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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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glover. >> we've been covering it throughout the day here on abc seven news. that series of protests in e bay area and across the country today. th first local protest began at 615 on northbound 8 at fifth avenue. at 755, protesters blocd southbound lanes on the golden gate bridge. then, at 815, protesters shut down southbound lanes of 880 in oakland. >> this is video of the protest on northbound 880 lanes were fully closed for nearly two hours until one lane opened at ten. a second lane reopened just before noon. southbound 880 was closed by protesters around 815 this morning, and one lane finally reopened at 1220. the golden gate bridge was shut down by protesters around 755 this morning, and traffic there was backed up for miles. it was eventually reopened around 1215 this afternoon, and we just got that update from chp just a short time ago and said protesters face a number of charges, including unlawful
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assembly, refusal to comply with the lawful order, unlawful stopping on a bridge, resisting arrest and unlawful for pedestrian to be on a freeway. >> also, false imprisonment and conspiracy. >> the conspiracy charge is because it was obviously a conspiracy in the manner in which that they went about. it was an orchestrated event that they put forth. they blocked three separate locations on freeways. uh- they prevented, you know, law enforcement, paramedics, ambulances to get to their points of destination. and prevented that from happening. and that's that can happen. you can protest at any which way you want, but it is unlawful to block block a roadway. >> and the chp officers also adding there it was not only inconvenient, but this was all dangerous too. we have live team coverage on the protests across the bay area. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard was at the golden gate bridge, but let's begin in the east bay with abc seven news reporter lena howland. >> lena. >> kristin and julian, we are at the bottom of the on ramp to
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8-80 southbound lanes here at seventh street in oakland, where things are finally back to normal. now, the protesters that were blocking all lanes of the highway and blocking the entrance to this onramp have since cleared the area. chp has also cleared the area, reopening all lanes of traffic on 880 to everyone here in the east bay. here's a look at what happened on 880 northbound near fifth avenue in oakland earlier today. this all started just after 6:00 this morning when protesters walked onto the highway physically chaining themselves to 855 gallon drums, each filled with concrete and rebar, according to chp. it took officials several hours to break through these barrels using heavy duty tools like jackhammers and saws, opening the highway one lane at a time. according to chp. the northbound lanes of the highway didn't fully reopen until 115 today. seven protesters were arrested there about two hours after that
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demonstration started. that's when chp says around 300 demonstrators made their way onto 8-80 on foot, blocking all southbound lanes at seventh street in oakland. many on bike opted to block the on ramp to the highway. this is right next to the port of oakland. our sky seven view from earlier today shows some protesters being detained by police. chp confirms five protesters from this group were arrested and we talked to one protester from this group who says this is about drawing attention to the war in gaza and pushing our local and federal officials to call for a permanent ceasefire. they also want american tax dollars to stop funding support to israel. one of many reasons why they chose tax day for this demonstration. >> i am very sorry for the people that are being killed because we decided to support the system that is absolutely wrong. we cannot provide guns to
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somebody to kill children. >> the concrete barrels that were utilized, we have to use jackhammers and saws to cut, to basically break in and cut through those. thus, the reason it took a while to open up the roadway. it's complex on their part. it's complex on ours. >> and that was a spokesperson for the chp golden gate division, explaining just how difficult it was to break up the 55 gallon drums on 8-80 northbound, and why it took so long to get it cleared on the southbound side of things. it wasn't until about 1:00 this afternoon when chp officers were somehow able to push protesters down the on ramp here at seventh street, peacefully. the protesters then marched from here to a bart station in west oakland. now all southbound lanes here at 8-80 were able to get reopened around 140 this afternoon. and again, just to recap, the new information we
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have learned from chp, a total of 12 protesters were arrested by authorities for the disruptions caused on 8-80. here in the east bay. for now, reporting live in oakland, lena howland abc seven news. >> all right, lena, thank you. now to the north bay and the protest on the golden gate bridge. it began early this morning, and officials closed both northbound and southbound lanes for hours. >> abc seven news reporter cornell bernard joins us live with the latest. cornell, we were with you as those lanes finally reopened several hours ago. >> yeah. julian and kristen uh. what a difference a few hours make. as you can see behind me, the golden gate bridge is open. but, you know, a lot of folks wishing they had worked from home today because this was definitely a commute they will never forget. one for the record books, for sure. here's what it looked like earlier today monday morning's commute quickly turning into a carmageddon nightmare after pro-palestinian
