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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  May 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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introducing the best rated burger in fast food. my new smashed jack. a quarter pound smashed patty with perfectly imperfect edges, melty cheese and new boss sauce on a soft brioche bun. just one bite and you'll have a new favorite burger. try it today! welcome to jack in the box! when they get in a shootout with a person in san jose, one of those officers is in critical condition. we're live with what we're learning about the investigation, then trying to bring business and life back to san francisco. >> the first thursday block party, the city leaders believe could be key to unlocking our pre-pandemic past. >> and if you've ever wanted to see a robotic dog in a costume, that's what today is the day for you. >> what am i watching? >> the video that some on the internet are calling nightmare fuel boston dynamics.
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>> they're doing it again. why >> no no no no no. >> they want to make it a little more realistic for you. so >> okay i must see the story later. good tease. >> we've learned nothing from hollywood. >> they're trying to wear us down. meteorologist drew tomb is here with a look at your forecast. >> hey there this morning. it will be great out there. we have another day of warm sunshine. live look from our sutro tower camera. you have a little bit of a marine layer. you can see that in the form of some patchy cloud cover right now. but we will have bright skies throughout the day and temperatures above average once again. get you out the door. upper 40s to the mid 50s right now. so our typical chill is with us this morning. we will find sunny skies temperatures a few degrees cooler today compared to yesterday. but all in all, it's really going to be a nice day. your sun is up here in about ten minutes at 611. by the evening we will have those skies turning overcast as we see rain back in
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the forecast tomorrow. today though, we are totally dry, sunny and temperatures above average. but the storm impact scale is back here tomorrow morning. it is a level one light system. we're tracking for rain. some brief downpours up to an inch of rain is possible. amanda, we're going to go hour by hour in future weather. plan out your entire weekend coming up in about seven minutes. all right. >> and as you're waking up this morning, we've been tracking a developing story in the south bay. two police officers were shot while responding to a call in san jose late last night. it happened around 1030 on san ignacio avenue near burnell street. now the suspect was also hurt. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in san jose, and lena police gave us an update less than an hour ago. now >> yeah, amanda. that's right. less than an hour ago, we learned from police that one of the two officers that was shot during a disturbance call here in this neighborhood has already been treated and released from the hospital. they say the second officer injured in this shooting is still in the
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hospital this morning. he is considered to be in critical condition. police say officers were responding to a disturbance call in this neighborhood here off of san ignacio avenue and bernal road right around 1030 last night. while investigating that call, they say a male suspect shot at them, hitting two officers. we're told that's when officers returned fire. the suspect and both officers were taken to nearby hospitals overnight. san jose police officers were seen waiting inside of the ambulance entrance at regional medical center, with several patrol cars parked outside. we've learned from police the suspect is also considered to be in critical condition this morning. at this point, it's still not clear what prompted that initial disturbance call in the first place. police are also encouraging everyone this morning to stay away from this area here at san ignacio avenue, while they continue their investigation. live in san jose. lena howland, abc seven news. >> thank you. lena. this morning there's relative calm across the
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country after a week of tense and sometimes violent protests on college campuses, police are still moving in on these protesters in some locations in fact, less than three hours ago, nypd started to clear out this encampment at nyu. the university requested the assistance from the police department to break up what school officials are calling an illegal encampment. encampments at other universities are being dismantled after police moved in. gloria, we're learning that thousands of protesters have been arrested. >> yes. and, you know, last night was so different from what we've seen unfolding earlier this week. and that includes the scene yesterday morning at ucla, where 130 people were arrested after two nights of violent confrontations with police, according to new data compiled by the associated press. more than 2100 people have been arrested in pro-palestinian demonstrations nationwide since april 18th. while last night was much more calm, protests are still happening across the country. police say that they
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detained a driver in portland who briefly accelerated toward some protesters at portland state. demonstrators there started to form encampments on that campus yesterday. the nypd now says that one of its officers accidentally discharged their firearm during the takeover at columbia university on tuesday, but nobody was hurt. the bullet hit a wall, the white house says. second gentleman doug emhoff spoke with jewish students and hillel leaders about the claims of anti-semitism that they're seeing at various universities. president biden addressed the protests at campuses around the country, expressing his support while also condemning those infringing on the rights of others. >> we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent, the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their
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college education. >> and the president also took the time yesterday to condemn islamophobia, anti-semitism, and discrimination against arab americans. >> amanda, thank you so much, gloria. and we're learning more about an incident at the pro-palestinian encampment at the at uc berkeley. we told you about this yesterday morning. a fight started wednesday evening after someone grabbed an israeli flag out of the hands of a counter-protester people at the encampment say no one knows the man who did it, and his actions do not reflect their intentions. >> we have a long and storied history in california of student protests, and i support their right to protest, it's also so important for our college campuses to be safe places for everyone. >> members of the group, students supporting israel, say the man who had his flag stolen, his name ilan. they released a statement saying the act forcefully pulled ilan into the violent mob, where he was beaten by two men, punched in the back
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of the neck and in the face several times. the event was nothing short of short of terrifying and has definitely resulted in physical and mental distress. protesters say they don't plan to leave even when the semester ends. next week. you can follow our coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and nationwide on our website, abc seven >> at abc seven news, we take pride in our mission of building a better bay area. every day we celebrate the breakthroughs that are happening in our neighborhoods. one of those happened last night. san francisco hosted a first thursday block party. it's the first of many parties in the soma district scheduled for the first thursday of every month. city leaders and local business owners believe it will help the area get back to what it was like before the pandemic. residents say they like the energy this event brings and they see the vision. >> even if people are coming downtown for work, they leave as soon as it's done, so it's fun to actually have something nearby for like all the coworkers or friends to meet up and enjoy time together. a little slimline versions of them.
