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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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tonight, a major development in scott peterson's fight for a new trial, 20 years after he was convicted of murdering his wife, laci, and their unborn son. good
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evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. the la innocence project asked for new dna testing, but now the people are firing back. abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes obtained the court filing today and is here with the very latest on this. >> well, dan and amy. the original prosecutors in the case argue there's no need for a new dna testing that scott peterson's lies about his role in his wife's death make it unnecessary. prosecutors from stanislaus county who actually got scott peterson his murder conviction in 2004, argued in this motion filed yesterday that there was no need for additional dna testing. peterson filed a motion and had dna testing done in 2013, and again in 2019 that was equally fruitless, wrote the prosecutors. >> i think what the prosecution is saying here to the public and to the court is we got this right. scott peterson did have a fair trial, and nothing that can be done now is going to change the outcome of what that jury decided, because the evidence
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was so overwhelming as to his guilt. >> the prosecution spent much of the 337 page court filing outlining how peterson repeatedly lied about his involvement in the death of laci and their unborn child, connor, and how those lies outweigh the need for any additional dna testing. >> the prosecution has taken some hits during these hearings, suggesting that they hid the ball from the defense team during discovery. and what they're saying here is look at all of this evidence that was brought forward at the trial. there is no reasonable explanation for any other killer than scott peterson. >> the document describes how a friend who didn't know he was married set peterson up with amber frey, and when that friend learned peterson was married, she threatened to expose him. the next day, according to prosecutors, peterson bought the boat and began planning the murder. the document also shows a pair of pliers found on the boat, with the hair consistent
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with lacey's. the bodies of laci and conner were found in san francisco bay months later. after a strong april storm. the filing also says that before his arrest, peterson played a cat and mouse game with law enforcement changing his appearance. at the time of his arrest, he had $15,000 in cash. other people's ids and credit cards, multiple cell phones and outdoor equipment. still, steven clark believes that chances are the judge will order new dna testing. >> the fact that the court is having these hearings is very significant and i think says a lot that the innocence project got involved in this case in the first place. they believe there's a good faith reason to at least go back and look at this evidence to make sure that the jury got this right. >> the hearing on the dna issue is at the end of may, and that should give us a good indication whether peterson's attempt for a new trial has a chance. the prosecutors also argue that lacey's family deserves the right to have this case over.
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they say this new push by peterson is harassment. dan. wow. >> upsetting for sure. absolutely. >> just 20 years later, still going still going. yeah. >> all right. thank you dan. >> all right. if you have a story for dan and the i-team, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc7 slash i-team. we have new developments in the case of a deadly home depot robbery that claimed the life of a security guard last year. now, in a plea deal, the two people accused of killing blake mose have pleaded no contest. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with mo's mother, who says this is what the family wanted, guided by faith and compassion, lori mose now feels enormous relief. >> the biggest burden you could carry that dropped for me yesterday. >> ever since her son's death, she fought to get justice. but she didn't want the most severe punishment. she wanted a punishment that would allow her son's killers time to better themselves. >> i would like to see them work
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on themselves in jail and really find i find faith. it's really important to me right? find skills. do something with your time that is going to change your life and your children's lives. out here. >> this week, the attorneys for david guillory and benicia naps reached an agreement with the alameda county da's office. they pleaded no contest to killing blake while robbing a pleasanton home depot in april last year. blake worked as a security guard and tried to stop them. a confrontation broke out in knapp's, pulled out a gun and shot blake. guillory drove away with knapp's and their infant child in the car. the plea deal means lori will not spend more time in court fighting for her son's justice. she wanted to avoid a trial. they would clothe the mannequin in my son's clothes with all the blood, and then they would play by, play every single scene over and over of his murder. naps will serve 19 years to life in prison for second degree murder. guillory
