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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 19, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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was slow? this hippo crossing the street, bringing traffic to a standstill. a tourist visiting south africa took the video after spotting the hippo just moseying along. i like this take your time. >> is that common? i don't know, you got to let the hippo do what the hippo does because hippos are a dangerous. >> yeah, the animal that kills the most people. >> what? really? yes. get out! >> yeah, i learned that when i was in. i don't know if i told you, but i wanted safari. oh, for sure. >> yes, i've been to south africa. yeah >> and they'll speed up real quick. >> they look slow but >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. israel strikes back against iran. breaking overnight, israel retaliating for iran's attack. this morning concerns about iran's response and fears of a wider war.
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we're live in the region. >> a jury seated. what we know about the seven men and five women sworn in in the first criminal trial of a former president as lawyers spar over whether trump violated a gag order. >> seconds from disaster. >> stop! stop! >> the frightening close call on the runway. two planes coming within hundreds of feet of colliding. the investigation this morning. >> michael: moment of truth. house speaker mike johnson moving forward with votes on billions in foreign aid that could cost him his job. >> whit: new body camera footage from the phone scam turned deadly. >> you're in big trouble. >> whit: police on the phone with the alleged scammer behind the confrontation that left an uber driver dead and an 81-year-old man facing charges. >> janai: unlocked. the new hit show giving prisoners free rein in jail.
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question facing the sheriff. ♪ >> michael: thank you, taylor. >> taylor did it again! >> michael: did you stay up until 2 a.m.? the swift surprise overnight. a secret double album. >> so good. >> michael: her fans were not ready for it. heading into the weekend on a high note. ♪ ♪ mama o, love you forever near and far closer together ♪ the inspiration behind generation of students who are going to make this high school choir director's wildest dreams come true. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. we cannot wait to bring you that pitch perfect surprise. that was your jam, huh? >> janai: that was a jam that she was singing along to, yeah.
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>> michael: little har during the break. also taylor swift fans, they got a surprise of their own at 2 a.m. >> whit: they certainly did. we will find out later if whit's daughter stayed up. >> whit: i said absolutely not. it's a school night. >> janai: lots of reasons to stay up. plus take a look at this blank space turned into a stunning bloom. we are live in death valley that is looking very much alive. incredible. >> whit: also ahead this morning the severe weather we're tracking. the last few days there have been 30 confirmed tornados in five states. ginger tracking all of that for us. >> michael: we begin with breaking news overnight. israel responding to iran's first direct attack on the country, striking inside iran. matt gutman is in tel aviv tracking the latest for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. for several hours overnight as we learned of those explosions in iran there was significant concern of an all out war erupting between israel and iran. as the sun came up, iran started
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downplaying the attack, calling it limited. israeli government and military officials not talking about it at all. overnight a senior u.s. official telling abc news israel firing back at iran. video posted online showing air defense weapons fired over the area, the first of two locations in iran just over sun rise. iranian state media reporting a drone attack near an area which house military base and research and development sites. the national atommic energy association confirming there was no damage to iran's nuclear sites. there were no reports of casualties. overnight flights were suspended but have since resumed. iranian media switching to showing video of business as usual. syrian state media also reporting israel targeted its air defenses in the country's south. for days israel, which is not taking credit for the explosion,
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weighed its response to iran's attack saturday with more than 300 drones and missiles, launched toward several targets throughout israel. the vast majority of them intercepted. iran saying infiltrators were behind the attack. and one reason iran is now hinting that there will be no reprisal. it doesn't seem israel is expecting one. its home front command issuing no new guidelines to civilians ahead a busy holiday weekend here. we should note that that massive missile salvo from iran, iran saying it was in response to an israeli air strike in damascus that killed multiple iranian commanders earlier this month. whit? >> whit: thank you. let's get more from martha raddatz and mary bruce. martha, let's start with you. israel has been very secretive leading up to this strike. >> reporter: yeah, whit. israel had been understandably secretive about exactly how this attack would be carried out and certainly when. there was an enormous amount of internal debate about the scope
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of this attack with hard liners wanting to send a strong message of deterrence. it appears a strike was limited to a military facility in hopes that there would be no escalation. officials had also said just days ago they said the strike would not happen until after passover which begins monday for eight days. but either that was a ruse in order to have tactical surprise, or they simply saw a window of opportunity last night. but there have been a flurry of diplomatic action from the u.s. and others so israel would not launch a massive retaliation attack which would have likely caused iran to immediately respond. and so far, janai, that seems to have worked. >> janai: clearly trying to avoid a tit for tat. thank you. now let's bring in mary bruce at the white house. the administration was urging israel to slow things down after its successful defense against iran's attack. >> reporter: they absolutely were, janai. so far this morning the white house is not commenting on what we saw unfold
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overnight. the white house has been very clear that the decision over whether or not to retaliate against iran was up to israel alone to make. for almost a week the president and other world leaders have been urging restraint. biden directly encouraging prime minister netanyahu to think about the risk of escalation. the white house said they would not participate in any retaliatory strikes. but that said, the u.s. has shown and stressed they will come to israel's defense if need be. the big question, should iran decide to strike back against israel? does it mean the u.s. will be forced to get more involved? michael? >> michael: that is a big question there, mary. thank you for that. we're going to turn to the latest on donald trump's criminal trial. a jury has been seated. aaron katersky is at the courthouse in downtown manhattan with more. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. the judge was prepared to have jury selection go two weeks but four days after it started that 12 person jury has been seated and opening statements could begin monday.
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this morning seven men and five women have been sworn in to claim their place in american history as jurors in the first criminal trial of a former president. they include an investment banker who follows trump on social media, a speech therapist who said she does not agree with a lot of his politics, a school teacher who said she admires how president trump speaks his mind, and a woman in product development who said, i don't like his persona, how he presents himself in public. all of them, though, pledged to give trump a fair shake. the judge declared, we have our jury. trump eyed them all, listening to their responses with arms folded across his chest. together the jurors will decide whether trump is guilty of falsifying business records so voters in the 2016 presidential election would not find out that he paid off adult film actress stormy daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair, which he denied. trump renewed complaints he must sit in court when he could be campaigning.
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>> i'm supposed to be in new hampshire. i'm supposed to be in georgia. i'm supposed to be in north carolina, south carolina. i'm supposed to be in a lot of different places campaigning, but i have been here all day. >> reporter: the day started with the judge excusing two people from the jury. an oncology nurse said she had concerns about her personal information becoming public and could no longer be fair and impartial. a grandfather was tossed four failing to reveal arrest in the 1990s for tearing down posters that leaned to the political right. the judge also discussed from the jury pool a woman whose social media post called trump a racist sexist narcissist. when the woman read the quotes in court she said, oops, that sounds bad, and apologized to the former president for her tone. one alternate juror has already been seated. they'll look for five more today. they could be important in a lengthy and charged case like this. lawyers have been sparring over whether former president trump has been violating the judge's gag order by posting about witnesses.
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in fact, prosecutors said they would not reveal the names of their first witnesses once testimony gets kwrupbdz under way fearing trump would only at tack them. michael? >> michael: thank you very much, aaron. let's bring in dan abrams. the jury has been seated but there are concerns about safety. >> the judge is concerned about that, right? you've got one juror who has come to the judge and said i get home and suddenly all these people are calling me. they realize that it's me. that juror has now been dismissed. other concerns now about information being put out in the media. so what the judge has done, first he said to the media, hey, be careful, please. don't report things that you don't need to report. second, he's instructed the media not to name employers of where the perspective jurors are working. it's wild though that we're kind of treating this case as if it's a mob trial, right? this is the kind of precautions you don't typically take, even in a high profile case.
