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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 15, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> number five, police in napa are searching for a suspected shooter responsible for killing two young women. it happened saturday night in a neighborhood in old town napa. witnesses say they heard people fighting, then gunshots. police say the motive is unclear. >> number six, dry weather is back. we'll find clouds with sunshine. temperatures near average in 50s and 60s. and number seven, hines and mattel want to barbie up your meals. >> they've created a pink barbecue sauce or barbecue sauce, as they call it. you can get it today. only 5000 bottles are available. right now is just in the uk. see how they do this? >> >> george: good morning. we start with two big stories. iran's direct attack on israel and donald trump in court. donald trump on trial. the first american president to ever stand trial for criminal charges. prosecutors preparing damaging
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story about a relationship with a porn star before the 2016 election. jury selection getting under way this morning. what the former president is facing in court. how it will impact him on the campaign trail? >> michael: fallout over iran's assault on israel. unleashing missiles and drone, most shot down or failing to reach their target. israel's war cabinet weighing a response, as president biden and other world leaders try to prevent further escalation. top national security official john kirby joins us live with the latest. >> linsey: wall street on edge. tension in the middle east and higher than expected inflation sending stocks to their worst week of the year. what it means for your wallet? >> george: the battle over o.j. simpson's estate. will nicole brown simpson and ron goldman's families get what they are owed? dan abrams breaks it down. >> michael: why prosecutors are asking for the toughest penalty for hannah gutierrez the
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armorer on the fatal set of "rust." >> george: two men caught damaging rock formations up to 140 million years old. why they could face felony charges. >> linsey: air borne. a car crashing into a home and parked car. why it spun out of control? ♪ you make my dreams come true ♪ >> whose dream is about to come true? >> i'd ready from a maturity standpoint, from a basketball stand point. >> michael: caitlin clark stands ready just hours from tonight's wnba draft. and caddie shock. the man behind scotty scheffler leading the way on their victory walk. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. i know i was watching thinking,
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that could be me. [ laughter ] >> linsey: it could be. >> michael: no, it couldn't. [ laughter ] >> michael: i played with george. neither of us. good morning, america. >> linsey: good morning everyone. also ahead what you should know about an accelerated biological age. can you slow it down and is it connected to the rise in cancer in young people? >> george: we'll start with the trial of donald trump. what a moment in american history. 45 men served as president. donald trump is the only one ever indicted for the crime. that's happened four times. he will enter the courtroom as the only former president to ever stand trial on criminal charges. aaron katersky sat the courthouse in downtown manhattan where jury selection is set to begin. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. donald trump arrived at the courthouse. supporters here. the judge just taking the bench in the first trial, criminal
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trial of a former american president under way. 71543 docket number, people of state of new york versus donald j. trump will be called for jury selection. they will begin choosing the jury to hear this understand precedented case. >> nothing like this has ever happened before. there's never been anything like it. >> reporter: trump may be wearing the indictment like a badge of honor but has tried to delay the court. for the next couple months he looking to reclaim the white house while spending most time in the courthouse. trump has pleaded guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records. >> i relish the day i get to face him and speak my truth. >> reporter: prosecutors allege trump feared for his prospects in 2016 if the public were to learn about stormy daniels who claims she had sex with trump, whom she denies. the access hollywood cape just surfaced, trump boasting of
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grabbing women. >> when you start they let you do it, you can do anything. >> reporter: prosecutors put him at the center of a scheme to bury damaging stories with the help of david pepper at the national enquirer. documents say pecker ar ravened the hush payment to daniels and trump falsely recorded monthly reimbursement amounts. >> for nine straight months the defendant held documents in his hands containing this key lie. >> reporter: once done, hope hicks is expected to testify. trump said he might testify, too. >> i would testify, absolutely. >> reporter: the judge is beginning with some last minute motions. once jury selection gets under way that's expected to last for the next few weeks and the trial testimony could take another six weeks after that.
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this first criminal trial is well under way george. >> george: aaron, thank you very much. let's bring in dan abrams. nothing normal about this. can you imagine covering this trial? what are you looking for? how hard is it going to be to pick a jury? >> it's going to be tough. i'm one of these people who typically in high profile cases says, they're going to find a jury. the public doesn't follow these cases as closely as so many in the media think. this case is different. this one is really going to be tough to find a jury. not who don't know anything about the case. remember, that's not the standard. the standard is not, do you know who the defendant is? that's not what it is. the standard is not, do you know anything about the case? the standard is, can this person objectively evaluate the evidence? and that's where it's going to be tricky. >> george: how do lawyers weed that out? >> you weed it out by figuring out who these jurors are. right? first they will be asked questions, not directly have you ever supported or voted for donald trump?
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it's going to be things like, have you ever been to a trump rally? what media do you watch? do you watch msnbc versus fox news? these little details will tell you a lot. these lawyers will be looking at social media as well. they will have their name, etc. they're gonna want to know, what that they posted? have they posted things about trump, biden? that's going to tell them enormous amounts about these jurors in a way that almost no other case is. >> george: unlike most other cases i imagine there will be a lot of jurors who want to be on this jury. >> i think you are going to have jurors who want to be on this case. that's going to be something both sides will have to be looking out on one side or the other. are they shading the truth? i'm not going to say are they lying? maybe some are lying, too. more importantly are there going to be some shading the truth a little bit in an effort to say, no, no, i'd be fine on this case. i'd be perfectly objective. i don't have a position on this case.
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yet that's something these lawyers have to be looking for. >> george: final question. a separate question. donald trump is still out there on social media every day. he'll probably be doing press conferences. is he in jeopardy of violating this gag order? >> sure. he's always in jeopardy of violating the gag order. seems like every day. either in violation of it or very close. the question will be, how will this ultimately impact the judge down the road if he's found guilty? >> george: dan abrams, thank you very much. michael? >> michael: donald trump is standing trial at the same time as he is running for president. rachel scott has more on the impact on his campaign. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: michael, good morning. sources inside trump's inner circle tell us the former president is irritated but anxious heading into his first criminal trial today. one source telling me this is going to be an absolute scheduling night mare for his campaign. that's because this is unprecedented. we have never seen a presumptive nominee who is also a criminal
