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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 12, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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am sad about this. i was rooting for gary and teresa. i got to interview gary. such a kind man and this i know love is dead. >> my family's group chat is just not fire. they are upset, but mom's upset. >> i know you could hear it. >> they still love each other though, but i think that the locations with their friends. >> it seems like you should have figured that out before. >> that's what i'm saying. >> sometimes you think you can and you can't. they said they looked at places in new jersey and south carolina. >> he's invested mad. i'm sad. >> sure >> george: good morning america. reaction to the death of o.j. simpson. the life and complicated legacy of o.j. simpson. from football great to hollywood actor, to the murder that
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changed everything. his ex-wife and friend ron goldman brutally killed, the order to surrender leading to the slow speed bronco chase and then the trial of the century. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> george: simpson acquitted. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> george: the case cast a shadow over the rest of his life. this morning the reaction and a look back at the trial that was a flash point in race relations, changed the course of tv coverage and the country. >> michael: major storm system sweeping from texas into the northeast. at least a dozen reported tornados across six states. plus heavy rains and flash floods. ginger's tracking it all as we head into the weekend. >> george: spy royal battle. >> we've seen a rogue gallery of foreign agencies calling for attacks on us. >> george: the fbi director on capitol hill, urging congress to
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reauthorize a key surveillance tool in the fight against terror. the crucial vote this morning. >> rebecca: stay put. the u.s. embassy in israel is warning amid the imminent threat from iran that could mark a serious escalation in the region. >> michael: abortion rights fight. vice president heading to arizona. this morning how the ruling reinstating a 160-year-old law has left women and health care providers scrambling. >> rebecca: golden slit. >> you may kiss your bride. >> rebecca: the golden bachelor and his wife teresa. >> getting divorced? three months after getting married? >> yes. >> rebecca: juju's interview only on gma this morning. >> george: castaways. three fishermen stranded for a more than a week surviving on coconuts and water remarkably rescued thanks to their tom hanks inspired call for help. >> announcer: live in times
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square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. thank you for joining us on this friday morning. we want to get right to our top story. the reaction to the death of o.j. simpson. >> rebecca: michael, it's a complicated legacy. he first made a name for himself on the football field with a hall of fail career. and turned that success into a hollywood career. >> george: then the killing of his ex-wife, nicole brown, her friend, ron goldman. 150 million americans tuned in to watch the trial, the verdict. he was acquitted. o.j. simpson was acquitted. the controversy did not go away. this morning we will hear from a key witness in the trial. chief national correspondent matt gutman starts us off. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. right behind me is the 405 freeway where that infamous slow speed chase began watched by 95 million americans live. it was a moment that o.j.'s image changed from lovable sports icon to a man accused of a grisly double murder. almost exactly 30 years after
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that public spectacle, his family saying o.j. lost a very private battle with cancer surrounded by his grandchildren and children. >> we, the jury, in the above entitled action find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: this morning, nearly 30 years after that murder acquittal watched around the world, football legend o.j. simpson and his legacy again at the center of furious debate following the sudden news of his death wednesday at the age of 76. simpson family sharing a statement saying, he succumbed to his battle with cancer. he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. >> 80 yards, o.j. simpson! >> reporter: nicknamed the juice, he galloped to stardom with the heisman trophy at usc then a record breaking career in the nfl starting in 1969. then effortlessly going to tv commercials. >> coming or going on a business trip you've got no time to waste.
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>> reporter: and stealing scenes on the big screen. >> hi, buddy. doc says i should be on my feet in a week. >> reporter: and all that adoration came crashing down with the brutal stabbing murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman outside nicole's town house in june 1994. >> i think i just saw o.j. simpson on the 405 freeway. >> reporter: o.j. simpson took police on a low speed chase through los angeles in that white ford bronco. 95 million people tuning in live. that incident setting the tone for a highly publicized trial. prosecutors painting o.j. as a serial abuser, playing 911 calls made by nicole. >> o.j. simpson. i think you know his record. >> what is he doing? is he threatening you? >> he's going nuts. >> reporter: the brown family sitting down with diane sawyer before the trial. >> when you said insanely jealous, what did you mean? >> possessive.
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he was possessive. he just -- she was his. >> reporter: the state's case seemingly unravelled when bloody gloves found at the crime scene did not fit o.j.'s hands. >> know these words. if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: though he was acquitted in the criminal trial, he was found liable in a civil suit, ordered to pay $33.5 million to the victims families who have not seen much of that setment. the family of ron goldman speaking with me in 2017. when you hear the name o.j. what goes through your mind? >> disgust. >> i struggle because i don't think there's an actual adjective. i know that seems weird. he's in a compartment in here and when i need to go to it, i go to it. >> reporter: simpson understood he could never outrun the long shadow of their murders. >> this is something that will be attached to me for the rest of my life no matter where i am. truly to this day i feel pleased
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that the truth will come out. >> reporter: although simpson maintained his innocence, he couldn't manage to stay out of the headlines. in 2007 he tried to sell "if i did it." following backlash a federal bankruptcy judge awarded the book rights to the goldman family. the goldmans telling abc news the hope for true accountability has ended. in 2007 simpson had another run-in with the law, ultimately receiving a 33 year sentence for kidnapping and armed robbery following an attempt to steal his own memorabilia. he was released after serving nine years. once on parole simpson embraced a visible platform online sharing details about his life, sports and his health promising just two months ago that he was on the mend. >> my health is good. obviously, i'm dealing with some issues, but, hey, i think i'm just about over it. >> o.j. simpson was an american super star and an american icon whose fall from grace was just
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extraordinary. and it truly went from being one of the great american success stories, sports or cultural, to one of the great american night mares. >> reporter: a lawyer for the goldmans saying they are investigating ways to try to recover some of the funds possibly from o.j.'s estate. the goldmans have told us they have received less than 1% of the $33 million owed to them from that civil case. they say they did not get much accountability from o.j. in life and they don't expect much from his death. george? >> george: okay, matt. thank you very much. our next half hour we'll hear from dan abrams who was in the courtroom for that trial. michael? >> michael: thank you very much, george. going to turn now to the storms slamming the east coast, bringing rain, flooding and strong floods from the midwest to northeast after leaving a trail of destruction in the south. ginger is tracking all the dangerous weather for us.
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good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning, michael. yes, nearly 400 severe storm reports. this morning from the great lakes to northeast we're seeing 30 to 50 mile per hour winds just slice through the area. overnight torrential rain and powerful winds battering the northeast. parts of western pennsylvania under flash flood emergency where there were several water rescues. this car stalling in the middle of the road. not too far behind this driver also had to be rescued. pittsburgh got 4 inches in just a few hours. >> welcome to oakdale. >> reporter: the mayor of oakdale told abc news that the creek swelled and feet of water flooded some parts of their town. buildings submerged. streets flowing like rivers. the same system raking the south thursday. in south carolina firefighters responding to this hotel after high winds tore the roof off the building in myrtle beach. >> looked out the window and seen pieces of the roof flying through. then i seen the roof hanging down.
