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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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in the north bay at a very sad ending. now, in the search for a teenage boy missing in the russian river. uh. that's about 70 miles, of course, from san francisco. >> the young man was last seen swimming near steelhead beach, north of forestville, again north of san francisco. >> here's abc seven news reporter cornell bernard with an urgent message from first responders about being safe on the water. >> friends and family and brothers and sisters, it's a tough day. >> first responders sharing sadness of a water rescue on the russian river, which became a recovery mission very sad ending. >> this is never what we want. in the end, the sonoma county sheriff's department says the body of a teenage boy was pulled from the russian river friday afternoon. >> the search for him began late thursday after a911 call that two teens got into trouble while swimming. >> one of the teens made it out of the water and the other did not. >> the surviving teen was sent to the hospital. dive teams from napa and sacramento counties
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were called in to assist, using sonar technology to search under the water, believed to be 7 to 10ft deep. >> why exactly they were out at the river is unclear at this point. my understanding is there were there was a group and there were adults with them. after winter rains. >> the russian river is now running high, fast and cold. and as we move into summer months, first responders say safety needs to be everyone's priority. >> every year we're called out to rescues here on the river carron. >> hancock from sonoma county fire district warns everyone to be careful. >> if you're unfamiliar with the river or not confident in your swimming abilities, please wear a life jacket out here and always have a partner out here with you. someone on shore in case you need assistance. deputies say the teen was not from sonoma county. >> fire all of our fire agencies, we do everything we can for a different result in the north bay. >> cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> and back now to our top story. that ugly incident that happened on wednesday during a rally calling for a gaza cease fire resolution. as abc seven
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news reporter lena howland explains, it's part of what victims say is becoming an alarming trend. bomb. >> bomb palestine. bomb >> bomb palestine. pro-palestinian demonstrators calling for peace were met with hate on wednesday. just outside of south san francisco's civic center. >> pull your mouse down, you wait, man, don't do that. >> well, my first initial reaction is like survival mode. like i need to i need to document everything. >> this woman is a representative for the group ca 15 for ceasefire. she doesn't want us to use her name over safety concerns. she identifies as a palestinian muslim and had just spent the day celebrating eid to mark the end of ramadan when she shot this video, he verbally assaults everyone in our group with me. >> he elbowed me in the face. he spit on a friend of mine, he pushed another friend of mine and then my other friend got her head bumped into. >> i can do whatever they want. they're demonstration called for the south san francisco city council to adopt a gaza
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ceasefire resolution. >> it escalated quickly and intensely. and, you know, among other things, in front of my 11 year old child, which is extremely distressing and hard to process. >> this organizer from change sf says she was concerned things were about to escalate in front of her son. both women say the same man approached their groups last week to also really scared that it would escalate. >> you know, especially with the comments that he's making, like he said, bomb, bomb palestine and talking about, you know, have you ever killed someone and all of these just very bizarre sentiments, i was just really concerned that he would have some kind of weapon on him, perhaps. >> and these hate crimes are part of a growing trend. earlier this month, the council on american islamic relations reported a 419% increase of hate crimes in 2023, which is when the israel-hamas war began in gaza. >> i just can't help to think like if the roles were reversed, how the reaction of the city and our elected officials and the
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community would be. i feel like we constantly get swept under the rug when hate crimes like this happen to my community. >> police say the man in the video, a 57 year old south san francisco resident, was arrested shortly after the incident. he's facing charges of battery threats and hate speech in south san francisco. lena howland abc seven news a suspect is being held without bail after being formally charged with the felony vandalism of a san francisco mosque. >> surveillance video shows the man using a skateboard to smash six windows at the masjid al-tawhid in nob hill last thursday. investigators say he returned on tuesday and attempted to smoke inside, then came back for a third time on wednesday when he was detained. the district attorney says he intends to prosecute the case as a hate crime. the suspect pleaded not guilty and will be back in court in two weeks time. >> the anti-defamation league claims stanford and uc berkeley are not making the grade when it comes to protecting jewish students. the organization opens
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first campus anti-semitism report card gives stanford an f and cal a d 85 schools nationwide were reviewed. 12 others, along with stanford, received an f, including harvard and princeton. two schools got an a brandeis in massachusetts and elon university in north carolina. the adl says the report card assesses jewish life on a campus, as well as policies and actions related to combating anti-semitism and protecting jewish students in the south bay. san jose police have arrested and charged a person in connection to the two arson incidents on san jose state's campus. authorities identified the suspect as a sophomore at the university. he was booked in the santa clara county jail and charged with four counts of arson. the first fire was set on easter, then another on monday. both were in the men's bathroom at the martin luther king junior public library. the suspect was being held on $400,000 bail. >> if you've been seeing a lot of smoke in east contra costa