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>> the event includes live music , vendors and art from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. there are at least two more night markets coming up. bhangra and beats takes over downtown at battery street and clay street. that's next friday, may 10th. there are additional dates at that location in the fall, and the city is also planning another sunset night market to be held this summer. and that's not all. before last night's i want you to tell me about it because. because the camera is on you. >> before last night's first thursdays event, more than 200 employees from five of san francisco's biggest companies downtown helped volunteer to clean up nearby streets. several months ago, executives from gap, levi's, visa, wells fargo and chase formed a coalition to revitalize the city. now they're seeing their work in action. >> this is our home, and people take care of their homes. and so we want to ensure that the neighborhoods that our employees are living and working in, the places where people are coming and visiting, are, are gleaming. >> with all that said, we are still seeing the cities struggle to get workers to return downtown. according to early data from real estate brokerage cbre, the city's office vacancy
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rate recently set a record high at more than 36. >> san francisco's how weird a street fair is being postponed because of the rain. we're expected to get tomorrow. the annual event that includes music, costumes and all sorts of characters was scheduled to happen tomorrow. the theme would have been star weird day. may the 4th be with you because tomorrow is may 4th, so that's disappointing. well, according to the how weird eventbrite listing, people are entitled to a refund if the event is postponed. organizers have not yet announced what that refund process will look like. if you have plans to go to richmond and san pablo's popular cinco de mayo event, this weekend, that event is being postponed. the cinco de mayo peace and unity parade is also being pushed back until september because of the rain. tomorrow >> and let's talk about that incoming storm. here's live doppler seven along with satellite today. no problem with any wet weather. we stay sunny. we stay above average when it comes to our temperatures, but
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satellite clearly showing you what's on the horizon. we have this cold front that will move through here tomorrow morning, and that will bring a return of the wet weather. but the entire weekend is not a washout. let's plan today though. region by region. you can see we're in and out of the clouds along the coast today. we'll stay in the 50s for daytime highs, a little cooler around the bay shoreline in the upper 60s compared to yesterday, and inland will be in the 70s for daytime highs. now friday night plans. you're good to go. you'll just notice an increase in cloud cover ahead of that cold front tomorrow. but we are dry through the evening. but tomorrow it's a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale, anywhere from a half of an inch to an inch of rain is expected. so looking at your saturday timeline, we're focused on a six hour window from 6 a.m. to noon tomorrow. that six hour window is when we'll likely see the bulk of our rain as that front moves through. after about 12 p.m, the rain chances really drop off. the sunshine actually
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comes back out tomorrow afternoon. that leads to a totally dry sunday. reggie will show you the complete weekend forecast in eight minutes. >> thanks for coming up. the popular restaurant that's closing its location at san francisco's ferry building. then investigators think the fire at a well-known barbecue joint in the east bay was intense. finally set and a young girl's arm stuck in the elevator, her family frantically trying to free her. now, a building
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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is being offered to help find the people who robbed a postal worker in oakland. it's the latest in a concerning trend of postal worker robberies in the bay area. this went down yesterday afternoon. you can see the postal worker exiting a building on euclid avenue in the adams point neighborhood. that's when a person appears and robs the worker. post office officials say at least two people were involved in this robbery. no one's been arrested. and new developments on the fire that destroyed the ultra popular horn barbecue in oakland. investigators say they are treating the case as arson. the fire department believes evidence found at the scene indicates the fire was intentionally set. they say the investigation is ongoing, as is the search for suspects. the barbecue spot on mandela parkway closed after the fire in november. last week, horn's owners reopened in a shared space with their other restaurant on eighth street. the city of san jose getting ready for the cinco de mayo celebrations on sunday last year , police closed streets and freeway exits, making it
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difficult to access and a move to mend a bond with the community. sapd will be participating in this year's lowrider parade. traffic will be rerouted in some areas to avoid congestion, but there will not be extensive freeway ramp closures like last year. the official cinco de mayo lowrider parade is back for its second year since the city lifted a ban on cruising before the ban. >> after the ban, we've always wanted people to come down here, but to celebrate and do so safely, so as we've seen in years past, we've had an increase in sideshow activity in some of our parking lots and some of our streets. and as we have in years past, we will employ a zero tolerance on any type of criminal behavior. we will have additional resources out on the streets. >> police will also focus enforcement on alcohol related incidents. the parade starts at 9 a.m, followed by a festival at plaza de cesar chavez and the lowrider parade will ride down king street at ten san jose state engineering students are showing off cars they created from scratch. spartan racing creates brand new, fully electric formula c and baja