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defendant. trump's campaign staff preparing to rotate not in and out of battleground states but in and out of new york city as he stands trial. we know the former president has made his legal issues the corner stone of his campaign. the republican party has rallied behind him. but there are real questions about just how much a possible conviction could impact his support. in fact, according to a recent poll, 13% of his own supporters say they would not vote for him if he were to be convicted of a crime. 24% as a whole said they would not either. and we cannot under score this enough. just how striking this is going to be, to see the nominee in the courtroom more than the campaign trail just six months out from election day, michael. >> michael: this is unprecedented. fallout from iran's attack on israel. israel is still considering whether to respond to the missile and drone barrage almost all of it intercepted. matt gutman is in tel aviv with the latest. good morning, matt.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. for the second day in a row israeli war cabinet is in that military complex behind me discussing potential retaliation against iran for that massive barrage of missiles and drones. it was so much larger than anticipated that a senior u.s. official telling us as he was taking down the reports, he was so shocked by the numbers, his hands were shaking. this morning the world on edge as israel weighs its response to that swarm of more than 300 iranian missiles and drones early sunday targeting military installations in israel, some of them going right over the compound. israel's war cabinet announcing no decisions. it was one of the largest salvos of ballistic and cruise missiles ever fired. israel's missile defense system along with a combined international effort led by the u.s. intercepting 99% of the threats. including more than 100 ballistic missiles, according to
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the idf. u.s. forces alone taking out nearly 90 drone missiles long before they reached israel's borders. president biden on the phone with those air men sunday. >> you made an enormous difference in saving lives. >> reporter: there was global condemnation of the attack and the g-7 with an emergency meeting sunday to coordinate a response. some of the missiles did make it past the defenses. in a video circulating online verified by abc news, you can see missiles striking israel's air base. the aftermath seen here, debris from a rocket booster found in southern israel. israel saying a 7-year-old girl, severely wounded, was the only casualty. the multilayered aerial defense system including the iron dome which specializes in short range missiles, david sling and the arrow designed for long range missiles. iran has been clear it considers the matter closed. but an israeli official tells me
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israel will respond at the time and place of its choosing. but there is concern a tit for tat style response will permanently change the rules of the game. they don't want that here. the u.s. has been blunt, if israel retaliates against iran, it will be doing so alone. >> linsey: matt gutman, thanks to you. let's bring in our chief white house correspondent mary bruce and martha raddatz. let's start with the biden administration. certainly walking a fine line as it tries to deescalate tensions in the middle east. >> reporter: the white house says what comes next, whether or not to respond is ultimately up to israel while also urging restraint. the president we learned encouraged israeli prime minister netanyahu to slow things down, to think carefully about the risk of escalation. the white house trying to do everything it can to prevent this from spiralling into a wider war saying this was a second spectacular success for israel saying retaliation may not be necessary. the president spent the weekend
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engaged on this, reaching out to reaching out to allies and partners in the region. while under scoring the u.s. has total support for israel the white house says the u.s. will not participate in any retaliatory counterstrike against iran. >> linsey: the white house making that very clear. mary, thank you. martha, what is the pentagon saying about the attack and israel's successful defense? >> reporter: the pentagon looks at the interception of these missiles and drones as an enormous success. u.s. ships in the mediterranean and elsewhere blasting the iranian projectiles out of the sky. we have also confirmed this morning that many of those ballistic missiles didn't have to be shot down. according to two u.s. official, there were over 100 targeting israel but at least 50% either failed to launch, failed in flight or crashed before reaching their targets in israel. one u.s. official telling abc
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news that iran may be harolding this unprecedented attack although it's more a paper tiger but no one is letting their guard down. george? >> george: okay, martha. thanks. let's bring in john kirby. thanks for joining us again this morning. we know the israeli war cabinet met this morning. what do you know about what they decided? >> we don't have any indication that they have made a decision, george, or what they might do. obviously, this is for them to decide and to speak to. the president in his conversation with prime minister netanyahu did reiterate it was a tremendous success for israel saturday night. not just military superiority that they showed. but they showed they are not alone. there was a coalition willing to help them defend themselves. they ought to think about that success and what that says to iran and the region. >> george: do you think he's persuaded the prime minister not to strike back? >> again, that's going to be up to the prime minister and war cabinet to decide.
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the president was also clear, as he has been throughout, that we do not seek a wider war in the region and we don't seek conflict with iran. >> george: the united states is not going to be parted of any retaliation, we know that. is there any other limit to support for israel if they do escalate this conflict? >> this gets into the idea of conditioning aid and that kind of thing. what i would tell you is that we're going to continue to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself. president biden is the first president to put u.s. forces in the fight in that defense of israel. of course, he was the first president to visit them during war time. he takes that commitment very seriously. at the same time, what is happening in gaza, our humanitarian scale has got to improve. we are continuing to talk to our israeli counter parts not just about what operations they're conducting but how they're conducting them and trying to get that done in a more precise careful way inside gaza. >> george: you heard martha's report about the missiles not getting through. are they a paper tiger?
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>> i think this shows -- not in addition to israel's military superiority, i think it did show, did demonstrate that iran is not the power that it purports to be. that it doesn't have that same military superiority. that's said. martha is right. you can't take it for granted. they still have quite an inventory available to them, a large military and sizable maritime force. they have a sizable ballistic missile capability. you can't make that for granted. nobody's taking their eye off the ball. we're going to stay vigilant. >> george: aid needs for israel, ukraine. are you confident the house will pass it? >> they need to, george. my goodness, if they just put the bipartisan bill that the senate passed and put it on the floor of the house, we know there's a vote for that. and if the events saturday night proved anything, it's the sense of urgency here for both helping our ally, israel, and helping ukraine which, are continuing to face russian
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onslaught in the area and russian air assaults to their infrastructure. >> george: john kirby, thanks. michael? >> michael: all right, george. the rising tensions in the middle east is contributing to concern on wall street along with higher than expected inflation. chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is on wall street. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: good morning, michael. when you think about the financial impact of the middle east and the tensions there, here on u.s. citizen, the biggest thing is oil prices. gasoline. right now we've seen gas prices up about $0.20 over the last month. the national average this morning $3.63. and moody's believes that if there was some sort of prolonged escalation in the middle east, it could drive gas prices above $4 a gallon nationwide. but here on wall street, traders are breathing a sigh of relief this morning because of the fact that iran's massive attacks didn't cause more damage. storks have rebounded, oil prices are down. keep in mind the united states today is the world's number one energy producer.
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we produce 13 million barrels a day of oil. and this is a very different circumstance than we were in in the 1970s with the arab oil embargo. back then we produced far less. they produced much more. today we have some buffer. guys? >> michael: thank you very much. coming up the battle over o.j.'s estate. will the families of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman receive the millions in damages they won in court? >> george: also why prosecutors are asking for the maximum penalty for hannah gutierrez. the armorer on the fatal set of alec baldwin's movie "rust." >> linsey: search for two men caught on camera damaging protected rock formations. but first ginger. you're bringing the heat today. >> ginger: i'm bringing the heat here. we are also bringing tornados. unfortunately, we are below average for the season so far by about 40, 50 or so but unfortunately we'll be seeing them erupt. we started the morning in st. louis, where they did have their hottest of the season so far,
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89. a big hail threat that includes nebraska and kansas but all the way from south dakota down into texas. it's really tomorrow where the tornado threat rises significantly. des moines, cedar rapid, missouri, illinois. your local weather now in 30 seconds.