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>> michael: but what is next? are there opening statements monday possible? >> possibly. i think it's probably unlikely. it's coming soon. is it monday, tuesday, wednesday? it's coming early next week. they've just got to find these five alternate jurors. they got to deal with some pretrial issues, in particular for example, how much can the prosecution cross-examine donald trump if he takes the witness stand? that's a hearing they have to deal with as well. >> it will be interesting to see if he takes the stand. >> i don't think so. >> i don't think anyone expects that. what do you make of the jury, based on what we know? >> pretty diverse, right? black, white, asian, male, women, older, younger, but highly educated. lot of people, two lawyer, mba's. this is manhattan. >> michael: very diverse community. >> it's a diverse community and highly educated, too. >> michael: yeah, no doubt. all right, dan abrams, thank you very much. whit?
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>> whit: michael, thank you. now the growing pressure on house speaker mike johnson, as tensions escalate over foreign aid bills. gop hard liners are threatening the speaker's job. selina wang is on capitol hill for us. good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. house speaker mike johnson's job is once again in jeopardy. members of the house are threatening to oust him for trying to pass billions to israel and ukraine. after months of stalling, johnson said he's willing to risk his job in order to do the right thing. but some republicans are outraged. some are opposed to any more security to ukraine. others say border security measures need to come first. but remember, it was just weeks ago when house republicans, underpressure from donald trump, changed that bipartisan deal that would have included some of the toughest border security measures in decades. donald trump is once again weighing in on this saying that any more aid to ukraine should be matched by countries in europe. now in the house, a single member can force a vote to oust
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the speaker. speaker johnson's going to need support from democrats, not only to get these bills across the finish line, but also potentially to save his job. the house is expected to vote on this package of bills over the weekend. the president is saying there's no time to waste here. he's ready to sign this as soon as it gets to his desk. janai? >> janai: a lot to watch there, thank you. turning now to new body camera footage in the killing of an innocent uber driver in ohio. police still trying to track down the alleged scammer who caused the deadly confrontation. alex perez joins us with details. alex, good morning to you. the video is just stunning to see. >> reporter: yeah, hey, good morning. this is the first time we are hearing what william brock told deputies in the moments after the shooting. warning, the video may be tough to watch. >> you're having trouble. >> reporter: new body camera video showing authorities on the phone with the person they believe is behind the scam that led to this deadly confrontation between an uber driver and ohio homeowner last month.
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>> help! help! >> reporter: the video showing investigators at the home of 81-year-old william brock after he fatally shot 61-year-old loletha hall. brock believed hall was involved with scammers who had repeatedly called him that morning demanding $12,000. >> i have been on the phone for a couple hours with this guy trying is a say i had a nephew in jail. >> so it was a scam in. >> yeah, i figured it. >> reporter: authorities say hall was also targeted by scammers and was directed through the uber app to pick up a package at brock's home. >> sir, i'm here to pick up a package. >> yes. i know what you're after. >> reporter: a detective speaking with the supposed scammer. >> may i ask who i'm talking to. >> this is the officer speaking. >> what officer, sir. >> yes. >> i mean, what officer, sir?
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>> you're gonna be in trouble. >> okay. let me ask you this. the female you sent over here, do you know who she is? >> yes, i do. >> well, she's been in an accident and this is actually an officer. it's detective cruz with the clark county sheriff's office. >> alleged scammer saying he would meet with authorities but never showed up. brock now facing multiple charges including murder appearing in an ohio courtroom wednesday where he entered a not guilty plea. and brock is out on bond. those scammers have not been caught. michael? >> michael: all right. thank you. just sad. thank you so much for that. we're going to turn to the frightening close call at a runway in washington, d.c. two passenger jets coming within several hundred feet of each other. our transportation correspondent gio benitez joins us with details. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning. it appears to be human error. it was a very serious incident. it is concerning when you think about the national shortage in air traffic controllers. this morning you're going to hear the panic in their voices.
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watch this. >> stop! >> reporter: this morning the faa investigating yet another alarming airport incident. air traffic controllers frantically telling a jet blue flight to abort takeoff seconds before it would have collided with a southwest plane. >> stop! southwest 2937 stop. >> we stopped. we were cleared to cross runway 4. >> reporter: that flight was cleared for takeoff, but moments before it was air traffic controller cleared a southwest plane to cross that same runway setting the two planes up for collision. listen again as air traffic controllers realize what was happening. >> 1554 stop! >> southwest stop! swept 2937 stop! >> we stopped. we were cleared to cross runway 4. >> reporter: passengers
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describing it. >> we were taking flight then they hit the brakes. >> reporter: those planes stopping just 400 feet from each other. jet blue says there were no injuries reported. >> when i hear 400 feet, what i hear is basically that there was no further margin for error. >> reporter: meanwhile an air traffic controller turns out the big hiring window actually opens today. it runs all the way through monday. in 2022 they got 59,000 applications, but last year they got just 13,000 so they're really hoping for many, many more applications this year. guys? >> wow. such a scary close call, too. gio, thank you. this morning we are remembering legendary guitarist allman brothers band dickey betts. you might remember this tune right here. ♪ already i was born a ramblin man, trying to make a livin doing the best i can ♪ everybody singing that tune this morning. he wrote that song ramblin man,
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which was the group's biggest hit. he had been fighting cancer for over a year. he was 80. true legend, absolutely. coming up here, did you stay up late? we've got all the details on taylor swift's double album release overnight. she did not hold back. our team listened very closely. >> very closely. coming up the latest on the hit show "unlocked." do inmates have too much freedom? >> michael: and the wild flowers blooming in the most likely place. death valley. we're there live. beautiful. but first let's go to ginger. >> ginger: the numbers keep adding up tornado wise. on this side of the country, illinois is where we saw the latest. this picture shows you the clear indication. they will get out and do those surveys today. we've had so many, i mean hundreds of severe storm reports including dozens of tornados. the damage in jefferson county, they'll see more damaging wind. there was a wedding in one of these buildings. thankfully everybody got out okay. but we will see more thunderstorms that could have damaging winds in the area
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that's circled here including parts of virginia, north carolina, south carolina, alabama. we'll see that later this afternoon and evening. lot of these being fueled by near or at record heat. look at some of those numbers. tampa could break a record at 90. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up, everything is bigger in texas. so is our big surprise this morning. you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back. where one machine does the washing and drying... connecting to a fridge that shows what you have and suggests recipes and sends instructions to a range that keeps an eye on the cooking energy saving? done do less. live more. welcome to bespoke ai samsung. (♪) healthier means taking the first step on your mental health journey. (♪)
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conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about wireaching a magic number...n. and more about discovering magic. these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. the city of san francisco is officially suing the port of oakland over the potential name change of its airport. the new name of the
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airport in oakland would be the san francisco bay oakland international airport. san francisco city officials say it will confuse travelers and infringes on sfo's trademark. the port of oakland responded to that suit, saying sfo cannot claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. a final vote on that name change is next month. >> amanda kumasi, looking at our san mateo bridge cam brake lights for those traveling west because caltrans sweepers are moving through the right lane, you can see their lights toward the top of your screen there, but no delays for those driving to hayward. >> 16 minutes from the toll plaza to foster city. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box!
