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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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a same location as i opened. it makes you really open your eyes. like, okay, this is serious. >> not one, but two disturbing deliveries on one man's doorstep in a matter of days. tonight neighbors are concerned and trying to help. plus a tourism record for our state. that's not actually as much of a boost as it seems. the nuance behind the numbers on abc seven news at 11. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> right away. let's get to that
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developing news. two people stabbed in east san jose less than an hour after cinco de mayo celebrations wrapped up in the same spot. we just got new details from police in the last 30 minutes. they now say a man is in critical condition and the second victim is a juvenile whose injuries are not life threatening. the stabbing happened near emma palm park, where the east side cinco de mayo ended today. good evening, i'm dionne lim. police aren't saying whether the violence had any connection to the festival. abc seven news reporter tara campbell is in san jose with details from investigators. >> yeah, the scene is much quieter here now. police presence was much stronger earlier this evening as they began investigating this double stabbing. now, police aren't releasing many details at this time. however, we do know the incident happened at around 530, about a half hour after cinco de mayo celebrations officially ended in this area, and that both victims were taken to the hospital. >> the request 16 just shy of lido for a second stab victim
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for san jose pd. yeah, san jose pd is with the second patient. they've already applied a tourniquet, arterial bleed, and it's just going to be south of engine 16, a little bit past lido on king. >> now this scene playing out after what had been a peaceful day celebrating cinco de mayo, some describing it as disappointing but not surprising. >> i'm not surprised. have you seen the area? i've worked here or i've lived here since since like 2012, i reckon. and you know, i've been working here and it's just been getting worse and worse. i can understand that. this is, you know, a damper, but, you know, shoot. i mean, just keep looking. moving forward. i guess, i don't know. >> now, certainly a more somber ending to this day of celebration. and of course, we will be staying on this story and updating you as we get more details in san jose. tara campbell, abc seven news, city and community leaders in san jose say they are not letting
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the specter of violence get in the way of a celebration of mexican culture not one, but two parades in the city earlier today brought out families and neighbors in downtown and east san jose. >> music, mariachi and dancing thrilled spectators on king road, 300 lowriders took part in a city sanctioned celebration. up until recently, these cruising events were illegal. city leaders say standing behind these celebrations is vital for generations, the cinco de mayo celebration has been demonized due to mistakes of the community from the past. >> what we're saying this year, right, is that it is a beautiful thing to celebrate cinco de mayo. it's something that we should be proud of. >> there were no major problems reported during either parade, frightening new developments in a story of racism we first brought you last week. a black san francisco man found a doll with a noose around its neck on his doorstep. and it has happened again. dog walker terry williams first discovered the doll in a plastic bag at his alamo square home the morning of
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april 26th. accompanying it a piece of paper with dozens of slurs and racist imagery. so bad we can't show it on tv. sfpd tells me they are investigating it as a possible hate crime. this morning, terry woke up to yet another bag. this time there wasn't just a doll, but a toy grenade and threats. if he did not leave his alamo square neighborhood, they were really targeting me now. >> like i need to really like this is reaching another level. they had another picture of me and then they had it a detail at the at the bottom. what they going to do? like like we're we're coming for you. >> neighbors have since banded together to raise money for terry so he can install new security cameras and move his elderly parents into a temporary home. they're disappointed, despite their calls to police. last week, this happened again, and they're asking community leaders to do more. >> we're just really hopeful that moving forward, they can be more transparent and let us know what's going on and what their you know, the actions that
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they're taking to find who did this. >> it makes me wonder, like, are we really protected around here? >> terry has been in contact with the president of the san francisco chapter of the naacp, amos brown. supervisor dean preston tells me in a statement. he has known terry for years and is tracking the case closely with the police chief and local police captain. he calls the incidents vile harassment and intimidation, and that it would not be tolerated. oakland police say a mass shooting at a juneteenth celebration near lake merritt back in 2021 might be connected to another homicide that happened more than a year earlier. deshawn rhodes died in the june 2021 shooting on lakeshore avenue. five men and two women were also hurt. investigators now say the people responsible for that shooting are behind another killing. a year earlier, henry texada was shot and killed in east oakland in april of 2020. police say the group used a nissan suv rented in nevada as a getaway vehicle.
