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tv   Nightline  ABC  April 20, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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city been shut down ♪ ♪ got my heart open wide but the city been shut down ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, chrisley knows best. >> prada is better than gucci. >> i don't know what prada is. >> are you kidding me? >> the high-flying reality show
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family fallen from grace. savannah in court today showing support. >> just fighting for my parents. >> the 26-year-old holding the family together as her parents try to appeal their fraud and tax evasion convictions. and the surprising new man by her side. >> a new data guy whose wife is charged with trying to kill him. sins of the parents. behind the scenes in the historic case against james and jennifer crumbley. the parents of the school shooter, ethan crumbley. and taylor swift. breaking the internet twice overnight with her brand-new double album, dropping 16 songs at midnight and 15 more just two hours later. >> taylor did it again! >> juju: fans losing their minds, deep diving into lyrics. ♪ trying to be the greatest in the league ♪ ♪ where's the trophy ♪ ♪ he just keeps running over to me ♪ >> juju: and the song everyone thinks is about the alchemy of
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boyfriend travis kelce. ♪ who are we to spark the alchemy ♪ (hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try new beggin' flavor stix. (hamlet) stix! pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. ♪
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>> juju: thanks for joining us. tonight, another day in court for reality star savannah chrisley, a daughter on a mission. her parents, todd and julie,
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were convicted for financial crimes. the clan known for their over-the-top spending and family melodrama now relegated to prison visits while pushing for appeal. at 26, savannah finds herself the unlikely matriarch of the family. savannah chrisley is doing everything she can to get her parents out of prison. >> how are you feeling going into this? >> feeling hovl, prayerful. that's all that we can do. >> juju: the reality show star arriving at the federal courthouse in atlanta today. her family and new boyfriend by her side to plead her parents' case. >> just fighting for my parents. it's what this is all about. and i'm just hopeful and prayerful that these judges have the hearts and the minds to see what's really going on. >> juju: savannah's parents are todd and julie chrisley, the once high-flying couple of "chrisley knows best."
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>> we're not perfect, but perfect should be something you should strive to be. >> juju: now serving stiff prison sentences after being convicted of multiple counts of defrauding banks and evading taxes. >> they're okay. they try to make the best of it, but it's rough. >> juju: during the 30-minute hearing, the family and their attorney argue for a new trial. >> the primary question of whether one of the witnesses testified falsely, whether the prosecution had any knowledge of that. >> it was a step to getting my parents home. i believe in law and order. i believe that we should have a system that holds people accountable. but i also believe that the government should be held accountable as well. >> juju: a former miss tennessee teen usa -- >> it's going to be an exciting year. please take your first walk. >> it's not a damn party, it's a car wash! >> juju: savannah came of age on reality tv as a precocious adolescent. >> turn the air on. >> emerge. >> i'm going to punch you in the
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face is what's going to happen. >> juju: at 26 trying to hold her family together, taking her siblings to visit their parents in prison. >> we switch off between mom and dad. >> juju: what are those visits like? >> we go, we sit, we laugh, we walk around. and we just try to have a little bit of normalcy. >> juju: savannah is now the legal guardian for her teenage brother, grayson, and 11-year-old niece, clohloe, who her parents were raising. >> i moved out at 17 -- >> juju: they all live together at her home in nashville, which she says she bought with her own reality show earnings. was there ever any doubt that you would raise grayson and chloe? >> i think it was an unspoken thing. we just knew. >> juju: what's life been like, carrying on without them? you've had to have holidays without them. >> that was the hardest part at
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christmas. you know. asking the kids, like any other parent, "what do you want for christmas?" they look at you and say, "i don't want anything, i can't have what i want." you're like, "got it." >> juju: you can't fill a hole in their heart. >> yeah, you can't. >> juju: through it all, savannah is staying grounds with the help of loved ones. after losing her former fiance in a motorcycle crash last year, she found new love in robert shiver, in court with her today. his former wife of 13 years stands charged of plotting to murder him in the bahamas. she pled not guilty and maintains her innocence. she's out on bail. your life seems so unreal in so many ways, right? >> exactly. >> juju: the way you grew up, what happened to your parents. then you date a guy whose wife is charged with trying to kill him. how do you talk to the young people in your life about that? >> i think, you know, for me, that is robert's situation. i never want to be the cause of