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protesters blocked both lanes of the bridge around 8:00 this morning, the demonstration closing the span completely for hours, leaving many drivers confused and frustrated. traffic was backed up for miles on highway 101 into the city, into places like mill valley, corte madera and emotions were definitely spilling over when motorists confronted protesters on the bridge and other people say they were just trying to get to medical, medical appointments. listen you're being filmed. >> you understand? do you think i care? you're in the wrong. >> i'm heading into the city for a medical procedure that involves some stem cells which are frozen and are now defrosted and waiting for me. i was supposed to have them put in at 9 a.m. this morning, so they have to get in today, so i have to get there. >> how are you feeling about all of this? >> i'm feeling pretty frustrated. you know what? i
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believe in the right to protest. and i believe in the right to express your point of view. but i think causing this type of disturbance to thousands and thousands of people isn't the right way to go about it. >> i'm supposed to be at ucsf at 930. i left san rafael at 830 and surgery department said i have to be there by one or i have to reschedule. i don't know, and i'm supposed to have colon surgery. >> mr. o'donnell was hopeful that he could make his medical appointment today. the chp says they arrested about 20 people here on the bridge, allowing it to reopen by late morning. we're live on the golden gate bridge. cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> all right, cornell, thank you . well, there weren't any protests on the bay bridge today, but officials were ready. the off ramp from eastbound i-80 onto southbound 880 was closed in anticipation of possible protests. the chp also blocked the grand avenue on ramp to westbound i-80, increasing the gridlock on nearby surface
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streets. drivers stuck at the golden gate bridge streamed abc seven on their phones for news while they waited. we're live on the protests and their impact on traffic for hours. you can live stream 24 hours a day, seven days a week. you can get abc seven, or even better, through the abc seven bay area app. you can also set up the app for push alerts for breaking news like this. so you can avoid getting stuck in traffic like today. now to these new developments here. >> a major announcement from the federal bureau of prisons. it plans to close the women's prison in dublin that has been plagued by problems. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has the details. >> busses in front of the federal corrections center in dublin, as this location is now slated to close, the federal bureau of prisons says they put resources into improving the center but have not seen much of an impact. director colette peters said in a statement we have determined that fci dublin is not meeting expected standards and that the best course of action is to close the
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facility. it's a place at the center of a years long sexual abuse investigation. at least eight employees, including a former warden and chaplain, have been charged with sexually abusing inmates. five have pleaded guilty and two were convicted at trial. he's very nasty with all the girls he liked to see us naked in the showers. >> this woman served 25 months at the dublin center. >> she asked us not to show her face or reveal her name, but she says, what happened inside those walls was horrifying. >> the officers there are insulting us. they. they basically see us in the showers, they open the curtains. >> the bureau of prisons would not say where they are transferring the inmates due to safety and security reasons. however, their most likely transferring them to places far away from here. the closest federal women's prison is nearly 400 miles away down in victorville. another former inmate says the transferring process can be brutal. >> they put those women in shackles on their wrists, on their ankles, put them in busses
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for days and days to try to transfer them across the country. sometimes months. >> emily shapiro with the california coalition for women prisoners says the closure is concerning. a federal judge recently decided a special master will oversee operations in dublin. now the center is closing. shapiro says the inmates will go to locations that won't have a special master. >> this kind of abrupt closure really feels like a total evasion of accountability to survivors, incarcerated people and advocates. >> she is calling on the federal government to investigate the entire bureau of prisons in dublin. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> fci dublin opened in 1974, but it didn't become a prison for only women until 2012. it was until now, just one of five federal prisons for women in the u.s. since 2021, at least eight prison employees have been charged with sexually abusing inmates. five pleaded guilty, two were convicted at trial. another case is still pending,
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and last month, the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee the facility, roughly 50 civil rights lawsuits against fci dublin employees are also ongoing. >> a lockdown at two san francisco jails continues after a series of assaults. the sheriff's office is canceling visits today at the county jail on the seventh street in san francisco. the san bruno facility is also being impacted. officials say the two jails were locked down over the weekend because of increasing assaults on deputies and other jail workers by inmates. the sheriff's office says it's working on a comprehensive plan to address the violence. >> we have more news ahead this afternoon, including a recount just getting underway in the south bay. after that dramatic time. the end of decaf. why lawmakers are considering a ban of sorts and later last minute tax tips. for those of you who still have not filed yet, and you are quickly running out of time, i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. >> the start of a new week and a
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new pattern. i'll be back with a look at that forecas entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription.