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police are asking for your help to identify the suspects. happening tomorrow. classes will be back in session at ucla after police broke up fights between pro-palestinian protesters and counter-protesters. police arrested more than 200 people last week as they broke down the encampment. today, ucla chancellor says the school will change its security operations and create a new office of campus safety. the school is hiring former sacramento police chief rick brazile to lead that new team focused on security. also in los angeles, usc is cleaning up protesters second attempt at an encampment on campus. the university called in the lapd overnight to clear out the group, saying the encampment was breaking the law. no word of any protesters arrested there. usc's graduation events started later this week, minus the big commencement ceremony. the school called that off following backlash over its cancellation
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of the valedictorian speech. they cited safety issues over her pro-palestinian views. w, here in the bay area, encampments rein in place at san francisco state, uc berkeley, stanford, sonoma state and uc santa cruz. they've been mostly peaceful, moving on to a surprising update tonight on this weekend's strong spring storm. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab says the storm dumped more than two feet of snow, making it the snowiest day of the season there. good to see a late spring boost to our snowpack with water content at more than 150% of average at the lab now here in the bay area, we finished the weekend rain free. that is the good news, but kept some of that winter chill. abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian joins us now with the 24 hour accuweather forecast. let's hope for a warm up, spencer. >> well, it's coming our way, diane. but that chill just doesn't want to leave. it will be evidenced tomorrow morning
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early as we start the day with a bit of a chill inland where temperatures will be in the low to mid 40s. inland at 7 a.m, skies will be bright and mostly sunny, a little bit milder near the bay, of course, and as we get to the midday hours noon, we'll see mainly sunny skies once again. temperatures ranging from 60 to about 64 from uh- from the bay to inland. in the afternoon at the peak of warming under sunny skies, mid 60s at the bay. upper 60s coast, upper 60s inland, rather mid 50s at the coast, but then some coastal clouds will develop by about 7 p.m. and we'll be cooling down in all areas. a dry day though, and there is warmth right around the corner. i'll tell you about that in my accuweather seven day forecast in a few minutes. dion. >> we love to see it all right spencer thanks. governor gavin newsom is so excited. he is shouting it from the golden gate bridge. tourists spent more money than ever in our state last year. good news for our pandemic recovery. aside from inflation, which is not factored in, abc7 news reporter j.r. stone talked to multiple businesses in san francisco who
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say we are far from being back to where we once were. >> jr dion it's true. money is being spent in california and that is good news for our economy. but you should have seen the looks i got today when i mentioned the governor touting tourism and it being back at the little clam chowder huts in the wharf, they told me they used to stay open late during the week. now they closed around 730. just because the people aren't here. >> so we couldn't be more proud to announce today record breaking tourism numbers in the state of california. over $150 billion of tourism spend unprecedented in our state's history. >> from the top of the golden gate bridge, california governor gavin newsom announced record breaking data sunday, showing the tourists spent more money than they ever have in california last year. exciting to hear, but that headline drew skepticism. with all of the businesses i spoke with in san francisco's fisherman's wharf. >> the wharf is still not back
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to where it was, you know, i mean, you have half the restaurants are closed compared to 2019. we're down 40, 50. and the wharf has come back somewhat, but it's still not where it was before the pandemic. so i think that's kind of an erroneous statement by the governor that is peter demers to his general manager at the franciscan crab restaurant. >> visit california says travel spending reached $150.4 billion across the state in 2023, but that number does not factor in inflation. when adjusted for inflation, travel spending in 2023 was down 14% compared to before the pandemic in 2019. >> been back in 2016, this place was mobbed on the weekends. i mean, there was a line going down the stairs. we don't see that at all. even on a saturday night, the views and the crab spectacular though now a hope that businesses can hold strong because a previous travel
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forecast by visit california put a 2027 estimate on when the numbers would fully recover with inflation factored in as to the tourists, cisco is very, very, very, very nice. >> they love most of the sights and sounds in san francisco, although cleanliness was a concern brought up by this group . sadly, we watched someone go the bathroom as they stood along the sidewalk just feet from a muni bus with no officers or ambassadors anywhere to be seen. >> california's iconic as it is. it's just like the cleanliness is one of the things that we first thing that we realized, oh yeah, we're not in colorado anymore. yeah but you've had fun. >> oh, yeah. >> yeah, always, always. >> yeah, they certainly did have fun. business owns i talked with say they have not seen a rebound in visitors from asia. and while europeans are starting to come back, they aren't coming back in the numbers that we've previously seen as to this week, there is a big cybersecurity conference over at the moscone