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county, it's coming from a vegetation fire on kimball island on the san joaquin river. the small island is just about 600 yards north of antioch. the brush fire was first reported about 630 this morning. firefighters are letting it burn itself out since there are no structures there that are threatened. >> all right. the string of beautiful string spring days are coming to an end. >> it's hard to say because it's so sad. as you can see from our camera at the exploratorium, a clouds are looming over the bay area ahead of the rain that is headed our way for the weekend. >> oh, abc is having. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with a first look at our forecast. i know you both are so sad that we're going to see a change in our forecast, but here's the way we look at it. >> it's beneficial. rain coming our way. look at the temperature drop 22 degrees cooler right now in concord and novato compared to this time yesterday. down 15 degrees in san jose. winds are onshore. they're gusting 31 at oakland. as we take a look at rain chances, they're going up, especially towards midnight. and
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tomorrow of course definitely will be raining. here's a look at live doppler seven clouds are gathering as we widen the picture here. notice the level one storm off the coast. it's already bringing rain up in northern california. some thunderstorms as well. so we go hour by hour. 1:00 in the morning you will notice the rain moving onshore. it's going to turn over to snow over the higher peaks by six 7:00 in the morning. and those showers are going to continue well into the afternoon. this level one storm for the weekend will bring brief downpours, gusty winds, chance of thunder and hail snow over our higher peaks. but the weekend is not a washout. i'll be back with a full look at the timeline coming right up. >> kristen salvaged. okay. thank you. sandy. the san francisco police department says it has completed a list of reform recommendations as first handed down by the us justice department in 2016. during that time, the police department had been rocked by a series of scandals, including racist text messages and officers involved shootings. abc seven news
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reporter tim jonze joins us live from the newsroom with the story. tim >> yeah. kristen. now, these recommendations were meant to transform the police department and in particular with how it deals with communities of color. now, eight years later, sfpd says the work it's done, it's proud of it. but critics say it's too early for celebration. >> let's be clear about that. this is an accomplishment. >> congratulations at san francisco city hall friday, police chief bill scott joining with mayor london breed and other local leaders to celebrate sfpd completion of recommended reforms first set out by the us department of justice back in 2016, the reforms are intended to transform the police department and make it a model for other agencies around the country. the goal to better connect the police with the communities they serve an objective chief scott says they've accomplished. >> now we're starting to see use of force going down again. we've increased diversity in hiring and recruitment. that was one of the five areas of focus. >> despite the progress, some
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think the celebrations are premature. on friday afternoon, the sf public defender's office releasing a statement saying racial bias and excessive force still exists within sfpd. >> we can't forget that the racial disparities in terms of who gets stopped, who gets searched and who has force used on them are still, grossly problematic. and they still exist. >> reporter. others, like criminal justice professor lisa hill of cal state east bay, say the department should be applauded for undertaking the reforms. >> the concern is that we've gone through a check off list. >> professor hill says transparency will remain key for sfpd moving forward, taking steps to repair the harm that's been done in the past. >> there has to be some efforts to reunite with this community. you know, policing is community, public service work. >> as for city leaders, they say they recognize that in spite of completing the current reforms, they know a lot more work still needs to be done. >> this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we are doing to balance the
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reforms that we need to implement, as well as making sure that we focus on public safety for san francisco. now in total, sfpd says they've implemented all 272 recommended reforms in the newsroom. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thanks very much. just ahead, a frightening scene in texas, a big rig slams into a government building. cops saying the driver did it deliberately. also, the actions being taken by the united states as fears of an attack by iran on israel escalate. and later, oakland's massive pothole problems. residents say it's more than just a bump in the
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use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. building near houston, texas, this morning, killing one person and injuring 13 others. after crashing into the building the first time, police say the man backed up with the intention of crashing the truck again, but he was pulled from the cab by officers and arrested. investigators believe he attacked the building after the renewal for his commercial driver's license was rejected. at this time, he is in police custody. authorities have not said what charges he would face. >> the white house is on high alert for a possible retaliatory attack from iran on israel, a u.s. defense official says. military assets are being moved to the middle east to protect american troops in the region.