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his children's hurt, ever. so when it comes to their mother, they have a mother. and i hope that she can show up for them. and the legal course just has to run its course. >> juju: she reached out to him on social media after hearing about the alleged plot. >> is it true that you slipped into his dms? >> i did. i love me some social media, what can i say? when just his whole world kind of started changing -- i just reached out, "hey, i know how it feels to be in the public eye, not for what you want to be in the public eye for." >> juju: savannah has been in the public eye since 2014 when "chrisley knows best" debuted. it eventually became one of the usa network's most successful shows, running for ten seasons. >> you're going to really wash all that? >> you're going to wash your [ bleep ] drawers with your shirt -- >> i've never done laundry. >> divorce! >> juju: family drama, the
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lifeblood of the show. >> nothing about life is fair. >> juju: projecting a squeaky-clean image amidst a life of luxury. >> prada is better than gucci. >> gucci is better than prada. >> i don't know what prada is. >> are you kidding me right now? >> juju: then it came crashing down. 2019, todd and julie were indicted on 12 counts of bank and wire fraud, tax evasion, conspiracy. federal prosecutors saying the chrisleys have built an empire based on the lie that their wealth came from dedication and hard work, calling them career swindlers. they spent that money on luxury cars, designer clothes, real estate, and travel, and used new fraudulent loans to payba back d ones. as the reality stars were starting to shine, prosecutors say they failed to file or pay taxes from 2013 to 2016. >> we have been canceled. our show was canceled. everyone turned their backs. you really can't get much more
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canceled than that. >> juju: todd sounding defiant on an episode of his podcast "chrisley confessions." >> if anyone even knew truly what has gone on in our life, the things that have happened, how we still have to keep fighting, and then they want to sit and talk about, you know, go pay your taxes? dude, shut up. i've paid more taxes than you've ever earned. >> juju: in 2022, after a three-week trial, todd was sentenced to 12 years in prison, julie to seven. what do you say to folks who might think they deserve to serve time? hard time? >> yeah, we're not tough on tough crime. we're tough on white-collar crime. money means more than a human life at the place we're at right now. if you say someone stole $17 million, what if imprisoning them for $60,000 a year going to
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do? it's costing taxpayers even more money to imprison them and you're not getting any of the money back. i think for me, when people say they were you want to convict them, convict them on the truth. there was not sufficient evidence. >> juju: you are convinced they're not guilty? >> 100%. >> juju: alex little is family's attorney. what would you say, once todd and julie are convicted, they're guilty and should serve time? >> these not how how our system appeals. are people wrongfully convicted get out all the time. our system has flaws. part of our job is to show when flaws affect a conviction like this. >> juju: savannah's father serving time in florida, her mother behind bars at a federal medical center in kentucky. what was the like for them to say good-bye? >> tough watching them stand at their bedroom, just hugging and kissing and not knowing, and they left us all videos.
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>> juju: what was the message to you? >> "you can do this, you shouldn't have to, so proud of you." i think my dad's exact words were, "you are what every father wants for a daughter." >> reporter: their daughter relentlessly advocating on their behalf. >> i've got a whole thing right here. i'm just baffled, first off, at what i am about to say. >> juju: while in prison, todd and julie have complained about poor conditions behind bars. todd phoning news nation from confinement. >> it is so disgusting my filthy. the food, i'm not exaggerating, the food is dated. it's out of date. at minimum a year. >> juju: in a statement to abc news about the chrisleys' allegations, the bureau of prisons saying they do not comment on particular individuals but writing in part that the quality of food served
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is a priority and their mission is to provide healthy, nutritionally sound, and appetizing meals. >> all right, guys, we're back! >> juju: today, savannah continues to share the ups and downs. >> today was hard for me. i miss my mom and daddy so much. >> juju: pouring out her feelings alongside her teenage brother jay grayson in podcast "unlocked with savannah chrisley." >> what is the first thing you want to do together when your family can reunite? >> i don't normally get my hopes up. it makes me hope it's soon. it's probably not. so i don't think about it. >> juju: savannah has a third chrisley show in the works, a behind-the-scenes look at her life while her parents are still behind bars. do you think your parents will be involved in the reality show? >> i hope and pray that the show can capture mom and dad coming home. that is my hope, and i dream. i have to keep working as hard as i can work so that my parents are home before i get married,
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before i have a kid. i want thome home for those things. when we come back, t-swift dropping a double album and a dramatic video for "fortnight." ♪ fare a fortnight there we were forever running to you ♪ to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. apretude does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. practice safer sex to reduce your risk.