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will serve seven years for child endangerment and accessory charges. both could have faced longer sentences, but with this agreement, lori and the mose family can move on. >> the joy that it brought us yesterday to walk into home depot to that crew and tell him they didn't have to testify, and the relief and the joy to text my family and say, guess what? it's done. >> god open. it fell at me. >> they can focus now about the good times they've spent with blake, his mom says this decision is one he would have wanted. >> he's smiling. he's so proud. >> ryan curry, abc seven news berkeley police say it's more important than ever for people to call them when they see crimes in progress, instead of trying to confront the suspects. >> more and more, they say the people who commit property crimes like car thefts are armed and ready for violence, the san francisco chronicle reports. berkeley's warning was issued during a recent meeting of the berkeley police accountability board. police cited two recent incidents in which car theft
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suspects fired shots. no one was hurt in either incident. >> in san jose, the city is hoping to crack down on crime by installing automated license plate readers. 500 are scheduled to be up and running by this summer. some are very excited about it, but as abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains, others are worried about privacy. >> residents in the plot arroyo neighborhood of east san jose love where they live, but they worry about their safety. >> we've had shootings, we've had murders, we've had, auto theft. we had tons of crime. so the quality of life issue that we need in the east valley, that's what this is helping us. this is helping us with. >> this is one of the 500 flock safety automated license plate readers being installed throughout san jose. it aims to make this neighborhood safer, just like other cameras have done across the city. >> our alpr network has helped our officers catch suspects with ghost guns, drugs stolen packages, outstanding warrants for rape and domestic violence, and even a group of teens
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responsible for 60 vehicle break ins. >> the cameras take a picture of the back of a car to identify the make, model, color and license plate characters. when a crime occurs, police use the cameras to search for these identifiers to solve the case. >> these cameras make a difference by helping to identify and apprehend suspects. curbing criminal activity, and providing crime victims with a feeling of closure and justice. >> the videos retained for 365 days. that's ten times longer than most cities that use flock cameras and privacy expert mike casler worries the longer a video is kept, the higher the risk. >> not only of the information being compromised, but for the ability of someone who has access to that to abuse it. >> and the fact is, we do not have good mechanisms of oversight, right. that would actually review the logs of who's accessed it and what for to determine whether or not there's abuse. >> sj pd acting chief paul joseph says the cameras are never used for immigration control or other non investigatory causes that would
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impact privacy. he says they're used to solve crimes and make the community feel safe, like here in plata arroyo. >> we're not afraid to go up and down alum rock avenue because our community has been fighting for these protections. and slowly but surely and financially, they've been coming in east san jose. >> dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> some retail stores in san francisco's tenderloin could soon have a curfew. mayor london breed proposed the idea today, aiming to crack down on illegal drug markets. the ordinance would require liquor stores, smoke shops and corner markets to close from midnight to 5 a.m. businesses in the area highlighted in red on this map would be affected. that's between o'farrell and mcallister and from polk to jones. they'll be fined $1,000 for every hour. they don't comply. some say when people gather outside certain tenderloin businesses that stay open late, there's trouble. >> open air drug markets, they will see open air, resale markets. and they're often coalescing around places that
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are open. >> if the board of supervisors passes the curfew, it would be in place for one year under a pilot program. and we want to make sure you get the full picture of public safety where you live. the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker gives you a wide range of statistics. you'll find it on the front page of abc seven >> the recount is in full swing in santa clara and san mateo counties for california's razor thin election in the congressional district 16 race, a machine recount began last week after election results showed evan low and joe simitian literally locked in a dead heat. vote for vote. the two are fighting for the spot to face off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november. the preliminary recount now shows simitian leading low by one vote, 30,451 to 30,400. even new results are expected after 6:00 tonight, but it's still that close. >> san francisco mayor london breed has kick started
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fundraising efforts to bring giant pandas to the city zoo. she posted this video on x today from her recent visit to shanghai wildlife park in china. mayor breed says money for the giant panda enclosures at the sf zoo will not come from taxpayer dollars. she also says zoo engineers are coordinating with those in beijing to get the design right. the pandas could be here as soon as next year. >> more to come on college campuses from coast to coast, pro-palestinian protests are taking root and turning confrontational. we're going to show you the scenes here in the bay area and across
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divest from companies with ties to israel. last night, pro-palestinian activists clashed with police at new york university officers arresting