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this follows israel's military operation on an iranian diplomatic compound in syria last week that killed three iranian generals. president biden says the u.s. and its allies are watching the situation very closely. they fear iran may launch strikes against israel. several countries, including the u.s, have issued new travel guidelines for government employees headed to israel. and one consequence we're seeing, because of the tension higher gas prices. oil prices shot up friday amid fears of a retaliatory attack. west texas intermediate crude oil jumped 2% today to $85 a barrel. some economists warn $100 a barrel prices could return if a larger war breaks out in that part of the world. and the situation in the middle east also troubled investors today. it was another day of losses across the board on wall street. the dow dropped 475 points today, the nasdaq closed lower by 261. the s&p 500 lost 75 points. that's the worst day of losses for the index
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since january. not only are investors concerned about an expanding war in the middle east, they're also concerned about inflation. after this week's higher than expected numbers from the labor department. >> overwhelming bipartisan support today for the renewal of a critical national security surveillance law, it advances in the house despite an earlier republican revolt and pushback from former president trump, the fbi director has calls the program indispensable, saying it's vital to protecting americans, especially in the fight against terrorism. abc's em nguyen has more from washington. after a chaotic week of infighting, house speaker mike johnson pushed through the renewal of a powerful national security surveillance program. >> the yeas are 273, the nays are 147. >> the fbi, calling the foreign intelligence surveillance act, or fisa, critical to the security of all americans, especially in the fight against terrorism. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the
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events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> the fisa law allows u.s. intelligence agencies to collect the communications of foreign nationals without a warrant. it sometimes collects data on americans who interact with persons of interest if they don't fall in the exceptions, and they're searching americans, searching your name, your phone number, your email address. >> and this giant, this giant database that should scare us. >> the revised version shortens the law's lifespan from five years to two years. the house also narrowly voted down an amendment which would have prohibited warrantless searches of u.s. person communications, with exceptions for imminent threats to life or bodily harm. the failed amendment was introduced by a group of bipartisan lawmakers, including representative pramila jayapal. >> we should not be expanding fisa. we should be creating safeguards to protect foundational civil liberties rights. meanwhile speaker mike johnson is meeting today with former president trump in
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florida to discuss election integrity. >> i don't ever comment on my private conversations with president trump, but i'm looking forward to going to florida and spending some time with him. >> the house still needs to vote on whether to reconsider the legislation before it can head to the senate. the deadline to reauthorize the fisa law before it lapses is next friday. and when abc news washington when the biden administration is canceling student loans for another 206,000 borrowers, the education department is expanding existing programs to make it easier for groups to qualify for loan forgiveness. >> that includes public sector workers such as teachers and emergency personnel. it's also launching a new repayment plan that creates a shorter pathway to loan forgiveness for many low income borrowers. but two new lawsuits are challenging the changes, saying only congress has the authority to speed up loan cancellation. >> two national monuments in california are expected to expand in the coming weeks. president biden plans to extend the perimeters of the san
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gabriel mountains national monument, which is east of los angeles. he plans to do the same for the berryessa snow mountain national monument north of napa. the expansions would protect sacred sites for native american tribes. the monuments were first designated by former president barack obama. >> all right off to the weekend we go and some changes are afoot. >> yes, cold and wet. well, at least that's how we start seeing it gets better. it does indeed. >> okay, so saturday is going to start off a little bit more like winter, kristen and dan. >> but sunday is going to be better. let me show you a live picture right now from our santa cruz camera. well, you still have time to get out there and enjoy this, even though the clouds are definitely coming in, at least it's still dry up to our north. it's a different story. we are seeing some showers up there, a few snow showers mixing in, and certainly more radar returns off the northern california coast as this late season storm is moving in our direction. as we look at our local radar here, a lot of
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cloud cover right now. no rain to speak of from our exploratorium camera. seeing some peeks of blue. a look at those temperatures 56 in the city. it's in the 60s from oakland to hayward, a mild 64 in san jose, but is certainly much cooler than yesterday where you had the 80s, 55, in half moon bay from our golden gate bridge camera, you can certainly see the clouds stacked up everyone in the 50s except fairfield and livermore and concord in the 60s, walnut creek camera showing you the clouds moving in tonight. clouds up late night. rain coming in tomorrow a wintry mix. chance of thunderstorms. and as we head into sunday, you'll see scattered showers, even some sun breaks. so let's talk about this level one storm on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale. it's light tomorrow. we're talking about rain with brief downpours, gusty winds, possibility of some hail if thunderstorms do develop, and our highest peaks. snow levels between 3500 and 4000ft could see some snow 31 mile an hour. winds fairfield and half moon bay at 5:00 tonight. it is definitely going to be on the