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♪ >> juju: welcome back. tonight, swifties gifted an edgy
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new video directed by the artist herself to go with last night's all-night binge of the double album. ♪ and for a fortnight there we were forever running to you ♪ >> juju: just dropping a few hours ago, taylor swift's much-anticipated music video, "fortnight," featuring post malone. ♪ i call you up saying tou touch touch ♪ >> oh my god, oh my god, oh my god -- >> juju: fans tortured no more after the release of her 11th album. ♪ you left your typewriter at my apartment ♪ ♪ straight from the tortured poets department ♪ >> juju: "the pore toured poets department" full of songs and heartbreak, perhaps taylor's most vulnerable album yet.
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♪ how much did you think i had in me ♪ >> juju: in true taylor fashion, after months of easter eggs featuring the number 2, like in her acceptance speech for best pop vocal album at this year's grammys. >> i want to say thank you to the fans by telling you a secret that i've been keeping from you for the last 2 years. >> juju: an extra 2:00 a.m. surprise, the singer releasing 15 more songs after the original midnight release. >> it's a double album. >> what? you're lying. >> read it now, read it now. >> pull it up, pull it up. no, no! yes! >> juju: calling ttpd a secret double album. >> this is so crazy. it's so -- good >> juju: the reaction swift. the new music exceeding swifties' wildest dreams.
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>> listening to it alone, in the car, at 1:00 a.m. -- >> juju: "rolling stone" calling it "wildly ambitious and gloriously chaotic." taylor celebrating both rounds of releases overnight, at midnight sharing, "once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it." at 2:00 a.m., "i'd written so much tortured poetry in the past two years and wanted to share it all with you." >> this was a really personal album. even by taylor swift standards. this album has to do with her relationship with herself and the growth that she's experienced in the past few years. >> juju: the superstar dropping a total of 31 songs, teaming up with regular collaborators jock entonoff and aaron desler, and bringing in star power like "florida" with florence welch of florence and the machine. ♪ florida can i use you up florida ♪
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>> even though she doesn't discuss exactly what her albums are about or her songs are about, anyone who's followed taylor swift pretty much knows this is a really big chapter of her life that she's closing. >> reporter: the album is her first since the end of her relationship with joe alwyn, heart break in full display in songs like, "so long, london." ♪ you swore you loved me where were the clues ♪ >> juju: it's not all tears for taylor. the songstress penning not so subtle lyrics about super bowl champ boyfriend travis kelce. ♪ trying to be the greatest in the league where's the trophy ♪ ♪ he just comes running over to me ♪ >> juju: shining bright in the song "the alchemy." taylor's hugely successful "the eras tour" picks back up next month. fans no doubt eagerly hoping to catch a glimpse of the power couple and hear one of these new tracks as a surprise song.
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a new era indeed. when we return, a first look at "sins of the parents," a behind-the-scenes documentary following the unprecedented trials of the parents of the convicted school shooter ethan crumbley. ut pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. apretude does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. practice safer sex to reduce your risk. don't take apretude if you're allergic to it or taking certain medicines, as they may interact. tell your doctor if you've had liver or kidney problems or mental health concerns. if you have a rash or other allergic reactions, stop apretude and get medical help right away. serious side effects include allergic reactions,
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liver problems, and depression. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions and headache. you must receive apretude as scheduled. ask your doctor about long-acting apretude. and prep without pills. save at (vo) purina is supporting more touch therapy dogs to make a and prep without pills. difference in the lives of more kids like me. purina cares here. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go.
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at exactly the same time. look at all that. we're all on the same page. (♪) hulu on disney+ is here. years for the november 2021 shooting that killed four students. the doc delves into the sorrow of those whose hearts were broken that day. here's one of their stories. >> first, i wanted to ask you if you could tell me your first and last name. >> steve st. julianna. father of one of the victims. >> how would you describe who you are right now? >> who am i right now? um -- i'm a fraction of who i
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used to be. this would be the easiest way to say it. this corner just has some of hanna's favorite things. stuffed animals and that, that we got for her. some of the bracelets. the girls' lacrosse team created these. >> this will eternally be up. because hanna loved christmas. and this is a tree that we decorated. last year right after thanksgiving, we put it up, yeah. >> before the shooting. >> i don't want to decorate a tree without her. i like it just the way it is. >> yeah, i mean, there's so many things that bring back memories. you just never know how hard one's going to hit you


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