 77. in antioch. >> reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. don't tell >> direct from broadway. funny girl is musical comedy heaven featuring celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. this hilarious, brilliant and stunningly gorgeous production introduces rising star katarina mccrimmon as fanny brice is going on a
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injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. >> open up your world with abismo a chance for up to four months between treatments with abismo. >> ask your doctor. >> as a teenager, i struggled with acne and i still struggle with post acne marks. >> bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal visibly fades post acne marks by up to 40% bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal paris. wow, that's good. >> almond breeze you like the almond breeze? i got you. that's so interesting. so interesting. >> what's happening? dad don't just milk it. almond milk it. ♪ once upon a time there was light in my life ♪ >> robin: whoa! >> whit: look at that! whoo! yes!
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>> michael: welcome back to gma. see robin and whit soaking up the sun. one more reason to play that song, george. i know you thought it was over yesterday. [ laughter ] we got you again buddy. total eclipse of the heart. we're going to have much more on the emotional moments across the country after the total eclipse. that is just ahead. >> george: it is a great song. everything in moderation. [ laughter ] top headlines we're following including an idaho man arrested on charges to carry out deadly attacks on churches in support of isis. fbi director calls it a truly horrific plan. also pfizer says its rsv vaccine could help younger adults with medical conditions. younger adults with conditions like as pha, diabetes or copd are more likely to be hospitalized. the vaccine is approved for older adults and pregnant women. they will ask the fda for expanded approval based on trial results. >> rebecca: take a look at this speedway in new zealand. a course collision you see it there launching two drivers and
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their cars over the safety barrier and into the stands. miraculously no one was hurt. thank goodness. we've got a lot more ahead including ai and homework, and the question all students and parents should be asking. that's coming up. >> michael: thank you for that, rebecca. right now we are joined by back to back national champion, coach of the uconn huskies, coach dan hurley. good morning, coach. congratulations on the big win last night! >> yeah, michael. you know what it feels like to get these big wins, man. that championship, you know, euphoric feeling. it's an incredible, what an incredible night. have ten months of work to make it happen on one special monday night. >> michael: it definitely feels pretty good, i do know that. this is your second straight championship, uconn's sixth win since 1999. last night we saw it early. you came out last night. i got to ask you, how are you feeling this morning?
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>> i'm still pretty -- the adrenaline's still going, man. i'll tell ya. the night before a big game, it's hard to sleep. and then, you know, the night of a game, it's hard to get to bed 'cause that adrenaline doesn't go anywhere. plus, you know, i downed a coffee right before i go out there. i'm working on another coffee during the game. my energy level intensity is always high. >> michael: caffeine definitely helps. what you and your team have accomplished is even more impressive, given that you lost five of your eight top players from last year's team that won a championship. so what was the key to this team's success? >> well, you know, michael, we brought back a core of players that were very important players like fourth and fifth starters,
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first player off the bench. so players that were critical to the championship team had a chance to return to the team, become the big three, become the driving force behind the program. kind of the face of things, donovan cligan, tristan newton. just through player development of some guys in the program that didn't play last year, but played a big role this year, got better over the summer. you bring in a blue chip freshman in stef cassel, who was only on campus for probably eight months and is likely to go to the nba as a one and done. then we were smart with going out and plucking a veteran player that fit us from a team standpoint in cam spencer. we picked up just the perfect transfer. we had the championship confidence of some returners.
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the new guys brought a fire and a desire of wanting to get their first championship. >> michael: you put together a perfect team, obviously. going by your record, winning all these games by double digits. your practices, they're legendarily tough. but you turned it up even more this year. how'd you do that? >> i think i'm probably, you know -- i think i'm more of a football coach type of guy. [ laughter ] basketball, we got some seasons here. not as tough as the football guys. we're old school, man. i think we recruit players whose families, you know, stress accountability, responsibility. have those old school values. these kids are 19, 20, 21 years old. they don't got to play for me for 10, 12 years. we're trying to do a sprint together. we're trying to maximize this one, two, three year experience together and absolutely squeeze
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the lemons. we're just getting the right type of talented players to come in here, nba level talent. if a guy values winning and wants to be part of teams that win big things. >> michael: coach hurley, you have won the big thing two years in a row. congratulations to you. maybe there's a three peat there. we won't even talk about that now. go get yourself some rest. you deserve it. we'll see you soon. thanks, coach. >> yeah. i did like hearing that three peat. [ laughter ] start thinking about it. >> michael: all right. that's news. you got it. all right there, coach. have a great one. george? >> george: all right. coming up later, students are using ai for their homework, but is that cheating? this morning one question kids and parents should ask before using it. and next country music star morgan wallen facing felony charges. for possibilities, ching discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer.