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northbound 880 through oakland, considered taking another route completely. protesters have stopped troc traffic in the oakland area. more than a dozen of them. they are pro-palestinian protesters. we want to give you a live look at the backup all lanes at fifth avenue are blocked. traffic is stopped from hegenberger the delay now more than an hour. and this is of course impacting people trying to get into alameda and those heading to the bay bridge for oakland commuters . to avoid the entire blockage, you can take international boulevard all the way down to lake merritt and then find broadway from there. or you can just take 580 to avoid all of it. we know that there is also heavy traffic in both directions of 880. so something to keep in mind, especially if you're just heading out the door again. avoid northbound 880 through oakland. >> thank you. amanda. meteorologist
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. >> looking at visibility this morning, we do have some thick fog in the north bay. novato, petaluma. we're down to zero miles outside of the north bay. we do have better visibility, but this fog will linger until about 10 or 11 a.m. this morning. temperatures right now 40 underneath that fog around the bay shoreline. we're in the low to mid 50s for afternoon. our current temperatures, the afternoon highs will get you into the 50s and 60s with increasing sunshine close to average for this time of the year. kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else, it's gma. >> grab the keys to a new toyota. let's go answer the call to adventure in a powerful truck or versatile suv. explore more of california this season with toyota's legendary reliability. get low 1.99% apr or up to 1500 cash back on tundra and tundra
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i can't wait to give this to my girlfriend. >> you don't have a girlfriend. [ laughter ] >> michael: welcome back to gma. great job by caitlin clark making a surprise appearance on snl. that nice little zinger. he makes jokes about the sport so she gave him a little of his own business back. we'll have much more on the excitement for tonight's wnba draft. that is coming up. >> george: looking forward to that. following headlines including trial of former president trump. he's entering the courtroom as the only former president to ever stand trial on criminal charges. jury selection gets under way in a manhattan election interference case. also right now israel still considering action following a drone barrage by iran over the weekend. hundreds of weapons fired at israel, 99% shot down before they could land. >> linsey: look at this car going airborne. this was on a street in california. the driver was apparently trying
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to make a turn at a high speed before losing control slamming into a garage. multiple cars and the home was damaged but the driver was treated for minor to moderate injuries, which is hard to believe. >> michael: what kind of turn was he making? >> linsey: that was a serious turn and serious speed. and the first gymnast from an hbcu to win a collegiate national gymnastics championship ship. she won in the all around competition. big congratulations to her. >> michael: wow. >> linsey: we have a lot more ahead including authorities searching for the two men who damaged rock formations at lake mead. all coming up. >> michael: thank you for that, linsey. now to o.j. simpson's estate and whether the families of nicole and ron goldman will get the millions of dollars they are owed. erielle reshef is here with more. >> o.j. simpson in death could be as polarizing as he was in life. a battle is brewing over his estate with his long time attorney vowing to fight a payout of more than $33 million in damages to
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the families of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. this morning a looming showdown over disgraced former football star o.j. simpson's estate. simpson died last week after a battle with prostate cancer. his last will and testament filed in a nevada court friday. his estate placed in a newly created trust with his long time attorney malcolm laverne as executor who says he does not know how much the estate is worth. >> personal belongings. anything like that will be part of the estate. there will be, i will be doing inventory, trying to see what is out there. >> we, the jury in the above entitled action, find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: simpson was infamously acquitted in the stabbing deaths of nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. but he wasn't off the legal hook. in 1997, simpson was found
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liable for the slayings in a civil suit and ordered to pay more than $33 million in damages. but simpson only paid a fraction. now the goldmans want what they are legally oweed. ron goldman's sister kim telling abc news, our family will follow the law, as we always have. we will continue to do our due diligence. but the executor defiant saying it's my home that the goldmans get zero, suggesting the estate needs to take care of other things first, including his former client's substantial irs debt. >> there's going to be a note to creditors. when those claims come in, we will deal with them and they will be in a pecking order. >> reporter: o.j. simpson had an estimated worth of up to $10 million in the early 1990s but after his fall from grace he mostly lived off his nfl pension and actor earning residuals. reportedly earning $400,000 a year. >> uncle sam will be first.
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right? depending on the asset, if he owes taxes, it could be a situation where, after the taxes are paid, there's next to nothing left. so then if you're the goldmans, you have to calculate, is this even worth doing? >> reporter: with simpson's assets expected to go through the nevada court probate process, the brown and goldman families could be paid a piece of whatever simpson left behind. executor said the value of his estate is unclear. michael? >> michael: thank you for that. let's bring in our chief legal analyst, bring him back, dan abrams. according to the goldman family they only received $132,000 out of the $33 million they were awarded. does o.j.'s death make it easier or more difficult to get the rest of that money? >> it will be easier. everything will be laid out. there's going to be a financial value on anything and everything that he owned. even stuff he was using for example in his life will now be valued and assessed.
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and as a result, it's going to be slightly easier to figure out how much he was worth. >> michael: you heard the lawyer said, i hope the goldman family gets nothing. how do they decide who gets paid first? >> it's a tricky process. it goes state by state. starts with where he lived, which is nevada. if he has property in other states, that will be separate. there will be separate legal issues in those states. creditors start. if he said, i wanted my family to get x, y, z. they will be near the bottom compared to the creditors, meaning taxes, uncle sam and the goldmans, etc. that would be the legal question. who comes after uncle sam, in terms of the creditors? the executor, while he can say i want to make sure they don't get anything, it won't be up to him when it comes to the debts. that will be up to the court. the question, how much are the goldmans going to fight this? that's going to be the ultimate question. >> michael: is it worth the fight? all right. thank you for double duty with us today. george? >> george: thanks.
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now hannah gutierrez who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the on set shooting of hylena hutchins. mola lenghi is in santa fe new mexico. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. jury found gutierrez guilty last month. this morning the judge will determine her fate. she faces up to 18 months in prison. just hours from now a judge will decide the fate of hannah gutierrez the armorer on the fatal set of "rust." >> we find the defendant guilty. >> reporter: last month the jury found gutierrez guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of hylena hutchins working on the western starring alec baldwin. >> ready, action! >> reporter: baldwin, who's facing his own trial this summer has plead not guilty. >> let's remember there's not been a case like this before so they're looking at anything to give an indication as to where alec may stand should he be convicted. >> reporter: prosecutors are
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asking for the maximum penalty, 18 months in prison for her failure to accept responsibility for her actions including complaining on prison phone calls about the negative effects this incident has had on her life and modelling career, referring to the jurors as idiots and even blaming the set medic and paramedics who intended to save the life of hutchins. gutierrez lawyers filing a response sunday saying some things said on those jail calls were not accurate, including regarding this court. gutierrez has felt real sadness and remorse over the tragic events. adding baldwin's alleged lack of regard for safety resulted in hutchins' death. >> the judge could grant leniency to hannah gutierrez if she feels that her lack of criminal background in addition to all the circumstances within the trial warrant such a deviation. >> reporter: gutierrez remains in custody. she will be sentenced at the santa fe courthouse later this morning.
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meanwhile, actor alec baldwin's trial is scheduled to begin in july, guys. >> linsey: mola, thank you. coming up next, who to watch in the biggest wnba draft of all time. >> michael: i think i know who is going to be the first pick. >> linsey: i think i feel the same. first pick. . ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ what is going on next - ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ - no, no. - sorry... exclusively at the home depot. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling.
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if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪
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♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. >> linsey: back with the highly anticipated wnba draft tipping off tonight. there are so many hoop dreams that are coming true from
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caitlin clark to angel reese and more. it is ladies night. will reeve has a preview. good morning, will. >> good morning, linsey. we have a bunch of headliners, brooklyn academy of music, national championship, players with many different accolades and the singular driving course in women's basketball popularity all ready to step center stage to realize a dream. >> clark, oh my! >> reporter: this morning, just hours away from the wnba draft, and one of the biggest names in basketball, ready to hear her name first. >> i think it presents a new challenge and new pressure but to me, that's exciting. that's one of the reason is left college. i think i'm ready for this, from a maturity standpoint, a basketball standpoint. >> clark steps back, fires, you bet! >> reporter: caitlin clark is tonight's presumptive number one pick. the indiana fever holding that spot like a winning lottery ticket. clark's record breaking college career taking women's basketball
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to new heights, bringing unprecedented tv ratings. her final ncaa game was the highest rated basketball game of any kind since 2019. clark proving her crossover appeal with a cameo on "saturday night live." >> i am a fan, caitlin, by the way. >> really, michael? i heard that little interview you did. [ laughter ] >> reporter: while paying tribute to some of the game's greats. >> thanks to all the great player likes lisa leslie, cynthia cooper, the great dawn staley and my basketball hero, maya moore. those are the women who kicked down the door so i could walk inside. >> reporter: who could be picked first? andraya carter said there's a lot to choose from in this loaded draft. >> it could be cameron brink, camilla cardoso. >> brink up and in. >> reporter: brink was recently named defensive player of the year. >> cardoso! >> reporter: cardoso a driving force in south carolina's undefeated season. then there's lsu star angel reese.
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a national champion and conference player of the year telling espn she's ready. >> it's been crazy for four years. being able to walk out as a national champion and also having my degree is all i ever wanted. i'm getting everything i ever wanted. i'm happy to open a new book and excited for what's next. >> the anticipation for these stars to be drafted has had a tangible impact. ticket sales and prices are way up. the fever will be on national broadcast for 36 of their 40 regular season games, many of those on espn and the abc family of networks. speaking of which, you can see the wnba draft tonight live 7:30 on espn. >> michael: what if the fever traded the number one pick? >> that would be a shock. [ laughter ] anything could happen. >> michael: looking forward to it. >> linsey: nice to see the women getting deserved shine there. we'll have more on the wnba draft and the popularity of women's sports in our next hour. michael? >> michael: coming up next we have our play of the day on this monday morning. stay right there for more gma.