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moving on to the general election unless the recount finds different results. >> abc seven news reporter zach fuentes got a look at the start of the recount process.
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>> recount procedures are underway at the santa clara county registrar of voters office. >> right here behind us. we have a 40 plus pallets of ballots from all the various precincts within congressional district 16. >> the district is made up of santa clara and san mateo counties. former san jose mayor sam liccardo secured a spot on november's ballot, but second place is tied between assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. >> two candidates tie exactly for second place. i mean, this has never happened before. >> initially, two people requested a recount. the santa clara county registrar's office confirmed, though, that dan stedingk, the person who requested the recount in san mateo county, withdrew his request. that left jonathan padilla, who requested it in santa clara county, according to his linkedin profile. he was a policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014, san jose mayoral campaign. he requested the recount on behalf of low low's campaign, said they are not connected with him, insisting padilla is acting on behalf of liccardo's campaign. liccardo's team also has not
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claimed a current association with padilla. it's not known how padilla is financing the cost of the recount, but the registrar's office says he has by ten each morning to pay the day's deposit . >> the cost approximately $16,000 a day. again, that's an estimate based on counting the ballots only if the requester would like to see additional materials, the and it would incur additional labor. and, you know, time for us to pull those things which would increase the cost and the deadline as well. >> despite questions from low's campaign about the law regarding recount refunds, santa clara county maintains that there is a possibility padilla could be paid back. >> let's say if one of the candidates we find wins and the requester is requesting the recount on behalf of that winning candidate, then the requester would then receive their money back. >> we reached out to san mateo county to find out where it is in the recount process, and have not heard back. santa clara county estimates their process to take 1 to 2 weeks to finish in santa clara county. zach fuentes, abc seven news.
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>> the state of california filed a lawsuit today against a voter identification law passed in the march primary by the voters in huntington beach. the law, known as measure a, allows the city to require voter identification in municipal elections. state attorney general rob bonta claims the law violates the state constitution and is violative of california state election law. >> undermines, that process and threatens the constitutionally protected right to vote. >> this law would allow huntington beach city leaders the choice if implementing a voter id system in local elections is early, as in 2026. the measure was first proposed by conservatives who took control of city council back in 2022. >> the process of making the decaffeinated coffee millions of californians drink every day may soon have to change. tomorrow, the california assembly health committee will consider a bill that will prohibit the use of methylene chloride in what's known as the european method
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decaf process, the cdc says the chemical can cause eye, skin, liver and heart injuries and damage. the national coffee association says the european method decaf is safe. hmm'hmm >> i want my coffee fully caffeinated, extra strong. >> that's how i take it. >> that's why i'm. yeah, but i know a lot of people love their decaf. >> they do, they do. >> all right, well, turning our attention to the forecast today, a really beautiful day across the bay. >> yes. looks like we're done with that weekend rain. >> yeah, we sure are. and kristen and julian, you might want to go get an iced coffee over the next couple of days because it is going to be warming up around here. let me show you a live picture right now from our east bay hills camera. we are looking towards mount diablo. a few clouds are still hanging around, but there is plenty of sun in the forecast as well. and we're seeing it from our tower cameras. i'll show you in just a moment. live doppler seven showing you a very quiet picture. it wasn't like that over the weekend. as you know, saturday we had rain and yesterday spotty showers. high