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your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. >> george: we are back with more trouble for country music star morgan wallen. he is accused of throwing a chair off a roof top bar in nashville narrowly avoiding police officers. senior national correspondent steve osunsami has details. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. this isn't like any other run ins with police. these are felony charges, which means possibly he could be seeing years in prison if convicted. ♪ last night we left t >> reporter: he's one of the most successful recording artists in the entire music industry. morgan wallen this morning in another mug shot charged with
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three counts of felony reckless endangerment and misdemeanor disorderly conduct after police say he threw a chair six stories down from a roof top bar in nashville. police say the chair landed three feet from two of their officers who were working below. witnesses say they saw him pick up the chair, throw it over him, laughing after ward. he was booked and released early monday morning seen here moving between two umbrellas and waiting vehicle. he has not yet entered a plea. in a statement to abc news, one of wallen's attorneys tells us he is cooperating fully with authorities. ♪ ♪ i can't love you more than my home town ♪ it's not his first time in trouble. may of 2020 he was arrested and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct after getting kicked out of a nashville bar. prosecutors later dropped the charges. later that same year during the height of the pandemic, saturday night live dropped him as their musical guest after he was seen
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in tik tok videos ignoring covid precautions at the time. out partying without a mask and kissing random women. then in february of 2021 he was caught on video filmed by a neighbor using a racial slur while speaking to a friend after coming home from a night out. his label briefly suspended his contract, they wouldn't allow him at the bill board awarsd. soon he was on you tube apologizing. >> the natural thing to do is to apologize further, just continue to apologize. >> reporter: he sat down with michael strahan following the incident that could have cost him his career. >> michael: do you understand why it makes black people so upset? >> i don't know how to put myself in their shoes because i'm not, you know? i do understand especially when i say that i'm using it playfully or whatever, ignorantly, i understand that must sound like he doesn't understand. >> reporter: instead sales and streams of his music online went up.
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>> the way our culture is right now, bad behavior is not only tolerated, it's often rewarded. the real justice here would be to treat him like an average citizen who did the same thing. >> reporter: wallen is kicking off a new tour so he will be quite busy. but he'll need to return home for a court appearance on may 3rd. guys? >> michael: thank you, steve. coming up next, eclipse mania across the country. no one was more excited than our guy whit johnson. that is the truth. we'll be right back. truth, wilt back. for all moms everywhere. i'm one of thousands of runners running to beat things bigger than the clock. to help more kids outrun cancer. help amputees walk again and — maybe even run. thousands of runners. thousands of reasons to run. find a runner. help a cause.
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♪ once upon a time there was light in my life ♪ >> rebecca: we are back on gma. millions got to witness the total solar eclipse across america. whit johnson was at the party in cleveland, ohio. he joins us. whit, it was so special to see you experience that with robin and talking to your mom. good morning. >> whit: rebecca, good morning to you. i couldn't sleep last night just pondering the questions of the universe here in cleveland, totality was 3:49 of total bliss. a rare experience. able to pierce your soul and activate your mind at the same time. >> it's official, eclipse 2024 has begun. >> whit: from the land to the sea to the sky and even outer space, the total eclipse captivating tens of millions across the country as the moon
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passed in front of the sun casting its long shadow down on earth, seen in this video from the international space station. 15 states, from texas to maine, in the path of totality. >> this is once in a life time! >> whit: zoo animals reacting. these flamingos grouping together. mexico catching the first glimpse, the beach plunging into darkness. >> beautiful! >> you sound emotional. >> tears in my eyes. >> it's like heaven is coming down. >> whit: in texas these sky divers getting an up close incredible look. children overwhelmed in carbondale, illinois. fans at the indianapolis motor speed way erupting as the sun's dazzling corona came into view. >> wow. >> whit: and in cleveland, robin and i soaking in every second. here we go. any moment. wow! >> robin: exactly what you were hoping for. >> whit: robin, that's venus to the bottom right.
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jupiter is right there. see jupiter. >> robin: i just saw it! >> whit: look at it! they're hot pink. for both of us, overcome with emotion. robin, i gotta say, sharing this moment with you, too, what are you feeling right now? >> robin: whew. it's hard to express the emotions that you feel when you see something like this, knowing that your mom saw it first down in mexico. the whole totality. people are going to see it and know that we are all together. something i will never ever forget. it was special because of you. you got me to stay. i was heading to the airport. you were like, how could you miss this? i'm so glad i stayed. >> whit: we spend our whole lives planning everything, trying to take control. right? i'm going to do this so i can get that. i'm gonna do this so i can get that job. but in this moment you realize there are greater forces in play here. >> robin: what you told me, it's not what i was going to see, but
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what i was going to feel. just like your mom said. that's the truth. it's the feeling. the feeling that's indescribable. >> whit: my mom, witnessing her seventh eclipse in mexico. but to my surprise, we were still able to enjoy it together. i gotta tell you there's something, hearing my mom talk about this live on the air, i feel connected to her now 2,000 miles away. i'm getting a bit emotional here. i got to be honest. >> i felt the universe. i felt the universe. whit, i'm feeling you and this place in the universe. i'm in mexico, you are in cleveland. >> whit: i love you, mom. this eclipse across the u.s., more visible and longer lasting than the last one in 2017. and for some, it marked the beginning of a life time. more than 300 couples saying i do, eloping under the moon's shadow. now unfortunately, if you missed this eclipse you have to wait another 20 years to see one in the continental u.s.
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but spain and parts of ice land will see one in 2026. i might be able to convince robin to come join me on that one. i gotta say, nobody is able to better express what's in the heart than our friend robin roberts. while the rest of us are having all of these feelings that we can't put into words, she was able to break through with her emotion, giving us permission to feel those same things. i'm truly grateful that we were able to share that moment together. guys? >> rebecca: it was so cool to see the two of you sharing that moment together with people all over the world. okay, whit. thank you so much. coming up, we are taking off three days of deals and steals. it's an event. stay with us. >> ginger: coming up one woman's . >> coming up on tour on gma with conan gray is sponsored by live nation.
