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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 5, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> janai: good morning, america. breaking their banks. several rivers in houston at major flood stage. water rising higher than hurricane harvey in some spots. flash flooding swamping homes and roads. the emergency rescues with even more rain on the way. plus, the new weather threat for tornado alley.
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pomp and protests. students interrupting graduation ceremonies to protest the war in gaza. as s.w.a.t. teams and police in riot gear are called in to clear more encampments. the new arrests across campuses nationwide. >> will: missing in mexico. three bodies found in the search for an american and two australian surfers. their burnt truck discovered nearby. authorities announcing arrests. >> janai: countdown to launch. boeing's starliner spacecraft ready to send humans into space after a four-year delay. we hear from the astronauts this morning. >> whit: fashion's biggest night. celebrities prepping for monday's met gala to step out in style. the theme and dress code this year as trend-setters get ready to turn heads. they're off in the kentucky derby. >> will: and racing weekend. kentucky derby spectators
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holding their breath at a three-way photo finish. ♪ pump it ♪ ♪ louder ♪ >> will: and horsepower of a different kind. racers revved up and ready for the miami grand prix and its high-octane action. ♪ turn up the radio ♪ >> whit: sing it, janai. ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ >> whit: yeah, you got it. we're revved up and ready to go on a sunday. good morning, america. great to have you with us. happy cinco de mayo for those celebrating. good to have will reeve at the desk with us once again. >> will: always happy to be here. >> whit: good morning to you. in for gio this morning. we have a lot to cover this morning. especially that chaotic scene at the university of virginia. plus, here's a live look at i-95 and norwalk, connecticut. the northbound lanes were reopened overnight after a fiery crash this week. we'll have more on that ahead. >> janai: big impacts from that shutdown.
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can you believe it? we are now just six months away from the 2024 presidential election. former president trump with a major fund-raiser in florida this weekend, and we have a brand-new abc news/ipsos poll out this morning showing a neck to neck race. we will get to that in just a bit. >> will: we begin with the catastrophic weather situation in texas and oklahoma where close to 2 feet of rain has fallen in some areas over the last five days. still more torrential rain is due today, and somara theodore is in new caney, texas, with all the latest. good morning to you, somara. >> somara: good morning, will, that's right. where i'm located right now is just along the san jacinto river where it meets the border of harris county. this is one of the counties prompted for evacuation. i spoke to officials who talked about that water being well above that fence. we're starting to see things recede now. that's a bit on the deceiving side because more rain is moving in as we speak and that will exacerbate the situation on the
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ground here in texas. this morning, weather warnings across texas as the lone star state is poised for more severe storms after more than 6 inches of rain fell in the state in the past 48 hours leading to flash floods. >> it's too late to evacuate without calling 911. >> reporter: as many as 5 more inches of rain after days of heavy rainfall, leaving some neighborhoods underwater. houses destroyed. families separated. this woman calling for help to find her brother. >> if i would have known that it could get this bad, i would have never moved down here. >> reporter: nearly 200 rescues in harris county alone by saturday afternoon. no deaths or injuries reported so far. heavy rain prompting water releases at area dams. the san jacinto river rising 11 feet in 24 hours and expected to rise at least 3 more feet until it crests today. in some areas, the destructive floodwaters beginning to recede. >> we can see where the water was right here. >> reporter: 3 feet of water flooding this home. the homeowner returning to find
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nearly everything he owned destroyed. >> it's a lot to take in. what we're doing right now is trying to see what we can salvage. >> reporter: in other areas, water marks 6 feet high showing how high the water rose before finally receding. while other parts of the state ready for even more flooding today. >> we haven't been in a real negative mood about this. it's just something that's happening and we're going to deal with it like everything else that you have to. >> somara: and just a few feet from where i'm standing, we have road closures in place impeding access for residents to get to their homes. and unfortunately, more rain is moving in as we speak this morning to this area. we have expansive flood watches and alerts spreading from tulsa all the way down to houston. also monitoring the track for severe weather. we have more on that in a moment. whit, back to you. >> whit: we just can't catch a break. all right. somara, we'll chat in just a bit. we turn to the unrest on college campuses even as graduation ceremonies take place