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style vehicles with the goal of competing against other universities from organizing the program, welding, driving and racing. the entire thing is 100% student run. >> it's unlike anything else you get to do in college, and that's kind of the value of c and baja and formula like is you're really getting these real world experiences. and that's why the rest of industry finds these programs so valuable. and that's why we find them so valuable as well. >> you can see the cars up close this weekend. the team will have both cars on display this sunday at the candy store showroom in burlingame. >> engineers are trying to make robot dogs more lifelike with a fur costume, eyes and a wagging tail dynamics, and they recently revealed a blue costume for one of its robotic dog models, known as spot. the video came out on international dance day, which is why they're dancing. the
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company says they created the costume for spot to explore robotics, art and entertainment. i've never wanted something to be fake more in my life, and it looks like i so i'm just in my mind tricking myself into believing that this is all animation. >> i'm also dying with like the skinny legs the first all the way down. >> yeah. why isn't it the why are they. you know why? >> because that's what they do. like they want it to look really cute, and then they want us to be complete. they want to remind us of how frightening it is. >> consistent reminder. >> right? >> yeah. so they cover the legs and it would all look really cute. >> that's true. >> yeah. you want to be like, nope. >> robot that will kill you. >> oh, geez. i don't know about that. i don't only dance in my mind, but you know what? i read somewhere? that spa, the original one. not the one without the fur. with the fur, it sold for $75,000 in 2020. >> oh, i actually thought it would be more than that. >> really? i thought that's actually. and that's without, like, the loading dock and all of that. wow. yeah
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>> well, 75 k to annihilate you. i mean, you know. >> how do you think your life is worth. that's right. >> let's go to the exploratorium. >> camera annihilate you. okay, so, we do have a nice forecast on the way today. we will see warm sunshine continuing on the accuweather headlines, but tomorrow we have to bring back the storm impact scale. it's wet, it's windy. it is a lot colder. we're going to see about a 20 degree temperature drop. and our daytime highs today compared to tomorrow. but sunday sunshine is back. so the weekend is not a complete washout. today we'll find that warm sunshine again. temperatures above average. that sun is rising as we speak. it won't set until 803 this evening. overnight tonight it is chilly, 30s and 40s, with that rain arriving after midnight in the north bay on the abc seven storm impact scale, a level one saturday morning. we're really focusing on a time period between 6 a.m. and noon for the bulk of the rain that
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that front moves through. so here's future weather tomorrow morning. this is 530. the rain arrives first in the north bay by about 8:39 a.m. we have a line of steadier showers indicated by the yellow and orange on future weather moving through, and then by noon, the rain is really focused in the south bay and the east bay. then after lunchtime, sunshine breaks out. in the afternoon we start to see our skies dry out and sunday is totally dry. so rainfall totals with this storm system we'll see about a month's worth of rain in this one system. for may. may we do get showers, and we typically get about a half of an inch to an inch across the entire month. and that's what we're likely looking at tomorrow morning looking at the weekend forecast. anything outside that you had planned tomorrow, if you can move it to sunday, you'll be in much better shape. but both days temperatures are below average. snow is coming to the sierras. we do have a winter weather advisory starting at 11 a.m. tomorrow, 4 to 8in above 5000ft, with our highest peaks seeing a foot of new snow. here's the
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accuweather seven day forecast. sunny today, wet, windy and colder tomorrow, but the sun is right back with us on sunday and then next week temperatures take off by wednesday and especially thursday. widespread 70s and 80s are back guys. >> wow. okay looking forward to that. thanks drew. good morning. america's coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> sam champion has a look at what's ahead. >> good morning america. and coming up we're following the latest on the severe weather striking texas with a reported tornado touching down overnight. while millions deal with a flooding emergency. we are there live. plus our abc news exclusive with the american father facing more than a decade behind bars for bringing ammunition on vacation to turks and caicos and we rise and shine in cleveland with the dogs that are putting smiles on children's faces. and we're live in dallas with three big superfan ticket surprises. that's coming up right here on greg gerstner will finally land the perfect cannonball. unsuspecting friends...
