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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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a second semifinal is tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now on america this morning. israel-hamas war protesters clashing with police on more college campuses from california to texas. dozens of arrests, a top lawmaker threatening to bring in the national guard and now a major deadline set for tonight. >> new indictments in the so-called fake elector scheme after the 2020 presidential election, the trump allies
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involved the former president, named as an unindicted coconspirator. plus, a big day for trump today at the supreme court. our expert weighs in on trump's immunity claim and the impact it. >> the airline industry now responding to new rules from the biden administration that would force the airlines to pay you back in cash if you face bad delays or cancellations, what could come next? >> new hope for the hostages. the parents of a young american held by hamas expressed relief and concern, seeing new video of their son after 201 days. their message this morning. >> the american tourist in the caribbean, now facing more than a decade in prison for what was found in his carry on, plus a life saving transplant like no other. >> the groundbreaking procedure that saved a dying grandmother and she's only in the third grade. >> but she and her violin are taking the world by storm
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>> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good thursday morning, everyone. i'm rhiannon ally, and i'm andrew dymburt. >> we begin with new unrest overnight at college campuses across the nation. >> crowds protesting the israel-hamas war clashed with police in texas and california. at least 93 people have been arrested at usc, and dozens more have been arrested at the university of texas. >> and today, a major deadline at another campus where these protests first escalated last week. more chaos on college campuses across the country. at the university of texas at austin, police clashing with pro-palestinian protesters. whoa. dozens arrested as officers used horses to disperse students. some nearly crashing into our reporter on the scene. what are you doing? what are you doing at the university of southern california? at tense
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moments as police confronted protesters after tearing down tents, officers in riot gear marching onto campus, surrounding and arresting protesters who refused to leave. protests also cropping up at brown and harvard, where students protesting the war in gaza are demanding the university divest from israel. precious blood at columbia, where this wave of israel-hamas war protests began last week, the clock is ticking down to tonight's deadline to end the protests on campus. >> myself, my peers, my colleagues, my friends. we're not going to stop. we're not going to rest. we will stand here until the university divests from israeli apartheid and their genocidal campaign in gaza. >> protests have been marred by anti-semitic hate speech and violence driven in some cases, officials say, by outside non-student agitators. one officer was assaulted with a water jug at cal poly humboldt in northern california. that school now closed through the weekend. house speaker mike johnson is threatening to pull federal funding for schools that
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don't create safe environments for jewish students. he visited columbia yesterday. we just can't allow this kind of hatred and anti-semitism to flourish on our campuses. >> they have chased down jewish students. they have mocked them in the reviled them. they have shouted racial epithets. >> johnson later speaking with our linsey davis. >> but for people who are just saying we simply don't like the way the palestinians are being treated and killed, that's a different conversation. >> have that conversation, have a debate. we believe in the free expression of ideas and the free marketplace of ideas. that is not what is happening here. they've encamped on the campus. they are threatening people with their lives, and they're preventing them from exercising their freedom. that's the limit. that's the line. >> johnson also suggested the national guard could be used, if needed, to break up the protests. the white house said it condemns anti-semitism, but said free speech on college campuses is important. >> the other big story this morning new indictments and a so-called fake elector scheme after the 2020 election, former president trump is named as an unindicted coconspirator. abc's
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em nguyen has the details on this am. good morning rhiannon. >> good morning. yeah. arizona is now the fourth state where allies of former president trump have been charged with trying to keep him in power. this morning, seven attorneys or aides affiliated with former president trump appear to be indicted in arizona over alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. in that state. they include rudy giuliani, mark meadows, attorney john eastman, and christina bobb. the republican national committee senior counsel for election integrity. the indictment makes references to those affiliated with trump but does not name them. arizona's attorney general says the names will be unredacted after each is served. the indictment. >> arizona's election was free and fair. the people of arizona elected president biden, unwilling to accept this fact. the defendants charged by the state grand jury allegedly schemed to prevent the lawful
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transfer of the presidency. >> the indictment does name 11 alleged fake electors accused of submitting a document to congress, falsely declaring that trump had won arizona. the charges include fraud, forgery and conspiracy. trump is named as unindicted coconspirator one in the case, which claims trump and his allies schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. see, the trump campaign calls the indictment another example of democrats weaponization of the legal system. trump was also named an unindicted coconspirator in michigan, where 16 republicans are charged with illegally trying to replace electoral votes for biden with electoral votes for trump. meanwhile, today, the supreme court hears arguments over whether trump can be prosecuted in his federal election interference case stemming from the january 6th riot. trump argues he has absolute immunity over criminal prosecution for any official acts as president on the