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across the country this weekend, and police crackdowns nationwide. abc's morgan norwood is at new york university this morning. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. we know more demonstrations, more encampments, police cracking down on those overnight across several schools across the country, and this morning, universities and police are on alert as these demonstrations threaten to eclipse a defining moment for students, graduation. this morning -- [ chanting ] -- those campus protests now spilling over into commencement season as universities struggle with how to respond to protesters, insisting they drop all ties to israel over the war in gaza. some colleges including the art institute of chicago, calling in law enforcement to regain control. this scene after pro-palestinian demonstrators tried to set up an encampment. protesters barricaded and locked the gates to fortify their position facing off with chicago police for hours. at least 68 demonstrators arrested. at the university of virginia,
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close to 40 officers in riot gear moving in to clear an encampment, taking down tents, and escorting protesters out in zip ties. at least 25 people arrested. [ chanting ] the university of michigan's graduation interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters chanting and waving palestinian flags. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the group then marching down the aisles. this banner flown overhead reading, divest from israel now. free palestine. no arrests were made and the ceremony continued. at the university of wisconsin milwaukee, demonstrators still maintaining their encampment despite graduation festivities. and close to 2,400 people have been arrested across 47 campuses across the country. and look, janai, we expect that number to grow as these campus crackdowns continue. >> janai: right as schools try to figure out what to do and how to handle it. morgan, thank you.
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turning overseas now to the war in gaza as some diplomatic voices report progress in cease-fire talks happening this weekends in cairo. abc's tom soufi burridge joins us live from tel aviv with more. tom, good morning to you. a little bit of optimism this morning. >> reporter: hard to read right now, janai, but just moments ago, israeli prime minister netanyahu releasing a statement saying, israel will not agree to hamas' demand in the negotiations for a permanent ceasefire, adding surrendering to those demands would be, quote, a terrible defeat for israel. [ chanting ] overnight, people rallying for the hostages in tel aviv, calling for a ceasefire. well, there's frustration. there's anger on the streets of tel aviv. this is the movement pressuring the israeli government to get a deal to get the hostages home, but a deal also depends on hamas. hamas considering an israeli proposal which would see an initial six-week pause in the fighting, and 33 hostages released in exchange for palestinian prisoners.
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cia director bill burns, one of the key mediators in the talks, with hamas pushing for a definitive end to the war, but an israeli official saying israel will under no circumstances agree to a deal which ends the war. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: this morning, a mother of one of the hostages saying, prime minister netanyahu is, quote, hiding behind those anonymous comments, accusing the israeli leader of initiating another move to torpedo the deal. netanyahu under pressure from hardliners in his coalition government, vowing to invade the crowded city of rafah in southern gaza with or without a deal. this man whose son is, we think, one of five americans still held by hamas telling me he hopes netanyahu will prioritize the hostages. >> we will see whether our prime minister has the moral backbone and the political backbone to
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stand up to these forces and do what's for the good of the country and not just his own political -- narrow political interest to stay in power. we will know that fairly shortly. >> reporter: and guys, this morning, hamas insisting any ceasefire hostage deal must include a written commitment from israel for a long-term ceasefire. so the negotiations are on a knife-edge, and after days of talks, the two sides are still unable to reach a deal. whit? >> whit: tom soufi burridge for us, thank you. now to politics and where things stand in the presidential race with election day just six months away. let's bring in our chief washington correspondent, jonathan karl who will be hosting "this week" later this morning, and abc news political director, rick klein. good morning to you both. it's always great to have you. jon, let's start with you. we have this new abc news/ipsos poll out this morning still showing a very close race for the white house. what are your biggest takeaways? >> reporter: the poll shows the race essentially tied, but i
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don't think that's the most important thing at all in this poll. as we've seen, polls this far out don't really do a good job predicting who is going to win. what i think is significant here is that donald trump has a significant lead on most of the issues that voters say are most important to them -- the economy, crime, the situation at the border. even on the issue of who do you trust to protect democracy most, the two are tied, but biden has an equally big lead on the question of character. who is more honest and trustworthy? so that all adds up to a race that looks tied, but where the two candidates are seen in very different lights. >> whit: something else interesting in this poll. rick, let's go to you here and talk about the third-party candidates and specifically rfk jr., he seems to be breaking through with his support. >> reporter: yeah, whit, as talked about this, this race, both men are so unpopular, when you expand the choices to people as we did in this poll to all the major third-party candidates, you see bobby kennedy jr. start to break through.