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a cooler afternoon today. temperatures right now we're in the 40s and 50s currently. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. you can see those cloudy conditions early on. we'll call it partly sunny. as you head towards 9 a.m. we'll break down the marine layer for brighter skies this afternoon around noon. we're in the 60s to low 70s by 4 p.m. we're in the 60s and mid 70s. it will feel cooler compared to yesterday. we'll mainly stay in the 50s along the coast, 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline, mid 70s and our warmest spots inland guys. >> thank you drew. >> if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> i got hurt in a car accident. give me one good reason why i should call the law brothers. >> how about three great reasons? you should call us one. we make it easy. we'll deal with the insurance company so you don't have to. two, there's no upfront cost. you don't owe us a dime unless we win your case. three. the results we've helped thousands of people get great
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the first. target now has unlimited same day delivery with target circle 360. how did you know that? let's just say a little birdie told me. >> hey, lady, did you hear the news? >> get the fastest delivery to your door with target circle 360. oh, man. >> do you stick with plump, juicy raisins or try something deliciously frosted? best to really chew on this one, but maybe not so loudly. more delicious ways to bran two completely different things at exactly the same time. >> look at all that you're all >> look at all that you're all on the same page hulu on disney+ is here. ♪ >> michael: welcome back to gma. taylor swift fans, their biggest dream came true overnight.
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her new album dropped just hours ago. whit, you said you didn't let your daughters stay up because it was a school night. are you sure you didn't stay up? >> whit: i'm not sure. i had to go to bed early and i left early. that was mom's problem. [ laughter ] we'll see what happens this morning. looking forward to that. we do have that coming up. first top headlines including that breaking news from overnight. israel responded to iran's first direct attack on the country striking inside iran. the big question now, what happens should iran strike back at israel? will the u.s. be forced to get further involved? also right now, the 911 outage across four states was caused by a light pole installation. emergency call system service provider lumin said it was the result of work being done by a third party unrelated to its services. the outage lasted about 2 1/2 hours. the ftc is investigating. >> janai: incredibly concerning.
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and giant news. pandas are heading to san francisco. the famous san francisco zoo was selected to host giant pandas as part of china's panda diplomacy program. oh, man. those are very special. >> whit: i love it. >> janai: yeah. and we've got a lot more ahead including, this is so cool. the spring garden blooming in the hottest, driest place in the country, death valley. we are live there this morning. that's coming up. >> michael: looking forward to that. the wait is over. yes, for all the taylor swift fans out there, overnight the grammy winner releasing her highly anticipated album with a big surprise at 2 a.m. lara is here to give us details. were you up at 2 a.m.? >> lara: are you ready for it, michael? >> michael: let's do it. >> lara: taylor says all fair in love and poetry. ttpd, what swifties are calling her new album, or just her
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anthology. 31 songs where swift does not hold back. if they were quaking in their boot, they had every right to. ♪ you look like taylor swift in this light we're loving it ♪ >> lara: this morning taylor swift fans tortured no more after the release of her 11th album overnight. ♪ you left your typewriter at my apartment straight from the tortured poets department ♪ >> the tortured poet's department, full of songs about love and heart break perhaps her most vulnerable album yet. ♪ how much sad did you think i had did you think i'd hide how much tragedy ♪ >> lara: and in true taylor fashion an extra 2 a.m. surprise. the singer releasing 15 more songs after the original midnight release calling ttpd a secret double album.
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♪ old habits are screaming >> it's so good. >> lara: the new music exceeding fans wildest dreams. >> taylor did it again! >> listening to it alone in the car at 1 a.m. >> lara: rolling stone calling it wildly ambitious and gloriously chaotic. taylor celebrating the releases overnight sharing quotes, once we have spoken our sad story, we can be free of it. then all that's left behind is the tortured poetry. then again at 2 a.m. she wrote, i have written so much tortured poetry in the last two years and i wanted to share it all with you. >> this was a really personal album, even by taylor swift standards. she goes there with her lyrics. this album has to do with her relationship with her self and the growth she's experienced in the past few years. >> lara: the super star dropping
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a total of 31 songs, teaming up with some regular collaborators and bringing in star power on duets like florida with florence welch of florence and the machines. ♪ take me to florida can i use you up ♪ ♪ florida ♪ >> lara: and post malone on the revealing breakup song fortnight. ♪ i love you it's ruining my life ♪ >> lara: swift also dropping a preview of the music video for that song set to drop 8 p.m. eastern tonight. >> even though she doesn't discuss what her albums or songs are about, pretty much know this is a really big chapter of her life that she's closing. >> lara: the album is her first since the end of her six year long relationship with joe alvin. her breakup on full display in songs like "so long london." ♪ you swore that you loved me but where were the clues i died on the altar waiting for
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the proof ♪ >> lara: not all tears for taylor. also penning not so subtle lyrics about her super bowl champion boyfriend travis kelce. ♪ trying to be the greatest in the league he just comes running over to me ♪ >> lara: their golden love story shining in song. i recommend you sit down and listen closely. as the new york post wrote, many of the songs on the tortured poets department will have you clutching your pearl, or in this case your friendship bracelets with some of revelations. the song so long london is self-explanatory. they think her rebound romance with at wheelie was the smallest man who ever lived. so much to unpack in this double album of taylor treasures. ttpd streaming everywhere. that one hurts. >> janai: always chaotic. >> lara: i do have chills.
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>> whit: it will be on repeat in my house. months. buckle up. >> janai: you'll be loving every minute of it. >> whit: i will. thank you, lara. coming up here on gma later on, tennis star danielle collins of her decision to retire while she's having one of the best years of her career. and "unlocked" revealing the open door policy at an arkansas jail. the controversy this morning. - oh, dude. - that's okay. i'm not going to be able to make it to dick's this week. you can just click on oh, dicks dot... hi. welcome to wow, they're beautiful. let's go shopping. are you kidding me? i'm in ball heaven. i like you. look at all these cups. i really like you. i don't even live near water. whoa, these arrived so fast. i know, right? you're about to get posterized. i'm going to shatter that glass. come on, let's go. dicks dot- ( ♪ )
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge.
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and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions
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to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. >> whit: back now with the storm
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swirling around the most popular show on netflix, called unlocked a jail experiment. cameras are inside an arkansas detention facility, where the inmates are given unprecedented freedom, sparking controversy. steve osunsami has more on that story. steve, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. the producers got permission from the sheriff who runs the jail to bring in their cameras, but there are other county officials that feel this was a bad decision. >> man, come on. there we go. >> reporter: it's already hit number one on the streaming giant netflix, a series called unlocked a jail experiment where the viewers will get to see what happens -- >> wide open! freedom! >> reporter: -- when unit cells are unlocked at the facility in little rock, arkansas. >> no locks and no officers. >> let you all be a community. [ laughter ]
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>> detainees will have six weeks to prove they can act more like people than criminals. >> reporter: the series features this man pulaski county sheriff who agreed to the experiment and allowed producers to record it. he said according to his lawyers, he had every right to say yes because he controls the jail. >> i have control. i control who comes into the jail, who leaves the jail. i allow people to come in. i have allowed other organizations to come in and film. i'm in control of everything here. >> reporter: sheriff higgins is now being questioned by local officials about whether allowing all of this is good for their community. >> in the end helping somebody to be free and stay free. >> reporter: the sheriff said despite the trailers for the show, it is not really true that there were no officers present, saying they were assigned to entrances and were watching inmates on surveillance cameras around the clock. >> we are moving forward with what we're doing. we are trying to create a safer facility.