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>> reporter: while in florida -- >> we have a confirmed tornado. >> ginger: an ef-1 tornado, winds up to 100 miles per hour tore through near st. augustine. leaving a path of destruction more than two miles long. the radar clearly shows that classic counter clock wise rotation. you can see where michigan over to the northeast including maine and massachusetts have got heavy bands of rain. but also the wind. we have wind advisories in new hampshire, rhode island, north georgia and back into the upper peninsula of michigan. those will stick today. as it twists through, gonna take its time, 36 hours or so, with different showers. some places even getting a few snow showers in canada there. look at the wind gusts. we'll see 30 to 50 mile per hour winds all the way through saturday afternoon. michael? >> michael: windy and wet weekend ginger. thank you very much for that. rebecca? >> rebecca: we go overseas to the middle east and growing concerns that iran is preparing to attack israel with some sort
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of military action. our foreign correspondent britt clennett is on the scene. good morning, britt. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. the u.s. embassy in israel is telling staff to stay put in cities amid a threat from iran that it will retaliate for a deadly strike on its consulate in syria. embassy staff and their families are restricted from leaving greater jerusalem, tel aviv out of an abundance of caution, the embassy said. u.s. officials have been working to deter iran from a strike on israel but u.s. central command's general in the region to coordinate on this threat. and secretary lloyd austin assuring his counter part that israel can counted on full u.s. support to defend israel against attacks from iran. israel making it clear it will hit back if there is a strike. it would be iran's first ever direct attack on israeli soil. george? >> george: okay, britt thanks. now to washington and a battle over a key law against terrorism.
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the fbi director went to capitol hill to urge lawmakers to renew the foreign intelligence surveillance act after donald trump called on them to kill it. >> we've seen a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations calling for attacks on us. now is not the time to take away tools that we need to punch back. would be dangerous and put americans' lives at risk. >> george: chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has the latest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: the clock is running out. fbi director chris wray warning of dire consequences if it's not removed. the so called fisa law allows u.s. intelligence agencies to spy on communications of foreign nationals without a warning. wray said the warning cannot be allowed to lapse, describing the most dangerous threat environment since 911 sparked by the war between israel and hamas and the resurgence of isis. it was put in jeopardy after president trump said to kill it
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under mining house speaker mike johnson. this morning congress is working on a compromise. a vote is expected later this morning. it's hard to know what's going to happen given how divide congress is. michael? >> michael: pierre, thank you for that. we're going to turn to the battle over abortion rights. vice president harris is heading to arizona after court decisions sent shock waves through the country up holding an 1864 law banning abortions with almost no exceptions. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more for us. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. biden campaign this morning trying to seize the political momentum here as we see outrage and turmoil over arizona's near total abortion ban. now the white house today is dispatching their chief messenger on this issue, vice president harris. this morning president biden's re-election campaign leaning into the political fight over abortion after arizona upheld a 160-year-old law banning abortion in all cases except to protect the life of the mother.
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the biden campaign relying on a simple message, arguing this is all donald trump's fault. democrats already putting up these bill boards saying abortion is banned in arizona thanks to donald trump. he won't stop until it's banned nationwide. >> it does not have to be this way. >> reporter: during a visit to the critical battleground state today, the vice president will flatly say that trump is to blame, calling him the architect of this health care crisis. for bragging about appointing the justices who overturned roe v. wade. harris saying a second trump term would mean more bans, more suffering, less freedom. with the vast majority of americans saying abortion should be legal in almost all cases, the biden campaign is hoping the issue will drive voters to the polls in november. but in the mean time, women and health care providers across arizona are left scrambling. >> we're talking about asking doctors to send women out to the parking lots and wait until they're almost dead before the doctor can provide care?
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that is insane. that is the very definition of insanity. >> reporter: our rachel scott speaking to their democratic attorney general who urged the legislature to swiftly reveal the civil war era law, but republicans blocked the effort. her message now? i >> i would urge arizonans who are pregnant to make a plan. i can't believe i'm having to say that. it's time to make plan for 60 days from now if something goes wrong, if you need an abortion, if you want an abortion, start thinking about california and nevada and new mexico or colorado. >> reporter: ultimately voters could decide this issue in november when arizona and as many as 13 other states could have abortion measures on the ballot. in fact, just this morning abc confirming organizers in colorado think they have enough signatures to put the measure on the ballot there. in the mean time, this ban in arizona is set to take effect in the coming weeks
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unless republicans there change course and agree to repeal it. rebecca? >> rebecca: mary, thank you, mary. we turn to the rescue of three fishermen stranded on a tiny pacific island and saved thanks to their help sign made of palm leafs. trevor ault is here with the story. this is kind of a real life cast away. >> yes. >> rebecca: good morning. >> and even more successful than the movie. first thing you would think of if you're stranded on a desert island you make a giant help sign then eat coconuts until they find you. in this amazing case, that plan actually worked. >> hey! anybody? >> reporter: this morning the remarkable rescue straight out of the movies. three castaways discovered on a remote island in the pacific after using palm fronds to spell out the word help. >> the help sign was pretty visible. we could see it from a couple thousand feet in the air. >> reporter: the men are all in their 40s. they were stranded for more than a week after their boat sustained damage.
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they survived on coconuts and water from a small well on the island. >> while they were fishing they ran their boat into a coral reef and put a hole in the bottom of their vessel and started taking on water. they weren't going to be able to make their return home. >> reporter: saturday the coast guard received a distress call from a family member. the next day the coast guard spotted them on a tiny island. rescuers covered an area of more than 100,000 square miles before spotting their sign on one of the 600 islands that make up micronesia. >> they were able to salvage communications via hand held radio. >> reporter: they eventually sent a team of rescuers on this cutter boat to shore. the relatives can't thank the coast guard enough. >> without their help, i don't know what it would turn out to be. >> and the coast guard was able to drop survival packages while those rescue crews made their way to the island. now all three men are back home safely. did not even have time to become best friends with a volleyball. [ laughter ] >> rebecca: so happy to hear it, trevor.
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>> michael: thank you, trevor. way to close it out. coming up we have more on o.j. simpson and the trial that changed america's racial divide. dan abrams and shawna lloyd are standing by. >> george: the nationwide drug shortage has hit a record high. doctors and pharmacists sounding the alarm, with more than 320 medications in short supply. >> rebecca: and the golden bachelor couple are calling it quits. juju chang spoke to them about their decision. we'll hear more from that. first back to ginger. hey, ginge. >> ginger: hey. yes, we've got this windy morning here. before it got here it was in charleston, west virginia, bringing 3 to 4 inches of rain. that caused some flash flooding on the roads there. as anticipated we were warning about the tornado warning and flash flood warning. boy did it verify, unfortunately. we'll see a new storm coming in for the weekend from the west. what that's going to do is bring severe storms. a pretty decent tornado threat shaping up in the plain,
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oklahoma city down to wichita fall, texas. and then on tuesday, just a heads up, anybody from chicago down through little rock, beware. we've got a big week ahead. local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> rebecca: coming up, this is ou i get street cred with my kids. we have a very special bluey event. we're so excited. we have a sneak peek at the new episode. we'll be right back. my grandchildren, they're sixth generation of dancers. it's what my family is all about. i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots. i was surprised to learn so many more things from ancestry. 1892. oh and here's the boat they came over on. there was a julie healy, a mary healy, this is all their names? yes, yes. wow. [ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] ♪ one, two, three ♪ yes! ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪
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♪ yeah. oh ♪ i'm on the clock and ready to rock. it's target circle week. ♪ ("good feeling" by flo rida feat. atr) ♪ this is a hot flash. (♪) this is a hot flash. (♪) but this is a not flash. (♪) for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone—free veozah... you can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain.