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gusty side as we head towards tomorrow afternoon as well, so be prepared for that. and then you add to it the chillier air masses. it's going to get even cooler than today. tonight at 11 p.m. the wet weather is starting to approach the coastline. 6 a.m. you start to see the snow showers over the hills. not just mount hamilton, but we're talking about some of the hills in lake and mendocino counties and the interior areas. 7:00 tomorrow evening, you're looking at some brief downpours early sunday morning. still some scattered showers and then popping back up again in the evening hours. but you will notice sunday is far quieter than saturday, so maybe you want to get out for a bike ride or a hike. you'll be okay. just have a raincoat. rainfall projections anywhere from about a half an inch to almost two inches along the coast, and then the mountains. but some places the rain shadow of the santa cruz mountains and on the other side in the inland east bay, could only pick up about 1507 inch. speaking of mountains, santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton could see a few inches of snow. that's what computer models are
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projecting a little bit more to our north. your morning temperatures in the 30s and 40s. be prepared for a wet and windy and cooler start, and then a colder afternoon. we're looking at windy conditions. highs will be in the 40s and the 50s. your accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for tomorrow. it's a wintry mix and the chill will be with us sunday. scattered showers, level one. we will go to a drier pattern and a much warmer one, especially bringing those 80s back midweek and inland. it'll be back to spring weather, 60s coast side, but this is beneficial. rain sure. dan and kristen totally. >> yeah. we'll complain just a little bit. >> it's okay. i'm here to listen. >> thank you. >> all right. just ahead where you could go to get free help preparing your taxes. >> and if you have to pay this year, the irs says keep your
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panic as abc news reporter alexis christoforous explains, there are still plenty of free or low cost ways to file and pay if you owe. >> if you're in a tight spot financially, you still need to file your taxes by the deadline or request an extension. but an extension to file is not an extension to pay. so if you owe money, it is due on april 15th. if you can't pay right now, don't panic.
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>> one thing i would not do is be in a rush to put it on a credit card. i think that could be sort of tempting, but the average credit card charge is almost 21% these days. that's a record high. >> the irs will work with you to come up with a payment plan. you may be subject to a set up fee and you'll have to pay interest, but the rate will be lower than the average credit card interest rates. if you can't pay for whatever reason, we have all sorts of programs. >> one is called offering compromise, where we can reduce the total amount that you owe relative to how much you are making so that it's livable. >> when it comes to filing, there are multiple ways to file for free. >> if you're like 70% of most americans and make less than $79,000 a year, you qualify for free file. and free file is a partnership between the irs and several different tax software companies. they provide their software for free. >> to guarantee it will be free, you must go through the irs website, click on free file and pick the software you want to use. if you use a search engine
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and click into software that says it's free, you could be asked for payment at the end. >> you can also often find free versions of some of the popular programs, like turbotax and h&r block. cash app taxes is a really good free tax program, and thanks to the inflation reduction act, the irs started a program called direct file, which is currently available in 12 states. >> it's a free pilot program that the irs has developed in house. >> you can determine your eligibility through the direct file link on if you need tax preparation help, you may be able to get that for free too. >> for people who are low to moderate income, they qualify for vita, which is volunteer income tax assistance. and if you go to type in vita, you'll be directed to local nonprofit organizations that provide low to moderate income taxpayers with free, one on one help from volunteers trained and vetted by the irs. >> alexis christoforous abc news
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new york and the irs website once again is and you make sure to type in vita, go there to get some help. >> all right. just ahead this afternoon, oakland's massive pothole problem. >> you'll see the people swerve in and out, swerve over. they'll slow down, see. and they just every day next hour, lyanne melendez goes looking for answers as to why there's so many and it's taking so long to
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problem plaguing the city. >> a lot of those. and while leaders say there have a paving plan, residents are skeptical,
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complaining that it's just going at a snail's pace as part of our building a better bay area, we went to oakland to find out why it's taking so long, and abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez dug deep and finds the answer as always, leanne. >> yes, well, you know, i wish i had better news for the people of oakland, but then i wouldn't be here, right? okay, so oakland had set a goal to repay 55 miles of roads this year. so far, it's only completed ten miles now, according to the oakland department of transportation. the city will not meet this year's goal. and you will now see why they are so behind. blame it on the rain in the meantime, city officials are asking oakland residents to have patience when filling those potholes. but really, how long can a city and its people put up with this nuisance? tell me what you see every day. >> every day we see people come off the freeway. you're watching me. if you keep standing here long enough, you'll see the people swerving in and out.
