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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 24, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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right now on america this morning, the senate overnight approves a potential ban on tiktok. president biden set to sign it today. what happens next ? >> new concerns about the bird flu after traces of the virus
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are found in some samples of milk taken from grocery stores. it follows infections among dairy cows. the fda insisting the milk supply is safe. the message from experts. >> former president trump awaiting a decision from the judge in his hush money trial on whether he violated the gag order in the case, the punishment he could face as we learn of preparations by the secret service to find a place where trump could potentially be held. >> coyote encounters on the rise why more americans are running into coyotes and how you can protect your pets. >> noncompetes struck down the new move to make it easier to quit your job and go work for the competition. >> a cut above the two barbers who jumped into action to save a little girl, and later tourists behaving badly. >> the big city cutting off late night ice cream and pizza sales to get rowdy crowds under control. >> from abc news in new york. this is america, this morning.
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>> good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> amanda fujii in for rhiannon. >> we begin with the breaking news overnight from washington. the senate approving billions of dollars in funding for ukraine and israel. >> the foreign aid bill passed easily. the vote was 79 to 18. also included in the bill a potential ban on tiktok. lawmakers say the social media platform is a major national security risk. >> so what happens next? abc's em nguyen has details m good morning andrea good morning. >> the senate vote approving billions in foreign aid and potentially banning tiktok passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. but this morning, the clock begins ticking down for tiktok. after the senate last night passed a bill giving the social media platforms chinese parent company, an ultimatum sell the app or be banned in the u.s. >> tiktok is a major foreign threat. the bill we are passing today puts an end to that. >> lawmakers in both parties say tiktok poses a serious national
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security risk. they claim the chinese government could force tiktok's owner, bytedance, to hand over americans data or use the app to spread misinformation by promoting certain content. the platform is used by 170 million americans, some of whom make a living off the app. >> i'm happier than i have ever been, and it is because this app has opened the door for me to figure out how i can make a difference in the world. >> tiktok denies sharing data with china's government and says it stores data in the u.s, but senator mark warner says critics of the potential ban haven't seen all the evidence about the damage the app could do. >> at the end of the day, they've not seen what congress has seen. they've not been in the classified briefings that congress has held, which have delved into more deeply some of the threat posed by foreign control of tiktok. >> president biden is expected to sign the bill today. at that point, bytedance will have nine months to sell the platform. if they can't or won't sell. tiktok
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would not disappear from phones. americans would simply be unable to update or download the app. but bytedance is vowing to fight the ban in court, calling it a clear violation of the first amendment. the bill, passed last night, also includes $60 billion in aid for ukraine's war against russia. ukraine has suffered months of setbacks on the battlefield due to ammo and air defenses running low. also in the bill $26 billion to support israel along with humanitarian aid for gaza, where israel's war against hamas continues and could soon escalate in the city of rafah, the un is now calling for an investigation into mass graves uncovered at two hospitals in gaza, both previously raided by israeli troops. israel says the bodies were buried before the hospital raids. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell praised the foreign aid package, saying republicans have now turned the corner on the isolationist
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movement at andrew m. >> thank you. pro-palestinian demonstrations are spreading to more campuses across the country, with students and faculty clashing with police safety concerns are growing after people in the crowd at nyu threw bottles at officers. city officials say outside agitators are partly to blame. meanwhile, at columbia, after one week of tensions on campus, new progress overnight to break up an encampment of protesters, both sides now agreeing to continue talks for the next two days. >> we're not planning on packing up and going home. we are here because people in palestine are going through so much worse. we will take sacrifices and do whatever it takes to make sure that our voices are heard. >> student organizers overnight said columbia is not negotiating in good faith, so they walked away from the negotiating table. meanwhile, in california, protesters have occupied two buildings at cal poly humboldt. one protester hitting an officer with a water jug. >> now to growing concerns about the bird flu, with cases among dairy cattle, officials are now confirming fragments of the
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virus have been found in some milk samples. here's abc's leona lewis this morning, the fda insists the nation's milk supply is safe after fragments of the bird flu virus were found in some milk samples, the washington post reports. >> the fragments were found in samples taken from grocery stores in the u.s, but officials have not said where this may indicate that the outbreak among dairy cows is wider than what we thought. >> as of right now, this is not pose any threat for the individual, meaning fragments of a virus, if it's found in your milk, can actually cause disease. >> the fda says the commercial milk supply is safe, in part because of pasteurization, which heats milk to a specific temperature for a period of time , officials saying even if virus is detected in raw milk, pasteurization is generally expected to eliminate pathogens to a level that does not pose a risk to consumer health. in ohio, where it's believed the virus is coming from other states, infected cattle are removed from the production line
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that milk is not ending up in the milk supply. bird flu cases have been detected in cattle in at least eight states, from idaho to north carolina. in texas, a farm worker was infected, believed to be only the second human case ever in the u.s. as of right now, we don't have any cases of human to human transmission, but if a flu virus such as h5n1 mutates and it's able to spread from animals to humans, this could lead to more illness and potentially a flu outbreak for the everyday consumer who has milk in their coffee, has cereal for breakfast, is it safe to continue business as usual? >> i would recommend that anyone who is using milk on a daily basis uses pasteurized milk, and you are good to go again. >> the fda recommends that you do not consume raw milk or dairy products that have not been pasteurized. the agency says. more testing is underway, including in fertilized eggs. results are expected in the coming days or weeks. andrew.