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we are trying to give them an opportunity to have a say. >> reporter: county judge and other leaders say they're taking frantic calls asking if prisoners are running free. >> what the heck? where did this come from? created quite a stir. i'm hearing from folks all over the county. >> wow. >> y'all in for the ride of your life now. >> reporter: the county government is now looking into the sheriff's deal with producers, demanding answers about how he approved the series and whether anyone was compensated. the sheriff explains a $60,000 check from the production company went straight to the county and he didn't keep it. >> that's what you will hear. did he check all the boxes, make all the phone calls? does he have names to say, yeah, they approved this? that's why we're doing this. to show people, show prisoners in a different light. lot of things send people to jail. the outside world knows nothing about the federal detention system and what it's like. maybe someone will learn something from it. >> reporter: local naacp and a
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number of church leaders support the sheriff saying that by allowing prisoners to somewhat govern themselves he's helping them become better people when they get out. but there are other voices who ask, what happens if there's a fight? how long will it take the guards to get to where they need? guys? >> janai: a lot of questions. a lot of opinions. thank you so much for that, steve. lot to digest there. still coming up later here on gma, savannah chrisley, and how she's handling raising her brother and niece while her parents are behind bars. up next we are live in the hottest, driest place in the country, but look at that. it's now in bloom. that's up next in our play of the day. oman) ugh, of course its loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good.
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my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) (tammy) i used to smoke, i thought it helped relieve my stress. but then i had open heart surgery. my tip is, find healthy ways to cope with stress, because open heart surgery, it's pretty stressful. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. ♪ there's a light ♪ ♪ a certain kind of light ♪ ♪ that always shines on me ♪ ♪ there's a way, everybody say ♪ ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody, to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪)
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>> janai: we are back now with our play of the day. i have been so excited for this. death valley is in bloom with fields of wildflowers. zoreen shaw is there, a flower of our own, bringing a little joy. good morning to you, zoreen. >> reporter: good morning, janai. the hills are alive out here. this is gold in california like you have probably never seen. there are flowers everywhere. when you are driving up here, it feels like you're on another planet. it is just so barren. then you see the sign that says welcome to death valley. seconds later, actually, a valley full of life. this morning the blooms are
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back. gorgeous fields of wild flowers taking over california. bright yellow daisies even popping up in death valley, the driest and hottest place in america. >> our visitors center, which normally sees on a busy weekend 2,000 plus people a day. we were seeing well over 3,000 people a day. >> reporter: the west coast storms leading to more than double the average rainfall, turning the normally dry and empty basin into a river that tourists kayaked through. >> water has been key to death valley just having this unusual and amazing year. >> reporter: the major showers now bringing april flowers. death valley's known for its rock, sand and super bloom like phenomenon that goes for miles. a lot of rain has caused the extended bloom. lot of people say they have never seen it before. the last significant one happened in 2016. park ranger nicole andler said this one is more of an extended
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bloom because of the length of time the flowers have been blossoming. >> the flowers started to bloom in november and just haven't stopped. normally that does not happen. >> reporter: tourists as far as the netherlands coming to see the valley, now in awe. did you expect to come to death valley and see so many flowers? >> it was the last place i expected so many flowers. >> reporter: and that is why this is the first spot they want to come see. there is just so much magic in how these flowers are repainting this entire desert. the smell is so incredible. beyond all that is just the wonder of how it makes you feel out here. i mean, look. this is one of the hottest, driest places on the entire planet. the reason, it literally has the word death in its name. to see so much life in an unexpected place, it just brings you so much joy and it gives you a little bit of hope for this world, guys? >> janai: what's it smell like? can you describe it?
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>> reporter: yeah, i mean, janai, it smells a little like lilacs, like roses almost. it is overwhelming. it's not just what it smells like, it's how much of it is here. it's overwhelming. just the amount of smell and how wonderful it smells out here, janai. >> janai: i had to ask. you said the smell. as long as it doesn't smell like death. i was making sure. flowers are beautiful. thank you for that. >> michael: smell-o-vision. we love your color coordinated top as well. thank you very much for that. coming up this music teacher is about to get the surprise of her life. she's our ray of sunshine. it doesn't matter what she smells like. [ laughter ] welcome to the wayborhood. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata.
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>> ginger: twin cities had their warmest winter on record. coming up we cannot wait to surprise an inspiring texas music teacher. she is our ray of sunshine. it's a great way to kick off your weekend. we got big surprises. your local news and weather are next. cuza thinks it's official partner. air canada. buy tickets at cirque du eyes me. >> brand new trip is what they see. it's time, it's time. it's on my teeth. brand new whip is
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what they see in my bag. >> like a bunch of groceries. all these cheese and greens just come to me. freedom. you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep. >> there's only one right now. during the jeep celebration event, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s4 by ea for 369. a month. don't miss this great offer. >> a small town, a church pastor is dead shot in the back. >> people were like, what the preacher's wife? >> there had to be a good reason. some speculated to pick up that shotgun and shoot her husband. >> 2020 tonight on abc always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to check in out the amanda for a look at traffic. >> hi, kumasi. we'll take you to the san mateo bridge. you can see it as slow moving because caltrans sweepers there moving through the right lane. now that it'll take you about 16 minutes to get from the toll plaza to
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foster city high. >> amanda will take you to the tam cam this morning. a live look. you can see we have sunshine above the low clouds this morning. a marine layer is back and that's going to lead to a cooler afternoon on the way. the warming today is slower than the days past. we're in the 50s right now. in most cities. we say hello to walnut creek, a mix of sun and clouds out there, partly sunny early on. then we get rid of that marine layer for brighter skies. this afternoon you're going to notice it is cooler than, say, yesterday or the day before. 50s along the coast, 60s around the bay shoreline 70s inland. so we'll go to a high of 63 in the city today, 67 in oakland, about 76. in san jose, 73 in napa, 75 in concord, kumasi thank you, drew, if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. >> everyone else, it is gma. >> it all starts with the chevy truck, chevy silverado with the turbo max engine and best in class standard torque and chevy silverado hd with up to 14
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of your favorite songs from today and yesterday. 96.5 co. it >> when you're hurting an accident, results matter at sweet james, our attorneys have participated in over 500 trials with a 98% winning record. we don't just win, we win the most there are plenty of personal injury firms, but we are one of the very few that deliver results like these. when your life has been impacted by an injury, there's only one firm to call sweet james. >> scratchers presents playful ways to scratch
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scratchers from the california lottery a little play can make your day. >> we just get hustled. there's no way they were 70. interesting it's both an electric and a gas car. yep. quite the paradox first ever lexus rx plug in hybrid electric for short trips. gas for long. it really is both get special offers on the 2024 rx 350. >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking overnight, israel retaliating for iran's attack. this morning concern about iran's response, an fears of a wider war. we're live in the region.
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>> janai: new real estate reality. with mortgage rates back above 7% and home sales down, how long could people be waiting on the sidelines? >> michael: tennis star danielle collins. >> danielle collins! >> michael: surging up the rankings, now the world's number 15 player retiring while she's playing the best tennis of her career. >> this is my personal choice. this is so much more to do than just tennis and my career. >> michael: why she's walking off the court now. >> whit: chrisleys in court. as a reality tv stars appeal their case, this morning their daughter savannah holding the family together. >> i think i motivate myself with replaying the image of my parents coming home. >> whit: why she's still hopeful for the future. >> janai: gray and glamorous. >> of all the hair colors i have ever tried, mine is my favorite.