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that, just like with civil immunity, presidents need to be able to do their jobs without worrying about being sued. >> presidents need to be able to do their jobs without worrying about being indicted. and so he's raised this primarily in the january six case. >> the supreme court's decision could have implications on some of trump's other cases as well. >> what's at stake is, first of all, the various cases pending against donald trump in which he's raised the question of criminal immunity. that includes all three of those that are not gone to trial. the january 6th case, the mar-a-lago case, and the georgia case. because for all of those, for at least part of the time, he was president, while arguments are heard at the supreme court, former president trump will be in a new york courtroom for his hush money trial. >> former national enquirer publisher david pecker will be back on the stand. >> andrew m, thank you. house lawmakers in arizona have voted to repeal a near-total ban on
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abortions after three republicans crossed party lines to pass the bill. it now heads to the state senate. if the law, which dates all the way back to 1864, is repealed, arizona will revert to a 15 week abortion ban. meanwhile, the supreme court yesterday heard arguments on whether federal law can override state abortion bans if a woman's health is at risk. the justices appeared divided. a ruling is expected in june. >> now to your money in the airline industry responding to new rules from the biden administration that would force the airlines to pay you back in cash when you face bad delays or cancellations. here's abc's andrea fujii. >> this morning airlines are fighting back against new rules that will soon require them to refund passengers for certain flights that are canceled or delayed. the u.s. transportation department announced the new policy yesterday that will require airlines give automatic cash refunds within seven days. when a flight is canceled for any reason, delayed by more than three hours for domestic travel
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and more than six hours for international travel. or if the airline changes any of your airports, adds connections or downgrades your seat. >> i think for, you know, the average flier, it'd be really good beneficial holding the airlines more accountable under current regulations, the airlines decide how long a delay must last before triggering refunds. >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg says that era is over. >> this isn't just about enforcing when something goes wrong, it's making it less likely something would go wrong in the first place. >> but the trade group representing the airlines argues customer satisfaction and air travel are at an all time high and airfares are at an all time low when adjusted for inflation. they say refund complaints have fallen sharply since 2020, with $43 billion in refunds since then and they argue this new policy will add confusion for consumers, reduction in choice and a decline in competition, which historically drives up prices. the biden administration argues otherwise.
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>> this will build confidence in air travel at a time when airlines need to do more to secure passengers trust, and there are more ways to get a refund if your checked luggage isn't delivered within 12 hours. >> for your domestic travel or your wi-fi doesn't work on the flight. airlines have six months to comply with the new rules. rhiannon. andrew. >> andrea, thank you for that. a milestone today in baltimore, a new shipping channel is opening where the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge used to be. it will reopen the city's port to 80% of the vessel traffic it handled before last month's bridge collapse. the next challenge is freeing the cargo ship that hit the bridge by cutting 5000 tons of steel. >> time now for your thursday weather. this a freight train that derailed about 200 miles west of dallas, texas, during a storm. winds up to 60 miles an hour, blew the cars off the rails, but no one
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was hurt. more severe storms are expected across texas and into the plains tonight through friday, and a second system this weekend could bring damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes from texas to chicago. checking today's high temperatures 50s in the northeast and upper midwest, 70s and 80s in the south, 94 in south texas fight to lower the price of a popular weight loss drug. >> also ahead, a life saving transplant like no other. the groundbreaking procedure that just saved a dying grandmother, and later, the eight year old and her violin on the world stage after a long day...
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jeepers! ...nothing brings the family together... watching national geographic... ...on disney+. hello there! (♪)
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but first this morning he's on gma. plus jon bon jovi live on good morning america. >> seven mile final runway. whoa
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whoa whoa. pretty intense scene there. >> we're back now with a bumpy landing in los angeles. a lufthansa 747 bounced twice during what became an aborted landing at lax tuesday. the jumbo jet then circled the airport and touched down without incident a short time later. it's not clear what led to the hard landing. glad everyone is okay. >> the company that makes ozempic and wegovy is facing a senate investigation over what critics describe as outrageous prices. senator bernie sanders says the popular drugs, which are used to treat diabetes and obesity, are unaffordable for millions of americans. but they are dramatically cheaper in other countries. but drug makers say it's easy to oversimplify the complexities involved in pricing. >> doctors here in new york say a groundbreaking new surgery has saved the life of a dying grandmother and now she's speaking out. just weeks ago, 54 year old lisa pisano was gravely ill, suffering from heart failure and kidney disease. but today i got more energy.