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center in san francisco. that is certainly good news for all businesses. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> we appreciate you breaking it down, j.r. thank you. well, san francisco schools have a major money problem, and this month will be critical for solving it. layoff and school closures are on the table, but a new state report says even that may not be enough to get san francisco unified out of the hole. plus, there is a new push to give cities a say on when robo taxis come to town. as waymo sets its sights on a new part of the bay area, and boeing has a chance to make some positive headlines. with a critical launch finally set, the countdown is on for boeing to
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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estonians to start evacuating eastern rafah tonight, a sign that a ground invasion may be about to begin. an estimated 1 million people who've evacuated from gaza are sheltering in rafah as we speak, president biden and other world leaders have repeatedly voiced opposition to an invasion there. now, the israel-hamas war is adding a layer of tension on a somber day for the jewish community. a day of remembrance and a vow to never forget the atrocities of the holocaust. today, on international holocaust remembrance day, that message certainly dominated this afternoon's commemoration at the contemporary jewish museum in san francisco. organizers tell us this year's gathering was even more profound in light of anti-semitism rising in the bay area and across america at a time where we know anti-semitism, systemic anti-semitism is rising, we know where it can lead.
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>> and if survivors aren't going to be the carriers of that message, all of us have to do it right now. >> we have to stay together. we can have our differences, but we really need to hold each other up right now. >> today's commemoration included a memorial reading of names, prayer, and a forum with bay area jewish community leaders. two experienced mountain climbers are alive tonight after suffering injuries while triggering an avalanche on mount shasta. the siskiyou county sheriff received a911 call from one of the climbers last weekend. one man was stranded at 12,000ft with a broken leg. his friend suffered a knee injury but was able to ski down to safety. both almost made it to the top when a boatload of snow fell on top of them. after waiting 11 hours in the bitter cold, rescuers finally reached the man with the broken leg to airlift him out. well, time now for our abc seven news at 11 advancer, where we help you get ahead on what's
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happening this week. first up, school leaders in san francisco are confronting a major money problem. on tuesday, the s.f. unified school board will discuss a new state report raising the alarm on the district's finances. the state's financial crisis team says the district is barreling toward insolvency within a year, unless it makes significant cuts. this month, the school board will vote on vinyl, finalizing hundreds of layoffs. but the report says the cuts can't stop there. the district is considering school closures as well. our next advancer at 11 is a big hearing for a bill that would give local governments more say over autonomous vehicles. south bay state senator dave cortese is behind the effort to give cities and counties say over how self-driving cars operate in their respective communities. waymo says it will begin testing its robo taxis in seven more bay area cities in the coming weeks, all on the peninsula. in march, the state puc cleared the way
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for waymo to expand its operating area to include parts of san mateo and santa clara counties. and our final answer tonight we are heading into san francisco small business week, the 20th annual celebration includes a bunch of events and workshops. it's all a chance for local owners and entrepreneurs to connect and learn from one another. there will be an opening party tomorrow night at pier 70, plus a pop up shop with makers and artisans at the salesforce transit center. on wednesday. okay. all right. once again, getting to the weather. and we have been looking forward to a warm up we have and it's coming our way. >> we may have to wait a couple of days for it to get really warm, but certainly it's not going to be so cold as the weekend is much improved. here's a look at live doppler seven and the satellite radar composite image. you can see that brisk onshore flow, which has basically been the defining factor in our weather the last few days. we had powerful gusts earlier in the evening. right now, nevada was the only really gusty spot with wind speeds up
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to 25mph. it's breezy everywhere . everywhere else though, just not so gusty as novato is on. we go to the 24 hour temperature change about 2 to 4 degrees warmer right now than at this time last night across the region. and here's a look from sutro tower out over san francisco. on to clear skies 50 degrees here in the city right now. low 50s at oakland, hayward, san jose and redwood city. 46 at half moon bay. nice view from our exploratorium camera looking out over the quiet bay waters toward the bay bridge. 50 degrees up north in santa rosa. right now down to 41 at petaluma. it's going to be chilly there. 48 degrees at napa, fairfield and livermore. concord 51. let's check out our forecast headlines. the day will get off to a chilly start tomorrow. in the early morning hours, look for a bit of a chill with temperatures dropping below 40 in some of our far northern locations, but it will be milder in the afternoon. midweek major warm up begins and by the end of the week, we'll see high temperatures in some of our warmest inland spots approaching 90 degrees. but before we get to that, let's get to this. the futurecast showing us overnight conditions. some clouds will