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check. epic water displacement... big check. a work of art that's only possible because greg is already meeting all these same people at aarp volunteer and community events. they'll keep greg active, involved and mischievous. and help make sure his happiness lives as long as he does. that's why the younger you are, the more you need aarp. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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of elevators after a little girl's arm got trapped. you can see this really scary incident play out right here on surveillance video. one mother and her three kids were heading out when five year old zoe put her hand in the elevator door. that's when the door opened and her arm got stuck into the tiny
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space between the door and the elevator wall. >> me and my friend jen grabbed the elevator so it wouldn't pull her in more, and my friend nicole was with her down there trying to figure out how to get her arm out. >> oh my goodness. so frightening. now a neighbor passing by handed them a bottle of lotion to help set zoe's arm free. she was stuck for three minutes but needed to get 20 stitches on her wrist and now has a large scar. her family is suing the building's owner and the elevator company, claiming negligence. a highly praised vietnamese restaurant is closing its location at san francisco's ferry building. according to the chronicle, the slanted door is shutting down after 15 years. the restaurant was initially supposed to undergo renovations after temporarily closing during the pandemic. however, restaurant owners say the cost to remodel the long inactive building was too expensive. the owners recently opened another slanted door location in napa in an awesome moment for giant star
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mike yastrzemski. he hit a home run at boston's fenway park, where his famous grandfather played for 23 years. his grandfather is hall of famer and baseball legend carl yastrzemski. mike's home run landed not far from where carl's retired number hangs at the stadium. mike said he got to visit with his 84 year old grandfather before yesterday's game, and his only other visit to fenway. mike, also on, homered five years ago. now the giants won the game and start a series in philadelphia this afternoon. two california wine companies have developed paper wine packaging, and it's not a box. the monterey wine company and our bonny doon vineyard partnered to create a paper wine bottle. company representatives claim the packaging has a six times lower carbon footprint than an average glass of glass wine bottle. the cardboard is completely sustainable. made out of 100% recycled material, the lightweight out of the bottles
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can also positively impact the shipping process, and that changes the amount of truck space you need. >> it changes the load weights when you're dealing with your employees and your forklifts. >> bonny doon vineyards pink rose bottle pink rosé bottles, i should say, are now available at whole foods stores nationwide. next at 630. revitalizing san francisco. the new idea being introduced this morning to get people back downtown. then she was a stanford legend and a decorated olympian with seven gold medals. now katie ledecky is getting another h
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officers shot overnight, one in critical condition. this morning. we are live on the scene trying to learn what led up to the violence and a live look outside where it is dry now , but that won't be the case for at least saturday. >> drew is following some rain that will register as a level one on our exclusive storm impact scale. >> then they're coming back. the bay bridge lights only now twice as many leds when you can see the finished product. tomorrow's going to be one of those days where it's going to be like.