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>> andrea, our thanks to lionel for that. spoiler alert now to former president trump's criminal trial in new york. both sides are waiting for a key ruling from the judge. today is a day off in the trump hush money trial, but a major decision looms large. the judge at any time could issue his ruling on whether trump violated the gag order in the case, with his recent social media posts and comments about certain people involved in the trial, one alleged violation trump's nine minute speech outside court monday, in which he railed against his former lawyer, michael cohen, a key witness for the prosecution. >> and when are they going to look at all the lies that cohen did in the last trial? he got caught lying in the last trial and then again yesterday morning saying this to our station, wpvi . well, michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> prosecutors at a hearing yesterday argued trump has willfully and blatantly violated the gag order. the defense claimed trump has merely been responding to political attacks.
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his lawyer also questioned whether trump's reposting of other people's attacks violates the gag order. the judge later responding. you're losing all credibility with the court. if trump is found in violation, he could face thousands in fines. jail is unlikely, but the secret service is now preparing for that long shot possibility, coordinating with officers to find a place where trump could be held. >> donald trump is not going to rikers island. he's not going to one of our local jail facilities. i mean, the worst case scenario is they would find probably an office for him in the building with a courthouses. >> meanwhile, as testimony resumed in court, national enquirer publisher david pecker laid out the so-called catch and kill agreement he made during the 2016 presidential campaign. pecker testifying, he met with michael cohen and trump and pledged to run flattering stories about trump and hit jobs on trump's opponents, including a false story claiming senator ted cruz's father was involved in the jfk assassination, which trump referenced on the campaign trail. >> what was he doing with lee harvey oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? it's
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horrible. >> pecker also offered to be the campaign's eyes and ears to alert cohen if he caught wind of any potentially damaging stories, pecker saying he told trump he tried to kill those stories so they'd never see the light of day. when he learned a former playboy model, karen mcdougal, was trying to sell her story about an affair with trump, which trump denies. pecker's company bought the rights to the story for $150,000. but to protect trump, pecker says he never published the story. pecker's due back on the stand when the trial resumes tomorrow, a dramatic scene on a highway in oregon. >> a one year old boy is safe after being rescued by police. they say he'd been abducted by his father, who was accused of two murders and was allegedly fleeing to mexico before dying by suicide. former school resource officer elias huizar allegedly killed his ex-wife in washington state. he was also accused of another murder, believed to be his girlfriend. he previously pleaded not guilty to a child rape charge, a bizarre sight in the nation's capital.
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>> this city bus was seen driving across a grassy field in the u.s. navy yard, officials say the bus was empty. they say the unusual exit was authorized because the bus was taking part in a nearby event. >> time now for your wednesday weather texas and the southern plains could see storms today, but we're not expecting anything too severe. things are expected to get severe in that region tomorrow. a large area will be under threat, especially from texas to kansas. the same system will reach into the midwest with damaging winds, hail and tornadoes. friday. checking today's highs. temperatures mostly 60s on the west coast, 40s around the great lakes and warm throughout the southeast. 82 in honolulu >> coming up, why millions of additional americans could soon get overtime pay. >> also ahead, the new push to allow teachers to carry guns in
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school. the state, now signing on to the idea and later going scorched earth, the flame throwing robot back on the market
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live on good morning america. >> we're back with the moment a small plane crash near fairbanks, alaska. video shows a flash of light and a plume of smoke coming from the world war two era plane. the flaming wreckage was seen moments later. two people were killed, and the ntsb will investigate. there's a new push to allow teachers to carry guns in school. >> another state is about to make the move. how many? amid protests and after a heated debate, lawmakers in tennessee have approved a bill allowing certain teachers to carry firearms in k through 12 schools. critics claim it will only make schools more dangerous. >> this amendment is to rename
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this bill the refusal to protect kids in schools act, because that's exactly what you all are doing. >> but one year after a gunman opened fire at the covenant school in nashville, killing six people, including three young students, supporters of arming teachers say it will make a potential school shooter think twice. >> this bill, it seeks to make the bar so high, but to allow the locals to have the ability to do that, that it would create a deterrent across our state. >> the bill will allow teachers to carry concealed handguns on a school campus if they meet certain requirements, including a background check, a psychological evaluation, and 40 hours of firearms training. also, the principal school district and local law enforcement would all have to sign off on arming school staffers with state approval. tennessee is set to become at least the 30th state to allow teachers to carry guns in some k through 12 schools, but a recent nationwide poll found 54% of teachers believe arming educators would make schools less safe, compared to just 20%
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who believe it would make schools safer. the tennessee bill now moves to the governor's desk, and he is expected to sign it. >> the federal government has banned non-compete agreements for workers. the move prevents companies from limiting an employee's ability to take a job with a competitor. the ftc says this will boost wages, but companies trying to protect trade secrets are expected to challenge the ban in court, and the biden administration has also finalized a rule that could make 4 million more americans eligible for overtime pay. beginning next year. employers will be required to pay overtime to salaried workers who make less than $59,000, the labor department says. too often, lower paid salary workers are doing the same job as their hourly counterparts for no additional pay. >> coming up, tesla in trouble. the cheaper car that could come to its rescue. >> also ahead speaking of rescue, the two barber shop rescue, the two barber shop workers who saved a i would describe my mom as... incredibly nurturing and encouraging. honest!