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pressure is going to start taking control of the weather. it's going to divert that storm track well to our north. so we don't have any rain in the forecast. but this is what we're going to be seeing. uptick in those temperatures already running warmer in santa rosa, nine degrees may not feel like it, but it is going to continue to remain warmer over the next couple of days. from our mount tam cam seeing a beautiful view right now, 59, in san francisco, 60s from oakland to hayward, san jose, you're close to 70 degrees there, san mateo 64. and in half moon bay it is 55 degrees. a live view from our exploratorium camera as you are seeing blue skies. santa rosa is 66 degrees mid 60s. from napa to fairfield to livermore, and a live picture from our san jose camera. we're seeing a mix of sun and clouds overnight tonight. areas of fog forming tomorrow, warming trend continues and midweek we're talking about temperatures that are above average for this time of year. so tonight you'll notice those clouds still around. and then tomorrow morning we're going to begin with some patches of fog. it's not going to be widespread but it'll burn off quickly. and it
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will get replaced by some higher clouds that will filter the sunshine for your tuesday. your morning temperatures will be in the 40s. you'll see patchy fog. other than that, mainly clear skies, but it is going to be a chilly start. and then for the afternoon we're going to pop those temperatures up into the 70s, close to the upper 70s in places like fairfield, san jose, 75 in santa rosa, 70 in oakland, 67, san francisco, 71, in san mateo, half moon bay, 61 degrees. so really a nice day. and if it's not warm enough for you, look at wednesday, you start to notice those 80s on thursday will still have a couple of 80s inland coastside will be comfortable in the 60s. and then friday those temperatures begin to come down as our marine influence returns. the accuweather seven day forecast will show you a very quiet picture over the next seven days. first, we're going to start off with the warm up that is going to be tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and then a little bit cooler for your friday before we end up with, you're going to be really shocked to hear this. a dry weekend for a change. i know
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julian and kristen, people have been complaining, but we need the rain. and as you both know, we need it, especially as we head towards our hot summer months. yeah, you know i wasn't complaining. perspective. okay, good. there's one person that wasn't okay. >> i was complaining, okay? it was me. everybody's honest, but nice looking week. >> thanks. >> absolutely appreciate it. >> women's basketball players are making a big name for themselves this year. tonight it can get even more exciting. >> and the moves that had steph curry looking like this today
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it's on our sister network, espn, and we know there are so many amazing hoop dreams that are about to come true for caitlin clark and so many other talented players. >> abc news reporter will reeve has a preview. >> one of the most anticipated drafts in sports history, caitlin clark, all but certain to be the number one overall pick. >> you make a lot of jokes about women's sports. don't you, michael? >> on saturday night live, she scolded weekend update host michael che for roasting the nba's popularity and forced him to read jokes she had written. >> the indian fever have the first pick in this monday's draft of reminder that indiana fever is a wnba team, and not what michael che gave to dozens of women at purdue university back in december. >> the fever won the lottery to choose first and hit the jackpot. clark's expected arrival sent ticket prices through the roof more than
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doubling, and now most of their games will be on national tv. >> in terms of attention, we've never, ever, ever seen anything like this. >> clark, along with south carolina center camila cardoso and ucla guard kiki rice, are profiled in an upcoming essay moment showing clark's competitive spirit when she was a girl learning to ride a bike. >> tyler got out my pink bike and i'm like, mom, take my training wheels off. let's go. >> you know, blake's learned to ride. katie's giving it a shot and she's doing quite well. >> another top contender in tonight's draft, angel rice. despite the lsu forward stardom, analysts do not expect her to be chosen in the top five due to worries about whether she can be effective in the pros. what is for certain, these players are driving historic interest in women's hoops. the national title game scored bigger tv ratings than the men's clark oh my, and tonight's draft will be the first in nearly a decade with a live audience. even snl's michael che will acknowledge it's a slam dunk for the sport. >> thank you. i can't wait to
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give this of my girlfriend. >> you don't have a girlfriend, michael. all right, andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> now, you might be wondering, the bay area wnba expansion team, they will not be picking in this year's draft, but they will pick next year as they take the court in 2025. >> now to the nba, where the warriors begin play tomorrow night in the western conference playoffs, play in tournament. the dubs finish the regular season as the 10th seed in the west following their victory over the utah jazz yesterday, coach steve kerr squad will play the ninth seeded kings tomorrow night in sacramento. he believes his team is in a good place right now. >> it's the vibe and it's a good vibe and obviously we're in a in a tough spot. we've got to win two games just to get into the playoffs and i believe in karma. i think this this group has earned some some good, some good karma. >> the warriors are in a do or die situation though a win tomorrow. they keep playing. a loss ends their season. the players, including steph curry,