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>> yeah. you kind of have a split weekend and that's it and that's it. >> you just look at the rain outside the window and you know what i mean. >> it's only the rain. it's just going to be so much colder because we're so used to the warm weather. so it's great. >> and the cold. yeah. >> sorry. it's a12 punch but you'll get a good sunday on the way. let's talk about today. here's a live look outside from the exploratorium camera. we do have sunshine out there this morning. we will find temperatures beginning mainly in the low to mid 50s. that jacket. you need it right now, but this afternoon you can get rid of it because we'll break down the forecast inland. today you'll find those temperatures back into the 70s with a lot of sunshine around the bay shoreline today is a little bit cooler than yesterday. upper 60s to near 70 degrees and along the coast will be in and out of the clouds throughout the afternoon, and we'll find temperatures mainly in the 50s. highs today we're still above average in most spots. that sun is up already. that sun set today is coming at 803 this evening we'll hit 70 in oakland, 75 in san jose, a 64 degree high in the
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city is exactly where we should be for this time of the year. 76 in napa. but tomorrow morning we do bring in the abc seven storm impact scale for a level one light storm. that'll bring some brief downpours and up to an inch of rain. but the entire weekend is not a washout. so we'll show you the rain, amanda, and show you a drier sunday coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right. thanks so much. drew. developing right now, a san jose police officer is in critical condition this morning after being shot while responding to a call. a second officer and a man were also hurt. abc seven news reporter lena howland has been in san jose all morning long and joins us with what we know right now. lena >> amanda. earlier this morning, we learned from san jose police that one of the two officers that was shot during a disturbance call here in this neighborhood overnight has already been treated and released from the hospital. police also tell us that the second officer injured in the shooting is still in the hospital this morning. he is considered to be in critical condition. police say officers
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were responding to a disturbance call in this neighborhood off of san ignacio avenue and bernal road right around 1030 last night. while investigating that call. they say a male suspect shot at them, hitting two officers. we're told that's when officers returned fire. the suspect and both officers were taken to nearby hospitals overnight. san jose police officers were seen waiting inside of the ambulance entrance at regional medical center, with several patrol cars parked outside. we have learned from the police. the suspect is also considered to be in critical condition. this morning. at this point, it's still not clear what prompted that initial disturbance call in the first place. police also have several roads shut down in the area of san ignacio avenue this morning, so they are asking the public to avoid this area if possible for now. reporting live in san jose, lena howland abc seven news thank you, lena protests at college campuses are a little more calm this morning, but it's
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been a busy few weeks. >> of course, across the country so far, authorities have arrested more than 2100 protesters, and yesterday the president addressed the chaos on campus. >> abc news reporter perry russom joins us live from washington. good morning. perry >> good morning guys. president biden talked about this yesterday for the first time in ten days. he says peaceful protest is protected here in the u.s, not violent protest. you're under arrest at portland state university in oregon. students charging at officers using cut up trash cans as shields. these are some of the latest arrests on college campuses across the country. >> free free free palestine. >> tension between protesters and police has been building in recent days, as more than 2100 people have now been arrested on campuses coast to coast. yesterday at ucla, an encampment dismantled after a violent night between pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters. swat called in to clear the crowd yesterday. president biden,
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addressing the demonstrations for the first time. >> there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. none of this is a peaceful protest. >> biden says. the protests have not forced him to reconsider any of his policies in the middle east, former president trump is calling on college presidents to remove the encampments, vanquished the radicals and take back our campuses. >> for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn, palestine will be free. >> the demonstrations are now being replicated on college campuses overseas, including here in sydney, australia. >> i wish, solidarity to all of the fellow student activists who've been involved in this fight world over. >> and then back here at home, police in new york say nearly 300 people were arrested at columbia and city college. half of them were not affiliated with the schools. reggie and amanda, back to you, perry.
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>> thank you. an update from usc this morning about graduation plans after the university canceled its main stage commencement commencement ceremony because of the protests. gloria, they're now doing something called a graduation celebration. >> yes, that's what usc is calling it. the university announced it will now host a trojan family graduate celebration next week at the los angeles memorial coliseum. but not all students may be able to attend the ceremony. usc also sent out an email last night warning student protests, as it says those who have been arrested for criminal trespassing would be referred to the university's disciplinary process, which could result in expulsion. usc's commencement plans have been in question since mid-april. the school drew major criticism for canceling the speech by its pro-palestinian valedictorian, usc. it wouldn't allow asna tabassum to speak at graduation because of security concerns, adding that outside groups had escalated the risks of disruption and violence
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later then canceled the university-wide may 10th graduation ceremony altogether, saying there wasn't enough time to process guests with new safety measures in place and the graduation celebration is happening next thursday, that's may 9th. usc says it will feature drone shows, fireworks, surprise performances and also the trojan marching band and amanda. i have a nephew who's graduating next week, so we're definitely keeping up with these constant daily changes to see what's happening. >> all right. thank you so much, gloria. pressure is growing from alumni demanding the uc system divest from companies with ties to israel. many are vowing to withhold donations until uc leaders divest this letter was sent to uc regents in january and now has more than 5000 signatures from alumni. many people signing their support just in the past week. they specifically want the uc system to stop investing in weapons manufacturers. >> we have weapons companies that are direct benefiting and profiting, lockheed martin,
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elbit, boeing, grumman, raytheon . >> the university of california says it won't divest from israel. the office of the president issued a statement saying, quote, the university of california has consistently opposed calls for boycott against and divestment from israel. while the university affirms the right of our community members to express diverse viewpoints, a boycott of this sort impinges on the academic freedom of our students and faculty, and the unfettered exchange of ideas on our campuses. >> you can follow our coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and nationwide on our website, abc7 a salon owner is in jail on charges he sexually assaulted a teenager inside his salon in concord, and police think there could be other victims. chinnock vu is the owner of kai hair salon on clayton road. police arrested him monday for multiple counts of sexual assault. the da filed charges including rape and lewd acts on a child. he is
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being held on $275,000 bail. we are showing you his picture right now because police say there may be other victims. anyone with information should call concord police. >> oakley police are investigating a dispute that led to a father stabbing his son multiple times. police say it happened at a home on omega lane just before seven yesterday morning. the parents told authorities their 38 year old son fired a shotgun at the ceiling of the home, then again at the father. that's when the father claims he started stabbing the son to disarm him. officers briefly detained the father when they arrived, and the son was airlifted to a hospital to be treated for injuries. he says his son has mental health issues and has been failed by the police or by the people. i should say who should be helping. >> they don't give no help at all. they just give them a pill, tell them to go lay down, then they tell them, okay, you got three. you got to get called in three times before you. they try to help him.