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12% of voters said they would support him. an interesting point about that, most of these supporters, or a larger share of these supporters, appear to be republicans or trump supporters. also interesting to me, whit, some three-quarters of the team that say they're supporting kennedy say they don't know much at all or just a little bit about his policy positions. there's a lot of reasons to think that those numbers can shift even if he's able to get on the ballot everywhere which is not a foregone conclusion. typically third-party candidates in this country have a hard time breaking through. >> whit: and, rick, turning to some of the key issues, what does this poll tell us about how the war in gaza and college protests could factor into the campaign? >> reporter: we're seeing growing skepticism of continued u.s. military support for israel. we're seeing that grow over a period of months, but notably to me, younger voters are about as committed on this issue as their older brothers and sisters and parents and grandparents. we're not seeing a big split among younger voters, despite
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what we're seeing on college campuses. but we're seeing more trust for donald trump on israel and hamas, and also on crime more broadly as we're seeing these protests move into the realm of potentially criminal. bottom line here is that democrats are more divided on this issue than republicans and that appears to be a drag to some degree on president biden's political support. >> whit: jon, back to you here. former president trump spending much of this campaign season in courtrooms defending himself against criminal charges. what impact is that having on the voters? >> reporter: one of the people on the show today says it's helping trump to be stuck in that courtroom four days a week, limiting the kind of mistakes he can make on the campaign trail. but i have to tell you this was quite a week for donald trump, whit. he gave this wide-ranging interview with "time" magazine where he refused to say he would accept the election results if he lost, where he said there wouldn't be violence if he won, but couldn't say whether or not there would be violence if he lost. and i don't know if you caught
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this one, but just late friday night, he called for the arrest of special counsel jack smith. so some, shall we say, controversial statements from the republican candidate while he's stuck in court, there's less attention to what he's actually saying on the campaign trail. >> whit: yeah, and election day, only six months away, but a lot can happen between now and then. jon, rick, thank you so much. we appreciate it. and remember to tune into "this week" later this morning. jon speaks with new york city mayor eric adams and senator tom cotton of arkansas about the anti-war protests on college campuses and the state of the 2024 race. plus, more from our abc news/ipsos poll on the tight race between president biden and former president trump. will? >> will: all right, whit. the northbound lanes that connect new york city and boston are back open this morning. crews have been working nonstop to return the busy stretch of i-95 in norwalk, connecticut to normal. an overpass was compromised when a tanker truck crashed and burst
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into flames there on thursday. the southbound lanes are expected to reopen in time for rush hour tomorrow morning. janai? >> janai: that will be welcome news for so many drivers. now to the big space mission due to launch tomorrow. boeing hoping its first crewed mission of its new and long-delayed starliner capsule will help revive its battered reputation. abc's faith abubey joins us live from atlanta's fern bank science center. and faith, good morning, what is that behind you? >> reporter: good morning to you, janai. behind me is the original apollo 6 command module which launched balk in 1968. fast forward 56 years later, it's a new frontier. the countdown is on as boeing tries to launch its first crewed mission to the international space station. this long-delayed flight which was supposed to launch humans in 2020 under nasa's commercial crew program, finally ready to go. boeing's starliner spacecraft when first tested had a computer problem that put it in the wrong orbit and now years later, it's
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finally ready to launch humans into space. nasa has two of its most experienced astronauts on monday's test flight, pilot sunita williams and commander butch wilmore. >> we're absolutely confident in all aspects. we don't expect to have significant failure modes. >> we don't expect things to go wrong, but we know we'll be fine because we have this backup capability. >> reporter: this mission launching on a united alliance at cape canaveral. six decades after the atlas launched john glenn on his historic mission. the last human to launch from here, gordon cooper on mercury back in may, 1963. boeing's leroy cain says having a crew on board is what they need to test the starliner. >> the crew interaction with starliner to see how well does she work with people inside? >> reporter: boeing needs a successful launch having fallen behind the other commercial