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say the team is playing well and they are optimistic. warriors fans and players got a bit of a surprise when former teammate festus ezeli showed the dance team on the court. >> he joins the hardwood classic dance team in between timeouts here, man. >> listen, he's been putting in two a days getting ready for tonight. >> daetz on electric performance festus had the building bouncing and he had his teammates and former teammates beside themselves. what has he done? >> i think he was with the hardwood classics. yeah, the 55 and up dancers and they got the moves too. >> oh yeah. they got the moves. look at his. >> he he helped the warriors win their 2015 nba championship. but right now it's just mind blown over his moves. >> you've judged for the team before to get on to the hardwood classics dance team. >> yes. hi. >> can he have what it takes. >> oh i think so. okay i think
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closed for nearly two hours. >> southbound lanes or 880, was closed by protesters just before eight this morning. activists blocked an on ramp and all lanes of traffic. the on ramp and all lanes reopened just before 2:00 this afternoon, and it took five hours to open all lanes of the golden gate bridge. >> they reopened around 1215 this afternoon, the chp says a combined total of 38 people were arrested. >> chp officials said today's protest was not only inconvenient, but it was dangerous attempting to block or shut down a freeway or a state highway to protest is unlawful. >> it's dangerous, and it prevents motorists from safely reaching their destinations. the way the traffic was backed up, nobody could go anywhere. you could not back up. you could not go forward. they were stuck in a location that they couldn't move . >> protesters faced a variety of charges, including unlawful assembly, refusal to comply with a lawful order, unlawful stop on a bridge, resisting arrest, false imprisonment and
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conspiracy. >> as we've mentioned, the protests were not just here in the bay area. in chicago, pro-palestinian protesters blocked the roadway, entering into terminal one at o'hare airport. traffic came to a standstill at one of the busiest airports in the entire country. several people ended up walking to the terminal to catch their flights, police said. multiple protesters were taken into custody there, and this was the scene on wall street in new york, where protesters took to the streets there to protest the ongoing war in gaza and back on the west coast. >> protesters in oregon shut down part of i-5 near eugene. it's all part of the day of action against the war in gaza. no word of any arrests there. coming up on abc7 news at five, we look at what it takes to clear protests like these and why it took so long. we'll tell you what's next for those arrested and the charges they could face. >> and as we've been mentioning, today's protests were about israel's war on gaza. that war,
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that war started after the october hamas attack that killed 1100 people and dozens are still being held in captivity. >> now israel is debating a response after an iran attack on friday that was mostly thwarted. reporter josh henninger, from our sister station in new york is in israel. >> and good evening from jerusalem, where israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a very tricky decision to make. respond to iran just enough, but not so much that it provokes an even more fierce response. and he's doing this at a time when an increasing number of israelis want him out drones and rockets were blown out of the sky before they could do any damage. but nearly two days later, the fallout has only just begun. over a nation already weary of war, but possibly headed even further down the path of escalation. >> we will continue to be prepared and poised to implement any instructions that the government gives us. >> the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has
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been huddled with his war cabinet gaming out a response to the onslaught. saturday night, more than 300 drones and missiles launched from iranian soil and targeting israel, an unprecedented attack. >> the president believes that what happened saturday night was an extraordinary military success. >> the white house has been on overdrive, congratulating netanyahu for a job well done in fending it off, an operation the idf has now dubbed iron shield, which includes the well-known iron dome, which handles short range rockets. david's sling, designed for medium range projectiles, and arrow two, which targets long range missiles. a three phase plan that dispatched 99% of the projectiles that headed israel's way. the message from washington you already won. move on and don't provoke iran into launching something even worse. >> strength and wisdom need to be the same. sides the different sides of the same coin. >> today, across israel, life seemed normal. on this monday afternoon. but ariella bernstein says people have no appetite for