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approach the coastline, but they won't move onshore. so we'll start the day tomorrow with sunny skies and we'll have clear skies overnight, with low temperatures dropping into the mainly low to mid 40s, but up in the north bay. notice the chill. lakeport santa rosa, ukiah will have lows dropping into the upper 30s. that's why i placed the thermometer there to show you it's going to be a bit chilly up north. high temperatures tomorrow. still cooler than average, but skies will be sunny. we'll see some mid to upper 60s inland, maybe up to about 70 at fairfield, right around the bay shoreline. milder but still again below average. about mid 60s generally in that region and on the coast. we'll see upper 50s. now let's skip ahead a little bit to midweek wednesday we'll see high temperatures climbing up into the low 80s, even low to mid 80s in some spots inland right around the bay shoreline. on wednesday we'll see highs in the upper 70s low 60s on the coast. now move ahead to thursday mid to upper 80s inland. friday upper 80s. there will be certainly 1 or 2 places topping out at 90 on friday around the
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bay shoreline. look for some low 80s that's really warm for the bay shore, and we'll see upper 60s to near 70 along the coast on friday. and here is the accuweather 70 forecast. so once again sunny skies through the seven day period. maybe a few lingering high clouds tomorrow. and the warm up really doesn't kick into high gear until midweek around wednesday or so. then on thursday or friday we'll get our. and friday and saturday our warmest weather with high temperatures in the summer-like range and we'll start to see temperatures moderating again by next sunday. so we've been asking for the warmth. here it comes. >> this roller coaster continues. >> it does indeed. >> spencer. thank you. okay. dion. well it is a whole new spin on boxed wine. a california company says it's now the first in the nation to try out get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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five years old, channel seven went live on the air for the very first time from sutro mansion on may 5th, 1949. in the 1970s, a show called news scene changed tv news to what it is today. the basic format was pretty similar to now, but for its time it was a revolution, with cutting edge stories on social change and a new focus on people's everyday concerns. consumer issues, health news, stories about children and education, even pop culture all became part of the programing. today we are continuing to tell your stories with the hope of building a better bay area. we are so thankful that over 75 years you've invited us into your homes to do just that. well, the bay area baseball teams are headed in opposite directions while we saw a photo finish on the racetrack, chris alvarez joins us now with a preview of sports. chris. >> hey, dionne. coming up in sports today. we saw the closest finish ever in nascar history. plus it's a philly special for
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catcher. jackson writes his first big league home run. did it help lead the giants to
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put up a major league season best 20 runs yesterday, winning their sixth straight game. they hit the 500 mark for the first time this season, and today the coliseum a chance to sweep the miami marlins and get over 500 for the first time since after the first game of last season when they started the year one. and oh, the a's, they're sizzling. i'll take some carne asada tacos, please. on the cinco de mayo, a starter, joe o'boyle allowed the first three marlins to reach base. all of them scored. nick gordon here. a three run shot made it four nothing miami before the a's even got to the plate. boyle actually left the game after one inning with back tightness. a's defense, though, staying active. look at tyler nevin. nice diving stop at first. tags the bag that's an out. keeps it a five nothing game at the time. miami breaks it open though scoring three times with two outs in the sixth inning. one time a christian bethancourt one of three doubles in the inning. marlins add four more in the ninth and the a's lose 12 three. bruce bochy in the defending champion rangers, come to town for a four game series beginning
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tomorrow. a cinco de mayo celebration in philly. that's a cool hat right there. taco hat giants scored first. bottom one. watch out, webby. two on two out. a broken bat goes flying towards the pitcher. they can't get to that. baseball flying bat is coming at him. ended up tying the game at one. bottom three two on for bryce harper. nobody needs to duck here. a three run shot to right center 410ft and watch. the fan. had a chance at the baseball if he brought his glove. you got a ball. but no, he doesn't have a souvenir. for one, webb went four innings, earned four runs and then top of the seventh. giants down five one. thairo estrada gets into one fifth of the season. hey, it's a53 game top nine now. catcher jackson wright's called up today making a big impression. his first big league homer in his giants debut. but that was their last run. giants fall short five four. they've lost five of six. let them know you saw it right here on abc seven. cavs and magic game seven winner plays the celtics in the second round. orlando's paolo
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banchero scored 24 of his team high 38 in the first half. nice euro step in the lane. magic up by as many as 18. but cleveland went on a furious third quarter rally. donovan mitchell the hoop and the foul missed the free throw, but the game was tied and mitchell scored a game high 39. remember he scored 50 in game six as the cavs win 106 94. it's the cavs first playoff series win without lebron james on the team since 1993. game one in boston tuesday. hey, did you see this? today was the closest finish ever in nascar history. elk grove's kyle larson wins at kansas speedway by 1/1000 of a second, beating chris buescher, who finished in second place. it was that close, so one day after a photo finish at the kentucky derby, we had the closest finish ever in the history of nascar. wow. abc seven sports, sponsored by river rock casino, dion a critical launch a decade in the