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parking lot, and it's slow across the span to 101. with a drive time of 25 minutes. and there's a report of a minor two car crash before treasure island blocking the right lane. hey, amanda. >> tam cam this morning showing you sunshine. it's going to be a warm day across the region now. temperatures very typical for this time of the morning. we are seeing widespread 40s and low 50s, but we are going to jump very quickly once that sun really gets its warming underway. we'll find by noon temperatures already into the 60s. if we stop there, that would be average for this time of the year. but we continue to warm. we'll find that sunshine getting us into the 70s away from the coast, so high of 72. in oakland, 67 in the city, 78. both san jose and santa rosa. >> reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on our abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> type two diabetes. >> discover the ozempic tri-zone 0000. then i got the power of
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all the needs of the napa valley , from wheelbarrows to wheel loaders and trenchers to tractors. we have what you need when you need it. our friendly rental team of napa locals is here to assist you in english or spanish. i'm chris smith, president of cresco, and if you need it, cresco's got it in napa. is it any of our 19 northern california locations? the alameda spring home show is back this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> whether you're improving, remodeling, or simply redecorating, the home shows the place to be. shop, compare, and save at hundreds of exhibits this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. live is giving >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. fbi arrest an idaho man for planning deadly attacks on churches in support of isis. what we know this morning. >> rebecca: is ai cool for school? >> students are overwhelmed with school work.
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>> rebecca: with more students using the technology, what parents and students should know. >> michael: don't be salty. the new study on salt substitutes and the simple swaps you can make to help you live longer. dr. darien sutton is here. ♪ hey baby ♪ >> rebecca: gwen stefani has no doubt. just days before her firsted ever coachella set, what the band is saying about their reunion, one decade in the making. >> michael: our comfort food america tour hitting the jack pot in denver. >> hi, guys. come on in. >> michael: bringing the taste of mexican comfort food to the mile high city. >> makes me feel like home. >> michael: we're there live, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. comfort food. our favorite.
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we have comfort food in america tour. we're gonna pull up to denver, go to a family restaurant known for their tacos. that's all coming up. >> george: listening to miley cyrus, but also taylor swift is stirring up excitement for her new album. >> rebecca: i'm glad you knew that, george. this is miley. this is not taylor. we love both of them. plus, we have the latest on the vatican's new statement on issues like surrogacy and more. >> george: first look at the top stories and more. we start with the arrest of an idaho man on charges of planning to carry out deadly attacks on churches. the fbi director calls it truly a horrific plan. we want to go back to pierre thomas, good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. the fbi claims the alleged plot was in its final stages and would have been tragic if carried out. this morning the fbi claims this 18-year-old was on the verge of conducting terror plot involving attacks on multiple churches in idaho.
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alexander mercurio, seen here knife in hand, expressing his allegiance to isis. the fbi said the plot involved a murderous rampage using knives and firearms. he also planned to set houses of worship on fire, going from church to church until he was killed by police. it's a plan eerily similar to that assault on that concert hall in moscow. >> he talked about using knives, fire and possibly weapons. and so the combination of all three is, in fact, if he did launch that, had the possibility of harming a lot of people. >> reporter: according to criminal charges unsealed last night, mercurio had bought a number of items for his attack, including butane canisters for setting fires. they say mercurio sent an audio file to an fbi informant that says in part, i am answering the call from jihad and to kill. sources tell abc news his father had dozens of weapons including an ar-15 style assault rifle.
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officials continued to say this is perhaps the most dangerous threat environment since 9/11. michael? >> michael: pierre, thank you for that. we're going to turn to sentencing day for the michigan parents found guilty after their son killed four students at his high school in 2021. victims' families are expected to share impact statements. trevor ault is at the courthouse in pontiac, michigan. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. convictions of these parents were historic so today's sentencing is unprecedented. james and jennifer crumbley have spent almost 2 1/2 years behind bars but are facing 15 years for their role in their son's school shooting. this morning the first parents held criminally responsible for their child's school shooting now learning their sentences together. >> this verdict does not bring back their children, but it does
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mark a moment of accountability. >> reporter: james and jennifer crumbley were both convicted of four counts of unvoluntary manslaughter, one count for each victim, as the parents bought their son the gun he used and ignored signs of his declining mental health. state sentencing guidelines recommend they face a maximum of about seven years in prison. prosecutors are recommending 10 to 15 years, saying the parents have shown a chilling lack of remorse. >> they could have prevented this shooting and saved these kids' lives. >> reporter: james crumbley is asking for time served. jennifer asked to serve her sentence on house arrest at her lawyer's guest home. she also tried walking back some of her testimony where she said this -- >> i have asked myself if i would have done anything differently. i wouldn't have. >> reporter: in court documents, she now says that is true without the benefit of hindsight that i have now, with the information i have now, of course my answer would be hugely different. ahead of today's sentencing, the judge will hear impact statements from the families of the four victims, many of which
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were in court each day of the crumbleys' trial. >> it's so important to empathize with the sympathy, holding both of them accountable for their insufficiencies. >> reporter: and the crumbleys' son is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole. even after today's sentencing hearing, there are still multiple lawsuits in the works against the school district for failing to prevent this shooting. rebecca? >> rebecca: some potentially big precedents there. thank you. we turn to the vatican's new statement on issues like surrogacy, abortion and more. james longman joins us with more on that. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. pope francis has been accused of being too liberal and by others
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of not being liberal enough. this latest affirmation of catholic doctrine is reigniting that debate. the issues outlines the opposition to sex change surgery and to gender identity. they say anyone who chooses to change their sex that they were assigned with at birth risks essentially blaming god. they also on surrogacy they say it is a violation of woman and child. last year pope francis did say transgender people would be welcome to be baptized in the church. also opened the possibility for same sex unions to have the union blessed in the church. i think it's safe to say he's tried to have a theme of forgiveness and tolerance. but this text shows the catholic doctrine is not changing. guys? >> george: thank you very much. coming up, the new report on salt substitutes. dr. sutton breaks down how they can help you live longer. >> rebecca: also ahead, is using ai at school cheating? we'll tell you how parents and educators? what do you think? how parents and educators can learn from the new tool.