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swerve over. they'll slow down, see? and it just every day. and if you're parked here, they will sideswipe your car. it has been many people who have had accidents here. >> we drove around oakland for two days, documenting what residents were experiencing. call them what you want. potholes, craters. some of these are too big to avoid. let's measure 22. wow. and at times we got too close to the road. >> i just got soaked >> some neighbors have even spray painted around potholes to make sure drivers see them ahead of time. >> i just got my tire fixed because this street been messing up my tire. >> we went to oakland's department of transportation. they're the ones coordinating the street repairs. they sent us
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to city hall, so we came to city hall to try to talk to a city council member and found this. the offices were closed on a wednesday. nobody is here. and of course, the city council members aren't here either. not everyone is back in person. they did leave their phone numbers though. next up, the mayor's office. except that it too was closed. wait, it says here we are away. so please ring the bell. what's going on in oakland? someone eventually came out and referred us to a press person, who then sent us information on the status of oakland's five year paving plan work under the £0.05 continues to be behind schedule, primarily due to a slowdown in contract processing, as well as some equipment challenges impacting in-house crews. council member noel gallo agreed to meet us
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outside city hall this past year. >> we did have a good number of vacancies and certainly i had to subcontract with even auto repair shops to make sure that our vehicles that fix the streets, are in operation. >> that's because the city's truck repair shop cannot handle the overwhelming demand. we were told that there are 20 employees currently working on 700 pieces of equipment. so what are we looking at here? >> we're looking at, you know, vehicles that need to be serviced so we can get them on the street for example, the city should have four designated city trucks that work exclusively to fill potholes. >> here's their status. one truck burnt in an accident. two are currently waiting to be repaired as parts are hard to find. that leaves oakland with only one working pothole truck, so they rely heavily on private companies to do the work. this truck from the oakland fire
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department is out of commission after the torsion bar broke when you guessed it, the truck hit a pothole. warren logan is running for a council seat in oakland and has been outspoken about the city's pothole problem. the reason we're only showing you pictures of him is because the day we were supposed to interview him, he had an accident. he sent us a text from the emergency room, quote, i'm unfortunately not available because i'm. and the irony isn't lost on me just arriving at the er, having flipped my bike over, hitting a pothole. here's the culprit. council member gallo agrees. oakland lacks the necessary equipment to keep the city running properly. >> yes, some have to be serviced, but some are outdated, that, you know, we need to buy new vehicles for our employees. that's the bottom line. >> well, you know, it's hard to buy new equipment when oakland is facing a nearly $200 million budget deficit. now for those of
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you who want to know the status of the repairs on your street, there's an interactive map which will give you the construction start date. now you can find that on our website, abc seven wow. what do you guys make of that? i mean, one of the things that the council member said is that, you know, people also have to start showing up to work five days a week in oakland so that was his opinion, not mine. sure. >> and it's a huge problem. it's a problem in san francisco, but certainly in oakland. and there's nothing more maddening than hitting a speed bump again and again. that never gets fixed. right >> right, right. okay. that's happened to you too. >> it's quality of life. >> yes. yeah. you're dedicated. but please be careful out there as you're measuring those vessels. >> that was good. >> all right. thanks, liane. >> thanks very much. >> our media partners with the san francisco standard are reporting major issues with the san francisco central subway. there's been reports of leaks at the chinatown rose park station since august, which forced crews to block off a section of the platform. officials said back in