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without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> michael: back now with our play of the day. golfer scotty scheffler took home the green jacket yesterday winning his second master's in three years. lara, you're here with more from the master's. i know you were all glued. >> lara: i was. i watched it. it was so great. amazing weekend of golf at augusta national.
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scotty scheffler driving away with another green jacket. and into the record books. the 27-year-old was so calm under pressure winning his second master's in just three years. number one ranked golfer in the world. he beat the newcomer from sweden by four strokes. scheffler was the odds on favorite heading into the tournament. he said if his pregnant wife would go into labor he would leave the tournament no matter what. that was a big conversation in our house. what would you do? thankfully it didn't happen. he was on fire with incredible shots like that one on 16. he also showed he is a class act. he made his right hands man caddie, ted scott, stand by his side for the big victory walk. i loved that. he put on that iconic green jacket, which fit like a glove. looking good. he sent his wife a message promising to get home as quickly
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as he could. it was a great day for golf. >> michael: he is a really nice guy. >> lara: it's just, what would you do if you were that close? believe me it was a heated conversation. [ laughter ] i hope it all works out for the best. coming up the winners of "shape" magazine's sneaker awards. stay with us. awards. stay with us. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. (♪) (♪) (♪) >> ginger: southern california picking up some snow. 2 inches there. parts of the sierra nevada you had half foot. now snow possible for parts of the rockies.
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we're talking feet of snow still. the spring snow continues into colorado, wyoming, even utah. coming up our new series on finding love in your 50s and beyond. then tik tok's latest food trend, the flat croissant. we're gonna give it a try. and tyler hubb by any two square feet of select shag carpet, hardwood, laminate and waterproof core and get one free. that's like one third off and sanji more than carpet. go
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to sg carpet comm for the showroom. nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage clean up, starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk >> tell me the truth. i mean, they ask you about your marriage and infidelity. >> the husband is always the top suspect. always the top suspect. >> won't stand up for me. face that wall. >> the interrogation tapes tonight on abc. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven morning is going to check in now with amanda for a look at traffic. >> yeah. the headline here is all northbound lanes on 880 through oakland are stopped at fifth avenue because of a pro-palestinian protest. more
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than a dozen people are demonstrating across the road there. the situation elevated to a sig alert to avoid it all. take 580 and know that big rigs are allowed on westbound 580 only. as long as this event continues. so that's something we're following back to you. >> that's a good information, amanda. we'll take you to our visibility map on live doppler seven. you can see we do have some thick fog still in the north bay. petaluma, novato down to zero miles. visibility that's as thick as the fog can get around here. down to a quarter of a mile in napa. temperatures right now are in the 40s. and in the 50s, there's that cloudy view from the exploratorium camera. fog and clouds this morning, increasing sunshine. this afternoon and temperatures near average with dry skies. kumasi. thank you drew. >> if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's good morning america. >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the way. just this takes more than a
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commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassies. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulously refined tig1 hop in. it's a vw. get 0% apr financing or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig one. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> when a car knocks you off your bike, our team will get you back on your feet. justice it takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law call, 866. walk >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. donald trump on trial, the first american president to stand trial for criminal charge, prosecuted for burying a damaging story about a porn star before the 2016 election. jury selection gets under way this morning. >> michael: what you should know about an accelerated biological
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age and is it connected to the rise in cancer in young people? and can you slow it down? dr. ashton is live. >> george: salman rushdie is here talking about his new book about the knife attack that nearly killed him. what got him through it? >> linsey: finding love in your 50s and beyond. benefits and advantages of finding someone later in life. >> do you have maturity to deal with it in a different way? you're more partners. >> linsey: and how you can meet your match. flake it til you make it? >> listen. >> linsey: we're trying out the new viral flat croissant trend. fun for the whole family. >> all that flakey goodness. >> linsey: will it have you saying, yes, chef? ♪ who run the world girls ♪ >> michael: and who run the world? after a slam dunk season, the world of women's sports is getting bigger than ever, with all eyes on the biggest wnba
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draft ever. >> gonna be really cool. >> michael: meet the women's sports bars changing the game to give fans a front row seat to history in the making. as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. you're looking live at a bar of their own in minneapolis devoted to showing women's sports. bars like this are popping up around the country. we're going to check in with the fans there, with katie smith as we get ready for tonight's wnba draft. everyone is excited about that. it is all coming up. >> linsey: they're already ready. also ahead, security heightened for the boston marathon. we have the latest ahead of the big race ahead. 11 years ago that boston marathon bombing. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. we start with the trial of donald trump. 45 men have served as president. donald trump the only one ever indicted for a crime. that's happened four times.
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he will enter the courtroom as the only former president to ever stand trial on criminal charges. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse in downtown manhattan where jury selection is expected to begin. >> reporter: good morning, george. the first criminal trial of a former american president is now under way with the judge right away refusing to recuse himself as trump requested. trump complained the judge's daughter did political work for democrat, but the judge ruled the argument relied on inferences and unsupported speculation. when trump entered courtroom he paused at the door then walked down the aisle and sat down where he began conferring with jurors before they start picking a jury charging trump with falsifying records before the 2016 election. before potential jurors are brought in, the judge may also deal with the possibility that trump may want to testify.
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prosecutors would then want to ask him embarrassing questions about his sex life, and the defense wants the judge to set limits. this courthouse has seen everything. it's where mark david chapman pleaded guilty to killing john lennon, where lenny bruce faced objescenity charges and now the first trial of a former american president sitting as a criminal defendant. michael? >> michael: safe to say we've pretty much seen it all after this, aaron. thank you very much. now the boston marathon and safety concerns about this morning's race. ike ejochi is in boston with the details. good morning, ike. >> reporter: good morning, michael. it's official, the 128th boston marathon has begun. tens of thousands of racers are making the trek all throughout the city. one of the main concerns are security issues. law enforcement agencies have identified a broad set of potential soft targets for attack. one of the main issues are lone
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offenders and small groups of individuals looking to cause violence. there's no actionable threat at this moment, but this race is happening during the highened threat environment. caused by the war in the middle east and highly charged political atmosphere here at home highlighted by the trial. in addition to the marathon, there will be a red sox game so security in and around the city will be heightened. boston law enforcement says 48 local state and federal security agencies have been dispersed in the city and they will be appearing along the parade route. >> linsey: now the search for two men caught on camera damaging a rock formation in lake mead. destruction could lead to felony charges. kayna whitworth joins us with that story. >> reporter: linsey, good morning. these were ancient rock formations. this is something they haven't seen before and now need the public's help tracking down those responsible. authorities searching for the two men seen in this video destroying ancient rock formations.
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the pair recklessly shoving red stones that make up one of the most popular hiking destinations there. a young child can be heard telling them not to fall as the large boulders tumble and break on the ground below. the video sented to the national park service outraging park go evers and authorities alike. >> the first time i saw the video it literally made me sick to my stomach. >> reporter: authorities sharing this photo of the suspects asking for any information. the 1.5 million acre park is just outside las vegas and home to the largest reservoir in the nation. the stones in that area are up to 140 million years old. >> it's taken a really long time to create this unique and beautiful environment. the damage is, unfortunately permanent and people won't be able to enjoy that location as much as they would before. >> reporter: this is currently
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under investigation. authorities say that it is illegal and these men could face a variety of charges ranging from misdemeanor to felony. guys? >> michael: all right. thank you so much for that. coming up in our gma morning menu, the new research giving a possible clue about why cancer rates are rising in young people. dr. jen ashton is here to break it down. >> george: and finding love in your 50s and beyond. and the ways to make connections. >> linsey: plus the new tik tok food trend, the flattened croissant turning bake goods into a whole new treat. we put it to a gma taste test. and lara is also here with a special guest. >> lara: hey. i'm here with robyn arzon. we are going to reveal the winners of the "shape" magazine sneaker award. from the best travel shoe to top choice for hot girl walks. i don't know what that is, but we'll explain coming up on good morning. are you ready? >> i'm ready. let's do it. i'm so glad i can still come here.