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>> michael: plus we're in denver for our comfort food in america series checking out delicious tacos from a favorite restaurant in the mile high city. and tory is with lara. hey, lara. >> lara: hey, michael, yeah. big bargains today. tory's deals and steals spring bonanza kicking off savings starting this morning, just $7 they're starting at. did we mention there's a leg massager? you're gonna get points for that. there you go, sal. all that and more coming up on gma. t in more on gma. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection.
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>> george: now time for our gma cover story and our all in on ai series. becky worley is back with a deeper look at the technology's role in education and whether students should be using it for homework. hey, becky. >> george, good morning. for students doing their homework using chat gpt or an image generator, that's cheating, right? or is it? how does the use of this new technology in schools differ from our initial reactions to calculators or spell check or wikipedia? for students and educators the question, is it okay to use ai, has only one chance right now. it's complicated. students copy and paste the response from chat gpt claiming it as their own work. >> it isn't a foreign language. >> is artificial intelligence like chat gpt increasing cheating in school? or is it helpful for learning? these high schoolers from headway school in oakland,
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california, say maybe both. you use chat gpt almost as a tutor? >> more or less. not to ask it for an answer, which i think that's the problem, but rather to explain a concept. to understand the why rather than just the answer itself. >> or if they get stuck on a computer science or math problem. >> i feel like when you're stuck and you've tried all these things, it's valid to ask chat gpt. and naturally, once you ask it, you'll understand why it was, the answer is the way it is. >> but some say kids turn to ai when they're desperate. >> i think a lot of chat gpt comes from students being overwhelmed with school work. >> dr. pope of stanford university has been surveying students about cheating for more than a decade. >> the fear was that chat gpt was going to unleash a flood of cheating behavior in students. >> but she says her data is not showing that increase, but adds that parents should still talk to kids about the technology.
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>> you want to make sure your student knows what the rules of the school are. >> how many of you know the school's policy on use of chat gpt for assignments? nobody? >> you can use it sometimes. >> sometimes. >> usually the teachers will make it clear before the assignment. some don't. >> determining what constitutes cheating is tricky. like you're assigned a paper and you ask chat gpt for help with the outline. cheating? not cheating? or the paper you wrote is 200 words too long. you put that into chat gpt and say, help me cut this down to 1,000 words. cheating? not cheating? but dr. pope has one simple metric. >> is this going to be helpful for you, in terms of learning what it is you're supposed to learn today, or is it going to be harmful? is i someone else doing the work
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and you're just pushing a button and not really putting in the effort? >> the kids know ai is here to stay. >> i think banning chat gpt would be ineffective and it's much more helpful to integrate it into the curriculum an teach students how to use it effectively. >> true. those kids primarily use chat gpt, but there are many ai tools that are in play. google gemini, the homework helper called oddity ai, many others. but, george, we are just looking at the tip of the iceberg on this ai issue. >> george: no question. helpful versus harmful. how do parents help? >> yeah. i mean, we talked to folks at chat gpt. they have a whole list of resources for parents and educators alike on their website. parents need to get familiar with it themselves. that advice, does this help or hurt your learning? you're so right, that really helps kids understand this.
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another tip really important, if you use an ai tool like chat gpt, you should cite it as a source in your work. if that makes your student nervous, that's a pretty good sign that they know that's not the right way to use artificial intelligence, george. >> george: good guidelines. becky, thank you very much. now pop news. >> lara: good morning, everybody. we are going to begin with queen bey retaining her throne. you like that, michael? beyonce earned her spot on the country charts with cowboy charter. it made it to number one on the bill board country charts making history in the process. beyonce is now the first black female to lead the country. three songs from cowboy carter have made their way on to the top ten of the billboard 100. texas hold em is number 2 up from 11. her collab with miley cyrus came
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in at number six. for the first time since dolly parton released it, jolene has made it into the top ten. beyonce's version sitting at number 7 and climbing, by the way. cowboy carter is streaming everywhere. >> michael: wow. >> lara: beyonce does it again, guys. the countdown is on, everybody, until taylor swift releases the tortured poets department. yesterday swift decided to stir up some excitement. the singer shared what appears to be some lyrics from the new album. there it is on the typewriter. they go, crowd goes wild at her finger tips, pass moon shine full eclipse. good timing, huh? taylor. the woman has the magic touch. fans think that is a line from one of the 16 tracks, or four bonus songs set to be featured on the album. the tortured poets department drops april 19th. then taylor jets to europe for the next leg of her eras tour king it off with four nights in paris.