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>> janai: a new generation of female influencers leaning into looking their age. how you can rock gray hair. ♪ i'm walking on sunshine whoa whoa ♪ >> whit: it's time to sing the praises of miss kay owens, beloved head choir director is our ray of sunshine, retiring after more than 40 years and inspiring former students. >> without her belief in me, i wouldn't have been able to accomplish all the things i did. >> whit: this morning we are in texas bringing her a pitch perfect surprise with the help of her students. they're saying -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. it is great to have you with us on this friday. we have a great ray of sunshine to take us into the weekend. want you to look at our hidden camera. >> janai: she has no idea that we are recording.
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that is ms. kay owens a choir director. listen to her choir. right outside dallas. she thinks this is just another morning with her class, very early morning, but we have so much in store. >> whit: they were hitting that note. >> janai: just like you were. >> whit: just like me, of course. she's inspired kids for more than 40 years. just down the hall, gio benitez is in the auditorium filled with her students including one of her former students one of our own, will ganns. you do not want to miss this surprise. >> michael: lot of people to show her some love, retiring after 40 years. going to start off with the top story breaking at 8, starting with breaking news overnight. israel responding to iran's attack. we're going back to matt gutman in tel aviv. good morning again, matt. >> reporter: michael, for a few hours overnight, there was news of those explosions, there was significant concern of all out war erupting between israel and iran. israel retaliating for that massive iranian missile salvo on
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saturday. secretary of state blinken saying the u.s. was not involved. iranian state media showing video of explosions near the central city there. there are military installations there as well as iran's nuclear sites. then state media quickly downplaying it, saying there was no casualties, no damage. iran not blaming israel directly, instead saying it was the work of infiltrators. as the israeli government doesn't seem to be prepared for reprisal. no new guidelines from homefront command for civilians ahead of a very busy holiday weekend. no official statement from israeli military or the government. it seems both sides now trying to deescalate. whit? >> whit: thank you very much. we turn to the latest on donald trump's criminal trial. a jury has been seated. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse in downtown manhattan with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit.
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the 12-person jury is set this morning. they are working to seat the alternates who could be important in this charged and perhaps lengthy case. number of perspective jurors skipped the questionnaire and said they couldn't be impartial. today the court will hear arguments over the scope of trump's testimony if he opts to take the witness stand. the defense wants to set limits but prosecutors want to be able to ask all sorts of things, including about his recent civil judgments that run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. opening statements the judge wants to begin monday in this historic and unprecedented case. janai? >> janai: we will see if that happens. thank you. now mortgage rates on the rise. with experts saying, unfortunately, they won't be coming down anytime soon. chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to break down the numbers and what it means for your pocketbook.
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could be good news for first time buyers? rebecca? >> rebecca: possibly. we'll get to that in just a minute. good morning. nice to see you. the average rate on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage crossed 7% at the start of this month. it keeps climbing, now 7.4%. that's the highest since last year. for some perspective, that rate was 5% just two years ago. to put this in real term, if you bought a $400,000 house in april, two years ago, the mortgage would have run you about $1,700 a month. at today's rate, it will run you 2,250. that is more than $500 a month. it's not a surprise that home purchases are sent lower, existing home sales down 4.3% in march. when people do buy, many are using cash. one in three homes sold were all cash buyers, as in no need for mortgage. this can squeeze first time home buyers. i do want to point out that this is the nice one. in addition to shopping around for the best mortgage rate there
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are down payment assistance programs especially for first time buyers. they are usually offered in the form of grants and loans. they can save you on the up front cost and mortgage cost so check out your city and county government programs. and then finally, rates probably will go down. wall street is betting they'll go down at some point later this year but not by as much as people would love to see them, guys. >> janai: seeing that how much more a month. wow. >> michael: we are all hoping they go down. thank you very much, rebecca. coming up in our gma morning menu, american tennis star danielle collins retiring at the peak of her career. the health issues behind her decision. >> whit: savannah chrisley on keeping her family together as her parents head back to court to appeal their fraud conviction. what's keeping her going? >> janai: plus going gray and looking great. how you can embrace your natural hair color.
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and lara is with lori bergamotto. >> lara: lori is busy collecting the best head phones, for working out, for kids. for noise cancellation, obviously. we'll have them all. you can't hear me? no, you can. she cannot hear me. they work. ion, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions.
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report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti.
8:10 am
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (man) that looks really high. ask your eczema specialist (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. target circle is free to join... and you get deals automatically? i love automatic! hey, wanna see a trick? sometimes i eat the barcode stickers!
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love my job! ♪ ♪ >> janai: we are back with our gma cover story. tennis star danielle collins, the 30-year-old is playing some of the best tennis of her life. yet she plans to retire. she said it's due in part at least to her battle with rheumatoid arthritis.
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and endometriosis. eva pilgrim spoke directly with her. good morning, eva. don't we love her? >> eva: i loved talking to her so much. she's been playing incredible tennis. she makes it look effortless. it has been anything but. what you can't see sometimes she's battling through incredible amounts of pain as she battles rheumatoid arthritis. now she's stepping away from the game, chasing her next dream, motherhood. [ cheers ] american tennis pro danielle collins is having quite the year. after securing the biggest win of her career in the miami open last month -- >> miami open singles champion danielle collins! >> reporter: the 30-year-old, who started the year ranked 71st is now the number 15th ranked player in the world.
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>> getting to that point where everything just clicks for you, that's where i'm at right now. it's nice that it's all coming together my last year competing. >> eva: lot of people have asked you about your decision to retire. it almost feel likes you're having to defend the decision that you made. >> this is my personal choice. and this is so much more to do with than just tennis and my career. >> eva: when you hear people ask you about that, i mean, what goes through your head? >> i have talked so much about my health issues over the course of my career. everyone is so supportive. i would like to feel their support in my decision in this next chapter. >> eva: in 2019 collins was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. she also mentioned she has endometriosis, having a cyst removed in 2021. >> those are two chronic inflammatory conditions. being a professional athlete is not an easy thing.
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i remember when i had my diagnosis with ra, at the time i thought, oh my gosh, is this the end of my career? for women specifically when you have endometriosis it can be more challenging. >> reporter: one third of women with endometriosis also experience infertility. i know people think of tennis as being a dream but is being a mom a dream as well? >> yeah, being a mom is one of my biggest dreams out side the court. when people ask about retirement, i say this is not something i can wait much longer. >> eva: while she says there's always a chance she could make a come back one day, for now she's looking forward to retirement. >> i feel like i have gotten to a place in my career i'm really happy with. i'm trying to go out with a bang, playing some of my tennis this last year. >> eva: she loves tennis, telling me it totally changed her life, allowing her to travel the world. she says she's going to miss the other women who have become dear friends. but this next chapter it's something, if you heard her say,
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she's always dreamed of. she's ready and excited for the change. michael? >> michael: we're excited for her, eva. great player. we wish her the best. for more on those medical conditions danielle collins is battling, let's bring in our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton. doc, both of these things, ra, endometriosis, how common are these conditions and how common is it to have both of these? >> the second part of your question, as i always tell people, you can have two things at the same time. not like you have to choose between one or the other. no one would want to choose either of these things. in terms of how common they are, endometriosis, by definition, thought to affect 10% of women. i think it's considerably higher. rheumatoid arthritis is much more common in women. they're both inflammatory conditions. we don't think there's a direct relationship between the two of them.