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you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions,
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but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪
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>> michael: nice shot of a warm new york morning this morning. back now with our gma cover story. new research has discovered a possible clue into why cancer rates are rising in young adults. our chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton is here to explain. as always, good morning. >> good morning. >> michael: they studied people with accelerated biological age. what is that? >> well, first of all, the key word in your introduction was possible clue. this is very preliminary. it's interesting because we're in medical school, taught to assess a patient and say, we have a 50-year-old man who looks older man or younger than his stated age. now, this is different. when you talk about biological aging, we're talking about
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cellular, dna changes, that may or may not predispose one to disease. that's really the big question here. so it's a difference between really how old our cells are acting, in terms of their functioning, and how old our birth certificate says we really are. >> michael: tell us about the study. >> this was an abstract that looked at about 150,000 people. wide range of age from 37 to 54. and then looked at certain biomarkers, blood tests that could be associated with biologic or cellular aging. found these people with biomarkers that suggested they had a higher biological age than their chronological age were found to be at increased risk of early on set lung, gi and uterine cancers. it's very very preliminary. but a possible theory here. >> michael: how do you slow it down? >> well, look.
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you and i were just joking. alternative to aging is death. so there are some things that we can do in terms of behaviors that have been linked to longevity, vitality and reduced risk of certain cancers. getting good sleep, good sleep hygiene. good nutritious diet, exercise. it is probably one of the most important things. then terms of things that we should minimize or avoid or cut out. smoking, alcohol, stress. there's positive and negative stress. but negative stress obviously can age us. not only eternally or internally. >> michael: i didn't realize when you went to the doctor they thought, how old do you look? don't walk in and ask your doctor how old you look. >> you bet. >> michael: thank you. george? >> george: thanks, michael. now older and bolder celebrating life after 50. this morning we take a look dating and finding love. eva pilgrim here with the story.
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good morning, eva. >> good morning, george. we were all obsessed with the golden bachelor. even though they are splitting up their message is one that resonates with many. there is still hope to find love. >> let me see. let me see. >> yeah, see. >> oh my. >> oh my god. i'll date the dog. [ laughter ] >> reporter: looking for love doesn't get easier with age. in fact, 30% of adults over 50 are single and 50% are interested in finding a partner. >> the biggest benefits of dating over 50 is you know who you are. all of that stress about getting married and having kids, all of that is gone. it's all about you and what makes you happy. >> reporter: gene and diana met later in life and created a blended family. >> our relationship was sort of built on so many challenges, but you have the maturity to deal with it in a different way. you're more partners. >> i always had that big
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question mark of, what's that person going to be like? i think it worked out. >> reporter: finding that special someone has proven health benefits and wealth including stronger heart health and delays in mental and physical decline. >> one of the best ways to find someone when you're older is using the dating apps. pick one app per month and see what results you're getting. >> reporter: our time is made exclusively for daters 50 and up. >> when i read someone's profile, i like to look for someone who is looking for a committed relationship. i love to meet people who share similar activities. >> reporter: experts also recommend joining meet up groups or club based on interests. and say yes to social gatherings that may be outside your close circle. >> there is so much help out there to help you find that perfect partner. >> reporter: experts tell us if you're looking for love, the best thing you can do is stay optimistic.
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your mindset when dating, no matter your age, crucial to your success in finding love, guys. >> linsey: lot of good advice. >> lara: i love the lid to your pot. [ laughter ] >> linsey: perfect match. all right. thank you, eva. now the wnba draft tipping off tonight after a slam dunk finish to the college basketball season. faith abubey is at a sports bar dedicated entirely to celebrating female athletes. >> reporter: i am not here by myself. i have some super fans. [ applause ] yes. and nearly 19 million people tuned in for the hawkeyes versus the gamecock game which broke records. the second most watched women's sport nonolympic in u.s. history. that's not the end. the excitement did not end at the buzzer. bars like this one are making
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space for fans to have a front row seat to witness history. it's the rite of passage for any sports fan, watching the big game at your local sports bar. and with the popularity of women's sports on the rise, sports bars aren't just for the boys anymore. >> it is great this is finally happening and that women's sports is finally given the platform they deserve. >> reporter: the bars for women's sports popping up, from a bar of their own in minneapolis to the sports bra in portland. >> women's sports are what everyone's excited about, what everyone is talking about, what everyone is tuning into. >> undefeated south carolina! they have won its third national championship! >> reporter: the women's ncaa championship game drawing more viewers than the men's final for the first time ever. >> no one has done more to raise
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the popularity of this game than caitlin clark. >> reporter: caitlin clark, the likely number one pick generating huge crowds, interest in the game with the number one pick in the indiana fever surging with 13 times as many tickets sold compared to this time last year. >> it feels really comfortable to walk in a space where you already know that you're going to share interest with the people in there. >> reporter: we are here at bar of their own with one of the greatest ever to do it in women's sports. [ applause ] we have former wnba player and current associate coach katie smith. we also have the owner of the bar with us. jillian -- [ applause ] you are loved in the community. you opened this bar to highlight women's sports back in march. how is it going and why did you decide to open it? >> i knew minneapolis and minnesota in general was ready to support women's sports and
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elevate the athletes on the stages they deserve. the community has responded positively. we've had people show up at 7 a.m. in the morning. [ applause ] lines out the door to watch live games. it's been wonderful. >> reporter: it is wonderful to witness it here this morning. coach, you played 15 seasons in the wnba. you were a two time champion. you've seen it all. but what do you think about the rush of excitement we are seeing in women's sports? >> it's about time, you know? [ applause ] i mean, people have come to games back in the day before it was on all these media platforms. man, what have i been missing? now it's on social media. twitter is streaming games. now the visibility and coverage increased so people are seeing what phenomenal athlete, personalities these women are. >> reporter: speaking of phenomenal athletes we have the wnba draft this evening. we are watching for the pick for the minnesota lynx. what are you looking forward to? >> we've got our work.
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the minnesota lynx, we're just trying to get better tonight. we hope something crazy happens that number 7 pops off, someone we're excited about. we're going to get better tonight. these ladies have worked their whole lives for this dream of playing professionally in the wnba. there's also that part of the excitement to see their dreams come true. >> reporter: we have a fan in the back. [ applause ] of course huge thanks to all of the fans who woke up this morning to be with us on "good morning america." guys, we'll send things back to you. [ applause ] >> linsey: game ready. they don't have to get ready. they are ready. love to see all that excitement. thank you for that. you can see the wnba draft live tonight 7:30 p.m. on espn. >> ginger: we wanted to start with a look at tornados. we've got them in the forecast. so far this year the united states slightly below average.
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i want you to focus on ohio, illinois, indiana, kentucky. that's where the biggest numbers so far this year have shown up. it is not the same. the areas that will be getting it. tonight looks like nebraska and kansas. large hail is the primary threat. tomorrow it moves into iowa, missouri and western illinois. so we'll be watching for more tornadic action tuesday. th >> michael: all right. time for pop with lara. >> lara: busy day.