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>> i feel, energized. i feel like i'm ready to go. >> the new jersey grandmother is being hailed as a pioneer after her doctors performed a combined heart pump and pig kidney transplant surgery. >> whenever you do that, when you combine things that are just on the cutting edge, you know, of the future, you just don't know how it's going to turn out. >> the combination surgery, a first. but lisa is not the first person to receive the revolutionary kidney transplant. she's the second. just last month, a 62 year old man in massachusetts with end stage kidney disease became the first person to receive a genetically edited pig kidney. and he's now home recovering both patients now providing hope for the more than 100,000 people in the u.s. waiting on a transplant list. >> no one will have to die waiting for someone else to die so they can be saved. >> i'm getting stronger and stronger every day. and it just
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feels the right thing that i did. >> doctors say lisa has no signs of organ rejection and they feel good about her long terme prognosis. >> love to hear it. yeah. coming up, the american tourist in the caribbean facing 12 years in prison for bullets found in his luggage. >> also ahead, new hope for the hostages. the parents of a young american held by hamas expressed relief and concern, seeing new video of their son after
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a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin.
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so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) over time. >> we're back with a caribbean vacation nightmare for an oklahoma father. airport security in turks and caicos found four hunting bullets in ryan watson's carry on bag. he says it was a mistake, but he now faces up to 12 years in prison. he's required to stay in turks and caicos until his next court hearing in june. >> stay strong. that is the message from the parents of an american hostage held by hamas, seen on video for the first time since october this morning, the
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world is now seeing hirsch, goldberg, pollan alive more than 200 days after the american israeli citizen was taken hostage during the october 7th attack, hirsch goldberg, pauline speaking in hebrew. hirsch's hair is shaved and he's missing part of his left arm. the 24 year old says, i am the son of jonathan and rachel. i was born in california and quote, mom, dad, libby, orly, i love you very much. i miss you very much. i think of you every day that i'm here. i need you to stay strong for me and not stop fighting. it's unclear when hamas recorded the video, which hirsch's parents gave abc news permission to show. >> hirsch was seen at the music festival in israel that came under attack, being pushed into this truck by hamas terrorists. >> his parents say hirsch was hiding in a shelter when militants threw grenades inside, severely wounding his arm just days after their son was taken captive last fall. hirsch's
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mother said this to david muir we are every person's nightmare >> that's who we are. anyone who's a parent, anyone who is a mother or has a mother can imagine what i'm going through. >> and now a mix of both relief and worry. >> seeing a video of hirsch today is overwhelming. we're relieved to see him alive, but we are also concerned about his health and well-being. >> the video of hirsch prompted protests to take to the streets in jerusalem last night, demanding the government do more to bring home the hostages. about 130 are still believed to be held by hamas. >> hirsch, if you can hear this, we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. and if you can hear us, we love you. stay strong, survive of talks for a potential hostage deal
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between israel and hamas have stalled a hamas official yesterday said the group will lay down its weapons if a two state solution is implemented. >> coming up, the insects prompting calls to 911 plus that the skateboarding stunt that is really out of this world. we'll really out of this world. we'll sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at
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detroit with the number one pick. the bears are expected to choose caleb williams, the quarterback who won the heisman at usc. jaden daniels, the quarterback at lsu, also won the heisman. he's expected to be chosen second by the commanders. he spoke to our will. reeve. >> do you have in your mind, in your heart, a team that you definitely want to go to? >> i mean, i kind of do. i can't i'm not going to disclose that, but kind of do. we'll see what happens, how it plays out. >> we will see tonight. more from daniels on good morning america as well. and watch the draft right here on abc. next. a violin prodigy, only eight years old. >> yes, she's eight and she's already played carnegie hall. that is ria kang. she is from new jersey. she just won a prestigious competition in europe. >> i love violin because i can touch people's hearts with the
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beauty of music. i really want to become a great violinist. >> well, she's well on her way. she touched our hearts. finally, a truly high flying stunt. >> this is skateboarder brandon hayward from la doing his thing on a ramp 8000ft in the sky over brazil. the ramp was suspended from a hot air balloon. he finished his trick by free falling back onto his board with falling back onto his board with a parachut when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. learn how abbvie since taking release, my sleep is way better.
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live >> now at five campus protest intensifying across the country, violence breaking out in some places as universities call law enforcement to crack down on demonstrations. >> and an emotional message. >> we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days, and if you can hear us, i am telling you, stay strong. survive. >> an emotional message from the parents of hirsch goldberg, poland. the berkeley native was taken hostage by hamas in october. the new video bringing both relief and


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