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no word whether or not she'll add any of those new songs to the set list. my guess is yes. >> michael: yes. >> lara: hey, we have no doubt that you will be happy to hear gwen stefani and her band are reuniting. gwen is on the cover of "nylon" magazine, the first print issue in seven years. inside the magazine she shares that she and the band will perform together for the first time in ten years hitting the stage at coachella. take a look. >> i'm most excited for the people that are excited, to see the reaction of, like, people who are dying to be there. just the fact that we're going to be at coachella. i have never played at coachella before. i think it will be one of those things where we'll just get up and look at each other and start laughing going, what! i can't wait. >> lara: i can't wait either. so many great songs. she is gorgeous, too. wow, she looks great.
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gwen said the band doesn't have any plans to tour or record anything new but she is personally working on some new things. in the mean time she says fans can expect to hear all the good ones. i mean, they're all good. "just a girl." "it's my life." "don't speak." coachella kicks off this weekend. also happens the weekend of april 20th. you can get nylon's 25th anniversary celebration issue and read more from gwen when the magazine hits newsstands april 16th. very music centric pop today. this also is a drop. sorry, i love music. the boss is back and he's making sure fans of all ages are able to enjoy his performances. just weeks after making his return, bruce brought his tour to san francisco personally signed a note so that an 11-year-old fan could explain why she might not make it to class. she posted this footage saying the family sitting right behind them had a sign for their daughter that said skipping school, sign my note.
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bruce saw it. he came through before leaving the stage. karen writing, to be in such close proximity to greatness was more than i expected. he knelt down in front of me to sign that lucky girl's note. all i can say is i hope the teacher was equally enthralled. >> rebecca: a + +. >> michael: the teacher probably kept the note instead of giving it back. >> lara: everybody wins. that's pop. >> rebecca: everybody wins when you're here for pop. everybody wins when ginger is home for weather. hey, ginge. >> ginger: glad to be back, on what will likely be our warmest day this spring. we've got a nice one away. you see the high clouds over the city. that high pressure system down in the atlantic is helping those winds bring up some warm air. philadelphia could get close to 80. 73 buffalo. really nice. it's also helping fuel some storms. we have a chance of severe storms texas and louisiana today. tomorrow many tornados possible into mississippi and alabama. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> michael: we're diving into the first day of our deals and steals spring bonanza. tory johnson's here with everything you need for spring, and deals as low as $7. good morning, tory. let's get going. what do we got? >> we are starting with relaxation, recovery. we had to bring in the big guns for this one. we've got sal here demonstrating -- i don't know if he's demonstrating or just taking a
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well deserved momentary break. he is wearing the compression leg massager. what's awesome about it is, you get a thorough massage from your feet to your calves to your thighs. three different mode, zones to deliver that thorough compression. he readily volunteers for this assignment. >> michael: he said he's getting ready for football season and the cowboys. >> there you go. >> michael: he's always stomping. dang it. >> big assortment that we've got. all at least 60% off. and free shipping. >> michael: that's a big one. >> okay. speaking of comfort, this is comfort, we've got two different options. feel how light weight this is. >> michael: it weighs nothing. >> who wants to clomp around in heavy shoes? especially in the spring. it's got great support. great comfort on the inside. great sole on the outside. plus you have their cute sandals for comfort support. and nice detail. four different colors in each of them.
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today we're slashing the price in half, 50% off. >> michael: 50% off. >> yes. okay. check out that. this is the neck light. you see it's got that brightness you can adjust. three different levels of brightness. three different colors of light. they call this partner friendly so that if you want to shine your light on the pages that you are reading in a book or just need extra light for whatever you're doing -- you're gonna laugh? >> michael: i'm thinking about the people at home thinking, i'm buying this for my significant other so i can sleep at night. >> there you go, so you can sleep at night. whatever it takes. even on an airplane it is helpful to bring light exactly where you need it. that's for the brightness. then changes the color. gary was most excited that it's got three different levels of lighting in there. this is slashed in half, $11-20 depending on what you choose. all right.