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let's get to it. good morning everybody. we're going to begin with coachella. shakira announcing that she's launching a world tour for her new album. it will be her first in seven years. and it's the 60,000 fans who flooded times square when she did that popup surprise concert last week are any indication, ticket sales should be brisk. also in coachella news, lana del ray surprising fans by inviting billie elish to sing with her. speaking of surprise guests, no doubt got a little gen z love from olivia rodrigo for a song. they went on to rock the main stage singing "it's my life." and "just a girl." fans going wild for the reunion that was ten years in the making. and eagle eye fans spotted taylor swift. she was with her man, travis kelce, enjoying the music. coachella back next weekend in
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the california desert. another weekend of fun for sure. also in the news country music star lainey wilson being captured in a new doc special with robin roberts and abc studios. the singer/songwriter bursted onto the scene last year. she won a grammy, five cma awards including entertainer of the year. so well deserved there. she told the crowd after 12 years in the business she felt country music was loving her back. lainey is so excited about the special which tells the story about her upringing on a rural farm, to writing songs for other artists while working on her own music trying to break into the business for over a decade. she said she's so grateful to robin and abc studios for bringing the story to life. she can't wait for everyone to watch. it begins streaming on hulu on may 29. you're gonna love her story and just her. she's wonderful and so very
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talented. britney griner is also in the news. the wnba star who was imprisoned in russia ten months and her wife are expecting a baby. the duo taking to instagram to share their announcement writing, i can't believe we're less than three months away from meeting our favorite human being. griner's team congratulated the couple posting these pictures on social media. and then friends held a baby shower for them over the weekend. robin sat down with an exclusive interview. it airs here on abc and a full 20/20 special will air. looking forward to it. i don't know if you saw it. using his third time hosting to finally put his ken era behind him with a very special version of taylor swift's all too well. in the opening monologue. he had some help too, from his new costar emily blunt, who also said goodbye to kitty. that's
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the character she plays in oppenheimer. take a look above and on the summary was just you and me drunk on beer, no body hair. >> now it's time to wish him forever. >> must confess we're a mess. >> do we press that? >> it's time to wish kim kitty. >> both of them. >> farewell. >> a very moving performance that also caught the attention of taylor swift, who called it all too well. ryan and emily's version and said, watch me accidentally sing this version on tour. that is pop news, guys. that was big fun. check it out. fun. thanks, lara. >> all right, coming up. we're checking out the new viral food. crave the flat croissant? >> can you believe it? it's 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. oh, my goodness. >> oh my goodness.
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>> and for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full on breakfast in bed extravaganza like you have never seen before. so go to good morning or scan this qr code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in bed let's go. >> anything can happen. what's going on when idol goes live? >> it was perfect. >> and we'll reveal the top 14. >> i think you found your raw american idol live tonight on abc >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. we have a major issue right now when it comes to traffic,
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especially now, amanda, involving the golden gate bridge. >> yeah, reggie, we are talking about two sig alerts this morning. one in the north bay, as you mentioned, on the golden gate bridge and the second in the east bay in oakland, which is what we've been following all morning long. both of them involve pro-palestinian protesters who have stopped traffic shutting down roads in both areas. so this is impacting traffic for people all across the bay area. this morning on the golden gate bridge, we are talking about protesters on the southbound and northbound 101 at the mid-span. things are stopped there completely. and then over in oakland, we're talking about fifth avenue on northbound 880. no one is able to move at that point just because of what's going on. we know that chp is working on getting those protesters removed. here is a live look at that backup. this is again 880 northbound in oakland. it's still slow moving for those in the southbound direction as well. to avoid this, take 580 if you're traveling through the east bay, know that big rigs are allowed on westbound 580. typically they're not, but during the
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duration of this demonstration that is being allowed. and so we are following both sig alerts again, north bay traffic on the golden gate bridge, east bay traffic through oakland on 880. >> amanda. we'll continue to follow that, of course. and more at abc7 meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast right after this. >> cirque du soleil presents kooza an adrenaline rush of acrobatics. kooza opens 18th under the big top at santa clara county fairgrounds. tickets on sale at cirque du >> my brand new dripping sweat i see his diamonds i'm is on my teeth. brand new whip is what they see. >> yeah, in my bag. like a bunch of groceries. all this cheese and greens just come to me. freedom. >> you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep. >> there's only one right now. during the jeep celebration
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event, well-qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s4 by ea for 369 a month. don't miss this great offer. >> i'm suzanne rocca with chalum. i was born and raised in the bay area. i have a passion and expertise for helping bay area homeowners with their real estate needs, such as selling in an as-is condition, no repairs, no remodeling, no staging and no stress. i can sell your property without for sale signs, public open houses or lock boxes no matter what condition, price range or situation. call me direct. i'm the local real estate >> announcer: welcome back to >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: here at gma, we love to stay on the cutting edge of food trends. this morning rhiannon ally is investigating tik tok's latest food obsession, the flat croissant. what do we got?
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>> michael, just call me the croissant correspondent at this point. [ laughter ] i think we're all realizing how versatile it is. we tried the cronut, the crooky. last month. this is the flat croissant. once again i got my favorite helpers to see if this is worth all the hype. >> i tried making the viral croissant. it was really good. >> food talk strikes again with another fun croissant twist, the flat croissant. >> just listen. originating from bakeries in korea, the trend is not on the only delicious it is also sustainable. it's a great way to bring new life to day old croissants. >> mm. >> reporter: i had to see if it lived up to the hype. all you need for this viral treat are croissant, a rolling pin, butter and sugar and all the delicious toppings you want. let's see how easy this really is to make at home. the first thing you want to do
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is roll out the croissant. all that flakey goodness. we're going to set them in there like that. let them cook for just a minute. sprinkle this side with sugar. and we're going to use another pan to flatten. hear that sizzle? of course i needed my favorite sous chefs for the grand finale. let's put the toppings on. >> is this our dinner? >> not quite. i give this two thumbs up. it was easy to make, fun to make. what do you think? >> yes! >> mm. >> there you have it. okay. are you ready to try it? >> michael: why not. let's do it. >> while you're trying this i want to tell you the best part about it, you're saving money because you're using day old croissant. if sweet is not your thing you could make them savory. do an avocado toast. really the options are endless.
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what do you think? be honest. >> michael: for your kids it was dinner. for me it is breakfast. it's delicious. i love a croissan any way i can have a croissant, i'll take it. >> there you go. >> michael: sold. sold. thank you, rhiannon. i'll take another bite before i throw it to lara. >> lara: first our sneaker extravaganza. we have the shape sneaker awards. thank you "shape." gma contributor robyn arzon served as "shape's" expert adviser. she joins us with topics which are shopable on our website. thank you for being with us. >> let's get into it. >> lara: yes. i'm excited for this. you teach everything from running, strength training, cycling. you understand how shoes are made. what did you focus on when you were cutting down the options? >> what's exciting about the "shape" sneaker awards we have 30 different categories of shoes, considering how we are going to be using them. is it for a walk, a run? are we going to be playing pickle ball in them?
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43,000 hours of testing by the editors, by myself, by our expert testers have gone into the awards this year. >> lara: we thank you for doing that. it's important. everybody is so active these days. we'll get right to it with some of the categories. we have some of our gma family trying on these shoes and modelling, by the way. we'll start with best for hot girl walks. our stage manager doing a hot girl walk as we speak. tell us about these. >> this is the lulu lemon beyond feel. when you're getting in your 10,000 steps and you want to look good taking your steps. the interesting thing about this shoe is there's an extra 2mm of foam in the forefront specifically made for a woman's foot. so this is something to consider. obviously, the color is slaying. >> lara: she really is. does it feel good? >> yes. >> lara: sure looks good.