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launch provider, spacex, which just unveiled its new high-tech space suit. they're hoping to launch another private mission which will send astronauts on the first spacewalk with these first spacewalking suits later this year. meantime, the starliner rocket now on the launch pad. the crew saying good-bye to their family and friends as the countdown to liftoff begins. >> i'm thankful this time has transpired because we've learned so much. >> it's been a really useful time working with the nasa engineers and the boeing company to really understand this spacecraft. >> reporter: and the starliner is scheduled to launch at 10:34 p.m. in florida tomorrow night. it has rolled onto the launch pad and as one astronaut put it, it's ready to dance amongst the stars. will? >> will: faith, it's time. looking forward to seeing that, and how it goes. and we'll turn now to the kentucky derby. the 150th edition kicked off this year's quest for the triple crown with the closest three-horse photo finish in
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decades. here's the field of 20 making its way toward the finish line. mystik dan breaking out into the lead, and then in the last stretch, two other horses, sierra leone and forever young going head to head, crossing the finish line. look at that there. >> janai: wow. >> will: it could not be closer, but mystik dan takes it by a nostril. >> janai: look at that. >> whit: a nostril, not even a full nose. >> will: no. so mystik dan is the only one who can win the triple crown, let's see how it goes throughout the spring. let's turn to the weather. somara theodore is in texas. hey there, somara. >> somara: hey. so i'm in an area that has already experienced extreme flooding and here we have the rain beginning to pick up. take a look at the radar right now. we have this line of torrential downpours getting ready to sweep east through texas. as a result, we have flash floods that are possible. flood warnings and watches are in place even through tulsa there. there's also a threat for a few isolated thunderstorms popping, especially south this
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afternoon in areas like san antonio north of corpus christi, but the big weather threat sweeps in on monday. that is going to impact those evening commuters traveling from nebraska down into oklahoma. level 4 out of 5 from southern >> somara: and so, as i said earlier, one of the big concerns is the fact there's going to be a lag time. we have this heavy rain coming
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down in areas that had receding occurring. that's going to mean more and we could see more flooding for those along the san jacinto river. >> janai: they cannot let their guard down. somara, thank you so much. now to the big formula 1 race today, the miami grand prix. max verstappen in the pole position once again. trent kelly from our affiliate joins us with the breakdown. good morning to you, trent. >> reporter: hey, good morning, janai. we are just hours away from revving up those engines here as we get ready for the third edition of the f1 miami grand prix, and that formula 1 fandom has taken over south florida over the past three days. hard rock stadium here behind me, of course, no stranger to hosting huge events, including the super bowl. now though it's home to another global event with the addition of this massive 3.7-mile formula 1 racetrack, and of course, the designers here just had to add
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their own miami flair. the course featuring a mock marina with full-sized yachts, as well as a private beach club. you can think of it, guys, as a small slice of south beach right here at the racetrack. several stars are in town as well. tom brady and ed sheeran, just to name a few of the big-name celebrities that have been spotted at those prerace parties that have been popping off all weekend long. but of course, no matter where you're watching from, all eyes today will be on the action on the track. the heavy favorite to win the race here, no surprise it's the unstoppable max verstappen of team red bull who, by the way, not only won this race last year, but also the year before as well. so maybe we'll see a three-peat here in miami later today for one of the world's best f1 drivers or maybe we're setting up for a big upset. we'll have to wait and see once that race begins later this afternoon. in the meantime, guys, i'm going
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to do my best to try and find a way into that private beach club. i don't know about you, but watching this race poolside sounds pretty good to me. i'll see what i can do. >> janai: it sounds perfect. >> reporter: back to you guys. >> janai: next best thing to being at the clevelander, i guess. trent kelly, thank you so much. still coming up here on "gma," authorities announce arrests following the search of an american and two australian surfers who disappeared in mexico. >> will: and a retail crime task force trying to crack down on so-called flash mob robberies. >> whit: and we preview one of fashion's biggest nights, the met gala here in new york. we'll be right back. le of the year is finally here. it's way day! right now you can save up to 80% off at wayfair. ooo, yes. plus score free shipping on everything. [ grunting ] [ bell rings ] and surprise flash deals. all way day long! wayday ends soon. shop wayfair's biggest sale now through may 6th.