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making. >> tomorrow, boeing could deliver a much needed win by flying two astronauts into space. a dangerous rescue in an abandoned missile silo as first responders race to save a teen who fell 30ft. how rescuers navigated the maze of tunnels with no map (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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it is hard to believe. but six months from right now, we may know who our next president will be. today is six months to the november election with a new abc news poll showing a tight race. that poll shows president joe biden and former president donald trump are both struggling with favorability and trust. abc news reporter alison kosik looks at where the 2024 campaign stands. former president trump hosting a multi-day retreat at his mar a lago resort in palm beach this weekend in an audio recording from the event, obtained by the washington post, trump can allegedly be heard attacking and mocking state and federal prosecutors as the former president allegedly heard using expletive berating.
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special counsel jack smith, who's prosecuting him for his handling of classified documents and his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol, in which he has denied any wrongdoing. trump also allegedly compared himself to al capone and the democrats to the secret police, major donors and top republicans in attendance at the retreat, as well as several vice presidential hopefuls, including senator tim scott, who told nbc we had no conversations about the vp pick, but we had a lot of conversations about the failures of joe biden. sources say the former president isn't very far along in the vp selection process. >> what donald trump is focused on is winning this election. what i'm focused on is helping him win and making sure republicans win the congress. >> a new abc news ipsos poll shows biden and trump leading a tight race as two unpopular candidates. both candidates polled as more unfavorable than favorable among likely voters. meanwhile, last week, president
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biden made his third visit to north carolina. so far this year as he looks to win over voters in the traditionally red state. biden, touting his infrastructure law, which is funding lead pipe removal in north carolina, a landmark bipartisan infrastructure law is allowing states across the nation to do more by investing in record record $15 billion so far. >> nationwide on monday, donald trump will be back in a new york courtroom as testimony resumes in his hush money trial. >> he has denied any wrongdoing and has said the case is politically motivated. alison kosik, abc news, new york. a wild rescue in colorado today as first responders had to pull an injured teen out of an abandoned missile silo. deputies say a group of teens were checking out the abandoned tunnels on a rural property overnight when one of them fell two floors down a shaft. rescuers say with no map
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of the tunnels, they relied on the 18 year old's screams to find him. they say it's one of the most dangerous rescues they've ever made. >> i don't even want to. i don't want to go back in there. >> the kid that we pulled out is probably lucky to be alive. >> the injured teen was airlifted to a hospital and is expected to survive. a big boeing space mission is set to launch tomorrow. this flight is long delayed from its initial launch date of 2020, but it is finally ready to go. nasa's commercial crew program is helping man the boeing starliner spacecraft. boeing's had to work out some of the big kinks, including a computer problem that put it in the wrong orbit. years ago. the company says it is now ready to launch, and the nasa astronauts who will be on board are confident the crew interaction with starliner to see how well does she work with people inside. >> and we don't expect to have significant failure modes. >> we don't expect things to go
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wrong. but we know that we are going to be fine. >> the mission will launch from the same launch pad at cape canaveral, where john glenn's historic mission started six decades ago. the last manned launch in that spot was back in 1963. san francisco has some of the cleanest tap water in america. it's available for free, yet some still won't use public drinking fountains. why is that? abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez wanted to find out and see if drinking water from these water stations might actually be a way to build a better bay area. >> we heard a rumor that one of san francisco's elusive water refilling stations was located just across the street from our building along the embarcadero. we went searching. surprised to see that it's been there all along, so i took the time to see how many people indulged. after all, why not take advantage of something that's free? pacing back and forth, i waited at
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waited and waited. not a single person used it. next step. would they follow my lead? did you know that there are stations all around the city like this one? i'm sure there are, yes. have you tried it? no. >> why not? oh, i don't trust the water here. >> come on, it's safe. no it's not. it says who? >> so i'm no expert. >> but i do have this tiny device which measures the tds, which stands for total dissolved solids, minerals, metals, solids, ions. so a low tds level is 100 ppm or less. so let's measure. all right. welcome that was quick 48. so it's super safe . here's what the keepers of our water system the sfpuc say the tap water is required under state and federal guidelines to be regularly tested. >> we test in san francisco almost 100,000 times per year.