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>> thank you. >> lara: all right. we're going to get to our next one. thank you, young lady. our next category, best travel shoe. we have our senior producer alana on video talking to us about that. let's hear what she had to say. >> i'm out traveling in my shoes. i'm constantly on the move. i love them. what do you think? do you like them? yeah? he likes them. >> lara: two thumbs up. >> even leo approves of the on cloud 5. this won best travel shoe. check out the elastic laces. >> lara: i love those. i have a lot of these. >> it just makes them a lot easier to take on and off. they're breathable. ankle and arch support. super versatile. i love the neutral color. >> lara: they're cute, too. all right. next category best all around crowd pleaser. >> yes. the fresh foam, this is for everyone from your 60-year-old dad to yourself if you're hitting those long
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distance runs. i actually put the most amount of miles in this shoe. >> lara: you said you highly recommend. >> you'll be able to spend time on your feet but get in speed work if speed is your thing. >> lara: of course it is. this category most omg for comfort. we have help from our stage manager brad and stage hand frank. come on, boys! show us what you got here. tell us about these. >> so this is going to really take you through your paces. if you're on your feet all day, like our friends here, this will be a responsive and really supportive shoe. there's going to be energy that you're going to get feedback from this sole. we can see the energy is reflected right here on the red carpet. >> lara: you have a tough job. you're always on your feet, on the move. you look good. >> the "shape" editor that put these on breathed a sigh of relief when she put these shoes on.
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>> lara: thank you, guys. thank you, guys. going back to pickle ball. i was so excited. we have a video. everyone is playing it. you specifically love these. let's take a look at what we have to say here. >> i personally got a lot of balance out of these shoes which i really need for my game. >> i got a lot of support and traction so i can pivot without worry. >> i love the color because real men wear pink. >> lara: those are our producers cameron and suzanne. thank you, guys. talk to us about these. >> these sketcher viper court pros. you will be ready for the court. testers spent hours playing pickle ball in these. they left the court with no foot pain. the cool thing about these is that they actually have good year tire rubber in the outsole. >> lara: which you do wear out your tread. the tread goes quickly. >> pickle ball court will be styling this summer.
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>> lara: we did these with our male models. let's finish with this. >> yes. >> lara: tell me about this. this is the best new released running shoe. you recommend this very very highly. >> yes. i'm wearing them. so this is, reebok came out with the best new running shoe. these are the reebok float. i love the style. this is an '80s retro inspired style. i recommend these for anything up to a middle distance. it is more a mutual shoe. if you don't want a ton of cushion, this is a great neutral shoe for that. middle distance is the one to go for. >> lara: i love them. thank you so much. can we get our models one more strut, please? thank you to you. thank you to robyn. thank you "shape" magazine." all these are shopable on our website or scanning the code on the screen. i can't help myself. guess who is here? tyler hubbard. [ applause ]
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>> george: we are back. for >> george: we are back. for more than three decades he lived under a death threat from iran's supreme leader. august 22 he was stabbed more than a dozen times at a literary event in new york. thank goodness he has made a remarkable recovery documented in his new book "ed knife "meditations after an attempted murder."
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welcome. good to see you looking so well. >> i'm all right, george. to my surprise i think to everybody else's surprise pretty well. >> george: that is so great. i wonder what role writing this book has played in your recovery. i know it can't have been easy to write. >> for a starter, i didn't want to do it. then i discovered i kind of had to do it. then i really wanted to do it. >> george: why did you have to do it? >> anything else seemed dumb to do when there was this huge subject sitting right in my face. and so then i thought, okay. yeah. it became my way of controlling the narrative, if you like. fighting back. >> george: not giving the attacker the power. >> exactly. that's what it felt like. felt like taking power back. >> george: to go back to that moment, you write about it eloquently in the book.
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you believed the moment of your death had finally arrived. >> no question. i was laying there in blood which was mine that was expanding. and i remember thinking in a completely calm way, oh, yeah, i think i'm dying. and then, fortunately, i was wrong. >> george: thank goodness you were wrong. i assume time probably slows down. >> time is a very weird thing. it seemed to go very very fast at moments and slowed down to me like eternity at other times. i had a very weird experience of time in that extreme situation. >> george: you title the book "knife." in some ways the pen is your knife. >> yeah. what i felt is the book itself, it's about a knife but it also is kind of a knife. it's like my, i don't have any guns or knives. this is the tool i use.
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and i thought i would use it to fight back. so, you know, if you find yourself in a knife fight, get a knife. >> george: we met back in the 1990s when you were still under death threat from the ayatollah at the time. had you thought the threat had passed? >> yeah. i have been living here, george, for close to 25 years in new york city. in that time i have done hundreds of public events, book tours, literary festivals, readings, lectures, etc and there had never been a hint of a problem, until this time. >> george: hard to describe a book about attempted murder as a love story. but in many way that's what this is, isn't it? >> i said there's three people in this book. me, him, who i refuse to use his name and my wife who we had met five years before this attack took place. had been probably the happiest
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relationship of my life. then she was just astonishing in taking care of me and looking after things and taking charge of things. and bringing me back, bringing me back, you know? and so, yeah. she's the heroine of the book. >> george: you had a premonition this would happen? >> i had a bad dream. >> from abc seven live. breaking news. >> good morning everyone. we are cutting into good morning america because of breaking news . here in the bay area. >> there are two protests going on right now. one in the golden gate bridge, one in the east bay. we're talking about eight 8-80 blocked off, and we're watching this major traffic situation that has been going on in the east bay now for more than 90 minutes, and going on in the golden gate bridge for the last half hour or so. these are protesters who are on the bridge, and so far at least, police have been unable to move
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them from the locations as a result. you see this very unusual scene where there is no traffic going in either direction on the golden gate bridge. this is a live picture from the toll plaza. if you look very closely at the top of the toll plaza, you can see all the cars that are backing up, just waiting until police clear this protest, which is happening mid span. and then if we can take a look at what's happening at 8-80 , i can tell you that that is now closed down and is causing a miles long backup. again, that's been going on for the past hour and a half or so. you're looking at this picture which is near the coliseum. that's not actually where the protest is happening, but because there's such a backup there, you can see that cars are pretty. there's pretty much just sitting because the lanes are still blocked off. going to bring in amanda delcastillo, who is watching traffic for us this morning. amanda, let's start with what's happening here on 8-80. all right. >> so you see the brake lights. those are people headed in the northbound direction on 880. the blockage is actually at fifth avenue in oakland. it's been that way for the last 90
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minutes. you see a lot of big rigs also in the area telling you that because now big rigs are being allowed to take the alternate route of 580 to get around this area. and typically they're not allowed to travel on 580. so that's something to think about. and then on the right side of your screen, you see that traffic moving on the right hand lanes. and that's slow moving traffic with people heading southbound. and now this happened earlier this morning. we know more than a dozen protesters got onto the roadway on the northbound lanes. they took barrels with them and then chained themselves to these barrels. crews were on scene working to get the barrels cut and people off the roadway. that is not yet happened. you see a lot of activity there, but this is something that is just absolutely snarling traffic. and if you're traveling through oakland, we do have some alternatives to think about alternate routes for commuters on 880 to avoid city streets, take 580. as i mentioned, big
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rigs once again allowed on 580. as long as this protest continues, then the city street alternative. you want to exit davis street and take international boulevard all the way down to lake merritt and then find the broadway on ramp back to northbound 880, and also for alameda commuters. traffic is getting busy on the posey tube, but there's no issue hopping on northbound 880 from the broadway on ramp. so that's something to think about, when we talk about these protesters, this is really part of a collective group that we're seeing impacting some of the roadways and other issues nationwide in their pro-palestinian message as well. that's what we're seeing on the golden gate bridge. that incident, also a sig alert really coming into our knowledge, only about 30 minutes ago. so an alternative route for the golden gate bridge, you'll have to take the richmond-san rafael bridge to the bay bridge.