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. a man has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing a mosque in san francisco. the da says she intends to prosecute this case
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as a hate crime. surveillance video shows a man using a skateboard to smash six windows at this mosque on sutter street, near polk. last thursday. we blurred his face because he has not been formally charged. investigators say the man returned on tuesday attempting to smoke inside the building. house traffic on this friday. amanda. >> well, reggie, there's a sigalert in hayward southbound 8-80 after winton avenue, a solo big rig crash from earlier this morning is still blocking three lanes. but the good news is two right lanes are open as well. still, it's slow moving to get around it. exit at marina boulevard, use east 14th street and mission boulevard, then get back on at jackson street. highway 92. >> thanks, amanda. >> if you thought today was going to be sunny and warm, then you weren't
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a cold front that will bring a return of some rain tomorrow. but today you're going to feel that colder air, 40s and 50s out there right now, as you wear that jacket this morning, you'll likely keep it on for a big portion of the day. look at your highs today. we are much cooler. we're going to see about a 10 to 20 degree drop in our daytime highs compared to yesterday. staying in the 50s and 60s. rain is back here in the forecast over the weekend. saturday is the wetter of the two days this weekend. a level one for showers, chance of a thunderstorm and snow falling on our highest peaks locally. >> reggie drew, thank you for joining us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is on gma. >> in the next 30s, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? i'm gonna live here, but as the
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back off. he's still alive. >> michael: welcome back to gma. 95 million people tuned in to that slow speed bronco chase live in 1994. we're going to have more oven the reaction after the death of o.j. simpson and a closer look at the trial that changed america. our senior national correspond deborah roberts is here with more for us. >> good morning. who can forget that video? o.j.'s legacy should be a classic american success story. a kid who made his way out of poverty to become a heisman trophy winner, a handsome successful pitch man and actor. the face of hollywood wealth and celebrity. but this morning, many will only remember him as the famous murder defendant. >> good morning again, ladies and gentlemen. >> good morning. >> reporter: it was the trial of the century. o.j. simpson, a former football super star turned hollywood darling, accused of murdering ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman in 1994. wall to wall coverage of the eight-month trial setting
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viewing records. the case sparking an appetite for courtroom drama. >> by the time the o.j. simpson trial came to be, you have the entire frustration from the black community and other people of color who had been upset by the l.a.p.d. specifically. >> reporter: the trial changing the course of tv coverage before it even began. days after the murders, 95 million watching live coverage of simpson's white ford bronco slow speed police chase. >> i'm coming up the 5 freeway. >> reporter: the famous suspect eventually surrendering but the media frenzy was only beginning. simpson's defense lawyers dubbed the dream team led by robert shapiro, robert kardashian and johnnie cochran. brian dunn working closely alongside them. >> this case was about social division. lot of these things were starkly brought into focus by the circumstances of this case. but to us, we were simply trying to give this man a fair trial to
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the best of our abilities. >> reporter: the team soon framing the murder case into a commentary about race in america, focusing on the l.a.p.d. and questions about injustice. >> out of nowhere we were given a series of tapes that had some incredibly inflammatory racially inflammatory remarks from this particular individual, who was the lead detective. it was not planned, but mr. cochran was not going to downplay it. >> reporter: kato kaelin saying they knew how to speak to a jury. >> i saw that they actually were a dream team. i knew that seeing the jurors and seeing johnnie cochran and the way he had his language. >> you have to convince doubt in the mind of the jurors. >> reporter: on the opposite side, the prosecution with marcia clark, christopher darden. then this turning point which some call the legal blunder of
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the century. prosecutors asking simpson to try on the blood stained gloves found at the crime to prove he did it. simpson appearing to strug toll get them on leading to one of the most famous lines ever spoken in a criminal trial. >> if it doesn't fit you must acquit. >> reporter: when the jury's verdict was announced 150 million tuned in. >> we, the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: oprah watching with her show's live audience. the reaction split just as it was nationwide. large numbers of blacks celebrating what some saw as long awaited judicial vindication. many whites seeing a travesty of a killer going free. 76-year-old o.j. simpson did eventually serve nine years in prison for his role in a las vegas armed robbery involving his sports memorabilia. he was released seven years ago.
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george? >> george: deb, thanks. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. and our abc news live contributing managing partner from the cochran firm shawna lloyd. i have to begin with you. i remember seeing you in that courtroom. bring us back there. what was it like inside? >> very different inside the courtroom than outside the courtroom. inside the courtroom there were very strict rules. we were all sort of packed into the pews watching the case. there was decorum, metal detector, everything to get into the courtroom. outside the courtroom it was a circus. there were people selling hats. there were people selling jell-o molds. there were people selling a watch that had the bronco being chased by police as the second hand. they had every sort of imaginable baseball cap of every participant in the case. it was night and day between inside that courtroom and outside that courtroom. >> michael: one of those things that you'll never forget where you were. you are with the cochran firm
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now. what is the legacy of this case and what does it say about johnnie cochran? >> this case, although johnnie fought for civil rights his entire career, this brought it to the forefront. it brought about the activity in los angeles at the time. it talked about how lawyers make a difference in making sure the police and state are held to a certain standard before they can incarcerate someone. here's the firm, the legacy is that we fight for our clients. we make sure they have a proper defense and put our best foot forward. we do what we do best, which is advocate for our clients. >> johnnie became one of the most famous people in america. months after the case i'd walk down the street with johnnie cochran, who became a friend of mine. there was no former president. there was no rock star. you could walk with who had more recognition on the streets than johnnie cochran in the months after this case. >> michael: i can believe that. >> rebecca: dan brought up the circus that was happening outside the courtroom. this was so polarizing. how did that factor into the trial and the strategy?
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>> race was at the base of what they were arguing, right? when we look at the officer that testified and the racial statements and he had made. the shoddy police work. it didn't quite meet the standard it should have. there was a rush to judgment the idea they may have planted evidence. that played a role in the trial and how it turned out. >> george: he was acquitted in the criminal trial. not so in the civil. >> yeah. i mean, look. the argument that they made was masterful but also somewhat absurd in the context of the case. that was exposed in the civil case. right? because you had the blood evidence. you had the fiber evidence. you had the glove evidence. you had the domestic violence evidence. you had all this evidence. then finally in the civil case they got the big one that people forget about which is there was a size 12 bruno mali shoe that was the bloody footprint. o.j. simpson wore size 12. they weren't able to quite link it to simpson in the criminal case. in the civil case he had to
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actually answer questions under oath. he said, i never would have worn those ugly shoes. they then found a buffalo bills news letter from eight months before the murder o.j. simpson was wearing the ugly shoes. so now you have o.j. simpson wearing the shoes of the killer, same size. and so for anyone who had any questions after the criminal case, they should have been addressed in the civil case. >> george: how did it end up it never came up in the criminal case? >> they never found it. in the criminal case. it only came up in the civil case, that one piece of evidence that buffalo bills news letter. there was nothing simpson could say in response to that. >> george: wow. >> michael: real quickly how do you think people will look back on o.j. simpson? >> i think they'll look back with mixed feelings. i think the bigger picture is what his legacy left, right? he did many things. first of all, he launched all of court tv and just this fascination with trials. he also was one of the first athletes to have endorsements. that changed the way athletes
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interact with their brand. also, think about the fact that he actually brought attorneys and what we do and why the legal system and injustice in the legal system. it really came to the forefront. i think it's more about the legacy and the macro effect of what that trial and his life really did. >> michael: thank you both so much. we'll be right back. back. be right back predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs.
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with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri.
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(man) that looks really high. astrazeneca may be a(woman)help. it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge.