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august that it would take six months to repair, but the city found more leak issues at three of its underground stations. also weekday ridership averaged around 17,000 last month, which is well below sfmta's 43,000 riders goal by 2030. the nearly $2 billion project opened in january 2023 to serve as faster transportation between some of san francisco's busiest areas. san on bay area high school seniors received wonderful surprises that will jumpstart their futures. >> those surprises were inside and amazon box. these students receive scholarships of up to $40,000 as part of the amazon future engineer initiative. the scholarships will help pay for a college degree in the science, tech, engineering and math fields. for a sta esta jane from newark, it means her family can focus on medical bills for her mother, who's been treated for a brain tumor. >> i mean, colleges now are so expensive as it is anyway, so this is going to mean a lot to
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me and my family. just i won't have to be a burden on them already with whatever, you know, a loans and stuff. they have piled on them from the procedures and things for my mom's brain tumor treatment, the program is geared toward increasing access to a computer science education for students from underserved and underrepresented communities. >> up next, the olympic track and field uniforms, designed by nike that are a bit too risque. shall we say, for some. and the argument a tennessee state legislator made in favor of allowing first cousins to marry feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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sandia joining us for this conversation. all right. you guys, another company is under fire for some unsightly uniforms . the company revealed a possible design of the team usa olympic track and field uniforms yesterday. the reception is not good. some athletes are slamming the uniforms, especially the women's one piece speed suits, which is surprisingly high cut bikini lines. nike is not commenting. last month, fanatics struck out with major league baseball players of their new see through pants form function. i don't know, do you think this has a fashion, zach? >> well, i mean, the colors are nice, but look, if they're not
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going to feel comfortable in the costumes, what do you call them in sports uniforms, then? they're not going to feel comfortable. and that's a part of it. but there's also the conversation too about female athletes being sexualized. and that's also something whether that's done intentionally or unintentionally. with this, i'm not sure. but females definitely don't need to be sexualized in sports, as we're now seeing with basketball. they're doing extremely well. people are very interested in that, and these are some very legitimate athletes, so they don't feel comfortable in those uniforms. they don't have to wear them. >> i think those may be costumes more than uniforms. yeah, exactly. >> shouldn't they consult the athletes? yeah. >> you would think like before they release them like this. yeah >> they have to wear them on national television. oh, exactly . >> all right. >> interesting. and just something simple. you know, you don't have to overthink it. yeah. a bill is headed to the governor's desk in tennessee. that makes marrying your first cousin illegal. state legislators passed a legislation this week in a 75 to 2 vote. one of the bill's two opponents argued for an amendment allowing first cousin marriages if they received first met with a
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genetic counselor. now, before anyone makes any jokes or fun at tennessee's expense, you should know that several states, including california, do not have laws prohibiting first cousin marriages. sandia it's an awkward topic, but we'll start with you for no reason. >> but there's always a reason. >> you didn't get to say too much last night. you know? i mean, i suppose, you know, california could have the same law, right? and not allow that. what do you think? if tennessee taking that step and, you know, the deep south takes a ribbing sometimes for this. yeah. >> you know what, dan? >> i mean, i don't quite understand why people do it. i mean, to begin with. and i just think i understand people should have a choice as to who they marry. i totally get that. but first cousins, i mean, i don't know, i almost think that it should be implemented in other states as well. >> a little uncomfortable. yeah >> and the royal family. >> yeah, that was my thought too. kristen exactly. that's why so many of them going way back look so much alike too. it's.