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live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. developing overnight. at least one person is dead after a car crash in san jose. that's according to the chp. it happened on highway 101, going southbound near the matilda on ramp. right now, all lanes are back open. the crash forced all southbound lanes to close around two this morning. well, it's chilly out there this morning. we just felt it. lisa. >> yes? good morning to you. looking at a bright sky here from emeryville where temperatures will come up past yesterday's readings. but that's not saying much, right. we were just in the 50s, 49, in san jose. we'll be about 60 today here in santa cruz with 42 right now by the delta. the winds kick up and still chilly downtown. stephanie. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with gma.
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>> reggie aqui kumasi amanda drew. and you abc seven mornings always better with you. >> sunny days and the best days start here. >> you deserve a better day. we all do. >> weekdays at five. watch abc seven mornings. >> it's just six months until you vote. now this morning to breaking new abc news poll. who has the advantage? how do voters feel this morning on abc's this week? >> join us for this week this morning starting at eight right here on abc. >> i chose tough ahead because of their quality product and customer service coming into the showroom and seeing the actual tough shed, seeing the scale and just how it feels. it was also helpful to see the transparency and pricing. you know, what the upgrades would cost. it was a really cool experience. it's so high quality. i know seeing it now in my backyard that i can stand behind the product and it's going to stand the test of time. i love my tough shed dream
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design, deliver install, tough shed. >> you make me feel like dancing . >> join the millions who are feeling the power of osteo bi-flex the number one pharmacist recommended joint care supplement dancing. oh, find our coupons in sunday's paper. >> if it weren't a drink from mcdonald's, you wouldn't try this hard. >> pick up a medium oreo frappe the elders did not tell us ever the elders did not tell us everything about this world. >> whit: welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. the countdown has begun for the newest "planet of the apes" movie. "kingdom of the planet of the apes" will hit the big screen on friday.
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director well paul saying saw the franchise's next step by jumping 100 years into the future and introducing us to a new main character. all secrets revealed on friday. >> janai: oh. "kingdom of the planet of the apes." that's a big one. >> will: we're going to the future. >> janai: we certainly are. let's take a look at the other big stories we are following in the present on this sunday morning. happening right now, several rivers in houston at a major flood stage. hundreds of people rescued from the water as rivers rise to hurricane harvey levels. more than 2 feet of rain in some areas of texas with more on the way, and now areas also bracing for a possible tornado threat. >> will: also right now, millions of orthodox christians worldwide are celebrating orthodox and greek easter on this sunday. the greek orthodox church uses the julian calendar, not the gregorian calendar that most others use, and greek easter is also dictated by the hebrew calendar because it always falls after passover. you got all that? >> whit: yep, got it for sure. and 16,000 pounds of raw
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ground beef sold at walmart has been recalled e-coli contamination. walmart says 11 states from massachusetts to north carolina and washington, d.c. sold the now-recalled beef. a full list of those products available on our website. >> will: and the two best words in sports, game seven. we had one last night between the boston bruins and the toronto maple leafs. the bruins ending up winning in overtime on this goal from david pastrnak. what a move. he is a superstar. the leafs losing their sixth straight game seven in their fourth consecutive playoff series to the bruins. it's been a great nhl -- sorry. stanley cup playoffs. so far today, the rangers and hurricanes, 4:00 p.m. eastern on espn. >> whit: your rangers. >> will: i will be in the building. i cannot wait. >> janai: he is pumped up. >> will: i love the rangers almost as much as i love my family. >> janai: shouldn't we call them the maple leaves? >> will: there's a reason we don't. i'll explain it off camera.