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. >> rebecca: we are back with the
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been a couple months since your wedding and you have some news to share. >> we have received so much love and support from so many people who watched the golden bachelor. i don't think we can tell you how many people told us that it gave them so much hope. we want none of that to change for anybody. >> teresa and i have had a number of heart to heart conversations and we've looked
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closely at our situation, our living situation and so forth. we've kind of come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage. >> get a divorce? >> yes. >> three months after getting married? >> yes. >> you could imagine what the reaction's going to be. i'm sure you've already imagined what the reaction will be. it was just january when america's first golden couple professed their love for each other. >> i promise to be your calm in the storm, to comfort you when you're sad, to laugh with you when you're happy and to stick with you throughout it all. >> we have a trust that cannot be broken. >> you may kiss your bride! >> three months ago you were telling the world that you couldn't imagine living without each other. i mean, what the heck, guys? >> the thing that strikes me the
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most, and in our conversations, has been how dedicated both of us are to our families. so we look at these situations and i think we just feel like it's best, for the happiness of each of us, to live apart. >> i hear you. i hear what you're saying and yet throughout the process you said you were 100% committed to making it work. in november you told me you were thinking of moving to south carolina to be together. how did it fall apart? >> yeah. that was the plan. we looked at homes in south carolina. we considered new jersey. we just looked at home after home but never got to the point where we made that decision. >> i can't help but notice you're still holding hands. >> yes. >> did you fall out of love? >> no. >> no. i still love this person. >> yeah. i still love him. >> there's no doubt in my mind i still am in love with her. i root for her every day. >> so many people who had given up on love later in life were inspired by you.
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what do you say to them now especially the cynical ones who might say, i knew it wouldn't last? >> we say don't give up. >> right. >> we say stay in it. stay hopeful. 'cause we are. >> the couple challenged with the realities of being in the public eye. there were all sorts of reports about your dating history, your resume, past. does any of that play into this? >> no, not for me. >> no. >> we had already discussed it and explained it before the report was ever released. so we were good with that. that didn't play into it. >> again, it happened so abruptly. there was no sense of like, let's just pretend for awhile? >> we didn't want to pretend. we wouldn't lie to anyone. >> i'm 72. kind of a waste. >> i see your ring. >> yes. >> will you have to give your rings back, give the dress back? how does that work? >> i think that's the rule. i have to give the ring back. >> we don't have to give back the memories.
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>> so will you both continue to look for love? >> oh, yeah. >> yes. and we tell everybody else to continue to look for love. >> i still love you. >> i still love you. yeah. >> okay. rapid fire round. did they have a prenup? yes. they highly recommend it to others. will they stay in each other's lives? yes. they say they're best friends. what advice does teresa have for the new yet to be announced golden bachelorette? she says be authentic, be yourself. it's a head scratcher. >> rebecca: it is. juju, we're looking forward to more of your interview tonight on "nightline." thanks for bringing that to us. we wl be right back. back. 't yo. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you.
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>> michael: welcome back to gma. sam champion is upstairs getting ready for the excitement over the wildly popular show bluey. >> sam: you can only imagine how exciting this has been. everybody's been so calm and quiet. are you ready to get excited? 'cause we've got some crazy video. right now they're in the face. bingo and bluey, come on out! look at this! [ applause ] wow! there is much more excitement ahead. this is the friday feel good moment. do not leave. leave.
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>> the alameda spring home show is back this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. whether you're improving, remodeling, or simply redecorating, the home shows the place to be. shop, compare and save at hundreds of exhibits this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> good morning america is sponsored by chewy. shop online at chewy today and get great prices on pet essentials tonight. >> did these friends have secrets so dangerous? >> i kept asking her, what are you so scared of? >> they would do the unthinkable. >> police find this ominous video friends playing a dangerous game. >> would you guys rather suffocate or get shot? >> 2020 tonight on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. it's friday. traffic with amanda. >> yeah. reggie, chp is working to clear the scene of an early morning sigalert that's still in effect on southbound 880. after winton avenue in hayward, as a big rig crash blocked lanes
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after one trailer ended up on its side. but as of 740, the overturned trailer is upright back high. >> amanda, we're going to see a big drop in our temperatures yesterday. we were in the 70s and 80s. today will be in the 50s and 60s, and in some areas that's more than a 20 degree drop in our daytime highs today compared to yesterday. get ready for that colder air, 40s and low 50s right now. as you take that jacket with you, you'll likely keep it on for a lot longer. today we're slow to warm, only 50s and 60s over the weekend. rain is back. saturday is the wetter of the two days this weekend. it's a level one for scattered showers. the chance of a thunderstorm saturday afternoon, and will likely find some snow on our highest peaks early tomorrow morning. reggie. >> thank you drew, if you're streaming on us on our abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> when that car hit my
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motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the barnes burn injury norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> you made a cow, actually, to piggy bank my inspiration to
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start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow >> anything you can't do. >> mugs bmo introducing artificial turf. >> express your one stop shop for quality artificial turf at warehouse prices with everything you need to complete your project thousands of feet in stock and ready for pickup, visit our san jose showroom today. >> artificial turf express turn on the updated mix of 96.5 coit, the only bay area station playing today's hits and yesterday's favorites while you work. i got a blank space baby, hit me baby one more time. start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday. kickoff bad habits lead to late nights,
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and in the long coming up, so you better get this party started. all of your favorite songs from today and yesterday. 96.5 coit. >> we're ram and when trucks are what you do, you do truck month better than anyone else. >> you do trucks that work harder and play harder, and you do trucks that win by breaking every rule of what a truck should be. so this truck month, what you should do is drive a ram. trucks are what we do during ram truck month. >> commercial customers now get 3500 total bonus cash on the 2024 ram, 2000 503,500 tradesman crew cab, neighborhood >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. reaction to the death of o.j. simpson, from football great to hollywood actor, then the murders that changed everything. the slow speed white bronco chase, then the trial of the century. >> we, the jury in the above
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entitled action, find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> george: this morning, looking back at the course of events that made one of the most famous athletes infamous. >> michael: nationwide drug shortage hits a record high, with more than 320 medications in short supply. the patients missing critical medications. >> rebecca: skip the skin care? with the self care craze sky rocketing, why some popular companies are telling young teens not to buy some of their products. this morning the key ingredients your tweens should avoid. ♪ baby you're a fire work ♪ >> george: having a blast this friday morning. ryan, lionel, luke, katy perry. >> good morning, america! >> george: talking about how she's going out with a bang on "american idol." >> michael: power through april showers. waterproof your world with tips from our extreme weather team for the right stuff rain
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edition. >> bluey! >> rebecca: we're dancing into the weekend with big news for bluey. gma has a sneak peek at the brand new special episode. our biggest little fans could not be more excited. >> aw, yes, blue! >> rebecca: they're all dancing and saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. rebecca's daughter isabelle and your husband matt, they cannot wait for our bluey sneak peek. also our comfort food tour is wrapping up right here in times square, with our favorite comfort food. that's all coming up. i'm excited. >> rebecca: i'm excited. isabelle gets her favorite show. i get to eat. we're all winning here. also ahead, our extreme weather team is tracking the major storm system
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sweeping from texas into the northeast. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. we start with the reaction to o.j. simpson's death. want to go back to matt gutman in l.a. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. o.j. simpson's family saying he lost a very private battle with cancer surrounded by his loved ones. almost exactly 30 years after that very public spectacle right here on the 405 freeway, that notorious slow speed chase. the moment the image of o.j. simpson turned from lovable sport to icon to a man accused of a grisly double murder. >> we, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: nearly 30 years after that murder acquittal, football legend o.j. simpson and his legacy at the center of furious debate following the sudden news of his death wednesday at the age of 76. simpson family sharing a statement saying he succumbed to a battle with cancer. he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren.