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right? >> michael: very. >> all right. one of our favorite skin care lines, tula. this is called the cult classic for a reason. that is the number one gel cleanser in america. do not put that on because it's a cleanser. it's going to be for cleaning. >> michael: smells good. >> smells really good. you use that on your face. removes dirt impurities, makeup, but without stripping skin. then you'll pair it with that, their 24/7 moisture day and night cream clinically proven for all day hydration which is so important. feels really good. nongreasey, nonstick formula, which we love. one of the best selling products, their eye balm. tools slashed in half. you start at $8 and look. you're, like, totally moisturized. now for the day. >> soft and supple right now. >> there you go. uh- fhi heat. so i walked in this morning and sal said to me, do you know this
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is the biggest viral sensation on tiktok? >> sal has no hair. >> i know, but he's our go to for viral tiktok trends, so i'm not your go to for viral tiktok trends. but i do know what works. they've sold over 2 million of these brushes. yes so it untangles without any pain. effortless you'll just have to take our word for it. we've got the new glitter collection two. these are the 7 to $9. all right . and then finally luxurious loungewear on our mannequins over here from pj harlow. all made in america. it's satin pieces that you can mix and match to create your own looks. and then we've got their supima cotton. this is one of the things that i love. this phrase reminds me of your mom, strong as a mother, when she texted me and calls me the strength i feel from her. i'm buying one of these for her today, all from pj harlow. slashed in half starting at $28. >> mom is for me and tory. yes together. >> know that strahan knows. >> i got her back. you got her
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back? always. thank you so much for that, tory. and we partner with these companies on all these amazing deals. go to good morning america .com to find them. plus coming up we're in denver for comfort food in america. >> this is going to be delicious. tomorrow gma is in search of america's best comfort food from sweets to burgers tacos, fried chicken mac and cheese. oh my mouth's watering. just reading this promo. will we be at your favorite comfort food spot? it's one tasty week on gma . >> a guy drove his car through a crowd. we're getting over 25 patients, but murphy in charge. until i get back, i need to hand off to a doctor. >> one minute. i need a surgeon now. >> two more red tags in the corridor. two upstairs. continue to the good doctor. >> new. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic now with amanda. hi >> good morning kumasi. we're going to start with the san mateo bridge. oh it looks like
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we may be on the bay bridge instead. things looks like looks like it's. nope. i'm looking at the wrong screen. you guys, here we are. toll plaza to foster city. it's going to take you 11 minutes, but you can see that it's filling up here for travelers. westbound. just be aware of that. and then i'm going to leave you here with some drive times as well. things kind of getting slower. highway four to the maze. and then highway 85 to san jose airport. it's going to take you 18 minutes. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> no one can undo an accidental death, but we can help manage what comes next. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up >> what's the quickest, easiest, most affordable way to transform every room in your home? if you have old, ugly or cheap hollow interior doors, one day doors and closets can replace them in just a few hours. with absolutely no messy construction at your home, something's not right. >> when your doors aren't nice, a nice interior door just elevates the house.
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>> and right now, with one day doors and closets by any five doors and get another five doors absolutely free. but this offer is only available for a limited time. schedule your free in-home consultation today with our new grocery outlet app. >> you can see the store's inventory so you guys really have mangoes in stock? >> yep. what about frozen pizza >> here they are. >> fresh salmon. >> too easy coffee? yep >> see what's in stock? download our app. grocery outlet bargain market. >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the way justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. walk a personal injury law visit, walk up
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>> this morning it's a nice look at santa cruz. calm waters. we have plentiful sunshine and it's going to be a nice spring afternoon temperatures right now. we began in the 40s. for most of us, we're slowly climbing into the 50s right now. so hello sutro tower. we have sunny skies over the city. we'll find those temperatures warming pretty fast by noon. we're already into the 60s, which is average. we continue to warm even more from there. by 4 p.m. we're getting into the 70s away from the coast high of 78, in concord today. the same in san jose, 67. in the city, 72. in oakland, up to 77 in napa, kumasi. >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 update in about 3 minu. you can always find the latest on >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> lara: our team is on the road trying to find the best comfort food in america. >> george: today it's cleveland, ohio.
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this morning jess sims live in denver with some authentic mexican food. good morning, jess. [ cheers ] >> reporter: good morning, y'all. we are live in denver at a spot that really puts the word family in family owned restaurant. i'm salivating because i have been standing up here for awhile. before we dive in, let's look at the food and the people that make this place so special. >> hey, guys. come on in. >> reporter: they are bringing the taste of mexican comfort food to denver. >> little extra sauce on top. >> reporter: mexican street corn or tacos. >> family works behind the scenes. it makes me feel like home. >> reporter: what started as a food truck moving to a brick and mortar just three years into business. the eatery named after a bingo game, loteria.
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beyond the deck of cards, it is bringing back nostalgia through its food. and serving dishes that honor his mother's homecooking. >> from us to you guys. >> reporter: with comfort at nearly every corner of the menu. >> what i like about loteria is that it's authentic food. just reminds me of home. exquisite. >> reporter: thanks for having us. talk to me. all right. when you started off, you were just having a food truck. then you opened up a brick and mortar in 2019. to get people to try your tacos you handed out free tacos. now you have lines of people waiting to come in. what makes your food so comforting. >> our secret recipe with mom and family.
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my kids. >> reporter: it's a clear family affair. you work with your sisters. your mom and dad are here. your wife, kids, baby boy. and your junior. your nickname is the boss. i know daddy runs the restaurant, but is that really who you are? are you the boss? >> yes. >> reporter: yes? [ laughter ] what's your favorite thing about this place? >> all of it. >> reporter: all of it? i'm telling you right now, my favorite thing is going to be these tacos. talk me through here. what are we about to dive into? >> we have the alotis. we have the tacos right here. that's what you have right here. >> reporter: i'm going to dig in. don't mind me y'all. don't mind me. taste testing. >> there we go. >> reporter: mmmm. wow. wow. oh my gosh. what about these? >> this is carne, chicken right here. >> reporter: everyone is so mad at me now.