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a new front in this war. >> i feel like we have a job that we need to finish. elsewhere. >> she and her husband, avi, moved their family here from long island, and their son spent months fighting for the idf in gaza. and now, with just days before passover, she wants netanyahu to exhibit restraint and not drag his country down a one way street to a wider war. we can close accounts with iran. >> in other time, they'll still be there for sure, and i and i, i dread and i don't think i'm the only one, but i literally dread, thinking about going into the passover holiday without resolution, to the hostages. >> a military chief tonight said iran would face consequences for its actions. saturday night, but he did not say what consequences or when in jerusalem. josh einiger, abc seven news well, hopefully, you know by now, today is tax day. >> what to do if you're not ready to file. and the most stressful
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the conversation. back to today's top story. those pro-palestinian protests taking place all around the bay area. in fact, all around the world. but here, protesters blocked northbound and southbound sections of 8-80 with drums filled with concrete, and the
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southbound section of the golden gate bridge was blocked with multiple cars and chains. 38 people were arrested. thousands, tens of thousands of people delayed and there's a lot of, you know, talk on social media about this with people really feeling, yes, great that they did it. they got their message out and other people saying, yes, but why do it in this way? heard a lot of people and other people just mad. so lots of opinions. but where do you want to get started? lose? what do you think? >> you know, i totally saw that on social media. so many people were conflicted. and i covered this last year, five months ago, the same type of strategy these protesters use, but it was actually on the bay bridge, and 80 of them were actually charged after they were arrested for protesting on the bay bridge during the aipac conference. and what was interesting about this is that the district attorney here in san francisco, brooke jenkins, took a really strong hand for this. she said, i'm going to charge all of you. and they charged. she charged them with five misdemeanors that was later dropped. and they only have to serve five hours of community service. so many of them say, hey, we're going to
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keep doing this because we have a message and we want to put it out there. >> and we do want to make a point to say that there have been so many pro-palestinian protests that have happened all across the bay area outside of, you know, pretty much every government building that you could possibly imagine. and, you know, so many of those folks that we have been hearing from today just feel like their messages have not been heard, that they have not been heard by the elected officials. and so they have now escalated, essentially, their tactics to doing something a bit more dramatic. we're talking about it , you know, and so many more people whose commutes were disrupted or days were altered or talking about it as well. but of course, you can also understand the sides of the people that were stuck in traffic. for example. right, you know who also, we don't know what happened to their days because they were stuck in that traffic to super quick point, agree or disagree? >> one metric of success for protests is did it get attention in that sense? again, agree or disagree? it got attention and coverage certainly. >> so for sure. so some stories out there just kind of leave you asking why federal authorities
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in nevada are working to identify these two men caught on video damaging rock formations at lake mead national recreation area. look at this. gosh, it happened in redstone dunes, a federally protected site. those formations took millions of years to form. and this is a federal crime, by the way, where punishment can range from six months in jail to a lengthy prison sentence. >> why are we covering their faces? >> is the only thing that comes to mind. >> i mean, do they have nothing better to do but go and destroy them? >> it just do they do this for social media because that's very, very, you know, not smart. >> and if they do, why are we covering their faces? >> absolutely. >> shielding their identities. i mean yeah, why you can only think that they're doing it for social media. >> because what else could be the driving or motivating force? did the rock upset you? right. i hate these rocks. like oh my gosh. >> yeah. i mean people could