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>> they won't get him. 80 yards for o.j.! >> reporter: nicknamed the juice, he galloped to stardom with the heisman trophy at usc then a record breaking career in the nfl starting in 1969. then, effortlessly hurdling off to be on iconic tv commercials. >> coming or going on a business trip? you've got no time to waste. >> reporter: stealing scenes on the big screen. all of that adoration came crashing down with the brutal stabbing murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and ron goldman outside nicole's townhouse in june 1994. >> i think i just saw o.j. on the 5 freeway. >> reporter: o.j., the on the serious suspect, ordered to surrender, but instead taking police on a low speed chase through los angeles in that white ford bronco. 95 million people tuning in live. that incident setting the tone for a highly publicized trial.
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prosecutors portraying him as a serial abuser playing 911 calls. >> it's o.j. i think you know his record. >> what is he doing threatening you? >> he's going nuts. >> reporter: the brown family sitting down with our diane sawyer before the trial. >> when you said insanely jealous, what did you mean? >> possessive. real possessive. he just -- she was his. >> reporter: but the state's case seemingly unravelled when bloody gloves found at the crime scene did not fit o.j.'s hand. >> remember these words, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: though simpson was acquitted in the criminal trial, he was found liable in a civil suit in 1997 ordered to pay $33.5 million to the victims' families who have not seen much of that settlement. we spoke to the goldman family overnight. they said they have received less than 1% of that civil suit settlement. they said they didn't get much
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when he was alive and they don't expect much from his death. their attorney said he is investigating ways of possibly recovering some of funds from o.j.'s estate. michael? >> michael: all right, matt. thank you for bringing that to us. now to the storm that's slamming the east coast, bringing torrential rain, flooding and strong winds from the midwest to northeast after leaving a trail of destruction in the south. of kourbgs sam champion's been tracking it all. >> sam: wait until you see this. windy, wet and wild on the east coast. dangerous. show you this flash flood emergency. doesn't happen a lot but it happened in pittsburgh. 4 inches of rain in a short period of time. had a lot of flooding there. now let's move on south. now charleston, south carolina. this is more than 3 inches of rain and at least 38 streets were flooded in the downtown charleston area. this is a lot of water even for an area that floods, like charleston. then take a look at this. is that a tornado? yeah, it is, with winds up to 100 miles per hour. that was in florida. this big comma-like swirl continues to move up into the northeast. the southeast looks so much better today. the northeast, this is gonna take time.
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it may be all day today, with waves of rain and wind moving through. little dry moment this morning then more comes with you. i'm hoping we can pull out the weekend dryer but there's strong gusty winds that come in after the morning winds. this is overnight. 39 new york, 33 scranton, 33 buffalo. we've got big heat building in the west. that makes a move across the country. >> rebecca: you'll be watching. sam, thank you. now the nationwide drug shortage hitting a record high. eva pilgrim is here with more. some patients are missing critical medication. >> that's right, rebecca. if you've been struggling to fill your med, you are not alone. nationwide shortage hitting a record high with 320 medications listed in low supply. diabetes drug, antibiotic, cancer treatments among those hard to find. about one in three hospitals
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reporting they've had to skip, delay or use less medication due to supply gaps. so why is this happening? it's a mix of things. experts say it's an issue of supply and demand and ties the manufacturing problems that started during the pandemic. others point to the boom in low cost generic drugs. 90% of americans rely on these drugs but they are not money makers for pharmaceutical companies. what's being done? president biden announcing a plan that would reward hospitals for maintaining an adequate supply of key drugs. medicare proposing incentives for all hospitals that retain a buffer stock. you can talk to your doctor about alternative medications or even different doses. guys? >> george: thank you very much. coming up when it comes to skin care, companies are telling young teens not the buy some of their products. >> michael: the american idol judges and ryan seacrest on
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saying good-bye to katy perry. will reeve spoke to all of them. >> rebecca: and sam wears many hats when he's here on gma. this morning is no different. he loves the literal. >> sam: two of them i have. there's so much going on. apparently we have a pop news investigation so i have to wear protective gear for that. also, we're going to -- i think we're going to squeeze a lemon. we're going to test to see if it works. you don't want to miss that. plus lori bergamotto has all the rain gear for this rainy day. stay here on gma.
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♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. in 10 years, lisa schneider will have an amazing second act. thanks to career reskilling courses from aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp. ♪(music playing)♪ (♪)
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(♪) born in roma fragrances. and the new born in roma green stravaganza. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ born in roma fragrances. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. [ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] ask your retina specialist about eylea hd ♪ one, two, three ♪ yes! ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪ ♪ yeah. oh ♪
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i'm on the clock and ready to rock. it's target circle week. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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>> george: we are back with a gma cover story. a look at that time skin care brands telling younger kids not to use some of their products. erielle reshef is here. >> the hash tag tween skin racking up tens of millions of views on tik tok. kids 10-13 flaunting their elaborate halls and skin care routines across social media. now some of the most popular pwrapbdzs are urging young kids to proceed with caution. >> going to be doing my morning skin care routine. >> i'm going to do a morning routine. >> reporter: the videos are all over social media. teens and even tweens touting their skin care routine. 11-year-old zoya has a nine step night time regimen. but now some big name brands are pushing back urging younger kids not to buy certain products. hugely in demand drunk elephant saying many products are safe for kids and tween skin but
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reminding them to stay away from their products containing acid and retinol. the skin care line bubble, which markets itself to teens put out warnings after releasing its exfoliating serum called moon walk this year saying it is a gentle exfoliator but they are all serious business. don't exfoliate unless you are 14 or older. younger faces can be more sensitive. >> telling a market place don't use this product under a certain age, that's responsible. >> kiehls posting these photos to social media saying childhood goes by fast. don't let your kids waste it on a ten step skin care routine. and the ordinary owned by estee lauder saying, teen, you don't need ten steps. >> i am in my happy place. >> reporter: for millions like zoya, the skin care craze has been a creative
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outlet and source of fun but her mom says navigating what products are appropriate for her daughter can be overwhelming. >> one time you could pick up something with retinol. i was like, no, that's not for you. >> reporter: experts say with gen alpha getting in on the skin care frenzy, companies need to weigh the risks in marketing to younger customers. experts say keep in mind if there are products marketed for anti-aging they're most likely not appropriate for tween skin. as always, check with your doctor and dermatologist have you have questions. guys? >> george: common sense there at the end. thanks very much. sam, you are ready for pop news. [ laughter ] >> sam: i don't know if i am, not sure if you are either, america. let's begin with one of england's most acclaimed authors. we're not talking shakespeare. it's pop news. lady whistledown. after dear readers it's true, bridgerton released the full length trailer from the highly anticipated season 3. take a look. >> dearest gentle reader, we
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have been apart for far too long. >> you can see it. >> is it? >> something's wrong. >> for some of us it's not right. >> if a husband is what you seek, let me help you. are we friends? >> friends. >> friends. >> sam: julie andrews reading your letter, you have everything. you need nothing else, right? >> rebecca: absolutely. >> sam: that trailer racked up 1 million views in less than five hours. bridgerton season 3 will debut in two parts. part one on may 16 and part two on june 13. the cast of bridgerton will be joining us live during their premiere week right here on gma. >> yeah! >> sam: can you believe it? all right. also in pop news we have some very exciting headlines from cinemacon. this is for movie moguls but we can fill you in on what they saw.
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start with duane the rock johnson. he made a splash showing up to share a teaser for the highly anticipated moana 2. there is one. the rock taking the stage with a troupe of polynesian dancers promising it will be full of all new songs but finished off with the trademark, you're welcome. another animated sequel we can't wait to see, inside out two. amy pohler, the voice of joy, she was on hand to give an extended look at the new movie. there were some special appearances from marvel's universe as well including anthony macky he was there to talk captain america. the suit fits so we're on. brave new world the first movie as super hero, exciting because he's also starring alongside harrison ford. now, marvel studios' president and director shawn levy previewed deadpool as well versus wolverine. the movie nine minute clip.