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we should probably keep it moving. >> janai: next commercial break we'll break it down. >> will: i'll break it down. >> janai: in the meantime, we start this half our with authorities making arrests following the search for an american and two australian surfers who disappeared in mexico. abc's ike ejiochi says three bodies were discovered. an unfortunate update, ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, janai. the three men were surfing near the town of ensenada. that's roughly 90 miles south of the u.s./mexico border. now arrest warrants have been obtained for the crime of forced disappearance. this morning, a mystery in mexico as authorities are urgently investigating what they say they believe are the deaths of three missing tourists last seen on the coast of baja, california, surfing and camping. mexican state officials discovering three bodies in this remote area and now saying with a high degree of probability that they belong to american jack carter rhoad and australian brothers jake and callum robinson. police say they found their
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remains in this well. their car found nearby. the burnt-out husk of the chevrolet colorado, the same car the three victims were last seen traveling in. the three victims were first reported missing on april 27th after failing to arrive at their accommodations. the baja, california, state attorney general saying two men and a woman are in custody and considered persons of interest. later saying that the surfers were victims of a robbery gone wrong. after they resisted handing over their car, they were shot, and their bodies hidden. since going missing, the families of the victims have been searching desperately for answers. deborah robinson, the mother of the two australian brothers, posting this photo to a baja, california, facebook group asking for any information that could lead to the whereabouts of her sons, jake and callum. loved ones reacting to their loss on social media. the premier lacrosse league, in california where callum robinson was a professional player, posting this statement on
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instagram saying, the pll family and the entire lacrosse world are heartbroken by the tragic loss of callum robinson, jake robinson and jack carter rhoad, adding that callum's impact on our game will be felt forever. the fbi releasing a statement through their san diego field office saying, we are in contact with the family of the u.s. citizen and we are steadfast with our international law enforcement partners in finding answers. now investigators are still searching the rugged area where the bodies were found for more evidence. the state department currently advises americans to reconsider traveling to the state due to crime and kidnapping. guys? >> whit: a sad update to that story. ike ejiochi, thank you. time now for another check of the weather. let's go back to somara theodore in texas. good morning. >> somara: now one of the other big weather stories we're covering is going to be the heat. get ready for it. take a look at these numbers. we could see anywhere from 90 to 100 degrees plus in some areas.
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order anticipated to be 98 by the end of the week. you factor in the humidity, it can feel much hotter. new orleans, around 91 by thursday. as far as records go, this could be record-breaking heat that we're seeing, and it could be our first major widespread heat wave of the season. we could anticipate warmer weather as well or milder weather a little bit farther north. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what >> somara: guys, i hope you're ready for the heat, especially if you have any plans on traveling down south. back to you guys. >> whit: i'm ready for the heat. >> will: i'm super ready for the heat. >> janai: yes. >> will: coming up on "gma," the police raids in the new efforts to stop those shocking flash mob robberies. those are crazy. you stick with us. e crazy. you stick with us. her's day, help mom take it in stride with thoughtful gifts from weathertech.
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma" and the disturbing rise in flash mob robberies, large groups targeting stores and making off with massive amounts of stolen goods. the morning, a look at where authorities say some of it ends up as they try to crack down on these brazen criminals.
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abc's zohreen shah has more from los angeles. zohreen, good morning. >> reporter: whit, you've seen the thieves looting retail stores. you're about to see a very different video, armed officials storming one of the warehouses stacked with merchandise they allege is stolen and recovering millions. it's an early-morning massive retail raid. over 100 l.a. county sheriff's deputies moving into multiple locations, leading to millions recovered in allegedly stolen goods. >> i'm confident to say they'll probably approach $10 million. >> reporter: deputies breaking down the back door of one downtown l.a. warehouse this week filled, authorizes say, from the floor to the ceiling with stolen items. >> during many of our operations, we've recovered firearms. like in this operation as well, we recovered firearms, and so it's very heart-pounding to be honest with you because you don't know what's on the other side of the door. >> reporter: later that day, deputies arresting eight people they say were involved in the
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alleged theft. retailers around the country have been grappling with smash and grab robberies. according to a study by the journal on criminal justice, shoplifting incidents reported to police were 16% higher in study cities looked in the first half of 2023 compared to the first half of 2019. and the incidents can sometimes take a dangerous turn. in august, a security guard had to be treated after he was sprayed with a mace-like substance when nearly 30 suspects rushed into a nordstrom taking up to $100,000 in merchandise in mere moments. some retailers like target, closing stores in multiple cities across four states last year. cvs and dick's sporting goods also closing some stores for the same reasons. >> the amount of retail that is stolen both from stores, trucks, trains, airplanes, is unbelievable. it's in the billions of dollars. >> reporter: so for all that merch recovery, you might be wondering what happens to it? retail investigators will go
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through all of that stuff. they will identify it and then the property will be returned to the stores so it could actually end up in your shopping cart soon. janai? >> janai: wow, and that warehouse is just full of items. zohreen, thank you for that. still coming up here on "good morning america," prepping and primping for fashion's biggest night, the met gala, and the celebs expected on the red carpet. stick around. oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. the magic never leaves you when you stay with the disney resorts collection.