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have been hurt if they were underneath it. they could have been hurt. did you see one guy almost look like he was going to slip, right? yeah. >> people are willing to do so many crazy things right now just for likes, just for views. and the fact that we're even showing it right now, i hope that nobody goes and searches for that because they do not deserve any more views. if they're getting any right now. exactly. >> okay. your your taxes are due today. did you say the word due? they are due. are you ready? if you're not, abc news reporter alexis christoforous has some help. >> still have time to file? you can go online and file up until midnight in your time zone. >> if you won't be able to file by midnight, go to dot gov and request an extension, which will give you an additional six months to submit your taxes until october 15th. >> but remember, extension to file is not an extension to pay. >> if you don't make an estimated payment by tonight, your balance is subject to interest and a monthly late payment penalty. >> if you owed last year and your income and your tax situation is basically the same,
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you owe this year. >> so here's what you do. go to, make a payment, whatever payment it was last year. >> even if you file an extension, if you're expecting a refund, the sooner you file your taxes, the sooner you'll get your money. >> and the majority of people do get a refund. so that should encourage people the irs will issue most refunds within 21 days or less. >> if you file electronically with direct deposit, you can check the status of your refund on with the where's my refund tool. all >> all right. >> have you filed have you are you ready. >> ready. and you know what my husband pays through the irs website or files through there. once our tax accountant actually does all the paperwork so we're done. yeah. >> yeah i filed a long time ago so i'm good. check. >> yeah. same i filed a really long time ago like yesterday. >> so i'm one of those last few
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hours ago. >> right. right. but i got it done. it's done. >> that's all that matters. >> yeah. me maybe two days ago. more responsible than you. julianne >> there we go. well, we know this is one of the most stressful days of the year. >> how about the most stressful time of the day? a new study reveals that it's 815 in the morning. >> wow. >> a poll of 2000 people in britain found the morning is the most anxiety inducing part of the day for so many people. this was induced by feelings of dread over work, commuting, over sleeping, trying to get the kids ready for school, finding your story ideas to pitch in the morning, meeting right loose. >> absolutely. >> what do you think, kristen 15. >> yeah, that's a stressful time running around. i mean, maybe not for you, sandy, i don't know, because you're on the night shift. so maybe. >> yeah, but i'm up early. >> oh, but you're right. that is the time. you're getting the kids to school. you're trying to figure out, okay, checking work emails, right? while trying to down your coffee and do your
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word puzzle all at the same time. that's four things you got going there. >> it's just, i mean, that's that's a time of morning when you're just going at 100 miles an hour, right? >> yeah. how can we de-stress that time? got a tip? julianne, you must have something. >> i work from home. good idea. >> yeah, but even if you work from home, you're going to be stressed. you're about to go into that meeting, so, yeah, that zoom meeting, that'll do it for
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life. it's a melding of science and conservation that's about to take flight. abc seven news anchor dan ashley has the details. reporter and if you look through that, you can see the wings. >> not many butterflies get the celebrity treatment, but then again, this bunch is about to make history, turning the clock back nearly a century in san francisco's presidio durrell, kapan is a senior research fellow at the california academy of sciences. he says the butterflies will replace a long lost species called the xerces blue, that went extinct in the 1940s. >> syracuse blue was a beautiful blue butterfly that was restricted to the dune habitat from fort funston to baker beach. >> well, that was before the west side of san francisco transformed from sand dunes to development, wiping out their habitat. but ecologist lew stringer says the presidio has spent decades restoring the
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native dunes around the former army post, including butterfly friendly plants like the edible deerweed. if we didn't have this habitat, we wouldn't have the plant and we wouldn't have the ability to bring back the species that was lost to san francisco. so with butterflies in tow, the team hit the trail. but they say the scientific part of the journey actually began much earlier in the sand dunes of monterey. that's where biologists from the academy were able to identify the closest living relative to the extinct blue searcy's. combining sophisticated genetics with matching samples from their own collection, the results pointed to a species known as the silvery blue. >> in fact, we sequenced the complete genome of three different subtypes of the silvery blue butterflies so we could say which one was closer to. just push it right in there and with a delicate touch. >> wildlife ecologist phoebe parker shams helped settle the presidio's newest residents into their adopted home. >> oh my gosh, look at it, look.