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the hollywood reporter said it was hysterical. you can only imagine how good this will be. >> rebecca: can't wait for that. >> sam: right? can't wait for it also. there has been a blank space on tik tok but this morning our wildest dreams have come true. are you tired of them yet? no. i can't stop. taylor swift is back on the app. months ago universal music group pulled the artist from the platform but now some of swift's most popular hits are back including "cruel summer" and "shake it off" taylor's version. it was killing me but i couldn't show you my skin care routine. while playing cardigan. you have to picture me on a moss covered piano applying eye cream. 'cause i'm doing it now. this may be a unique exception, universal's boycott because she owns the right to her music. we entered the one week countdown to taylor's 11th studio album the tortured poet's department that drops everywhere next friday. >> george: i didn't know you and my daughters have so much in common. [ laughter ] >> sam: secretly i am a teen and tween all at the same time.
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[ laughter ] finally this morning, can we pull this off? >> rebecca: this pop news has something for everyone. little something for everyone. >> sam: rebecca, can you help me out? >> rebecca: you need a hard hat and goggles. not because we have a sledge hammer but because we're testing this new tik tok trend looking into this recent tik tok video by a user named sara. she's gone viral online. showing an easy hack to get juice out of a lemon without any seeds. this inspired a lot of people to give it a try. sam, you rose your hand. >> michael: you don't have goggles? >> sam: i'm hoping i can get away without them. it's just too much. anyway, nothing ruins my day like a seed in my lemon juice. george, do you have the same problem? >> george: i do have the same problem. [ laughter ] say you are just a normal average american and you want a little lemon juice. so you squeeze it like this. it's going to come out perfectly with no seeds. no, there's one. can't have that. can't have that. so you buy a gadget. say you try this. you want to cut the lemon.
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precut for sam because no one wants sharp objects near me. that's a lot of work for this early in the morning. here's the hack. have you seen this? the hack is you take a tooth pick and gently insert the tooth pick into the lemon. let's see if this works. remember, you want the lemon juice without the seeds. >> wow! >> sam: i'm getting some lemon juice. look at that! there it goes. there it goes. so quick and easy. not as much work. really not. no seeds. >> george: real workout for your grip. [ laughter ] >> sam: pop news investigation, america. michael? >> michael: i am so confused right now. [ laughter ] i am literally baffled. okay. we're going to get out of the way. ginger? hey, ginger. >> ginger: michael, with you, but, hey, all that lemon juice, let's make some lemonade. it will fit in a warm place like st. louis who is about to see potential record highs through the end of the weekend, start of
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the week. we are going to see temperatures some 15, 20 degrees above average. denver could see their first 80 of the season. look at that nearly 90 in st. louis by monday. chicago upper 70s. let's get a check closer to home. ♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> michael: we're having too much fun over here this morning. it is time for the right stuff. lori bergamotto is helping us
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power through april showers. you got some rain gear for the whole family. who doesn't need a nice umbrella? >> the best one to get is the weather man umbrella. named after you, of course. >> sam: i know who did it. it's great. >> this is a best selling industry leading brand. and it was brought to us by our abc news weather team. they said they loved these. let me tell you guys why. it's super durable. they come in a lot of different styles. that one is a stick umbrella. this one is their compact, collapsible umbrella, excuse me. they're wind tested to 45 miles per hour, 55 miles per hour. i won't do that thing where you see it in the new york city trash can. all the inverted. >> sam: don't buy a cheap umbrella. invest in this. >> they even have a kids one, which has a nice anti-pinch mechanism. great for kids and some adult, if you're like me. so those are great. we love those. from weatherman. >> michael: you're telling on yourself. >> so then, should we talk about fashion, rain gear?
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this is from padagona. their torrential. this is great for the entire family, if you are looking for something that is going to keep you protected. it has three layers of protection in there. lightweight. super durable. we love the brand. we got that at rei. if you're doing outdoor recreational things that's the place to go and get it. if you want something that's a little more fashionable, our friend sam champion turned us on to this brand. >> sam: love this one. >> michael: fashion, sam. you know it. >> fashion and functional. this is a danish brand. it rains 120 days of the year in denmark. these people know what they're talking about. it's infused with that sleek style we so love. look at sam in this. >> michael: that's a nice jacket. >> whether you want something that's more functional for the whole family or you want something more fashionable for men and women this is a unisex coat.
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it comes in a shorter style, longer style. has a fish tail hem. >> sam: if you find this brand, you will not let them go. >> thank you for that, sam champion. let's talk boots. we're going to start with the women's boots here. these are from hunter. our abc news team told us they love the ground gripping soles, water tight silhouette. these are from nordstrom. they come in a ton of different styles so whatever fashion you're wearing the function is available for you. you want to pick those up. let's talk men. lot of men we talked to were like, i don't want to wear rain gear all day. >> michael: i have some like this. they're a lot bigger. [ laughter ] and for me they are water resistant and they are known. the brand is known for their comfortable cushy memory foam sole. so really comfortable. great there and then. if you
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have kids, let's be honest. you want your kids to have dry feet. so what's more important is you want them to be able to do things themselves, right. you don't want to have to put them on, put the boots on and off. they can do these themselves with these bags. these are from zappos. they make them from toddler up to big kid and really big kid. because you said you have some, right? so these are a great option if you, you know, you want some durability and you want that practicality. and then finally, one more thing, you guys, this is going to probably be the best $10 you ever spend. you can get this from amazon. it goes over any backpack and it will. valuables. if you have a laptop or a phone or your leather goods in there. thought of this? keep them dry so they're great for students, great for students, great for students. absolutely, absolutely. and $10. so it's a thing you can what a great like a shower cap for your backpack. >> it looks like a shower cap. but try it on sam. no just kidding i don't dare him to. these will tear him, i won't.