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>> oakley police expect to seek formal charges against the son. >> now to a story we've been following for weeks. the troubled dublin correctional center is now empty. the woman's prison confirms to abc seven news that all inmates have been transferred to other prisons, moved to community placement, or have been released. the dublin correctional center closed last month at least eight employees, including a former warden and chaplain, have been charged with sexually abusing incarcerated people. there >> san francisco's loss is the peninsula's gain, as an ai startup is packing up and heading south. replit, which is an ai company valued at more than $1 billion, announced this week that it is leaving for foster city. the ceo said on x, the reasons for the move include crime and dysfunction in sf. a tech expert at san jose state university says san francisco remains the world's undisputed ai capital. but he would be worried if bigger companies like openai decided to leave. >> they called him anchor. you know, companies where everybody
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is around them. but if you have companies who are just starting or companies who are new in the field, we have we have thousands of ais companies. >> replit ceo says the company chose foster city due to its safe environment, ideal location and high standard of living. >> still to come, san francisco's mayor trying to bring back business to the city. her newest idea to is being revealed this morning, and where it involves where you can drink on the streets and you are looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> we are up about 497 points. another update on how the markets are doing next. >> then the bird who swooped in to steal a man's sandwich. whoa oh. but first here's drew uh. >> here's a live look. this is our abc seven oakland airport camera. we do have a thin marine layer this morning. that's where we're seeing a little bit of cloud cover up above. but we're in store for another sunny day today. here's live doppler seven
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along with satellite quiet for another day across california. but changes are approaching this cold front is going to bring us some rain tomorrow morning, but today we're totally dry. we have one more day of this warm, sunny pattern this afternoon is 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, but those numbers in the afternoon are still above our average highs for this time of the year. by the evening, we'll start to see cloud cover roll in ahead of that front. that brings rain tomorrow morning on the abc seven storm impact scale. it is a level one where we could see up to an inch of rain tomorrow morning. we're looking at a six hour window tomorrow between 6 a.m. and noon. that's when the bulk of the rain is going to fall. after that time in the afternoon, the sunshine breaks back out. so the weekend preview shows you it's a wet start to the weekend. if you can push off any outdoor plans until sunday, sunday is totally dry with sunshine back and a light wind next week though, even warmer weather moves back in. we'll show you
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plan to revitalize downtown gloria. she's introducing what she's calling an entertainment zone. that's right. >> reggie, according to the examiner, mayor breed is set to introduce the legislation next
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week, so would create the first entertainment zone in the state. the new rule would allow local bars and restaurants to sell alcohol during outdoor events. the first zone would be on front street between california and sacramento streets. the legislation would establish a framework for designating future blocks for outdoor fun. additionally, the mayor is also announcing a grant program that would provide up to $50,000 for activities, events, and campaigns in the downtown area. applications for that program open today. those applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. and of course, we have been covering the city's effort to find ways to bring business to the area as residents have moved to remote work earlier this week, the mayor said nightlife could be the key to injecting new life into downtown. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> all right. thanks, gloria. new this morning, speaker emerita nancy pelosi will receive the nation's highest civilian honor overnight, the
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white house announced she is one of 19 people to receive the presidential medal of freedom. she served as the 52nd speaker of the house and has represented san francisco for more than 36 years. the white house calls her a staunch defender of democracy. also on that list, secretary john kerry, for his work on climate change and his military service, former vice president al gore for accepting the outcome of one of the closest presidential elections in 2000. gore is also a former member of the board of directors of apple and a senior advisor to google. katie ledecky is the most decorated female swimmer ever. ledecky graduated from stanford in 2021. ellen ochoa, who also went to stanford, is the first hispanic woman to go to space and former director of johnson space center. actress michelle yeoh is the first asian to win the academy award for best actress. the awards will be presented at the white house later today.