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oh look at that already. it already jumped out placing them underneath a protective net to let them get acclimated and even giving them a quick drop of gatorade for hydration and they get a sense of this is good habitat and then they stay, hopefully stay put, sort of get the way worked into the plant, hopefully lay some eggs, on those plants. >> for the presidio, it's the latest in a string of native reintroductions, ranging from coyotes to pond turtles to the western fence lizard. and they believe partnering with the academy of sciences could offer new opportunities. >> absolutely. it's a place of experimentation and innovation around conservation in the 21st century, a living lab with a potential to bring native environments back to life in san francisco. >> dan ashley, abc seven news and the team will also be using a citizen science platform called inaturalist that allows volunteers to help track those butterflies. >> really cool, really cool. >> all right. we've got a special site in the sky tonight.
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the lyrids meteor shower is happening. the best view is after moonset and before dawn. these are the oldest known meteor showers. so 10 to 20 meteors can be expected to be seen per hour during the peak, which is saturday. of course, you always need a little cooperation from mother nature, right? >> clouds, etc. cooperation and not a lot. a lot of light pollution too, right? you got to get out of there. so we check in now with sandyha patel for a look at our chances of being able to see the meteor shower. >> i think you're going to have really good chances, julian and kristen, and that's because we are expecting most of the clouds to part ways tonight with the lyrid meteor shower peaks this weekend. as kristen mentioned, after the moon sets, you'll want to look to the northeast. 10 to 20 meteors per hour. there will be some patchy fog forming, but i think overall the conditions are looking good. so let's take a look at the temperature trend for santa rosa. average high is 69 tomorrow. getting up to 75 degrees. even warmer wednesday so well above average for your wednesday and then dropping off a little bit. but still pleasant
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weather heading into the weekend on live doppler seven. it is all quiet tomorrow afternoon. it's a warmer day, a mix of sun and high clouds, low 60s to upper 70s. if you're looking for rain, look at the storm track with that ridge of high pressure. everything's staying away saturday. a system tries to get in here, but right now it's not looking like any rain will make it this weekend. so here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a warmer a couple of days ahead and then we'll cool it off by week's end as the marine influence returns. pleasant weather for the upcoming weekend. julian. >> okay, thanks so much, sandy. a new soul food restaurant is opening this week in san francisco's historic fillmore district. many bells soul movement received funding from the dream keepers initiative program. it helps impart bring black owned businesses to the city. many bells opened on friday on fillmore between o'farrell and eddy streets. they also have a restaurant in emeryville, which is currently serving as their flagship. looks delicious. >> petit crenn, the french bistro from michelin star chef
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dominique crenn, is reopening for swan song. petite grand closed during the pandemic but will open this summer with a limited revival series. tickets are 210, $210 for a prix fixe menu and beverage pairing, according to eater sf. the restaurant will close when the lease expires in september. still to come, a little business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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and stay with us for abc seven news at 11 singles over the age of 50 are no longer standing by when it comes to pursuing meaningful relationships. they are finding love in many of the same ways their children and grandchildren are. abc news reporter eva pilgrim has the story. >> check it out. >> let me see, let me see. yeah, let's see. oh, my. >> all right, i'll date the dog. >> looking for love doesn't get any easier with age. >> in fact, 30% of adults over 50 are single, and 57% of those are interested in finding a partner. >> the biggest benefits to dating over 50 are you know who you are all of that stress about getting married and having kids, all of that is gone. it's all about you and what makes you happy. >> gene and diana kasturia met later in life and created a blended family.
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>> our relationship was sort of built on so many challenges, but you have the maturity to deal with it in a different way. you're more partners. >> i always felt i had that big question mark of like, what's that person going to be like? and i think that i lucked out with this one. >> finding that special someone has proven health benefits as well, including stronger heart health and delays in mental and physical decline. >> one of the best ways to find someone when you're older is using the dating apps. pick one app per month and see what kind of results you're getting. >> and our time is made exclusively for daters, 50 and up daters like dj flirty. >> when i read someone's profile, i like to look for someone who's looking for a committed relationship, and i love to meet people who share similar activities. >> experts also recommend joining meetup groups or clubs based on your interests, and say yes to social gatherings that may be outside your close
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circle. >> there is so much help out there to help you find that perfect lidia pod. >> eva pilgrim abc news, new york. >> yes, take a chance. find the social gathering. abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that's it for abc seven news at four. abc seven news at five is coming up next
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