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yeah, that was one thing i thought of. but i agree with too . sandy i have a hard time with this as a gay person, you know, because yes, we fought so long to have our rights to marry and everything, so it's hard for me, you know, to say they can't marry who they want if they're both consenting and in a mental capacity to consent. but i do think it's weird. you know? yes. >> i just that makes sense from your perspective, zach, to mix mixed feelings about it for understandable reasons. >> correct. exactly. so it's just hard for me to tell people, oh, you can't marry someone you want to marry when i've been given that right. you know, it just it's a weird position. >> yeah. okay. >> how about two people who don't want to be married anymore? not to each other, anyway. after only three months, three months of marriage, the golden bachelor couple is getting a divorce. millions of viewers watched gary and theresa tie the knot back in january. the couple says after several heartfelt talks and looking closely at their living situations once the cameras are no longer rolling, they decided to split gary and theresa both say they're still open to looking for love. okay, raise your hand if you're surprised. >> i'm shocked i can't. how
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could this not work out? i know i had high hopes though. >> yeah, i know right, i did too. >> it was. it was actually kind of a sweet show. did you. those were very nice. you know, two people were. yeah. i was rooting for them. >> i didn't follow that closely, but i had high hopes because, you know, with the bachelor and the bachelorette, you have these young people. these people are not. they want to find love. they can look somewhere else. they don't have to go on a national tv show. they're trying to get social media deals, endorsements and everything. i thought with this age group, maybe they weren't necessarily looking so much for that, and they were there legitimately for love. maybe these folks were i don't know them personally, but i just had higher hopes. >> i wonder if either one of them will end up back on another bachelor or bachelorette show the exposure. >> now that's that's what they're angling for, probably. and by the way, zach, i'm sorry. fame chasing is for everyone every age these days. >> i think, okay. all right. well, forget tv dating shows. >> a woman in butte county is taking a different approach to find a companion. meet linda howard. she's advertising her availability on billboards in the town of paradise. in december. she put up holiday themed billboards, hoping to
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find someone to spend the rest of her years with, but none of those people worked out, so she's back with new ones, with an updated list of requirements. a christian man who's between 50 and 80 years old, willingness to learn to weld and must not be boring. thank god's in control of our lives. >> we just know that he has a plan for all of us. and i've been single for 34 years. so do you think he'd be a little faster on this one? i just wanted a good friend to go and laugh with and send them home. when i get bored with him, and i get bored easily, linda says if a date doesn't work out with her, she sets him up with one of her friends to see if they're compatible, and she hopes this brings more companionship to her and her friends lives. >> as well. and sandi maybe gets a welder out of the deal. >> you never know. i've got to give her credit. she's really creative. and look, i mean, one of the things said, you know, paying for this by collecting cans, i mean, if there's a will, there's a way. and linda is setting him up with her friends. if i mean things don't work out, i think that's cute. yeah. >> that's cute. it is cute,
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isn't it, zach and creative. >> yes. she's very generous to setting them up with her friends and she's keeping it real. put your expectations out there now. don't let them find out too late in the game, because then you're going to end up like gary and theresa. >> yeah, that's a great. >> and she did put the disclaimer out there. i get bored easily. so apply at your when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within.
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the event is getting underway right now. after a three month hiatus and some bad weather last week. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez shows you what's in store. >> it's just good to be back. it's truly good. we're really excited about the actual festival coming back into play. >> preparations are underway for tonight's oakland first fridays event on telegraph avenue between 22nd and 27th streets. festival director greg harris tells me they're expecting about 30,000 people while they celebrated their 10th anniversary last year, but the event has faced some challenges, harris tells me. the festival cost 35 to $40,000 every first friday to put on, and he says they lose about $10,000 on it every month. plus, they've been lacking a major corporate sponsor. and that's not all. >> we were living off a grant and, what do you call it? p uh- p loans and things that we were, we were actually had from the covid situation. so we balanced
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that out for a couple of years. and it just we watched the money dwindle. so it's been some challenges. >> and harris tells me they're trying to raise money to keep this event going, such as a golf tournament in june. tonight's event goes from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. in the newsroom. gloria rodriguez abc seven news san francisco's free outdoor movie series is coming back for a sixth season. >> sundowns cinema kicks off may 17th with a sing along version of selena at dolores park in june. you'll be able to see the 1968 hit a bullet at the presidio. july brings labyrinth. august is the barbie movie. in september, it's lost landscapes, a collection of home movies from decades of san francisco history . yeah, the series wraps up in october with two movies princess and the frog and nightmare before christmas. oh good stuff. >> yeah, what a great collection of films. that's awesome. all right, let's go back one more time and update the forecast for the weekend.