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more than 130 people. today, barricades and plywood blocked off sections of the campus uptown. a campout by pro-palestinian students and supporters at columbia university entered its seventh day yesterday. the university canceled in-person learning for the remainder of the school year. the decision came after a rabbi urged jewish students to stay home, saying recent events there show authorities cannot guarantee their safety. demonstrations are also taking place at yale and mit to demonstrate were also held here in the bay area, including one at uc berkeley that grew with more students pitching tents. >> today at sproul plaza. >> abc7 news reporters were on the scene at the on the cal campus today with the very latest. >> it's called the free palestine camp sprouting up on the steps leading up to the administration building at sproul plaza at uc berkeley. 12 tents yesterday, and the camp is growing exponentially. free gaza messages are scrawled in chalk everywhere, and the center
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passage through sather gate also has a banner across it. this is all very organized. there's an area for encampment donations. there's a food area with hot coffee, and behind me at least 50 tents growing by the hour. we're standing here today because we're inspired by the students at columbia, who we consider to be the heart of the student movement. students take a look as they pass by on the way to class. some people definitely have complaints, but i think their cause is righteous. students, along with outsiders from the community, are demanding that uc berkeley divest itself from all investments and companies that make weaponry and do business with israel. they also want a cal internship program in israel to be shut down. they say the university has not reached out to them. over the last two months, there have been clashes with jewish student organizations on campus. what i anticipate is what happened at columbia, where they gave them a 24 hour notice of the charges, the student conduct charges they
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would receive. >> after that, they called in nypd. i expect the same to happen here, where the school will email us and or send a representative to the encampments directly, and if not, we'll send an ucpd and berkeley pd. >> the students say they are willing to risk expulsion and arrest. cal officials are hoping to keep things peaceful if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations, that will be one situation. >> if it becomes disruptive, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. so we're going to watch carefully classes wrap up next week, with final exams set for two weeks from now at uc berkeley. >> i'm leslie brinkly. abc seven news. >> more than 300 pro-palestinian activists staged a demonstration at stanford, according to the stanford daily. organizers labeled the event as a solidarity walkout yesterday to show support for the palestinian people and protesters at colleges nationwide. the group also called on stanford to divest from companies connected
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to israel and the war in gaza. earlier this month, stanford received an f in the anti-defamation league's first ever campus anti semitism report card >> cal poly humboldt will be shut down through tomorrow after police failed to remove dozens of pro-palestinian activists who took over an academic building last night. as you can see, protesters successfully pushed the police back, one man hitting officers with a plastic water bottle. officers responding with their batons. according to reports. at least three people have been arrested. the exact number of activists occupying the building is not known. >> coming up. you see it a gray day around the bay and a dramatic change in temperatures. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya pate will be here with the
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llyn near lake merritt. the other is in sunnyvale's heritage district. leaders there celebrated the grand opening today, meridian is a 90 unit complex including seven townhomes and a four story multifamily building. 25% of the units are set aside for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. >> to hear the stories, to talk to the families, to hear how we're making a difference in people's lives is the best part. you know, it's like creating that space, creating, you know, a livable, livable home for people of all needs and ages. that's what every city should be doing. >> the site was approved for redevelopment with significant community support in april of 2020. >> in oakland, leaders broke ground today on that housing development near lake merritt. the site is at east 12th street and second avenue. there will be 91 units featuring a mix of studio one, two and even three bedroom apartments. 25% are designated as permanent
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supportive housing for unhoused people and their families. the project also includes transit improvements, streets and sidewalks along the 10th street corridor will be upgraded and a new ac transit bus will be added, as well as a bike share station that will be installed near lake merritt. bart >> berkeley city college hosted a celebratory block party today to mark the school's 50th anniversary. the event was held between milvia street and shattuck avenue. faculty. staff students, and alumni enjoyed free tacos and live music during the party. celebration was immediately followed by the groundbreaking for berkeley city college's new west campus. >> we're going to have classrooms, art studios. there's going to be a rooftop patio that's going to be available for our campus community, as well as the larger community as well. and we have some administrative offices that will be put over there, but mainly 15 classrooms, 15 additional classrooms to better serve our students. >> funding for the new campus comes from the measure g bond