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it's about 34 minutes, but as reggie mentioned, you can see no traffic northbound or southbound. we heard that chp was having some issues getting to the midspan. that's where the protesters are. and again, southbound and northbound 101 at the mid-span. nothing is moving because of these protesters. and so we are going to be following this. we know that we've seen these protests before, disrupting some traffic on the bay bridge and also on the golden gate bridge. >> these are our first images, by the way, from sky seven. sorry to interrupt you, amanda, but i want people to look at the screen and see that it looks like just one side of the bridge is actually where the protesters are, where they've unleashed a banner that says, stop the world for gaza. yes. >> and this is a coordinated economic blockade. that's what this group is calling it to free palestine. the group is called a 15, a 15 action. we can assume
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that this stands for april 15th, 2024. the group has said that today is a day that they are planning or are doing a coordinated economic blockade. and so this is, as amanda mentioned, multiple cities around the country and around the world. and you can see as we take this live look of what is happening right now on the golden gate bridge, we see these vehicles stopped here. we see people at this one particular vehicle, but there are several banners here, several cars stopped here with the message in the seas on gaza. now the same thing that we saw over at the other block shutting down 8-80 in oakland. that sign there with a15 economic blockade free palestine, on the signage that we saw there. so this is
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essentially a coordinated effort to shut down major thoroughfares , not only here in the bay area, but in cities across the world. >> and then when it comes to the golden gate bridge, southbound 101 is stopped from marin city with an hour delay. at this point, we know that that's only going to get even worse as this morning continues. a lot of people heading into the city seeing this on their drive for the first time. so something to think about both east bay and north bay. the incidents are considered sig alerts, meaning they're highly impactful. we see traffic stopped on the golden gate bridge. we know that when the incident happened on the bay bridge, it took several hours to clear, impacting traffic there and then the february incident on the golden gate bridge that we had also reported on live. that was fairly tsay, i want to say quick, but that's only
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comparing it to what we saw on the bay bridge with that blockage. just several months ago. so both north bay traffic and east bay traffic an issue this morning we see chp headed toward midspan. now, as you can imagine, really difficult to get through some of that traffic since it is completely stopped. >> yes, right. >> even though the protest is only on one side of the bridge, the police are using the other lanes in the opposite direction to stage. so now the entire bridge is shut down. >> so this one, this, oaklan economic blockade against palestinian genocide is what this group is calling it. they said they are protesting in 56 cities around the world, and we've learned that they've blocked traffic and other major cities, including at chicago o'hare airport. so this is something that is not only affecting us here in the bay area, but in cities across the country. and organizers say that
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this is just 1 or 2 of several incidents that are planned. so i know officials are going to be on the lookout for what could come potentially next. there is a plan from this group to gather at the west oakland bart station, but so far, bart says things have been running smoothly there. but as you can see, two major areas here in the bay area blocked the golden gate bridge, 9:00 in the morning, a lot of people using that bridge to come into san francisco, leaving san francisco as well. but nobody able to get through at this point because as you can see here, protests is blocking that southbound lane of the golden gate bridge. police on the other side. so no one's on this bridge at all. and we can see these protesters here. not sure what is being said at this point, but we see one protester there with that microphone and the signage here blocking the
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bridge. >> and if you're just joining us and maybe you're heading out the door, we have some alternative routes to suggest for the sigalert in oakland, near alameda on northbound 880 at fifth avenue at traffic is stopped from davis street in san leandro with a 40 minute delay. but the alternative routes for commuters on 880 to avoid city streets take 580. we've been saying all morning long that big rigs are now allowed to travel on westbound 580 for the duration of this protest, just know that if you're going to take 580, a lot of people are doing that. and so it is slow moving there as well. city street alternatives for those in the east bay exit davis street and take international boulevard all the way down to lake merritt and then find the broadway on ramp back to northbound 880 for alameda commuters. also in that area, traffic is getting busy on the posey tube, but no issues hopping on northbound 880 from the broadway on ramp. so that's the promising news really. there
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and then an alternative route for those who rely on the golden gate bridge, really take the richmond-san rafael bridge to the bay bridge. that's about 39 minutes to get from richmond-san rafael bridge to the bay bridge at this hour. here we are, just a few minutes before 9 a.m. >> yes. so again, you are with us live as we are looking at protests shutting down not just the golden gate bridge, but also, as you see, live right here, northbound 880 in oakland. this has been going on for at least an hour and a half, close to two hours right now. and you can see traffic looks like it's moving, but very, very slowly. all but the group claiming more than 50 cities around the world. as we can see from the signage, not only here on 8-80, but as you can see here on the left of your
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screen at golden gate bridge. this is all in reaction to gaza, the war in gaza between israel and hamas. this group, working to bring attention to the conflict there, by, as they say, disrupt voting and blocking major choke points in the economy. and they want to cause as much economic impact, according to this group's website, as possible. we know the impact that blocking the bridges and the major thoroughfares here have, have here in the bay area. golden gate bridge here blocked on a monday morning, the top of the morning where so many people are heading into the city. and we've seen here on 8-80 8-80 significant blocking here almost two hours now. >> and the people who are behind the 880 protests did send out a news release just a few minutes
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ago. and in it, they talk about the method that they're using here. they say there are seven people locked to six concrete filled barrels weighing 280 pounds each. they also claim that police are drilling into the barrels in a manner they say is extremely dangerous and reckless. they also did an action at the west oakland bart station, which amanda touched on a few minutes ago that started at seven. it doesn't appear to have, at least at this point, affected bart traffic at all. that was just, it seems like a meeting point. and then they marched through the neighborhood , going to 880 to block the traffic in the southbound direction. they also mentioned there's going to be an action at the tesla factory in fremont, and they say that's going to start at 530 this afternoon, and they're going to be meeting at the warren springs bart station. in this release. they don't say anything about the golden gate bridge protest. so that may be a different arm or just something they didn't feel like announcing. >> but here we are, just a few minutes before 9 a.m. and you're looking at the screen. what's
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typically heavy traffic on monday morning you're seeing just complete just a standstill on both ends northbound on your left hand side. that's the golden gate bridge. and then on the right hand side that's east. that's the east bay. that's right next to the coliseum. you see the long miles long back up there. the brake lights you're seeing are people headed northbound on 880. we broke in initially saying that it was a crash, and then we saw it immediately elevated into a sigalert because more than a dozen protest cars took to the roadway. and as reggie mentioned, bringing those barrels onto the roadway as well as well. i'm causing quite the disruption this morning. and here we are, you know, almost two hours later and this is still the case. people who are wanting to avoid this area. i know that we've been giving alternatives, but if you're just heading out the door, i want to go through them one more time in order to help you really navigate through what's going on across the bay area today. now
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that sigalert in oakland, it's near alameda on northbound 880 at fifth avenue. we know that traffic is stopped from davis street in san leandro. that's a 40 minute delay as what our clocks are saying. but of course, it can get even worse as the morning goes on and people start getting onto the roadways. but alternative routes for commuters on 880 to avoid city streets take 580. big rigs are allowed on 580 for the duration of this protest. so that's quite some time now. but you should know that so many other people are also taking 580. and so there's a bit of a slowdown there as well. a city street alternative if you're wanting to get through oakland, exit davis street and then take international boulevard all the way down to lake merritt, and then there you'll find the broadway on ramp back to northbound 880. and we also know for alameda commuters what a headache traffic is getting busy on the posey tube, but no issues if you're wanting to hop on northbound 880 from the broadway
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on ramp, and then an alternative route for those who are reliant on the golden gate bridge, you'll have to take the richmond-san rafael bridge to the bay bridge uh- and the commute between those two is about 40 minutes. >> all right. thank you, amanda and you know, we appreciate being able to share alternative routes because you can see as we enter the 9:00 hour in just a few moments, the protest at 880, at least has been almost two hours now with chp working to clear those protesters who have barrels there. the blocking here, as we're following the golden gate bridge and interstate 880 breaking news this morning, protesters shutting down both of those central roadways here in the bay area, with no estimated time for when they might reopen. yeah these two major arteries in and out of san francisco shut down right now. >> so we're talking about the east bay and the north bay. and this


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