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when one person is dealing with two of these things, it's a lot. >> michael: they can go undiagnosed for long periods of time. what are some symptoms? >> both can have a significant delay in diagnosis. when you talk about rheumatoid arthritis, you have joint pain. you can have signs of swelling and stiffness, fatigue, maybe even a low grade fever. when you talk about endometriosis there's often a considerable delay in diagnosis. the symptoms can be vague, chronic, pelvic pain, heavy or irregular bleeding patterns. and eva mentioned in the tape, difficulty becoming pregnant. we make the diagnosis generally with surgery and that's why there can be such a delay. >> michael: before we go, share some big news yesterday. >> yeah. >> lara: we love you, jen! >> michael: i know. we love you, jen. that's right. the news is you're stepping away from your role here as chief health and medical correspondent. tell us what's next. >> not until july 1st.
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you have me until then. as you know, and as everyone knows, i'm board certified in ob/gyn and obesity medicine and nutrition. those are my medical professional compassions. i wanted to devote 100% of my bandwidth to launching this new company which is focused on information, content, community and symptom relief. it launched with a free news letter, ajenda, with a j. >> michael: love that. >> i have been having a lot of fun with it. i think there's a massive need for good women's health information and communication. people can go to join to follow other things i'll be doing. you guys are my family. i'll only be just a phone call away. i'm here with you until july 1st. >> michael: i saw danielle collins saying she's looking forward to her next chapter. you are smiling. i know you're looking forward to it as well. >> i am. >> michael: you know we love you here. you said the best thing, you said we can always pick up the phone and call.
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>> true. it's true. >> michael: you know we love you. >> love you, too. >> michael: if you want to come back, we're here. >> okay. >> michael: thank you so much for that. hey, ginger. >> ginger: so i don't have to get all my questions in in the next two months? >> michael: no. >> ginger: tampa, florida, waking up, looking forward to a day that could break record, or at least tie them. if they get to 90 they tie. if they go above it, they break. unseasonably warm for much of florida. not just today either. that sun's gonna stay up just north of most of the peninsula. look at west palm beach through sunday, could break a record. let's get a check now closer to
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>> whit: now to todd and julie chrisley. their case back in court today. their attorney is hoping to appeal their fraud conviction. this morning we are hearing from their daughter savannah who sat down with our juju chang ahead of the hearing. juju, good morning. >> good morning to you, whit. savannah chrisley is heading to an atlanta courtroom this morning to try to get her parents out of prison. she came as part of the reality show known for lavish spending and family drama. then her parents wound up behind bars for financial crimes. todd and julie chrisley caught the attention of millions through their namesake tv show. >> nothing about life is fair. >> projecting a squeaky clean image amidst a life of luxury. >> prada is better than gucci. >> gucci's better than prada. >> i don't even know what prada
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is. >> are you kidding me right now? >> reporter: but this morning they're facing a different reality. the chrisleys back in court seeking an appeal to say what they say were cower errors as they serve a 19 year prison sentence. for crimes of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy. what was it like to say good-bye? >> just watch them stand at their bedroom just hugging and kissing and not knowing, you know, at this point. you just hear 12 and 7. that's a long time to be away from someone. >> reporter: now, at 26, their daughter savannah, has been tasked with being the glue to hold the family together becoming the legal guardian to her teenage brother grayson and her niece chloe, who her parents were raising. was there ever any doubt that you would raise grayson and chloe? >> i think it was just an unspoken thing that we just knew. >> reporter: savannah said therapy has been key as they all adjust to a new normal. >> both kids are in therapy every week. unfortunately, they have to grow
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up a lot faster. i would rather help teach them what's going on in the right way than have the world interject and maybe teach them something that didn't factual. >> reporter: regardless of outcome, the chrisleys attorney alex little sees this morning's hearing as a small victory. >> it means the judge is taking this serious. they want to hear from both sides. they're digging into the record. >> reporter: amid the legal kay chaos, savannah holding out hope her family will soon be reunited. how do you keep going when it's really dark? how do you pull it together? >> yeah. >> reporter: how do you motivate yourself? >> i think i motivate myself with replaying the image of my parents coming home. >> reporter: now savannah is an unlikely 20 something raising a teen and tween alone. she's busier with her podcast and social media and hopes a new show about her family down the road would feature her parents getting an early release from prison. of course, we'll have much more with savannah tonight on nightline.
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guys? >> whit: absolutely. thank you very much. janai, over to you. >> janai: it is time now for the right stuff. you will want to listen up for what lori bergamotto has for us. head phones, whether you're working out, commuting to work or listening to your favorite song. lori b has all the options you need. i believe you need an option for each of these. let's get to it, lori. >> i'm finding out janai has an arsenal. >> janai: yeah. >> part of your wardrobe. >> janai: completely. >> we're going to start with these. these are no surprise. these are from bose. industry leader for quality audio, right? what we love about this particular pair is they have 11 levels of noise cancellation. i didn't even know that was a thing. >> janai: wow. as moms, we should know. >> exactly. we want to get to the 11th level, cancel it all out today. they have over 35,000 five star reviews. users love them for everything from podcasts to audio books to work from home.
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there's a lot of us are still on all of those online meetings. these are really great for that. the other thing i thought was really interesting is the voice pickup. that's like when you're talking to somebody important. they're like, i can't hear you. let me take off my head phones. this apparently has the crispest voice pickup. it's a great thing if you are a person who makes a lot of calls on the go. >> janai: i believe bose knows. >> you like that one. we talked about working out. before that, i want to say one thing about something you will see a lot when you're shopping for head phones. bone conduction. these are bone conduction head phones. what does that mean, right? the right stuff did a little research. what we found out most traditional head phones delivered air conduction. how we put the ear buds inside your ears. this delivers sound using the skull, using the bones of your skull. that's how it delivers sound. >> janai: what?
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>> if you plug your ears, put your fingers in your ears. and you still talk. you can hear yourself. >> janai: yes. >> that's bone conduction. >> janai: wow. >> you're still able to hear outside noise, right? the audio's a little bit different. you can still hear. especially a cochlear implant, that's the same kind of idea. >> janai: this education and learning is priceless. >> that said, this is why people love these for working out. no shock. these are bone conduction. open run. they don't go in your ear. they go around. people love them. they're sweat proof, waterproof. over 15,000 positive reviews. you can be really comfortable and not have them stuck in your ear, and you can hear for safety reasons. the outside world. yes. okay. but now sometimes you want a budget pick, maybe your weekend warrior. maybe you're shopping for a teen athlete.