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well laurie, as always, thank you, thank you, thank you, you know, check out these products, everybody. and coming up we are sharing our favorite comfort food this morning to close out our cross country tour. get ready to eat. let's go. this is one of getting older actually. >> men looking better, loving better, feeling better and even being better with money. well, next week, see how 50 is the new 20 plus? huey lewis with an epic throwback performance on good morning america abc hockey saturday triple header on abc >> you're telling me the truth. i mean, they asked you about your marriage and infidelity. the husband is always the top suspect, always the top suspect. >> come stand up for me. please stop the interrogation. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to take a look at traffic off amanda kumasi. the early morning sigalert in hayward is still in
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effect. this is because of a big rig crash on southbound 880. after winton avenue, a solo big rig crash blocked lanes after one trailer ended up on its side. but as of 740, that overturned trailer was upright. expect residual delays. two lanes are still closed. drew >> thanks, amanda. drew has our forecast after the break. >> hey, everybody, it's me, tracy turnblad from hairspray. broadway's tony award winning best musical is back, featuring songs that are fresh, winning and tuneful. come see the mega hits about a girl from 1960s baltimore. me who dares to dream big and changes the world. don't miss the warm hearted musical comedy hairspray. >> coming to the orpheum theater for one week only beginning april 16th. tickets on sale now >> you made a cow. >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to
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save? >> i'm listening. well bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month. >> you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow >> anything you can't do >> mugs. bmo surprise. everyone likes surprises, except when you get a bill that's higher than expected. >> that's why shag carpet offers a no surprise guarantee. the price they quote is always the price you pay. and during this month's buy two get one free sale. buy any two square feet of select shag carpet, hardwood, laminate and waterproof core and get one free. that's like one third off and sanji more than carpet. go to shag for the showroom nearest you, or to have their mobile showroom come to you. >> we'll take you outside this morning. the exploratory camera starting to see partly cloudy conditions and these clouds are
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in advance of a cold front that is bringing colder air today and showers tomorrow. temperatures right now we're in the 40s and low 50s. the mix of sun and clouds over the city right now. partly sunny skies throughout the day. the big takeaway? it is so much cooler today compared to yesterday. 10 to 20 degrees cooler compared to yesterday's highs. so 50s and 60s today. showers back over the weekend. saturday's the wetter of the two days. level one for those showers, a chance of a thunderstorm tomorrow afternoon and snow likely on our highest peaks like mount hamilton early tomorrow morning. kumasi. thanks drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and s at abc sen continues now with good morning america >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: all week long we've been traveling around the country in search of great comfort food. this morning we're wrapping it
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up in new york city. we all invited our go to local spots for comfort food to come to the studio. they all said yes. we're very happy about that. i'm gonna start off with my top pick for pizza. i love this place. star tavern in orange new jersey. this is the owner willie vayianos. willie, thank you for being here this morning. you brought my go to favorite. the thin crust pepperoni pizza. look at those pepperonis just curling up just right. >> we know it. >> michael: what is it about star tavern that keeps people coming in? you told me o.j. anderson, my old buddy, was in there last night. >> he was there yesterday. the customers are great. the employees are great. they've all been working there for a long time. we have virtually no turnover. the pizzas are made fresh daily. the dough, pepperoni's top notch. it works out for us. >> michael: been working out for 40 years for you. we can talk about this pizza all day but i don't want to do that.
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i want to try a piece. i'm going to throw it over to rebecca. rebecca, what's your go to spot? >> rebecca: michael, thank you. for comfort food i'm all about pastries. we go carbs. my very favorite place is mah-ze dahr bakery. it is here in new york city. the ceo is here. so nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> rebecca: my family sees you almost every weekend. we are constantly at the bakery. love the croissants. and the cinnamon rolls. what's the secret? >> the secret is we start with love. everything comes with intention. every recipe is made by hand. all our pastries come from family recipes that we've developed over the years. our butter is from upstate new york. our chocolate from france. everything we do is meant to come together with the most perfect bite in the most magical experience you have. >> rebecca: we have a magical experience every time we take a bite. george, over to you, so that i can do that. >> george: i'm talking about my favorite place in new york to get a burger. great comfort food. john roney has been there over
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30 years. my go to cheese burger and fries, waffle fries. what is the secret to jg melon? >> wow. i think first of all, thank you for selecting us. i think it's consistency. the ownership is the same as it was back in 1972. the burger is the same. it's a real family style place. the families of the original owners still maintain it. and james, the j of his wife still runs the place. >> george: fantastic. great stuff. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: does this not feel like the weirdest food dream ever? and michael was there. rebecca was there. when it comes to comfort food for me there is nothing better especially if i'm not feeling well than a big bowl of soup. my go to soup here in the city, pj bernstein's deli with eugene slopodski. i love the triple delight when
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i'm not feeling quite right. my husband introduced me to this. what makes it a triple delight? >> back in 1965 when my grandpa opened the restaurant he ordered people were ordering the three famous soups. he decided to put it in one gianted bowl. like we have here. noodles, chicken, carrot, maza bowl. you get a giant bowl of triple delight. best in the world. >> ginger: it is. like a carb explosion but also like that chicken noodle soup that will make you feel better. sam, you're in the dream, too. >> sam: i love a good dream. [ laughter ] believe me, i honestly do. say you love comfort food but can't tolerate gluten. jemiko thank you for being with us. it's hard. people who can't tolerate gluten can't find good food anywhere, but everything on your menu is amazing. >> thank you. thank you for having me, sam. i'm glad you like it, this penne dish. not really a secret but like we see with siliac disease.
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cannot go anywhere. they come and trust you and feel free to taste. they don't really care about trying something. >> sam: because we trust you. i come and we sit down and have a beautiful dinner. the food is amazing. i can eat everything on your menu, from the bread to pastries to pasta. it's incredible. thank you. >> thank you. >> sam: so in case you are coming to new york, you know that i have tried this many times. we just had this last week. [ laughter ] michael, back to you. >> michael: i'm getting up, sam. longer i sit there, the more i eat. i have food in my mouth. i can't talk. there we go. all right. we want to thank you all. thank you all for bringing this incredible food. [ applause ] i love the fact that we all have our favorites. i got four new restaurants that i got to try out. our gma comfort food plaques are
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coming out for all of you. here we go! billy's got them right there. nice little weekend arts and crafts program right there. [ laughter ] thank you all again. if you are local, make sure you check out these restaurants. we'll be right back. the american idol judges and ryan seacrest will tell us how the show has changed, why it means so much to them, also saying good-bye to katy perry. we'll be right back. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here.
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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>> sam: back now on gma. stars are brighter than ever this season on "american idol." we sat down with ryan seacrest, lionel richie, katy perry. luke bryan. katy perry is getting ready to say good-bye to the hit show. this had to be a blast. >> it was. good morning. i had a great time with ryan and the judges. idol has been an institution for decades. being on the show is a life changing experience for the contestants and the super star judges. i sat down with them to talk about this season's talent and the power of dreams. who should you not talk to before they have their morning coffee, or go through their ritual? >> oh, oh, oh. i don't even know if this person has seen the morning. >> all night long was biography
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call. the music plays on on "american idol." the judges and host with your ticket to hollywood. ryan, you have been sort of the custodian of dreams. what has it been like for you to see the evolution of the show, its place in the culture and the talent on it? >> it's just evolved so drastically into this very positive force for contentants. they are competing for a better life, to change themselves. a couple have said on stage, i believe in myself now. i have got confidence, i have got courage. that to me is something that we don't always see. you each probably have your own sense whether someone has it.
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>> i think it is different for all of us. it can be just like a ghostly shimmer of a glimmer, you know? you can just go -- what is that? >> i'm studying everything they're doing because i'm just so interested in what they're about. >> for me, it's possession time. when people walk on stage, they're shy. okay? when they walk on stage, we want confidence. then they turn into themselves. ♪ >> it's fun watching them blossom and come to life in front of our eyes. ♪ america sees where they come from, their home. you get a real representation of what the american juror journey is about. >> for me, they automatically become my kids. i want to build them up even stronger than when they walked in the door. >> i have to think that seeing the folks just starting out, chasing that dream, has to have an impact on you and remind you of why you chase your dreams.
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>> i think we feel it every single time. and that's why we are so connected to it emotionally. >> yeah. >> we really can see ourselves in them. they also remind us about the fight. we can get a little bit, you know, a little complacent. they give us that energy again. >> that's why we love them. ♪ >> i hope these kids can take this experience and, they can look back and go, man, this thing has been fun for me. >> feels like it was yesterday for me. i can smell it, taste it, hear it, all of it. i had had, you know, cars reposessed, i had been signed and dropped three times. i was couch surfing. literally. it's so visceral to me. that's the passion some of these kids have. >> and talent. ♪
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katy, can you believe it's been seven years? you announced it's time to say good-bye. >> for now. >> for now. >> well, i just like -- american idol has healed my heart. it's been incredible to be on this journey with them. i feel so connected to america that i want to go out there again and sing and play music and hold their hands and tour and bring my daughter and show her and all that stuff. >> you're irreplaceable. what would you want to replace you? >> someone that can keep up with luke and lionel. >> we'll hold the spot. >> keep my seat warm. >> they have such a great vibe. it will be impossible to replace katy perry, but idol will go on. coming up sunday the top 20 reveal and the live reveal monday night. tune in to abc 8 p.m. eastern. get your votes in so you, like the judge, can help shape some dreams. american idol, there's nothing like it. >> great crew. >> really. great camaraderie among them.