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>> yeah, kind of wet to stars.and. >> yeah, it is definitely going to be a wet, chilly, even possibly a stormy start tomorrow morning. kristen and dan let me show you why. as we look at live doppler seven, we've got a lot of cloud cover right now ahead of a storm that is coming in. it has the potential to bring us thunderstorms. it's a level one on our storm impact scale, and i want to time this out for you. so tonight it's going to be really late before it arrives. 1130 at night. you start to see the rain in the north bay. by tomorrow morning we are talking about some brief downpours. certainly we'll see snow over our higher peaks and the winds will get gusty, especially near the coast in the higher terrain. scattered showers continue on saturday and there is potential as you will notice there, for thunder and hail certainly will see snow on our higher peaks as we head towards tomorrow afternoon. those temperatures dropping off even more than today. we're going to be in the 40s to 60s. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a wintry mix and the chill will be with us. it's a level one below average temperatures scattered showers, level one on sunday, but you have more breaks
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on sunday. so if you want to get out and do things, you'll have that opportunity. after that. we dry out next week. notice the uptick in those temperatures. we'll be back into the 70s and 80s midweek around the bay and inland 60s coast side, and a little cooler on friday. but just overall not a washout for the weekend. and i know a lot of people want to get out and do things. sunday will be your better day. saturday will be a good day to be indoors. dan and kristen, i've got an idea. >> that's what we're going to do. sandy. let's shift the weekend to monday and tuesday. >> good idea. now if you have a talk with mother nature, there's no law that says it has to be this. >> you know. that's right. >> it's all artificial. yeah. >> just declare it the weekend. all right. thanks, sandy. well, it's california's first major music event of the year. >> next, we'll take you down to riverside county for the opening day of
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watch shark tank, followed by 2020. and then, of course, you'll want to stay with us for abc seven news at 11 festival. festival goers are arriving to southern california today for coachella. they come from near and far, of course, for the music and for the experience. kabc news reporter leticia juarez takes us to the desert, where people are setting up their campsites for the weekend ahead for music festival fans, the wait is over. >> the coachella valley art and musical festival in indio,
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kicking off this first weekend with a sold out crowd. >> just love how colorful and vibrant it is. and you know, it's like an escape out in the desert, away from the city and away from everything that's real. >> this year's lineup, led by lana del rey, tyler the creator and doja cat, along with a no doubt reunion. but for some fans, it's the experience of coachella fest that is bringing them to the desert more than the acts on stage. >> there's a lot of acts i want to see, i feel like this lineup is not as great it's been in other years, but i feel like there's a lot of smaller artists that are, you know, getting the chance to be at this crazy festival. >> cleo irby bought her tickets early. it's her second time to the indio polo grounds, but she too thought the lineup a bit lackluster. >> maybe if i saw this like the who was playing before, maybe i wouldn't have bought tickets. but it's okay. i'm still gonna have a good time. >> according to billboard tickets for the first weekend of the festival took almost a month to sell out in prior years.
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tickets have sold out in minutes to days after the lineups were announced, but there are niche fans that are hoping others will take notice of their favorite artists. >> happy to be. he knows how to throw down these two, leaping on tickets to the festival for a chance to vibe to electronic dance music. >> i like the lineup this year. it's a lot more electronic than in the past. it's a lot more dance music. i think dance music is huge right now, so it's great to see more acts on the lineup. >> we're last minute. our friends kind of were just like, we have two extra spots in our campsite, do you want to go? and we were just last minute, ended up deciding that we loved the lineup enough to come, and despite some chilly and rainy weather in the forecast for parts of southern california this weekend and during the day, the festival will be a comfortable 70s and 80s. >> so, as you just heard, this weekend's event is sold out, but tickets are available for next weekend, so if you want information, you can just go to the website, which is coachella .com. abc seven news is
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streaming 24 over seven. you can get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. for the latest news and more. that's it for abc seven news at 4:00 today. abc seven news at 5:00 with dan and dionne is coming your way next. so stay tuned. entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems,
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taken sooner or later. >> president talking today. tonight, us troops are


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