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these are great because now these use regular air conduction sound. these are from jlab. they're $30 okay. but they have that ergonomic hook so they're not going to fall out while you're running. they're great to keep one at the gym. keep one in your car at that price. so many fun colors and they're sweatproof okay. and finally you have three kids. i have three kids. we can't forget about the little kids i know. yeah, we have six kids between us. so we need buddy phones. yes. and what's great about these, they are lightweight. you can take them on the go. they have that volume limiting capacity so they won't hurt their little eardrums. and it comes with a stackable audio jack. so you can plug four of these headphones into one device. so we'll need two for our six kids. but yes you can buy four of those have one device. everybody gets to enjoy. >> and they've got the stickers because what they like today, they won't like tomorrow. exactly >> so they can customize works out for everybody. >> thank you so much laurie. fantastic stuff here. so coming up our ray of sunshine. and no i'm not talking about geo. a wonderful surprise for an
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incredible music teacher just moments away. you don't want to miss it. stick around. >> gma monday k-pop sensation itzy performs live untouchable monday. it's itzy on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. >> the nba playoffs begin saturday at one on espn and abc. what would you do? >> i was thinking, i want to open up our marriage. >> have you heard a husband being asked to open up his marriage? i do not want another man in our marriage. >> hell, no. they got dinner and a show. what would you do sunday night? all new. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. and here is friday. traffic with amanda. hi, reggie. >> we're going to give you a live look from our south beach cam. and sure, things look to be moving pretty smoothly here, but just before treasure island, one
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lane is blocked because of a stalled vehicle. so keep that in mind. but traffic was already slow on this fan. drew, let's get to you. oh, no. we're going right back to you, reggie. >> mess up next. >> find your inner child in the totally talked out dodge hornet rt crossover right now. well qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2024 dodge hort business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. where you need them. that's wall
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to wall wi fi with xfinity. >> it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino. resort to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cash in at cache creek casino resort. >> find your inner child in the totally talked out dodge hornet rt crossover. for right now, well qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2024 dodge hornet rt for 189 a month >> hey bay area live with kelly marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with billy gardell from bob hearts abishola. plus pam greer stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you shortly.
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mount tam cam showing you once we get rid of the low level cloud cover in many cities this morning. sunshine does await us, but that does mean with that marine layer in place, the warming this morning is going to be a lot slower than the past couple of mornings. right now, most areas low to mid 50s for our starting temperatures. cloudy from our santa cruz camera right now we will find our marine layer breaking down for brighter conditions, but it is a cooler afternoon. noticeably cooler compared to yesterday. 63. in the city, 67 in oakland hit 76. in san jose, up to 74. in santa rosa. >> reggie thanks drew another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc seven here's gma. >> announcer: welcome back to >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: welcome back, everybody. this friday we are bringing you a ray of sunshine with a story from right outside dallas, texas. gio benitez and will ganns are there for us. good morning, fellas.
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>> hey, good morning, michael. there's a choir practice happening right behind us. we're at martin high school in arlington, texas. this is will's school. are you excited? i'm nervous for you. >> so good to be back. it's so wonderful coming back for such a good reason. to spotlight someone near an dear to my heart. not just my heart, 41 years worth of students. >> we're talking about kay owens. she is the choir director here. >> yes. >> should we surprise her? >> i haven't walked through these doors in a very long time. >> here we go. >> sorry to interrupt, everybody. >> hello, hello. >> miss owens, do you remember me? we are live right now on good morning america. >> hi. i'm gio. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> we have heard so much about you all morning long. we got a lot to show you here. guys, come with us. let's go. [ cheers ]
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here we go. i hear that you are just a legend here. you are a local celebrity here in arlington. >> i don't know about that. i'm just a choir director. >> not just. you inspired will. he's not the only one, right? let's see who else you've inspired here. [ cheers and applause ] all of these students waking up early to be here with you. how are you feeling? >> i can't believe it. >> oh. what's it like for you? she made such an impact in your life. >> what i would like everyone to know about mama o, as we call her, is that life hasn't always been easy for her. she's faced a lot of diversity. yes, this choir room, this auditorium, filled with so much love, so much joy. all the time. she didn't just teach us how to sing, she taught us how to be wonderful human beings. that's what i want the world to know about mama o. >> thank you. >> let's show america why you
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are gma's ray of sunshine. take a look. martin high school is singing the praises of beloved head choir director kay owens. >> she's incredible. that's really what it comes down to. >> she does this amazing cute little thing. whenever we do something right she goes ka. it's so funny. okay, we did everything right. >> you just walk in and go, ah. like all of the other stress of the day will kind of melt away. >> her greatest talent, seeing the best in her students and pushing them. >> i was in a slump. i wasn't sure if i wanted to pursue choir. miss owens told me, stay in one more year and you'll like it. so i agreed. that was one of the best decisions i ever made. i found a calling and now i want to pursue music education through choir. >> even abc's own will ganns
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credits his success partly to his favorite teacher who he calls mama o. >> there were times in high school where i think mama o saw that i liked being in the spotlight a little bit. that was like, i see you looking at the spotlight. get into it. she was one of the first adults in my life who celebrated what made me different instead of encouraging me to hide it. ♪ >> she was even a cheerleader for the founding members of grammy winning vocal group pentatonix, whose career took off right here at martin high. ♪ >> she created an environment that let us feel confident in what we were doing which gave us the push we needed. >> i feel like my self-esteem and confidence has always not been the strongest. without her belief in me i wouldn't have been able to accomplish all the things i did. >> those students are her children. she pours everything she has into making them better students
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not just through music. but for life. >> there are moments when you witness someone doing exactly what they were put on this earth to do. all of us have been so lucky and so blessed to have been in her orbit. >> sharing your talents so others can find theirs, you are our ray of sunshine. ♪ mama o love you forever near and far those go together ♪ ♪ we love you ms. owens ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> mama o. can i call you mama o? >> sure! >> what makes you so emotional watching this? >> just the fact that all these people would do this for me. i don't think of it.
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we're just rehearsing. but there are conversations that take place throughout the years. some that i can't share with you about their lives. it's not about music. it's about connecting with students and making them feel like they have a home, they have a safe place, they have a place to come to. lot of them are there every day, as they have for years. it's just about helping, hopefully, teaching them life lessons. this is a life lesson. this is something you need to do. be on time. [ laughter ] >> you gave him the right lessons. we are so proud of them and i know that you are, too. >> i am. >> mama o, i am not the only one who's been inspired by you. it was great to hear from pentatonix. it would be even cooler to hear from them, i don't know, live
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this morning? guys? ♪ i have got the eye of the tiger step into the fire i am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ [ cheers and applause ] grammy winners from pentatonix, they adore you. you guys, thank you so much for coming here. you landed three minutes ago. >> traffic. i had to run. [ laughter ] for ms. owens! >> i was early. [ laughter ] >> what kind of impact did she make on your life? >> the biggest impact ever. i feel like you prepared us so much in terms of training, work ethic, inspiring us to push ourselves and grow. we love you so much. we just love you so much and are so thankful for you an everything you did for us. >> i love all of you.
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>> aw. >> oh my gosh! >> scott, what about you? [ laughter ] >> i just realized. >> you have inspired us so much. pentatonix wouldn't exist without you and the passion for music that you instilled in us. the butterfly effect of what you've done touched a lot of lives. >> the butterfly thing. >> and i know pentatonix wants to surprise you with something. ray, come on out here. you're getting the vip tour of the new pentatonix tour. that's not all. we have a little bit more. i think the mayor of arlington, texas, is here. [ applause ] how are you? [ applause ] you have a special announcement right here. >> i do. for 41 years of blessing the students of arlington, texas, we hereby proclaim april 19, 2024
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as kay owens day. [ cheers and applause ] >> what a special day here. you know what, mama o? this is gma. you know that's not the only surprise. ray, why don't you come on out here. you and a friend are going on an eight day national geographic expedition cruise to the galapagos islands. you'll explore the islands and you can see the penguin, the sea lions and the endangered giant turtles. [ cheers and applause ] i see the shock on your face. what's going through your mind? >> i can't believe this! i can't believe this! oh my gosh. i can only take one person? [ laughter ] >> you're invited. let's go. this is so amazing. students, how do you feel? how much do you love mama o? [ cheers and applause ]
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and what about you? >> it's awesome to be back and celebrating someone who has meant so much to me. 41 years worth of students. you've changed lives. you made our lives so much better. we love you, mama o. love you. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> you broke them. such a beautiful day today in arlington, texas. mama o, such a pleasure to meet you. >> thank you. >> michael: how sweet was that? >> janai: amazing. >> lara: amazing. >> janai: gio and will, they're such emotional beings. it was so sweet. >> lara: see where will gets his sweetheart. from mama o. that was beautiful. >> michael: people are at home crying. she's given so much to that community. it's great to see her be
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recognized. >> lara: the impact she's had on those kids is just life changing. that was fantastic. >> michael: she deserves those things our ray of sunshine brought for her today. >> lara: enjoy the galapagos. >> michael: all right, everybody. coming up our gma buzz picks. we'll be right back.