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thank you so much for welcoming gma into your home away from home. as a little piece of memory, a little -- >> oh, great. oh. [ applause ] thank you. >> reporter: something to celebrate our comfort food on tour with gma. where are you going to put this, boss? oh, he took it. [ laughter ] we don't know. i think he might want to put it in his room. [ cheers ] >> thank you. thank you, guys. >> lara: i was getting hangry watching. [ laughter ] >> michael: they usually bring us food. i'm a little like -- hey. >> lara: sal is still getting his legs massaged. we love you, sal. all right, guys. comfort food tour rolls on tomorrow. we will be live at a classic houston restaurant for some great southern home cooking.
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coming up, how one woman found community as an army wife an sharing what military families go through.
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪
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♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> george: we're back with a memoir about life as an army wife. stephanie ramos sat down with author simone gorrindo. she joins us now. good morning, stephanie. >> good morning, george. the story starting with the
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story of a military wife struggling to survive in her new reality but gets support from other army wives after her husband felt the calling to serve. simone had just landed her dream job as an editor in new york when her fiance andrew threw in a plot twist. after graduating from college he wanted to enlist in the army with a goal of serving in an elite operations unit. >> the difference between you and the army is the army. it felt like a physical blow almost. at the same time, i also really admire that he will go after what he wants like that. i decided to marry him and go along for the journey. >> simone documenting that journey in her new memoir "the wives" which took them to a rural army base in columbus, georgia, where she met a community of fellow army wives that left an unforgettable imprint on her life. what was that adjustment like when you first got there?
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>> i was really thrown together with this one group. they became my whole social world. didn't matter what your religion was, political affiliation. we were together. we were going to appointments. we were calling each other when we got bad news overseas. we were living the terrors of our lives and the mundane dailiness of our lives together. >> simone quickly formed a bond with her neighbor rachel, who became one of her closest can confidantes. >> we were strangers in a strange land. that was fertile ground for open conversations. when i was pregnant, i spent so many nights at her house. the maps app on my phone started registering her house as my home. it was like having a sister. >> that sisterhood, something she leaned on while suffering from crippling anxiety. do you think that civilians have
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an understanding of the anxiety that families of soldiers live with every day? >> i don't think so. that's one reason it was so important for me to write this book and to include experiences like that. i think it's important that people know what military families go through. >> what do you want americans to know about army wives? >> we are human beings from every walk of life. but we really all shared the core philosophy of survival. they were the toughest people i have ever met. they remain the toughest people i have ever met. >> she said she has a strong bond with these women. her husband read multiple drafts of her book. she said it brought them closer together. he was able to understand her experience as an army wife more intimately, and she was able to learn more about his experiences in a nuanced way. "the wives" is out now.
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it is such a good read. >> george: it looks like it. stephanie, thank you very much. ginger? >> ginger: today on gma3, demarco has an exclusive interview with lebron james' mom gloria. they're together at lebron james' museum in akron, ohio. gloria talks about the family getting through tough times and her son's drive to succeed that is still one of the great parts of his game and life. that's on gma3, 1 p.m. eastern, noon central and pacific. now a check closer to home. >> michael: now to a gma health ahrefrt. a new study on salt and diet. diets high in sodium result in nearly 2 million deaths around the world each year. our medical correspondent dr. darien sutton joins us with
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more. >> the study tell us what we would expect, which is salt can harm our health. this is a meta analysis that involves a lot of different studies at once, looking at older populations with ages specifically who are at higher risk. it found that reducing sodium significantly reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. you have to make sure you watch your sodium to help reduce your risk and improve your quality of life when you get older. >> michael: how much salt are we talking about? is this relevant for people here in the u.s.? >> absolutely relevant. the amount of salt we're talking about is reducing what the average american eats. the average american eats 3400 milligrams of salt. the recommended amount is about 2300 milligrams. when you talk to the american heart association, it's even less than that. just an example, this is 12 chips. how much sodium do you think is in there? >> michael: i love a good dorito. that's a lot of sodium. >> it's a lot. it's about 200 milligrams.
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>> michael: in 12 chips? >> who can just eat 12? if you look at the actual bag, there's 15 servings in one of those regular bags. that equates to more than 3,000 milligrams of sodium. you have to make sure that you're mindful of your sodium. the majority comes from processed food. >> michael: i'm guilty. guilty. what do you recommend for salt substitutes or tracking your sodium? >> it's just about flavor. most of the time if you remove the sodium from our food, most people won'ted recognize it especially if you add other substances. paprika, ground pepper, onion powder, cinnamon, ginger, garlic. more than 97% don't know how much sodium they are having. one recommendation that i have is eat regular today. categorize how much sodium you're having. at the end of the day figure out how to do better. >> michael: what about tracking? >> so tracking, number one, writing it down. also making better choices. here's some examples of high potassium foods. the reason why i care about that is because potassium can help
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blunt the effects of sodium in our body, helping us manage our blood pressure. leafy greens, bananas, sweet potatoes. add these product, have less processed food and be mindful of your sodium. >> michael: maybe i'll have a few chips. >> how much is a few? >> michael: all 12. [ laughter ] great advice. you don't realize how much salt is in your diet. 2 million people a year are passing away from that. >> absolutely. >> michael: thank you so much for that, dr. sutton. coming up a live performance by conan gray. there he is. graves.