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initiative, approved by alameda county voters in 2018. >> okay, moving on to the weather. you saw the shift today. a little cloudier, a little cooler. >> there was a shift in my mood as well. >> santiago. oh, no. >> corresponding with the temperature. >> how long is this going to last? >> we'll try to stay away from mama because she's got a shift in her mood. no. i'm kidding. dan and ana. you know what? it was one of those days where you just wanted to crawl back into bed and stay there nice and warm and cozy. because when you look at these live pictures, you can pretty much see what we're dealing with. a lot of cloud cover. the marine layer is 3000ft deep. we've had some drizzle today and the clouds haven't budged. we don't have strong winds to clear this stuff out. it's a little breezy out there, but not strong enough to get it out of here. so here is live doppler seven. it's still pretty gray across many parts of the bay area. started off that way. area of low pressure off the california coast off the bay area coast has been keeping that south wind going, keeping the marine influence going even in places like santa rosa. so
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you're not seeing a whole lot of sun that is also providing the lift, along with the heating from the sun to provide those thunderstorms around the northern california and the sierra. so that's where we're pretty much going to see the action. temperatures compared to 24 hours ago, ten degrees cooler in livermore, concord. look at ukiah, 21 degrees cooler down seven. in san jose it is gusty 28 miles an hour at sfo, 21 in san jose a nice delta breeze going, but this is the kind of weather that doesn't really say april feels more like may gray, 50s and 60s right now on those temperatures. san rafael camera showing you a cloudy view tomorrow. another gray, drizzly morning thursday into early friday. we have a chance of some spotty showers, but i wouldn't change your plans if you have any and for the weekend it's going to be sunnier and milder days. so we do have nice weather coming your way. but in the meantime, if you like this pattern, you're in luck because the marine layer just surges inland again tomorrow morning starts off with drizzle tomorrow afternoon. i think we're going to see a few more sun breaks than we did today, but the
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temperatures are going to be still held down below average 40s and 50s tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon you're looking at highs in the 50s and 60s. another breezy one, partly to mostly cloudy. and then we're going to fast forward to thursday. this is when some spotty showers may show up in the afternoon hours between 12 and 230. so just have the umbrella handy early friday morning around 4 a.m. still could see a pop up shower or two. and that's it. we're going to brighten things up by 11 a.m. and hopefully lift the moods as well. we know exactly who we're talking about. rainfall estimates a few hundredths if we get anything right around san jose, san francisco over an inch up to our north, the accuweather seven day forecast does show morning clouds and drizzle, and then we're going to keep a chance of showers in for thursday and friday. you'll notice it's warmer low 70s to mid 70s. saturday. going into sunday and then even warmer on monday. so i think by then dan, i'll be in a good mood. our mood will improve. >> yes. >> love it. give me some sunshine. good. thanks. >> sandhya. >> well, the federal trade
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commission just issued a sweeping ban on worker non-compete clauses. the new rule would allow employees to work for rival companies without any restrictions from their former employers. the ftc says the sweeping change will help raise wages and increase competition among businesses. studies indicate that non-compete clauses often suppress wages, as employees can earn more by switching jobs. >> the east bay's newest baseball team showing off its talent, and it ended up costing them one
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a line outside lands. they include tyler, the creator, the killers and sturgill simpson. post malone will perform a special country set three day general admission tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. they're expected to go quickly. the eager beaver pre-sale tickets sold out in less than two hours. outside lands is scheduled for august ninth through 11th at golden gate park. >> the oakland ballers are sending out congratulations to pitcher danny kirwan. he's their first player to be signed by a major league organization. the boston red sox purchased kirwan's contract from the oakland team after the ballers posted this video. watch this now with him. over the weekend,
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one of kirwan's fastballs clocked in at 98 miles an hour. the ballers begin play later next month in the independent pioneer league 98 mile fastball. that'll get you hired. >> yes. all right, let's get to. we have a lot more coming up on at 530 on abc seven, bay area streaming tv. yeah. and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next. >> we'll sandhya patel all of us. we appreciate your time and we'll see you again in one hour. >> that's right. i'm ama daetz that's 6:00. half an hour. see you then
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tonight, several breaking stories. the donald trump trial, the major testimony today. the relationship between donald trump and "the national enquirer." how this all worked. campus protests turning violent tonight. students and riot police. the images coming in. and the vintage plane that


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