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>> janai: we are back with our gma buzz pick. this week it's did i ever tell you.
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an unforgettable memoir about the power of love. here's genevive. >> good morning america. did i ever tell you is the story of how i continued to learn from and about my mother even though she passed away when i was 11. before she died my mom put together a box of gifts and letters for every one of my birthdays until i turn 30 and getting my driver's license, graduating high school, getting engaged, married and having my own child. she was determined to be more than a memory for me. i hope this will inspire you to say all the important things to the people you love right now. >> ginger: wow. "did i ever tell you" is available now. you can read along on gma book club. lot of ideas.
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>> lara: coming up expert tips on how to embrace your gray and look glamorous. that's coming up on good morning america. don't go anywhere. ing up comingd morning america." don't
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♪ ♪ >> lara: now our series older and bolder about living your best life after 50. as we age our hair and skin does change though. now lot of women are learning to embrace those changes instead of trying to hide them. take a look. >> i just think the gray ages you. >> no, you think the gray ages you. >> lara: a new generation of female celebrities and social media influencers are leaning into look their age. >> today i looked at myself and i went, yeah, yeah, you look
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your age. you look your age. so? so what's wrong with that? >> lara: perhaps the post pandemic perk discovery that gray can be glamorous. >> kind of inspired this gray hair rebrand that we are seeing now as younger and younger women are embracing their grays. >> reporter: jenny executive beauty director at allure, is 47 and on that journey herself. >> i didn't realize how much white i had in my hair. i kind of like it. i started really just instead of covering my gray just trying to blend the gray. >> lara: beauty and skin care companies like elle cosmetics are targeting women in their 50s and beyond with sleek ads show casing women in that age group. >> lines and wrinkles don't make people look old. they make people look authentic. >> lara: all right. we are going right to the experts now. we're going to talk more about how going gray could be glamorous.
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welcome to good morning america. i know it's your first time here. happy to have you. lot of my friends and i are talking about this. let's talk a little about going gray. what do you tell people whether they aren't sure if it's time to give gray a shot? >> i think the stigma is powerful for a woman to make the decision for themselves. as you see, i have my own self hair. >> lara: it's really beautiful. >> yeah. i made that decision myself. i have gotten so many compliments. this decision had to come internally. beauty has to be inside/out. >> lara: agree. agree. the stereotypes are changing. thankfully. gray doesn't mean granny. >> no. the old statement that people were always seeking color to look younger. >> lara: yeah. we've got two really strong gray tips and examples of some beautiful models. >> yes. >> lara: let's talk about the first one. when you decide to make the
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transition, you say first step is a new cut. we're going to look at celine who did just that. she is right now holding up a before photo. there is her hair before the cut. now let's see your new hair with this transformation. go for it. look at you. i mean, tell me about the cut and why you say it's so different. >> i think with celine, we had dialogue between us as a color expert and the stylist. her transition, she's okay to be long term rather than instant. >> lara: i see you've got sort of an ombre thing going. gray at the top and then your old color is on the bottom, i guess. >> yes. coloring is very emotional. i am here to advise them what is the best to help them embrace it? i always include a stylist on board to give us the hair cut while she's transitioning. she's okay. i think we're in a good position where she's like finally -- >> lara: growing it out and it looks like it's supposed to.
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>> yes, yes. >> lara: doesn't look like you forgot to color your roots. get a good cut. now our second model and talk about brook. she's already fully rocking her gray. >> yes. >> lara: gorgeous. >> so beautiful. >> lara: gray and gorgeous. what is the key to maintaining healthy gray hair? it does have a different texture. >> there's so many shades of gray. we have a beautiful model with brooke. i always advise people in this particular case to seek expert advice. there's so many shades of gray. you can always enhance it with different tones. >> lara: toner you mean? >> yes. i don't like to use the word toner. toner uses the color. i use the ballyage. i usually paint a little depth to give a little dimension. we can always enhance it to make it look salt and pepper or little bit more vibrant. it's just enhancing. overall i don't want her to look
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like, oh my god, she's got color. little bit more -- >> lara: natural. >> so natural. >> lara: really fun to talk about it. it's daunting, to say the least. >> yes, yes. >> lara: thank you so much for being here. lady, you are looking fabulous. you like your cut? >> i do. >> lara: the transition has been fun? >> it's been great. >> lara: i know it's a big decision. >> it's happening. >> lara: i love it. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> lara: we will be right back on gma.
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time.
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starting april 26th. >> tragedy in a small town. a church pastor is dead. >> shot in the back with a .12gage shotgun. >> people were like, what? preacher's wife? >> there had to be a good reason, some speculated, to pick up that shot gun and shoot her husband. >> mary appeared to have had a marriage made in heaven but behind closed doors it was a living hell. >> all new "20/20" on abc. >> michael: you can check out team in texas for that incredible ray of sunshine surprise. >> yeah. and jenny and i will see you tomorrow andrea veggio out there gma weekend. have a
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great weekend everybody. bye >> gma monday. k-pop sensation itzy performs live t lotus blossom on monday. it's itzy. bom bom bom body loving soul on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. >> next week. look who's waking up with gma. and you zendaya live. jerry seinfeld live jon bon jovi live selena gomez, steve martin, martin short. oh yeah, the biggest, brightest mornings are on good morning america. hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love? really love pop culture. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music. the first parents in america to be charged in a school shooting. >> this is about parents who directed their son, ignored his
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>> in all of san francisco, there's no place like wicked. so if you can't find me, look to the western sky. wicked. the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. only nbc nightly news calls it the most successful broadway show ever. visit broadway to get wicked. when the truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case, i called the barnes firm. >> it was the best call i could have made. >> call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. 808,000,007. >> there are trucks. and then there's the gmc sierra available with the connected driving experience and the world's first
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at fifth street. >> drew amanda, san jose. partly cloudy right now. it's going to be a beautiful day, but cooler than yesterday with a fair amount of cloud cover along the coast and around the bay shoreline to begin the day temperatures. right now we are in the 50s, and it will be a day where we'll break down the marine layer for sunshine in the afternoon, but that marine layer is going to help cause a cooler afternoon on the way. you see those temperatures several degrees cooler compared to yesterday. so 67 in oakland, 63 in the city, 76 in san jose, 73 in napa, up to 75 in concord. reggie thanks drew live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up next, we see you again on the air at 11 for f midday live. oh, look, deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, from the comedy bob hearts abishola, billy gardell. plus, legendary film star, the one and only, pam grier. also, your questions and comments


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