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truly my rock. she's hilarious. —cheeky. —cheeky? yeah, you think you're funny. i am funny. she really truly makes me feel loved. i love that they're true romantics, in spite of it all. (giggles) the most authentic and real person in the world. thanks, dyl. yeah! i am who i am because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads,
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more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your secret whole body deodorant .
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>> we're back with fire, forcing the evacuation of this pet hotel in new jersey. police rescued 46 dogs. crews ran in without breathing equipment to save the animals. no serious injuries were reported. >> tesla is speeding up its plan to roll out a more affordable electric vehicle, which is now expected to hit the road by early next year. elon musk did not disclose more details, but the revised timeline boosted tesla stock after the company reported its biggest revenue drop since 2012. >> plastic pollution is the subject of an international meeting in canada this week. negotiators, including from the u.s, are working on a first ever legally binding treaty on plastics use. meanwhile, an abc news investigation highlights the shortcomings of plastic bag recycling. we found most bags dropped off at target and walmart recycling centers ended up at landfills or incinerators, some in southeast asia. you can watch the full investigation on trashed the secret life of plastic exports, streaming on hulu. >> we turn now to a just in time
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rescue. two barbers just barely made the cut this morning. new video shows two barbers in connecticut jumping into action as a little girl runs toward a busy intersection. >> i couldn't just think about it. one of those moments i just didn't think. i mean, it went into that mode. >> as osvaldo lugo says, he and another barber spotted the girl running past their shop's window in east hartford. lugo says the girl slipped away from her mother at a nearby bus stop. the barber's dropped their scissors and caught up with her seconds before she reached that intersection. >> she rio. i was right in the middle of the haircut, so my reaction is like, oh my god, what just happened? >> lugo was able to find the girl's mom saying it was an emotional reunion. >> it was like a moment of silence, but a moment of we didn't have to speak because it was just one of those moments that we just in awe, like, oh my god, what just happened? lugo says the girl's mom was embarrassed, but grateful. >> grateful for sure. >> well, coming up, why proving you're not a robot is becoming harder and harder. >> also ahead, more americans
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running into coyotes i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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jovi live on. tell him jon good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. we begin with urban. >> a jogger recently captured video of a large coyote in new york's central park. it's likely the same one that's been spotted around the park for several years. experts say coyotes are adaptable animals, so they thrive in different environments . this one was spotted recently in philadelphia earlier this year, coyotes bit four people on separate occasions near las vegas. >> experts say small dogs and cats can be viewed as potential prey. >> people who have pets. i strongly advise you not to let your pets roam free outside of the safety of the home, have your pets on a leash, walk them, bring them inside.
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>> and dearborn, michigan police considered allowing an eight day hunt for coyotes but decided against it after public outcry. encounters are on the rise in many areas due to more development and coyote habitats. >> next, we know you're not a robot, but proving that is getting a lot harder. those tests you need to solve when logging into some websites or apps are becoming more challenging. >> often, they ask you to identify all the busses or all the red lights in a series of photos. but creators are making the prompts more difficult because the technology being used by hackers is quickly becoming more sophisticated. well, next, the controversial flame throwing dog is back. >> we told you about it last year. the robot shoots a stream of fire up to 30ft. the ohio based company that makes it insists it is legal. it was out of stock, but now it's back with a $9,400 price tag. the company suggests using it for wildfire control or prevention or to clear snow. next, another european city is looking to take drastic action to control rowdy tourists. >> milan is considering an after hours ban on ice cream and pizza
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. it would ban the sale of the popular foods after 12:30 a.m. to crack down on what they're calling overtourism. venice is already testing a tourist tax and finally, a contest unlike any other. >> it is called gull screeching. take a listen. pop pop pop pop pop pop >> scoring is based on the sound of the screech and how well you understand gull behavior. the contest was in belgium. a scientist from portugal took the title. do you think they title. do you think they practice or do they ju rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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morning's live protest doesn't disrupt university operations. that'll be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> happening now, ongoing student protests at universities across the country. while the demonstration at berkeley has remained relatively peaceful, tensions are rising on other campuses as police clash with students. >> we are doing so much work to support and uplift this community, and the day time has gotten much better.


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