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>> first lady jill biden, host of the first ever teacher of the year state dinner at the white house. it's a cause close to the first lady's heart, as she herself still teaches at a community college. last night's dinner honored state teachers of the year from across the nation. the biden administration also announced new efforts to strengthen support for teachers and schools. missy testerman, an esl educator from tennessee, was awarded during that dinner for being the 2024 national teacher of the year. >> you not only teach our students, we wrap our arms around them, advocate for them, help them feel secure, and help them create a better future for themselves. >> this event comes ahead of teacher appreciation week, which starts monday. >> a live look this morning at the bay bridge. so beautiful. we're learning a hugely popular art display that lit up the bridge for years, is set to make a comeback. the relighting project will come with a new
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design and twice as many leds as before. they hope to have the light back on by march of next year. on our 3:00 pm program getting answers, we asked why the lights went off and what the new display will be like. >> it just didn't hold up over time, and it was starting to fail faster than we could ever keep up with economically. so we did the responsible thing rather than let it fade into oblivion, we pulled it down. we have a cracker jack team now committed to making a product from the ground up. musco lighting that will perform well over time, guaranteed minimally for ten years. and more than that. and we're bringing it back with double the number of leds so they'll actually wrap around the cables. so the light will be visible as a matter of esthetic equity to communities all around the bay. >> the organizer says they are still short $500,000 of the funding needed. if you want to chip in, you can donate at the bay lights three >> now it's your morning money report. the april jobs report is out, and economists over estimated the number of job gains, according to the bureau of labor statistics, the u.s.
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added 175,000 jobs last month. the slower than expected gains may be a sign the fed's rate hikes put a damper on labor demand. the unemployment rate increased from 3.8% to 3.9. ambitious students have to find new plans after their tesla internships got revoked. two students posted on linkedin saying their offers were rescinded three weeks before their set start date. tesla was expected to cut summer internships following the company's widespread layoffs. that includes over 10% of its workforce being laid off last month. ceo elon musk has signaled that he is not finished making cuts and taking a live look at the new york stock exchange. as trading gets underway, you can see that we are up this morning more than 500 points, and we are calling this next story falcon eats sandwich because a man lost his lunch to a bird. >> it happened in japan. take a look right here. the unwanted guests swooped in and grabbed
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that sandwich from the man's hand. slow motion video shows him unwrapping and taking a bite before the falcon flies in and takes it. people on social media had a lot to say about this. one person wrote. you could have really gotten hurt. you're lucky it was so precise. amazing >> now, it wasn't a falcon, but this happened to me. it was a it was a seagull that happened to me with a seagull. >> oh, really? >> uh- vacationing at the jersey shore. you learn to eat any food under an umbrella. >> mm'hmm smart. >> but i was just like this, right on my hand. i was like, but it's incredible. >> we record ourselves so often now that he got this on camera. >> why are you recording yourself eating a sandwich? >> that is odd. >> i have question. >> i'm. i have questions, too, because prior to it coming down, did you see his eyes, like, go sideways, like he's getting ready. are we gonna learn now? >> you have a theory that i have a theory that we're gonna learn on monday. >> he's like a trained, a trained falconer. >> i i'm with you.
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>> i see also, when that seagull came and got my thing, it cut me. oh, yeah. like i started bleeding, and i was. i was in the ocean. oh, my. >> oh. >> at the time, surrounded by, sharks. i mean, possibly sharks, but definitely, rays eyes. ooh, they were all around me. >> oh, my. >> so that wasn't great. >> yeah. no, it's always eat under an umbrella. that's why i've always learned, but that falcon was very precise, like it was plotting it out. >> and he trained, so he trained in that way. no kidding. why were you filming yourself? i just wanna know. >> outside this morning, we will find a beautiful picture from sutro tower. the golden gate is looking sun soaked this morning. this afternoon it's another sunny day with above average temperatures. but then we do a complete 180 tomorrow morning. it is not only wet and windy, it is so much colder by about 20 degrees. you're going to feel that chill in the air. but sunday dry skies and sunshine it is back. so we kind of have a
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split weekend coming. our way. highs today it is above average. we'll have sunshine. sunset today is at 803 this evening. tonight any friday night plans were fine. it's after midnight and closer to about 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. we'll start to see that rain move in here. it's also a chilly morning with temperatures in the 30s and 40s on the abc seven storm impact scale. it's a light level, one storm for rain and brief downpours about a half of an inch to an inch of rain in most areas. that's about our typical monthly rainfall in the month of may, so we'll see that in just one storm here tomorrow morning. here's future weather 530. you can see tomorrow morning that rain arrives in the north bay around 9 a.m. we have this line along the cold front of some brief heavy downpours. that's the yellow and orange you see on your screen that moves south right around lunchtime. and then in the afternoon, the steady rain is out of here. you'll notice the cloud cover breaking down tomorrow afternoon for some sunshine, and that leads to a dry day on the way for sunday rainfall estimates. you can see with this front it's tapping