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it was a pleasure to be there. >> michael: i remember when they came in before they kicked off the first season. it's seven already. wow. time flies. >> sam: we all just went what? [ laughter ] how can that be? all right, will. awesome story, by the way. can't wait to watch the show. ginger, what's up? >> ginger: such a good season already, too. thank you. let's look at the super gloom. making me feel like we've got super powers. walnut creek, california. they've had plenty of moisture to help out the flowers. now the warmth to enjoy it. las vegas, right, they had their latest 80 degree temperature. now 86, tucson 88. that's not gonna last forever. the storm sticks around. much of california will have a wet, murkier weekend, in the 60s in los angeles. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> george: this week's gma buzz pick is "last days in plaka." here's henriette to talk about it. >> good morning america. as we say in athens -- i'm henriette and my new book takes place in athens. it's about an unusual friendship between an elderly greek widow and anna, a young greek american woman. each is searching for meaning in her life and one is hiding secrets that will break the other's heart. the novel grew from how much i missed my parents during the pandemic when i couldn't visit friends and family. with last day in plaka, i travel there in my imagination. i hope you take the journey with me. >> george: it is available now. you can keep reading more on gma book club. >> rebecca: looking now at the trailer for "sins of the
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parents" the crumbley trials. it premieres next thursday april 18th on the on hulu. take a look. >> this is not about parents who just let their kid watch vie violent movies or play violent video games. this is about parents who neglected their son, ignored his cries for help, and then bought him a gun. >> the first parents in america to be charged in a school shooting. >> they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it. >> you don't get to walk away from that. that's a criminal act. >> sins of parents the crumbley trial. >> it is just being ignored.
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>> rebecca: we are back. it is bluey's world and we are just living in it. we have a lot of adorable fans of the hit show joining us including my sweet isabelle. hey, honey. let's take a look at the magic that made all these kids fall in love with everyone's favorite blue heeler, plus a new sneak
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peek at the brand new special debuting this sunday. >> ladies and gentlemen, i'm doing this for my kids. >> rebecca: for millions of kids and their parents this family of australian dogs are the most beloved characters on tv. >> bluey! >> rebecca: bluey, the number one most streamed series across all age groups follows the life and every day adventures of bluey, her little sister bingo, dad bandit and mom chili. >> shake it, chili! >> come on. >> hi name is melanie. i play chilly in bluey. they have something that seems to be bringing really beautiful positive messaging into the world. that's really special. >> rebecca: this weekend a very special 28 minute episode of bluey set to premiere called "the sign." >> it will be hilarious and heartfelt and everything you love about bluey, but just
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longer and bigger. >> rebecca: gma has a special sneak peek. >> now kids here's an exclusive first look at "the sign." >> mom, i like this stuff. >> you put it in the wrong slot. wow. it's stuck! mom, my lucky coin is stuck. >> you put it in the wrong slot. >> not me. really wedged. sorry, girls. it's not coming out. >> aw. >> we'll see. >> we won't see. we will get this coin out! >> rebecca: yay. >> michael: why did we cut that short? i was just getting into it. man. [ laughter ] just like everybody, we are getting to it. luna, i have a question for you. are you excited to see bluey and bingo? >> yeah! >> michael: all right, you guys.
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should we bring them out? >> yay! >> michael: let's bring them out, bluey and bingo! come on out! wasting no time. yeah. >> rebecca: michael, this is one thing that's streamed the most at home in our house. it's the music. you hear that music in the backgrounds. such a great show. >> michael: i'm like, why should the kids have all the fun? give me a hug, too. all right. there we go. there we go. i know you want to do that, too. you stay right there, buddy. we're not done here. kids, you know what? you ready for another surprise? >> yeah! >> michael: you like surprises? >> yeah! >> michael: all right. we have some bluey gift bags for all of you. they're coming out. here they come!
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>> my turn. >> rebecca: everybody gets one. don't worry. they're all the same. they're all the same. >> michael: you're not gonna have to share this. everybody will get one. >> rebecca: hi, sweetie. yes, yes. >> michael: do you know what, bluey's new special "the sign" starts streaming sunday on disney +. >> rebecca: we're gonna watch it all day. >> michael: we'll be right back. >> hi. [applause]
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow.
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anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ i'm andie. >> i'm sabrina. >> we're moms juggling tons of stuff all day like you moms out there. do you know what we love? really love? pop culture. what happens when the best of pop culture collides with being a mom? you get us. listen to our new podcast pop culture moms. >> available ad free on amazon music. >> michael: we want to thank you all for watching. we want to thank all our bluey fans. did you have some fun today? [ cheers ] they are excited. we are excited. one more.
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>> more americans choose abc news. america's number one news source. >> what if getting older actually meant looking better, loving better, feeling better, and even being better with money? well, next week, see how 50 is the new 20 plus huey lewis with an epic throwback performance on good morning america. >> the arizona abortion ban and donald trump's hush money trial. how are these two breaking stories impacting the 2024 race? sunday morning, the fallout from arizona and the first ever criminal prosecution of an ex-president on abc's this week tonight. >> to these friends have secrets. so dangerous. >> i kept asking her, what are you so scared of? they would do the unthinkable. >> police find this ominous video. friends playing a dangerous game. >> would you guys rather suffocate or get shot? 2020 tonight on abc.
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>> so what's good to read and we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help join us. >> danger had never looked like this before. >> this girl's been missing for three days. >> can you keep a secret? >> take me under the bridge. >> precision is an excellent company. we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. it's kind of one of those things that i personally take pride in. >> making sure that the people make the right decision. >> we highly recommend precision. precision doors service, a name you can trust when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. >> i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. >> i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could have made. i'm rich. >> barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. the bonds burn
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injury attorneys call million enterprise. >> everyone likes surprises, except when you get a bill that's higher than expected. that's why s and g carpet offers a no surprise guarantee. the price they quote is always the price you pay. and during this month's buy two get one free sale by any two square feet of select shag carpet, hardwood, laminate and waterproof core and get one free. that's like one third off s and g more than carpet. go to s g for the showroom. nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. >> unique style, cutting edge innovation and thoughtful details inspired by you from the brand that delivers amazing ownership experiences. this is the first ever all electric z. this this is lexus electrified
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>> get special offers on select lexus rz models. >> every baby deserves a happy start. join mancini's sleep world and the ticket to dream foundation in providing everything a baby needs through donations of baby essentials. drop off your donations at any mancini sleep world location or donate online at sleep . >> we're going to be together all we belong. >> we belong together. ever. we >> hulu on disney+ available with disney bundle plans starting at 9.99 a month. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's amanda with a look at traffic kumasi the biggest trouble spot remains in hayward. >> this is a sigalert that is still in effect on southbound 880. a big rig crash just after winton avenue. you can see
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speeds are down to seven and 14mph. in some spots, two lanes remain closed, but that trailer that was overturned is now right side up. they're still working to clear it. >> i amanda, we'll go to the tam cam. we've got clouds rolling in from the coast this morning ahead of a cold front. this morning. we're in the 50s. just prepare for a colder day compared to the past couple of days. temperatures about 10 to 20 degrees below where we were yesterday. so we have a cooler day today. rain is back over the weekend. saturday. the rainier of the two days. it's a level one kumasi. >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have at 11 for midday li >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ today, ryan seacst


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