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bottled water is not under that same standard. so we actually test the tap water many more times than bottled water actually is ever tested. >> why then the mistrust? ucsf researchers have worked with government agencies and found that people's perception of what comes out of here may depend on where they have lived. >> they're worried that the pipes haven't been updated, and we learned that immigrant folks bring with them the perception that public water isn't safe because they're coming from countries where public drinking water isn't safe. >> it's in those communities and in parks where the city has made a concerted effort to install more of these stations as a way to encourage people, especially young kids, to drink water instead of sugary drinks. residents in san francisco's bayview district, for example, have a high number of people with type two diabetes. right? when you're putting stress on your kidneys, stress on your liver, processing all this and
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your pancreas, it causes other issues in your body. joy jackson morgan is with the third street youth center and clinic. >> our mission at third street is that we want to help produce healthy and engaged young adults. and so part of that is that healthy youth build healthy lives. >> unfortunately, in other neighborhoods like the tenderloin, some of the stations have been used for other purposes. this one was not functioning properly. this one's just a trickle. a worker from saint anthony's showed us how some use the dog watering station to wash themselves. but what about the rest of the city? why haven't these stations caught the attention of more people? despite the sfpuc online locator map showing so many locations during the pandemic, the program suffered a setback as people didn't want to touch surfaces. >> it was understandable in that moment, but we're not in that moment anymore. >> yet still today, we saw how hundreds of giants fan walked
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past this refilling water station and not a single person used it. 123456789 ten 1112 13 1516. nobody's stopping to get water. but after a long wait along the embarcadero, we finally found a skateboarder filling up his water bottle. >> there's one in union square. there's this one. there's one at the new visa spot that i use all the time. they're like, they're in skate spots and people need them to drink, and we need to do more of it, and we need that public information posted at each of those stations. >> so people know why they should trust that water in san francisco. >> lyanne melendez, abc seven news speaking of beverages, wine bottles are getting a makeover at one company in california. >> instead of glass, these bottles are made out of paper. the story behind these sustainable change. >> and how about a weather makeover? it's going to get warm in the week ahead. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up
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having to parent their own parents. and on friday, it's our third annual mother's day extravaganza. you're invited. that's coming up this week at 1 p.m, right here on abc seven. >> a company on the central coast says it's the first in the u.s. to try some green new packaging paper, wine bottles. monterey wine company bottles 10 to 17,000 tons of wine per year, enough to fill 12 million bottles. now, some of those bottles are made out of cardboard. they're getting them from a european company. it goes from a flat sheet to the classic shape with a plastic pouch inside for the wine. the company claims this packaging has a six times lower carbon footprint than typical glass bottles, as a wine aficionado, you would try
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it? >> yes, i would try it because i'm all about reducing the carbon footprint. but i'd like to see the wine in the bottle before i drink it. >> yeah, i can see that. that would be part of the fun to well, let's see what temperature is going to be like during the overnight hours, mainly mid 40s, but it will drop down into the chilly range up north with some upper 30s as the lows tomorrow. >> not much milder than today, but sunny and high temperatures ranging from about 60 at the coast to upper 60s inland. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. check out this warm up look at midweek. from wednesday through friday into saturday, we'll see high temperatures approaching 90 degrees by the end of the week, and our inland areas up to 80 or above around the bay shoreline. upper 60s to about 70 on the coast before it cools down next weekend. >> i never thought i would see the day. >> we'll see 2 or 3 of them this week. >> yeah, with the way our spring has been going. all right, spencer, thank you. once again, let's get to chris with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi, dion. coming up in sports, it's never too early to talk some football ahead. we go one on one with dimo. dimo lenoir reveals why his nfl draft
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memory began with some tears. we'll have that story up next i my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box! next. for just a buck more. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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wishnowsky weeks away from the start of the first full nfl sunday of the season, just 18 short weeks from now, we give you a number 18 video today. the four niners punter remember, even put one into mccovey cove on the giants opening day. now the nfl is set to release their regular season schedule sometime later this month. the defending nfc champs. they're going to be loaded once again. and recently i caught up with cornerback deommodore lenoir to talk nfl draft memories. brock purdy and some swag level. did you see your pick live? >> i didn't that was crazy. i didn't i didn't get to see it because i was i was already over the draft by that point when it was like fifth round. yeah. it was like pick 155 i had already.