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>> will: back now on "gma" with the buzz surrounding tomorrow night's met gala. abc's will ganss has all the details on the glitz, glam, and gowns expected on the red carpet. will -- >> janai: take a moment. >> will: this suit is incredible.
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>> this old thing? >> janai: this old thing? >> will: it's a clue about this year's them i think? >> that's exactly correct. the scope of what people could wear last year was pretty narrow, right? lots of black and white. this year though will be a return to fun, to florals, and perhaps even pajamas. ♪ reach out and touch faith ♪ >> reporter: holy rihanna, it's time for the met gala. the night fashion fans go gaga for, showcasing the most lively style and transportering looks of all-time. before we get ahead of ourse ourselves, let's talk met gala 2024. this year's theme, sleeping beauty's reawakening fashion. >> think pajamas, think giant sleeping bags, think sleeping beauty herself. >> reporter: a floral fanfare
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like the marnie dress from the emmys or the vera wang vibes. but technically the dress code is the garden of time. >> garden of time. grandfather clock, hello? also, i love the idea of a head to toe clock look especially if those clocks are sourced secondhand. >> reporter: tiktok more in style than ever as the app invites everyone to join with livestreams from the red carpet, virtual watch parties, and an in-app met gala hashtag hub. the irl gala is of course, hosted by anna wintour, and jennifer lopez, bad bunny, and zendaya who's been turning heads all season long. as for the guest list, well, as for the guest list, well, that's notoriously kept secret, but -- >> i'm most anticipating the trifecta of blake lively, rihanna, and zendaya. those three to me are the queens of the met gala. they bring something super different to the table. >> reporter: the dress code, garden of time is reference to j.g. ballard's science fiction short story with the same title and it describes the flowers as crystalline with glass-like stems. so maybe we'll see gowns made of
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glass or similar translucent materials. there's a lot that could pop up tomorrow on the red carpet. >> janai: there's so much to watch and enjoy of the fashion. >> yeah. >> janai: especially when someone has an outfit that then changes and becomes another one. >> yes, and the cool thing about zendaya hosting this year means we won't have to wait all night to see her show up. she has to get there early because she's co-hosting. >> janai: you're right. that's good. >> will: make sure the table is set. >> right from the get go. >> janai: and they always have her topnotch. >> will: i can't wait until monday. that's tomorrow. one final question before you go, how many times have you worn this suit? >> this is only the second time, but i like that it's re-wearable. i'm for sustainability and repurposing. >> janai: give us a red carpet moment. >> i was so hoping you would ask. >> janai: yes, yes, yes. >> whit: there it is, ladies and gentlemen. ready for the show, will ganss. thank you so much. we'll be right back after this.
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>> janai: back now with our "play of the day," and the 9-year-old chess prodigy making a name for herself with all the right moves. check her out. meet bodhana sivanandan, a 9-year-old chess star who some say is on track to become the best women's chess player in the world. she's a girl amongst men, some of whom are three, four, even ten times her age, and she's crushing them. basically bodhana is a prodigy or maybe a prodigy is bodhana. it's often said that greatness takes years of hard work and dedication. cool. this story is about how you sit at the table with pros before you're tall enough to even see over it.