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into a decent amount of moisture for may. we're seeing rainfall totals between half of an inch and an inch. we do have a winter weather advisory in effect for the sierras starting at 11 a.m. tomorrow morning. our snow level right around 5000ft so our highest peaks could see a foot of new snow. so traveling today to tahoe, you're fine. it's tomorrow. we have that messy mix of rain and snow, but by sunday, drier skies are back and we have a warmer pattern by monday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and warm today. wet, windy and much colder tomorrow with our level one storm, but dry skies are back sunday and the next week we'll track quickly. warming temperatures look at thursday 70s and 80s around the region. guys >> thanks. drew forbes is out with the list of the top 20 richest californians, and many of them are right here in the bay area. in fact, the top five all live here at the very top meta ceo mark zuckerberg. he's worth $177 billion and is also number four on the worldwide list. number two oracle co-founder and cto larry ellison
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. number three, google co-founder larry page. number four, google co-founder sergey brin. and number five, nvidia co-founder jensen huang. you can soon score $25 concert or comedy tickets to kick off the summer live nation's annual concert week offers over 5000 shows nationwide, with nearly 90 of them happening here in the bay area. that includes maggie rogers and j.lo at chase center in san francisco, peso, pluma and jelly roll at sap center in san jose, along with maxwell and missy elliott at oakland arena, t-mobile and rocket. and customers can get tickets on may 7th. everyone else can buy tickets on may 8th at 10 a.m. you have until may 14th to get your tickets. >> all right. and up next, the seven things you need to know today a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app that's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. >> and download the app now and you can start streaming and as we head to break, here is a live
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look outside. >> we are expecting some showers at least on saturday. it is 654. we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yay! you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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number one, a shooting in san jose sends three people to the hospital, including two police officers. we are told one of them is in critical condition. the other officer suffered moderate injuries. police say the third person hurt is the man accused of shooting at the officers during a disturbance call overnight. he remains in critical condition. >> number two, a new plan to
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revitalize downtown san francisco mayor london breed, revealing a plan to create an entertainment zone on part of front street. local businesses will be allowed to sell alcohol during outdoor events. we'll hear more from the mayor during a news conference happening later this morning. >> number three this morning, police in new york are moving in to clear a pro-palestinian encampment at nyu. the scene there, much calmer than what we saw at ucla and columbia university earlier this week. >> number four, more than 5000 uc alumni have signed a letter demanding the university system divest from companies with ties to israel. they say they'll withhold donations until a change is made. >> and number five, we have another day of warm sunshine. and then tomorrow we are tracking a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale tomorrow morning between 6 a.m. and noon. that's when we're expecting the bulk of our rain. it's just wet and windy and it is dramatically cooler. we're going to drop about 20 degrees in our daytime. highs between friday and saturday, but sunday sunshine is back in the
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forecast. a closer look at those details. tomorrow morning we have some brief downpours, some slick roads and also rainfall anywhere from a half of an inch to an inch for most areas. >> and number six, we've got a live look at our san mateo bridge camera. you can see there is quite a bit of traffic out there. pretty much bumper to bumper from interpretive center to before the midspan, but it does open up as you approach the incline. >> and number seven, cinco de mayo celebrations are happening across the bay area this weekend. san leandro celebrates tonight. festivities kick off at 6 p.m. at the marina community center, right on. >> and i know the weekend. it's a little wet. it's okay if you can push anything you have to. sunday it'll be so much better. >> and it's really a morning thing. >> it's a morning thing. i mean, after about 12 p.m. on saturday, the sunshine breaks back out. i'm still cold though, so i can't give you everything, but it's short lived. and then next week the warmer weather is back there we go. >> all right, i like it. yeah, it's not bad.
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>> i'll take a cold, rainy morning, stay in during saturday morning, that's all. >> and then hit the streets and then hit the hit the streets. >> remember when we used to be able to sleep in? remember that? >> yeah. >> those are the days. where is it getting? >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. strong tornados and a flood watch as we head into the weekend. overnight tornados touching down in texas. destroying homes, tossing trucks. storm chasers searching the debris for victims, as millions face a flooding emergency. 28 inches of rain in just 48 hours, stranding drivers. we're live in texas. sam is tracking the new threat right now. >> george: trump on trial. the former president's lawyers grilled


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