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i was in, i was in my room crying already, like, like i'm not getting dressed, but you get the call, right? >> like so. so your tears go from that kind of like to probably. do you, are you a happy crier? >> no i'm not. so when it when it happened, kyle. so when i answered the phone, i seen it was a san jose number, but i ain't no, like, i didn't know the niners was in san jose. like, i didn't i didn't know that. so i'm like, hello? and then he's like, what's up is kyle shanahan. i was like, somebody's playing with me, right? i'm like, i was just like in tears. and now it's just like it just suddenly stopped. and then i just went from being sad to happy, like, you know, tears of joy, really. >> i want to go back to the super bowl. obviously like it's so hard to get there. you know this, you've been in the league a couple years now. you get there. but what does it take to get back. >> just us coming together again? i feel like the tighter we become as brothers and as teammates friends, it's going to
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be some new faces. you know, new guys on the team. and we're going to have to, you know, get them to get, you know, comfortable with us and follow our code. >> when did you see the light go on for brock purdy? a lot of people saw it in that first game when jimmy got hurt. and then they they've seen it since. but for you, when did you know that he was that dude? >> i would say the bucs game that year. you're playing my man play great. keep it up. >> keep going. >> all right. in practice we used to always say like if uh- jimmy wants to go down like we used to always say, like, i'll just throw brock in there because like, brock don't get a receiver a chance. >> you're talking about the bucs game. i think it was his first start. he goes against tom brady and then the crowds cheer and hear his name. you guys blow him out. that was nuts. >> yeah yeah that's right. yeah. because after that like when he walked in on that that that next week like his walk was different. i feel like his walk was different. like it was more like, i'm that dude. >> when did your walk change? because if you're talking about, i know you got swag, but, like, when did your walk change? see
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my swag? >> i had it when i walked in there, you know, i'm, i was i was like, see, i was a fifth round draft pick. so in my head i didn't even sleep before rookie minicamp because i was like, i gotta make this team, you know? so i already had that, like that chip was already on my shoulder. >> let's kick it and get some snacks too. yummy b bay fc hosting chicago eighth minute. chicago's goalie tries to kick it to her teammate, but it deflects right off tess bodie for the goal. whoa. her second of the year. right place right time one nil bay fc. but it's tied at the half. and partway through the second, allie schlegel scores the game winner for chicago as bay fc falls 2 to 1. a game seven. in hockey, former shark thomas hurdle and the defending champion golden knights, facing former shark joe pavelski and the stars loser goes home. third period tied at one, redick. fox flips a no look shot past former shark goalie aidan hill. dallas leads two one and the stars hang on two one.
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former sharks head coach pete deboer improves to eight zero in game seven, tied for the most in nhl history. the champs are out. hurdle is bum. deboer gives him a big hand shake, a hug and the handshake line. dallas is going to face colorado in the next round. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino. >> dion chris, always appreciate it and a reminder that you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it is available for apple tv along with google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. all you have to do is download the app now and start streaming for free. and that's it for tonight, everybody. i'm dionne lim, the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer and chris and all of
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