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>> we are back now with on tour on gma on a so many incredible artists are hitting >> rebecca: we are back with on tour on gma. so many incredible artists are hitting the road this year. platinum selling pop star conan gray recently announced his found heaven tour. you can scan the qr code to get tickets. he just released his third album and is going to perform a hit
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single for us. first let's chat. so nice to see you. you've been all over the world. we have fans here in studio with us. [ cheers ] yay. what does it feel like conan? >> right now i just feel terrified. >> rebecca: terrified? >> it's scary. it's scary. >> rebecca: you said you normally get up around noon. >> this is a little earlier than normal. >> rebecca: we also have fans that trouble got up earlier than normal. elana has a question. >> my question is, what do you love most about performing on stage? >> i love to watch people sob while they're singing songs. [ laughter ] like the happiest song ever and just cry. >> rebecca: are you planning on crying as you perform live on gma this morning? >> i'll hold back the tears. >> rebecca: do you have a favorite concert you went to as a kid? >> i never went to one. >> rebecca: you never saw live music? >> no.
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my little tour is my very first one. >> rebecca: i am looking forward to hearing you perform today. this can be like your concert and our concert. off your found heaven album out now here's conan gray performing his new single alley rose. take it away. ♪ i picked you up from the corner store your eyes were red and your lips were torn ♪ ♪ so much to say that's subject sore, so much you'd change since you were born ♪ ♪ you wrapped your fingers around my neck and pulled me into your desperate breath ♪ ♪ the way you kissed me
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hot and fast i knew it'd ♪ don't leave me hanging alone again don't leave me hanging alone again ♪ ♪ oh where'd you go alley rose where'd you go go go ♪ ♪ you told me i'm just nervous dear well how the hell do you think i feel ♪ ♪ i have waited all year at your feet like maybe you'd love me ♪ ♪ so don't leave me hanging alone again, don't leave me hanging alone again ♪
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♪ where'd you go alley rose where did you go go go ♪ ♪ i don't even care if it makes me sounds insane i ran my fingers through your hair and i thanked god to touch you ♪ ♪ i saw issues i see you for who you are ♪ ♪ i don't even care it's just a summer fling if it's all experimental ♪ i wore eyes were made for crying go back ♪ don't leave me hanging alone again don't
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♪ where'd did you go go alley rose, where did you go go go ♪ ♪ oh where'd you go all alley rose ♪ ♪ don't leave me hanging alone again i thought that i was your only friend ♪ ♪ oh where did you go alley rose where did you go go go ♪ # [cheers and applause]
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>> on tour on gma with conan gray is sponsored by live
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>> robin: can you believe it? 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. >> oh my goodness! ah! >> oh my goodness! >> robin: and for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet. >> ginger: full on breakfast in bed extravaganza like you have never seen before. so nominate a mom you love for breakfast in bed.
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>> michael: big thanks for conan gray. great performance. >> lara: love you! >> george: have a great day, everyone. >> this is gonna be delicious. tomorrow gma is in search of america's best comfort food. from sweets to burgers, tacos, fried chicken. my mouth is watering just reading this promo. will we be at your comfort food spot? >> robin: right now there's just so much happening in our world. >> george: so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> michael: making sense of it all is not always easy. and we got you. >> so what's good to read? and we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help join us for the new podcast series.
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>> it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love really love pop culture. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music. >> the disappearance of a pregnant woman and her two children has captured the nation's attention. >> are you telling me the truth? i mean, we asked you about your marriage and infidelity, but the husband is always the top suspect, always the top suspect. i want you to take a deep breath right now. >> stand up for me. face that wall. >> of course. he's the suspect. >> the interrogation tapes, the new 2020 true crime limited series monday on abc. see you pop topics happen here. >> buckle up, buttercup. and this week, amber tamblyn with
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her dad, russ. >> kiersten dunst and wayne brady all on the most watched daytime talk show abc's the view. >> danger had never looked like this before. >> this girl's been missing for three days. >> can you keep a secret? >> take me under the bridge. >> hey, everybody, it's me, tracy turnblad from hairspray, broadway's tony award winning best musical is back, featuring songs that are fresh, winning and tuneful. come see the mega hits about a girl from 1960s baltimore. me who dares to dream big and changes the world. don't miss the warm hearted musical comedy hairspray. >> coming to the orpheum theater for one week only beginning april 16th. tickets on sale now. she got that dress with the extra money she saved using her brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra
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warranty all of our work so you get the ultimate peace of mind. >> precision door service a name you can trust. >> there are trucks, and then there's the gmc sierra available with the connected driving experience and the world's first six function multipro tailgate. gmc sierra it's the truck. get 2.9% apr for 72 months on select sierra 1500 models. that's over 7400 in average finance savings. we are professional grade gmc. always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here is a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi kumasi. we're going to start off with a live look from our walnut creek cam. southbound 680 traffic is slow approaching highway 24, while the northbound side is flowing freely and we
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want to take you down to oakland at the coliseum. traffic is a little slow on the northbound side of 880, but drivers are dashing on the southbound side towards san leandro. drew. >> hey, amanda, we'll take you outside to our exploratorium camera. it's looking lovely already. temperatures are already responding. we see a lot of areas climbing through the 50s. already at 60 in brentwood right now. so as we head throughout the morning, we'll warm to the 60s by lunchtime time and then into the afternoon, going above average. we'll find those numbers in the 70s away from the coast, about ten degrees above average, 72 in oakland, 78 in san jose and santa rosa, 67 in the city, 77 in livermore, kumasi thank you, drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and


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