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but the fact that she's a girl in a game dominated by men makes her accomplishments even more remarkable. some say she's on track to become the greatest women's chess player ever. that remains to be seen, but one thing is certain. she's not scared of the competition. >> i wanted to play the highest-rated player. i like to play, like, harder opponents so if i lose, i can learn from them, and i can learn from what they're doing. >> i'm feeling proud and happy, but at the same time, it's in i mean, she can achieve it. >> so madonna started playing chess when she was just five years old. she was gifted a chess set and just wanted to use the playing pieces as toys. but her dad explained that other people wouldn't be able to play the game with the missing pieces. so she started to learn it and eventually dominated it. >> and she did. she's toying with her opponents. yes oh good
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job, mr. will reeve, thank you so much. also, the nba playoffs, they continue this afternoon as the cavs and the magic settle their series with a game seven. you can watch all the action right here on abc at 1:00 eastern. and thanks for watching uh- gma this weekend everybody. good to have you in the mix. >> it was great to be here. also on espn 4:00 eastern rangers hurricanes in the stanley cup playoffs. we go to the abc. playoffs. are the tournament the playoffs are a tournament are a tournament. tournament i don't know. have a great day everybody. everybody see you later. >> why do so many people start their day here from abc news. this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories. let's start here. that's a part of the story i bet you didn't see coming. make it your daily first. listen, wherever you get your podcasts. >> it's just six months until you vote. now this morning, the breaking n abcews poll. who has the advantage? how do voters feel this morning on abc?
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>> always live, abc seven news starts right now. good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. >> we have new details about one of the san jose police officers injured in a shootout. the police union now says the officer who is in critical condition, had a second surgery. the other officer had minor injuries. the two officers were shot thursday night as they tried to stop a man trying to break into a room at the extended stay america hotel in south san jose. officers arrested him after he jumped out of a window. happy cinco de mayo , everyone! the lowrider cinco de mayo community parade is making a return today. more than 300 lowrider cars will be cruising in from king and alum rock, and at the end of the story, the king, where 90 different vendors will actually be set up at the mapuche park, there will be only one freeway off ramp closure at 680 and king road, along with many city road closures. officials say safety
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is the goal this weekend, so everyone can enjoy a memorable cinco de mayo and the weather will be nice. let's check in with lisa. >> yeah, it is certainly cold out there. stephanie. though we are starting out with temperatures at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time, but we've got a clear sky. oakland 51. we are 48, in redwood city. and look at this gorgeous view from our exploratorium camera. it is 45, in petaluma. actually that's our roof camera 49, in livermore. so compared to yesterday, 4 to 5 degrees colder. hayward, mountain view in san jose, napa, novato nine degrees cooler. the winds pick up today for a breezy onshore flow in the city, and temperatures below average today with numbers in the 60s. so we'll be sunny in concord at 64. san jose about nine degrees below average at 6362. in san rafael, the accuweather seven day forecast a little warmer for your monday. another chilly start though. >> all right lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. this week with george stephanopoulos is next. we're in the middle of living large and
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having a big day. >> the meeting point of humanity and history. in the middle of being the fun uncle. >> in the middle of being a kid again. beep beep something for everyone in illinois. >> the middle of everything >> i was on the freeway when all of a sudden i got hit. my back was hurting. my neck was hurting. when you think about a lawyer, you get scared. how much am i going to pay? you know, there's going to be expensive. i called jacoby and myers. they never once talked about money. all they cared at the time was about my health and about my well-being. that made me feel very comfortable, very at ease. not worrying about financials. i would definitely recommend jakobi meyers. they treated me like a human being. >> jakobi meyers will fight for the justice you deserve. >> and if we don't win, you won't pay a penny. jacoby and meyers. because everyone
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deserves justice. >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. hey. so, what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers. >> >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. >> jonathan: dead heat. >> let's get out and work together and get this done. >> we will make america great again. >> jonathan: six months to election day. our new poll shows a tight race for the white house as democrats dig in on abortion. >> this is the new reality under a trump abortion ban. >> jonathan: trump continues to campaign fro


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